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Casino Royale

In the beginning of the title trailer, we are shown the classic looking down the barrel
of the gun camera shot that is reminiscent in all of the james bond movies. When
the blood falls down the screen, we are greeted with the first title in the sequence,
that being the name of the owner of the institution that created the film, Albert R
Broccoli, and the name of the institution itself, Eon productions. A lot of film trailers
feature the titles in a hierarchical order, or an order of importance. Usually, this
means that the institute is almost always the first to appear, and this title trailer
follows this hierarchical convention.

Straight after the name of the institute

appears, the name of the actor playing
james bond (Daniel Craig), the main
character in this film, is shown, again
following the order of importance. The title
Daniel Craig fades in from the middle of
the screen, and this could be a connotation
to his central role in the film, or this could
also connote the fact that he is at the
centre of everything, and that he is always
the centre of attention in the film.

Following the reveal of the Main character,

we are shown the name of the film in a
much similar format to the reveal of Daniel
Craig. With this being done, this also
follows the hierarchical order of importance,
as although the title is important, the title
wouldnt mean anything without the
characters to make the film.

Shortly after, we are shown the name of

another main character, this being James
Bonds accomplice for most of the film.
But although she is an important camera,
any resemblance to her character is
hidden throughout most of this title
sequence. Instead, we are shown James
Bond, and this could connote to the fact
that he overrules her or the fact that he
has a certain authority over her, and this
again supports the hierarchical order of importance shown in most film title trailers.
The fact that Daniel Craig is fastening a silencer to the end of his gun could
foreshadow that Eva could possibly be a more silent character with a lot hidden, and
the fact that Daniel is holding a gun in the first place connotes the fact that he has
more power over her, and that he has a much higher authority as she is only his

A lot of the titles that appear tend to be in

dead space, an area in a scene or frame
that has little or no action in it. As with the
edges of the frame, there are guns that
have been fires and bullets are being shot
across the screen before the title appears,
but the gun corresponding to the title that
appears fires later than the other guns,
and this is to create an artificial dead
space to create space for the title to
appear in.

All the way through this title sequence, there are countless links between the
characters and references to casino games, which links with the title of the film
Casino Royale, and these countless links automatically draw focus to this theme,
and all the way through this title sequence, different characters are linked with
different aspects of a casino. For example, Daniel Craig is shown usually with either
a King behind him (the highest value card in a deck), and fires a single Spade from
his gun, which could relate to the Ace of Spades, also known as the Death Card,
being the highest card in a traditional deck.

These countless references and the use of titles in this title trailer help the viewer to
link to the theme of the film, and the use of titles in the dead space that has been
artificially created allows the viewer to be drawn away from all of the guns firing and
the cartoon people being shattered to focus more on the titles and the names of
those who aided in the production of this film, and this allows the producers and
actors to gain more credit as a lot of title sequences and credits are very fast paced,
but having a title sequence this slow allows each of the main characters to be given
individual credit for their work.

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