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CONTENTS 3. A Healthy Habit 3. The Juice Our Office in April.

Juice health benef

its of five. Vegetable and Fruit Juices with and Description of each item 13. Sl
imming and Body Clear 16. Mixed Juice 20. Fruit Juice 22. Therapeutic Functions
of Natural Products 23. Vitamin C 26. Making Your Own Juice 27. Other combinatio
ns of Fruit Juice 28. Source
A healthy habit in a healthy diet can have a habit of doing at home and make fre
sh juices and so we will feel and look better, that is the opinion of the majori
ty of published reports on health, is a way of presenting food, pure and nutriti
ous offering the body the vitamins and minerals it needs. We believe that a natu
ral diet, as the original plan of God to men and as guidance for the Adventist C
hurch to keep so neat temple of the Holy Spirit which is our body, we can add th
e fresh juices without preservatives and additives, not posting here juice as a
remedy, but rather as a supplement can even prevent some diseases.
THE JUICE IN OUR BODY By adding the juices to our table we can have great contri
bution to our cardiovascular health, increasing our physical capacity,
help lower blood pressure, sleep well, have more energy and better health every
day. To eat fresh fruits and vegetables, our body takes its fibers fluids that n
eed, then these fibers pass to the lower digestive tract. Taking juices, you eli
minate a step in the digestive process - extracting the liquid from the fiber -
and gives your body more efficiently, the nutrients it needs. It is also a prove
n fact that when we take the juice immediately after being prepared, it contains
about 95% of the food value of fruit or vegetable. HEALTH BENEFITS OF JUICE The
large amount of raw foods, rids the body of toxins, giving you refreshing feeli
ng and making you energized and relaxed at the same time. The pure foods soften
the skin and also makes the hair shinier. There is another great advantage in th
e juices: they mean a great way to lose weight naturally, without having the fee
ling of being deprived of something. Vegetable juices contain low calories and a
re virtually fat-free, have great taste and satisfying and the fruit may replace
those snacks between feedings because they are so tasty and so satisfying that
we have helped to maintain good
form. We are not here to pretend to give a classroom full of nutrition, but we p
ut in evidence the importance of some vitamins to the body of a tasty and creati
ve way can be consumed as juice colorful and beautiful.
CARROTS WITH ORANGE Ingredients: - 4 carrots - 2 oranges Preparation: peel the c
arrots and oranges. Cut the carrots and the orange and place to hit in a blender
with 1 liter of water. CARROTS: A carrot from Afghanistan is our most abundant
source of beta carotene. It also has lots of vitamin A, a nutrient
essential for healthy hair, skin, eyes and bones. Carrots are an ideal food with
high fiber and low in calories. His cooking, however, increases the nutritive v
alue of carrots because it breaks the membranes surrounding the beta-carotene. T
o convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, the body needs at least a small amount o
f fat, because vitamin A is fat soluble, not water. Serve carrots cooked with a
small amount of butter or margarine ensures that the body will be able to fully
utilize this nutrient. Cooked carrots or mashed potatoes are excellent foods for
babies as they are naturally sweet and have high nutritional content. Seeing in
the dark Carrots previnirão not even correct the most common vision problems l
ike myopia and hyperopia. But a vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness call
ed - inability of the eyes to adjust to low light or dark. Vitamin A combines wi
th another protein opsin in the retinal cells to form the substance necessary fo
r the eyes to get a good view at night. ORANGE: It is one of the most popular fr
uits and is commonly
associated with vitamin C. A medium sized orange contains about 70mg of this vit
amin, an amount greater than the daily needs of an adult. Vitamin C is an oxidan
t that protects cells against damage caused by free radicals (produced by burnin
g the body of oxygen) and helps reduce the risk of certain cancers, heart attack
s, strokes and other diseases. Oranges are also smaller amounts of other vitamin
s and minerals like beta-carotene, thiamin,€folate and potassium. This fruit ha
s low calorie content. An orange contains about 60 calories. Half a cup of orang
e juice is freshly squeezed, roughly the same amount of nutrients found in fresh
fruit. Industrial orange juice: The juice of oranges industrialized lose most o
f the vitamin C and some minerals during processing. They are usually packed wit
hout added sugar, but the most concentrated (as already sweetened syrup). CABBAG
E WITH LEMON Ingredients: - 4 large cabbage leaves - 1 lemon Optional: together
you can add a few leaves of spinach or lettuce
or parsley. Preparation: Whisk the cabbage leaves rinsed with lemon (with peel w
ithout the tips) in a blender with 1 liter of water. CABBAGE: The cabbage is an
excellent source of beta carotene and vitamins C and E and good source of folic
acid, calcium, iron and potassium. It also contains bioflavonoids and other subs
tances that protect against cancer. Its drawback is that even cooked, can cause
flatulence. LEMON: From Lemon is from India, where it was used as a spice and as
medicine (today it is acclaimed for its high concentration of vitamin C), and a
rrived in Brazil only in the 16th century. The main types have different varieti
es of lemon shape, size, color, bark texture and amount of juice and seed charac
teristics. The best known are: Galician, clove, Tahiti and Sicilian. Choose how
to choose and save the lemons heavier in relation to the size and
the most aromatic. Check with your hands if the shell gives slightly when presse
d (otherwise the lemon will be very green). The mature should be kept in the ref
rigerator in plastic bags suitable for food. The greenest should stay in cool, d
ry and airy. Look from the lemon when you use it to enjoy its full aroma and fre
shness. Natural antioxidant use in cooking, lemon juice can be used to avoid cer
tain fruits such as banana or apple turning brown after being cut or avoid fruit
s and vegetables lose their color when cooked. Its juice is used for salad dress
ing or marinades, sauces and prepared mayonnaise. Not counting the preparation o
f juices, drinks (our most famous is the caipirinha) and ice cream. In confectio
nery, both as juice grated rind can be used to enrich the flavor and aroma of cr
eams, cakes, pies and cookies. The lemon also helps disguise a lack of salt in p
reparations, making it ideal for people with high blood pressure. Cut into slice
s can be used to decorate dishes. Preserved lemons Wash 1 kg of lemons with the
peel, dry and cut them into thick slices (lemons may be cut into small slices 4)
. Sprinkle with 3 tablespoons (soup) of refined salt and let them rest for 12 ho
urs. Drain the lemon slices, put them in a clean glass jar and
sterilized airtight. Completely cover the lemon slices with olive oil, close the
glass and refrigerate for 1 month before using. These preserved lemons can be s
erved for salad dressing or to accompany poultry or fish. Nutritional value of 6
0 ml of lemon juice Energy 2.6 calories Carbohydrates Protein Fat Fiber Calcium
Iron Potassium Phosphorus Vitamin C Folic Acid Niacin 0.07 g 0.25 g 0.03 g 0.2 g
1.8 g 2.5 mg 0.05 mg 15, 3 mg 5.2 mg 0.9 mg 0.02 mcg
Source: Journal Menu
Ingredients: - 2 large or 3 small beets - 1 lemon Preparation: Blend the washed
and peeled beets with lemon (with peel without the tips) in a blender with 1 lit
er of water. BEET: Beet is a very versatile vegetable and an excellent good sour
ce of folate and vitamin C. Can be boiled and served as an accompaniment, used i
n preserves, salad or condiment. The leaves of the beet, shares most nutritious
vegetable, rich in potassium, calcium, iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C, can be
cooked and served like spinach or chard. Beets are the tastiest small, with lea
ves still rush. The best way to cook the roots of beets is to boil them with bar
k, so that most of the nutrients and the color red will remain. Once cool, the s
kins will come out easily and the root can be sliced, grated, or be turned into
puree. The beets can be served as pickles (canned prepared with vinegar). The cu
riosity is the beet plant that has the highest rate of sugar nevertheless has a
few calories - about 50 per cup. VITAMIN COCONUT AND BEET
Ingredients: - 1 medium beet peeled - 2 cups (tea) of skim milk - 5 tablespoons
(soup) of condensed milk - 800 g yoghurt coconut Preparation: Beat for 1 minute
in blender beet, milk and milk condensate. Remove and pour into a pan of ice.€P
lace in the freezer and leave for 3 hours or until firm. Before serving, distrib
ute the cubes in 4 cups. Place each of them a package of yogurt and serve. If yo
u prefer, garnish with shredded coconut. COCO: Coco is a good source of iron and
fiber, and contains large amounts of fatty acids, digestible. But beware: it al
so contains lots of calories and fat!
WEIGHT pineapple juice, watermelon or melon
MELON: Although consisting mostly of water melons and watermelons are very nutri
tious because they provide vitamins A and C, potassium and other mineral. A port
ion of 100 g of any of these fruits contains 25-30 calories. The melons do not c
ontinue to ripen after being picked, so melons harvested before they are fully r
ipe will never reach their best flavor. To select a ripe melon, look at the stem
scar area smooth and slightly deep. If this mark means that the melon was not r
ipe and thread easily pulled leg. The ripe melon has a strong fragrance. When bu
ying fruit, do not be ashamed to smell it. A ripe watermelon should rattle when
shaken because the seeds are released when the fruit ripens. A blow to the water
melon should have a sound
slightly hollow. PINEAPPLE: Pineapple, also called pineapple and native of South
America, is now cultivated in tropical areas worldwide, including Brazil, Hawai
i, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba, China, Southeast Asia and South Africa The greates
t part of its production is sold as fresh fruit, jam, jelly and juice, but can b
e found frozen and dry. Although pineapple can be found year round, peak season
occurs in December and January. The sweet, slightly sour flavor of fresh pineapp
le is a delicious choice as a snack or dessert, can be added to fruit salads, gr
illed or baked with seafood, ham, chicken or other meats. After cooking, the pin
eapple softens due to the breakdown of cellulose, a type of fiber that retains i
ts structure. The fresh pineapple is a natural softener of red meat and poultry,
when added to stews pickles. If mixed with gelatine, it is necessary for that k
ind of canned or previously boiled to remove the effect of bromelain. If this pr
ocedure is not followed, the gelatin will not harden and become watery. A cup wi
th pieces of fresh pineapple has about 75
calories and provides 25 mg of vitamin C (40% of the daily requirement for an ad
ult). It also provides useful amounts of other nutrients, among which 0.1 mg Thi
amine, 16mcg (micrograms) of folate, vitamin B6 0.15 mg, 0.6 mg iron and magnesi
um 17mg/kg. Pineapple is also rich in soluble fiber, which could help control ch
olesterol levels in the blood. The canned pineapple does not lose any significan
t amount of vitamin C. A cup of pineapple juice bottled preserves all the vitami
n C, while the same measure of pineapple in syrup contains about 20mg. The canne
d fruit gets hot enough to distribute the bromelain. The calories increase when
the fruit is in syrup - a cup of bottled juice, made with fruit pieces, has 150
calories, against 200 calories a cup of pineapple in syrup. Once harvested, the
pineapple does not ripen. When buying, look for those with fragrance and light y
ellow or white flesh. Brown marks indicate that the fruit is spoiled. If you buy
the whole fruit, make sure it is heavy and dense for its size and the leaves ar
e green.
Good to cure throat infection and kidney. ORANGE: Oranges are an excellent sourc
e of vitamin C, and beta-carotene, folate, thiamin and potassium. They can, howe
ver, produce allergic reactions in susceptible people. ONION: The versatility of
the onions is quite large: sliced raw in salads and sandwiches, cooked in stews
, soups and omelets, baked, sauteed, in short, can be consumed in various forms.
Its green stalks are a good source of beta carotene and vitamin C. Onions may a
lso help reduce cholesterol and blood coagulation and blood pressure. Its mild a
ntibacterial effect can help prevent superficial infections, and have the advant
age of giving more flavor to dishes. Its disadvantage concerning the low nutrien
t content. Raw onions produce bad breath and skin odor. They may also cause abdo
minal distention and gas. HONEY: Honey is a source of quick energy, and adds fla
vor to foods and beverages, and increase the validity of breads, cakes and biscu
its. Its content of calories, however, is higher than the same amount of sugar.
Attention: Honey can be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum spores,€which c
an be dangerous for babies under one year old. Broccoli with parsley
Good for anemia. Broccoli: They are an excellent source of vitamin C and good so
urce of vitamin A and folate, as well as having significant amounts of protein,
calcium, iron and other minerals. Rich in bioflavonoids and other substances tha
t protect against cancer, is also low in calories and high in fiber. One should
be careful, however, not to cook too much, because it releases sulfur compounds
with unpleasant odor.
WITH CUCUMBER TOMATO Excellent for the skin. TOMATO: Consumed raw or cooked toma
toes contain fewer calories and are rich in vitamins and other substances. They
are good source of vitamin A and C, folate and potassium. They also contain lyco
pene, an antioxidant that protects against some cancers. Eating tomatoes regular
ly reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men, according to researchers at Harva
rd University. But as far as raw cooked, can cause heartburn and indigestion, an
d are a common cause of allergies. CUCUMBER:
Cucumbers are low in calories because they are composed of approximately 95% wat
er. They are good source of fiber and have small amounts of vitamin C and folate
. The juice is used in facial masks, creams, lotions and other cosmetics.
POTATOES JUICE Good for gastritis Ingredients: - 2 potatoes - 300 ml water POTAT
OES: Potatoes are surprisingly nutritious and lower in calories. When consumed w
ith bark are rich sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They are also good
source of vitamins C and B6, potassium and other minerals and starch. Its flavo
r complements most foods, and inconvenience related to your preparation, usually
with salt and oil, which significantly increases the fat content and caloric va
lue. In addition, potatoes and green sprouts can contain solanine, a poisonous s
ubstance. JUICE JOINT
Ingredients: - 1 ½ pound of sliced carrots - 2 juicy apples cored, cut into pie
ces - 2 seedless oranges into pieces - 1 red pepper seeded in long strips Prepar
ation: Wash the fruit and vegetables under running water. Scratch the bark of th
e carrots and peel the oranges. Chop all ingredients as described in and run eve
rything by the centrifuge.
Papaya juice with mint Ingredients: - 1 liter of orange juice - 1 papaya peeled
seeded - mint leaves Preparation: Whisk all in the blender. PAPAYA JUICE WITH GU
AVA Ingredients: - 1 quart of tangerine juice - 1 papaya peeled seeded - peeled
2 red guavas with seeds Preparation:
Hit it in the blender. Strain before serving. STRAWBERRY JUICE
ORANGE AND STRAWBERRY Ingredients: - 1 liter of orange juice-file - 15 strawberr
ies PINEAPPLE AND STRAWBERRY Ingredients: - 1 liter of orange juice - 4 slices o
f fresh pineapple - 15 strawberries Preparation: Whisk all ingredients in the ju
ice chosen blender. ORANGE JUICE AND
MANGA Ingredients: - 1 large mango - 1 cup fresh orange juice - a pan of ice Pre
paration: Place the pieces of mango and orange juice in blender. Bata. Add ice c
ubes and blend again. Serve in glass and garnish the rim with thin orange peel a
nd bits of mango.
t - acne, adenoids, allergies, athlete's foot, back pain, low blood pressure, ca
ncer, cataracts, colitis, conjunctivitis, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, fat
igue, impotence, laryngitis, obesity, prostate problems, ulcers Carrot, Celery,
Parsley and Spinach-anemia, appendicitis, arteriosclerosis, back pain, high bloo
d pressure
diabetes, gout, headache, melancholy, menstrual cramps, phlebitis, rash, arthrit
is Celery ulcer, Carrot, Celery, Radish, tumors, cataracts, cystitis, diabetes,
uric acid, rhinitis Grapefruit (citrus juices: obtained from orange, lemon , man
darin) - eczema, fatigue, gastritis, bad breath, headaches, hemorrhoids, insomni
a, obesity, menstrual cramps, dizziness, Carrot, Beet and Cucumber-allergy Vitam
in C "Vitamin C is not produced by the human body therefore needs to be present
in the daily diet. Ascorbic acid is well absorbed, is distributed uniformly and
quickly. The vitamin C scavenges free radicals that cause disease and premature
aging, strengthens the immune system and keep skin nourished. In cases of colds
is necessary to use the entire stock of vitamin C for homeland defense and the s
kin suffers from it. Already stressed spend all the vitamin in the synthesis of
adrenaline and are vulnerable to colds and infections and smoking spends stocks
of vitamin C.
Withdrawal symptoms are slow healing,€inflammation in the gums and persistent c
olds. The dose for the antioxidant effect is eight times higher than the recomme
nded minimum: from 500mg. Linus Pauling, scientist who believed in the power of
vitamin CO American chemist Linus Carl Pauling (1901 - 1994), the one who won tw
o Nobel prizes alone, he believed that vitamin C rejuvenates and prevents a host
of ailments and did not conform to 65 mg vitamin C recommended by the Nutrition
traditional, so he ate about 10 grams of vitamin C per day. Important sources o
f vitamin C in the vegetable kingdom are represented by leafy vegetables (brocco
li, kale, turnip, yam and cassava leaves), vegetables (yellow and red peppers) a
nd fruits (cherry-and-stop, cashew, guava, mango, orange, cherry etc.)..
Some sources of vitamin C
- Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid
You must be very careful when buying juices marketed, because when you make your
own juice, you know exactly what it contains. Avoid adding sugar, sweeteners an
d other additives in industrialized juice. Many juices marketed are treated with
heat so they can stay longer on the shelves, which can destroy their nutrients.
Here are some tips for buying and preparing the juice.
â ¢
â ¢ â ¢
If possible, try to get orgânicosfrutas products and vegetables that were grown
without the use of pesticides or other chemicals harmful to health. Wash food b
efore making the juice. Try to eliminate any residue or wax. Do not buy the amou
nt of food to more than a week of consumption as they may spoil before being use
Remove the skin from fruits like grapefruit, kiwi, orange, papaya, peach and pin
eapple before use. As a rule, leave the small seeds of fruit except the seeds of
the apple.
With water: - Strawberry, raspberry and blackberry. - Strawberry, peach, apple a
nd orange. - Orange, carrot and cabbage. - Orange, apple, avocado and mint. - Or
ange, papaya and pineapple. - Orange, beet and carrot. - Orange, papaya, pineapp
le, apple and melon. - Orange, lemon and passion fruit. Milk: - Avocado, apple a
nd papaya. - Coco, apple (add Neston) - Passion Fruit and Strawberry. SOURCE:
Table ref. Lemon: Magazine Menu; Water Magazine in their mouth, Healthy Eating,
Food Dangerous, Book: The Best Recipes for Life and Health - Volume 1 search fie
ld. Sites: http://www.planetanatu
Graphic Design-arteeditoração: Adriana de Oliveira
ADRA thanks for your help and remember that with your cooperation we can best he
lp those in need.
"Create in me, O God, a pure heart and renew in me a steadfast spirit." Psalm 51

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