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Proc ase.
OpeningQuote: Globalizationhasc hangedusintoa c ompanythatsearchestheworld,notjusttosell
ortosource,buttofindintellectualc apitaltheworld'sbesttalentsa ndgreatestideas.
Resolved:Inmattersofinternationaltrade,globalizationoughttobevalueda boveprotectionism.
internationalinfluenceorstartoperatingona ninternationalscale.
Intelligence:thea bilitytoa cquirea nda pplyknowledgea ndskills.
Knowledge:facts,information,a ndskillsa cquiredbya personthroughe xperienceor
educationthetheoreticalorpracticalunderstandingofa subject.
Freethought:isa philosophicalviewpointwhichholdsthatpositionsregardingtruth
shouldbeformedonthebasisoflogic,reason,a nde mpiricism,ratherthana uthority,
Value:T heHighestvalueinToday'sdebateisf reethoughta ndthea bilitytomaintainfreethinking.

Historicallythemostdangerousthingtohappentohumanityisourownignorancea ndoversight,when
humanityblindlyfollowsthosewithmaliciousintentorfailstoreachindividualizedc onclusion
catastrophesc anoccurinverselya nyproblemyetfacedbyhumanityhasbeensolvedthroughhuman
ingenuitythusfreethoughtneedstobevalueda bovea lle lsea swithoutitpeoplefallvictimto
catastrophea nda reunabletoc orrectfora nyofsaidproblems.Lastlywithoutfreethoughta ndinjunity
wewouldnothavenorbea bletoe njoytheluxuriesourworldhastoday.

Criterion:Maximizingthec irculationofknowledge.Thisc riterionbesta chievesmyvaluea sthrough

knowledgeoura bilitytounderstandtheworlda roundusincreasesa ndwea rea bletoproperlymakeour
owna ssessments.

Proc ase.


Matthews,LowellC.,andBharatThakkar.TheImpactofGlobalizationonCrossCulturalCommunication.T he
Impact of Globalization on CrossCultural Communication | I nTechOpen, I nTech, 17 A
Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
Over the last decade, there have been countless examples f rom the business sector that demonstrate how poor communication can lead to poor
organizational performance. U nderstanding the impact of globalization on c rossculture c ommunication is
imperativefororganizationsseekingtoc reatea c ompetitivea dvantageintheglobalmarket.Recent
economicc hallengesf urtherhighlighttheneedfororganizationstodeveloptheinternalc ommunication
capacity necessary to control and monitor external threats. A s society becomes more globally c onnected the a bility to
communicatea crossc ulturalboundarieshasgainedincreasingprominence.Globalbusinessesmust
understandhowtoc ommunicatewithe mployeesa ndc ustomersfromdifferentc ulturesinordertofulfill
theorganizationsmissiona ndbuildvalueforstakeholders.T heuseoftechnologyhashadaprofoundimpactonhow
businesses communicate globally and market their products and services. However, with the advancements in technology organizations must still
be cognoscente of the culture nuisances that can potentially present obstacles in trying to increase profits and market share. According to
Genevieve Hilton, cultural proficiency doesn't mean memorizing every cultural nuance of every market. I t's knowing when to listen, when to
ask f or help, and whenfinallyto speak [ 1].

Globalizationoffersthepotentialtoe nrichtheworldc ulturally.Tothesepeople,thenotionthatthe
opportunitiesforc ulturale xchangebroughta boutbyglobalizationc anhelppromotetolerancea nd
diversityisverya ttractive.T heirvisionisthemulticultural"globalvillage,"whereideasa ndpracticesc anbefreely
exchangeda nda ppreciated.Thepotentiale nlightenmentoftheglobalvillagec anbec ontrastedwiththe
waypeopletendedtoviewothernationsa ndc ulturesa gesa go.I nthe18thcentury,AdamSmith,widelyr ecognizedas
the f ather of economic theory, noted the detachment of emotion caused by distance

Thise videncedemonstratesthec orrelationbetweeninternationaltradeandthee xchangeofideas

betweenc ultures.Allowingforthemoreopenbreedofc ommunicationfacilitatedbyglobalizationwill
increaseinteractionsbetweennationsalongwiththee xchangeofideaspromotingtolerance,e conomic
success,andrevolutionthusachievingmyc riterionofc irculatingk nowledge.nonglobalizedapproaches
canneverreachthesamelevelofintellectuale xchangeasanynonglobalizedpolicywillalways
ostracizeaminimumofonec ultureande xcludeitselffrombeingabletoe xchangek nowledge.Showing
thatnotonlyamIabletoachievemyv aluebutc andosoe xclusively.

Contentiontwo:p rotectionismleadstounhealthynationalism.

Proc ase.
Accessed 2 Mar. 2017.
onceknowna sc onservatismtowhichbothmenretainonlythebarestc onnectionistakingona newform,that
ofa nunabashed,xenophobicnationalism.TrumpandJohnsonhavetappedintoaprofoundtrendinworldpoliticsthatisntgoing
away anytime soon. Lets c all it the N ew N ationalism: a bitter populist rejection of the status quo that global
eliteshaveimposedontheinternationalsystemsincetheColdWare nded,andwhichlowerincomevotershave
decidedunderstandablyis unfair. Displaced w orking people of the w orld a re unitingin their demand,
paradoxically,fordisunification.Thec ommonrefrainis wewantourc ountryback.Backfromwhom
orwhatisunclear,butthebiggestbogeymena ppeartobeinternationalinstitutions,opentradea nd(lets
behonest)theinfluxofbrownskinnedmigrants.I thardlyseemsanaccidentthatTrumphasmadehissloganAmericaFirst
(and is often accused of r acism and bigotry against Mexicans and Muslims), while the homicidal lunatic who shot and stabbed the antiBrexit
MP Jo Cox to death days before the Brexit vote shouted, over and over, Put Britain f irst ( and was apparently a purchaser of white supremacist
literature). Or that Trump has signaled his distaste f or NATO and the U.S. alliance system around the world while a majority of Britons have
rejected the greatest unification project in world history, the E U, and E urophileinchief Boris Johnson, who could now take over the Tories, has
all but assumed the mantle of ultranationalist party leader Nigel Farage as he declares this to be Britains independence day. Perhaps most
unsettling of all is that the U.S. and E urope are only catching up to a trend that has already taken hold elsewhere in the major industrialized
nations: I n Russia, Vladimir Putin was perhaps the harbinger of this new global nationalism ( and Putin is no doubt gloating over the prospective
weakening of the E U, whose unityas well as sanctionshave threatened him)

Nationalisma ndglobalizationa relinkeddialectically.Globalizationdoesnotimplynecessarilytheerosionofthenationstates
authority but r ather a needed change in state strategies and r edirection of state energies. Conversely, state strategies and state actions can
determine the f uture directions of globalization. O ne possible option open for states to c ope w ith globalization is by
enhancingprocessesofregionalization,sucha sthec reationoffreetradea reasthatrecreatea double
(andc ontradictory)logicofe conomicrelations:liberalattheintraregionallevelbutprotectionist/mercantilisttowardother
rival r egions or blocs.A r ecurrent theme in these seven linkages is the changing and uncertain r ole of the nationstate in r elation to the f orces
of r egionalization and globalization. L et us examine that point in f urther detail. What is the Role of the NationState visvis Forces of
Globalization? What is happening to the state and to the f orces of nationalism as a consequence of globalization? I s the state being
instrumentalized and superseded by the impersonal f orces of capitalism and the non territorially bounded
use of technology? As a r esult of the a doption of the neoliberal orthodoxy there has been a n overall decline in the
functionsofthetypicalwelfarestate,whichtraditionallyhastriedtofinda ne quilibriumbetweenthe
marketa ndtheneedtointerveneonbehalfofsocialjustice.Globalizationhasledinthedirectionofa
cruelorindifferentstate,c aptiveinthenetworksoftheglobalmarket.Thestateremainsa n
importanta ctorinworldpolitics,butitisnolongerthesameactorwehadstudiedintheintroductorytextbooksofinternational
relations. I s this a pernicious aspect of globalization or a welcome one? T he interesting question to address r emains whether the nationstate has
become obsolete or irrelevant under processes of globalization and r egionalization. E specially since the end of the Cold War, it has become
almost a r itual to attack the state and the state system and to celebrate the end of
the Westphalian system and its eventual r eplacement by a postmodern, post sovereign order r uled by the f orces of globalization and
regionalization. Due to a series of global changes that have taken place
at the sub national, international, and transnational levels since 1945 ( such as the r eemergence of ethnic and other subnational identities, the
emergence of a global economic system, the advent of broad
transnational social movements, the impact of technological advances
Boundless.BenefitsofGlobalization BoundlessOpenTextbook.Boundless,Boundless,13Sept.2016,

Proc ase.
Globalizationa llowsforthee xchangeofgoodsa ndservicesa crosstheglobe.Asa resultof
globalization,a reaswithlimitedresources( i.e.areaswithlimitedf armlandornoaccesstomedicine)a rea bletoa ccess
goodsthatc ansubstantiallyimprovetheirpopulation'sstandardofliving.Globalizationa lsoa llowsfor
specialization,a llowingdifferentpartsofproduct,fore xample,tobemanufacturedindifferentregions
oftheworld.Whileoneareamayexcelinproducingthesemiconductorf oryourphone,anotherareamightexcelincraftingyourtouch
screen, and so on. T his creates synergies through collaboration,

Whenanationk nowingfullye nactsisolationistpolicye venwiththeintentionofdoingwhatsbestforits

ownwellbeingitispreventingitsselffromparticipatinginc ulturaldiffusionasaresultharmful
nationalistbeliefsarehardertoc orrectandinevitablybecomeadominateforceresultinginx enophobia,

Contentionthree:G lobalizede conomiesincreasethequalityofe ducationalfacilities.

Alleyne,StacyGroup.TheAffectT hattheE conomyHasonAmericanE ducation.T heAffectT hattheE conomyHasonAmerican
Education |EducationSeattlePI, Seattle PI, 12July2013, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.
Whenstatesloseincome,theymakec utstogovernmentspendinga ndprograms.Oftenthefirstc utsa re
ine ducation.Whena statec utse ducationbudgets,itresultsinlowerteachersalaries,reducedhiresa nd
retention.Fundingforvariouse ducationalprogramsthatbenefitstudentsa ndthec ommunitya rea lso
greatlyreducedwhichleadstoa poorlye ducatedstudentbody.A dditionally,s upportstaffisreduced
whichresultsinjoblossforpositionsliketeachinga idesa ndparentteacherliaisons.I ntimesofeconomic
crisis, higher education also r esorts to budget cuts. According to an article in "University World News," as a r esult of the economic crisis,
higher education policy has entered a phase of extreme r ationalisation with an emphasis on cutting the excess f at and balancing the budget.
(See Reference 2) When states cut the budget, they usually cut the discretionary spending f irst. T his often includes money f or education and
supplemental educational programs.

Theimportanceofthisinformationisthatasglobalizationincreasese conomicsuccessonbothasmall
andlargescalebecomesmorec ommon,whene conomicsincreasethequalityofe ducationincreases
thusachievingmyc riterion.

Withallthisk eptinmindwec anfirmlyc oncludethatfreethoughtisthehighestv aluethatshouldbe


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