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Test Evaluacin de Nivel

Ingresar a la pgina hacer el examen e imprimir pantallazo

del nivel en que ha sido calificado
The article
1. The indefinite article a, an
The indefinite article a is the same for all genders.
a boy
a girl
a cat

The indefinite article has no plural form.

a boy boys
We use an if the following word starts with a spoken vowel.
The indefinite article a, an
2. Use of the indefinite article a/an
2.1. before phrases of time and measurements
(per week/weekly)

We have English 4 times a week.

I go on holiday twice a year.
Our car can do 220 kilometres an hour.
Tomatoes are $2 a kilo.
2. Use of the indefinite article a/an
2.2. before phrases of jobs
My father is a car mechanic.

2.3. with a noun complement

He is a good boy.

2.4. before phrases of nationality

Bruce Springsteen is an American.

2.5. half/quite
We need half a pound of sugar.
This is quite a good story.
3. The definite article the
The definite article the is the same for all
genders in singular and in plural.

the boy
the girl
the cat
the computers
The definite article the

If the following word begins with a consonant, we speak [], if

the following word begins with a vowel, we speak [i:].

] [i:]
the following word starts with a he following word starts with a
spoken consonant spoken vowel

the girl the English girl

the book the orange book
the school the old school
El nmero de los sustantivos en Ingls
(Singular /Plural)
En ingls, la mayora de las palabras se pluralizan agregando una "s" al
singular, pero veremos que tambin hay otras formas. La mayora agrega
"s" al Singular

Singular Plural
boy (boi) - nio boys (bis) - nios
girl (gurl) - nia girls (gurls) - nias
car (car) - auto cars (cars) - autos
plane (plin) - avin planes (plins) - aviones
boat (but) - barco boats (buts) - barcos
Hay Sustantivos con
plurales irregulares
man (man) - hombre men (men) - hombres
woman (wman) - mujer women (wumen) - mujeres
person (prson) - persona people (ppl) - personas
child (child) - nio children (chldren) - nios
tooth (tz) - diente, muela teeth (tiz) - dientes, muelas
foot (ft) - pie feet (fit) - pies
louse (lus) - piojo lice (lis) - piojos
mouse (mus) - ratn mice (mis) - ratones
ox (ks) - buey oxen (ksen) - bueyes
goose (gsss) - ganso geese (guis) - gansos
Hay sustantivos que
son siempre plurales

trousers (trusers) - pantalones thanks (znks) - gracias

pants (pnts) - pantalones savings (sivings) - ahorros
pajamas (padchmas) - pijama scales (skils) - balanza
drawers (drers) - calzoncillos pincers (pncers) - pinzas
clothes (clus) - ropa shorts (shrts) - pantalones cortos
scissors (ssors) - tijeras shears (shers) - tijeras para podar
glasess (glses) - anteojos tweezers (tuisers) - pinzas de depilar
goods (gds) - mercancas binoculars (binkiulars) - prismticos
stairs (strs) - escaleras measles (msls) - sarampin
mumps (mmps) - paperas
Algunos sustantivos
tienen la misma forma en el plural y en el singular

sheep (ship) - oveja / ovejas

fish (fsh) - pez / peces
fowl (ful) - ave de corral / aves de corral
deer (dir) - ciervo / ciervos
moose (mus) - alce / alces
species (spshis) - especie / especies
aircraft (ercraft) - avin / aviones
means (mins) - medio / medios
Cuando terminan en " s/z/x/sh" o "ch", agregan "es" para
formar el plural

Singular Plural
dress (drs) - vestido dresses (drsis) - vestidos
bus (bs) - autobs buses (bsis) - autobuses
buzz (bss) - zumbido buzzes (bssis) - zumbidos
church (chrch) - iglesia churches (chrchis) - iglesias
beach (bich) - playa beaches (bichis) - playas
dish (dish) - plato dishes (dshis) - platos
brush (brsh) - cepillo brushes (brshis) - cepillos
box (bx) - caja boxes (bxis) - cajas
fox (fox) - zorro foxes (fxis) - zorros
Cuando los sustantivos terminan en "o" hay dos maneras:
-Si la "o" es precedida por una consonante, las palabras agregan "es".
(hay muchas exepciones a esta regla)

Singular Plural
potato (potitou) - papa potatoes (potitous) - papas
tomato (tomitou) - tomate tomatoes (tomitous) - tomates
hero (jrou) - hroe heroes (jrous) - hroes
echo (kou) - eco echoes (kous) - ecos
torpedo (torpdou) - torpedo torpedoes (torpdous) - torpedos
-Si la "o" es precedida por una vocal, agregan "s"

Singular Plural

rodeos (rudios) - rodeos

rodeo (rudio) - rodeo
patio (ptio) - patio trasero patios (ptios) - patios
Cuando los sustantivos terminan en "y", hay dos maneras:
-Si la " y" es precedida por una consonante, la " y" cambia por "ies"

Singular Plural
city (cti) - ciudad cities (ctis) - ciudades
lady (lidi) - seora ladies (lidis) - seoras
story (stri) - historia stories (stris) - historias
fly (fli) - mosca flies (flis) - moscas
country (cntri) - pas countries (cntris) - paises

Si la "y" es precedida por una vocal, agregan una "s"

Singular Plural
boy (bi) - chico boys (bis) - chicos
day (di) - da days (dis) - das
Algunos que con terminacin en
"f " o "fe", cambian por "ves"

Singular Plural

life (lif) - vida lives (livs) vidas

wife (uif) - esposa wives (uivs) - esposas
knife (nif) - cuchillo knives (nivs) - cuchillos
thief (zif) - ladrn thieves (zivs) - ladrones
half (jf) - mitad halves (jvs) - mitades
calf (cf) - ternero calves (cvs) - terneros
elf (lf) - duende elves (lvs) - duendes
shelf (shlf) - estante shelves (shlvs) - estantes
loaf (luf) - hogaza de pan loaves (luvs) - hogazas de pan
wolf (wlf) - lobo wolves (wlvs) - lobos
sheaf (shif) - fajo sheaves (shivs) - fajos
leaf (lif) - hoja leaves (livs) - hojas
Cuando terminan en "is", cambian por "es"

Singular Plural
thesis (zses) - tesis theses (zsis) - tesis
analysis (anlises) - anlisis analyses (anlisis) - anlisis
crisis (crises) - crisis crises (crisis) - crisis
oasis (ouises) - oasis oases (ouisis) - oasis
hypothesis (jaipzeses) - hiptesis hypotheses (jaipzisis) - hiptesis
diagnosis (daiagnuses) - diagnsis diagnoses (daiagnusis) - diagnsis
Cuando terminan en "us", cambian us por "i"

cactus (cctos) - cacto cacti (cctai) - cactos
nucleus (niklios) - ncleo nuclei (nuklii) - ncleos
focus (fukes) - foco, centro foci (fusi) - focos, centros
stimulus (stmiulas) - estmulo stimuli (stmiuli) - estmulos
syllabus (slabas) - programa de estudios syllabi (slabai) - programas de estudio
Cuando terminan en "on", cambian por "a"

Singular Plural

criterion (craitrion) - criterio criteria (craitria) - criterios

phenomenon (fenmenon) - fenmeno phenomena (fenmena) - fenmenos
El Gnero de los sustantivos en Ingls

En ingls la mayora de las palabras que sirven

indistintamente para masculino y femenino:
friend = amigo/a, writer = escritor/a, etc. Pero
aqu veremos tambin cmo se pueden hacer
La mayora de los sustantivos sirven
indistintamente para masculino o

friend (frnd) - amigo / amiga

writer (riter) - escritor / escritora
teacher (tcher) - profesor / profesora
pupil (pipil) - alumno / alumna
lawyer (lier) - abogado / abogada
Algunos sustantivos
cambian en su forma de acuerdo al gnero
Masculine Feminine
king (king) - rey queen (kuin) - reina
prince (prins) - prncipe princess (prnces) - princesa
actor (ctor) - actor actress (ctres) - actriz
waiter (witer) - camarero waitress (witres) - camarera
host (just) - anfitrin hostess (justes) - anfitriona
god (gd) - dios goddess (gdes) - diosa
heir (er) - heredero heiress (eres) - heredera
hero (jrou) - hroe heroine (jrouin) - herona
For Persons
Masculine Feminine
man (man) - hombre woman (wman) - mujer
boy (bi) - nio girl (gurl) - nia
father (fder) - padre mother (mder) - madre
husband (jsband) - marido wife (wif) - esposa
son (san) - hijo daughter (dter) - hija
brother (brder) - hermano sister (sster) - hermana
uncle (nkl) - to aunt (ant) - ta
nephew (nfiu) - sobrino niece (nis) - sobrina
boyfriend (bifrend) - novio girlfriend (gurlfrend) - novia
gentleman (yntlman) - seor lady (lidi) - seora
For Animals

Masculine Feminine
bull (bl) - toro cow (cu) - vaca
cock (ck) - gallo hen (jen) - gallina
lion (lion) - len lioness (liones) - leona
tiger (tiguer) - tigre tigress (tigres) - tigresa
stallion (stlion) - semental mare (mr) - yegua
drake (drik) - pato duck (dk) - pata
ram (rm) - carnero ewe (i) - oveja
Podemos hacer una distincin agregando las palabras male (mil) -para
masculino- o female (fimil) -para femenino-.

Para profesiones, podemos anteponer man o woman al sustantivo

Masculine Feminine
A male pupil - un alumno A female pupil - una alumna
A male dancer - un bailarn A female dancer - una bailarina
A male canary - un canario A female canary - una canaria
A male baby - un beb A female baby - una beb;
A man doctor - un doctor A woman doctor - una doctora
A man lawyer - un abogado A woman lawyer - una abogada
Grammatical Rules
(Reglas gramaticales)
I She

"Pronoun" is the sentence
element used to replace a
noun, or a noun equivalent
Here are the personal pronouns, followed by some example sentences:

personal pronouns
number person gender subject object
1st male/female I me
2nd male/female you you
singular male he him
3rd female she her
neuter it it
1st male/female we us

plural 2nd male/female you you

3rd they them

Examples (in each case, the first example shows a subject pronoun, the second
an object pronoun):
Form (Forma)
Para conjugar el presente simple usamos el
infinitivo para los sujetos "I", "you", "we" y
"they" y para las terceras personas "he",
"she" y "it", aadimos un "-s" al final del

Nota: Ten en cuenta que los verbos que

terminen en "-o" aadimos "-es".
Structure (Estructura)
Affirmative Sentences
(Frases afirmativas)
I talk. (Yo hablo.)
He eats. (l come.)
They learn. (Ellos aprenden.)
Negative Sentences (Frases
I do not [don't] talk. (Yo no hablo.)
He does not [doesn't] eat. (l no come.)
They do not [don't] learn. (Ellos no

Nota: En frases negativas, el verbo

auxiliar ("to do") cambia y el verbo
principal es en el infinitivo.
Interrogative Sentences
(Frases interrogativas)
Do you talk? (Hablas t?)
Does he eat? (Come l?)
Do they learn? (Aprenden ellos?)

Nota: Como en frases negativas, en frases

interrogativas el verbo auxiliar ("to do")
cambia y el verbo principal es en el infinitivo.
Uses (Usos)
El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de
cosas que suceden habitualmente. A diferencia
a espaol, no se usa el presente simple para
hablar sobre algo que est pasando en el
momento en el que hablamos.


I always talk to my mother on Sunday.

(Siempre hablo con mi madre el domingo.)

He never eats vegetables. (Nunca come

las verduras.)

They usually learn something new in

class. (Normalmente aprenden algo nuevo
en la clase.)
Se suele utilizar el presente simple
con adverbios de tiempo:
Always (siempre);
everyday (cada da);
usually (normalmente);
often (a menudo);
sometimes (a veces);
rarely (raramente);
hardly ever (casi nunca) and
never (nunca)
Los adverbios de tiempo van delante
del verbo, excepto el verbo "to be"
(ser/estar). Cuando se usa "to be" el
verbo va delante del adverbio.

I am always happy. (Siempre estoy

He is often sick. (A menudo l est


They are rarely late. (En raras

ocasiones llegan tarde.)
Se utiliza para hablar de
generalidades o hechos cientficos.

He does not [doesn't] eat vegetables. (l no

come verduras.)

She works in a hospital. (Ella trabaja en una


Elephants live in Africa. (Los elefantes viven

en frica.)

Do children like animals? (Les gustan a los

nios los animales?)
Se usa para eventos programados
en el futuro prximo.

The train leaves at 10:00. (El tren sale a las


The party is tonight. (La fiesta es esta


Does the festival start tomorrow?

(Empieza el festival maana?)

The plane does not [doesn't] arrive today.

(El avin no llega hoy.)
Se usa para instruciones :


Open the window. (Abre la ventana.)

Eat the vegetables. (Come las


Don't cry. (No llores.)

Do your homework. (Haz los deberes.)

Call your mother. (Llama a tu madre.)

The verb be (am, are, is) in a text
Lets practice Ejercicio:
Put in the following forms of be (am, are, is) into the gaps in the text.
Do not use short/contracted forms.
The verb be (am, are, is) in a text

Peter Baker is from Manchester, but Paul and John are

from London. Manchester and London are cities in
England. Hamburg is a city in Germany. Sandra is at
school today. Jack and Peter are her friends. They are in
the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker are on a trip to the USA
to visit their cousin Anne. She is a nice girl. Peter says:
"My grandfather is in hospital. I am at home with my
grandmother." What time is it? It is 8 o'clock. are you
tired? No, I am not.
Vocabulario Odontolgico 1.
A abscess D decay H health N needle S sealant
ache degree healthy nerve shot
acid dental hurt numb sink
adult teeth dental school hygiene nurse smile
alignment dentist hygienist sugar
amalgam dentures O office surgery
anesthesia diagnosis I impacted open suture
anesthetic diploma implant operate sweets
appointment drill impression oral surgery
assistant incision orthodontist T teeth
E eat incisor overbite tissue
B baby teeth education infection tooth
bacteria enamel inflammation P pain toothache
bands endodontics injection painful toothbrush
bib exam injury painless tooth fairy
bicuspid examination inlay palate toothpaste
bite instrument permanent teeth toothpick
braces F face insurance partial treatment
bridge false teeth patient
bristle fear J jaw periodontal U underbite
brush filling plaque
floss L lab premolar W white
C canine fluoride laboratory prevention whiten
caps food lips primary teeth wisdom tooth
caries front teeth local protect wisdom teeth
cavity local anesthesia pull
cement G gargle pulp X x-ray
checkup gingivitis M malocclusion pyorrhea
chew gold medication
cleaning gums medicine R remedy
consultation molar retainer
correction mold rinse
crown mouth root
cuspid root canal
rubber bands

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