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1. State the problem as simple as you can.

Example: Analyn is sick with tuberculosis.
2. If there are two or more problems just use comma (,) and the conjunction (and).
Example: Analyn is sick with tuberculosis, Yazziel is malnourish and Salmans family is experiencing financial
3. Do not justify the problem.
Example: Salmans family is experiencing financial problem because he lose his job due to car accident.
4. Do not offer solutions.
Example: Yazziel is malnourish and needs immediate medication.
Analyn is sick with tuberculosis.


1. It involves the identification of the causes of the problem, the effects of the problem to the person either physically,
emotionally, financially or psychologically; on how the person deal with his problem toward his family, relationally and to his social

2. One problem is entitled for one paragraph assessment. But add one paragraph for the motivation. (2 sentences)

3. Start your paragraph by starting the problem; First, the causes then the effects to the person, physically, emotionally,
psychologically, financially, socially, and relationally (to the family).


1. Paragraph Form: To improve the financial condition of the family of Joseph from 150 to 300 pesos at the end of the year
2017, by availing the capital assistance of the agency to be used for as traditional capital for their sari-sari store.
2. Columnar: The objective, resource person, activities/intervention, time frame, actual date happened, success indicator.
3. Objective answers the questions what do you want to happen to the problem while in intervention or activities, it answers
the questions what do you want to do with the problem?
4. One problem is entitled to one objective.
5. Use the preposition (to) in the objective but not necessarily in the activities.
6. This can be your general objective: To improve the socio-economic condition of the family.
(If there is only one problem there is only one general objective.)
General Objective: It describes or embraces the many objectives of the problem.

1. Eligibility Evaluation- you try to convince/to know whether the client is eligible for assistance based on the agencies like
policies and guidelines.
You can start your paragraph in the eligibility with this statement on the other side. And it will end with Therefore is
eligible for assistance.

The purpose of eligibility study is to convince your boss that the client is eligible for assistance.

Example: Based on the assessment of the undersigned that Jimboy is really sick with TB and the family has financial problem.
The total well-being of the family is 1.1 which is at the survival level. They are indeed, poor and indigent and therefore they
are eligible for assistance.

2. Impact Evaluation- you need to know the difference between the pre- and post intervention.

State the intervention given and its impact. Also, state the ongoing services on a particular problem and not rendered
services as why.

Four Scenarios in Impact Evaluation

a. All problems are solve/resolve.

Example: Jimboy was referred to the City hospital for the validation of his TB. He is now in his month for medication. His
health is progressing in fact he is now healthy. And the familys income has already increased because of the 3,000 assistance given by
the agency for the food vendor.
b. One problem is solved, the other has ongoing intervention.

Example: The income of the family has already reached to 350.00 as given by the agency which is used for capital for the food
winding. However, Jimboys health is not yet totally healed because he is still on his 6 months medication but his health is already
better in fact he is now a healthy father and even getting fattier.

c. Two problems had two ongoing interventions.

Example: Jimboy is not yet fully recovered because he is still on his 6 months medication given by the agency They still
have to buy things and capital assistance for their food winding business.

d. One problem has ongoing treatment while the other has not yet done/stop.

Example: However, the income of the family has not yet increased because the capital assistance had delayed. According to the
Mayor the budget will be given at the quarter of December.


1. Just state that the clients is poor, indigent and eligible for assistance.

2. Then, state the programs and services needed for each problem. Start your sentence with the word since or because.

Example: Since the client is poor, indigent and is eligible for assistance therefore recommend the services that Jimboy be
refers to the City hospital for medication and Analyn be enrolled in the Mindanao State University in this opening classes and the
family should be given capital assistance amounting to 30,000 for their food winding business.


1. Just consider the four scenarios in the evaluation.

2. Recommendation can be either for termination or continuation of the case.


1. Jimboy has completely recovered from his TB and the income of the family has increased from 200 to 300/day. The
undersigned therefore recommends for the termination of the case.

2. Jimboy has completely recovered from his sickness however the income of the family is still in the process of increasing
because they have just received the capital assistance last week. Their average income for the first week is only 300.00 per day. The
undersigned therefore recommends for the continuation of the case.

3. Jimboys health is not yet completely recovered because he is still in his 4 th month medication and the income they have just
received the capital assistance last week and their average income for 1 week is still 300 pesos per day. The undersigned therefore
recommends for continuation of the case.

4. Jimboys health is not yet completely recovered because he is still on his 4 th month of medication and the income of the
family has not yet increase because according to the Mayor the budget will be release next week/next quarter. The undersigned
therefore recommends for the continuation of the case.




Prof. Joel V. Bedoya


Cristy V. Solis

March 7, 2017

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