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Sena Mi Mi Mi education center

Half a century of change in dynamics was the year 1957 when Rodolfo Martinez Ton
o embarked on the dream that became what would become his life's work. He did no
t imagine that the idea conceived on the shores of Lake Geneva, Switzerland, dur
ing a dinner with Francis Blanchard, director of the Training Division of the In
ternational Labour Organization (ILO), would become the SENA. Blanchard proposed
the creation of a decentralized organization of the state and self-funded. The
project took shape in the minds of Martinez, who exposed him to the then Ministe
r of Labour, Raymond Emiliani Román. The initiative, put forward in an intense d
ebate in the Council of Ministers and reviewed by an advisory committee, was app
roved. Thus, the Sena was born during the administration of the military junta,
following the resignation of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, by Decree-Law 118 of
June 21, 1957. Duties defined in Decree 164 of August 6, 1957, were providing t
raining to workers, youth and adults of industry, commerce, agriculture, mining
and ranching. Also, his goal was to provide technical training to the employee,
accelerated training for adults and help employers and workers to establish a na
tional system of learning. In addition, develop and maintain the theory and prac
tice related to different trades, select the candidates for learning supplementa
l courses of preparation, development and training for technical workers, and co
ntribute to the development of research related to scientific organization, amon
g others. The tripartite arrangement in which employees participate, employers a
nd government, called the National Learning Service (SENA) and came at the right
time. The industry was going to conquer new markets and
needed more workers and better qualified, modern and dramatic changes in product
ivity. The name, SENA, chose Martinez Tono, who admired across the Seine River i
n Paris, the City of Light, capital of France, where he studied issues related t
o vocational training. Before his 30th birthday, Rodolfo Martinez, turned his th
esis, "The Vocational Training Policy Framework for Employment" in the SENA, ins
titution to which she was bound for 17 years, since its inception in 1957 until
proposed change of address by President Alfonso Lopez Michelsen in 1974. He was
convinced that no human resource training would not have development. So took th
e scholarship of the ILO to meet the accelerated training experiences implemente
d in Europe after the Second World War and the support of that agency experts wh
o came to Colombia. The institution Tone Rodolfo Martinez went with "tough" and
holding off the politicking, offered instruction qualified human talent to meet
the unique challenges of a growing industry. Therefore, from the beginning, thei
r influence was considerable. The nascent organization was not only technical bu
t also business and promoting small and medium enterprises. The beginning In 195
7 he began to sit the National Board, in a building located on 20th Street with
eighth race, for three years. Trade unions like the Confederation of Workers of
Colombia (CTC) and the Union of Workers of Colombia (UTC), supported by SENA to
fulfill a key role in the development of the country. As in any "big business",
the start was difficult. The first classes were offered in the classrooms of Cen
tral Polytechnic and National University. Also in makeshift circus tent erected
in cities and municipalities to expand their coverage. The institution would mee
t the demands of private enterprise in its expansion plans, the Government, with
its arbitration policy and planning and resources, workers, requiring more trai
ning, welfare and quality of life. On August 23, 1957 had its first meeting the
National Council and are set to perform two tasks: the study, codification and s
ystematization of supply and demand for labor and vocational training.
To run in the first organization established the Manpower Division, the Vocation
al Training and Management, created to plan the construction and equipping of vo
cational training centers. During the first months sectional structures were est
ablished in various departments. That year also gave birth to the branch offices
of Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Valle, Atlántico, Bolívar, Nariño, Cauca and Magdal
ena.€The remaining departments had its branches in the following year. In 1958 a
n investigation was conducted in five thousand companies from all departments, e
xcept Chocó and Córdoba, about the needs for vocational training. The study cove
red all sectors of industry and revealed that at least 210 000 workers needed to
supplement their education and urged the formation of 25 000 additional workers
. Based on these results set a five-year plan, 1959-1963. Strengthening and expa
nsion Train more people was the watchword. Therefore, instructors visited margin
alized communities in the district Meissen, in Bogota and built more than 100 te
nts of circuses in cities and municipalities. They developed the rural and urban
mobile software called People's Career Development Program, which is then calle
d mobile programs. In 1960, SENA has signed agreements with the International La
bour Organization (ILO) and the Special Fund of the United Nations, which provid
ed management consulting, financial and technical assistance to small and medium
businesses and promoted business growth. The ILO also advised the SENA in creat
ing the National Training Center Instructor (1959-1960). About 2,000 people were
trained as managers, supervisors and trainers of vocational training. Between 1
959 and 1963, progress was remarkable. It highlighted the seriousness of the ele
ction of officers, who entered the contest entity. Between 1963 and 1964 were op
ened two new centers for training of trainers in agricultural and trade and serv
ices sector in Gaira (Magdalena) and Bogotá, respectively. The training of agric
ultural instructors later transferred to the Agricultural Center of El Espinal (
Tolima). SENA worked with adults, ensured agriculture, trade and services. Howev
er, the industrial line was the strongest. The first training center was the met
alworking, in Bogota. Until 1964 the unit was operational SENA Bogotá section. T
hat year, ran the National Center for Apparel in Pereira and in 1965 the Center
Textile Nacional Medellin. National centers were projected graphic arts foundry
Bogotá and sailing to the Pacific Coast fisheries, which operate between 1968 an
d 1969. Other national centers planned and constructed, then, were the hotel and
tourism, middle management and building in Bogota. Between 1966 and 1967, SENA
conducted a study called Human Resources Research for a National Policy on Emplo
yment and Training that included all sectors. The results were published in 1968
and were the starting point to better meet the demand of enterprises. In the si
xties the training centers increased from 31 to 50; nontraditional training outs
ide of schools, accounted for 35% of the total and agricultural centers were cre
ated and the Agricultural Division. Of these, the most important being La Salada
, Antioquia Gaira, Magdalena, El Espinal, Tolima and Buga, Valle. In this period
the number of students increased 40% each year due to increased contributions f
rom the private sector, which rose from 1-2% to Law 58 of 1963, and the mechanis
m of action planning, evaluation and control SENA results. A cool breeze blew in
the state. In 1968 he created two national branches: the Administrative and Ope
rations and raised the need to modernize the vocational training systems and aud
io-visual teaching methods. The institution opened the Experimental Control Cent
er in Bogota, with modern equipment, quality control laboratories, metrology and
testing. Also, he worked in the training of technicians. On March 2, 1969 began
the first industrial training courses, with 130 workers, students sponsored by
27 companies, electricity, welding, carpentry, auto mechanics and fit. Growth ac
celerated A year later, on April 10, 1970, it launched the Career Development Pr
ogram Urban and Rural People's Career Development (PPPR), opened earlier, receiv
ed a major boost. Rural programs were allocated to agricultural and urban divide
the industry. SENA grew at an impressive pace, but not without difficulties. Th
e labor situation was tense between 1970 and 1971. During the administration of
Carlos Lleras Restrepo, 90% of SENA officials were declared public employees and
10% official. So in 1971 he founded the Union of Public Employees (SINDESENA).
Amid this situation some employees lured by better salaries and recognized for t
heir efficiency is linked to the private sector and government.€The fulfillment
of goals decreased and National Planning in 1972 concluded that the decreased yi
elds, after analyzing the costs of training. However, the agency surpassed the s
ituation. Between 1969 and 1973 was proposed to meet the demand for training of
unemployed and underemployed in urban areas and defined new policies and perspec
tives that became effective in 1974. That year, Rodolfo Martinez Tono, who led t
he institution since 1957, was replaced by Eduardo Gaitán Durán, appointed by Pr
esident Alfonso Lopez Michelsen. Tono Martínez left an invaluable legacy. Traini
ng was updated and enabled business committees meet, first hand, the demands of
the private sector. Thus, the entity reached an unprecedented international pres
tige. Presidents of various countries came to Colombia to observe the experience
of SENA. Charles De Gaulle, France was one of them. Coverage and modernization
between 1975 and 1976 the SENA evaluated the fulfillment of objectives during th
e five years 1970-1975 and, in parallel, made a diagnosis of the national realit
y to define their actions. With the help of National Planning and taking into ac
count demographic, socio-economic of the country, supply and labor demand and ef
ficiency in recent years, shaped the policies of the institution. In 1977 he con
ducted an administrative restructuring. The goals for the period 1976-1980 were
set at short and medium term. At that time Colombia experienced sustained growth
in modern sectors of the economy, manufacturing, industrial agriculture, trade
and services. Similarly, discussed the urgency of extending coverage to modern l
ines of the traditional and non-formal economy, give a popular character educati
on and modernizing the administrative, technological and methodological. The res
ult was the creation of the Technology Development Program in Specialized Center
of Advanced Training and Technology Development Division, in order to improve t
he training and productive. It was made possible by technological advances in th
e pilot schools that were linked to external specialists and teachers. In the ea
rly 80's a significant part of the working population in private enterprise and
public sector. The rest belonged to
informal economy. The model of technical education / vocational training sought
to adapt to that context. SENA implemented a technical and educational policy of
continuing education, individual and modular, which facilitated the development
of strategies such as setting up enterprises and distance education. Challenges
of the Century The turn of the century was characterized by a new organization
of work with flexible production. Companies need employees with multiple skills,
innovative approaches to management and human resource training. In response, t
he SENA, the management was not without its critics at the time, prioritized ent
erprise, entrepreneurship, technological innovation, the culture of quality, sta
ndardization, certification of labor skills and public service employment. The i
nstitution is committed to strengthening a national system of training for work.
In 1998 we used the videoconferencing service across the country. Four years la
ter there were 31 points, four others in Bogota and Medellin, Atlantic and other
regions. In 2001, SENA signed commitments to the Framework Convention on Instit
utional Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture for the revival of the field, emplo
yment generation and promotion, consolidation and strengthening of self-help org
anizations through the supply chain. Between 2001 and 2002 invested $ 33 billion
in tele, training people with specific skills in information and communication
technologies. Presents six major projects: open classrooms, mobile classrooms, n
ew educational opportunities, virtual community, videoconferencing and Web page.
In tune with globalization and the digital era the slogan: "SENA: Knowledge for
all Colombians," during the 2002-2006 period, the entity was drawn as a goal th
e task of redesigned to catch up with globalization and renewed enter in the dig
ital age. The intensive use of their installed capacity, the reorientation of in
vestment firm Lysates. on the processes of learning and human talents, which are
the raison d'être of the SENA, the instructors dedicated to the learning proces
s, the removal of unnecessary bureaucracy, the control to the construction of ne
w buildings and the purchase of equipment industrial unnecessary€constitute part
of the strategies that have enabled the institution to celebrate, completely re
designed its first 50 years.
The opening of national and international partnerships and the provision of new
learning environments, enabled him to improve quality, relevance and efficiency
in fulfilling its mission in the different regions. August 2003 marked a milesto
ne in the formation of SENA. After that date, e-learning was implemented, with a
dvantages such as high coverage, balanced territorial distribution, the possibil
ity of closing the gap, as well as flexible and timely care e-learning business.
In 2004, the program is launched SENA 24 hours, which increases the coverage of
training and use of training centers, between 9 pm and six o'clock. The restruc
turing of SENA, adopted by Decree 249 of January 28, 2004, stated that instructo
rs should spend 32 hours a week for training direct processes. This decision con
trasts with the 26 hours per week per instructor, who came to govern since 1997.
To strengthen the institutional presence in regions where required by the decre
e of restructuring also created seven new regional autonomous with its own budge
t in the departments of Amazonas, Arauca, Guainía, Guaviare, Putumayo, Vaupes an
d Vichada. Similarly, the creation of the Regional Cundinamarca, Bogotá independ
ent. Virtual learning environments are one of the strategic pillars that allowed
the SENA grow 263% in the last four years, from various programs offer learning
a total quota of 1,142,798 in 2002 to 4,148,809 quotas in 2006. Online training
has benefited from specialization modules Colombian 772 635 1045 2 200 Colombia
n municipalities and other residents in 71 different countries. 2000 involved in
this task tele-trainers, coordinating more than 400 learning modules in 14 occu
pational areas, ranging from art, through the natural, social, educational and g
overnment services, finance and administration, health, sales and information te
chnologies, among others. For virtual training SENA 16 000 computers available f
or apprentices; of the classrooms of schools and colleges that provide mayors in
most municipalities and 637 community telecenters Compartel Program, which prov
ide free shipping up to a million of hours, in a system funded by the National A
pprenticeship Service. Additionally, in the second half of 2006 articulated the
television and the Web, making the possibility of studying from anywhere there i
s Internet access and TV. These are issued through the Institutional Channel fro
m Monday to Friday, 5:30 am 6:30 am, with repetition from 12 pm until 5:30 am.
The desire for a young, working-class train his country, became over the years i
nto a model institution in Latin America and the world. So history could be summ
ed SENA. Now, its 2007-2010 strategic plan, seeks to respond to the challenges f
acing Colombia, from the deepening of economic globalization, the need for a tho
rough transformation of the national productive in terms of diversification, spe
cialization and modernization, and the pursuit of social and economic developmen
t. In addition, universities have opened the door to the technicians and technol
ogists to continue their string of training and reach their professional title,
which is an additional incentive for our graduates. SENA is up to date knowledge
, technological development and innovation, but maintains its momentum for chang
e, in order to continue providing the essential tool for a country to overcome p
overty and become more competitive firms: Knowledge for all Colombians. Corporat
e Identity Mission The National Apprenticeship Service (SENA) is responsible for
fulfilling the task incumbent upon the state to invest in social and technical
development of Colombian workers, providing and running free Integral Training f
or the incorporation and development of people in productive activities that con
tribute to social, economic and technological development. Vision
SENA is a knowledge organization for all Colombians, constantly innovate in thei
r strategies and learning methodologies, agreeing with the trends and technologi
cal changes and the needs of business and workers, positively impacting producti
vity, competitiveness,€equity and national development
, Values and institutional commitments to ethical conduct by the health service
is based on the following principles, values and commitments: Principles
• • • • •
First Life The dignity of human freedom with responsibility is the common good p
revails over private interests Training for Life and Work
• • • • • •
Free thought and critical respect Solidarity Justice and Equity Leadership Creat
ivity and Innovation Transparency
• • • • • •
Consistency peaceful coexistence between thinking, saying and acting Discipline,
dedication and loyalty promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurism respon
sibility to society and the environment Honesty
Nature and Functions The National Apprenticeship Service (SENA), established in
1957 as a result of the joint initiative of organized labor, employers, the Cath
olic Church and the International Labour Organization is a national public estab
lishment with legal personality, own patrimony with administrative autonomy and,
under the Ministry of Social Protection of the Republic of Colombia. SENA meets
its role for the State to invest in social and technical development of Colombi
an workers, providing and implementing comprehensive professional training for t
he inclusion of people in productive activities that contribute to the social, e
conomic and technological country . In addition to comprehensive training, provi
ded through our training centers, we provide continuous training services relate
d to human resource companies, information, guidance and training for employment
, business development support, technology services to the productive sector and
support for innovation projects, technological development.
Symbols This section contains the lyrics, the logo symbol, the shield and the fl
ag of our institution. The coat of SENA (and flag) designed at the beginning of
the creation of our institution, reflecting the three economic sectors within wh
ich lies the activities of the institution, namely the pinion, which represents
the industry, the caduceus, associated with trade and service, and coffee, linke
d to the primary and extractive.
SENA: knowledge for all Colombians
The logo graphically depicts the synthesis of the approaches to training that we
offer: permanent, in which the individual is responsible for their own learning
What is the learning contract? Act 789 of 2002 in its Article 30, stating the na
ture of apprenticeship, established that this is a special form within the labor
law by which an individual develops theoretical and practical training in an ap
proved institution, in exchange for a Sponsoring company provides the means to a
cquire methodical and thorough professional training required in the trade, busi
ness or occupation and this will involve management function within the administ
rative, operational or financial business own the ordinary course of business ac
tivities, for any given time no than two (2) years, and thus receive a monthly m
aintenance support, which in any case is wages. This law was regulated by Decree
933 of the same year in which he pointed out specific aspects of the Learning C
ontract. It states that the characteristics of the learning contract are: a. Fac
ilitate the formation of the occupations referred to in the article cited;
b. The subordination is referring exclusively to the activities of learning; c.
The education comes at a strictly personal d. The monthly maintenance support ai
ms to ensure the learning process. BENEFITS FOR APPRENTICES SENA SENA apprentice
s for this new figure is a guarantee of achieving a sponsorship from the start o
f their training and on completion lectiva stage where a company will have to de
velop their practice and gain professional experience in entering the labor mark
et. They are fully trained apprentices, highly qualified, capable national mobil
ity, international and sector, with mastery of new technologies and innovation,
capable of supporting the strategic sectors of the national economy. NATIONAL TR
2375 of 1974€in which employers in the construction industry provide a value equ
al to one (1) the current monthly minimum wage for every forty (40) workers who
work in his work under his orders. According to resolution 2002 in its 00 945 Ar
ticle 3. notes that the National Training Fund Industry FIC construction, covers
training programs and ways to develop the SENA, aimed at any group of people in
the modern and informal levels and require training in related trades sector Co
nstruction under the terms of offices established by the National Board of SENA.
For further information we suggest you consult the following website of the Col
ombian Chamber of Construction (CAMACOL)
asic expenses, accident insurance, items, and personal protective clothing durin
g lectiva and productive phases of your training. To do this you must develop an
d maintain a business plan consistent with the training program to progress if y
ou have not signed apprenticeship contract.
What rules cover this SUPPORT OF SUPPORT? Decree 4690 2005 2006 000 005 The agre
ement How often will be awarded SUPPORT OF SUPPORT? Be effected at least once a
year, provided that encounter with the availability of resources. WHAT AMOUNT OF
equal to 30% of the legal monthly minimum wage in force and during the practice
stage equivalent to 50% of the current legal monthly minimum wage. Provided you
adhere to the requirements and criteria by which you were selected. WHAT MUST ME
d in a vocational training program under a contract of learning (total time line
up with equal or greater than 880 hours) 2. Be classified in socio-economic stra
ta 1 or 2 (This information must match that recorded in the system of academic m
anagement, training center and he brought the day of your registration.) 3. Be m
aking your business plan, an idea that must be registered in the unity of your e
nterprise and entrepreneurship training center. 4. Have not apprenticeship contr
act, or have had in a previous apprenticeship program. 5. Having completed the f
irst quarter of training with good academic performance. 6. Not be or have been
fined for breaches of registration conditioning academic or disciplinary, for th
e quarter immediately preceding the selection. 7. Have no employment relationshi
p. 8. Do not be a beneficiary of the National Training Fund of the Construction
Industry FIC.
9. There have been a recipient of support from support by the SENA in another pr
ogram. 10. Submitting your application, in the format established and published
PORT OF SUPPORT? Grounds for Suspension: 1. When requesting postponement or inte
rruption of training for a period up to three months, duly approved by the assis
tant manager. 2. When requesting removal of a specialty to another, for once. Th
is transfer must be accepted and recorded in the information system. 3. When the
end of your lectiva stage, you take 5 to 30 working days, without booting stage
practice. Grounds for Termination 1. When you retire from the training program
in which you registered. 2. When you request postponement or interruption of pro
gram for a term exceeding three months. 3. If after one month and follow without
starting lectiva stage. 4. When you are punished with conditioning of tuition a
nd this put on academic signed by the Academic Coordinator. 5. When you are puni
shed with cancellation of registration and indicating the academic act signed by
the deputy director of the center. 6. When you subscribe apprenticeship contrac
t. 7. When concluding a contract of employment or services. 8. When you give up
voluntarily to support sustainability. 9. If it is found inaccurate information
that caused the benefit. 10. When you check with the undertaking or units in the
monitoring, which is in breach of the business plan development.
THE RIGHTS OF THE APPRENTICE Article 12 °. The right is understood as having the
power to the apprentice or require the provisions of the law and regulations in
force SENA, without exclusion on grounds of gender, race, ancestry or national,
politics, creed or language. 1. To receive full induction SENA€the training pro
cess and the commitment SENA apprenticeship. 2. A vocational training in line wi
th the program which is registered, and growth and harmonious development of hum
an dimensions as contemplated in the mission of SENA
3. To make appropriate use of learning environments (infrastructure, equipment,
tools, resources: educational, technical, technological, bibliographic) availabl
e for Training. 4. To enjoy institutional welfare programs to support its develo
pment apprentice during the training process, training entitled: classroom or bi
modal. 5. To participate in curricular and extracurricular activities scheduled
training by SENA. 6. To be treated with dignity and respect by all members of th
e Educational Community, 7. To receive academic and behavior that encourages per
sonal development and promote social harmony, regardless of the divergent politi
cal, ideological and belief by those who have the responsibility of management,
training and training support. 8. A heard and attended to my requests in accorda
nce with due process and the right of defense in September. A Improvement Plans
have, as in monitoring the training process are evident not achieve the proposed
learning outcomes or infringes or violates the commitments made in the register
. 10. To be protected from dangers and accidents during the time of the training
program and activities that are conducted in the Training Centre. 11. To have t
he safety features characteristic of the training program to protect the source,
the environment and its people. 12. To be informed of the progress in the train
ing process or notified through regular channels and timely training measures fo
r improvement. 13. To participate in the evaluation of instructors, as an indica
tor for the improvement of educational processes 14. To receive certification th
at product, after you meet all the requirements of the training program and regu
lations SENA. 15.A freely express ideas and thoughts, respecting the right to fr
eedom of expression of other members of the educational community, without resor
ting to violent situations, damage or disrupt the good order and discipline of t
he center. To receive at the time of registration the student ID that identifies
you as a learner SENA, to renew in accordance with existing rules and return to
complete the training program or in case of cancellation of registration.
Article 13 °. The duty is understood as the link moral, social and legal environ
ment that engages the person to assume responsibility for all acts and to meet a
ny standards that promote harmony, respect, integration, the common welfare and
security of persons and assets of the institution. It is therefore the duty of t
he apprentice training in any modality of SENA:
1. Know the policies and guidelines established, and the Apprentice Rules SENA a
nd commit to live together in the educational community, according to them 2. In
form the academic coordinator for the withdrawal of the training program or chan
ges in the information recorded at the time of enrollment. 3. Wearing a permanen
t and visible place the card that identifies him as Apprentice SENA, both in the
lectiva as productive, and bring it back on completion of training or when this
cancellation of registration. In case of loss to place the complaint in questio
n and request a duplicate. 4. Using the security features arranged in learning e
nvironments to be protected against accidents during the training program in the
SENA. 5. Preserve and maintain in good condition, housekeeping physical facilit
ies, teaching materials, equipment and tools, use, care and make good use of mat
erials, personal protection items prepared by SENA in the learning environment w
here it is needed use, prevention accepting the conditions provided by the instr
uctor-tutor and organizing to end use, accounting for the damages caused to them
, where they are caused intentionally or through carelessness. 6. Always act on
the basis of the principles and values for coexistence: to act with honesty, res
pect, responsibility, loyalty, justice, partnership and solidarity with all memb
ers of the educational community and use the vocabulary that reflects respect, c
ulture and education directly or through print or electronic media (discussion f
orums, chats or email) 7.€Make good use of space communication and respect to me
mbers of the educational community, being supportive, tolerant and wise in the i
nformation published in the media and institutional collaborative work, both phy
sical and digital. Avoid sending multimedia material that contains images, video
s or recordings that do not undergo the training activities. 8. Respect the copy
right of materials, papers and other documents generated in the working groups o
r others. 9. Inform the instructor - tutor coordinator, support staff managers o
r any irregularities that compromise the good name and progress of the training
center of the institution and the educational community suspected or identified
within the institution and learning environments, allowing the appropriate preve
ntive or corrective action. 10. Comply with the activities of the training plan
agreed with the instructor - the tutor or the Improvement Plan at the time agree
d. 11. Respectfully request those responsible for academic progress information
in the training process and kept informed of the trial of assessment issued by t
he instructor - tutor. 12. Support the performance of instructors - tutors in th
eir teaching practice as a counselor and facilitator in the construction of know
ledge and institutional improvement 13. Deliver timely manner to the Academic Co
ordinator or new applications to be presented during the training process, inclu
ding the achievement of sponsorship or employment relationship immediately happe
n. 14. Participate in the development of the Environmental Management Plan of th
e Centre, encouraging collaboration and the need to classify the waste, conserve
the environment and the balance of nature, and not jeopardize the survival of p
lant and animal species. . 15. Respect the dignity, privacy and integrity of hum
an beings as elements of his property, valued stimuli, or benefit without transf
erring to third parties
16. Caring and maintain proper personal appearance by environment and activity t
o develop. 17. Support, appreciate and abide by decisions taken in groups, provi
ded that these do not affect the good performance training and respect the views
of different members of the Community Education Attend and meet to participate
in exit signs, or technical internships exchanges of apprentices nationally or i
It is the condition to interact with others through constant communication based
on affection, respect and tolerance that allows live and share in harmony with
others in different life situations. The attitudes of coexistence based on the g
uidelines that govern the life of the educational community SENA in and out of t
heir learning environments and they are reflected as follows: DAILY LIFE IN OUR
respected members of the educational community, in solidarity, tolerant and pr
udent in the information. Moderating affective expressions among learners, avo
iding situations that may disturb other members of the educational community.
Caring for the presentation and grooming. Taking care of the physical and psyc
hological well-being of himself and others. Recognizing, sharing and building
knowledge with peers and other members of the educational community. Rating tr
aining as a path towards achieving their life project. Respecting differences:
culture, ideology, religion and language of each region. enhanced and respect
the national symbols and institutions. EN EL SENA In learning environments Us
e appropriate and respectful spaces for the development center of the business o
f training. To observe the days of training under Possession and present the
ID card as an apprentice SENA Maintain personal presentation in keeping with
the activity and location. Respect and fulfill the safety standards and use pe
rsonal protection devices suitable for the training program. No smoking, no co
nsumption of alcohol or psychoactive substances, narcotic or hallucinogenic Do
not eat and drink in learning environments Do not use cell phones, pagers (be
epers) and other electronic devices during the development of training activitie
s. Maintain the organization and order of the elements and materials provided
for training Optimize the use of resources and materials Ensure proper dispo
sal of solid waste by type in the bathrooms
Use the bathroom and individually concerned.€ Have good use of the tools and
/ or elements existing in medical units Maintain cleanliness in the walls, toi
lets, showers, floors, doors, windows and mirrors in the bathrooms. Make wise
use of existing resources Dispose of waste in the bins or places provided for
that purpose. In the cafeteria, canteen or restaurant Wash your hands before e
ach meal. Respect the time required for the service of food consumption. Log
in order, with proper clothing, institutional identification card and take turn
s. Maintain appropriate voice volume. Provide courteous and respectful to th
e people who provide the service Practice rules of courtesy on the table Car
ing for cutlery, trays, tables, chairs, salt and other elements. Place disposa
ble items in the containers provided for that purpose. Organize the chair and
the table before retiring. Allow clean the microwave and other implements afte
r use. Dispose of waste according to type in the containers provided for that
purpose. In Units Technical Information - Libraries Use an a
ppropriate tone of voice Turn off the phone or put in silent mode request to the
responsible support of the Library in case of need to good use for books, equip
ment, furniture and other items meeting the schedule provided for loans and retu
rn of books or reference materials comply with the hours of Being at peace and s
afe before completing training. Do not eat or drink properly use the Internet fo
r inquiries and investigations relating to academic subjects. Respect the securi
ty code system, the configuration of your computer and use the antivirus.
In areas laid to rest
To preserve the fauna and flora. Keep the common areas and circulation off c
lean and pleasant. Making appropriate use of telephone services, lifts and com
mon areas. Dispose of waste according to type in the containers provided for t
hat purpose. No smoking, no consumption, distribute or sell alcoholic beverage
s and / or psychoactive substances, narcotics or hallucinogens.
Linking our senna in cultural activities of the municipality
V cordial invitation to our 2008 SENA Sampedrina Reinado Integration Center Mana
gement and Sustainable Development, we look forward to your participation in thi
s great event folk and integration. "Living our traditions, culture and developm
ent do."
PROJECT: ALTERNATIVE TOURISM ESCRIPTION the sustainable administration given its
influence sena purposely Tecnoparque7 Agroecological pluritecnologico a learnin
g environment, integrated, innovation and creativity, where all people have avai
lable in one place, the technology needed to develop their own business ideas an
d promote technological development and the creation of competent and sustainabl
e businesses. In it, the project learning is the catalyst for skills training th
at is taught there, with an infrastructure and technological services in an envi
ronment of innovation and excellence, respects the environment and sustainabilit
y, which serves the agriculture, livestock, forestry, ecotourism, environmental
and agribusiness.
. KNOWLEDGE CENTER A comprehensive system of knowledge with experts articulated
a network of Technopark in the country, specializing in projects in the area of
agriculture, livestock, forestry, ecotourism, environmental and agribusiness. TR
AINING CENTER Space with pluritecnologicos environments for the development of V
ocational Training for projects in the levels of specialization, technological,
technical and complementary skills under the model. GENERATION TECHNOLOGY DEVELO
PMENT AND INNOVATION IN Implement, implement, evaluate and investigate technolog
ies for the production of goods and services for the competitiveness of producti
ve sectors of our region. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CENTER advises and directs the ide
as presented by entrepreneurs and business that have the potential, under the co
Consulting companies to improve their processes for competitiveness and developm
ent in the region, through analysis and technical studies and specialized inform
n a creative environment with basic educational elements to generate new ideas,
products, prototypes, aimed at sustainable development. With the development of
activities such as technological tours Events Exhibitions Forums Conferences Con
versation Dialogues knowledge Wheels business Videoconferencing Calls
Sena company
SENA strategy - Enterprise, Centre for Management and Sustainable Development to
ok care is an essential component of articulation of all skills training program
s currently offered by the center, which means a business model will plan, organ
ize, direct and control all productive projects - training, taking place in the
Agroecological Tecnoparque7 Yamboro, linking trading programs and services, so t
hat by the related arrangements and marketing the products obtained at the end a
system of organized information to make decisions for return to the planning cy
cle. The SENA ENTERPRISE, allows the learner engaging in a business simulation m
odel to enable him to live out a real way all situations that may occur in the p
rocess: administrative, production, finance and marketing of a company, so that
the learner these experiences to learn and apply the positive in the future and
not make any errors that occurred.
Strengthen skills training from the Training Strategy for Projects, promoting en
trepreneurship and teamwork to have a comprehensive learning environment in whic
h learners through the Learning - Making integrate with different specialties th
at will lead to having all skills required for business management of projects.
In 2009 be a model of corporate organization project at the national level, show
ing results of structuring and to be working properly with business strategy, in
which all graduates are integrated assets of the Centre for Management and Sust
ainable Development Southern Colombia, using technological tools to help improve
all processes, to provide all business development experience of southern Colom

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