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Sinusitis: Ayurvedic treatment,

Remedies, Preventive tips

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)
When you have an annoying nose (colourful nasal discharges or congestion)
with headache of variable degree (mild to severe) along with facial pain, you
may have swelling in your sinuses. Yes, you are suffering from Sinusitis..

Sinusitis is one of the common forms or causes of headache.

How Sinusitis happens?
There are some cavities (empty spaces) within the face bones. These are
connected to cavities in your nose. These spaces make your skull light.
These spaces are called Sinuses.

Inflammation of these sinuses causes headache, face pain, thick mucus in

your nose, plugged nose and other symptoms. This condition is called

Sinusitis presents with headache, face pain, nasal discharges, stuffy nose,
fever, loss of smell, sore throat, nasal congestion, cough, fatigue, eye pain
etc symptoms.
Lifestyle changes and precautions for sinusitis:
Sinusitis can be prevented by following the below mentioned tips

Wash your hands frequently to keep the germs and infection away
Avoid smoking
Follow immunization schedule of your child strictly.
Take early precaution when afflicted with cold and upper respiratory
infections and taking treatment for the same
Take extra precaution during cold seasons. Use only hot water to drink
during winter. Follow this Ayurvedic winter regimen
Wherever possible, guard yourself against dust, smoke, pollution,
irritants by wearing masks.
Give early care and attention for tooth infections and pain
Keep yourself hydrated by regular consumption of water

Tips to prevent Sinusitis:

Avoid Kapha aggravating foods and activities Cold food, drinks and
places, cold water shower or bath, especially head bath, day sleep,
excessive sleep, sedentary life, foods which are oily, sweet, sour and
salty in taste, heavy to digest foods, etc
Take seasonal fruits like pomegranate, orange, sweet orange, papaya,
apple, pears etc
Avoid milk, sugar, coffee, fried products, refrigerated products, sweets,
oily products, dishes prepared with flour, fast food, carbonated drinks,
cigarette, chocolates, white flour, liquor, meat, bread, junks etc
Do good exercise and walking
Garlic and onion as a part of diet
Follow Vata-Kapha pacifying diet. They are responsible for
accumulation / stagnation of morbidity in the body (sinuses in this
Eat foods that are neither too hot nor too cold.
Favour cooked warm meals that are light, nurturing and easy to digest.
Kichri (light and nourishing porridge) or Pongal (south) prepared with
green gram, rice and kitchen spices like ginger, cumin seeds, turmeric,
fennel seeds, pepper and cinnamon is good for sinusitis
Keep your bowels clear Eat fibre rich vegetables (green leaves),
organic fruits and vegetables, avoid brinjal (egg-plant), banana, tomato,
curds etc which can clog your channels
Dont skip or delay meals They will disturb your gut fire (agni) and
cause errors of digestion. This will supply less nutrition to your tissues
and also will form lot of ama in the cells (intermediate products of
metabolism with a sticky nature and capacity to block the body
channels). Ama will further predispose to the formation of many
diseases including sinusitis.
Best options in kitchen Regularly use Cinnamon, Black pepper,
cumin seeds, mint, onion, basil, garlic, honey, coriander, rock salt,
fennel, clove, turmeric, ginger, liquorice, etc
Use well fitting eyeglasses, if your glasses pinch your nasal bridge, your
symptoms may get worse


Cigarette smoke
Air pollutants
Swimming in the pool treated with chlorine
Air travel too is a risk factor for exacerbation of sinusitis since the air
pressure changes. Take caution and some medicine during air travel
Rainstorm and damp weather Symptoms of sinusitis worsen before a
rainstorm due to changes in air pressure. Protect yourself during windy
and rainy seasons.
Dust, mould, pollens or any known food allergies; know your allergies
with the help of your doctor
Curds, banana, ice-cold drinks, beverages
Frequent head baths
Mosquito repellents

Home remedies for sinusitis:

External / local remedies for sinusitis:

Tulsi steam Steam inhalation with decoction of holy basil (Tulsi) or

water boiled with it. Doing it for many days will help in acute sinusitis. It
might not help you very much in chronic forms of the disease.
Hot water steaming / vapours Add mint / eucalyptus oil / clove oil to
the hot water and take vapours twice daily. Spit out the secretions
coming to your mouth. Have a salt water gargle after that to clear your
throat. You can use electrical sauna also to take vapours. Application of
oil like Ksheerabala taila or sesame oil over your face before taking
vapours will add to the relief.
Chop some onions and boil it with water, take its steam / vapour
Nasal wash with lotion prepared from fried Tankana Bhasma (borax) is
also effective
Mustard drops Boil 1 tsp of mustard in 1 glass of water and reduce the
quantity to half. When it is lukewarm take 3-4 drops in a sterile dropper.
Pour them gently into the nostrils. 1-2 drops of warm mustard oil can be
used instead.
Shadbindu taila or Anu taila can be used as nasal drops (take doctors
Garlic snuff Peel 5-6 garlic buds, crush them and sniff them (inhale) or
tie the crushed garlic in a sterile cloth so as to form a bolus, inhale the
bolus by keeping it close to your nose
Turmeric fumes A small quantity of turmeric powder (more than
couple of pinches or tsp is put on burning charcoal and its fumes /
smoke is inhaled. Alternatively, turmeric powder is put on a piece of
sterile cotton piece, the cotton piece is burnt and the fumes inhaled
Inhale cumin seed powder Take 1 spoon of cumin seed powder (black
variety preferably) and tie it in a sterile cloth so as to form a bolus. Keep
placing the bolus near your nose and inhale many times in a day.
Cinnamon paste for application Mix 1-2 spoons of cinnamon powder in
warm water. Apply the paste over your forehead and nose to remove
Damp cloth dipped in boiled water or water boiled with mint or made
warm in microwave is kept over the face (care should be taken not to
cause burns)
Saline rinse tsp table salt is mixed in 200ml of warm water is used
for rinsing. This moistens dry nasal membranes, helps to make the
mucus wet and eases its removal.

Internal home remedies for sinus problem:

1 tsp crushed garlic, 1 tsp turmeric powder and 2 spoon honey mixed
together once or twice daily (ginger can be used in place of garlic),
garlic juice can be used instead of paste
Lemon juice with honey
Orange juice with warm water
Ginger juice spoons with honey 1 spoon 3-4 times daily
Ginger powder spoons with jaggery 1 spoon 3 to 4 times in a day
Basil-ginger decoction / infusion Boil 1 glass full of water with 8-10
leaves of basil leaves (Tulsi), 8-10 crushed powder of pepper, 15-20
grams of sugar candy, ginger small piece crushed. When the
ingredients reduce to half, strain it through a sieve or a sterile cloth and
consume warm.
1 teaspoonful cumin powder with 1 tablespoon honey twice daily
tsp cinnamon powder with 1 tsp honey once or twice daily
Take to tsp of grated horseradish keep in the mouth and keep
sucking its juice until you dont feel its taste anymore. Later you can
chew and swallow the same.
Fenugreek decoction Take 1 tsp fenugreek seeds, Boil in 4 glasses of
water until half remains. Strain it through a sterile cloth or sieve.
Consume hot. (3-4 servings per day)

Other things and home remedies for sinus pain

Apple cider vinegar cup of ACV is mixed in 2 cups of water, this is
sipped in small quantities throughout the day. 2-3 drops added to hot water
is used for inhalation.
Echinacea (belonging to sunflower family) tea is used in US
Oregano oil 1-2 drops added to 1-2 tsp water and kept under the tongue
Lemon balm
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

Topics further covered in this article:

Yoga for sinusitis:

Practice Pranayama and Kapal Bhati (forced exhalation techniques)

They will not only help you to breathe ease and maintain a good oxygen
levels in your lungs and tissues but also help in eliminating the stagnant
morbidity from your sinuses. Learn how to do Pranayama
Practice Kunjal, Jalneti, Rubberneti and Ghritaneti regularly in the early
hours of the morning
Meditation for at least 10 minutes daily
Perform these asanas regularly Janu-shirasana,
Ardhamatsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Shalabasana,
Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Shavasana as
per your comfort. Take the opinion of your Yoga instructor before doing
any asanas.

Videos for useful Yogas in Sinusitis












Kunjal Kriya

Jal Neti

Sinusitis Disease Review (Modern)

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses or air spaces (cavities in the

bones surrounding the nose). It is one of the major causes for headache and
stuffy nose.

Sinus infection

Classification of Sinusitis
Classification on the basis of periodicity:
Sinusitis (Rhino-sinusitis) is defined as an inflammation of the mucous
membrane that lines the paranasal sinuses. It is classified as enlisted below

Acute Rhino-sinusitis
New infection
Lasts up to 4 weeks (12 weeks according to some)
It is of 2 types Severe and Non-severe

Recurrent acute rhino-sinusitis

4 or more separate episodes of acute sinusitis within one year

Sub-acute Rhino-sinusitis
Infection lasting between 4 and 12 weeks
Represents a transition between acute and chronic infection

Chronic Sinusitis
Signs and symptoms last for more than 12 weeks

Subtypes of Chronic sinusitis

CS with polyps (chronic hyperplastic sinusitis) may be caused by allergy,
environmental factors like dust or pollution, bacterial infection or fungus
CS without polyps
EMRS (Eosinophilic Mucin Rhino-sinusitis) Eosinophils are demonstrated in
the mucous lining of nose and paranasal sinuses. It is again of 2 types
Allergic and Non-allergic EMRS

Acute exacerbation of chronic rhino-sinusitis

Signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis exacerbate
They return to baseline after treatment
Classification on the basis of sinus cavity affected:
Maxillary Sinusitis Sinusitis affecting the cavity of cheek bones
Frontal Sinusitis Sinusitis affecting the cavities in the forehead
Ethmoidal Sinusitis Sinusitis affecting the spaces in ethmoidal bones,
forming the roof of the nose
Sphenoidal Sinusitis Sinusitis affecting the cavities in the Sphenoid bone
located within the skull

Classification based on causative agents:

Viral Sinusitis
Caused by Virus, ex. rhinovirus, coronavirus, influenza virus etc
Typically lasts for 7-10days

Bacterial sinusitis
Caused by bacteria, ex. Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza
and Moraxella catarrhalis etc
More persistent than viral sinusitis
Approximately 0.5-2% viral cases result in subsequent bacterial sinusitis
(nasal irritation from nose blowing leads to secondary bacterial infection)

Other classifications:
Infected sinusitis usually caused by uncomplicated virus infection.
Bacterial cause is less frequent and fungal infection is infrequent
Non-infectious sinusitis caused by irritants and allergic conditions

All types of sinusitis have similar symptoms. It is difficult to distinguish
between them.
Acute sinusitis is very common
Around 90% of adults have had sinusitis at some point in their life

What Causes sinusitis?

Sinus infections or sinusitis may be caused by anything that interferes with

airflow into the sinuses and the drainage of mucus out of the sinuses. The
sinus openings may be blocked by swelling of the tissue lining and adjacent
nasal passage tissue

Acute sinusitis

Upper respiratory tract infection usually viral (rhinovirus, coronavirus,

influenza virus etc) and sometimes bacterial (Streptococcus
pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza and Moraxella catarrhalis etc)
Common colds and repetitive episodes of cold, running nose or blocks
Seasonal intolerance especially to cold
Allergies Frequent allergies or sensitivity to allergens like dust, smoke,
pollens, web etc
Fungal invasion in patients with diabetes or other immune deficiencies
(AIDS or transplant patients on immunosuppressive anti-rejection
Chemical irritation OTC nasal sprays, cocaine, Cigarette smoke and
chlorine fumes
Tooth infection (rare)

Chronic Sinusitis

CS can be caused by many diseases that share chronic inflammation of

the sinuses as a common symptom
Second hand smoking
Maxillary sinusitis 20% cases have dental origin (periapical or
periodontal infection of a maxillary posterior tooth), the maxillary sinus
infection may spread to the orbit or to ethmoid sinus
Abnormality within the auditory or Eustachian tube (which is connected
to the sinus cavities and the throat)

Other causes:

Tumours or growths
Drying medications
Lack of sufficient humidity
Thickening of mucous secretions
Decrease in hydration (water content) of mucous brought on by
diseases (ex. cystic fibrosis), drying medications (antihistamines) and
lack of humidity in air
Stagnated mucus provides for growth of bacteria, viruses and fungus
within sinus cavities
Immune-depressed people
Victims of multiple traumas in disasters like tsunamis, hurricanes,
earthquakes, tornadoes etc
Allergic rhinitis
Nasal polyps
Deviated nasal septum
Low immunity

Signs and Symptoms

Headache / Facial pain / Pressure of a dull, constant or aching sort over the
affected sinuses
Pain is typically localized to the involved sinus
Pain worsens on bending or lying down
Pain often starts on one side of the head and later progresses to both sides

Acute Sinusitis:

Thick nasal discharge usually green in colour, may contain pus or

Often a localized headache or toothache is present
Nasal stuffiness (block by thick plug of semisolid mucus)
Headache of varying intensity (especially early in the morning)
Facial pain
Loss of smell
Bad breath
Body pains / fatigue
Tooth pain

Chronic Sinusitis:

Headache / Facial pain

Post-nasal drip mucus overproduction from sinusitis that flows to the
throat and causes throat irritation. Thick green or yellow discharges
dropping down from nose backwards into the throat. It may become
difficult to blow down the secretions since they are more solidified. This
creates an urge to pull the secretions backwards. We may spit it out
when we are awake. But we may tend to swallow when we are asleep or
when in the middle of a busy schedule or work.
Pus in nasal cavity when the secretions in the sinuses get further
infected, the formation of pus is obvious
Sore throat inflammation of throat tissue caused by post nasal drip
Halitosis (bad breath)
Nasal congestion
Cough / Night cough is a response to post nasal drip
Increase in previously minor or controlled asthma symptoms
General malaise
Loss of appetite and indigestion, occasional nausea (sensation to vomit)
Thick green or yellow discharge
Feeling of facial fullness or tightness that may worsen when bending
Tooth ache
Ear pain
Eye pain
Itching of eyes and sneezing
Bad breath
Anosmia (inability to smell things)
Dental infection (rare, in acute or chronic maxillary sinusitis)
Vertigo, Light headedness, Blurred vision (not typical)
Ulceration in the nose

Symptoms on the basis of sinus cavity affected:

Maxillary Sinusitis Pain or pressure in the cheek area (e.g. toothache or
Frontal Sinusitis Pain or pressure in the frontal sinus cavity (above the
eyes), headache particularly in the forehead
Ethmoidal Sinusitis Pain or pressure pain between / behind the eyes, the
sides of the upper part of the nose (medial canthi) and Headaches
Sphenoidal Sinusitis Pain or pressure behind the eyes but often refers to
the skull vertex (top of the head) over the mastoid processes or back of the


Infection of eye socket is possible. It may lead to loss of sight and

accompanied by fever and severe illness.
Infection of the bones (osteomyelitis) of the forehead and other facial
bones (Potts puffy tumour)
Middle ear problems Presents with dizziness, a pressurized or heavy
head or vibrating sensations in the head
Infection of the brain by the invasion of anaerobic bacteria through
bones or blood vessels
Personality changes
Altered consciousness
Visual problems
Death (possible)
Orbital complications Periorbital cellulitis, Sub-periosteal abscess,
Orbital cellulitis, Orbital abscess
Central Nervous System Cavernous sinus thrombosis, Retrograde
meningitis, Epidural, Subdural and Brain abscesses
Maxillary osteomyelitis
Frontal bone osteo-myelitis
Periostitis of frontal sinus which produces a tender, puffy swelling of the

Acute Sinusitis:
Diagnosis is usually done on the basis of signs and symptoms
If symptoms last less than 10 days, it is generally viral sinusitis
When symptoms last more than 10 days, it is bacterial sinusitis
Imaging (X-ray, CT or MRI) generally not recommended unless complications

Chronic Sinusitis:
CT scan Sinusitis lasting for more than 12 weeks
Nasal endoscopy and clinical symptoms are also used to make diagnosis
Tissue sample for histology and cultures

Ayurvedic concept of Sinusitis:

Since headache is the most prominent symptom of Sinusitis, it can be

closely compared to Shiro-Roga or Shira-Shula (both terms meaning

Causes of sinusitis as per Ayurveda:

{.. }
Among various causes (common for all the type of Shiro-Rogas), the below
said may be considered causative towards Sinusitis

Raja Exposure to dust (allergens)

Tushara Fog, Dew
Ambukreeda Playing in water (swimming etc)
Atisvapna Excessive sleep
Atijagara Excessive awakening at night
Utsedha Swelling / inflammation in the sinuses
Atipurovata excessive exposure to breeze
Bashpanigraha Habit of controlling tears
Rodana Excessive weeping
Atyambupana Drinking lot of water (when not needed, like while
Atimadhyapana Excessive consumption of alcohol
Krimi Affliction / infection by microorganisms
Upadhana Sleeping with elevated pillows (using many pillows and
sleeping with high head position)
Asatmyagandha unwholesome smell / irritating odours
Dushtaanna Contaminated / unwholesome foods

Due to the close resemblance of the symptoms the below said types of
Shiro-Roga can be considered in comparing with Sinusitis

Krimija Shiroroga {headache caused due to affliction of


{.. }

Symptoms of Krimija Shiroroga:

Ati toda Severe pricking / throbbing pain in the head
Sambhakshyamanam Feeling as if some worms are eating the brain inside
the head
Sphota Blasting type of pain
Rudhira-pooya pravritti discharge of blood and pus from the nose
Almost all these symptoms are seen in Sinusitis and the major causes of
Sinusitis is an infection

Kaphaja Shiro-Roga

{.. }

Symptoms of Kaphaja Shiro-Roga:

Kaphopadigdham shira Head (sinuses) filled with kapha (phlegm)
{Nasal congestion / stuffiness}
Shiro guruta heavy headedness
Pratishtabda shira stiffness of head
Himam cold headedness
Shoonakshikootam Swelling around the orbit
Shoonavadanam Swelling of the face
Mandaruja Mild / dull pain (Charaka)
Stimitam Feeling as if the face is covered with wet clothes (Charaka)

Sannipata Shiro-Roga (Headache caused due to the aggravation of all

the 3 Doshas)
It is said that all the headaches have an association with Tridoshas, with
predominance of one or the other. In Sannipataja Shiroroga the symptoms of
all the 3 Dosha morbidity will be found

{.. }

Symptoms of Sannipataja Shiro-Roga

Vata symptoms Shula (pain), Bhrama (giddiness), Kampa (Tremors)
Pitta symptoms Daha (burning sensation), Mada (intoxication), Trisha
Kapha symptoms Gurutvam (Heaviness), Tandra (drowsiness)
Frontal sinusitis generally presents with symptoms similar to Sannipataja

Though this form of headache is compared to Hemi-crania or Migraine, most
of its symptoms resemble with that of Sinusitis. Therefore I have taken it for
correlation. Moreover even in Sinusitis, the pain starts on one side initially
and later spreads to become bilateral or generalized. Even in modern
medicine it is said that all forms of Sinusitis are actually Migraines with slight
difference in clinical presentation.
Severely aggravated Vata either alone or in association with morbid Kapha
occupies the head and causes Ardhavabhedaka

Symptoms of Ardhavabhedaka:
Ardha bhaga shula Pain in half portion of the head
Ativedana Severe pain in half portion of manya (neck side), bhru (eyebrow),
shanka (temple), karna (ear), akshi (eye), lalata (forehead)
Nayana vinasha Destruction of eyesight (complication of sinusitis)
Shrotra vinasha Destruction of hearing ability (complication of sinusitis)

This is another form of headache explained in Ayurveda which resembles
with clinical picture of Maxillary sinusitis and / or Sub-acute sinusitis

Symptoms of Suryavarta:

The symptoms especially headache follows the diurnal course of the

At Sunrise, the person will have mild pain head, eyes and eyebrows
At mid noon, as the Sun (light and heat) becomes intense towards noon,
the pain too increases and gradually worsens
With Sunset, the pain typically comes down
The pain sometimes pacifies due to cold comforts and sometimes with
hot comforts

Ayurvedic Treatment for sinusitis

Ayurvedic treatment of Sinus pain aims at

Removing or avoiding the causative factors,

Controlling or eliminating the source of inflammation (morbid kapha and
Relieving the symptoms,
Re-establishing drainage of nasal passages,
Improving the general immunity,
Improving the local nasal immunity

General line of treatment:

External treatment
Lepa Application of medicinal pastes
Seka Stream pouring of medicated liquids
Upanaha Poultices
Kavala / Gandusha Gargles

Internal treatment
Nasya therapy: Nasya means nasal instillation of medicaments. It is the best
treatment for all types of headaches including Sinusitis. It is done in 3 stages

Purvakarma (Pre-treatment procedures): This includes

Thorough examination of the patient and the disease
Procuring the medicines and materials needed for Nasya beforehand
Preparation of the patient and counselling Deepana (Appetizers, medicines
for metabolic correction) and Pachana (medicines which digest ama
intermediate products of digestion, endotoxins) medicines are given before
the treatment
Immediate Purvakarma Massage to the face and neck (abhyanga) is given
with medicated oils like Ksheerabala Tailam etc followed by facial steaming
Pradhana Karma (main procedure) Nasal drops are instilled with medicated
oils like Anutailam, Shadbindu Tailam etc in seated or lying down position.
The patient is instructed not to swallow the medication and spit it in a spit-

Paschat Karma (Post-treatment procedure)

Patient is kept under observation for an hour or so
Patient is given a salt water gargle
Patient is discharged with instructions regarding diet, lifestyle, and
medicines to be taken etc

Related: learn how to do Nasya at home

The above said procedure is followed when the treatment is done with
patient as out-patient. In-patients are not discharged.
The treatment is carried on for 7-10 days depending on the nature and
intensity of the disease
Purvakarma may not be required when the medicament is a herbal powder
or juice or processed milk

Virechana Therapeutic purgation

Vamana Therapeutic Emesis

Specific line of treatment:

Krimija Shiro-Roga treatment:
Vyoshadi Nasya
The below said drugs should be ground in ajamutra (goat urine) and instilled
in the nose:

Pippali Piper longum

Maricha Piper nigrum
Shunti Zingiber officinale
Karanjabeeja Seed of Pongamia pinnata
Shigru beeja Seeds of drumstick Moringa oleifera

Vidangadi Taila Nasya (nasal drops)

Suryavarta-Ardhavabhedaka treatment:
Ksheera-sarpi nasya / pana Ghee and milk are mixed and instilled into the
nose as drops. The same combination shall be used for drinking
Virechana Therapeutic purgation

Suryavarta specific treatment:

Bhringarajadi Nasya Juice of Eclipta alba and milk of goat are mixed in
equal portions, heated in the Sun and used for nasal instillation in Suryavarta

Jangala mamsa upanaha Poultice prepared from the flesh of animals and
birds living in desert and dry lands in Suryavarta

Ardhavabhedaka specific treatments:

All treatments mentioned in Suryavarta can be given in Ardhavabhedaka

First of all Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (steaming/fomentation)
should be given followed by medicines
Later virechana (therapeutic purgation) should be administered
Dhupa Fumigation
Snigdha-Ushna bhojana Unctous (oily) and hot foods
Vidanga (Embelia ribes) and sesame seeds should be made into paste
and applied
The powder of Vidanga and sesame powder should be used as snuff
Ghee should be processed with milk and coconut water, used for nasal
Ginger should be grinded with water and applied
Sugar mixed milk is given to drink
Coconut water is given to drink
Cold water for drinking

Generalized treatment in all the above said headaches (Sinusitis)

Nasya (nasal instillation) with
Shadbindu Taila
Guda nagara Jaggery and ginger
Ksira nagara Milk and ginger

Pathya (beneficial / wholesome things) in Sinusitis

Swedana fomentation / sweating treatment / sudation with medicated

decoctions or processed milk
Nasya Instillation of herbal decoctions, processed milk, powder, juices
etc in the nose
Dhumrapana Herbal smoking
Virechana Therapeutic purgation
Lepa Application of pastes made with medicinal drugs
Seka Stream pouring of medicated fluids
Langhana Fasting
Upanaha Poultices
Purana ghrita old ghee
Shali rice
Yusha Soups
Dugdha milk
Patola Pointed gourd
Shigru Drumstick
Draksha Raisins
Karavellaka Bitter gourd
Amalaki Indian gooseberry
Dadima Pomegranate
Taila oil
Takra Buttermilk
Narikelakam Coconut
Pathya Terminalia chebula
Bhringaraja Eclipta alba
Kumara Aloe vera
Musta Cyperus rotundus

Apathya (unwholesome things) in Sinusitis

Vega dharana Forcibly controlling the impending urges (reflexes) of

sneeze, yawning, tear, urine and faeces
Viruddha bhojana Incompatible foods
Dugdha Milk
Jalam Water
Vibuddha jalamajjanam Diving into water with head-down position
Dantakashtam Brushing with brush made of herbal sticks (twigs)
Divaswapna Sleeping during day time

Useful Ayurvedic medicines for Sinusitis:

Kashayam (herbal decoctions):

Dashamula kashayam
Dashamulakadutrayadi kashayam
Guggulutiktakam kashayam
Pathyakshadhatryadi kashayam
Varanadi kashayam
Amritottaram kashayam
Pathyadi Kadha / Pathyadi Kashayam

Vati and Gulika (Tablets):

Khadiradi Vati
Vyoshadi Vati
Kanchanara Guggulu
Laxmi vilas ras
Mahalaxmi vilas ras
Chitrakadi vati
Tribhuvana kirti ras
Anandabhirav ras
Shirastoda vati
Shirashoolari vajra ras

Rasayana and Leha (Confections / Immune-modulators)

Agastya haritaki
Chitraka haritaki
Vatakam etc:
Haridra kanda
Vyoshadi vatakam

Abhraka bhasma
Shringa Bhasma

Single drugs which are beneficial in Sinusitis

Pippali Piper longum

Maricha Piper nigrum
Shunti Zingiber officinalis
Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra
Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica
Twak Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Haridra Curcuma longa
Daruharidra Berberis aristata
Lavanga Syzygium aromaticum (clove)
Saindhava lavana Rock salt
Dhanyaka Coriandrum sativum
Mishreya Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel)
Madhu Honey
Lashuna / Rasona Allium sativum
Palandu Allium cepa
Tulasi Ocimum sanctum
Pudina Mentha piperita (Mint)
Jeeraka Cuminum cyminum (cumin seeds)
Krishna Jeeraka Carum carvi (black cumin)

Modern line of Treatment:

Drinking enough water to thin the mucus
Pain and fever medications
Antibiotics not recommended for most cases
Breathing low-temperature steam such as from a shower
Decongestant nasal sprays


Most sinusitis cases are caused by viruses and resolve without

If symptoms do not resolve within 10 days, antibiotics should be used
Amoxicillin is the most preferred antibiotic. If symptoms do not improve
after 7 days of its use, amoxicillin and clavulanate should be given as a
combined prescription
Antibiotics should not be given for those with mild / moderate disease
during the first week of infection due to risk of adverse effects,
antibiotic resistance and cost
Other antibiotics used are

Fluoroquinolones, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Doxycycline etc

Amoxicillin-Clavulanate initial antibiotic in bacterial sinusitis
Course Usually they are given for 3-7 days (10-14 days in severe cases),
10-14 days in children

Intranasal corticoids are sometimes advised along with antibiotics

Chronic or recurrent sinusitis may be referred to otolaryngologist. Surgery
may be the option in these cases.
Surgery is preferred when medication fails
Maxillary antral washout Sinus are punctured and flushed with saline to
clear the mucus
FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) is a popular surgery
Balloon Sinuplasty is a recently developed treatment option

Research and Studies:

According to a study in 2004 About 90% of sinus headaches are actually
migraines. Confusion occurs because Migraine involves activation of the
trigeminal nerves which innervate both sinus region and meninges
surrounding the brain. Therefore it is difficult to accurately determine the
site from which the pain originates. In migraines there will be absence of
thick nasal discharges.

Sinusitis often occurs as a part of a spectrum of diseases that affect the

respiratory tract (one airway theory) and is often linked to asthma. All forms
of sinusitis may either result in or be a part of a generalized inflammation of
the airway, so other airway symptoms such as cough, may be associated
with it.

Study of Maxillary antral washout in chronic sinusitis patients in 1996 has

conferred no additional benefits over antibiotics alone

Based on recent theories on the role that fungus may play in the
development of chronic sinusitis, antifungal treatments have been used, on a
trial basis. These trials have had mixed results.

Sinusitis is a common condition. It affects about 10-30% of people each year
in USA and Europe
Women are more affected than men
Chronic Sinusitis affects approximately 12.5% of people
Treatment costs for Sinusitis is more than 11 billion USD in US

Ayurveda has the best treatment and medicine options for Sinusitis. They
not only cure your disease and make you fit and healthy, but also provide
you long time immunity. Home remedies are not the ultimate remedies. Your
sinusitis may be of a serious nature and might need more than that. Self-
medication is dangerous. See your Ayurvedic doctor. He or she is the best
person to take care of your Sinusitis.
Click to Consult Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ayu)

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