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Threat of the Sith

"What happened to your partner? Malak?"
"I killed him."
"It's complicated."
"Eventually you'll tell us everything we want to know."
"Maybe so. But I'm going to make you work for it."
?Scourge questions Revan[src]
However, when the Ebon Hawk arrived in the Nathema system, Revan was overwhelmed
by a rush of memories and his head felt like it was going to explode. He recove
red after several seconds, processing the new memories and regaining control of
his mind, and he knew instinctively that he had been to Nathema before the planet
was completely without the Force. T3-M4's warnings finally brought Revan's atten
tion to another ship in the system, but he was too groggy to recognize that they
meant him harm and the Ebon Hawk was hit with an ion blast. Without power, the
freighter was caught in Nathema's gravity and was sent crashing down to the plan
et's surface, despite Revan's attempts to steer. The Ebon Hawk collided with a b
uilding in one of Nathema's cities and slammed into the planet's surface, knocki
ng Revan into unconsciousness.[1]
The ship that fired on Revan held the Sith Lords Darth Nyriss and Scourge, both
of whom were part of the Sith Empire. The two landed on Nathema's surface and Sc
ourge was sent to investigate the crashed ship, where he realized Revan was a Je
di and took the unconscious man out of the wrecked Ebon Hawk and back to their o
wn ship. Darth Nyriss, one of the members of the Empire's ruling Dark Council, r
ecognized Revan, and she decided to bring him back to Dromund Kaas and imprison
him in hopes of learning how the Jedi overcame the Emperor's mental commands for s
he was part of a conspiracy to overthrow the Emperor, and such knowledge would b
e useful in disabling the Emperor's servants.[1]
Revan was imprisoned in the dungeon of Darth Nyriss's stronghold and pumped full
of drugs to suppress his connection to the Force, and when he awoke, Nyriss and
Scourge entered his cell and began to interrogate him. When he failed to respon
d to their questions, their interrogation droid began to torture him, and Revan
was able to resist their efforts for four hours before Scourge was ordered to ta
ke a break. Scourge's expertise in interrogation led him to believe that Revan w
ould never be broken, so Nyriss began to lose interest over the weeks that follo
wed. Over the next three years, Revan remained a prisoner in his cell as Scourge
tortured him for information, and after the first few months Scourge had extrac
ted everything that Revan remembered. Revan was eventually freed from his chair,
and though his cell featured a sink, refresher, and bed, he was not given any o
ther clothes. Nyriss had lost interest after six months, but Scourge had become
obsessed with Revan he was fascinated by Revan's strength and connection to the Fo
rce, and Revan's philosophy intrigued Scourge.[1]
Lord Scourge
Lord Scourge, Revan's captor
In the first few months, Revan held out hope that he would be rescued by Ordo, T
3-M4, or even his wife, but he eventually realized that no help was coming. The
two of them gradually opened up to each other, as Revan was held in total seclus
ion, and they eventually regarded each other less as enemies as more as objects
of interest to each other. Revan also developed a minor immunity to the drugs, a
llowing him to sense the Force within the dungeon, but the drugs still restricte
d him beyond that meager extension of the Force. Revan fed his captor fragments
of his knowledge and wisdom in return for knowledge on Scourge himself, and thro
ugh their developing relationship Revan learned a great deal about the Empire. T
wo years after his capture, he learned the name of Darth Nyriss, and another pie
ce of information he gleaned was that the Emperor intended to invade the Republi
c, as well as the fact that Scourge and Nyriss were opposed to the Emperor's pla
In 3951 BBY, Scourge was visiting Revan when the Jedi's attempts to lure the Sit
h Lord whose name Revan still had not learned to his side were exposed by a blunder
on Revan's part. Revan discussed the inactivity of Nyriss' conspiracy with Scour
ge, but Revan's attempt to insinuate himself as a possible ally were too obvious
for Scourge to miss, and the Sith Lord laughed openly at Revan's implication. H
owever, Revan pressed forward and bluffed the Sith by claiming to have been give
n a vision of his freedom by the Force. Revan's suspicions about Scourge's inexp
erience with visions was accurate, as the Sith Lord eagerly questioned his capti
ve about the nature of visions and the future. When questioned about his vision,
Revan responded with a cryptic "You will understand in time," piquing the Sith'
s interest despite an annoyed Scourge's departure. After Scourge left, Revan ope
ned himself up to the Force in meditation and reached out to Shan, but the Force
instead showed him the face of Meetra Surik and gave him the unshakable belief
that Surik was coming to rescue him.[1]
An unlikely rescue
"Gaze upon me and see your doom! I am Darth Nyriss, Lord of the Sith. I am t
he conqueror of Drezzi, the destroyer of Melldia, and a member of the Dark Counc
"I am Revan reborn. And before me you are nothing."
?Revan defeats Darth Nyriss[src]
Just as Revan had sensed, Surik had followed Revan's trail to Nathema in the Ebo
n Hawk with the help of T3-M4, who had repaired the ship and returned to the Rep
ublic over the last three years. Surik followed the trail to Dromund Kaas itself
, where she posed as a mercenary and investigated the identity of Scourge, whom
she had seen in T3-M4's recording of Revan's capture. Surik eventually made cont
act with Scourge, who was astonished to find that Revan's promise of freedom had
come true, and Scourge agreed to help Surik in freeing Revan. Scourge also reve
aled the existence of Nyriss's conspiracy to the Emperor in order to divert atte
ntion from him and to occupy Nyriss. Posing as Scourge's slave, Surik infiltrate
d Nyriss's stronghold with Scourge, and the two were heading to the dungeons whe
n the Emperor's Imperial Guard began to attack the stronghold.[1]
Revan heard the explosions in his cell, but initially believed them to be side-e
ffects of a new drug or something similar. However, when the alarms began, Revan
realized that Surik was on her way, and he struggled to his feet in an attempt
to battle the mind-numbing drugs. One of Revan's guards opened the door of his c
ell and pointed a blaster at the Jedi, egged on by his fellow guard, but Revan s
poke to the terrified man and warned him not to shoot. Reaching out with the For
ce, Revan tried to amplify the guards' fear and confusion as he ordered the guar
d to put down the weapon, and he promised as a Jedi to spare their lives. Revan
continued to apply pressure through the Force as he lied and claimed Nyriss was
already dead, warning the two that his allies were coming and again asking them
to surrender.[1]
When they did so, Revan departed his cell and told them to stay against the wall
until his friends arrived, and several minutes later Surik descended into the d
ungeons to embrace her former mentor. Their reunion was interrupted by the arriv
al of Scourge, though Surik told Revan he was an ally, and Revan stopped Scourge
from killing the two guards before he collapsed due to the drugs. Scourge quick
ly delivered the antidote to the drugs, but when Surik handed him his mask which h
is wife had kept hidden ever since she recovered it during the mission to captur
e him all of Revan's missing memories returned at once and he collapsed into senso
ry overload. When Surik and Scourge were alerted to an approaching presence by T
3-M4, they moved Revan into his cell just before Darth Nyriss arrived and killed
the two guards.[1]
Nyriss began to overpower both Scourge and Surik when they engaged her in battle
, and when she had them at a disadvantage, the Dark Councilor gathered an intens
e storm of Force lightning and prepared to unleash it upon the pair. Revan, mean
while, had recovered from his collapse and donned his mask, and he stepped out i
nto the corridor with his hood raised. Countering Nyriss's declaration of victor
y, Revan extended his hands and absorbed the bolts of lightning before unleashin
g them back upon their caster, reducing Nyriss to a pile of ash in a matter of s
econds. Saddened that the guards had been slain, Revan stopped and bowed his hea
d over their bodies, but Surik interrupted him and Scourge delivered his lightsa
ber to Revan before the four of them fled the stronghold.[1]
Revan and T3-M4 TERC
Revan watches the hologram of his family.
They rushed to Scourge's waiting speeder and sped away from the embattled struct
ure, returning to the cave where Surik and Scourge had first met. After he dropp
ed Revan, Surik, and T3-M4 off, Scourge returned to Kaas City in order to find o
ut the situation, and Revan asked him to bring back food, water, and soap so tha
t he could wash. At Surik's request, T3-M4 rolled forward and displayed a messag
e from Shan: a hologram of Revan's wife holding their three-year-old son. In the
message, Shan told Revan that it was their son's birthday, and Revan removed hi
s mask as his son waved to the camera. Shan's choice of the name Vaner amused Re
van, as it was an anagram of his own name, and Surik retreated as Revan watched
the rest of the message.[1]
When the video ended, Revan thanked Surik for rescuing him, and he praised her a
ccomplishments and strength before asking her if she would like to watch the mes
sage from Shan with him. Surik accepted, and the two were still watching it when
Scourge returned to the cave several hours later. T3-M4 shut off the hologram w
hen Scourge arrived, and Revan answered Scourge's questions as to the people's i
dentity, though the Sith Lord soon remembered that the two were not friends and
stopped asking. Revan and Surik then listened to Scourge's report: the Emperor h
ad killed all twelve members of the Dark Council, unleashing the Imperial Guard
upon three of them and killing the other nine himself. The Emperor had institute
d martial law and imposed a curfew, and Revan then explained what he had remembe
red of his past and how he and Malak had been lured into a trap and corrupted.[1
Their discussion soon turned to the possibility that the Emperor would attempt t
o repeat the ritual he performed on Nathema there on Dromund Kaas, though Revan
and Scourge concluded that the Emperor would not. Scourge, Surik, and Revan then
agreed that they would try and kill the Emperor, as now was their best chance a
t eliminating the threat he posed to the galaxy, and Revan suggested that they a
ll get some rest before dawn. While Surik settled into meditation, Revan resumed
watching his wife's message, but he was soon interrupted by a restless Scourge.
The Sith Lord sought to learn more of Revan's view of the Force and visions, an
d Revan admitted that he had been bluffing about his "vision" earlier despite th
e fact that he received a true vision shortly afterward.[1]
Revan and Scourge's discussion led Revan to admit that he was willing to die if
that was what the Force had ordained for him, and Revan recognized and embraced
the possibility that it was in fact another's responsibility to defeat the Emper
or. Revan also admitted the real reason he had left behind his family and the Re
public he wanted to protect his son's future, and he was more than willing to die
for that. Scourge was irritated by Revan's self-sacrificing mentality and left R
evan alone, and the Jedi once again continued to watch the recording over and ov
er until dawn.[1]
Confronting evil
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Attack on the Sith Emperor
"I did not expect you to return."
?The Sith Emperor[src]
Revan, T3-M4, Surik, and Scourge departed the cave at dawn and took Scourge's la
ndspeeder into Kaas City, and as they traveled Revan contemplated the nature of
the Force and how he had learned to balance the light and dark sides. Stopping a
t the outskirts of the city, the four of them made their way toward the Imperial
Citadel on foot, avoiding the patrols so that they arrived at their destination
unnoticed. Scourge took the lead as they entered the Citadel, demanding to spea
k with the Emperor, and the Imperial Guard led the four of them into the heart o
f the Citadel to the Emperor's throne room. However, when they reached the doors
, Captain Yarri of the Guard stopped them and ordered Scourge's companions to wa
it outside. Yarri was the same Guard who had lured Malak and Revan into a trap n
ine years earlier, and she recognized Revan's mask when the Jedi Master was forc
ed to turn around.[1]
Revan charges the Sith Emperor.
Exposed, Revan lashed out with his foot and sent the nearest Guardsman stumbling
back as T3-M4 began to fire his blaster. Surik and Scourge drew their lightsabe
rs and leaped to the offensive, with Surik engaging several Guardsmen and Scourg
e taking on Yarri. The skilled soldiers did not fall easily, but Revan's allies
bought him time to blast open the doors to the throne room with the Force and he
charged inside. Revan leapt over one of the Guards who attacked and slammed him
in the chest with the power of the Force, but the Guardsman drew on the Emperor
's power to resist the blow. Revan dispatched the man with his lightsaber noneth
eless and turned to find Surik and Scourge still locked in combat while retreati
ng, so he reached out with the Force and pulled down the stone archway in the ha
llway to cut off the Guards' reinforcements. After Surik and Scourge crossed the
threshold with their opponents, Revan slammed the room's doors shut and ordered
T3-M4 to seal the doors before he turned to face the Emperor.[1]
The Sith ruler had not risen from his throne the entire time, and Revan ignored
his enemy's words as he rushed forward to confront him. Standing perfectly still
after rising to his feet, the Emperor gathered his strength and unleashed a wav
e of energy that lifted Revan off his feet and threw him backward, but the Jedi
rolled to his feet and advanced again as the Emperor reached out with his mind.
This time, Revan opened himself to the Force and allowed both the light and dark
sides to flow through him before he released the Force in its purest form an acti
on that lit up the air between him and the Emperor and sent both of them flying.
Recovering, Revan raced toward his enemy and deflected the Emperor's first bolt
of lightning, though it stopped him in his tracks, and he proceed to knock the
next aside, dodge the following bolt, and he deflected the final attack straight
back at the Emperor. Angered, the Sith Lord gathered his strength and unleashed
a massive storm of lightning at Revan, and the Jedi Master's attempts to absorb
and contain the energy like before failed the power of the attack overwhelmed him
and sent electricity coursing through his body, boiling his skin and causing hi
s mask to superheat on his burning face.[1]
Collapsing to the floor, Revan cried out as T3-M4 distracted the Emperor with hi
s flamethrower and was destroyed as a result, sacrificing himself to rescue Reva
n from the Emperor's attack. Unable to rise, Revan called on the Force to heal h
is wounds, but he could do nothing as the Emperor approached him with Revan's ow
n lightsaber and prepared to kill the Jedi. Revan was saved from death by Surik,
who knocked the Emperor's weapon aside with a toss of her own lightsaber, and R
evan rose to his feet as Surik and Scourge rushed to his side. When the Emperor
expressed his disappointment with Scourge, Revan proclaimed that Scourge was the
Jedi's ally now, but Revan's "ally" was suddenly overcome by a vision of the fu
ture a future in which another Knight defeated the Emperor. Understanding what he
had to do, Scourge stepped behind Surik and slid his lightsaber between her shou
lders, and a horrified Revan was quickly struck with a blast of Force lightning
by the Emperor.[1]
Revan imprisoned
Revan imprisoned
As Revan lay unconscious on the floor, the Emperor tested Scourge's loyalty by h
aving him kill Revan, though the Emperor halted Scourge's blade before the deed
was done. On the Emperor's orders, Revan was placed in a specially-constructed p
rison[1] in a space station at the heart of the remote Maelstrom Nebula.[15] Loc
ked in stasis, hovering between life and death, Revan was unable to move as the
Emperor reached out across dozens of light years and fed off of the Jedi Master'
s strength, using Revan's power to fuel his own. The Emperor also linked his min
d to Revan's and tried to draw on his knowledge of the Republic and the Force so
that he could learn more about his enemies. However, Revan resisted the Emperor
's influence with his strength of will, and the Force ghost of Surik remained ne
xt to him, lending her friend the strength to fight the Emperor, preventing the
Sith from taking his knowledge.[1] The Emperor also utilized Revan's prowess in
both the light and the dark sides to use the Jedi as a conduit to the Force thro
ugh which the Emperor could see visions of the future, though Revan used their l
ink in reverse to temper the Emperor's aggression and slow the Sith's plans to w
age war on the Republic.[15] However, Revan was mentally tortured for centuries
by the Emperor and the fear-wielding Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters; the
Sith sought to twist him to the dark side and remake him as the Emperor's servan
t, and though he was able to resist, Revan's mind eventually fractured under the
strain. He was forced to separate himself from his pain, focusing solely on the
Force, though part of his mind still experienced the torture.[7]
During his imprisonment, the slaves that Revan left with the Infinite Engine con
tinued to worship the Revan as a god-like figure,[34] and Revan's legend also in
spired the philosophy of a group known as the Order of Revan on Dromund Kaas. Th
e Revanites believed in Revan's philosophy of balancing the light and dark sides
of the Force and in the power of rebirth Revan had been a warrior as a Jedi and a
teacher as a Sith, and he had been reborn when both turned on him.[62] The Reva
nites were aware of Revan's battle with the Emperor,[62] and the Masters of the
Revanite Order believed that the Emperor had in fact been defeated and replaced
by Revan.[63] The Revanites constructed a shrine to Revan in a cave on Dromund K
aas, and initiate Revanites were often overcome by visions of the Sith Lord in t
he cave when they were undergoing the initiation rites.[62]
Freedom and fall
"'And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing.' Now I know how yo
u felt, my friend."
?A defeated Revan musing on his dark turn[src]
Despite Revan's influence, however, the Sith Empire invaded the Republic in 3681
BBY, beginning the Great Galactic War. But as the war dragged on for almost thr
ee decades, Revan's influence made the Emperor decide to seek a false peace with
the Republic to bring the war to an end. In 3653 BBY, the Empire sacked Corusca
nt and forced the Republic to sign the Treaty of Coruscant to end the war.[32] T
he Cold War that followed began to collapse around 3642 BBY[3] when the Emperor
sought to start his dark ritual and thus eradicate all life in the galaxy, leadi
ng Surik's ghost to reach out and contact the Jedi Master Oteg. At Surik's instr
uction, Oteg gathered a strike team that attacked the prison in the Maelstrom wh
ile Oteg's fleet engaged the forces of the Imperial Grand Moff Rycus Kilran.[15]
After battling through the prison's personnel and defeating Kilran himself, the
strike team deactivated Revan's prison, freeing the Jedi Master from stasis. Rev
an was initially horrified that the Republic operatives had released him, as it
meant that he could no longer restrain the Emperor, but the ghost of Surik appea
red to him and calmed her friend, informing Revan that he had to be freed before
his strength failed. Saddened that Surik was not yet at peace, Revan explained
that the Emperor sought to make him a servant of the Sith once more, and Surik t
old Revan that the peace had already been broken the Emperor was waging war once m
ore. Thanking Surik, Revan took one of the Imperial vessels and rendezvoused wit
h the Republic fleet as it departed the Maelstrom.[15]
Revan battle
Revan, commander of the Foundry
Aboard the Telos, Master Oteg's flagship, Revan thanked his rescuers and told th
em of his intent to end the threat of the Emperor and the Sith once and for all.
Revan was then taken to the Order's homeworld of Tython, where he shared his kn
owledge of the Emperor with the Jedi Council, but Revan then left Tython to purs
ue his own plans.[15] Revan searched the galaxy and located HK-47, who had been
waiting loyally for his master's return for the last three centuries, and Revan
then located the Foundry a Rakatan space station that he had discovered long ago b
ut the location of which he had kept from the Emperor. Revan also managed to ret
rieve his mask from the Revanites, who had stolen it from Lord Grathan's collect
ion.[4] Seeing how he was worshiped by the Order of Revan, he decided that he wa
nted nothing to do with them, as he did not consider himself a prophet.[14]
Using the Foundry, Revan began to construct an army of extermination droids that
he planned to unleash upon the Empire with the assignment of exterminating ever
yone with Sith ancestry. Revan placed HK-47 in command of his rapidly growing ar
my, and the droid was more than happy to resume his assassination protocols. How
ever, the Empire soon became aware of Revan's plans and captured the Republic cr
uiser Dorin's Sky, using it to bypass the Republic blockade around the Foundry a
nd insert an Imperial strike team onto the Foundry. Revan contacted the strike t
eam periodically as they fought their way through the station's defenses to comm
unicate his belief that they were being manipulated by the Emperor, and he was d
ismayed to watch from the station's heart as the strike team fought and defeated
HK-47 in the Foundry's main generator.[4]
The strike team made their way to Revan's sanctum within the station, where the
Jedi Master revealed his identity and told them his story. Explaining that his k
nowledge of the Emperor made the Sith ruler's death his responsibility and his a
lone, Revan drew his violet-bladed lightsaber and donned his mask for the final
battle. Unleashing bursts of lightning and hurling chunks of asteroid harvested
by the Foundry at his opponents, Revan dueled the four strike team members throu
ghout the chamber, but Revan was ultimately driven to defeat. Stumbling back, Re
van quoted Malak's final words and remarked that he finally understood how his f
riend had felt so many years ago on the Star Forge, and before his opponents cou
ld finish the Jedi Master off, Revan vanished in a flash of violet energy.[4]
Dying, Revan attempted to become one with the Force, but he was only partially s
uccessful. While part of him moved on and joined the Force, the rest the part that
had embraced the darkness to escape the pain of the Emperor's torture refused to
do so, and was left in control of his body. Now insane and fully submerged in th
e dark side, the new "dark" Revan believed his mind to be "clearer" and his stre
ngth to have increased. Remembering the Revanites, he decided to make them his o
wn, and became determined to destroy the Emperor once and for all.[64] However,
he first needed to "clear the board" of the Republic and the Empire, both of whi
ch he believed would interfere in his plans.[14] By that time, Revan had discove
red that the Emperor had been driven to the brink of defeat by a Jedi Knight, an
d that the Emperor's spirit had retreated to the moon Yavin 4 in order to recupe
"You've carried on, dragging the remains of a body that should have long sin
ce faded to dust. Hatred fueled cunning, but burned out all wisdom. Without me,
you could not see."
?The light Revan speaks to the dark Revan[src]
Revan hologram
The "reborn" Revan
Taking control of the Order of Revan, he effectively wiped out the original Reva
nites and remade them into a group of fanatical devotees who were willing to fol
low his lead unquestionably. His new Revanites included members throughout the u
pper echelons of both the Republic and the Empire, such as Colonel Rian Darok of
the Republic Special Forces Division and Darth Arkous of the Dark Council. Daro
k and Arkous were tasked with creating an "Infinite Army" using Rakatan technolo
gy having stolen Rakatan artifacts from the Jedi Temple and Sith Academy, the pair
hired a Selkath scientist named Gorima to develop a way of fusing the Rakatan t
echnology with living beings. On Lehon, the Revanites embedded fragments of the
destroyed Star Forge in the bodies of their recruits, creating soldiers who coul
d heal rapidly and possessed great strength. However, the Infinite Army project
was destroyed by a small alliance of Republic and Imperial individuals who also
killed Darok and Arkous. Commanding the Revanite fleet from the deck of a Harrow
er-class dreadnought, Revan arrived in the Lehon system only minutes after the p
air's death; disappointed with the loss of his Infinite Army, he spoke briefly w
ith his opponents via a holographic projection before he bombarded the Temple of
the Ancients with his fleet in an unsuccessful attempt to kill his enemies.[14]
Despite the loss of the Infinite Army, Revan moved ahead with his efforts, and r
ecruited the Nova Blades pirate gang on the planet Rishi. At Revan's instruction
s, the Nova Blades preyed on Republic and Imperial patrols, forcing them to shif
t their hyperroutes with the intention of forcing a naval confrontation between
the Republic and the Empire.[66] The Revanites also gathered a fleet of warships
that they stationed on Rishi, where the battle would occur; the ships would ent
er the battle and wreak havoc along with Revanite saboteurs aboard the two oppos
ing fleets. The Revanites also constructed a signal jammer on Razorback Island t
o prevent the fleets from warning or contacting each other.[67] Revan's alliance
with Shae Vizla's Mandalorian clan did not last long,[68] and when the Nova Bla
des came under attack by a mysterious pirate group, Revan ended his agreement wi
th the pirates as they had served their purpose.[66] That mysterious group was s
oon discovered to be the same individuals responsible for the Lehon incident, in
cluding Revan's own descendant Theron Shan, who was captured investigating a Rev
anite outpost.[67]
Shan was brought to the Revanite stronghold on Sky Ridge Island, where Revan him
self spent quite some time interrogating his descendant and attempting to convin
ce Shan to join Revan's cause. Some time after Revan departed, a rescue team inf
iltrated the stronghold, and Revan spoke to them briefly via holocomm before the
group escaped with Shan.[67] To Revan's displeasure, that same group of allied
Imperial and Republic operatives successfully disabled the Revanites' jamming to
wer just as Revan's trap was sprung; the Republic and Imperial fleets were warne
d of the situation and alerted to the presence of the Revanite saboteurs before
too much damage had been done.[69]
His involvement exposed to the galaxy, Revan advanced his plans and invaded Yavi
n 4 in force; his Revanites overwhelmed the small number of Imperial Guardsmen w
ho were stationed at the Imperial Guard Academy on the moon, and secured the Tem
ple of Sacrifice. The Temple contained the mechanism required for a Sith ritual
that would restore the Emperor's strength by consuming all life on Yavin 4. Howe
ver, he was pursued by a coalition of Imperial and Republic forces that had join
ed together in the threat of a returned Emperor, and the coalition forces attack
ed the Revanites in order to prevent Revan from achieving his goal, as they beli
eved he would be unable to defeat the Emperor.[70] By that time, Revan had reacq
uired his longtime companion HK-47, who had been rebuilt after being destroyed i
n the service of the Sith Lord Darth Malgus.[7] Unbeknownst to the dark Revan, h
is other half was able to manifest as a Force spirit, and warned the coalition f
orces that their enemy was not the true Revan.[5] In the battle that followed, t
he coalition forces stormed the temple, and Revan was interrupted in his attempt
to complete the ritual. With the Temple machinery destroyed,[7] Revan fled the
Temple and retreated to a temple deeper in the jungle the Emperor's final sanctuar
y, and the site where his spirit was hidden.[64]
Revan reforms
Revan's two halves finally merge.
However, he was pursued by a number of the coalition's greatest heroes, includin
g his own descendants: Theron and his mother Satele Shan, the Jedi Grand Master.
Determined to confront the Emperor in spite of the disruption of his plans, Rev
an engaged in battle with the coalition forces, holding his own against a large
number of enemies, but he was ultimately defeated and he was horrified to hear the
mocking laugh of the Emperor only moments later. His strength restored by feedi
ng off of the deaths and chaos caused by the battle on the moon, the Emperor dec
lared his intention to retake the galaxy as his own, and his spirit then vanishe
d from Yavin 4 without taking a body. Devastated at his failure, the dark Revan
was enraged to be visited by his spectral half, but the spirit convinced his oth
er half to release his hold on their physical form and merge once more, making R
evan whole. His mind restored, Revan warned the coalition to remain vigilant in
the wake of the Emperor's return, and then the ancient Force-user finally became
one with the Force. Revan's physical body vanished as well, leaving only his sc
arred mask and his lightsaber.[64]

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