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The False Reality

Why Christianity requires Ignorance

Ignorance really is bliss. Before I read the bible I only had a vague
notion of Christianity and God. After reading the bible, however, I was forced
to the conclusion that God is not real. I now understand why religion relies on
faith. Faith, by definition, requires ignorance. I came to realize that the
people who have the strongest faith are the ones who shield themselves
from any information that contradicts what they believe. They create their
own reality out of intentional ignorance and pass their opinions on to anyone
who will listen. This, in turn, influences the perceived reality of the more
trusting and suggestable individuals of our society; our children and I was no

False Reality
As a child my view of reality was influenced by my dads perception of
reality which was shaped primarily on his beliefs and opinions. He had the
typical Christian view that God created everything and that if you want to
live on in heaven after you die, you have to ask his son, Jesus, to save you.
Everything he knew about reality came from books written by an ancient
people. This was their view of reality which, by the way, didnt include any
concepts of space, planets or galaxies. They thought that the earth was the
only thing there was. They had no idea that the earth was a sphere orbiting
the sun. Even though this was an ancient view, my dad chose to adopt it
because it gave him all the answers he wanted. He made a conscious
decision that this reality was real and NOBODY was going tell him otherwise.

Fear of Death
I think the major reason for this was because my dad was afraid of
death. He wasnt just scared of his own death, he was scared for me and
especially for my brother. He didnt want us to die and he thought he found a
way to survive death. So, he took us to church. There we were introduced to
a reality that we werent allowed to question. While my brother fully
accepted this reality, I was skeptical. Because of my skepticism, I never got
the level of approval from my dad that my brother did. Anyway, the point is,
despite all of my dads efforts, my brother still died. He was killed in a hit and
run while riding his bicycle. It was a tragic event and I think my dads faith in
his chosen reality gave him a way to rationalize it. For my dad, knowing that
my brother shared his opinion and that he did everything he was supposed
to do to secure his spot in the afterlife made his death easier to handle. It
made him feel like his son was still ok. I can understand that, and I began to
wonder if there was any truth to what hed been saying. Was my brother still
alive somehow in some kind of afterlife? My dad already had his answer, he
was convinced that my brother had to be in heaven. Like a lot of people, my
dad found his answers from religion and the church assured him that as long
as you do what they say, you will live on in heaven after you die. This was
the reality he was born into, indoctrinated by his parents and the majority of

This indoctrination begins in the church. The church presents as fact
that God created everything in existence and that He is the authority on
what is right and wrong and that we know this through His own words as
they were recorded in the bible. They preach that you are born with a death
sentence because of the actions of your ancestors, Adam and Eve disobeying
God. They ate of the tree that He told them not to eat from. Because of their
disobedience, God could no longer allow them to have eternal life. In the
bible, disobedience is called sin and the penalty for sin is death. Since there
is no way for you to live a perfect sin free life you will die. You will die, not go
to hell. The concept of eternal torture in hell as opposed to just dying was
invented by the Church. The bible does not say you will either go to heaven
or hell, although most churches preach this. It says that everyone dies and
that God will resurrect everyone at a later date to be judged. Anyone who
asked to be saved will have eternal life in heaven while everyone else, along
with Satan and his angels, will be burned to death on earth while its being
destroyed. Because of the fact that no one can live a life free of sin, God
decided to come down to earth, become a man named Jesus, live a sin free
life himself, accept responsibility for all of mankinds sins, and fulfill the
death penalty by dying on the cross. Three days later He brought himself
back to life and promised to become part of you through something called
the Holy Spirit and accept responsibility for your individual sins so that you
may have eternal life. You will die but if you ask Jesus to save you then you
will be resurrected and you will get to go to heaven.

Avoiding Consequences
Think about that for a minute. Is this really moral? You deserve to die
even though there is nothing you can do to avoid sin? And it doesnt matter
whether you were a good person or a terrible person in life because as long
as you ask to be saved, you will be granted eternal life and you will get to
skip out on being burned to death. So I can commit whatever crime I want as
long as I remember to ask Jesus to save me before I die? How is that moral?
If you truly are breaking some divine laws and death is what you deserve
then the RIGHT thing for you to do would be to accept the consequences of
your actions (and apparently Adam and Eves). You should acknowledge that
what you did was wrong and ask for forgiveness but you should NOT have
the audacity to expect to be saved and even worse than that expect
someone else, namely Jesus, to pay for your, and Adam and Eves, sins!

If I were to kill someone I would fully expect to go to prison and
possibly get the death penalty. I may regret what I did and be sorry for it but
I would have no right to ask to be saved from prison and ask that same
person to take the blame! But this seems to be perfectly acceptable to
Christians, they call it Grace. They would say that I was merely under the
influence of Satan and that if I would have just been, instead, influenced by
Jesus then I wouldnt have committed the crime. They believe that people
naturally behave immorally. They believe that without fear of divine
consequences there is nothing to stop people from doing all kinds of awful
things. As if religion has to teach people right from wrong and that without
God people are incapable of making moral judgements. They believe that
things are wrong because God says theyre wrong, because, according to the
bible, morality is dependent on obedience to God. Thats ridiculous. The truth
is, people are capable of making their own moral decisions. There has never
been a murder where the murderer was completely surprised that he was
being arrested. He may not care about what he did, but he knows it was
wrong. (Im of course talking about individuals whose brains are functioning
properly) There doesnt have to be a rule stating thou shalt not kill. You
already know its wrong. Its not rocket science. If your actions or words are
going to negatively affect someone else then its wrong. You know this
already because you have empathy for others, unless of course, youre a
psychopath. The problem arises when you choose to ignore the morality you
are born with, your conscious, and do things that you know are wrong.

Whether people decide to do the right thing or the wrong thing, the
accountability is on them not Satan or God. Unfortunately, religion removes
this accountability from the individual. People stop thinking for themselves,
believing they are merely a "vessel" for God to use. "God is using me to carry
out his will". This is considered noble, relinquishing all control over to God.
This how the church conditions you to think, Dont attempt to understand
why God wants you to do things, just do it. This is simply wrong, you should
always think before you act. You are in control of your own actions! You are
capable of making your own decisions! Your life is a result of your decisions
and actions, and society as a whole is a result of everyones decisions and
actions, not part of some predetermined plan! The only reason that we as a
society need law is because some people choose to ignore their conscious
and do things that they know are wrong.

But I guess thats just my opinion. Just like you, Im entitled to my own
opinions. Theres nothing wrong with opinions as long as you recognize that
they are opinions and you dont present them as facts. You can either have
faith that your opinion is correct or you can accept that your opinion may be
wrong. Yes, opinions can be wrong. For example, you may have the opinion
that sugar makes kids hyper (I use this example because you probably think
this is true) but your opinion would be wrong. If you hold this opinion then
your initial reaction to this statement might be No, thats not true! I know
sugar makes kids hyper because Ive seen it! But youre wrong. The only
way to determine whether an opinion is right or wrong is to use logical
reasoning. We have a word for this, Science. When science is applied to the
question of whether or not sugar causes hyperactivity in children, the answer
turns out to be no. The results were published in the November 22, 1995 issue of
the Journal of the American Medical Association. It doesnt matter whether you agree
with this answer or not, thats what it is. It doesnt matter how strongly you
feel that youre right, YOU ARE WRONG! Do not have the attitude of Well, I
know its true, I dont care what anyone says. Thats willful ignorance and
that makes you an idiot. If you feel like your opinion is correct then do the
work, yes I said work, necessary to find out for yourself. Or at least find
someone who has done the work. If youre right then youll have the
evidence, but if youre wrong then accept it and move on.

It has always been the goal of science to find out how the world
actually is rather than how we imagine it is. But for some reason people
either arent properly educated in science or they just dont care about it at
all. So, instead of learning about the way the world actually is, which is what
science is all about, many people rely on their own opinions or worse, the
views of ancient cultures through religion. If you know nothing or very little
about science then your view of reality is FALSE! Sure, some of your opinions
may be correct but you have no way of knowing which opinions are right and
which ones are wrong. Without science we have no way of knowing whats
real and what isnt. Science is about finding the CORRECT answers to our
questions. Its not just another thing to believe in, its a method for finding
out whether your belief, meaning your opinion, is true.

To find out whether the belief in the Christian God was true, I had to
study the only information available that describes him; the bible. It was hard
for me right from the beginning because the creation story in Genesis didn't
match the scientific facts at all. But, I thought, maybe I didn't understand the
science or ancient Hebrew language well enough. So I expanded my
scientific knowledge as well as my knowledge of the biblical language itself.
This is the opposite of what most religious people do. Whenever science
contradicts a religious text then they say "...the bible is the Word of God and
is infallible......if the scientific facts don't match up then the science is
obviously wrong...of course God's not wrong..." They refuse to think logically
because they don't want their belief to be false. This is called faith, believing
something is true without any evidence to support it. Faith is not a good
thing. It requires you to ignore facts that contradict what you believe.

The Scientific Method

Religions require you to have faith because they claim to possess
absolute truth. Science, however, doesnt claim anything, it just reveals what
has to be true based on the information available. Our scientific knowledge
grows and changes as we gather more information. The more information we
gather supporting a particular theory the more probable it is that it's true. If
information becomes available that contradicts a particular theory then that
theory has to be false. The whole reason the scientific method was devised is
so we can be sure that what we think we know is really true and we're not
just deluding ourselves into a false reality.

Fact Checking
I thought that if I could definitively root the biblical facts to actual
known facts then I could be sure that what I was reading was actually true. I
had to do this because if the creation story is false then that discredits the
rest of the bible. There are no contradictions in the truth. The Hebrew
language does allow room for different interpretations because each word
can have different meanings depending on how its used or even how its
written. Because of this leeway, I was able to loosely relate each day of
creation with the scientific facts. But the scripture still had to be interpreted
a certain way for it to make sense and I started veering from known scientific
facts to what was merely scientifically possible. I had to make a lot of
assumptions, a major one being that the 6 days of creation was
mathematically equivalent to 13.7 billion years. Another one being that the
first day of creation began with the beginning of the universe even though
the bible is clearly describing the beginning of earth with everything in the
sky added later. What I came up with was, at the very least, a scientifically
plausible Genesis creation story. If you are curious, you can read my
scientific creation story, which is based on pure speculation, here.

God is Immoral
I was ok with scientifically plausible because I was treating the bible
as a historical, error free document. But as I continued to read the bible it
quickly became clear to me that the bible is not the moral guide book that
Christians claim it to be and I realized that I was stretching the truth to
support my assumptions. By far, the biggest assumption I had was that God
is an all knowing morally perfect being incapable of evil. But the God the
bible describes is much different and seems to be more human than divine.
He sets a terrible example for people to follow. God, for some reason, hates
handicapped people (Leviticus 21:17-24) and is many times jealous and
vindictive, allowing slavery (Leviticus 25:44-46, Exodus 21:2-6, Exodus 21:20-
21, Ephesians 6:5 , 1 Timothy 6:1-2, Luke 12:47-48) (including sex slaves)
(Exodus 21:7-11), rape (Judges 21:10-24, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 20:10-14,
Deuteronomy 22:28-29, Deuteronomy 22:23-24, 2 Samuel 12:11-14, Deuteronomy
21:10-14, Judges 5:30), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40, Isaiah 13:16), and a
lot of murder. God not only allows it, and clearly approves of it, but he
specifically orders it many times. God, himself, killed hundreds of thousands
of people. I cannot believe just how many instances of murder there are in
the bible. There are even specific rules for who you are supposed to kill. Kill
unbelievers (2 Chronicles 15:12-15), kill followers of other religions
(Deuteronomy 17: 2-7, Deuteronomy 13:6-12, Numbers 25:1-9), kill witches
(as if they were real!) (Exodus 22:18), kill fortune tellers (Leviticus 20:27), kill
people who ignore priests (Deuteronomy 17:12), kill children for cursing their
parents (Leviticus 20:9), kill adulterers (Leviticus 20:10), kill the child who
hits his parents (Exodus 21:15), kill gay people (Leviticus 20:13, Romans
1:26-32), kill entire towns if one person worships another god (Deuteronomy
13:12-19), kill women who are not virgins on their wedding night
(Deuteronomy 22:16-21), kill anyone who blasphemes (Leviticus 24:10-16),
kill anyone who works on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15). God kills too. God
killed 42 children for making fun of a prophet's bald head by sending 2 bears
to tear them to pieces (2 Kings 2:23-24), he sent a lion to kill a man because
he didnt strike the prophet with his weapon when the prophet told him to (1
Kings 20:35-36), he killed people for looking at the ark of the covenant, a box
containing the 10 commandments (1Samuel 6:19-20), he killed all of the
firstborn of Egypt just to prove He was real (Exodus 11:4-8), and of course he
killed everyone on earth except for Noah and his family. God killed and
ordered many more killings throughout the bible. I'll let you read the rest
yourself. The Christian justification to these crimes is always "they deserve to
die because of their immorality". Nobody deserves to die. But thats the
theme of the bible, some people deserve to live and some deserve to die.

Obey God or Die

Religious people view life as a privilege that can be taken away.
Physical life doesn't seem to mean much, if anything to them. They see it as
a temporary state where they are to be morally tested. Many anxiously await
death for themselves and everyone else for the perceived reward or
punishment that follows in the afterlife. Some going so far as wishing for
Jesus return and the apocalypse. Killing someone is never okay, yet God
demands it. Obey God or die. This includes children - "The people of Samaria
must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will
fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their
pregnant women ripped open." (Hosea 13:16)

Women are Property

God, on more than one occasion ordered the massacre of entire
villages including the children and non-virgin women. The virgins were to be
raped. Seriously? Of course the bible doesn't always use the word "rape"
opting for "take them for yourselves as wives"' but the meaning is clear. In
the book of Judges (21:10-24) an entire village is massacred and the virgins
were raped. When they didn't find enough virgins to rape they hid beside the
roads and kidnapped more! God told them to do this! There are laws for rape
too. Kill the rape victim if she didn't cry for help (Deuteronomy 22:23-24). If a
man is caught raping a woman then he must pay 50 pieces of silver to her
father and the rape victim must marry him. (Deuteronomy 22:28-29). This is
because a woman was the property of her father until another man
purchased her to become his wife, but only if she was a virgin. If a man rapes
her then it becomes you break it, you bought it. And if she cannot prove
that she is a virgin on her wedding night then she doesnt deserve to live. If
a man takes a wife and, after lying with her, dislikes her and slanders her
and gives her a bad name, saying, I married this woman, but when I
approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity, then the girls father and
mothershall display the cloth[that the couple slept on] before the elders of
the townIf, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girls virginity
can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her fathers house and
there the men of the town shall stone her to death (Deuteronomy 22:13-
21). Unbelievable.

God Approves of Slavery

The bible makes it clear that women have no rights and, along with
slaves, are merely the personal property of their owners. The bible is also
careful not to use the word "slave" opting for the word servant instead. Many
Christians pretend that biblical servants were different than slaves because
some voluntarily entered these indentured servant agreements. But they
were still bought, sold, beaten, and treated as property not human beings.
The bible even gives specific rules on how to get slaves, how hard you can
beat them, and when you can have sex with the female slaves. God
apparently doesnt think its wrong to own another person. Your male and
female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may
buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and
members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. (Leviticus
25:44, 45).

The Bible is of Human Origin

There are many other atrocities in the bible, mostly in the Old Testament, but
they are simply too numerous for me to go through them all. Don't believe
me? Read the bible yourself. It's not all bad but you cannot just pick out the
good parts and ignore the bad parts. You have to ask yourself "Why is there
so much hate, prejudice, and violence in a book that is supposed to the word
of an all-knowing, all-loving God? You know the answer, even though you
may not want to admit it. The bible is NOT of divine origin and the God it
describes is NOT a morally perfect being. But dont just take my word for it,
read the bible for yourself. Actually read it! You know the difference between
right and wrong. Just because God is doing it or approves of it doesnt
automatically make it right.

Jesus Approves of the Law

Some Christians claim that the Old Testament laws are no longer valid
because Jesus was the "Lamb", the last and ultimate blood sacrifice. Over
and over again God says he requires blood sacrifices because "the wages of
sin is death" and something has to die for forgiveness of sins (hence all of
the killing in the Old Testament) and Jesus' death was to be the final one to
cover all sins. (Why cant God just forgive you? Good question) But, Jesus
never said he came to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. (Matthew 5:17).
Has not Moses given you the law, and yet none of you keeps the law? (John
7:19). Jesus was not happy that people were ignoring the teachings and laws
of Moses. Jesus told people that they were required to obey the law.
(Matthew 23:1-3). He clearly approved of the law and numerous times he
criticized the Jews, especially the Rabbis, for not following it. Of course he
did! According to the bible, he was God in the flesh! In John 1:1 we read "In
the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was
God." In verse 14 we read The word became flesh and made his dwelling
among us. We are told explicitly that Jesus Christ is the God of the Old
Testament! So, even if it were true that the law is no longer valid, the fact
still remains that God at one point in time required the law to be followed.
Many of these laws, and many of the things God told people to do, were
bizarre and unquestionably immoral and cruel. God behaved IMMORALLY in
the Old Testament! Read the bible!

Biblical Authors admit Error

The writers of the bible eventually had to admit that the morality of
Jesus was far superior to Gods morality and that the Old Testament laws
should not be followed by anyone. (Hebrews 8:6-7, 13, Acts 15:1-29). A direct
contradiction to Jesus statement, For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not
an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes
one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in
the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the
kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:18-19)

Jesus is Moral
It's pretty clear that the bible is merely a reflection of the culture of the
time. A record of a violent culture and a violent God. This God is obviously
fictional, but I do believe that the Jewish people did have real spiritual
experiences where they truly believed they were seeing God and
communicating with him. Like my dad and my brother, they truly felt that
what they believed was real. Jesus was no different, and unlike God, he
actually set a good example for people to follow. Like Moses, Jesus believed
he was in direct communication with God and most historians now believe
that he actually existed. He was a Galilean Jewish teacher who was born
between 7 and 2 BC, a time when the Jewish people of Israel were anxiously
awaiting a savior that would free them from Roman rule. Jesus understood
himself to be this long awaited savior that Moses wrote about (Deuteronomy
18:15, Deuteronomy 32:43, Hebrews 8:4-5). Even though Jesus was familiar
with and even agreed with the teachings of Moses his own teachings were
usually morally sound. Jesus taught that we should show love for one another
(Matthew 19:18-19, Mark 12:31, John 13:34, John 15: 12-17), love our
enemies (Luke 6:34-36, Matthew 5:43-47, Luke 10:29-37), forgive (Matthew
18:21-22, Luke 17:3-4), serve others (Luke 6:29-30), lead by example
(Matthew 5:14-16), listen to our conscious which he called the Holy Spirit
(John 14:25-27) that the kingdom of God is not a physical place, its within
you (Luke 17:20-21), that we should not worry (Matthew 6:25-27) , and that
you should not judge people (Matthew 7:1-3, Luke 6:37, John 8:3-11).

The Science of Spirituality

The temptation is to dismiss all religious experiences when you realize
that there is no truth behind the religion itself. But people from all over the
world are still having real spiritual experiences and they deserve a scientific
explanation. Fortunately, there are credible scientists working on this. Dr.
Michael Persinger, among others, are providing those explanations and you
can see that research here.

Lost Souls will Burn

I think that most people want to do good things and go to church
because they think it's the right thing to do and because it makes them feel
good. Many are also afraid of death and have probably heard that they will
go to hell unless they become part of the group that has been "saved by
Jesus". But this is only if they happen to be born in the right part of the
world. If someone happens to be born in India, for example, then they are
doomed to hell simply because they were born in a place where Hinduism,
not Christianity, is the dominant religion. You see the flawed logic? Christians
feel that it is their duty to win these "lost souls" for God. They disrespect all
other religions by pushing their beliefs onto other cultures simply because
they believe they are worshiping the right God and everyone on earth is
going to burn in hell unless they save them. The bible even tells them to kill
these worshipers of other gods and this is what Christians have done
repeatedly in the past because they truly believe this is what God wants. Kill
the unbelievers because they are enemies of God. Unfortunately, there are
still people who kill in the name of God today and these people are called
Terrorists. Would you kill someone if God told you to? I wouldn't.
Churches Ignore the Bible
Im not the only one who knows about all of the terrible things in the
bible. Church leaders know, thats why their sermons are rarely about
anything in the Old Testament. No church uses the bible in its entirety. In
fact, most barely use it at all and when they do it's mostly the New
Testament. They pick out which verses support their message and ignore the
rest. I will admit that their messages are generally good ones and they do,
for the most part, encourage a good, decent lifestyle and they do a lot of
good things. However, these good things come from church doctrine based
on the biblical verses they deem acceptable. They take these verses and
form a message that you can apply to your modern lifestyle.

The Bible is a Symbol

The more closely a church follows the bible the more hateful, prejudice,
and archaic the congregation becomes. But, as I found out for myself, people
don't go to church to learn about what the bible says. Most Christians haven't
even read the bible, only verses here and there from the sermons and
usually only from the New Testament. Anyone who has read it, I find it hard
to believe that they are ok with all of the terrible things it promotes. The bad
parts are simply ignored or explained away. So, rather than the foundation of
the Christian belief system, which is what I thought it was, the bible seems to
be more like a symbol. Something people can use to give them meaning for
the things that happen in their lives, especially if they've gone through a
tragedy, finding a verse that seems to apply to their situation. In my
personal tragedy when my brother was killed in a hit and run on his bicycle
some Christians told me "it's all part of God's plan". Or Everything happens
for a reason. Really? What kind of a plan involves suffering? A terrible one.
Other people said "God just wanted him to come home". This implies that
God not only killed him but he killed him for selfish reasons. Still other people
said Because God gave us free will He has to allow bad things to happen".
This implies that God is either just an observer or isn't present at all. If that's
the case then He doesn't answer prayers either.

Belief is based on Emotion

These Christians were trying to assign meaning to a meaningless event
not thinking about whether it makes logical sense. But religion isn't about
logic, it's about emotion. Emotions are irrational, this is why its futile to have
a rational conversation with a Christian about their belief. They dont believe
what they believe because it makes logical sense, they believe it because of
the way they feel. They love Jesus. When someone questions or attacks their
belief they see it as an attack on someone they love and they will naturally
be defensive. When you love someone you dont care about whether it
makes sense or not.

Science provides Real Answers

I realize that people want answers and want to feel like things happen
for a reason. They want there to be some purpose to life just like they did at
the time the scriptures were written and the church provides them with easy
answers. Unfortunately, these answers come from the philosophy of the
church which is based loosely on the flawed foundation of the bible. Im not
saying its wrong to love Jesus, its never wrong to love anyone. Jesus
actually sets a good example to follow and it wouldnt be a bad thing to be
more like him. Im not even saying its wrong to go to church, as long as the
church is promoting love and not hate. Im saying that if you want real
answers you have to use logical reasoning, aka science, rather than just
relying on your own opinions or adopting the views of an ancient people.

Chance not Destiny

There are reasons for things that happen but these reasons do not
come from some plan devised by a higher being. They arise from a complex
series of cause and effect events and by the choices living things make in
response to those events. In the case of my brothers death, the reason my
brother died was because he chose to ride his bike to work at the same time
a complete moron chose to drive recklessly down the same road. Anything
could have changed this outcome. There could have been a traffic jam, my
brothers bike tire could have gone flat, the driver couldve decided to stay
home or slow down, my brother couldve taken an alternate route, or left a
little earlier or later...There are a hundred things that couldve happened but
didnt. It wasnt meant to happen, it happened by chance.

Faith Requires Ignorance

If you want to be a Christian and you want to be secure in your belief
then you absolutely cannot think logically about what you believe. Faith, by
definition, requires ignorance. Your belief has to be based on pure emotion.
Do not attempt to understand the bible or God. If you choose to read the
bible, then you MUST ignore the bad parts and only read the good parts.
Trust your own moral judgment. Or better yet, bypass the bible altogether
and let your life be guided solely by your own conscious. You already know
the difference from right and wrong, nobody has to tell you, youre born with
this ability.

Knowledge Destroys Faith

I made the mistake of studying the bible. I wanted to truly understand
it because I thought it was the basis of the Christian belief system. This
unavoidably destroyed any faith I had in God. I might have been a Christian if
I went to church regularly and just followed their traditions. But I had to seek
knowledge and, because of this, my faith weakened until it finally
disappeared. I dont have the answer to what happens when we die, but
neither does the bible. However, I do know that the only way to find out is to
use logical reasoning - Science.

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