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Practicum Portfolio

Name: Camila Carmona González

Carreer: Pedagogía en Inglés
VISE II made in: Escuela República del Uruguay

Doing VISE I realized why I wanted to be a teacher: because it makes me feel useful and
happy, because I feel I can really make a positive change in the students, and also
because I can’t see myself doing something else. But now that I’ve made VISE II all the
things that I mencionated above, were reaffirmed. Both experiences were completely
different. Last year I was in high school in a semi private school, and this semester I was
with elementary students in a State school. But I never thought how different could it be.
Both experiences have been beyond amazing, thanks to VISE I and II, I have learnt many
things about teachers,students, schools and also about myself.
In this portfolio I will share information about the school were I made VISE II, the reports
and reflections about different experiences and also the assigments made during the


Introduction ................................................................................................ 2

Index ................................................................................................ 3

Course program ................................................................................................ 4-6

School Information ............................................................................................ 7

Reports and Reflections ................................................................................... 8-9

Assignments ................................................................................................ 10-13

Reference Material and Web Pages and links consulted ............................... 14

Course program


“Descubriendo la relación entre la Teoría y la Práctica”


Nombre de la asignatura: VISE II

Profesor: Prof. Isabel Vásquez Vicencio / Rodrigo González Salinas.

Carrera: Pedagogía en Inglés

Pre- requisitos: VISE I


Curso de modalidad de taller el cual está centrado en la “búsqueda de respuestas sobre

actitudes y comportamientos en las interacciones humanas; en su necesidad de teorizar”.
Esta práctica, junto con la práctica I (Vise I) deben ayudar al alumno, de manera efectiva,
a desarrollar el eje sólido y férreo entre la Universidad, los establecimientos
educacionales y la comunidad.
Luego de las primeras observaciones en el establecimiento educacional, se pretende que
a través de este taller los estudiantes logren encontrar explicaciones teóricas y prácticas
acerca de lo que observan.
Se solicitará a los alumnos que practiquen un comportamiento libre de prejuicios y
estereotipos, que se planteen valóricamente con relación a las interacciones
interpersonales, que reflexionen sobre su cultura personal y se abran a su
Este es el segundo paso del acercamiento gradual y creciente, que deberá hacer todo
alumno de pedagogía, a la realidad de los establecimientos educacionales, a su entorno y
aula mediante la realización de trabajos prácticos en el desarrollo del currículum.
Esta asignatura precede a las metodologías y es la base sobre la cual cada alumno
construirá su propia teoría de la enseñanza.


Ayudar a que los estudiantes en práctica crean en sí mismos y en sus potencialidades

para ser exitosos y así poder tomar decisiones, socializar, llevarse bien con los demás,
trabajar en equipo, negociar honesta y hábilmente, asumir liderazgo y compromiso con los
conocimientos logrados.


1. Desarrollar la capacidad de reconocer errores, de reconocerse como modelos para los

alumnos y de afianzar la vocación de profesor.
2. Reconocer y fundamentar teóricamente que la afectividad es uno de los principales
factores en el logro de los aprendizajes.
3. Apreciar el conocimiento como fuente del desarrollo personal y profesional.

4. Fundamentar teóricamente una cultura de aprendizaje y un ambiente educativo
respetuoso y libre de peligros y amenazas.


Unidad temática Nº1

“Los errores como fuentes del conocimiento: desarrollo personal y profesional. “


1. Los errores como fuente de conocimiento.

2. El conocimiento como fuente de desarrollo personal y profesional.
3. Vocación de profesor dentro de una sociedad globalizada.


Al nivel de Talleres Vises y Escuela

· Relatos de experiencias vividas en la VISE I y las que se vivirán en la VISE II, asociarlas
con errores vividos u observados..
· Análisis conceptual, bibliográfico y de comparación.
· Análisis de situaciones relacionadas con la teoría y la práctica.
· Utilización de matrices para identificar errores, proponer soluciones y estrategias de lo
observado en la escuela.
· Lecturas individuales y/o grupales.

Unidad Temática Nº 2

“Las relaciones afectivas positivas: Condiciones necesarias para un ambiente de


1. Relaciones afectivas positivas.
2. Ambiente de Aprendizaje.


Al nivel de talleres:
· Orientaciones para trabajar objetivos transversales.
· Elaboración de una propuesta para la realización de actividades en el aula sobre la base
de los OFT presentes en el programa de curso correspondiente al nivel.
· Registro, presentación y discusión de eventos pedagógicos relevantes en la escuela.
(Portafolio). Énfasis en las relaciones interpersonales.
· Análisis de variables o factores que inciden en el ambiente de aprendizaje.
Al nivel de Escuela:
· Selección de un OFT y desarrollo de un programa que se pueda ejecutar en la
ACLES (actividades curriculares de libre elección), de acuerdo a lo planificado en el
· Elaboración de estrategias para mantener, y mejorar las relaciones afectivas y el
ambiente de aprendizaje.

· Observación, recolección de información y participación en las actividades al interior de
la escuela.

Unidad Temática Nº3

“Competencias que debe desarrollar el Profesor (a) “


1. Capacidad de asumir la formación ética de los alumnos de los establecimientos

2. Capacidad de creer en la persona y en su potencial desarrollo.
3. Capacidad de apreciar el conocimiento como motor de desarrollo personal.
4. Capacidad de comportarse de manera solidaria con los demás, ( alumnos, compañeros
de trabajo, y diversos actores del ambiente educacional)


Al nivel de talleres

· Discusión socializada
· Trabajo en grupo cooperativo
· Demostraciones
· Simulaciones
· Análisis de contenidos
Al nivel de Escuela
· Observación participante
· Entrevistas
· Elaboración de cuestionario.


El curso será entregado de manera teórica-práctica, a través de la modalidad de Taller.

En general se trabajará de la siguiente forma:

· Análisis crítico y comprensivo de las experiencias vividas y observadas.

· Registro de eventos pedagógicos de acuerdo a cada una de las Unidades
temáticas del Programa de Curso. (Portafolio)
· Confección de un Portafolio pedagógico destinado a la recopilación,
presentación, y análisis de las experiencias pedagógicas durante el período de
· Lecturas obligatorias y discusión socializada.

School Information

Escuela República del Uruguay is an Orly girls primary school, located in Valparaiso,
Eusebio Lillo # 355. Its director is Don Ulises Delgado, and UTP head of the first cycle,
Mrs. Cecilia Carvajal, and my teacher in the classroom, Miss Lorena Oses.

The College was founded on May 20, 1904 under the name Escuela No 18 in 1928 it was
renamed Escuela No. 9 and in 1928 it became Escuela República del Uruguay, name that
remains until today. In 2004 the school started to work full-time.

The school has approx 1400 pupils, distributed among the levels of kindergarten through
eighth grade, each level has five courses from A to E.

There are 73 teachers, 52 classrooms and one computer lab.

(I was doing my VISE II with two classes, 3° E and 4° B)

Reports and Reflections

A.Observation stage.

a)Pedagogical event Nº1

During Vise II there were many things that called my attention, but I remember the first
session that I attended, it was in 4° B at 7:45 am, first class in the morning. After I found
the English teacher, she and I went to the classroom. The students were with their head
teacher, and he was very upset, he was yelling at the girls and saying to them that they
had to listen to him, wear their coat, sit in ther sits and not talk unless the teacher ask them
something. The girls seemed to be very scared and sad, and the teacher kept getting

The English teacher and I stood there untill he left. I was a little shocked, because I
thought that the students didn’t deserved such a bad treatment, they were very quiet while
the teacher was speaking, but he was still angry, actually he seemed angry most of the
time,it passed more than a month untill I could see a smile on his face.

This called my attention because the English teacher was totally different, she was more
relaxed and patient .It was amazing how the athmosphere in the class changed as soon as
the head teacher left the classroom. The English teacher didn’t need to yell to the girls in
order to make them quiet.

This was also an issue in 3°E, in this class, the head teacher and sometimes even the
English teacher had to yell at the girls in order to make them quiet. But I think that here it
was necessary, because those girls were extremely bad behaved.

b) Reflection Nº1

I thought it was such a shame that the girls and their head teacher had a bad relationship,
because when you are a kid your teachers, and mostly, your head teachers, are like your
parents,sometimes students trust in their teachers more than in their relatives, so I believe
that teachers should be able to earn the trust of their students.

But then I understood that you can’t be all friendly and kind with primary students all the
time, because if you do so, they will loose respect on you and they will think that it’s allright
to play and not to do their activities during class. Sometimes, students need to be treated
in a more formal way in order to make them understand that the teacher is the one in
charge of the class, not them.

At first this was a little difficult for me to understand, because I had never been with
primary students, and I wasn’t sure about tell them “NO” or punish them , but then I
realized that it was necessary to be serious and strict because sometimes, it’s the only
ways you can control your students. There a line that students can’t cross and it’s
important to stablish that line from the begining. Mybe it’s not necessary to get angry as
the head teacher did, but I think that if your students respect you, things will work just fine.

B. Team-teaching stage.

a) Pedagogical event Nº2

One time the teacher didn’t show up to classes with 4° B , so I had to be in charge of the
class. First I waited almost fifteen minutes to see if the teacher was coming, but she didn’t,
so I went to ask to the inspector what I sould do, and he asked me if I could stay with the
students until the end of the class, I said yes.

I came back to the classroom, I told the girls that the teacher was not coming and that I
was going to do the class that day. The students were surprised at first, but apparently
they liked they idea. First we practiced some vocabulary related with the partsof the house,
wich it was what they had been learning, and then I decided to do a dictation of seven
words. I told them the word in English, and they had to write in English and in Spanish. For
example I told them the word: “Bed” and they had to write: Bed – Cama.

Fortunatelly I didn’t have any problem, the girls were well behaved all the time, they
listened to me, and they work quitly during all the class.

When the teacher found out that I had to be in charge of the class, she was glad. I also
correct the dictation and I even put grades. The teacher told me that it had been a very
good idea and that she was going to use those grades in the future.

b) Reflection Nº2. “Interactions in the classroom”

There were many things that I did in the classroom during VISE II, like correcting
copybooks, answering to the student’s questions, explaining instructions, etc. But the most
important thing that I did, was doing an entire class on my own. I know that at this time it is
not allowed to do so, but actually, there was nothing I could do, because at that moment,
there were no available teachers that could take care of the class, so I had to do it.

It was a great experience, I had done classes before, but in secondary school, not primary,
and it was totally different, but I think I was able to handled it in the correct way, the
students respected me, they followed my instructions and they were very cooperative. I
didn’t have any problem, and everything worked perfectly.

Also in the last sessions, the teacher let me do the entire classes on my own, but this time
she was there so it was even easier. I had to prepared different activities for the students,
wirte them on the board and then correct them. I felt like I was already a teacher, it was an
amazing experience.

I believe that we, as Pedagogy students, should be prepared to do an entire class on our
own since VISE I, I mean, not completely prepared, because that is impossible, but maybe
we should learn some tips that could help us, because it’s very likely that we will have to
do a class. Sometimes teachers don’t show up, or they get sick, and we become
responsables of an entire classroom.


Assignment Nº1

One of the thing that called my atention during Vise I, was the lack of resources that the
English teacher had. I remeber once when he wanted to do a listening activity, but he
couldn't because the radio was being used by the other English teacher, so he had to
change all the activities that he had planed for the class. he told me it was very frustrating,
but that there was nothing he could do, apart from try to keep going on with the class. also,
there were no computer for the students, so all the ideas that the teacher had in order to
make the class a little bit more interactive and fun were no possible due to the lack of

Assignment Nº2

Name of student: Camila Carmona González

Name of School: Escuela República de Uruguay

Number of students: 25 and 16

Date: may 20th Class: 4ºB and 3º E

Briefly describe the following aspects:

1. The school:

This school is a girls school, it has almost 1500 students from kindergarden to 8th grade.
Right now the school is helping another school because of the earthquake, and at nights
are attending adults. The school is located in Valparaíso at Eusebio Lillo N°138, just off
Argentina Avenue, it is a big building, with a lot of classroms (since the grades go to letter
A to letter E)

2. The classroom

In 4ª B the classroom seems to be very confortable, a little dark, but I think that is the only
problem about it. Another thing that called my attention, was that the teacher’s desk is not
at the front of the students, it’s at one side.
In 3º E the classroom it’s very confortable also, because there’s only 16 girls, so they have
a lot of space, this classroom it’s also a little bit dark.

3. The activities & resources

In 4º B the students were working on vocabulary, specificly in the parts of the house. The
teacher wrote the word in the board, with their pronunciation, and then the girls have to
look for images in magazines and paste them in ther copybooks.

In 3º E the studenst were learning the number from 1 to 30, the teacher made the next
activity, she wrote, with word, some numbers, and at the other side of the board she wrote
the same numbers but in a different order (with number), so the students have to match

the numbers.

I think that the school has a lot of resources. The teacher told me that on the next class
with 3ª E she is going to use the computers to do an activity with the girls about numbers.

Task 2: Student´s learning

In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help to create
conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a part in preventing learning.

1. The learners

In 4º B the girls work very good, they pay attention, they ask questions and their behaviour
is good. I think that most of these students are motivated and they seem to like the English
class, but in 3 ª E the students are not as motivated as the girls in 4 º B they are very loud,
and they spend most of the class playing and talking, they want that the teacher or me, do
the work instead of them, and some girls stop working if you let them alone.

2. Behaviour during classroom activities

As I mentioned before in 4º B the students work very good, they participate when the
teacher ask them questions, and they do all the activities during the class, of course there
are some exceptions, but the teacher tell them that If they don’t work, they will get a bad
grade in the test. While in 3º E most of the girls don’t work, so the teacher is telling them
during all the class to do the activities. In this class there are some girls that are in the
diferencial (diferenciado) because they have problems in concentration, so the teacher
pays more attention to them.

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

My first reaction when I started Vise II was that the level of English was very low, I thought
that they were going to do something more advanced, compared with what I was studying
at that age. Also they girls wokr very slowly, and they have only two hours of English at
Most of the girls lear by listening to the teacher and then repeting by theirselves. Also
comparing English with Spanish

Assignment N°3

Name of student: Camila Carmona González

Name of School: República de Uruguay

Date: june 7th 2010

Task nº1: Collaboration activities

1.In Vise II I have participated a little bit more than I did in Vise I, mainly because now I’m
with students from 3rd and 4th grade so they ask more things, not only related to english,
but they also ask if they can go to the bathroom, or if I can borrow them a pencil and stuff
like that, while in Vise I, I was with older students (secondary) so they only asked me
about the class. Some of the activities that I have done incluede, review notebooks,
explain guide activities to small groups, answer questions from the students, deliver tests,
tell the girls to enter the classroom and wear ther uniforms, correct the activities done in
class and explain them if they didnt understand somethin, like the instructions for an
activity, or a specific content.

2. In one class, 3ºE the students are very noisy and they don’t work very well, they are
playing and talking all the time, but the girls are very sweet, they gave me presents (little
notes and drawings) and I think that they like me, because every time I arrived to the
classrom, they hug me and tell me that they are happy to see me. Also the students
always ask me if the don’t understand something, so I think they trust me. Also I have
learnt that sometimes they need some motivation in order to do the activities, for example,
one time I told them that I would borrow them one of my pencils if they do the activity,
fortunatelly they agreed and did the task.
In the other class 4ºB is very similar to 3ªE but more quiet, they also ask me lots of things
and I always try to explain them the best I can.

Task nº2: Reflection

Until now I really like my job as an assitant. It’s been very different from Vise I, because I
have never been with kids so young, but I have learnt a lot, the teacher has been great,
and she has give me all the information that I’ve wanted to know. I wish I could spend
more time with the students, but they only have two hours of English at week. Sometimes I
feel like I have just enter the room and I already have to leave. But the most important
thing to me is that I feel useful, I think that I am really helping the teacher and the students.
I’m still no sure if I would like to work with kids in the future, they can be very difficult at
times, but it’s also a lot of fun, the only thing that I know for sure, is that, so far, this
experience has been fantastic.

Assignment N° 4

The activity that I decided to do is for the 3th grade, and the OFT that develops it would be
Self-esteem and self-confidence. Respect and value different ideas. Recognizing the
dialogue as a source of

Right now the students are working on vocabulary, specifically in the parts of a house, so I
decided that a good activity would be the following:
The idea is that the students work in pairs, they would be sitting in front of each other, one
student looking at the board and the other student with his back to the board where
differents words would be writen, so he/she cannot see what the teacher wrote on the
The student that is looking at the words has to discribe them without telling his classmate
what it is, for example if the word on the board is “bed” the student should say: “it’s on the
bedroom, we use it when we sleep...etc” until the other student guess the word. And then
switch roles.
With this activity the students would be able to respect each others ideas, to trust in their
classmates and also, to feel more confident about themselves
while having fun.

Reference Material and Web Pages and links consulted


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