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, 2017

Pavan Gantakoru, G049

Sales Promotion
Individual Assignment

Submitted to: Dr. Sreeram Sivaramakrishnan

Introduction to the concept:
The bottle's base is fitted with a camera so that when you tilt it at 70-degrees, it
automatically snaps a photo of you taking a sip. More importantly, you can immediately
share said photos to Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram. According to Business Insider,
Israel-based innovation agency Gefen Team designed the bottle for the Coca-Cola
Summer Love campaign, the biggest outdoor brand event in Israel. [1] [Exhibit-1]
a) Coca Cola has high awareness levels and is in a saturated market. Many nations
have limited access to safe water to drink. Coca Cola, which is either canned or
bottled, provides an alternative that is affordable for most population
demographics. Thats why Coca Cola has a 94% brand saturation around the
world today. In short, unless youre part of an isolated tribe of humans or live
some place that is extremely rural, youre part of a target demographic for this
company. [2]
Hence Coca Cola through its promotion can achieve only few new consumers and hence
the objective of the sales promotion is to increase consumption of the consumers. Hence
increase in basket size of the existing customers. And if it rubs on to the minor fraction
of new consumers, then its a bonus.

b) A Coca-Cola consumer is generally median income, Caucasian, and senior age.

[3]. According to InfoScout, a website that analyzes consumer receipt data,
most Coca-Cola customers are aged 45 or older. So this push into social media
could be the brand's attempt to win over millennials. [4][Exhibit-2]

We can clearly see that by using the craze of selfie among young population, which has
become an integral part of young peoples life and hence cashed on this craze to attract
their attention.
Objective: Change the behavior of Young people who are moving to health drinks
(which ironically contain a lot of sugar) which was making sales of carbonated drinks go
down to influence the consumption of Coca Cola & eventually increase sales.

Theory used for Analysis of the Sales Promotion: Framework of Behavioral

1. Shaping: Introduced in Israels Summer Love Festival, which attracts lot of
youth. Hence its obvious that people would be posing for selfies. Hence in a party
where Coke would be placed all around, people would choose it being aware that
by having it they could capture their moments and then share it among their
friends through Social Media
2. Reinforcement Schedules: Here the selfie is the reward, and every time you
have the Coke at a 70 degree angle, the camera takes a selfie. Hence you are being
rewarded every time you have a sip of Coke.
3. Immediate Reinforcers: Here the selfie capture and sharing of social media is
immediate. Hence the consumer realizes benefit immediately, unlike delayed
reinforcement where probability of a future occurrence reduces.
4. Primary Reinforcer: Here the primary enforcer is the selfie bottle, and the
utility is getting a selfie while having a sip of coke and being able to share it
instantly. Hence there is intrinsic value in the bottle itself.
5. Extinction: I think that the selfie bottle is bound to pass through the extinction
phase. As the cost of bottles involves high costs compared to the regular brands.
And here Cokes selfie bottle has overshadowed the product. Hence people would
just buy Coke only once for the bottle and may use it later irrespective of it
containing Coke or not.
Hence the Reinforcement stages are:
Immediate Primary (Coke). Immediate Secondary (Selfie), Delayed Secondary
(Sharing it on Social media), No Reinforcement
Hence we can say that this promotion would lead to a spike in sales during the
campaign and till the bottles are available. This would be successful as there would
be only few bottles manufactured and there is fear of missing out and later may
become a collectible.
Hence this would cause sales increase for this particular promotion and can be
termed as successful but until the stock lasts, since here the selfie bottle overshadows
the product Coke.

The ideal result expected from the viewpoint of Coke would be that the youngsters
would try the selfie bottle during their parties or hangouts and then think of
consuming coke the next time during parties or with friends.


Exhibit 2:


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