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Leadership and Management or Consultancy, advice and support.
Paulo Eduardo Dias Garcia
1.2. ADDRESS +55 (11
) 8284.9887 and +55 (11) 3257.0666 Rua Piauí 490 Apto 84 CEP 01241-000 São Paulo
Higienópolis SP Brasil BR
Civil Engineering (1969) by the School of Engineering at Mackenzie University an
d Executive Education (1983, 1993 and 1996) by the School of Business Administra
tion from the Getulio Vargas Foundation.
Portuguese (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), English and French (basic).
Born in 1946 general profile professional and multidisciplinary qualification. E
xperience in business development and implementation of designs, works and proje
cts in the areas of engineering and civil construction, industrial and heavy. Pe
rformance in positions as works coordinator (1969-1975), manager of project impl
ementation (1975-1982 and 2001-2004), coordinator of studies and designs (1982-1
985), commercial manager and contracts administrator (1986-2001 ) and independen
t consultant (since 2004) in project management, contracts and sales. Activities
to consulting engineering firms (design and project management), special servic
es engineering (foundations and geotechnical), construction companies and contra
ctors. Services rendered in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais)
and Abroad (Argentina and Portugal) in various infrastructure sectors such as su
pply buildings and cost housing, energy, sports and leisure, basic industries an
d processing and environmental sanitation and transport in underground ways, air
port, rail and road.
• Editor in Chief (1969) of Mackenzie Engineering Magazine Academic Center Horac
e Lane.
• GEIPOT - Integration Executive Group of the Transport Policy (1967) Transport
Ministry, Brazil BR. • Engineering and Commerce SA Enbasa (1968) Construction ol
d Nogueira Baptista Ltda
• Planning with PERT-CPM and Performance Analysis (1968) at the Institute of Eng
ineering of São Paulo. • Special Business Administration (1973) in the Mackenzie
University. • Crushed Earth Dam (1980) in the Engineering Society of Minas Gera
is. • Industrialized Construction Technology (1980) in the Engineering Society o
f Minas Gerais. • Advanced Project Management (1985) in the Brazil Management Ce
nter. • Implementation of Enterprise Management (1983), Management of Informatio
n Technology (1993) and Strategic Business Management (1996) in the School of Bu
siness Administration of São Paulo Getulio Vargas Foundation. • applications Wor
d, Excel, PowerPoint and Access of Windows XP (Basic and Advanced), MSProject 20
00 and AutoCAD 2002 (Basic and Intermediate) at the Center for Computer Educatio
n (2003) Senac São Paulo.
3.1. Works Coordinator
• Engineering and Commerce SA Enbasa SA Current Civilsan Serveng Engineering Ass
ociates, January 1969 to July 1972. • Constructor Beter SA, along with Raymond I
nternational (foundation), August 1972 to July 1974. • Assistant Ecicel Works Co
mpany Ltd., Consorcio Empresarial da ecis Engineering Commerce and Industry SA w
ith Ecel Office Building and Engineering SA, together with Franki SA (Foundation
), August 1974 to August 1975.
3.2. Project Implementation Manager
• Etel Roads Technical Enterprises SA, together with the contracts of Constructo
ra Mendes Junior SA and Cetenco Engineering SA, from September 1975 to December
1976. • Constructor Adolpho Lindemberg SA, along with Promon S. Engineering A. (
Designs) in December 1976 to August 1978. • hydrogeological - Consorcio Empresar
ial da Hidroservice Project Engineering Geotechnical Ltda SA, together with Booz
Allen Hamilton (consulting and support), September 1978 to January 1982. • Tech
nical Studies and Projects Etep Ltda, when ownership of the Suez Group, March 20
01 to March 2004.
3.3. Studies and Designs Coordinator
• Hidroservice Project Engineering Ltd., January 1982 to December 1985.
3.4. Business Development Manager
• Sondotécnica SA, January 1986 to November 1988 and May 1997 to December 1998.
• Griffin Drenasa Soil Mechanics Ltd., owned by the Griffin Dewatering Corporati
on, from December 1988 to November 1990. • Jau S.A. Construction and Incorporado
ta, October 1991 to November 1993. • Constructor and Paver São Luiz SA, from Jan
uary 1994 to December 1994 and September 1994 to April 1997. • Jaakko Poyry Engi
neering Ltd,€January 1999 to January 2001.
3.5. Superintendent of Program, Budget and Control
• CDHU - Company of Housing and Urban Development of the State of São Paulo, fro
m January 1995 to August 1995.
3.6. Independent Consultant
• Consulting in Project Management, Contracts and Business since March 2004.
4.1.1. Construction Coordination
Coordination and project studies, quantities and prices, physical and financial
schedules, PERT / CPM networks, monitoring of the BDI, planning and constructive
methods of works, programming and physical controls, financial and compliance;
schedules of materials, hand-to-work and equipment, supply of materials, hand-to
-work and equipment, management of resources and compliance with the quality, ti
me and cost, contract administration, coordination of works and technical and ad
ministrative supervision: • Morumbi Stadium - Cicero Pompeu de Toledo (1969 and
1970) in São Paulo City, SP, for the SPFC - São Paulo Football Club. • Prestress
ed Concrete Bridge on the River Atibaia and concrete bridge over the River Jagua
ri (1969 and 1971), on Highway 065 between Campinas SP SP SP Jacareí for the DER
/ SP - Department of Highways of São Paulo. • Districtal Market for Food Supply
of the City of São Paulo in the District of Pirituba (1970 and 1971), for the P
MSP - São Paulo Municipal Prefecture. • Reservoirs for Water Supply in the Metro
politan Region of São Paulo in the Villa Brasilândia and Cangaiba Barrio (1970 a
nd 1971) for SABESP - Metropolitan Water Company of São Paulo. • Industrial Equi
pment Plant for Filling and Paving (1970 and 1971), Taboão da Serra SP, for Dyna
pac SA property of the Atlas Copco Group.
• Oceanic Interceptor Sewer (1971 and 1972) of the City of Rio de Janeiro, in th
e Botafogo Quarter, for CEDAE - Society of the State Water and Sewer. • Oxygen F
actory, Cooling Towers, Kick Coal, Pit Furnace and Plates Reheating furnace stee
l plant Jose Bonifacio de Andrade e Silva (1972 and 1973), SP Cubatão for the CO
SIPA - Companhia Siderurgica Paulista SA Usiminas System property. • Correction
of Aricanduva Arroyo (1973 and 1974), a tributary of the Tiete River, to EMURB M
unicipal Construction Company of São Paulo. • Tunnel and Boarding and Disembarka
tion Station of Passengers (1974 and 1975) of the Metropolitan Uruguaiana Rua (C
entral Region) for the Metro / RJ - Company of the Metropolitan City of Rio de J
4.1.2. Project Implementation Management
Supervision and coordination of planning, programming and physical controls, fin
ancial and compliance, supervision of works, projects and supplies, coordination
of project interfaces with works, supplies, works and projects with supplies, o
versight and technical supervision of works, projects and supplies, monitoring o
f quality assurance, inspection and care of equipment, products and materials, d
iaries and reports of occurrences and developments of the projects: • Steel Trai
n (1975 and 1976) between Belo Horizonte MG and Barra Mansa RJ ( 66.03 to 100.74
Kms) for ENGEFER - Railway Engineering Company SA MRS Logística SA Current • Wa
gon Factory Loading for Rail and Passenger Car for Metropolitan (1977 and 1978),
SP Sumaré to Cobrasma SA - Companhia Brasileira de machines. • Iron and Steel P
lant in Ouro Branco (1978-1981), em Ouro Branco MG, for Açominas - Minas Gerais
Steel SA property of the Gerdau Group. • Environmental Sanitation Program in Hyd
rographic Basin Springs of the Alto Tiete (2001-2004) for the SEHAB - Secretary
of Housing and Urban Development in the Municipality of São Paulo. • Programs an
d Entrepreneurship of the HABI - Popular Housing Superintendence (2002-2004) for
the SEHAB - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Municipality of S
ão Paulo.
4.1.3. Studies and Design Coordination
• Pump Station and Treatment and Recovery Station of the Water Quality and Barue
ri ABC (1982-1984), Sanegran System of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, for
SABESP - Metropolitan Water Company of São Paulo.
4.1.4. Project Implementation Planning
• Funchal Airport (1985), on the island of Madeira, to the Office of the Santa C
atarina Airport, the Ministry of Finance and Planning, in Portugal. • Dams and H
ydroelectric Garabi (1985), on the River Uruguay, to the Executive Committee of
the ELETROBRÁS - SA Energy Plants in Brazil with AEEA - Water and Power in Argen
tina. • Hotel Costa Verde (1985), in Cuiabá MT, for Santa Laura Enterprises SA
4.2.1. Business Management
Studies and market strategies, development of work plans, business and public re
lations, customer base, analysis and auction of quantity and price schedules, co
ordination of technical and commercial proposals, negotiation of interests, anal
ysis of prices and terms and Measurement and Payment conditions, assessment of d
uties and responsibilities and guarantees and penalties, supervision and adminis
tration of the competition, representation in associations and unions: • Works o
n Foundations of pulling structures, earth retention and slope stabilization (19
86-1990 ) in Business and Engineering Construction Advisory, State and Municipal
Secretaries of State and Government in São Paulo. • Earth Works of Art and Corr
ientes, Paving, Building, concessions of public transport services and Sanitatio
n (1994-1997), in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janei
ro. • Studies, Research and Enterprise Management (1997-1998), with the Roads De
velopment DERSA SA, the Monitoring Committee of the Concessions and permits Publ
ic Service of the Ministry of Transport, now Transport Agency ARTESP State São P
aulo CPTM - Paulista Metropolitan Railways Company. • Engineering Services and P
roducts Advisory (1999-2001) in the areas of infrastructure in municipalities an
d the State of São Paulo.
4.2.2. Contract Administration
Development of instruments and tools for monitoring and evaluation of contracts,
activation and monitoring processes, technical feasibility studies, business an
d administrative, planning and physical and financial controls, analysis of oppo
rtunities and conflict management, economic and financial claims; terms advance
and grant efforts; diagnosis of performance and results and negotiation of inter
ests, defining strategies and customer loyalty: • Foundations, Structures gather
and Earth Works (1988-1990), with Public and Private Companies, Institutes, Ins
titutions and Associations, the State of São Paulo. • Environmental Sanitation,
Popular Housing, Buildings and Real Estate Incorporations (1991-1993), before th
e SABESP - Basic Sanitation Company of São Paulo, CDHU - Housing Development Com
pany and Urbano do Estado de São Paulo, CPOS - Paulista Company Works and Servic
es, ELETROPAULO - Electricidad de São Paulo SA CESP - Electricity Company of São
Paulo SA, PROSASCO - Osasco Progress SA, EMURB - Empresa Municipal de Construct
ion de São Paulo, HABI - Municipal Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in
São Paulo and DTE - Technical Department of the Secretariat Building State Heal
th da São Paulo. • PDL - Project of Legislative Decree (1999-2001) of the contra
ct for final design, technological and geometric control of the duplication of t
he SP Route 294, between Bauru and Marília SP SP (Km 360 to 375, 451 to 458 and
470 to 472 ), for the DER / SP - State Highway Department of São Paulo, made bef
ore the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo, from discriminating agai
nst irregularities apparently the Court of Accounts of the State of São Paulo.
4.3.1. Contract Management
Consultancy, advisory and technical support, sales and administrative as well as
audits and assessments, skills and inspections with issue of awards, opinions a
nd reports in processes of studies, projects, works, services and ventures, proc
urement, supplies, investigations and inspections, coordination, inspections and
controls, planning, scheduling and monitoring contracts related to the side of
public and private sectors in the field events, consulting engineering, construc
tion, assembly and other related sectors: • Event of the XI UNCTAD - Conference
on Trade and Development World, held in São Paulo, SP (2004) with the participat
ion of 196 countries, promoted by the UN United Nations Organization in partners
hip with S. Anhembi Tourism and Events A., Municipal Secretary of International
Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Itamaraty.
4.3.2. Project Management
Development of analysis, and diagnostic studies of projects and technical specif
ications, budgeting, planning and controls, supplies and procurement processes,
as well as suppliers, manufacturers, service providers and even respective organ
izational structures, equipment, tools and other management resources, aiming to
connect, recommend and implement actions to reduce costs, optimize time and imp
roved quality of services given,€works and products that make the enterprise or
the company itself: • Penha Glass Importer and Distributor Ltda in 2005. • MPE -
Assemblies and Special Projects S. A., of October 2007, March 2008, for the con
tract Turn Key system, with involvement of the Project, Suppliment, Construction
and Extension Assembly Plant of Infra Structure and Utilities of the Mining Hou
se Pedra, owned by the CSN - Companhia Siderurgica Nacional S. A., in Congonhas
Minas Gerais.
4.3.3. Business Management
Representation technical, commercial and administrative, development and impleme
ntation of business plans and marketing, planning, organization and supervision
of human, material and financial management, control and direction of work equip
ment, coordination of actors intervening in the market , advertising, promotion
and sales of products, services, materials, machinery and equipment builders and
contractors, designers and management, suppliers and service providers and the
industries. • Interactions since 2006 between the companies engineering and cons
truction industry. and market services

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