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Cataloging of Monographs
Supporting Document 1
October 2008
KNOW THE AMADORA - Manuela Clarinha RBE - Margaret Toscano
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
The cataloging cataloging of monographs is the set of operations that are used t
o describe an external document (book, magazine, video, disk, etc.). A shorthand
way, according to standard principles and in order to create and update catalog
s. A catalog can be defined as an ordered set of entries for a collection or col
lections of books and other documents. An entry consists of the elements that id
entify and describe the document in a certain logical sequence. The catalogs tha
t normally produce are: authors and anonymous works (onomastic) securities (dida
scalic) subjects (ideographic) The list of authors and anonymous works is the ma
in catalog of a library that allows you to record and identify existing works by
author and / or title of works. The description of the documents is made from t
he ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographs). ISBD
standards were first translated and adapted by the National Library in Portugal
and published under the title Portuguese Cataloguing Rules. Already in 2008 were
issued by the ADB, Cataloguing Rules, with design and drafting of José Carlos S
ottomayor. These rules specify what features or elements of the document must be
included in the description and the order. The rules allow the description to m
ake more or less detail, but always respecting a set of general principles such
as: Uniformity - the elements of identification and description of documents, wh
ere in similar circumstances, are defined and presented equally. Simplification
- the elements are defined concisely and with attention to users and services th
at perform this task. Fidelity - one should not invent anything to the catalog,
all elements must match the description that appears in the document. Loyalty is
very important because the purpose of description is to identify the document a
s clear as possible, distinguishing it from any other, however similar it is. So
urce description - the elements of descriptive cataloging should
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
be removed from their own work to catalog, first and foremost on the front page,
and only when this is insufficient to be removed from another source of informa
tion. The title page is one that presents a greater number of elements on the wo
rk: title, authors (mention of responsibility), place of publication, publisher
and date of publication. Beyond this, there are other major sources of informati
on such as: Inside page - typically contains the technical specifications of the
work. Colophon - disclosures that are at the end of the work, usually containin
g, books current data for printing. Cover and back cover. Preface, introduction,
prologue ... It is sometimes necessary to use sources of reference information,
external to the work itself.
Bibliographic Description If a book can be understood as an ordered set of entri
es for a collection of documents, an entry in turn comprises the elements that i
dentify and describe the document neatly. It consists of a header, a body of ent
ry and a few more elements. Header - name (s) of author (s) mentioned (s) on the
face of the work, title of work; word or phrase (subject) that introduces a bib
liographic entry for storage in the catalog. Body of entry - a set of descriptiv
e elements of the work and information distributed in distinct zones. Other elem
ents - sorting, no registration and initials of BE. cues (subjects, access point
s), elevation,
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
Headers The headers give us the catalog entries and can be made from the name of
author, title or subject of the work described on the slopes. Entries by author
's name is one main entrance, the other entries are secondary. Body Entry Defini
tion and Order Zones 1st Zone - Title and statement of responsibility (authorshi
p) 2nd Area - Edition 3rd Zone - carried out by certain types of documents 4th Z
one - Details of the publisher (Imprint) 5th Zone - Physical characteristics of
the work (collation) 6th Zone - Collection 7th Zone - Notes 8th Zone - ISBN (Par
agraph International Standard Book and how to buy) the elements that make up eac
h of the zones are not randomly taken the documents but are collected as we have
said, certain sources of description of the work,€so we can match to each area
certain sources of information. Other Factors In addition to the headers and bod
y of entry, there are other elements that fall outside the areas specified: Ski
- added entries indicate the document
including by title, subject and co-authors. Cota - an indication to locate the d
ocument on the shelf. Classification - classification of the subject matter of t
he document according to a default system, for example, the CDU. Registration nu
mber - No assigned from the record book Acronym BE
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
In a scheme of Chips Bibliographic Cataloguing data manual, the different areas,
elements and their scores, are as follows:
Bibliographic Data Sheet
Header or TITLE AUTHOR OF THE WORK OF THE WORK 1st 2nd Zone Body Zone entrance
Title / Term of responsibility. - Editing. - Place of publication: Publisher, da
te of issue. - Paging and / or number of vol mention of illustration, dimensions
+ accompanying material. (Collection, Collection No.). - Notes ISBN
4th Zone
5th Zone
7th Zone 7
8th Zone
Added entries
6th Zone
I. Co-author (s) II. Title I. Subject II. Subject III. Subject Index / Words / C
CDU rating
Acronym BE | Registration No
Today, the cataloging is done through bibliographic management software such as
Bibliobase the Docbase the Porbase, Millennium and GIB, among others. However, t
he cataloging rules are the same and the final appearance of a computer record p
resented in ISBD format is identical to that of a catalog card, with the layout
of the elements and most of the points made automatically by the program, facili
tating the task of cataloging .
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
The following is a record of the novel by José Saramago, History of the Siege of
Lisbon in ISBD format, imported Porbase the program, the National Library. In t
he registry of the National Library, there are certain fields that are not visib
le to the user but, as is the case, the program assumes neatly the different zon
es and their scores. An example of cataloging using as main input the name of th
e author.
Computerized record in ISBD format
[1] SARAMAGO, Joseph, 1922 -
History of the Siege of Lisbon / José Saramago. - 5th ed. - Lisbon: Caminho, 199
8. - 348 p. , 21 cm. - (The field of the word) ISBN 972-21-0375-X CDU 821.134.3-
31 "19/20"
Automated cataloging, entering computer data is done on a collection sheet, whic
h is a form composed of fields and subfields constructed in accordance with the
elements of bibliographic description in the language UNIMARC. In the collection
sheet, the fields and subfields that correspond to areas of bibliographic descr
iption manual we have been describing are summarized in the following we describ
e below.
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
Zones Description and UNIMARC fields Correspondents
UNIMARC fields
Title and statement of responsibility Title Another title itself responsible Oth
ers responsible First Edition
Imprint Place of publication Publisher Date Edition
Paging collation and / or number of volumes Mention illustration accompanying Di
mensions Material Collection Title Number of own volume General Notes ISBN (Para
graph International Standard Book)
300 10
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
Descriptors / Indexing Name of person as subject descriptors Dates / Subject Ind
exing Subdivision subject Subdivision geographical subdivision chronological cla
ssification CDU Main Responsibility Author - individual Co-authors major Collect
ive Responsibility - author Collective - co-responsible
700 701
710 711
Individual Collective Responsibility secondary Cota summary Registration No Loca
tion Cota
702 712
930 966
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
Zones Bibliographic Description and Cataloguing Rules
1st Zone - Zone of Title and Title Mention Responsibility own - quotes from the
title page or page replacement and it is written in lowercase except first lette
r and proper names, while preserving the specificity of each language. When the
title is too long can be shortened by using ellipsis. Title proper including the
author's name - holds the name of the author. Ex: The book of Cesario Verde. Tw
o or more titles from a single author and without a common title - all titles ar
e recorded and separated by a semicolon (;). Eg: The precious ridiculous; The Si
cilian painter or lover; Improvisation of Versailles;€Psyche / Molière Two or mo
re titles by different authors - write to the author's name below each title, se
parated by dot (.) - Title / Author. Title / Author Eg Autos / Gil Vicente. Lusí
adas / Luís de Camões collective title of a publication with several books and m
any authors - note the collective title to refer to the respective general notes
. Eg collective title: Authors of the sixteenth century General Notes: Auto Soul
/ Gil Vicente. Lyric / Luís de Camões Supplement title: other title that explai
ns and develops the previous title, subtitle. Writes are always in lowercase. Eg
: The Mayans: romance Parallel title: headline transcript in another language wo
rks in bilingual, trilingual ... Ex: Dictionary = Dictionary = Dictionnaire gene
ral indication of the nature of the document - notes the type of document and pl
ace it within brackets. Exs.: [Printed text] [policopiado Text] [sound recording
] [Video Recording] [electronic resource] ... Mention of responsibility - the re
cording of the main author, co-authors and authors side. For multiple authors, t
he 1st quoted author is considered the main author and the rest are co-authors.
Translator, editor, foreword author, organizer, illustrator, editor, director, e
ngineer, etc.., Are the authors side. The authorship of the work can be copyrigh
t-physical person, community or mixed-author, applying the (300 field) works and
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
three cases the rules cited below. Two or three authors - indicates all the desc
ription, separated by commas. Four or more authors - indicates the name of the 1
st, followed by an ellipsis and expression ... [et al.]. Eg: The barbs / Eca de
Queiros, Ramalho Ortigão Itineraries walk for youth / Parents Association of Sch
ools of Malveira, Youth Institute Adapter - usually is the main author of the wo
rk. Exs: The Little Mermaid / adaptation of Mary Alberta Menéres Grimm tales / a
dapted by António Torrado The children counted lusíadas / Barros Cartoons - prim
ary responsibility is the illustrator and is the author of the text co-author. E
g: Asterix and the Gauls / il. of Uderzo, Goscinny text
2nd Zone - Zone Edition
Mention editing - No editing. Usually is entered on the cover sheet or in verse,
in the data sheet. May not be explicit, this case does not satisfy. Respect to
the language of the text. Exs. 2. 3rd ed. New critical edition ed ed 4. Reimp.
4th Zone - Zone Foot Press: factors relating to editing
Place of issue - place the headquarters of the publisher. Where there is more th
an a place to record editing splits by space, semicolon (;). When the location o
f publication is unknown but we know the region, province or country,
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
indicate that element in square brackets. While the mention of place require cla
rification, this is written below in square brackets. If it becomes impossible t
o determine a place we use the expression sine loco, abbreviated and in square b
rackets [Sl], where S is upper el tiny. Eg New York, Lisbon [Mem Martins] [Brazi
l] Olisipo [Lisbon] [S. l.] Name of editor - note the name of the publisher resp
onsible for the publication. In the case of multiple publishers, there is always
the 1st, the rest are registered as a function of interest and level of descrip
tion. The name of the publisher must be given in abbreviated form, ie, removing
the mention of publisher, publication, or SA, since its identification does not
become ambiguous. Eg. Ulisseia rather Publisher Ulisseia Millan and not Mac Mill
an and Co. Limited Exceptions: Porto Editora, Porto Editora Multimedia, Publishe
r Lisbon, Guimaraes Editora, Coimbra Editora. Eg a site: a publisher, date two l
ocations: one publisher, date first place: two publishers, date London: Circle o
f Readers, 2008 Lisbon, Porto: Alfa, 1998 Lisbon: Circle of Readers: Alpha, 2005
or Mac
When the editing function is performed by several persons, natural or legal, the
re is more emphasis on presenting typographical or, if that does not exist, as s
hown in the first place. The remaining names will be registered or not, dependin
g on your interest. If the publisher or distributor is natural or legal person a
nd his name also figures in the area of the title and statement of responsibilit
y, that name repetese this area. Publication without name of editor - if a publi
cation does not include the name of the publisher or distributor, nor is it poss
ible to identify them, we use the term sine nomine, abbreviated and in square br
ackets [sn], with the two lowercase letters. Place the name of the printer and p
rint - are compulsorily registered unless we have the place of issue, neither th
e name of the publisher.€Are recorded within parentheses. Eg [S.l. : Sn], 1974 (
Porto: Tipografia Costa Carregal) Date of publication - if not included in the p
ublication date of the issue, it is mentioned of these dates: date of copyright
or legal deposit or printing. If the publication contain all these dates, the op
tion is the most recent.
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
cop, 1980
D.L. 1981
imp. 1974
When not included in any publication of these dates if you can establish an appr
oximate date, there is in square brackets preceded by the abbreviation for circa
or followed by a question mark. Eg: [ca 1935] [1967?] Published in several volu
mes - when describing a work published in several volumes, parts or fascicles, w
hose publication has covered a certain number of years, registamse the dates of
1st and last, separated by hyphen. If the work in several volumes is not fully d
isclosed, is part of the date of 1st volume followed by a hyphen to be added aft
er the date of the latter.
5th Area - Zone A Physical Description collation or collation area relates to th
e physical characteristics of the work as:. - Paging and / or number of volumes
Mention eg, the accompanying material. 305 p. 179 f. 752 colns.
Mention of illustration
Size +
Work in one volume - note the number of pages, leaves or columns. Work in severa
l volumes or tomes - are the volumes or volumes that register. Eg, 5 vol. Illust
rated works - are designated by an abbreviation of illustration, 'il'. If it is
necessary to specify the type of illustrations, it is indicated after the abbrev
iation. Eg: il., Maps excess. Eg 18 cm Accompanying material - is indicated by i
ts name: cd-rom, map, CD-audio, dvd, etc. .. The accompanying material must have
a proper registration in the Register. il., plant size - it is the height of th
e spine, measured in inches and rounded by
6th Zone - Zone Collection Title's own collection - is recorded as shown in the
publication without
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
strict observance of the case. No collection - notes when it appears in the publ
ication. If the collection is divided into subcolecções and only the collection
is numbered, part of the title proper of subcolecção after the paragraph of the
collection. Eg. (Library brief 16. Literature Series) (Library brief, 17. Series
Thought and Science)
7th Zone - Zona Notes General Notes - describes the elements here that are consi
dered important and which could not be mentioned in the above areas. Their order
of presentation should follow the sequence of zones and each note can be separa
ted from the previous paragraph by paragraph, occupying an independent line, or
by a point, space, dash, space (. -). Whenever there are situations outlined bel
ow, can be described in the notes: - Original title - for being a translation -
Title collective - when the document has a collective title entered in the 1st d
istrict of description, we recover here the various titles and markings responsi
bility included. Ex: Tales of the twentieth century eggs mysterious / Ducla Loui
se Smith. The girl from the sea / Sophia M. B. Andresen. - Reprints - summary -
Description of the 2nd level - a description of volume or part of a work endowed
with a relative autonomy that is important to distinguish and allow their recov
ery by the reader. Most encyclopedias are described in the 2nd level. Notes can
also be made at the mention of responsibility, editing and publication of biblio
graphic history, areas of Imprint, the collation, collection and further notes r
egarding the contents or the actual copy.
Cataloguing - Supporting Document
8th Zone - Zone International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and Method of Acquisit
ion contains the following elements: ISBN: procurement mode (optional) ISBN - In
ternational Standard Book Number, No International Standard Book
Punctuation & Abbreviations The meaning of the signals used for bibliographic de
scription is as follows:
.-: /
() []
Separates the areas of description indicates complementary element of the previo
us series or collection responsibility Indicates Indicates information outside o
f the main source
Where abbreviations are used, the most common: Adapter - Adapt. Annotator - anot
. Co-author - co-aut. Employee - colab. Commentator - coment. Compiler - compil.
Composer - compound. Coordinator - coord. Columns - colns. Director - dir. Edit
or - ed. Literary editor - ed. lit. Illustrator - il. Home - p. Preface - pref.
President - pres. Number - No Redactor - red. Rapporteur - relat. Reviewer - rev
. Tomo - t. Translator - trad. Volume - see

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