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Now, when you come, I ask you something.

Many here say, "Brother Bill, directly

mind, just ... as clear as I can before the public, because I might die before t
hey even leave this building, but I want God to know, also people that I want to
see Dader baptism of the Holy Spirit? " . "Would Raise your hand and say:" I re
ally want the true bau ...?". God bless you. Now we have an opportunity for a re
vival. And listen friends, do not come saying, "Well, if I feel very cold , and-
and if I had the sister and it is ... "The way that the sister has it, you do no
t look that way. You just come with a pure heart, believing that Jesus Christ is
Salvador, and that you have accepted it, and you believe that God will keep His
Word, and that you are looking to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and He
will give it you say: "Lord, I just ... any way you pour it to me, so that I ha
d the Holy Spirit. All I want is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Give me somethi
ng that will remove selfishness, give me something that will remove this fear an
d doubt. My Lord, Do not make me ... if you make me cry, I've seen others scream
ing, and not experienced it. Do not make me speak in tongues Lord, I have seen o
thers speaking in tongues and not experienced it. But, Lord, put on some in me w
ill live in me, I will walk every day as a Christian, who will love my enemies,
who will speak well of tThe Aque those who speak ill of me, I prepared to repent
of everything I do wrong, come and confess and say: "I'm wrong, God forgive me.
That's the kind of spirit you want, right? Yes, sir. Make me humble, when my pa
stor sees something wrong with me, he walk around and say: "Now brother or siste
r, you should not do these things, make me humble, say 'Yes, brother, help me pr
ay you now, I do not want that kind of spirit so ber me. I do not ...'". You do
not want that kind of spirit, does it?. you want to go around all puffed and say
ing, "Well, huh huh, he did not have any right to tell me, I know where I stand.
" Oh, when Uds. friends do that, you can see right there that you are outside th
e will of God. You can see that you are wrong with God to begin. The unpardonabl
e sin AL P.147 150 - 24.ABRIL.54
The Holy Spirit is the baptism of the Spirit.
THE MARK OF THE BEAST pg.17 -15/05/54
Church, this is the reason why I can not accept the baptism of the Holy Spirit
as mourn, dithering, or as speaking in tongues, or any other sensation. Those th
ings are fine, but the devil can imitate the fine.
But the Holy Spirit is Deity, God dwelling in a human tabernacle! Indeed
a sensation. It is more than speaking in tongues. It is more than shouting in th
e Spirit. It's more to mourn. It is more than joining a church. It is God dwelli
ng in man. Deity, God dwelling within that person, and when she speaks, it is as
if God were speaking, so is the Church of Jesus Christ. This was the first Apos
tolic Church came out. THE TESTIMONY OF A WITNESS TRUE PG.45-11.05.1961
The mystery of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost without sensation, but the Person o
f Christ
You work in the same works He did. LORD, IS THIS THE SIGN OF THE END? PG.32-30.1
So it was through the Dark Ages, and then finally it came the first re
as with Luther, and he reveals many mysterious things that happened during that
age of the church, but never finished. After the sanctification Wesley came with
it was another parteci ta, but did not end left some things unfinished, such as
spraying bau Semitism instead of dipping. Even Luther baptized in the titles of
Father, Son and Holy Spirit in gar lu the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and ma
ny more. Then came the old Pentecostal baptism of the Holy Spirit, and with that
remained anchored. THE FIRST SEAL Pg.99 - 03/18/1963
And note,continued forward as it became more and more strong. And so it has grow
the true small minority of the Church, justification, sanctification, baptism of
the Holy Spirit, and now the upcoming Corona Stone, is forming up. THERE IS A M
AN ON HERE YOU CAN LIGHT PG. 31 - 29/12/1963
The Justification served his time, in justification under Luther, then had to be
in sanctification through Wesley. And sanctification served his time, until it b
ecame in the baptism with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit baptism served hi
s time, until the Holy Spirit (which there is only one God) merges into the Chur
ch and the Church in Christ, and makes that Jesus Christ is reflected in the lan
d, which He promised here in the Bible. We may not believe me, I can not do do s
o. I am only responsible for Pala bra. HERE IS A MAN THAT CAN TURN THE LIGHT PG.
When the Holy Spirit reveals the light, as justification for sanctification, the
baptism of
Holy Spirit, and now the last hour of the coming of Christ has in it the outline
, not the queen, but the King of Heaven who is representing himself and the chur
ch has come to be closer in the minority, and the ministry has to be the same ki
nd of ministry that He had. PG.20-25/01/64 LIGHT LIGHT
That's when the Church and Christ are joined together as a bride, with the same
I was in the will upon her, when the Church comes to justification, sanctificati
on, bau tism of the Holy Spirit within the last days, and Join now for the comin
g of the Lord. PG.21-25/01 TURN ON THE LIGHT / 64
And the promise that we have received, the seal is the baptism of the Holy Spiri
t. That's
correct. Because it is God as Spirit, you and His Word in you, He enters. If you
receive the Word in you, the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can make that a
live, then you . has the promise of having the doors of every enemy who tries
it alive, then you have the promise of having the doors of every enemy that trie
s to attack him. That's right. God promised, and it is. PG.5-07/02/64 THE PATRIA
There is no such thing as the baptism of the Holy Spirit to those who do not. It
only for those who believe. That's true. That is all. So then we realize that th
ose who are longing to know the Truth, God is forced to reveal the truth. He say
s His Word, then come and the true, gives His own interpretation. When his eyes
were open, they know you PG.19-12/02/64
Now only kept coming, justification, sanctification, baptism of the Spiri
thy holy, restoration of the gifts, and so, to stop it. When his eyes were open,
they know you PG.29-12/02/64
There is Luther, was a stem. Well, the stem continued and resulted in a cocoon.
See, that
was the Wesleyan revival was not as above. Then comes the Pentecostal revival th
at, see, brought about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Well, what happened? We w
ere fungi in the ear, began to look bad, this thing, that thing, it looks like t
he word, not like the rest, it looks like the original grain was planted. But Go
d is still there to do it as the original. DEVEL PG.53-14/06/64 GOD
The life that was in the plating at the stem and the fringe, in the liner, all c
ome together in the
seed. and the life that was in the stem fueuna was to make the other. The Justif
ication paved the way for the Sanctification. Sanctification paved the way for t
he Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Baptism of the Holy Spirit opened the way for the
Holy Spirit Himself can download in perfection, back to the Word to manifest it
self. PG.25-05/07/64 THE MASTERPIECE
When He was revealed himself as Son of God has been revealed to the Church,
sia in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, for ages, age lala PentecostalSee? Contin
ued getting more and more, justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesl
ey, Holy Spirit baptism. Here is now the time to call out. THE FEAST OF THE TRUM
PETS PG.31-19/07/64
The three comings made. He comes in three Sons Names. He comes in a Trinity, Fat
Son, Holy Spirit. You see, all the same Christ, God himself, all the time. Bemos
sa Now He comes to bring three works of grace, justification, sanctification, b
aptism of the Holy spirit EspÍ. Everything in God is completed in three. PG.3-2
6/07/64 broken cisterns
A man can repent of sins and he is still thinking of ... Well, maybe
Unun man he is immoral, immoral apparently every woman he finds, is still there.
Perhaps he is a drunk, every time he smells the drink, is still there. You see
But then when he is sanctified, that clean the I want him out of it. You see, it
removes the desire. He still may be tempted, but He takes away the desire for i
t. However, he still is not right. Then he is baptized with the Holy Spirit and
Fire. Cleaning , burned, cleaned, and then put in the service of God.
Sanctification only away for service. And look exactly how they did that, the me
ssages coming. Martin Luther, justification, John Wesley, sanctification, the Pe
ntecostal baptism of the Holy Spirit. The messages, that's where they can not ha
ve more age This, you see? We are in the end time. Three stages. Baptism cleanse
s the heart with the Holy Spirit. THE FUTURE HOME OF THE BRIDE AND GROOM CELESTI
AL TERRESTRIAL PG.15-02/08/64 You see, the heart has to be cleaned that way. Bef
ore God can give Cender in the person of the Holy Spirit, who is Christ and to d
well down in the co human reason, you must first have repented. You have to be b
aptized in water, Your name, to show who owns it. Then you have to be cleansed b
y the Blood of Jesus. And then the Holy Fire and Holy Spirit, God, and burn down
all the seo of sin, the whole nature of the world. FUTURE HOME OF THE BRIDE AND
So Christ, God, fell after having gone through this, and now any child who
feeds and is born of natural birth sex, as everyone has come, then when you reac
h the point when you go through water baptism, then baptism of the Holy Spirit,
then the Holy Spirit descended at the baptism of fire and calling this creation
, just as it did with Him and God the Holy Spirit is the Spirit. PG.30-16/08/64
CuandoUds. Can not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit without having an expe
when that happens ... Now ers if you believe "every tittle of the Word," You say
... You say you believe every tittle of her, then the Word is in there waiting
for the Holy Spirit to make it act, but requires that the candle is lit.
Here is the candle with the wick and wax lala all, and everything that has to be
this fire, but until the fire starts, will give no light. No matter how perfectl
y well be the candle, and how well will burn and everything has to be on, and th
en burn. And when you believe and fact the instructions of what the Holy Spirit
is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, the fruit that He gives, until the Holy
Spirit to experience fire and turn down the fire, then you sonUds. sonUds . the
y have not received the Holy Spirit. You see, mom and dad have the experience to
have your Holy Spiri. BEHAVIOUR, ORDER AND DOCTRINE PG.883-23/08/64
Now, you are on your way through the justification and sanctification, the bapti
sm of
Holy Spirit. But when Uds. are truly baptized with the Holy Spirit are in the Un
ited Uds.. BEHAVIOUR, ORDER AND DOCTRINE PG.1022-30/08/64
And here, Paul speaking, if a man ever reach a point where they have been saved,
hallowed (sanctified Blood Hebrews 13:12 and 13 says that sanctifies Blood), the
n goes to door of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and because of the prestige or
the name refuses to walk in Him, says: "That person is lost and can never be sa
ved "(See?), for which he has outraged even the same works of grace that called
him to climb up there and showed it, and then turns around and walks away from i
t. The is Blood unclean
that saved him, and justified, and sanctified it elevates him to the baptism of
the Holy Spirit. And lue go away and leave it ... Now, look at that pattern. I'm
taking a long time, but look! Judas Iscariot followed these same steps. He was
justified by believing in the Lord Jesus and then accept it as their personal Sa
vior. He was sanctified and was given power to cast out spirits, put his name in
the Book of Life of the Lamb. But when it came to Pentecost bau Semitism and th
e Holy Spirit, the fullness of the Word, he showed his colors. That's exactly wh
at they did the spies of Canaan, that's exactly what he did Esau. BEHAVIOUR, ORD
ER AND DOCTRINE PG.1025-30/08 / 64
Yes, genuine believers are baptized with the Holy Spirit will be in the Bride.
Of course, they are chosen and called out. BEHAVIOUR, ORDER AND DOCTRINE PG.1058
So you can see, when the creed and the word disappears and continues with the
fol low increases more and more, the momentum increases as that goes justificati
on, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and continuing to the grain. THE
Every day, every night, every hour, people who want to be baptized which have be
en arre
pentad, that is always there waiting. And if you obey the commandment, you are s
ecured by a promise of God, if you are sincere in your heart, then receive the b
aptism of the Holy Spirit. THE PLACE CHOSEN BY GOD FOR PG.25-20/02/65 WORSHIP
Now the world, how the world's redeemed? First. What he did when he sinned,
He washed in water baptism. That's right. Then He shed His blood on it, from the
cross, and sanctified and called His. "Then what does he do? As He pulled every
one of you, and renovated the whole thing through the baptism of the Holy Spirit
, He also renewed the world. MELQUISEDEC WHO IS THIS? PG.22-21/02/65
The church has grown in the same way: by means of justification, sanctification
tion and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and is now at the stage of flowering. P
G.33-18/04/65 the sun had risen
Now, people can live in this spirit, and they dance in the spirit. They shout in
spirit. They go to church in the spirit, and they certainly can have a Dader see
anointing of the Spirit of God in that spirit, but still be lost and so possess
ed by the demon into two as he could, with that spirit. AND DO NOT KNOW PG.19-15
The justification under Luther, sanctification under Wesley, Holy Spirit Baptism
and restoration of the gifts in Pentecost, and everything else. Everything goes
together. It has to be word for word, the origin of germ life on life to reach t
he height and com plete the Bride of Christ. THE RAPTURE PG .1804/12/65
And the Spirit is the Life of Christ, right? It is the life of any offspring (an
d He was
the seed of the Word), brings the seed to life. Do you understand? If life is in
the seed, then it falls on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, in fact bring the se
ed to life. PG.19-THE RAPTURE 12/04/1965
Then Jesus answered and said: Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for
not revealed to you by flesh and blood, the more my Father in heaven.
J smearing these verses, we see that there is only one group of people, and that
right panel, which is able to hear what the Spirit says at every age.It is a sin
gle panel to receive revelation for every age. That is God's group carries group
because they can not hear, is not of God (John 8:4244). The group can hear and
are listening to what the Spirit is saying, and get the revelation of this is th
e group defined in 1 Corinthians 2:616. They are the ones who has the Spirit of
God. They are the ones who are born of God. They are baptized into the Lord's Bo
dy Jesus Christ by His Spirit. EspÍ are baptized with the Holy spirit. PG.151 S
myrna AGE
Now you can already begin to see why it is that languages are not evidence of be
baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is not said for any age "who has a tongue, say w
hat the Spirit says." That puts the languages, the interpretation of them, proph
ecy, etc., aside as evidence. The evidence is to hear what the Spirit says. The
Spirit is speaking. Yes, the Spirit is teaching. That is exactly what Jesus said
he would do when he came.
... Will teach you all things and will remind you all that I have said.
J UAN 14:26 PG.151 Smyrna AGE
First, you'll notice that in my meetings when I finished preaching an evangelist
ic sermon, or a message of doctrine, the network and I extend an invitation to p
eople. I invite you to come forward to receive the Holy Spirit. My friends Pente
cost them, to hear me say this, they think I am inviting people to come and rece
ive the Holy Spirit because they are reborn. So when I invite those who are fill
ed with the Spirit to come and help us with those who have responded to the invi
tation, pre cious these people come in large numbers and act with people so as t
o encourage them to surrender to God and believe speaking in tongues. This has c
aused great confusion and I will tell you exactly what I mind meant. What I mean
t is that the sinner come to be reborn, which is equivalent to being baptized in
to the Body of Christ through the Holy Spirit, which was really what happened on
the Day of Pentecost when the Church had its beginning. In other words, be trul
y baptized with the Holy Spirit is being born of the Spirit. It is one and the s
ame thing. THE AGE OF Smyrna PG.156 now receiving Christ is to receive His Spiri
t. He receives his Spirit is to be reborn. The
receive His Spirit is being baptized with the Holy Spirit, Amen.. These people b
elieve. That's wonderful, but there they stop. One receives the Holy Spirit afte
r they believed. It has always been and always will be.
THE AGE OF PG.156 Smyrna Q "hat is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit? Is the Spir
it baptize you in the leather po of Christ. It is the new birth. It is the Spiri
t of God coming in and filling up after they have repented (having heard His Wor
d) and has been baptized in water as a demand for a good conscience toward God.
PG.166 Smyrna AGE
You have no doubt about this: a person who is really named for
Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ, receiving the fullness of the Spirit, the Wor
d will be completely. That is the evidence of being baptized with the Holy Spiri

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