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The Secrets of Motivation

Strategic Dreams Collection ™
Around 70% of people who approach me are looking for a solution to the "problem
of motivation." Are individuals who feel discouraged in their personal and / or
professional or managers seeking a way to motivate employees. In both cases, peo
ple are looking for quick fixes, as if there was a "secret" in the possession of
consultants and scholars of human behavior that once discovered, would solve al
l problems related to motivation. My team and I received dozens of emails every
day with questions like "What do I feel more motivated?" "How can I motivate my
staff?" The answer is not like a formula that once applied solves the problem. W
e are human beings, not machines. Staff are real people, not resources. It is po
ssible that there is rather a "secret" in relation to motivation in the hands of
consultants. At least from the standpoint that the vast majority of people know
what really happens is motivation and how the process of both personal and prof
essional motivation. Unveiling this mystery lies in the hands of every one to us
e "the secret" the best way possible. Knowing how something works does not mean
anything. Putting into practice requires more than mere knowledge. This small ha
ndbook of motivation was written to reveal this secret to you. What you do with
it is your option! We begin by putting land myths about this issue. Motivation i
s one of the issues most misunderstood and exploited naive and irresponsible in
the literature, especially when it's available on the Internet. The network has
enabled millions of people with widely differing levels of knowledge had the opp
ortunity to write and publish articles and blogs posing as subject matter expert
s or simply giving a mere opinion.
Fran Christy
Then we will follow briefly the evolution of the study of motivation. This may h
elp you especially if you are making an academic paper on the subject and also f
or you to understand the myths and misinterpretations that have become common se
nse about it. In the third chapter, you will know what is really motivating and
occurs as the process of personal motivation. Then discuss the issue of motivati
on in companies, answering questions like "how to motivate employees?", "Motivat
ional talks really work?" Or "how to maintain a motivating environment across th
e enterprise?" Read this manual freely distribute, print , send email, use these
ideas in his academic papers, presentations and mainly apply them in your life!
Much appreciate if you send us your opinion, question or suggestion. We're alwa
ys working to improve the solutions we offer to you!
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Fran Christy
There are few issues where common sense has become so ingrained in culture that
few people question about its validity. Motivation is one of them. Cute phrases
and talks blistered eclipsed science and transformed solutions to motivational p
roblems in band-aids, only masking the symptoms of much deeper problems and seri
ous. In this chapter we will talk about some of these myths.
1.1 Do what you like and be motivated This is one of the most common myths. In m
y searches the internet to see what was available material on the subject, I fou
nd this very "tip". Here's what's wrong with it: As we shall see the motivation
is related to future goals - is the motor that moves toward what you want. Succe
ssful people, who have attained and continue to seek goals, do whatever it takes
to get where they want. This means often doing what you do not like! Was identi
fied as one of the characteristics of people to successfully willingness to do w
hat losers will not do. The failure only thinks about the immediate moment - jus
t think of doing what they like. The successful do not look for this satisfactio
n is driven by the desire to achieve their goals, so do not bother to conduct ac
tivities in this unpleasant.
1.2 It is possible to motivate the other is not new to the concept that no one c
an motivate another person. However, what is observed in organizational settings
is that both directors, as the
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Fran Christy
HR professionals, wasting time and resources trying unsuccessfully to motivate w
orkers.€Pertussis is the time to hire "motivational gurus" to promote courses an
d seminars that promise to motivate employees. Companies from experience know th
at this practice has the effect of very short term, however, continue to "hope"
that a Roberto Shiniashiki or Leila Navarro can motivate the miracle of "forever
" its employees.
1.3 Money is a strong motivational factor Everybody needs money and everybody wa
nts more money. It is understood then that offering financial rewards, maintains
(s) other (s) motivated (s). The employee may, briefly, feel motivated to work
harder, however, this motivation is ephemeral. Not only for the reason that it i
s intrinsically linked to reward (take the reward and you end up with motivation
), or the fact that motivation is energetic, enthusiastic. It is almost artifici
al. The employee will work more and harder to get what he wants - more money. Th
is does not mean he'll be thrilled with the work, happy to be performing their t
asks - the goal of real motivation. That may have professionals who are working
with extremely bad mood, but they do everything to obtain the reward.
1.4 The motivation is the result of satisfaction Linked to the myth that one sho
uld do what one likes to feel motivated. Some believe that happy people are moti
vated people. Managers invest in a work that manages anbiente satisfaction and c
omfort for your employees feel motivated to do their jobs. Working in an uncomfo
rtable environment can indeed produce motivation, but otherwise does not generat
e motivation. Be happy with a situation is not synonymous with being motivated.
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satisfaction may produce the opposite effect - the indulgence. It's so nice to w
ork at that company, the workstations are so comfortable, colleagues are so nice
, the leaders often make compliments ... the person feels so comfortable that fi
ts - she's happy, but there is no motivation whatsoever. In personal life is the
same thing. When a person reaches a certain point where it can no longer see a
horizon to be conquered and feel fully satisfied with their achievements, she be
gins to discourage yourself.
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Fran Christy
Before the industrial revolution there was much concern in knowing what motivate
d or not a person. In business, a motivation tool used was the punishment. There
was some concern in offering some benefit to get a better result. Negative rein
forcement was the only option. On a personal level, there was no interest in dis
covering how to feel more motivated. Successful were generally self-motivated by
their own goals, while losers did not identify the motivation as a tool for gro
wth. The post revolution focused on the idea that positive reinforcement (incent
ives / rewards) were the causes of motivation. Peter Drucker, Elton Mayo and Dou
glas McGregor were the most prominent scholars in this phase, making contributio
ns to the area that have been so internalized by the companies that ended up gen
erating a lot of myths that we still have today, as money that motivates. Behavi
orism called reinforcers of behavior, rewards or punishments to employees in an
attempt to control their behavior and motivate them. This theory was soon regard
ed as limited as it considers the man as a passive body. Much of the conclusions
of both the behavioral theories, such as the reflexologists can be discarded be
cause its foundations were surveys of animals, man within these perspectives is
seen as purely instinctive, external stimuli are able to dictate all his actions
. Though scholars in the area had already reached that conclusion long ago, many
managers still think in terms of punishment / reward motivation when it comes t
o thinking that this is the only way to get a "control" over their subordinates.
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Fran Christy
The theory of needs Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs proposes that operate in a
scending order and unchanging. This theory says that people first seek to satisf
y their physiological needs related to survival. Secondly, have the satisfaction
of security needs, seeking to find an environment free of threats. Soon after,
the satisfaction of social needs related to friendship and€acceptance and social
contacts becomes important. After these requirements, the individual turns to h
imself in pursuit of self-esteem. The latter would need to self-realization and
personal development. This is one of the most popular theories of motivation, de
spite the numerous criticisms. Maslow himself admitted that there are exceptions
as to the sequence of the hierarchical pyramid. In the '60s, Frederick Herzberg
overtake the studies on the subject identifying the factors that determine job
satisfaction and serve to motivate are separate and distinct factors that lead t
o job dissatisfaction. He said factors that cause dissatisfaction are "hygiene",
they, wages, safety, environmental conditions of work, supervision, administrat
ion, company policy, etc.. These factors do not cause satisfaction per se, but t
hey cause dissatisfaction if they are not in line with the expectations of emplo
yees. A salary increase may not serve as a motivating factor, for example, but c
ertainly a low wage will cause dissatisfaction. The limitation of Herzberg's the
ory is precisely the fact that satisfied employees are not necessarily motivated
employees (= enthusiastic, willing to do the job). Keeping employees happy is j
ust one part of the job of a manager, motivating them is another story. In the '
70s, new theories began to get closer than it actually turns out to be motivatio
n. Alderfer argues that humans have three needs: material needs (physical), rela
tionships (emotional) and growth or personal development (mental / spiritual). I
n contrast
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Fran Christy
with the pyramid of Maslow, Alderfer says more than one need may be working simu
ltaneously. If the gratification of a need is repressed, the desire to satisfy a
lower-level increases. For example, if the person is having trouble meeting the
ir needs for relationship, it can compensate by increasing physical need, eating
more than necessary. Cognitive theories claim that people know their needs and
motivation born of the desire to gratify. "People make conscious decisions that
relate to future behavior, taking into account signals obtained from your curren
t environment." These theories consider that people base their degree of motivat
ion in the value they attach to the outcome they hope to achieve with certain ac
tion. Within this focus, we find theories such as the Expectancy. The researcher
Victor Vroom's theme comes to create a formula in an attempt to quantify motiva
tion. These theories accept external motivators such as pay. "Organizations can
obtain certain type of behavior that leads from the rewards that employees value
. This occurs because people have their own needs and mental maps of what the wo
rld is. "The theory of equity is also embedded in the cognitive theories, accord
ing to this model people confront their efforts and the rewards they have gained
from others and the motivation arises from the sense of justice, when this comp
arison reflects what the person expects, causing a state of discouragement if yo
u feel treated unfairly. This theory suffers when considering only the binomial
motivation / demotivation, as if everything is not encouraging, discouraging. Al
so errs in stating that all persons are compared with each other and the sense o
f justice is the deciding factor for motivation. Case studies of people to succe
ssfully show that they usually do not compare with other people, caring only to
its own path.
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Fran Christy
The theories of conscious motivation says that people know their needs and motiv
ation comes from desire to satisfy them. Asserts that people make conscious deci
sions that relate to future behavior, taking into account signals obtained from
your current environment. All the theories so far have failed in trying to expla
in the motivational behavior of human beings, especially in the organizational e
nvironment. Some because they consider it purely impulsive, others purely ration
al. We can not forget that before being rational, the man is, according to its o
wn nature, emotional. Try to say that man knows all your needs and satisfying th
em rationally demand would say that man has a level of self-knowledge, which is
not true. Moreover, the absence is a major human problem, responsible for depres
sions, conflicts and disappointments.€Among contemporary theories is intrinsic m
otivation. After much researching, speculating and proposing theories, researche
rs in the area came to the conclusion that the real motivation is not linked to
external factors but internal processes of human beings, which are not always of
their knowledge. According to Gooch and Mcdowell, "Motivation is a force that l
ies within each person and that may be linked to a desire. A person can not ever
motivate someone, what it can do is encourage the other person. The probability
that a person follow a desirable action orientation is directly connected to th
e power of a wish. "Within this view of motivation, Freud made a decisive contri
bution to research in the area. Many of the "whys" that drive people to act are
enclosed in the unconscious. The person himself does not know why his actions. 7
0% of our actions and attitudes are unconscious, not necessarily impulses, but r
eflexes and responses to past situations and already forgotten. In fact, most pe
ople can not explain why all his actions and decisions, what is clear is that th
ese are based on something intrinsic. Freud argues that neither the individual h
imself can interfere with the onset of their
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Fran Christy
motivational process. He proposes that there are facts or psychic contents that
are beyond the knowledge of a person, and in many cases she does not know the or
igin of the drives that lead towards a certain objective. The latest theories ad
mit the individuality of each in relation to motivation. Each person does things
for a different reason and needs to justify these reasons change over time, and
something that motivates a person today can not motivate you at another time.
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Fran Christy
We have seen that much of what people think about the motivation is nothing but
myths. We also reviewed the historical study of the topic and because the older
theories have failed to explain what is motivation and how people get motivated.
But then what is motivation? How sentirse motivated? How to cope with the diffi
culties of day-to-day with enthusiasm? The answer lies in the word itself. Motiv
ation is the REASON for their ACTION. It is why, why you do what you do. The mot
ivation is generated by a desire, the stronger this desire, the stronger the mot
ivation. Motivational phrases, lectures, self-help books do little to motivate a
person. They can "borrow" a sense of momentary enthusiasm, but they can not giv
e or create in you the desire you need to feel truly motivated. Highly motivated
people are constantly energized by the overwhelming desire to have what they wa
nt to win. They know where to come, do not walk aimlessly through life waiting f
or an opportunity to knock on any door. They go to work motivated by their own g
oals and not the activity itself. They do not care to perform unpleasant tasks,
challenges, much too much work without getting paid for it. They are powered by
a fuel much more powerful than the rewards that a company can offer them. I can
say I've always been a highly motivated person. I knew where she wanted to go an
d what I did, and professional work or not, what I did was always loaded with fu
el for my motivation. The strength of my desires led me to face the challenge it
was, work longer than necessary without receiving a dime
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Fran Christy
more and maintain an enthusiasm that made me stand out from people around. Motiv
ated people get results independent of external stimuli. Herzberg's theory (see
Chapter 2) seem to make much sense to say that certain factors such as salary ad
ministration, working conditions are not motivating in itself, but is not in agr
eement with the expectations they generate motivation. Not exactly. People who l
et themselves be discouraged for these reasons are not easily motivated. They wa
lk the line between satisfaction and motivation. They are happy if the company p
rovides the minimum necessary, but they become hostile when some element is not
100%. But satisfied people are not necessarily motivated people. Keeping employe
es happy is one thing to motivate them is another. The person who is sensitive t
o these elements is not a motivated person and certainly not to increase satisfa
ction (praise from superiors, good relations with colleagues, etc.).€It's like t
he truly self-motivated person lives in a parallel reality. It follows its cours
e regardless of what happens around her. Rewards do not motivate, errors, and no
t to discourage criticism. She follows their internal compass, making it "insens
itive" to the environmental conditions of employment, difficulties in personal l
ife or financial. Not that other things are "less important" than the achievemen
t of the goal. It is a matter of confidence. The person intrinsically motivated
and self-confident in their ability to achieve what you want. The strength of yo
ur desire is strong enough that it will not be disturbed by difficulties, be the
y of any kind. The main examples of the strength of motivation to show us that t
he person is motivated not insurmountable obstacles, there are environmental con
ditions, critical or "pulled the rug" capable of demotivate them. The only thing
that may discourage a person is truly motivated herself. It is the doubt about
their ability or even the loss of interest in the goal sought.
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Fran Christy
Ricardo Semler, Amyr Klink, David Mendonça, Gonçalo Borges, Ricardo Bellino are
current examples of highly motivated people. David Mendonça was hawk and now giv
es lectures on marketing for entrepreneurs worldwide. Ricardo Semler struggled w
ith disbelief when he took his father's business and Transfomer Semco a business
model for the world of business. Ricardo Bellino, at age 20, led the largest mo
deling agency in the world to Brazil, without any money, only with negotiations
and very clever. Amyr Klink did highly unthinkable and daring, like crossing the
Atlantic Ocean rowing, in a journey where all who tried before he died. Gonçalo
Borges was born with a deficiency in the arms making it impossible to use them
as normal. He develops artistic activities with the mouth and feet, among other
changes he made so he could perform the activities of a normal person, adapted a
car so he could drive only with the legs. Gonçalo lectures worldwide on motivat
ion and personal best. A search for these people on the internet will show you t
he history of each. None of them waited for life to give them some opportunity.
None of them shook with critical external disincentives. None of them gave up fa
cing economic hardship, social, personal or family. They won all thanks to the s
trength of their desires that drove forward even when the tide was contrary. Thi
s story is famous. You've probably read it on the Internet or in a book. Read an
d think: What if I were you? You would have given up?
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Fran Christy
A man invests all he has a small workshop. It works day and night, even sleeping
in his own workshop. To continue in business, engages the jewels of his wife. W
hen presented the outcome of their work to a large company, they tell you that t
heir product does not meet the quality standard required. The man gives up? No!
Back to school for two years, a victim of the greatest mockery of his colleagues
and some professors who labeled a "visionary." The man gets upset? No! After tw
o years, the company that refused finally signs contract with him. During the wa
r, his factory is bombed twice, and much of it is destroyed. The man despairs an
d gives up? No! Rebuilds its plant, but an earthquake wipes out again. This is t
he straw man and give up? No! Immediately after the war is followed by a severe
shortage of gasoline across the country and this man can not leave car or to buy
food for the family. He panics and gives up? No! Creative, he adapts a small mo
tor to your bike and leave the streets. Neighbors are amazed and all want also c
alled "motorized bicycles". The greatly increased demand for engines and soon he
runs out of merchandise. He then decides to build a factory for the brand new i
nvention. How has no capital, decides to ask for help for over fifteen thousand
stores across the country. As the idea is good, can support about five thousand
stores, which put forward the capital needed for the industry. Long story short:
the Honda Corporation is today one of the greatest empires of the Japanese auto
industry, known and respected throughout the world. All because Mr. Soichiro Ho
nda, founder, did not go for the terrible obstacles that had to confront. So if
you got a mania for live complaining, stop it! What we know is a drop of water.
What we ignore is an ocean. Remember,€Our day is not over, but the evening alway
s starts tomorrow, do not be discouraged, we wake up every day as if we discover
a new world.
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Fran Christy
Knowing all this, the answer to common question "how to feel motivated to face t
he difficulties of modern life?" Is clear, is not? The motivation is independent
of external factors. Who is left shaken by the hardships of life, must change y
ourself before you get to feel motivated, otherwise motivation will always be fl
eeting - when all is well, the person is motivated, but before the first difficu
lty she succumbs. There is a formula to "feel motivated." The motivation is not
a pill that takes and takes effect when you have an experience of enthusiasm and
high energy. There motivational guru who will "cure" him of his motivation. The
re are people who read a daily morning motivational phrase in the hope that the
message of the sentence to make them feel more motivated during the day. Motivat
ional books also do miracles. Indeed, nothing is a miracle. If you're waiting fo
r one, change the way you see it before it's too late! The only path to true sel
f-motivation is the finding (s) desire (s) that "ignite the flame." When you wan
t something "more than anything," there is no need to palliatives, motivational
phrases, hints gurus or books, you will be driven by inner need to win what you
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Fran Christy
When I was in college I worked for a nonprofit organization by the organizationa
l structure that would allow me to work in various departments, plus the opportu
nity to teach. Long worked as a volunteer, without receiving a penny. I need to
go from one to two times per week during the hours I wanted. I was going every d
ay, arriving at 7 am and only left time to go to college. When I was hired, my s
alary was well below the average for the same function, but the company as being
non-profit could not pay me more. Never complained. I was not there for money.
My boss called me one day and asked me to prepare a motivational program for the
staff because he wanted the other employees had the same level of motivation I
had. I had no idea what to do. My goals were aligned with business goals and I s
truggled to reach them with the same energy and enthusiasm that I fought for my.
But how could I make the other employees are motivated by the same reasons that
I? I decided to assemble a dynamic group in which each provided their personal
goals and from that defined how the company could help them win them. As the wor
k day-to-day could be important for achieving the goals themselves. The main pro
blem I found, however, was that most employees did not know exactly what I wante
d to achieve. The goals ended up being too broad as "to acquire a financial stab
ility", "being promoted to manager," or even simply "grow professionally." These
goals were not motivating, intentions were common. Everyone wants to have more
financial stability, everyone who is in the labor market wants to grow professio
nally. These are not specific targets. Individula started working with each empl
oyee to develop
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Fran Christy
Slowly their goals. Some gave up. They said "just really wanted to be happy" or
"what God gives me is good." Others have progressed very slowly leaving shaken b
y any external changes, family, boss, peers, money, everything was reason to los
e heart. Still others changed their goals constantly, could not devote himself t
o what direction to follow. A few were able to define their goals align with bus
iness objectives and slowly, in fact, began to excel and grow within the company
. One is the current CEO. Another was hired recently by a large NGO in Britain.
The task of "motivating" employees is ... painful. I did not find another word.
The study of motivation can not be viewed simplistically. The factors that affec
t the motivational process of human being can not possibly be generalized. Each
has a life story, experiences, needs and unique goals and motivations stem from
the unique combination of ingredients. As explained throughout this text, people
are not motivated by each other, they self-motivate when they find something th
ey want very much and want to win.€So how to motivate employees? The techniques
usually used to motivate employees are mostly ineffective. The effect of a blist
ering lecture equals wildfire, burning fast and strong, but soon turns gray. Onc
e the flame is extinguished the lecture, officials again have to deal with reali
ty. And who does not know how to deal proactively with reality, it discourages e
asily. Offer rewards or incentives may also have an effect very soon and gets to
be "perishable." Some employees may think: "I hate this company, I hate my boss
, but I'll give up on me because I want the reward." Or to infiltrate the compan
y's culture the idea that employees are being "bought" with rewards. In a health
y culture, employees are proud of the company
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Fran Christy
and carrying out their work because they enjoy the way the company operates and
treats its employees, they do not need rewards. What is the solution then to hav
e more motivated employees? My tip: give up the motivation! Whatever the attitud
es adopted, they simply act as palliatives. The goal of the companies want their
employees feel more motivated is to increase productivity. Companies are not ge
nuinely concerned with the motivational state of their employees, they want to d
o these produce more so they make more money and people happy and satisfied they
produce more. Trying to motivate employees, as I said, only work as a band-aid.
You may be wondering then, and if we created a program of setting goals as you
created? Read my story again. Most employees did not actually set any target, th
ey never knew what they wanted or not wanted to know. Officials with winning att
itudes will find for themselves their own way and take care of their own self-mo
tivation. The rest range between motivation and demotivation passing the rest of
my life (or even resolve to change their attitude). If the problem then is to i
ncrease productivity, the solution is another. "One hundred individuals motivate
d not only moves mountains. Hundreds of people organized, with plans, technical
knowledge and defined functions, equipped with tractors, explosives, hoes, picks
, shovels and time will do the trick, even though many, the wake, will prefer to
be sunbathing on the beach to remove mountains. "said Eugen E. Pfister Jr. Ther
e will never be a company where every employee is constantly self-motivated. But
the company does not need motivated individuals, she explains that everyone kno
ws exactly what to do, find an environment conducive to work, have the necessary
tools and are treated as human beings.
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Fran Christy
There are people that will never be self-motivated. They prefer to be just suppo
rting life, never actively doing anything. Organizations are crowded these indiv
iduals. They cling to their jobs, they do what they send do not ask, do not ques
tion, just perform. Satisfied or not with their condition, they are well and wil
l hardly change. There motivational program that has an effect on these people.
The option is a management clear where everyone understands where the company wa
nts to reach (who has no personal goals can adopt the company's goals with pleas
ure!), The rules are clear and the top leaders who are "inspired" and not bosses
only charge. For the vast majority of people, who do not self-motivate ever, dr
aw upon the team leader is a factor that increases productivity. People who are
proud of what they do, the company they work for and recognize leadership as pro
ducing more worthy of respect (even if his desire was to be fishing or shopping
instead of working). As the company is achieving results, officials will feel th
at his work has brought positive results and begin to work harder (not necessari
ly motivated!). Everyone likes to see results, especially when they know they ha
d some major influence on him. Some people are surprised when they reveal this v
iew and say to stop trying to motivate their employees. This is the reality, how
ever. Motivation is for the winners and unfortunately the majority of human bein
gs who walk the face of the earth are losers. Not because they lack luck, not be
cause God does not want to, not because living conditions are difficult, but sim
ply because they maintain an attitude of losing, do not know what they want from
life and not strive for anything. It is impossible to motivate these people.
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Fran Christy has a degree in Business Administration with speci
alization in Marketing and Strategic Planning. Since the academic phase acts as
a lecturer and consultant in personal development and life planning, having held
several courses, lectures and workshops on the technique that created for perso
nnel planning (PEP). Author of "Strategic Planning Staff", "Manual Setting Goals
" and "Manual Time Management." Christy lives with his family in Seattle.
DREAMS Dreams STRATEGIC Strategic Project, initiated in 2006, continues the acti
vities previously undertaken by the PEP team (2001-2005). This project studies a
nd develops techniques and methods of personal development and life planning. Th
e first fruits of this work will be distributed free-format ebooks. Visit us onl
ine and register here in our Newsletter to receive up
dated information about this project.
© Copyright - 2006 - Strategic Dreams ™ The contents of this e-book is protected
by copyright laws. The texts can be printed, emailed, used as reference in acad
emic papers, lectures, training courses, etc, as long as the author. If you want
to publish our texts on your site, please contact us. CONTACT contato@sonhosest /

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