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The Law Of Catalyst
Winning teams have members who make things happen
The team that reaches its potential has always been a catalyst. Catalysts are wh
at we call people who make things happen when there comes a critical moment, the
catalyst is a crucial figure, a team can not achieve big goals or even capture
new spaces if not a catalyst. 1 Persons who do not want the ball, do not want th
e responsibility to lead the team to victory. 2 People who want the ball, but sh
ould not usually the cause of this is that the ego of these participants is grea
ter than his talent. These people can be dangerous for a team. 3 People who want
the ball and be with her, they are capable of pushing, pulling, and lead the te
am to higher levels when things get bad. The catalysts have certain characterist
ics that make them different from their teammates. Intuitive, perceive things th
at others do not understand. They can use anything to help the team be successfu
l. Are more intuitive in the areas of their natural gifts. Communicative, say th
ings that other team members do not say, in order to make the team move forward.
Its purpose is to inspire and motivate other team members. Usually know the dif
ference between when a colleague needs a push and when you need a kick.
Passionate, feel things that others do not feel. The passion explodes in a furio
us desire to achieve goals in their area of passion. It manifests itself through
an infectious enthusiasm.
Talented, are able to do what others can not because their talent is as great as
their passion. Share your talent with others so as to make them better. Creativ
e, think things that others do not think. They are continually seeking new and i
nnovative ways of doing things.
Primers, they do things that others can not do, not only are creative in their t
hinking, but disciplined in their actions. The result is that they themselves ar
e moving, carrying his team. Responsible, carry things that others can not bear.
Are responsible for making it happen. Generous yield things that others do not
advance, a willingness to give yourself to accomplish a task. Influential, are c
apable of leading teammates in a way that others can not. When hard times come,
it is quite likely that he will make a step towards a whole new level and try to
lead the team himself.
The Law Of Compass
The forecasts give guidance and confidence to the team members
In a large preview precedes a great achievement. Every team needs a vision of fu
ture and present interesting direction. A team that takes on a forecast becomes
focused, energized and confident. You know where it is addressed and why. If you
do not know what is the prospect of the team can not do it with confidence. His
accurate prediction of interest to all team members.
1 A moral compass (look up) if your compass is pointing to any other direction,
his team may be going in the wrong direction. Gives integrity to the forecast. 2
An intuitive compass (look inside) the true fire of passion and conviction come
s only from within. Rarely builds a big deal unless he is guided by the strict l
ines of integrity
3 A historical compass (look back), people do not seek the future before it come
s into contact with the past. Every time you make a prediction, you must create
a relationship between past, present, and future ... must reconcile them. 4 A di
rectional compass (look at front) part of the guidance comes from a sense of pur
pose. The other part comes from the goals, targets that define the image of the
future. 5 A strategic compass (look around) One goal will do well to time withou
t the steps to achieve it. People need more than information and inspiration. Th
ey need instructions to make the prediction a reality, and a path to get there.
6 A visionary compass (look beyond), a forecasting really big fan of the team me
mbers that could become really realize their ideals and work according to your h
ighest standards. You need a broad perspective to avoid the frustration of immed
iate failures. When they have guidance and confidence, the team is able to devel
op their potential and put up a whole new level.
The Law Of Orange Spoiled
Bad attitudes spoil the team
TALENT IS NOT ENOUGH It takes much more than talented people to win appropriate
attitudes between the players do not guarantee the success of a team, but bad at
titudes guarantee its failure. The five truths below show how attitudes affect t
he team and the team. 1 The attitudes have the power to raise or bring down a te
am. The advantage of winning is attitude, not aptitude. As attitudes are develop
ed, it also develops the potential of the team. 2nd The attitude infects others.
Where a member of a team shows a strong ethical and produces a positive impact,
others will imitate. People are inspired by your peers, and tend to adopt the a
ttitudes of those who spend most of the time you take your stance, your beliefs
and your way of addressing the challenges. 3 The bad attitudes infect faster tha
n the good The truth is that a negative attitude does more harm than benefit the
person who has it. This will also affect people around you. 4 Attitudes are sub
jective, so it can be difficult to identify someone with a bad attitude bad atti
tude can not be doing anything illegal or unethical. But the team can be ruined
the same way. People always outwardly projecting what they feel internally. Inab
ility to admit mistakes
Inability to forgive Envy petty disease of self, develop a strong belief in his
own importance, "I am the greatest" to defeat us "A critical spirit Desire to se
ize all the credit 5 If they are not perceived attitudes inadequate ruin all the
bad attitudes should be warned, if you let one rotten orange in the same box wi
th other oranges, you end up with a box of oranges spoiled.
YOUR BEST FRIEND OR YOUR WORST ENEMY The attitude of someone always influence th
eir performance, regardless of talent, history or life circumstances.
The Law of Confidence
Team members must be able to count on each other when necessary
The essence of trust is the ability and desire to see team members working toget
her with common goals.
A FORMULA OF RELIABILITY Character + Competence + Commitment + + Cohesion Streng
1 Character Whenever you want to build a team, need to start by building the cha
racter of individuals that will be part of the group. If you do not provide a so
lid character within your team can not build anything of value on it. 2 Powers W
hen it comes to someone who will be part of your team, you want competence and c
haracter. 3 Commitment teams fail or are not successful in accordance with the c
ommitment that its members have with each other and with the team. 4 Strength 5
Cohesion means having pride in your ability to work in the group have a higher l
evel than is possible for individual members. If we are not joining forces are s
eparating. THE BEST THAT YOU CAN RECEIVE PRAISE BE is considered trustworthy.
The Law of the Price to Pay
The team fails to achieve its potential when it pays the price.
The What's built into the price. If a team fails to reach its potential, is rare
ly the problem skill. It's almost always a matter of payment. 1 The price must b
e paid for all You have to give up something to be a member of a team. I think s
ome of them think that if others work hard, they can simply put their potential
in neutral. But it is never true. If someone does not pay the price of victory,
all pay the price of defeat. 2 The price must be paid at the time people mistake
nly believe that if they can reach a goal, no longer need to grow. Ray Kroc: Whi
le you're green, you're growing. Once you begin to ripen spoil. " There is no su
bstitute for work. It is the price of success. 3 The price increases if the team
wants to improve, change or continue to grow You pay a high price to become a c
hampion. However, costs remain at the top even more. Overcoming yourself is even
more costly. To improve, change or keep winning, the team as a whole should pay
the price as well as the individuals who compose it. 4 The price never decrease
s Most people who quit, do not do it right at the base of the mountain, they sto
p halfway.
There are only two types of teams that flout: those who do not realize the price
of success and those who know what the price, but are not willing to pay it. Ea
ch person must decide for yourself if your goal is worth the price to be paid.
THE PRICE OF TEAMWORK Sacrifice He who wants to accomplish little, will you sacr
ifice little; he who would accomplish much, will sacrifice much. The team reache
s the top only through the sweat, dedication and sacrifice of its components. Co
mmitment Teamwork is not cheap, costing her time which means that you pay for it
with his life. His personal development team reach its potential only if you ac
hieve yours. Max De Pree: We can not become what we need to be if we continue to
be what we are. John Wooden: What counts is what you learn after you know every
Selflessness If a team needs to reach its potential, its members must put the in
terests of the team ahead of their own interests. Some people see the overall pe
rspective more easily than others and thus feel that will receive more if they s
pend more. Jacson Brown: When you deliver what they have to better the world, th
e world returns the favor. It's an exchange between independence and interdepend
ence. The rewards of teamwork can be formidable, but there will always be a cost
. You always have to give up something to grow. It is true that when the price i
s paid, the rewards can be numerous.
The Law of Score
The team can make adjustments when it knows where it is.
Successful teams make adjustments to continually improve themselves and the situ
If a team wants to achieve their goals, needs to know where you are. When the ga
me starts, the plan is very important and the score means nothing. However, the
media that the game continues the game plan increasingly loses its importance an
d the score begins to have meaning. The game plan tells you what you want to hap
pen, but the score says you're acopntecendo. 1 The score is essential to underst
anding The scorecard provides a snapshot of the game at any time. If you arrive
in the middle of a game, just look at the score and assess the situation so very
accurate. 2 The score is essential for the assessment Personal development is t
he key to success DEVELOPMENT = CHANGE If you want to become the best, needs to
change in the right direction, but can only do this if you are able to assess si
mesmo and his teammates . 3 The score is essential for decision-making After ass
essing your situation, you're ready to make decisions 4 The scoreboard is essent
ial to setting higher the level you and your team are competing lower become the
settings to achieve peak performance. But make adjustments
specific is the secret of victory and the score helps you realize where adjustme
nts need to be made. 5 The score is essential to win In late, no one can win wit
hout scoring organizations make the score such an integral part in their culture
that are always able to identify the oporunidades leading to a resounding succe
ss. When you know what to do, can do what you know.
The Law Of Book
The great teams have great amplitude.
The holder should be someone from the front line which directly contributes to t
he organization or who have direct influence over his destiny. The reserve is ma
de up of those who contribute to the organization or indirectly supporting the m
embers. The RESERVE is ESSENTIAL Every human being has value to his team somehow
. 1 The reservations today may be the stars of tomorrow Every human being has va
lue and every player on a team contributes to his team somehow. Some team member
s are talented soon recognized for its positive potential and end up being prepa
red for success. Others work in obscurity for years, learning, growing and gaini
ng experience. Leaders need to keep your eyes open for emerging talent. 2 The su
ccess of a supporting player can multiply the success of a holder When all the t
eam members do the job best suited to their talent, their gifts and their experi
ences, and stand out in this paper, the team really goes. When each person can w
ork in their area of greatest skill, the entire team wins. 3 There are more rese
rvations to hold every politician, executive or renowned stylist who knows, ther
e are hundreds of people working quietly behind the scenes to make possible the
work of that person. Nobody can overlook the majority of team members and expect
to be successful.
4 Sometimes a reservation properly loaded is more valuable than a holder Most pe
ople how they classify their administrative assistants as team members,€they pro
bably would say that they are considered as reserves since its main function is
support. Its value as a support person makes her a holder. 5 A solid book offers
more choices to the leader when a team have a reservation ineffective, the lead
er has some options, but they usually are not very appropriate. However, when th
e team has a great reserve, the options are almost limitless. 6 Usually people a
re called the reserve at critical moments for the team You do not need a reserva
tion when things go well, but when things go wrong. TODAY'S ACTION FORM AS THE T
EAM OF TOMORROW 1 Recruitment: who is joining the team? There are only two ways
out: You find the right participant for the position, or find the right position
for a particular participant. 2 Training: You are developing your team? This me
ans helping owners optimize their potential and train people reserve to become o
wners when the time comes. 3 Losses: who is leaving the team? Losing team member
s is inevitable. The key to its future success is to achieve a more efficient fo
r each loss. DESIGN TEAM: Team New Team Team Committed to Successful Growth Team
Team Legacy
WIN OR LOSE more gains than losses More losses than gains more gains than losses
More losses than gains more gains than losses NATURE OF LOSS The gains are not
always positive losses are positive gains are positive losses are not positive T
he gains are positive when a team becomes successful, some members will leave to
seek greater success for yourself. If you can promote great challenges and shar
e both the responsibilities and the rewards you can get to convince them to stay
. Probably have to rely on its reserve members and then find that kind of book y
ou've built! WHO IS YOUR MOST VALUABLE PLAYER? The key to extracting the maximum
Reserve Act is to continuously improve the team. Review the following areas: 1
Personality: Use the DISC test, a diagnostic tool that indicates whether the per
sonality of people leaning to the initiative, influence, support or Profinacci C
alculator. 2 Passion: Discover what motivates people: results, relationships, mo
ney, recognition, affirmation, or influence safety. Standard 3: Look at the patt
erns successes and failures. Find out if they work better alone or in teams. 4 P
otential: Try to see what people could accomplish being properly advised regardi
ng motivation, guidance and leadership. Evaluate whether they are sponsors or bu
5 Profile: I evaluate whether they would adapt to our culture and they are reall
y for people INJOY. 6th Placing: Finally, try to evaluate where they fit - which
team would benefit from both as they contribute to them. If you want your team
to become the best they can be, need to focus on people who are winning, those w
ho are missing and those that are developing. The best players make you a better
player if the way he treats people do not agree with your value, you run the ri
sk of losing them and see the revolving door running against you.
The Law of Identity
Shared values define the team
THE VALUE OF VALUES Values can help the team become more united and efficient. S
hared values are as ... When the glue appear difficult moments values keep peopl
e together. A foundation All teams need a team of stability to perform their dut
ies well and grow. You need something on which to build, and values are the stro
ngest foundation. A rule values also help to establish the standard of team perf
ormance. Function as a measure of expectations and performance when truly adopte
d. By adopting a compass strong values, people have a moral compass that helps t
hem make decisions. People still know they're moving in the right direction and
making good decisions. The values of a magnet attract staff who have similar val
ues, who think similarly. An identity values define the team and give it a uniqu
e identity. What you believe identify who you are.
1 Personal development of each team member. The secret of the development of any
organization is the development of people belonging to that organization. The t
eam can not share values if the values were not shared with the team. Priority 2
contributing to the other On the day that we can no longer contribute, we will
close our doors.€3 The Power of Partnership You can do what I can not. I can do
what you can not. Together we can do great things. 1 Put your needs first and in
any situation, and 2 contribute to his personal leadership; 3 Recognize that we
seek a common goal; 4 Performing a service tailored to meet their needs; 5 Neve
r betray the confidence placed in us; 6 Seek excellence in everything we do and
7 Respect particulariade of each.
4 The practice of promovoer and develop leaders Everything begins and ends with
leadership. The single best way to impact an organization is to prioritize the d
evelopment of leadership. 5 A proper administration of any business organization
that wishes to continue its mission should be a good steward of resources. Mana
ge our assets to make the most of them, make a strategic placement of our people
, and devote ourselves to worthy causes. 6 The purpose of praising God We believ
e that everything we do should praise the Lord.
VALUES CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR TEAM • • • • • • Articulate the values Compare the val
ues with practical values Teach Practice Institutionalize values values values P
raise publicly
If your values are the same team, you become more valuable to the team.
The Law of Communication
The interaction leads to action
Effective teams have members who are constantly talking to each other. If you wa
nt your team has a good performance at the highest level, people who are part of
it must be able to talk and listen to each other. In a team where the members n
ever tell each other what is happening, important tasks are not completed becaus
e each of the two team members believe that the other is caring for her or are t
here people doing duplicate work. 1 From leader to teammates If I had to choose
a single instrument of leadership that fulfills multiple purposes, it would be c
ommunication. Everything begins and ends in the lead. What is not mentioned befo
re is that leadership begins and ends communication. • • Be consistent. Nothing
frustrates more team members than leaders who do not agree. Be clear. His team c
an not do anything if members do not know what they want.

Be considerate. Everyone deserves respect, regardless of the position and type o
f relationship you've had with that person.
Because you are the leader, your communication is what determines how it will be
the intention of all people on your team. 2 Of the teammates for the leader the
y want an honest and direct communication on the part of their subordinates 3 Am
ong the team members a team that wants to experience success, all members must c
ommunicate to the common good. This means showing the qualities: • • • Providing
support. Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for yo
ur colleagues. Clinging to the present. You may have the largest group of stars
in the world, if they do not play together the team is not worth a dime. Be vuln
erable. If the interaction is strong, then the actions that make the team can be
strong too.
4 Among the staff and the public at large public remember if they need to be rec
eptive, responsive and realistic. There is a strong power in the union. Working
together means winning together. There must be interaction to get action. Commun
ication increases the connection.
Law Advantage
The difference between two equally talented teams is leadership.
What is the key to success? She needs leadership • • • • The staff determines th
e potential of the team. The vision sets the direction of the team. Ethics requi
res the preparation of the team. The leadership determines the success of the te
Everything begins and ends in the lead. If a team has great leadership, so she c
an get anything more that needs to go to a higher level. Look at any team that h
as achieved success and you will discover that she has strong leadership. While
managers are able to keep a team at its current level, leaders can take it to a
new level, which never has never been achieved before. The key to this is to wor
k with people and get the best out of them. • • • Leaders who delegate authority
for performing the work. (Good leaders rarely restrict their teams, usually the
y release. The leaders create an environment where every team member is responsi
ble. Good leaders know how to read people and figure out what will make them tak
e responsibility for your part of the team.€Leaders quickly learn and encourage
others to do it too. The leaders go to a new level in the first place, then they
lift those around him. First comes the example, after the lead.
THE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP TEAM IMPACT Good leaders ... 1 No 2 No limit an organizat
ion have more influence
3rd value the process of developing people 4 Prepare team for Matchday 5 communi
cate more efficiently 6 They create momentum and lead the team to a higher level
7 is based on a solid foundation of trust 8 imposes greater respect 9 They deal
with issues of leadership in advance. 10th attract more leaders themselves 11 T
hey bind people 12 Gather around them stronger people reproduce more than 13 lea
ders led 14 delegates his 15th with their teams win more often. They get 16 peop
le to accept them and their vision 17 Establish priorities efficiently 18 unders
tand and use opportunities more efficiently. 19 abdicated their personal agendas
20 promotes the growth of leaders and organizations as soon as 21 They leave a
lasting legacy True team leadership is often shared. The idea that one person is
always doing everything that relates to leadership is false. The challenge of t
he moment often determines the kind of leader for that challenge leaders see fur
ther than your teammates. They see things more quickly than their subordinates.
They know what will happen and anticipate the fact. The greater the challenge, t
he greater the need of the many advantages that make leaders.
Look behind the scenes of any large enterprise and you will always find a strong
leader. Everything begins and ends in leadership
The Law of High Morale
When we win nothing disturbs us
It's ironic, but if you play hurt, you can put the team in a position to win. An
d if you win, nothing hurts. A truly moral high helps the team have their best p
erformance. It is one of the most essential things to create the right circumsta
nces for any team that has a high-level performance. The high morale magnifies e
verything positive that could be happening for the team. 1 The morale is the gre
at magnifier When an entire team is good and all the players feel good about the
mselves, everything looks good. The preparation seems to happen more smoothly. 2
The morale is the big lift when the team has high morale, the performance of it
s components up to a whole new level. The team focuses on its potential, not the
ir problems 3 The morale is the leading provider of energy is not no mountain se
ems so tall. No project seems to be so difficult. No race seems too long. Walks
with his enthusiasm and his energy team develops a momentum that is virtually un
controllable. 4 The morale is the great eraser Due to momentum and energy that c
ome with it, the morale also becomes the great eraser. The problems seem to simp
ly disappear, no matter how great they are.
5 The morale is the great liberator's victory opens breathing space. Doing these
things gives eespaço space for creativity and innovation. In short, the moral h
igh frees the team to reach their potential. THE FOUR STAGES OF MORAL Stage 1: M
oral nonexistent: the leader must do everything Normally this is the atmosphere
we find in time you're missing. • • • • Investigate the situation. Start analyze
what the team is doing wrong. Fix what is broken. Encourage belief. A team will
change only when people believe in themselves show people what you believe in y
ourself and them. Create energy. The desire to change no energy to do it just fr
ustrates people. Work with energy for a sufficient time and some team members en
d up joining you. Spread hope. The deepest need of the team members at this stag
e is hope.
Leaders are vendors hope. Stage 2: Low Morale: the leader needs to do productive
things, however, to create a positive morale, you need to pick up some speed. •
• • • Be an example of behavior that gives a high return. The best way they lea
rn what you expect of them is an example. Develop relationships with people of p
otential. Leaders need to touch the heart before dismissing help. That's why you
need to start building relationships. Featured small victories and reach their
followers through them.Their small victories will help the less talented gain co
nfidence and be successful. Communicate the vision. Vision gives team members di
rection and confidence. Keep the vision before his team continuously.
Stage 3: Moral moderate?: The leader must make difficult things • • Make changes
that improve the team. Should otmizar the efficiency of all team members placin
g them in suitable niches. Usually these actions require difficult decisions. Pr
omote the acceptance of team members. Get their followers to accept the vision.
However to build morale, you need to do this.
• •
Show your commitment. If you have consistently demonstrated high competence, goo
d character and great commitment, you cast the roles for which their subordinate
s to accept. Develop and led the team to success. If you invest on their subordi
nates, then help both them and the team to succeed.
Stage 4: Moral high: the leader needs to do very little • • • • Keep the team fo
cused and on course. If you lose focus or exit the course, then they fail to win
. Communicate successes. Nothing gives greater strength than the moral victory a
nd celebration of it. Get rid of destroying morale. Leaders see before others, s
o they must protect the team from things that can hinder it. Let other leaders t
o lead. Use the momentum that the team already has to create new leaders for the
team. It is easier to make new leaders succeed if they already are part of a te
am successful.
When you do well done, you feel good and when you feel good, you did well done.
The Law Of Dividends
Investing in the team produces long-term dividends
Whenever there is someone on staff who can benefit from what you offer. When eve
ryone on the team are investing, then the benefits are like compound interest. T
hey multiply. Making the decision that all team members are worthy of receiving
development is the first step in building a better team. 1 Take the decision to
build a team ... This initiates the investment in the team all team members are
worthy of receiving development is the first step in building a better team. 2 G
ather the best team possible ... This raises the potential of the team, the grea
ter are the team members, the greater the potential of it. 3 Pay the price of de
veloping the team ... this ensures the growth of the team. Energy, money and tim
e. The cost of developing your team is you. And sometimes you have to put aside
your personal agenda. Everything you give is an investment. 4 Do things with the
team ... this communion of the team The only way to develop fellowship and cohe
sion among his teammates is to put them together, not just a career, but also in
personal. 5 Give team members responsibility and authority ... this raises for
the team leaders If you are the leader of his team, does not protect your positi
on or monopolize power. Relinquish it. This is the only way to empower your team
6 Give credit to the success of your team ... this raises the morale of the team
are willing to work hard to receive recognition for their efforts. Praise your
teammates. Proclaim his deeds. 7 Stop to see if the investment in staff is being
paid ... this brings the team confidence You need to be aware of it and measure
your progress. Need to see if getting back the time, energy and resources that
are putting them. 8 Stop investing in players who are not growing ... This elimi
nates the greatest losses for the team you will stop spending their time trying
to invest in someone who will not or can not improve. 9 Create new opportunities
for the team ... this allows the team to advance Greater investment is giving t
hem new opportunities. Everyone has the opportunity to grow toward their potenti
al. 10 Give the team the best possible chance of success ... This ensures a high
return to the team one of the most essential tasks you can take is to clear the
obstacles so that staff can have the best chance possible to work toward succes
s. Where there is will, there is an exit, where there is a team, there is more t
han one exit. Assemble a team for the future can start slowly, but the more you
invest, the greater the return.

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