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We intend with this paper will undertake a review and evaluation of the developm
ent process of Curriculum Project Group and the Annual Plan of Activities, as a
way to support our planning. We contend that our educational activities should f
ocus on a logic of articulation of knowledge between the different content areas
to develop, so in the course of our work emphasize content across the board, gl
obal approach. We oriented to our intervention in order to enable the developmen
t of complex educational projects that broaden the knowledge of children, implyi
ng a diverse range of learning opportunities and integrate the approach of diffe
rent content areas. Activities performed: In the first weeks, we value the organ
ization of the educational environment in order to create conditions for the dev
elopment of interpersonal relationships, self-confidence and trust in the group.
How to know the other, space, time and materials is a prerequisite for accounta
bility and autonomy of the child and the group, each child created his symbol fr
om its photo and identified its hanger, the dossier file of the work, materials
for personal use (cup of pencils and felt pens, the tube of glue ...) and portfo
lios. Settled by agreement, rules and standards of living and working and prepar
ed to organizational panels: rules, attendance and birthdays. Standing our pedag
ogic project under the "History and Stories', all these instruments for regulati
ng and monitoring forms have connected to the theme (castle, scrolls, kings and
queens). For the development of our annual business plan, we started the project
history and stories. How this comes stems from a proposal floated the entire gr
oup of schools in order to achieve a Medieval Fair, the May 9, the date of award
of the Provincial Sátão. With Draft History
and stories that children want contact with some of our facts
History and the stories / legends that often go with it, be sensitive to the enh
ancement of our heritage and, through stories, develop a taste for our history.
In parallel we continued with other projects started last year by its momentum a
nd interest created among children and the school community. They are the projec
t's Pleasure Reading and Theatre Company Pozinhos of miracle cures. The first st
ems from the recognition given by the educator to the importance of the role of
literature in early childhood education, but also by taste and feel happy that b
y word and image. We see books and reading as fun and pleasure, where they commu
nicate fantasies, emotions play themselves, remember events, to explore cultural
, social or moral. The Theatre Company of miracle cures Pozinhos underpinning th
e animations of stories / readings that arise. So in terms of activities / proje
cts undertaken include: - Week of Power: from the legend of Padeira Aljubarrota
we carried out several activities in conjunction with the 1st cycle, of which we
highlight the making of bread and animation legend. Standing this week in the a
utumn, we held some confectionery Autumn (marmalade and sweet pumpkin), which al
lowed us to collect donations for the garden-schools. - Halloween: we gave some
relief to this festival because we talk about castles, history and stories, and
therefore wanted to play a little haunted castles, its 'nice' people and the pow
ers and spells. We called (and what good that children adhered) to the imaginary
enchanted. - S. Martin: The Legend of S. Martin was the second legend presented
in storytelling - with the 1st cycle - and was the debut of the new season of t
he Company Pozinhos Perlimpim. - The discovery of Personal History: History and
inserted in the draft
stories, we went to the discovery of some individual characteristics, social and
we have led to the Pedigree. The families were always involved in small joint ta
sks. This connection to family was the theme for the preparation and holding of
the feast of Christmas. - Christmas: The celebration of Christmas followed the w
ork we carry on the family and was part of a dynamic relationship with other fam
ilies and school groups, including EB1 of Pedrosa. Since this is a time
festive in that, alongside the issue of internalization of religious values is a
major component secular (and commercial), we have made an approach to crosscutt
ing issues such as multicultural education and consumer education, or€in a broa
der sense, education for citizenship. We began by learning about the representat
ions of children for the Christmas and as a result of these, we have focused our
efforts on developing attitudes and values that relate to the way each child re
lates to itself, others and the world. Not ignored the Father Christmas, or Pine
Christmas gifts, ... but we leave this world of fantasy (and consumption) for t
he development of attitudes and values such as Love, Friendship, Sharing the Car
e ... Parents and Guardians had a very active participation in carrying out the
Christmas Party. - Going to the Movies: the end of the 1st period was done with
a trip to the cinema, Viseu, offering tickets for the Parish Council. For some c
hildren this was the first time I watched a movie in the cinema. - Every day, th
e afternoon began with a suitcase of surprises, which featured a book, a poem, a
rhyme ... All of these learning situations allowed us to emphasize oral languag
e and approach of writing. The moments of our own daily routine (reception, plan
ning, review and evaluation of day), the narration of events and stories, observ
ation and exploration of images, the reading face, the excitement of reading, th
e playful exploration of the nature of language ( songs, poetry, mantra, puzzles
, ...) or the spontaneous and fun activities for children in different areas of
activity room, created a diversity of communicative situations that fostered dia
logue and the desire to communicate. And because oral language is related to the
code written, we have noted. We had records of events, stories, made the notes
read, write receipts, letters, pictograms read, write Christmas messages to each
other ... we have identified spaces, we write our name ... We stir even the use
of computer tools and the code computer: writing / copying words or e-mail to p
arents. We have also playful and spontaneous activities of children and specific
materials to support the development of logical-mathematical: space exploration
, games, puzzles, dominoes, some games more specific ... but the picture of atte
ndance is a table of double entry. The everyday situations such as daily routine
, the sequence of weekly table of attendance, the schedule that specifies, month
ly planned activities, writing daily to the date within the wall or the Advent c
alendar supported the construction of the notion of time. These temporal notions
also extended to different periods of history of human life (the Pedigree; hist
orical facts). Likewise, the narration of events and / or stories, the observati
on of variations of nature and the cyclical nature of some natural phenomena, ap
art from extending the notion of
time, allowed us to foster the desire for knowledge and curiosity aspects underl
ying the area of Knowledge of the World. Here, we focused our attention on expan
ding the knowledge base of social life (name, location, age, family, sexual iden
tity ..), environment (changes the nature and changes in people's lives - food,
clothing ...) for parents and community advocate in our Curriculum Project enfat
izarÍamos that the involvement of parents in the context of everyday life jardi
mde kindergarten through cooperative work with parents and community. Indeed, be
yond the more formal contacts (parent meetings), we gave preference to informal
contacts. Only justified the holding of a meeting of parents. At the beginning o
f the school year. This, in addition to resolving issues of organizational and f
unctioning of garden-schools, made a presentation of our teaching program and a
survey of activities to be included in the Annual Plan. We have, also the design
of the web page of the garden-schools. This page has been constituted as a key
element of disclosure, reporting and liaison with families and community. In gen
eral, parents (and other friends of the community) adhered very well to this pro
ject, accompanying him, and in some cases, quite regular. There were several mes
sages of support and congratulations we received. The activities under the Perso
nal History Discovered 'forced' to several collaborations with both parents. All
these tasks have always been available, but also in making animations (4!) At t
he Christmas Party in the process of gathering information for the portfolios or
in response to a questionnaire to parents to obtain information that allows us
a greater knowledge over their children. Finally,€here we praise the strong com
mitment of all in achieving a feat that we launched at the first meeting of pare
nts: the acquisition of an interactive whiteboard. Mobilization for soliciting d
onations has been amazing and our nest egg starts to grow. Compared with other e
ducation professionals, we advocate in our Curriculum Project work in partnershi
p / collaboration with other educators and teachers of the Grouping, particularl
y of our Board of Teachers and the teachers of the 1st cycle of school Pedrosas.
With the first, we maintained close cooperation in the construction of the Proj
ect Council of Teachers Scriptorium
Medieval and sharing ideas, thoughts and materials. The page also offers garden-
deinfância resources. With the teachers of the EB1 Pedrosa
whenever possible, pushing for a joint inter-cycles, particularly in the field o
f reading, with the Story Hour (this year with biweekly nature) and through join
t activities (Food Day; Magusto; Christmas Party). Regarding the assessment of l
earning and development of children still fail to major advances, lack of skills
in this area and lack of discipline records of systematic observation. At the e
nd of the period (December 20) gave written information to each parent on the de
velopment and learning of / of his / her student / a. They might also observe th
e work they produced. Finally, a note about our participation in the Teachers Co
uncil, acting as Coordinator of Preschool Education and the Pedagogical Council.
In either situation always been present at all meetings. Regarding the Council
of Educators, given the geographical dispersion of EB1 and Gardens-schools, we b
egan to encourage and create a contact group via e-mail, which enabled and enabl
es the movement in time, documentation, or information legislation . Whenever we
consider relevant, we do intend to share materials or resources. We contribute
actively to the preparation of documents of the Council of Faculty. Similarly, t
he Pedagogical Council, we strive to contribute to the reflection and deliberati
on on the topics and the participation in work teams. We set out for the team of
internal evaluation and contributed to the revision of the Rules of the Groupin
g, regarding the Pre-School Education.
Pedrosa, January 15, 2008 The kindergarten teacher

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