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The Minister of Integration in Sweden, Ylva Johansson, was caught making a

shine of The Holy Image Of Sweden a couple of days ago in BBC. That means
she was lying shamelessly of course.

If this had happened, let's say a year ago, no one would've noticed it. It
would've been total silence in Swedish media. Now it's a little bit better,
media says she was wrong when she said sex crimes going down and going
down and going down. But nothing more, they still can't draw any conclusions
about immigration and crimes, they still can't say she's totally wrong and is

But that's not the only lie from her in the interview - she also claims there's
no connection between immigration and crimes but thats a fact that even
Swedish criminologists admit. Under excruciating agony of course. But still,
they admit it ...

In the Swedish criminologists world every crime committed by an immigrant

can be blamed on two things, the socio-economic factors and increasing
willingness to report. Like the crimes would have been undone then and
everything is just fine. If there are factors causing some extra crimes we here
in Sweden don't do anything at all to fix them. We're not even trying. Just
wide open doors for more with those factors.

We have done this for over 30 years now and we se the result in places like
Rinkeby, Tensta, Rosengrd, Angered, Biskopsgrden, Bergsjn and many
other places.

The second reason the Swedish criminologists says is behind the increasing
reports of sex crimes in Sweden, increasing willingness to report, is actually
one of their favourites. That one is perfect if you dont want to do anything
about the real problem. Everything can be explained by the increasing
willingness to report.

When there's an outburst of sexual abuses and sometimes attempted rapes

at our public indoor swimming pools, and there has been a lot of those
outbursts the last years, the professors are ready with tons of excuses. Some
of the sexual abuses has been against girls as young as 10 and 11 years old.
Everyone knows that is not Swedish guys behind these assaults but the
professors are very happy for the increasing willingness to report. What
they mean is that in their opinion Swedes are much more likely to do things
like this than the immigrants from honor cultures still living in the the Sixth

There have been a lot of sexual abusive behavior at music festivals in the last
few years and every time there's a tsunami of articles, chronicles, columns
and so on from radical feminists overflowing swedish media, that explain it's
just the increasing willingness to report, that there's not more crimes now,
it's just that people report the crimes more now. What they mean is the same
as the criminologist , in their world the Swedes are the worst people on earth.

Our Minister of Home Affairs, Andres Ygeman, claimed that its much better
nowadays, that there were many more sexual assults at music festivals 20
years ago. He did that in a meeting with some radical feminist organizations
with huge political influence. Ygeman, who is also responsible for our police,
said that. It's unbelievable, we have ministers who believes in fairy tales

The internal report from the police about the music festival We Are Stockholm
2015 found that every person they identified for any sexual crimes at the
festival was an immigrant. Every single one. The report also said that there
had been problems at the festival with immigrants and sexual abuses since a
couple of years back. Dagens Nyheter, the big Swedish newspaper, got a tip
about a huge numbers of sexual abuses at the festival 2015 but Dagens
Nyheter choose not to write about them.

We all know why, there was not one Swedish suspect

The pictures above are from We Are Stockholm 2016 and some guys that the
guards and the police took care of because of sexual abuse. You can't find
one single Swede there.

The people behind the music festival Trstock in Skellefte are so convinced
that the Swedes are the big problem at the festivals so they decided to have
a panel with radical feminist men discussing toxic masculinity norms on the
stage now and then during the festival. And they also fixed free transport
from immigrant accomodations to the festival. Result? Sexual abuses up
1200%. Must be the damn Swedes not listening to the radical feminist men
discussing toxic masculinity

This is how it is in Sweden. You can blame every crime immigrants commits
on the swedes. Or more exactly, the Swedish men. They dont even care if its
girls 10-11 years old paying the prize. As long they can blame the Swedish
men they are happy.

Best Regards

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