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Vegetable Science (2014) 41 (1) : 37-41

Genetic analysis of yield and yield attributing traits in bitter gourd

Anjali Shukla, Umesh Singh, A.K. Rai, D.R. Bharadwaj and Major Singh

Received : April 2014 / Accepted : June 2014

Abstract Introduction
Gynoecious bitter gourd has the potential for increasing Bitter gourd (MomordicacharantiaL., 2n= 22) is an
yield in commercial cucurbitaceous. Therefore, a generation economically important, allogamy, vegetable species,
means analysis was conducted to investigate the inheritance which is used in traditional or folk medicine to treat
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of yield attributing traits in crosses of gynoecious diabetes. The bitterness of most cucurbits is mainly due
monoecious. Progeny (F1, F2, and F3) from a cross between
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to cucurbitacins. The bitterness of bitter gourd is due to

gynoecious lines (Gy333 and Gy323) and monoecious line

the cucurbitacin-like alkaloid momordicine and triterpene

DRAR-1were used in the present study. The additive glycosides (momordicoside K and L) (Behraet al.,
dominance and dominance dominance interaction effects 2010).Inheritance of gynoecism in bitter gourd was
were noted in most of the crosses for the entire traits.The
studied in a 100% gynoecious line (Gy323 and Gy333).
joint scaling test showed that cross Gy333 DRAR-1 and
The F2 and testcross segregation data revealed that
Gy323DRAR-1 showed significant epistatic gene effects.
gynoecism in Gy323 and Gy333 is under the control of
2 value was significant for all traits except days to first
flowers and anthesis, plant height, internodal length, fruit/ a single, recessive gene (Ram et al., 2006).
plant seeds/fruit and yield/plant showed non-significant High yield and uniform fruit shape, size and excellent
2value hence the additive dominance model.In cross quality are prerequisites for the release of superior melon
Gy323 DRAR-1, 2 value was significant for all traits except varieties. Gynoecious for yield and/or its associated
yield/ plant. Both additive and dominance components were components has been reported in melon (Abdalla and
significant for most of traits.These traits showed duplicate Aboul-Nasr,2002).Lippert and Legg (1972) evaluated the
type of epistasis for the above crosses.The development of gene action of yield traits in melon, and determined that
early flowering genotypes possessing desirable fruit weight additive and non-additive variance components were
characteristics, however, will likely be complicated by
important in the genetic control of yield-associated traits.
inheritance of gynoecious in dominance and epistatic
However, the relative importance of additive, dominant
effects. Positive additive additive is indicating the
possibility of obtaining transgressive segregants in later
and epistatic contributions was not reported, and other
generations, whereas dominance dominance gene effects studies that evaluate gene action controlling such traits
indicated a duplicate epistasis which will be undesirable for in bitter melon do not exist.
selection and genetic improvement in gynoecious bitter Generation means analysis (GMA; Mather and Jinks,
gourd. 1982) has been used successfully to study the genetics
Keywords: bitter go urd, gynoecious, qu anti tati ve of melon in term of gynoecious. The generation mean
inheritance, gene action, epistasis. analysis is commonly employed in studies of inheritance
of quantitative traits. Given the lack of genetic information
related to yield components in gynoecious for bitter
Anjali Shukla, Umesh Singh, D.R. Bharadwaj and Major Singh melon, a GMA study was designed todetermine gene
Division of Crop Improvement, Indian Institute of Vegetable action, estimate components of variance and calculate
Research, PB.- 01, Jakhini (Shahanshapur), Varanasi, Uttar the minimum number of effective factors of several yield
Pradesh-221 305, India components in gynoecious bitter melon. In relation to
A.K. Rai
direction of dominance, reciprocal effects and epistasis,
Professor, Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of Botany,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221 005, relevant differences between the polygenic systems were
India evidenced. An assessment of these genetic parameters
38 Shukla et al. : Genetic analysis of yield and yield attributing traits in bitter gourd

will allow for the development of efficient breeding having potential to produce optimum yields is highly
strategies and new hybrid (Gynoecious monoecious) desirable where monoecious bitter gourd is becoming
for gynoecious bitter melon cultivar improvement. very limited yield. To detect the relative importance of
components of genetic variation, additive (d), dominance
Materials and Methods (h) and contribution (I &l) were estimated by partitioning
Experimental parents were selected based on their higher the population means of parents, F 1, F 2 and F 3.
yield, earliness and yield attributing traits. Gynoceious Relativegynoceious magnitude of additive component
and monoceious bitter gourd parents used were highly D was significant for most of the characters except
inbred lines. Gy323 and Gy333 are gynoecious, in which branches/plant indicated that the additive components
Gy323 with Large vines, large size leaves with heart of genes played an important role in gynoecious related
shape, while, Gy333 gynoecious plant, medium vines, characters expression and on their inheritance.
more branching, profuse bearing, green fruist both In the present study, there are two crosses Gy333
developed by IIVR (Ram et al., 2002). The fractal DRAR-1 and Gy323 DRAR-1 used in generation.5
architecture of DRAR-1 is monoecious, large vines, generation (P1, P2, F1, F2& F3) of 2 cross combinations
medium leaves, less branching, light green fruit have been analyzed for 11 characters and the gene
developed by TNAUfor five generations before use. effects we re e stimated through pa rtitioning the
C ross es were ma de betwe en gynoc eious and generation means into different components. In the event
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monoceious parents as follows: Gy323 DRAR-1 and of inadequacy of the model the data was refitted for 3
Gy333 DRAR-1. Generation means analysis was parameter models. For the characters where all the 3
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performed using each gynoceious (P1), monoceious and 5 components were not significant in the both

parent (P2), F1, F2 and F3 generations. All crosses were paramete r model the elimination of the gene tic
controlled pollinations and experiment with 3 different component was also done to increase the precision of
the results. The negative estimates of dominance gene
parents and their generationwere conducted at the
Indian Institute of Vegetable Research, Varanasi, India. effects observed for flower anthesis implied that the
The crop was planted in rows 2.5 mapart with spacing inheritance of these characters of gynoecioustend
of 45 cm between plants. All the recommended toward the lower parent. Additive Additive interaction
estimates were mostly negative for these characters
agronomical practices along with plant protection
measures were followed to grown a successful crop. effectively.

The population segregating was characterized for eleven Cross Gy333 DRAR-1 showed significant epistatic
traits viz.,1st flower anthesis, plant height (cm), gene effects (Table 1). 2 value was significant for all
internodal length (cm), number of branches/plant, days traits except days to first flowers and anthesis, plant
to first picking, fruit weight (g), fruit length (cm), fruit height, internodal length, fruit/plant seeds/fruit and yield/
diameter (cm), fruits/plant, seeds/fruit, yield/plant (g) plant indicating the presence of non-allelic interaction,
were evaluated based on evaluation system. In each whereas rest of characters showed non-significant 2
replication ten plants in each population were marked value hence the additive dominance model. For the
for observations. Within each block the segregating rest of the traits where 2 values were significant data
generations were replicated three and five times, further analyzed for 5 parameter model. All the 5
respectively. components were found significant hence this model
was adequate for fruit diameter. For the fruit diameter,
Analyses of generations by GMA were conducted using dominance and dominance dominance component
an additivedominance model (Cavalli, 1952), non- were important whereas, rest of the character were not
weighted scaling test method based on a five-parameter significant. Dominance Dominance component was
model and using sequential parameter model fitting in general, greater in magnitude than dominance
(Kearsey and Pooni, 1996). The average gene effects component for all the crosses. Duplicate type of epistasis
expectations of the five basic generations are given as were observed for days to first picking, plant height,
proposed by Mather and Jinks (1982).5-parameter fruit length, fruit diameter and fruit weight in this situation
models and were used to estimate the gene effects (m, reciprocal recurrent selection is likely to be useful for
d & h) and their interaction (l &i) following Hayman the effective utilization of both type additive and non
(1858). Thestandard error of each parameter was additive generation simultaneously. The simple additive-
calculated as proposed by Lynchand Walsh (1998). dominance model revealed the goodness of fit in only 6
characters. The findings were in agreement with
Result and Discussion
Hayman and Mather (1955) who also reported the
The development of gynoecious bitter gourd cultivars significant deviation from zero indicates the inadequacy
Vegetable Science, Vol. 41, January - June 2014 39

Table 1: Best fit, estimate of gene effects from analysis of generation means for eleven traits in bitter gourd cross Gy333
Type of
Traits M D H I l X2 Epistasis
Days to First
3Parameter 41.83** 0.25 -3.81** 0.54 -1.20** 0.41 5.61 C
Flower Anthesis
3 Parameter 60.04** 0.26 -1.25** 0.37 0.17 0.47 8.50*
Days to First
5 Parameter 61.19** 0.66 -1.30 ** 0.37 -3.06 2.94 -1.89 ** 0.58 1.88 2.43
Best fit 60.31** 0.18 -1.30** 0.37 -1.01 0.42 2.60NS D
3 Parameter 2.31** 0.4 -0.25** 0.04 -0.003 0.06 20.93**
Plant Height 5 Parameter 3.50** 1.21 -0.12**.05 -3.33 3.63 -1.36 1.21 2.07 2.42
Best fit 2.46** 0.48 -0.12 ** 0.05 -0.22** 0.08 -0.32 ** 0.07 0.73NS C
3 Parameter 6.97**0.05 -0.61**0.10 0.57**0.06 4.00NS D
Branches/Plant 3 Parameter 11.61**0.17 0.630.39 0.430.34 7.59* C
Fruits/Plant 3 Parameter 30.16**0.72 11.91**0.80 -13.19**0.84 4.16NS D
3Parameter 17.37 ** 0.24 -4.22** 0.28 2.45** 0.42 27.61**
Fruit Length 5Parameter 15.55 ** 0.66 -3.79 ** 0.32 11.94 **2.40 1.22 0.74 -8.43** 1.87
Best fit 16.53**0.29 -3.61**0.30 8.60**1.30 -6.07** 1.22 2.75NS D
3 Parameter 5.25** 0.08 -0.82** 0.14 0.52** 0.15 25.58*
Fruit Diameter 5 Parameter 5.84** 0.17 -0.87 ** 0.14 -2.11** 0.88 -1.10** 0.22 1.99 ** 0.75
Best fit 5.54** 0.05 -0.86 ** 0.13 -0.79 ** 0.14 8.09* C
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3 Parameter 52.43** 0.61 -9.89 ** 0.70 7.29 ** 1.04 7.39*

Fruit Weight 5 Parameter 58.26** 2.35 -9.75** 0.70 -15.38 10.97 -6.53** 2.45 16.70 8.98
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Best fit 55.24 ** 0.95 -9.75** 0.70 -3.51** 1.18 4.26**3.19 1.96NS

Seeds/Fruit Best fit 19.32** 0.30 1.89 ** 0.49 -1.13** 0.54 3.60NS C
Yield/Plant Best fit 1823.73**56.87 689.80**65.32 -815.90**62.8 3.10NS D
C= Complementary, D= Duplicate, NS, *, ** non-significant, significant at p<0.01, <0.05, respectively

of additive-dominance model a presence of epistasis and fruit diameter, fruit weight and yield/ plant in cross
could be tested out. Gy333 DRAR-1, whereas days to first flower anthesis,
plant height, fruit/plant and days to first picking showed
Cross Gy323 DRAR-1 showed significant epistatic
duplicate type epistasis for cross Gy323 DRAR-1.
gene effects. 2 value was significant for all traits except
Duplicate type of epistasis was observed for majority
yield/plant (Table 2). Both additive and dominance
of the traits indicating that heterosis based on dominance
components were s ignific ant for most of tra its.
and dominance dominance interaction gene effect
However, the magnitude of dominance was higher than
cannot be exploited. In such a situation, intermating or
additive indic ating importance of domina nc e
biparental mating between selected plants from early
components . The additive a dditive
segregating generations could help in improving traits
epistaticcomponents were significant for seeds/fruit and
fruit weight, being negative significant for remain all (Shahiet al., 2005).
traits. Therefore this trait was controlled by both additive Most of the traits examine exhibited the combined
and dominant gene actions. influence of substantial dominance and epistatic effects
except for primary branch number and fruit number/
The 3 parameter were found significant along with non-
plant, which were mainly controlled by additive factors
significant 2 value indicating the adequacy of the model
(two to four). Days to first flower anthesis, branches/
for days to first flower anthesis, internodal length, fruit/
plant and seeds/fruit in crossGy333 DRAR-1, whereas
plant, seeds/fruit and yield/plant and these traits showed
fruit length, fruit diameter and seeds/fruit in cross Gy323
duplicate type of epistasis, so dominant component was
DRAR-1 showed complementary epistasis. It is
important. Additive gene action was involved for days
difficult to exploit them due to duplicate type of
to first flower anthesis in bitter gourd, whereas fruit
epistasis. The development of early flowering genotypes
diameter and fruit length both additive and non-additive
possessing desirable fruit weight characteristics (i.e. high
gene action were predominant. Singh et al. (2000)
fruit weight per plant and average weight per fruit),
reported that components of additive gene effects were
however, will likely be complicated by inherent of
significant for fruit length, days to first harvest, fruit
gynoecious in dominance and epistatic effects.
weight and number of fruit/vine and additive and non-
additive gene action was involved in the character In the present study 3 generation (P1, P2 & F1) and 5
expression. generation (P1, P2, F1, F2 & F3) of 2 cross combinations
have been analyzed for 11 characters and the gene
Duplicate type of epistasis was found for fruit length,
effects we re e stimated through pa rtitioning the
40 Shukla et al. : Genetic analysis of yield and yield attributing traits in bitter gourd

Table 2: Best fit, estimate of gene effects from analysis of generation means for eleven traits in bitter gourd cross Gy323
Type of
Traits M d h i l X2
3Parameter 39.45 0.30 -1.28 0.42 0.19 0.66 8.8*
Days to First
5Parameter 41.05 **0.63 -1.51** 0.50 -8.35** 3.00 -1.94**0.81 7.39 ** 2.61
Flower Anthesis
Best fit 39.39** 0.24 -1.31** 0.40 0.51 0.63 8.8*
3Parameter 57.99** 0.38 -1.24** 0.55 0.69 0.79 11.34**
Days to First
5 Parameter 59.34** 0.73 -2.70** 0.73 -3.99 3.31 -3.24** 1.03 3.08 2.87
Best fit 58.47**0.22 -2.70**0.72 -2.37**0.75 1.55NS C
3Parameter 2.18** 0.01 -0.20 ** 0.04 0.002 0.02 46.22**
Plant Height 5Parameter 2.25** 0.02 -0.14** 0.04 -0.29** 0.13 -0.31 ** 0.05 0.22 ** 0.11
Best fit 2.19** 0.01 -0.14** 0.04 -0.25 ** 0.04 6.34* C
Internodal Length Best fit 6.01** 0.06 -0.62 ** 0.08 -0.76** 0.21 2.91NS D
3Parameter 9.49** 0.35 2.13 ** 0.48 -3.22** 0.54 10.74**
Branches/Plant 5Parameter 11.31** 0.86 2.40** 0.53 -13.61** 3.66 -1.31 1.01 8.91 ** 2.95
Best fit 10.36** 0.45 2.59** 0.51 -9.91** 2.29 6.17 ** 2.05 1.68NS D
3Parameter 31.08** 0.65 11.98 **0.70 -17.39 **0.85 7.04*
5Parameter 39.23 ** 3.2 12.20 **0.71 -47.44**13.57 -8.63** 3.28 21.88 ** 10.34
Best fit 31.08 ** 0.65 11.98** 0.70 -17.39 **0.84 7.03* D
3Parameter 18.76** 0.26 -3.95** 0.31 2.96** 0.58 38.75**
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Fruit Length 5Parameter 20.65 ** 0.63 -3.14 ** 0.34 -0.16 2.66 -3.23** 0.72 -0.23 2.30
Best fit 20.52** 0.19 -3.14** 0.34 -3.10 ** 0.39 0.27NS C
3Parameter 5.34** 0.82 -0.61** 0.13 -0.05 0.17 10.47**
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Fruit Diameter 5Parameter 5.56 ** 0.17 -0.58** 0.13 -0.44 0.69 -0.53 ** 0.21 -0.01 0.60

Best fit 5.57 ** 0.11 -0.58** 0.13 -0.45** 0.21 -0.54** 0.17 0 C
3Parameter 53.04** 0.50 -6.70 ** 0.57 -7.51** 0.79 11.38**
Fruit Weight 5Parameter 49.07** 1.66 -7.35 ** 0.61 3.58 6.97 5.06 ** 1.76 -6.79 5.57
Best fit 49.85 ** 0.66 -7.35 ** 0.61 4.28** 0.90 -3.97** 0.94 0.26NS C
3Parameter 13.51** 0.27 1.60** 0.67 2.90** 0.65 68.49**
Seeds/Fruit 5Parameter 12.74** 0.49 0.50 0.69 3.51 2.58 5.96 ** 0.84 1.27 2.33
Best fit 12.53 ** 0.30 4.87 ** 0.70 6.28 ** 0.73 0.83NS C
Yield/Plant Best fit 1639.37** 41.14 489.90**47.11 -1011.65**48.45 3.44 C
C= Complementary, D= Duplicate, NS, *, ** non-significant, significant at p<0.01, <0.05, respectively

generation means into different components. In the event was noted in all the traits except internodal length,
of inadequacy of the model the data was refitted for branches/plant and fruit/plant for Gy323 DRAR-1 and
both parameter models. For the characters where all days to first picking, internodal length, fruit/plant, fruit
the 3 and 5 components were not significant in the both length and yield/plant for Gy333 DRAR-1. These traits
paramete r model the elimination of the gene tic showed duplicate type of epistasis for the above crosses.
component was also done to increase the precision of
Results suggest that introgression of yield-related from
the results.
gynoecious into monoecious may aid in the development
Positive additive additive is indicating the possibility of high-yielding cultivars with gynoecious. Strategies
of obta ining transgre ss ive se gregants in la te r for the development of gynoecious can be determined.
generations, whereas dominance dominance gene These strategies will likely incorporate the use of both
effects indicated a duplicate epistasis which will be molecular and conventional breeding (reciprocal
undesirable for selection and genetic improvement. recurrent selection) for designing an optimal approach
Similarly, dominance in the direction of higher yield, for increasing yield in bitter melon.
a ss oc ia te d with a negative domina nc e
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