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A Study of Different Aspects of Diaphragm

O. M. El Hussieny

Abstract This paper traces the highlights of different aspects of R~sumd--Le texte pr~sente les diff~rente aspects des parois moul~s,
diaphragm walls with regard to their design and methods of du point de rue de leur conception et des rn~thodes de construction.
construction. Special attention is given to some practieal points that Uns attention particuli~re est accord~e~ certains point pratiques qui
need consideration, discussion or further research. First, the r~ritent d'etre examines, analysAs ou ~tudlds plus avant. En
principles of the construction technique, methods of trenching, tools premier lieu, les principes de la technique de construction, les
and tolerance for cast-in-place concrete diaphragm walls are rn~thodes de creueement des tranch~es, les dquipements et les
introduced. The behaviour and control of bentonite suspension are toldrances pour les paroie moulds sur place. Le comportement et le
also indicated. Finally, the paper treats the use of diaphragm walls contr6le des suspensions de bentonite sont ensuite abord~s. Enfin,
as load-bearing foundations in comparison with piles, from the le texte dtudie l'utilisation des parois moulds comme fondations
point of vicw of base resistance and skin friction. porteuees, en les comparant aux parois de palplanches, du point de
uue de la rdsistance de base et des frottemente suporficiets.

Introduction Furthermore, the trench will be ting face and excessive turbulance in
filled with concrete or other backfill the stabilising material, both of which
or the purposes of this paper, the
F t e r m "diaphragm wall" is under-
stood to mean an artificial mem-
brane of finite thickness and depth,
material,thereby displacingthetrench-
supporting fluid from the bottom up.
can cause localised collapses ("cavita-
tion") of the sides of the trench.
Percussive and rotary tools loosen
Trenching the soil and break it into relatively
constructed in the ground by means of small particles; they mix the cutting
a process of trenching, with the aid of a Trenching Method with the stability suspension at the
fluid support. cutting face. The suspensien, laden with
In theory, any technique for achiev-
This paper deals with three differ- soil cuttings, is then transported to
ing a vertical cut in the soil can be used
ent aspects of diaphragm walls: ground level by either direct or reverse
for the trenching operation.
1. Basic requirements of trenching circulation of the drilllnz mud.
The basic requirements, however,
tools and tolerances. are mlnlmnl disturbance of the soilat The grabbing tool operated on ei-
2. The role ofbentouite slurries used ther a rope or a kelly bar seems to fulfill
the cutting face, combined with a
in diaphragm walls and their control. the basic requirements of trenching
trenching rate that is slow enough to
3. How diaphragm walls can work and is the most successful and most
permit the build-up and maintenance
as load-bearing foundations. commonly used tool for this operation.
of the membrane or filtercake at the
The conclusion of the paper deals soil/stabilizingfluidinterface. The success of the grabbing tool
with the scope ofpessible future study The type of subsoil,the ground wa- may also be attributed to its great
in this field. ter, the properties of the stabilizing efficiency as a tool for bulk excavation
fluid, and the charachteristicsof the in average soil, and, in particular, to its
Principles of Construction trenching equipment are all important effective and easily controllable shear-
Techniques factors that must be taken into consid- ing operation when cutting the soil.
eration in the determination of the Combined with a suitable li~ing and
Construction of diaphragm walls is lowering rate, this avoids undue dis-
trenching method.
carried out from the ground surface by turbance at the soil cutting face and in
means of various kinds of mechanical the supporting stabilizing suspension.
devices that permit the progressive Trenching Tools
exacavation of a relatively narrow Three basic types of trenching tools
trench in the ground in such a w a y that are C O m m o n l y u s e d , either individu- Trenching Tolerance
the stabilizingfluid is introduced si- ally or in combination: Three principle trenchlng tolerances
multaneously as the trenching opera- 1. Percussive tools; must be considered:
tion proceeds. 2. Rotary tools; and 1. Deviations from the true vertical
3. Excavating tools. alignment.
2. Deviations from the true hori-
Only percussive and rotary tools
zontal alignment.
are effective in rocl~ I t is important to
3. Deviations f r o m the average
Present address: Dr. Eng. Ossama Mohamed select a moderate and controllable cut-
trench face.
El Hussieny, Lecturer, Faculty of ting speed, with a rate appropriate for
En~dneering, Zagazig University, 17, Sabry the removal of cuttings, in order to The incidence of these deviations
AbouAlam Street, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. avoid violent disturbances at the cut- depends on the characteristics of the

Tunnellingand UndergroundSpaceTechnology,Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 55-58, 1 9 9 2 . 0886-7798/92

$5.00 + .O0
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press plc 55
trenching tool--its shape, size and happen during the trenching opera- provide a r u n ' m u m stabilizing effect.
weight, support and control mecha- tion, and thereby premit remedial mea- Three different mechanisms can
n i s m - a s well as on the type of subsoil sures to be taken when necessary. occur under various conditions during
encountered. the formation of the seal.
Because only vertical trenches can Bentonite Slurry S u r f a c e f i l t r a t i o n occurs when a
be cut effectively, it is logical that the classic filter cake is initiated by the
cutting tool should be primarily con- Effect of S/urry Properties on Required bridging of hydrated bentonite par-
trolled for verticality by gravity. In this Functions ticles at the entrance to pores in the
context, a heavy tool performs better Bentonite slurries used in construct- soil, with negligible penetration of ben-
than a light one, and the system of ing diaphragm walls have to carry out tonite. During and after formation of
suspension of the tool from the winch- a wide variety of functions, some of the filter cake, water continues to per-
ing rig should preferably utilize the which place conflicting requirements colate through it from the slurry into
continuous influence of gravity during upon their properties. the soil water. This type of fluid loss
the trenching process. For example, a slurry that forms a can be divided into two quite distinct
In fact, a repeated lifting and lower- good filter cake upon the wall of an parts (see Fig. 1):
ing of the tool under gravity has a excavation, and thus enables the hy- 1. Initial fluid loss, which occurs
rectifying influence on deviations from draulic pressure of the mud to be ex- during filter formation.
verticality. A check on verticality with erted for stabilization of the face, may 2. S u b s e q u e n t fluid loss, which
increasing depth may be required more well be too resistant to flow to permit it obeys the usual law:
frequently for a rigid suspension than to be displaced cleanly from reinforced
for a digging tool suspended freely. bars by concrete. On the other hand, a q = M T v~
The grabbing tool, with its repeti- slurry that is easily displaced may not where
tive raising and lowering from its point build up a suitable filter cake. q = Flow rate
of suspension, seems to have an advan- Similarly, a slurry that is dense, T = Time after filter formation.
tage over tools advancing in-situ, which and which thereby exerts a large hy- M = Constant
may require the assistance of a feed- drostatic head for stabilization pur-
back device because their verticality of poses, may become trapped in the bet- Deep f i l t r a t i o n occurs when slurry
advance may be significantly influenced tom of the trench during displacement penetrates into the soil, slowly clog-
by varying soil strata of differing pen- because of its density. ging the pores and building up a filter
etrability, especially if they are not With regard to freshly prepared and cake within them. In this case, the seal
horizontal. hydrated bentonite, there is a fairly may extend several centimetres into
Horizontal deviations are mainly well defined concentration limit below the soil.
caused by rotation of the trenching tool which the rate of filter cake build-up is In both surface and deep filtration,
about its axis of suspension. In this very slow, and an upper limit above the bentonite concentration in the ill-
respect, a big tool with rigid suspen- which the slurry is very difficult to ter cake is greater than its concentra-
sion has advantages over a small one, handle. In addition, contamination by tion inthe slurry. R h e o l o g i c a l b l o c k -
unless special guides or restraints are detritus, ground water or cement can ing occurs when slurry flows into the
provided to minimize horizontal rota- completely alter the relevant proper- ground until restrained by its shear
tion of the tool during the trenching ties of slurries. strength. This is the mechanism oper-
operation. If such restraints are not Bentonite slurries can vary widely ating when bentonite is found away
provided, a "wavy" alignment of the in properties, both physical and chemi- from the excavation wall.
trench may result. This tendency in- cal. However, all such slurries must: Of these three mechanicsms, sur-
creases with depth. Support the excavation by exert- face filtration is much to be preferred,
Local deviations of the trench face ing hydrostatic pressure on the since the seal is formed the most rap-
are closely related to the general sta- excavation walls. idly, with no penetration of bentonite
bility of the trench. They are the least Remain in the excavation, and into the soil.
predictable of all deviations because not flow into the soil. The presence of small quantities of
the factors that influence them are Suspend detritus, to avoid a fine sand in the slurry can change the
many and generally occur in combina- build-up of sludgy layers at the sealing mechanism in open ground from
tion. These factors include: excavation base. deep to surface filtration (see Fig. 2),
The subsoil---e.g., whether or not with a consequent dramatic reduction
In addition, these slurries must al- in initial fluid loss.
it is cohesive; its adverse effects low for:
on the stabilizing suspension. Clean displacement by concrete,
The granularity of the soil, and with no subsequent inteference Egcavation Sealing
whether it contains boulders or with the bond between reinforce- The ground is envisaged as a rea-
artificial obstructions. ment and set concrete. sonably homogeneous granular me-
The excess head over ground wa- Screening or hydrocycloning, to dium with no gross voids or fissures.
ter of the stabilising suspension, remove detritus and permit Consequently, if a slurry forms a
and its density. recycling. surface filter cake, then it will also
The head of the ground water, Ease of pumping. form an effective seal against loose
whether flowing or static, and the slurry from the excavation.
likelihood that it may contami- In addition, even slow loss of water
nate the stabilising suspension. Excavation Support
(rather than slurry) from the excavation
The type of tool used for the In order to exert a stabilizing pres- must be considered, as this can lead to
trenching process, the trenching sure on permeable walls of an excava- an increase in bentonite concentration.
speed, and the method of soil tion, the bentonite slurry must form a
removal. seal on the surfaces with which it comes
into contact. Suspension of Detritus
Although some of these factors can
be assessed in advance and kept under This seal avoids both loss of slurry During the excavation process, it is
control reasonably well, broad practi- into the soil, with consequent reduction inevitable that detritus will become
cal experience is required to under- in angle of friction, and rise in pre-water mixed with the slurry. In addition to
stand and foresee what is likely to pressure. In addition, the mud can raising the average density of the


* When very deep foundations are
~E required, mMdng the use of steel
U casing alt~cult or evenimpossible;
When heavy vertical loads are
combined with large horizontal
forces and bending moments; and
W h e n special soil conditions are

:initial flui Comparison Between Piles And

i . Iossl7 I Diaphragm Walls For Load Transfer
Into Soil
Horizontal Forces
The load transfer for horizontal
forces is achieved by lateral earth pres-
sure, which depends on the soil p r o p e r -
t i e s (friction, cohesion, density), the
shape and size of the elements, and the
VA I ----'- ( T i m e T)21 rain construction method. The computa-
tion of horizontal bearing is equal for
Figure 1. Fluid loss during filter cake formation. piles and diaphragm walls.

Base Resistance
slurry, this situation can give rise to 1. Displacement at the base of the Load transfer by base resistance
slowly setting layers of sand and silt, excavation (mainly lateral dis- depends on the depth and size of the
which can cause density gradients in placement). pile, the soil properties, disturbance of
the slurry and a build-up of sludge at 2. Displacement from the walls of soil at the pile tip by the excavation
the excavation base. This is precisely the excavation and from the re- method, and contact between the con-
the situation that will cause displace- inforcement bars (mostly verti- crete and undisturbed soil.
ment difficulties, when the tremled cal displacement). Loosening of the soil, which may
concrete is unable to push the slurry occur when pries are drilled by a casing
clearly from the bottom of the excava- Diaphragm Walls as Load- in saturated soils, is 11nllkely to occur
tion. Thus, it is advantageons to allow Bearing Elements when the diaphragm wall technique is
the minimum of setting of detritus in used because it always uses an excess
the slurry, even if this means that the Through research on concrete tech- hydraulic head which can easily be
slurry is, on average, denser than it nology and on bond stress between controlled.
would otherwise be. steel and concrete, the diphragm wall In tests comparing two piles, with
has developed into a highly qualified and without the presence of bentonite
reinforced concrete foundation element, slurry, larger initial settlements were
Displacement by Concrete which is most suitable for the construc- measured for the pile drilled with a
After the excavation has been made tion of protection walls, subway t.~mnel steel casing. After compaction of the
and any reinforcement necessary to walls and retAi~ing walls. The main loosened soil by the first loading, the
the finishedstructure placed in it,con- function of the diaphragm wall is to behaviour of both piles was the same
crete must be tremied into the trench take up horizontal forces from earth under the second load cycle. It can
to displace the slurry. The displace- and water pressures. therefore be stated that the diaphragm
ment is takqng place in two distinct A new application for diaphragm wall method, by achieving minimum
phases: wall elements istheiruse as load-bear- soil disturbance even in saturated soils,
ing foundations, as an alternative to offers good conditions for base resis-
piles drilledby use of a steel casing. tance, but demands care and control in
The use of a special grab permits the the construction process.
shape. The possibilityof constructing
such piles offersopportunities beyond Skin Friction
the scope of typical cylindrical piles Under the working load of struc-
drilledby casing (see Fig. 3). tures, load transfer from piles into the
Because the cost for site installa- soil is mainly achieved by skin friction.
O. 5.1.0 m 2.0_2.5 m tion and diaphragm wall construction SEIn friction depends mainly on the
I I I I concrete surface (roughness) and on
isfrequently about 5-15% lessthan for
E large bored piles,and the differencein the soil properties (friction, cohesion,
0 dersity), and secondarily on the con-
design forthe superstructure m a y save
another 10-15%,it seems important to tact between the soil and the concrete.
investigatethe problems ofload trans- The basic questions concerning load
fer by diaphragm wall elements. transfer by skin friction are whether
As a general system of deep founda- the bentonite mud can be completely
tion,the diaphragm wall is applicable replaced by the concrete, and whether,
! I in principlewherever the use of cast- in which case, or to what amount the
2.0,2.5m 2.5_ 3.5m in-situ piles is advisable. Diaphragm skin friction is affected by any bento-
$ I I I
walls offerspecial advantages: nite filter cake remaining on the con-
* W h e n heavy loads call for large tact face between soil and concrete.
monolithic concrete structures; These questions can be answered
Figure 2. Cross-sections of typical only by testing and practical experi-
load-bearing elements.


ments on a routine basis. ~urther
work in estimating the importance of
IT" tJ
fluid loss to the process, and in devel-
oping a site method of assessing it, may
-.-- _ j be of great importance.
. I
r" Finally, by observing certain design
principles and through careful and
rapid construction, diaphragm walls
1500" Tc = 6 rain as load-bearing foundations are at least
as efficient in load-bearing capacity as
in-situ concrete pile foundations, while
from other points of view they have
distinct advantages.
Tc:Time Of FiLter Formation Summary
This paper has traced the highlights
500 'rc: 1-~ rain of different aspects of diaphragm walls
1rain with respect to their design and meth-
Tc=30S ods of construction. Attentionhasbeen
drawn to some practical points that
require consideration, discussion or fur-
o L ther research. []
Fine SQndadded'z-
Figure 3. Effect of sand content on initial fluid loss. Chadeisson, R. 1961. Influence dumode de
perforation sur le comportement des
pieux fores et moul~s dRn~ le sol. Int.
ence. Laboratory tests were performed In spite of the most careful attention Conf. of Soil Mech., Paris, 1961.
Fuchsberger, M. 1975. Some Practical
on skin friction under various confin- to detail in design and specification and Aspects of Diaphragm Wall Construc-
ing stresses. In the case of test piles the exercise of the greatest care in ex- tion. London: Institution of Civil
drilled with bentonite mud, a notice- ecution, the risks of faults occuring in Engineering.
able skin friction was found. For other work entrusted to the inexperienced is Hutchlnaon, M. T.; Daw, G. P.; Shotton, P.
in-situ tests, in a comparison between high. Even experienced firms will, if G.; and James, A_N. 1974. Theproperties
the diaphragm walls and piles, it was prudent, allow for a measure of reme- of bentonito slurries used in diaphragm
found that the skin friction was mobi- dial work to any exposed walls incorpo- wAllin~ and their control. Diaphragm
lized in the same way in the two cases, rated in permanent structures. Walls and Anchorages. London.
and was not influenced by the bento- In order to eliminate these risks, Kienberger, H. 1975. Diaphragm Walls as
Load Bearing Foundations. London:
nite mud. much scope remains for further re- Institution of Civil Engineering.
search and for development of improve- Maurrete, J. and E1 Hussieny, O. 1985.
Conclusion ments to the diaphragm wall construc- "Les Techniques des Micropieux"
tion technique. Furthermore, the con- (Micropile Techniques). In French.
The technique of constructing dia- trol of bentonite slurry and the process Rapport D.E,~, Ecole Centrale de Paris,
phragm walls as an expedient in the of using it is enhanced by adhering to a Chatevey Malabry.
field of civil engineering has been de- recommended specification and carry- Veder, C. 1963. Excavations oftrenches in
veloped over a relatively time, and to a ing out a systematic schedule of tests to the presence of bentonite suspensions
great extent it still relies on the expe- ensure that this is done. Clearly, the for the construction ofimpermeable and
rience of a few established firms for its load bearing diaphrvffmR. Symp. on
appropriate personnel must be avail- Grouts and Drinlng ludB in E~inoering
successfid execution. able on site to perform the measure- Practice, Butterworth, London.


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