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IJIRST International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 04 | September 2016

ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis

of Biodiesel Mixture
Pradeepa. S V V Prathiba Bharathi
M. Tech. Student Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad

The main objective of this project is to study the fuel spray pattern of bio-diesel for different blends at different temperatures and
pressures, then compare these spray patterns with the spray pattern of diesel fuel. The performance of engine running on bio-diesel
for different blends at different temperatures, then compare those results with the performance of conventional diesel and also to
investigate the properties of fuel such as specific gravity, density, viscosity etc. of diesel and biodiesel fuel. The Test fuels used
were a conventional diesel and 20%, 30%, 40%, blends of Transesterified PAMO oil with diesel. In order to analyze the
performance of engine the above mentioned biodiesel blends were used to run the engine at room temperature and also at elevated
temperatures and the parameters like brake power, brake thermal efficiencies and Mechanical efficiencies were tabulated and
compared with that of conventional diesel fuel. And in order to analyze the fuel spray pattern the above mentioned biodiesel blends
were sprayed through fuel injectors of three different nozzle pressures which are 180 bar, 200 bar and 220 bar at room temperature
and also elevated temperatures and the resulting spray patterns of the biodiesel blends were compared with the spray patterns of
diesel fuel. Also the various properties such as viscosity, flash point, fire point etc., of diesel and the three blends of biodiesel
were measured by conducting their respective tests. In this work it was found that the viscosities of the various blends of the
biodiesel decreases with increase in temperature of the fuel and also that the biodiesel blends of 20%, 30%, 40%, Transesterifies
PAMO oil can be successfully used as fuels in Compression Ignition (CI) engines without many engine modifications as they
exhibit better thermal efficiency and much similar to that of diesel at room and elevated temperatures of up to 40 Degree Celsius.
Keywords: Spray Pattern, Biodiesel Blends, Transesterifies PAMO Oil, Fuel Injector


After the depletion of in the mid-1970s, all countries have tried to find a new energy which can substitute petroleum by using their
district energy; such as vegetable oil, the most promising alternative fuels. Vegetable oils cannot be used in diesel engines because
of the problem associated with it of the using pure vegetable oils as fuels in diesel engines. There are more than 350 oil bearing
crops available in nature, among which only sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, rapeseed and peanut oils are the most potential
alternative fuels for diesel engines. The most prominent properties of these oils are their high viscosity, low volatility, poor
atomization and auto-oxidation.
Recently attention in developing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia also Thailand need been provided for of the preparation
about biofuels starting with domestic, renewable assets. Biofuels are at present being a great substitute clinched alongside Different
approaches i.e. depleting fossil fuels, resources, natural health, vitality security Also Agricola economy. The two mossy cup oak
basic sorts about biofuels would ethanol Also biodiesel.
Research on the utilization of vegetable oils concerning illustration fuel substitutes to diesel engines have been carried on
numerous nations. Subside et al. (1982) utilized degummed soybean blended with petroleum diesel at the proportion about 2:1
similarly as a fuel clinched alongside an diesel motor. After 600 hours about running it might have been found that that motor
execution didn't change. Other specialists found that 95% vegetable oil mixing with 5% petroleum diesel to a diesel motor offered
no issues of carbon store on the motor parts or in the fuel injector. Adam et al. (1983) tried an Agricola machine with mixed oil
(soybean oil and petroleum diesel) What's more found that toward utilizing soybean mixed for petroleum diesel in the proportion
for 2:1, those motor functioned great. Kevin et al. (1999) inferred that by utilizing semi-refined rapeseed oil (SRO) On An regulate
infusion diesel engine, those energy yield diminished Toward 0.06% to each 1% expansion On SRO consideration rate and the
brake particular fuel utilization expanded by 0.14% for every 1% increment On SRO Incorporation rate. Chiyuki Furthermore Jun-
chi (1998) closed that de-acidified rapeseed oil Might be utilized within An single barrel Yanmar IDI diesel motor At degummed
Furthermore rough rapeseed oil were unsatisfactory for utilization Likewise fuel because of those large amount about
incombustible materials in the oil. Suporn (1987) found that utilizing 100% refined palm oil for a Kubota diesel motor model KND
5B brought about those best energy yield Also best emanation same time utilizing 70% refined palm oil mixed with 25% diesel
brought about the best particular fuel utilization.

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

To vehicles powered with diesel engines, an elective substitute of diesel fuel need been produced namely, biodiesel. It will be
handled from that concoction holding of liquor with oils, fats, greases or synthetically known alkyl esters. These esters bring
comparable properties Likewise that mineral diesel fuel furthermore actually finer As far as its cetane amount. On addition,
biodiesel will be superior to diesel fuel As far as sulfur content, blaze point and fragrant content. Concerning illustration, a fluid
fuel, biodiesel may be straightforward to utilize Furthermore cam wood be utilized within layering ignition loop (diesel) engines
without adjustments. It likewise could be mixed during any level for petroleum diesel on make a biodiesel mix. In regards these
qualities about vegetable oils, Malaysia need submitted to explore the utilization of biodiesel for blends about palm oil as an
elective fuel for diesel engines. This paper displays palm also olive biodiesel as an elective green renewable biofuel for diesel
In a Diesel engine ignition takes place due to the injection of fuel (diesel) into the cylinder containing air at high pressure. This
function of fuel injection is performed by the Fuel Injection Nozzle present at the top of each of the cylinders present in the engine.
Fuel Injection Nozzles are by and large in charge of two essential capacities:
1) They atomize or finely isolate the metered fuel to advance ignition and burning.
2) They appropriate the fuel splash through the ignition chamber to blend with the air to acquire a burnable blend.
In a diesel engine, injector splash example assumes an overwhelming part in how the fuel-air blend is shaped. Spray pattern is
characterized by pattern length, which represents the distance of maximum droplet concentration from the axis of the injector. This
further enhances the efficiency and overall output of the diesel engine.
Biodiesel is being used as a fuel in diesel engines used in railways and many other applications as biodiesel fuel is a clean and
renewable energy source than diesel. But however the fuel spray pattern of bio-diesel is different from that of diesel and this may
affect the in-cylinder ignition and thus the efficiency and output of the engine.
Hence the objective of the project is to study the fuel spray pattern of bio-diesel for different blends at different temperatures
and pressures, then compare these spray patterns with the spray pattern of diesel and finally find the bio-diesel spray pattern which
is very much similar to that of diesel and to investigate experimentally the effect of temperature on properties of bio-diesel by pre-
heating and to conduct the performance test at different blends, efficiencies and fuel consumptions were compared.
Environmentally friendly. While hydrokinetic includes generation from ocean tides, currents and waves, many researchers
believe its most practical application in the near term is likely to be in rivers and streams.


Jawab Nagi conducted experiment on performance of diesel engine using Palm biofuel as an substitute for diesel. They have come
across that, palm biodiesel gives lower execution on diesel motors for torque and warm effectiveness, contrasted with petroleum
diesel. This is created by the lower warmth estimation of palm biodiesel to that of petroleum diesel, which delivers a lower work
to achieve a higher torque. At the point when the motor upheavals continue expanding the torque created from palm biodiesel tends
to diminish. At lower motor unrests, palm biodiesel produces a nearby torque contrasted with petroleum diesel, while at higher
motor upheavals the torque came about for palm biodiesel drops strongly than petroleum diesel. This is brought about because of
the thickness of palm biodiesel, as it is higher than petroleum diesel. Since palm biodiesel is smoldered incompletely, it has a quick
infusion in the burning chamber, which diminishes the torque created. Notwithstanding, then again, from the most reduced motor
transformation to the most astounding motor upset, palm biodiesel has lower fuel utilization than that of petroleum diesel.
Syed Ahmed conducted experiment for exhaust gases of Palm biodiesel. They watched that palm biodiesel mixes created lower
CO emanations than petroleum diesel for the whole motor burden range. The palm biodiesel mixes tended to lessen CO 2 outflows
contrasted with petroleum diesel. The diminishment of CO 2 discharges is intelligent in view of the oxygenated way of palm oil
and the lower measure of carbon in the palm biodiesel mixes, All mixes of palm biodiesel delivered lower emanations of unburned
hydrocarbons (HC), However, palm biodiesel mixes expanded the grouping of NOx outflows particularly at the higher motor
burdens . The added substance oxygen content in palm biodiesel is the reason for this, as more oxygen amid ignition will raise the
burning mass temperature. Higher NOx emanations of palm biodiesel are additionally come about because of its different properties
or by cooperation with the fuel infusion procedure and ignition chamber progress. Moreover, the biodiesel fills delivered lower
grouping of dark smoke than petroleum diesel under comparable motor working conditions. This is on account of palm oil contains
natural oxygen which oxidizes the quantity of vaporous by-items.
Venkateswara Rao conducted an Experimental Investigation of Palm, Jatropha and Neem Methyl Esters as Biodiesel on C.I.
Engine. From the investigation it was found that "Palm, Jatropha and Neem based methyl esters (biodiesel) can be straightforwardly
utilized as a part of diesel motors with no motor changes. Brake warm productivity of B10, B20 and B40 mixes are superior to
anything B100 yet at the same time sub-par compared to diesel. Properties of distinctive mixes of biodiesel are near the diesel and
B20 is giving great results. It is not fitting to utilize B100 in CI motors unless its properties are similar with diesel fuel. Smoke,
HC, CO outflows at diverse burdens were observed to be higher for diesel, contrasted with B10, B20, B40 mixes with properties
near diesel fuel, bio-diesel from Jatropha, neem and palm seed oil can give a helpful substitute to diesel consequently advancing
our economy.

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Thomas Mc Guir conducted a simulation study on Alternative Fuel Spray Length Characterization: Comparing Diesel and
Biodiesel Fuels. From the reproduction study he found that "the little increment in thickness and consistency of biodiesel versus
petroleum diesel brought about a noteworthy change in speed and infiltration of the fuel splash in the chamber".
Prabhakar Rao directed an Experimental Investigation of Methyl Esters of Oils as Biodiesel on C.I. Motor. From the examination
it was found that "Great blend development and lower smoke discharge are the key variables for good CI motor execution. These
components are very affected by thickness, thickness, and unpredictability of the fuel. For bio-diesels, these variables are
fundamentally chosen by the viability of the transesterification process. With properties near diesel fuel, bio-diesel from Jatropha,
Palm and Neem seed oil can give a helpful substitute to diesel in this manner advancing our economy".
Chaudari led a survey on Design and Optimization of Fuel Injection framework in Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel. From the
audit it was found that "The infusion and the fuel splash qualities associated with the burning chamber geometry control the
Combustion and toxin arrangement forms. Hence the motor operation attributes could be enhanced by enhancing the fuel infusion
frameworks or motor parts"


The nozzle tester was mounted on a bench and was clamped to it using two C-Clamps. The pressure pipe was fixed to the tester.
Three different single nozzle fuel injectors having pressures 180 bar, 200 bar and 220 bar were used for the experiment. The nozzles
were placed at a height of 25cm from the flat surface on which the OHP sheets were placed.

Fig. 1: Experimental Setup

Initially diesel was poured into the test-oil container. Now, fuel injector of 180 bar pressure was fixed to the pressure pipe and
using the hand lever the diesel was sprayed onto an OHP sheet to obtain its spray pattern. Then, the same procedure was followed
for injectors of 200 bar and 220 bar pressures and their respective spray patterns were obtained. These spray patterns are shown

220 bar 200 bar 180 bar

Fig. 2: Spray Pattern of Diesel for Different Nozzle Pressures at 400

Now B20 blend of biodiesel was poured into the test-oil container. Then fuel injector of 180 bar pressure was fixed to the
pressure pipe and using the hand lever the diesel was sprayed onto an OHP sheet to obtain its spray pattern. The same procedure
was followed for injectors of 200 bar and 220 bar pressures and their respective spray patterns were obtained. These spray patterns

220 bar 200 bar 180 bar

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Fig. 3: Spray Pattern of B20 Biodiesel for Different Nozzle Pressures

Now B30 blend of biodiesel was poured into the test-oil container. Then fuel injector of 180 bar pressure was fixed to the
pressure pipe and using the hand lever the diesel was sprayed onto an OHP sheet to obtain its spray pattern. The same procedure
was followed for injectors of 200 bar and 220 bar pressures and their respective spray patterns were obtained. These spray patterns
are shown below.

220 bar 200 bar 180 bar

Fig. 4: Spray Pattern of B30 Biodiesel for Different Nozzle Pressures

Now the B30 blend was poured into the test-oil container at room temperature. Then fuel injector of 180 bar pressure was fixed
to the pressure pipe and using the hand lever the diesel was sprayed onto an OHP sheet to obtain its spray pattern. The same
procedure was followed for injectors of 200 bar and 220 bar pressures and their respective spray patterns were obtained. These
spray patterns are shown below.

180 bar 200 bar 220 bar

Fig. 5: Spray Pattern of B30 Biodiesel for Different Nozzle Pressures at 40C

Now the B20 blend was heated in a heater to a temperature of 40C and was poured into the test-oil container. Then fuel injector
of 180 bar pressure was fixed to the pressure pipe and using the hand lever the diesel was sprayed onto an OHP sheet to obtain its
spray pattern. The same procedure was followed for injectors of 200 bar and 220 bar pressures and their respective spray patterns
were obtained. These spray patterns are shown below.

220 bar 200 bar 180 bar

Fig. 6: Spray Pattern of B20 Biodiesel for Different Nozzle Pressures at 40


Fuel Properties
Table 1
Fuel properties obtained experimentally and through survey
Properties Diesel Esterified olive oil Esterified palm oil Esterified pamo
Cetane number 45-55 47 65 55
Specific gravity 0.832 0.815 0.855 0.835
Viscosity (cst) 4.0 4.2 4.77 4.5
Cv (mj/kg) 46.8 48.42 40.2 44
Flash point (oc) 50 90 174 80
Fire point (oc) 63 95 230 94

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Spray Analysis
The test samples with 20% and 30% blends of biodiesel were tested in a laboratory at room temperature as well as elevated
temperature of 40OC which gave the following results when compared with normal diesel.

Diesel Oil
Temperature: Room temperature
Distance between nozzle tip and paper: 25 cm
Table 2
Diesel Spray Diameters at Room Temperature
Nozzle Pressure Diameter (Cm)
220 bar 8
200 bar 9
180 bar 10
Biodiesel (B20 Blend)
Temperature: Room temperature
Distance between nozzle tip and paper: 25 cm
Table 3
B20 Biodiesel Spray Diameters At Room Temperature
Nozzle Pressure Diameter (cm)
220 bar 7.5
200 bar 8
180 bar 9
Biodiesel (B30 Blend)
Temperature: Room temperature
Distance between nozzle tip and paper: 25 cm
Table 4
B30 Biodiesel Spray Diameters at Room Temperatures
Nozzle Pressure Diameter (Cm)
220 bar 7.5
200 bar 7
180 bar 5.8
Biodiesel (B20 Blend) - Preheated
Temperature: 40OC
Distance between nozzle tip and paper: 25 cm
Table 5
B20 Biodiesel Spray Diameters at 40oc
Nozzle Pressure Diameter (Cm)
220 bar 7
200 bar 6.8
180 bar 6.5
Biodiesel (B 30 Blend) - Preheated
Temperature: 40OC
Distance between nozzle tip and paper: 25 cm
Table 6
B30 Biodiesel Spray Diameters At 40oc
Nozzle Pressure Diameter (Cm)
220 bar 6
200 bar 6.8
180 bar 7
The tables shown above gives the diameters of spray patterns obtained by spraying diesel as well B20 and B30 blends of biodiesel
through nozzles of 180bar, 200 bar and 220 bar pressure at room and elevated temperatures.
Comparison of Spray Diameters
The comparison of spray patterns of diesel and B20, B30 blends of biodiesel at room temperature when sprayed through nozzles
of 180 bar, 200 bar and 220 bar pressure is shown in the graph below

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Fig. 7: Nozzle Pressure Vs Spray Diameter of Diesel, B20 & B30 Blends

The comparison of spray patterns of diesel at room temperature and B20, B30 blends of biodiesel at 40OC when sprayed through
nozzles of 180,200 & 220 bar pressure is shown in the graph below

Fig. 8: Nozzle pressure vs. spray diameter of diesel, B20 & B30 blends at elevated temperature.

Experimental Setup Specification

Number of cylinders 04
Stroke 04
Engine oil SAW20 w/40
Start Auto starting
Cooling Water cooling
Rated power O/P 50HP at 5000 RPM
Loading Hydraulic loading
Brake drum radius 0.3581 meter
The experimental test system is as exposed in the above diagram. It includes 4-stroke,4- cylinder diesel engine is to be tested for
performance, is couple to hydraulic dynamometer with swinging field dynamometer and with load all by universal coupling. The
engine is water cooled. The course of action is made for the accompanying estimations of the setup. The complete frame and
instrumentation is mounted on anti-vibration mounts and separate control panel. There are number of sensors used in the engine
to measure the fuel and engine parameter.
Analytical analysis: Performance test for blends B10 B20 and B30
List of Formulas
T= F *r*g (1)
Where, T= Torque in N- m
F= Load in Kg
r= Brake drum radius in m
g= Acceleration due to gravity=9.81
th = BP/ (mf * Cv) (2)

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Where, BP= Brake power in KW

N= Engine speed in rpm
T= Torque in N-m
mf= (y * s)/(1000 * t) (3)
Where, mf= mass of fuel in kg/sec
y= 10cc of fuel consumption
s=specific gravity of diesel=0.85
t= time taken to consume 10ml of fuel in seconds
SFC= (mf *36 00)/BP (4)
Where, SFC= specific fuel consumption in kg/hr
IP =BP+FP (5)
Where, FP= friction power in KW
bth = mf / Cv (6)
bth brake thermal efficiency in %
Cv calorific value of diesel=43000 KJ/kg K
ith =IP/mf*cv (7)
Where, IP indicated thermal efficiency in %
A/F=ma/mf (8)
Where, ma = mass of air =Cd *A*sqrroot (2gha)*pa in kg/sec
Mf =mass of fuel in kg/sec
ha =pw*hw/pa (9)
Where, ha = head of air in m
pa = density of air in kg/m3
pw = head of water in m
mech=BP/IP*100 (10)
Where, mechanical efficiency in %
Tabular Column for Conventional Diesel
Table 7
Conventional Diesel
Sl. Hydraulic Load Engine speed Fuel consumption for 10ml Air Flow Temperatures in Qc
No in kg In rpm In seconds mm of h2o T1 T2 T3 T4
01 1.5 1500 27.04 16 36 38 45 62
02 2 1500 26.43 16.1 36 39 46 74
03 2.5 1500 26 15.5 36 39 44 73
Table 8
Conventional Diesel
Sl. Mass of Fuel BP IP Brake Thermal Efficiency Indicated Thermal Efficiency Mechanical Efficiency
No In kg/hr (kw) (kw) (%) (%) (%)
01 1.131 0.826 1.726 6.11 12.77 47.85
02 1.15 1.1034 2.003 7.52 14.58 55.08
03 1.17 1.37 2.07 9.80 16.24 66.18

The above graph is plotted to calculate the Friction power of the multi cylinder diesel engine with diesel as an fuel. The x-axis
represents the Brake power in KW and y-axis represent the Mass of fuel in Kg/hr.
Brake power v/s Brake thermal efficiency.
The graph shows the Brake thermal efficiency with respective to Brake power for different hydraulic loading condition with the
constant speed.

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Fig. 9: Graph Brake power v/s Brake thermal efficiency. Fig. 10: Brake power v/s Indicated thermal efficiency

The above graph shows the indicated thermal efficiency with respective to Brake power for different hydraulic loading condition
with the constant speed.
Brake Power v/s Air Fuel Ratio

Fig. 11: Brake power in KW v/s Air fuel ratio

Air Fuel ratio v/s Specific fuel consumption

The above graph shows the air fuel ratio with respective Specific fuel consumption for different hydraulic loading condition with
the constant speed.

Fig. 12: Air fuel ratio v/s Specific fuel consumption in Kg/

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

Performance Test for Different Blends of Pamo Biodiesel

Table 9
Tabular column for 10% blend
Sl. No Hydraulic load in kg Engine speed in rpm Fuel consumption for 10ml in sec Air flow Mm of h20
T1 T2 T3 T4
1 1.5 1500 28 15.9 37 38 45 65
21 2 1500 26.09 15.9 37 38 46 75
3 2.5 1500 25.28 15.7 37 39 49 79
Table 10
Tabular column for 10% blend
Sl. Mass of fuel Brake power Indicated power Brake thermal efficiency Indicated thermal efficiency Mechanical efficiency
No In kg/hr Kw kw % % %
1 1.092 0.827 1.747 6.33 13.38 47.33
2 1.172 1.103 2.023 7.87 14.44 54.52
3 1.21 1.37 2.29 9.74 15.84 59.82
Table 11
Tabular column for 20% blend
Sl. Mass of fuel Brake power Indicated power Brake thermal efficiency Indicated thermal efficiency Mechanical efficiency
No In kg/hr Kw kw % % %
01 1.1052 0.827 1.777 6.26 13.45 46.53
02 1.158 1.1034 2.0534 7.97 14.84 53.74
03 1.216 1.379 2.329 9.48 16.02 59.23
Table 12
Tabular column for 20% blend
Temperatures in 0c
Sl. No Hydraulic load In kg Engine speed in rpm Fuel consumption for 10ml in sec Air flow Mm of h2o
T1 T2 T3 T4
01 1.5 1500 27.67 15.8 37 39 48 67
02 2 1500 26.42 15.9 38 39 51 72
03 2.5 1500 25.14 16.1 37 39 49 79

Comparison Table
A detailed analysis and study was successfully carried on the PAMO blends. The calculation and obtained results are tabulated in
chapter analytical analysis. And we obtained some of the minor difference in performance between conventional diesel and pamo
bio diesel, the values are shown in below table.
Biodiesel blends
Sl. No Data Diesel
For B10 blend For B20 Blend
01 Speed in rpm 1500 1500 1500
02 Mass of fuel in kg/hr 1.15 1.163 1.159
03 Brake power in KW 1.099 1.098 1.103
04 Indicated power in KW 1.933 2.02 2.053
05 Friction power in KW 0.9 0.92 0.95
06 Specific fuel consumption in kg/ 1.370 1.0881 1.089
07 Air fuel ratio 20.97 19.80 20.62
08 Indicated thermal efficiency in % 14.53 14.55 14.77
09 Brake thermal efficiency in % 7.81 7.98 7.903
10 Mechanical efficiency in % 56.37 53.89 53.16


Based on the experimental analysis and observations we arrive at the following conclusion:
The properties of Transesterified pamo oil such as viscosity, calorific value (Cv), cetane number etc are very much similar to
that of diesel and hence can be mixed with diesel and used as a fuel. The spray diameter of diesel and B20 blend of biodiesel
containing trans esterified Pamo oil decreases with increase in nozzle pressure. Hence the B20 blend may be used as fuel in CI
engines having fuel injectors of nozzle pressures 180, 200 & 220 bar.

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Performance Study and Spray Pattern Analysis of Biodiesel Mixture
(IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 04/ 027)

The spray diameter of B20 and B30 blends of biodiesel containing Pamo is almost similar to the spray diameter of diesel at a
nozzle pressure of 220 bar. Due to similar spray patterns proper combustion takes place resulting in higher efficiency. Hence
instead of diesel, these blends may be used as fuel in CI engines having single nozzle fuel injectors of 220 bar nozzle pressure.
When the B30 blend of biodiesel containing Pamo is preheated to a temperature of 40OC, its spray diameter decreases with increase
in pressure. Hence as diesel also exhibits a similar property, B30 blend of biodiesel could be used as fuel in CI engines having
single nozzle fuel injectors of nozzle pressure 180, 200 and 220 bar.
The viscosities of the various blends of the biodiesel decreases with increase in temperature of the fuel. As Pamo oil has good
lubricating property, less viscosity and has no hydrocarbon they will also help in effective lubrication of cylinder walls, piston,
piston head etc. when used along with diesel as fuel. As the burning and heat storage capacity of olive oil is high the same is
compensated for the void in palm oil hence the mixture becomes an clean fuel alternative with not much of changes in the engine
performance. The results of the performance test are analyzed and seen that there is a bit of drop in mechanical efficiency i.e. from
56% to 53%. Therefore B20 and B30 blends of biodiesel having Pamo is a cleaner alternative for diesel
Thus we can arrive at the conclusion that biodiesel blends of 20 % & 30 % trans esterified Pamo oil may be successfully used
as fuels in CI engines without much engine modification as they exhibit spray patterns very much similar to that of diesel at room
and elevated temperatures of up to 40 OC.

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