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3 Mario Maggi A Ruota Libera

8 Micronasa Supergeneratore
22 Progettomeg Forum Accumulo di energia con volani
25 Angelo Di Pietro Compressed Air Rotary Engine
38 Paola Sansoni Solar Power Exploitation by Collection and Transportation by fibre optics
48 Eugenio Odorifero Progetto Valery, una prima sintesi generale
61 KWANT s.r.l. Sistema di riscaldamento "RIOECCELLENT / RIOS"
68 Twilight Science Forum ultra condensatori - Accumulazione di energia
75 John T. SULLIVAN Multi-Direction DC & AC
91 Simon Quellen Field Chapter 2 Electromagnetism
99 Leonard Belfroy Some Magnet Motors Perhaps Part B
145 PESWiki Meerut Graviational Energy Claim
148 PESWiki Total Spectrum Solar Concentrator
152 Freeenergynews The Third Electrical Current
156 General Atomics Homopolar Motor
158 Infolytica Corporation Axial Flux Motor
160 forum Gravity powered wheels

163 Twilight Science Forum Magnocraft prototipo

169 Tim Ventura e Larry Maurer Flying Colors

179 Roger Angel Astronomy at the Moons South Pole

182 Veljko Milkovic

202 Robert A. Patterson Ancient Gravitics - the Dogu Code

215 Twilight Science Forum Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo
231 Kosol, dispositivo a cristallo
260 etleboro italia L'arma sismica
263 Umberto Torelli Il computer che si indossa al polso
264 Aditi Risbud Cheap Drinking Water from the Ocean
265 Timeless Art?

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N.B.: le seguenti tabelle di rendimento sono relative al motore lineare anulare e non esattamente al
generatore in questione. La Micronasa far ulteriori verifiche per scoprire eventuali errori di misurazione
da parte degli strumenti.

Accumulo di energia con volani

Cominciata da Archangel - - Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili >
Accumulazione di energia

Parte 1 di 1
Archangel19/2/2006, 20:07

Qualcuno si mai interessato all'accumulo di energia con volani ? Sembra promettente, e non ha il
problema dell'invecchiamento dato dalle batterie.
Ho fatto quattro conti per un volano teoricamente semplice formato da un anello sottile.
Indipendentemente dalle dimensioni, l'energia specifica accumulabile per unit di peso data da sigma/ro,
dove sigma la sollecitazione ammissibile e ro la densit.
Con volani di acciaio (peso specifico 8000 kg/m) assumiamo una sollecitazione ammissibile di 20
kg/mm, cio 20x9.80x1.000.000=196 milioni di Newton al m, da cui E/m=200.000.000/8000=24500
J/kg cio 24500/3600=6.8 Wh/kg, un valore peggiore della peggiore batteria.

Ma se invece di acciaio al C usiamo fibre di carbonio-aramide il discorso cambia. La densit scende a

1620 kg/m e il carico di rottura aumenta a 387 kg/mm. ( )
Poniamo di usare un fattore di sicurezza di 2, si avr una densit energetica:
(387/2)x9.80x1.000.000/1620=1.170.500 J/kg, cio 325 Wh/kg, molto superiore alla migliore batteria.

Il calcolo che ho fatto ha semplificato la forma del volano, che in realt sar un po' pi pesante per la
presenza di un disco centrale di spessore pi sottile, che non gira alla stessa velocit, di un casing, di un
alternatore per convertire il moto in rotazione in elettricit etc., ma il numero che ho ricavato

Qualcuno ne sa di pi ?
OggettoVolanteIdentificato19/2/2006, 21:20

Non ho mai approfondito l'argomento energetico dei volani.Certo che vanno bene per accumulo
veloce,un po' meno se recuperiamo l'energia dopo parecchio tempo.Ma tu intendi volani rotanti,tra
l'altro?....o esiste un altro metodo di accumulo che forse mi sfugge?...Credo invece che bene facciano
molte industrie dell'energia,che non sfruttano volani ma usano l'energia in sovrappiu' per portare in alto
dell'acqua,confinandola dentro serbatoi.Recupereranno l'energia con la ricaduta dell'acqua,grazie a
ElettroRik19/2/2006, 22:02

CITAZIONE (OggettoVolanteIdentificato @ 19/2/2006, 20:20) ...Credo invece che bene facciano molte
industrie dell'energia,che non sfruttano volani ma usano l'energia in sovrappiu' per portare in alto
dell'acqua,confinandola dentro serbatoi.Recupereranno l'energia con la ricaduta dell'acqua,grazie a
L'accumulo in Energia Potenziale ha un vantaggio enorme rispetto all'Enercia Cinetica: NON HA
NON almeno di durata nel tempo. Un volano che gira prima o poi si fermer per attrito. ;)

CITAZIONE (Archangel @ 19/2/2006, 19:07)

Poniamo di usare un fattore di sicurezza di 2, si avr una densit energetica:
(387/2)x9.80x1.000.000/1620=1.170.500 J/kg, cio 325 Wh/kg, molto superiore alla migliore batteria.

Il calcolo che ho fatto ha semplificato la forma del volano, che in realt sar un po' pi pesante per la
presenza di un disco centrale di spessore pi sottile, che non gira alla stessa velocit, di un casing, di un
alternatore per convertire il moto in rotazione in elettricit etc., ma il numero che ho ricavato
In teoria si.

Per il problema comincia ad essere il numero di giri. C' un limite nel numero di giri di un volano
rotante legato non solo al carico di rottura che deve resistere alla forza centrifuga che tenderebbe a
disintegrarne le parti periferiche, ma legato anche alla BILANCIATURA.
Questa deve essere perfetta perch incide per il quadrato del numero di giri. E oltre un certo limite non si
pu andare.
P.S. Ovviamente questi volani devono essere a levitazione magnetica ed in contenitori sotto vuoto spinto,
per miimizzare gli attriti.

Se non sbaglio qualche anno fa un francesae ci fece addirittura un automobile. Uno dei problemi era la
'carica': ci voleva un certo tempo per portarli a regime. Un altro problema era l'effetto 'giroscopio' che li
rende inidonei ad essere mesi in movimento.
OggettoVolanteIdentificato20/2/2006, 19:36

non ricordo quale mezzo di locomozione fosse,mi pare fosse una moto: aveva un volano che, collegato al
motore,ruotava e si poteva stare in equilibrio su due ruote,da fermi, senza rovesciarsi.Si sfruttava proprio
l'effetto giroscopico.Sarebbe interessante applicarlo soprattuto a motoveicoli di grande massa,ci son moto
che pesano 300Kg,se al semaforo ci si rovesciano addosso ci frantumano una gamba! :P
Archangel20/2/2006, 20:15

CITAZIONE (ElettroRik @ 19/2/2006, 21:02) Un altro problema era l'effetto 'giroscopio' che li rende
inidonei ad essere mesi in movimento.
Ecco, questo effettivamente un ostacolo all'uso su veicoli, ma non su installazioni fisse al posto delle
batterie, per brevi durate, es. nelle 24 ore.

La bilanciatura s un problema, ma risolubile.

Invece un contenuto di energia cinetica di quasi 400 kcal/kg se per qualche motivo il volano si rompesse
si trasformerebbe in calore e porterebbe il tutto a parecchie centinaia di gradi.
Credo che sia meglio metterlo da parte
mariomaggi3/6/2006, 23:20

Ciao a tutti
Mi era sfuggita questa discussione, se interessa vi posso aggiornare.
Anni fa si usavano volani pesanti e lenti, collegati direttamente al motore e al generatore.
C'erano sullo stesso asse orizzontale un motore elettrico, un volano e un generatore elettrico.
Poi sono entrate in produzione alcuni progetti che sono stati chiamati "supervolani" per il fatto che girano
a velocita' molto elevata. Inoltre il motore ed il generatore sono stati integrati nel volano stesso. I

cuscinetti sono diventati magnetici, a levitazione. All'interno viene fatto il vuoto con una pompa classica
o con una turbomolecolare. La velocita' periferica di questi supervolani e' nell'ordine di 1...2 Mach, e nel
caso di un malfunizonamento dovuto a evento esterno (esempio: terremoto) continuano a funzionare o
arrivano a fermarsi senza danni.
I prodotti commerciali di serie permettono di accumulare fino a pochi MJ di energia. Sono molto adatti
alla cessione immediata di forti potenze per tempi brevi, e successiva ricarica veloce. Diciamo 200...500
kW per 10 ...20 secondi.

Angelo Di Pietro
Compressed Air Rotary Engine

Nearly 100% efficient... Weight: 29 lbs... 6 expansion chambers and pivoting dividers
move a single rotary piston... Can be fitted directly to a wheel... Produces no exhaust.

Green Buggy Runs on Hot Air


Heather Catchpole

ABC Science Online

Wednesday, 25 August 2004

This garden buggy runs on a tank of air, not petrol

(Image: CityWide)

A garden buggy is the first commercially operated vehicle in Australia to use air as a fuel
instead of petrol. But a critic says the air motor would be no use in cars.

The vehicle, which is used to pick up garden material, will maintain the lawns of Melbourne's
Fiztroy Gardens after its launch today.

The vehicle runs on compressed air from a cylinder. The air is blown through a rotor, which
then drives the motor.

The engine's designer, Angelo Di Pietro from Melbourne company Engineair, said the motor
has very low friction making it more efficient to run than other air-powered motors.

Tests of the vehicle in the workshop showed it could reach speeds of 40 to 50 kilometres per
hour on a flat surface but would run for only one hour before it needed to be recharged with

more compressed air.

But Di Pietro said this was still better than the similar sized battery-powered golf buggies,
which take around eight hours for the battery to charge and create waste from old batteries.

He added that there were also no emissions from compressed air vehicles like there were from
petrol-driven vehicles.

But Australian researcher and engineer specialising in motor research, Dr Andrei Lozzi from
the University of Sydney, said air-powered motors were not anywhere near as efficient as
motors that used fuel.

"The problem with an air motor is the heat from compression escapes so you get less energy
than you put into compressing the air," he said.

"Somewhere down the line there is a fuel-driven mechanism that compresses the air," said

The energy that went into this may be more than what was available from the motor, he said.

A lot of hot air?

The air-powered motor was also less efficient than motors that run on gas because energy is
lost as heat as soon as compressed air is injected into the cylinder, he said. This meant it
couldn't use the maximum energy available in the system.

He said the air-powered vehicle could be convenient for short distances and may be more
efficient than battery-powered vehicles, but it would be "no use" for passenger cars.

Di Pietro agreed energy was lost as heat when compressed air cooled but said that his
company had developed a system that could regain this heat. This system was not used in the
new vehicle but could be used to make air-powered motors more efficient for passenger cars,
he said.

The system uses the energy in compressed air to take in heat from the atmosphere as well as
air. This atmospheric air is then compressed to generate more heat, which in turn is used to
drive the engine.

Di Pietro said he could not go into any more detail because of commercial reasons.

In response to the criticism that compressed air required more energy to make than it
generated, Di Pietro said that energy also goes into the production of petrol, from searching
and drilling for oil, to transport and delivery.

"Petrol goes halfway around the world," he said.

He added there was no reason the air could not be compressed with wind power or solar
power if the technology was available.

"The same way people now fill up with gas you could refill with compressed air," he said. But
he said cars that ran on air would need a cylinder that could contain double the amount of
compressed air cylinders currently held, and this would increase the price.

Rotary Piston Engine


Angelo Di Pietro

The Rotary Piston Engine is an engine which uses compressed air instead of petrol for its
power source.

Angelo believes his engine is the first of its type in the world. The engine has various
applications including for both moving vehicles and stationary machines.

The engine has been tested in a moving vehicle where it reached speeds of between 50kph and
60kph uphill. It has a range of 16km on a 100 litre cylinder but takes only a couple of minutes
to refuel. As far as cost is concerned, 15 cents of air will get you 3.2km.

Although yet to be tested, Angelo believes his engine may have greater application in
powering stationary machines like industrial pumps in the petrochemical and mining
industries where internal combustion engines cant be used because of the risk of explosion.

The inventor Angelo Di Pietro says he's been working on improved engine designs 'on and off'
throughout his career as a mechanical engineer. His motivating force is a combination of
altruism, professional satisfaction and material benefit for himself and his family. He admits
he would 'like to make some money out of it' but, at the same time, he is equally motivated by
a desire to help 'every individual take care of the environment'.
How does it work?

The motor concept is based on a rotary piston. Different from existing rotary engines,
Angelo's motor uses a simple cylindrical rotary piston (shaft driver), which rolls, without any
friction, inside the cylindrical stator. The space between stator and rotor is divided in six
expansion chambers by pivoting dividers. These dividers follow the motion of the shaft driver
as it rolls around the stator wall. The cylindrical shaft driver, forced by the air pressure on its
outer wall, moves eccentrically, thereby driving the motor shaft by means of two rolling
elements mounted on bearings on the shaft. The rolling motion of the shaft driver inside the
stator is cushioned by a thin air film. Timing and duration of the air inlet and exhaust is
governed by a slotted timer which is mounted on the output shaft and rotates with the same
speed as the motor.
Further information

Variation of performance parameters of the motor is easily achieved by varying the time
during which the air is allowed to enter the chamber: A longer air inlet period allows more air
to flow into the chamber at high pressure and therefore results in more torque. A shorter inlet
period will limit the air supply and allows the air in the chamber to perform expansion work at
a much higher efficiency. In this way compressed air (energy) consumption can be exchanged
for higher torque and power output depending on the requirements of the application.

Motor speed and torque are simply controlled by throttling the amount or pressure of air into
the motor. Angelos motor gives instant torque at zero RPM and can be precisely controlled to
give soft start and acceleration control.

Angelo Di Pietro

Significant New Rotary Engine Design Runs on Compressed Air

September 15, 2004 --- There is no other motor as efficient as the Di Pietro Rotary Air
Engine. It is 100% more efficient than any other air powered engine built to date and its high
torque makes it the first air engine suitable for mobile applications. The invention has the
capacity to revolutionise transportation, plus offer a multitude of energy-saving benefits in
stationary applications.

The engine has no emissions, is very quiet, has constant high torque, a low parts count, no
vibration and is very efficient - only 1 PSI of pressure is needed to overcome the friction to
enable movement.

The engine has no emissions, is very quiet, has constant high torque, a low parts count, no
vibration and is very efficient - only 1 PSI of pressure is needed to overcome the friction to
enable movement.

Former Mercedes Benz experimental engineer Angelo di Pietro conceived the Rotary Air
Engine while working in his Melbourne-based Engineering business over many years.

"I started work on this project many years ago in my head," said Pietro, "and I have seen the
need for such an engine many times. As my engineering business was doing okay, I was able
to spend more time on the idea and with each new prototype the design has been refined."

In 1999 he made a major design breakthrough and the first prototype was constructed. Since
then, six prototypes have been built, each more efficient, more powerful and lighter than the
previous one.

It's not surprising that Di Pietro's design should be a rotary engine. Angelo Di Pietro, (1950,

Avellino, Italy) qualified as Congegniatore Meccanico in Avellino moved to Stuttgart,

Germany to work on the Wankel rotary engine at the Mercedes Benz research laboratories
1969 and 1970. In 1971 he migrated to Australia where he established a construction
engineering company.

From his early experience with Wankel rotary engines, Angelo became interested in
developing a more efficient engine than the traditional reciprocating internal combustion
engine, and he has worked on various alternative concepts intermittently over the last 30

Recognising the potential of his invention Di Pietro decided to fully focus on the development
of the new motor concept. The principle worked with the first prototype and, although not
built to fine engineering tolerances, its performance far exceeded expectations.

Engineair Pty Ltd ( was established in September 2000, with

the objective to perform research and development on the innovative air motor design. In the
first 2 years the company focused on developing prototype models to test the concept and
understand the performance characteristics. Current development status shows performance
and efficiency to be superior over state of the art air motor technology.

Engineair is now entering the commercialisation of its technology and is working on several
fronts to prove the engine's capability. One of the first commercial applications will see the
Engineair Rotary Air Engine applied in a commercial and outdoor environment by
Melbourne-based CityWide which has replaced the petrol driven engine in one of its ParkCare
garden maintenance vehicles (known as a 'gator').

The vehicle will be used on the company's City of Melbourne parks and garden maintenance
contract. The project will run over 2004-05 enabling CityWide to test the vehicle under
different environmental conditions.

Engineair has already successfully tested the powerplant in a roadgoing passenger car, a go-
kart, a boat and as the power source for a utility vehicle for use in the Melbourne Fruit and
Vegetable market, the latter project in conjunction with the Melbourne Market Authority.

The Di Pietro motor concept is based on a rotary piston. Different from existing rotary
engines, the Di Pietro motor uses a simple cylindrical rotary piston (shaft driver) which rolls,
without any friction, inside the cylindrical stator.

The space between stator and rotor is divided into six expansion chambers by pivoting
dividers. These dividers follow the motion of the shaft driver as it rolls around the stator wall.

The cylindrical shaft driver, forced by the air pressure on its outer wall, moves eccentrically,
thereby driving the motor shaft by means of two rolling elements mounted on bearings on the

The rolling motion of the shaft driver inside the stator is cushioned by a thin air film. Timing
and duration of the air inlet and exhaust is governed by a slotted timer which is mounted on
the output shaft and rotates with the same speed as the motor.

Variation of performance parameters of the motor is easily achieved by varying the time
during which the air is allowed to enter the chamber: A longer air inlet period allows more air
to flow into the chamber at high pressure and therefore results in more torque.

A shorter inlet period will limit the air supply and allows the air in the chamber to perform
expansion work at a much higher efficiency. In this way compressed air (energy) consumption
can be exchanged for higher torque and power output depending on the requirements of the

Motor speed and torque are simply controlled by throttling the amount or pressure of air into
the motor. The Di Pietro motor gives instant torque at zero RPM and can be precisely
controlled to give soft start and acceleration control.

Engineair Pty Ltd, based in Melbourne, Australia is a company focusing on the development
of air motor technology based on a unique rotary piston concept. Different from conventional
air motors, the Engineair motor, invented by Mr Angelo Di Pietro, has virtually eliminated
internal wear and friction and offers superior performance at a wide variety of application

We invite you to browse and familiarise yourself with the innovative technology and it
applications and opportunities

Engineair Pty Ltd

5 Export Drive
Brooklyn Vic 3012 Australia
Telephone 61 3 9318 0011
Facsimile 61 3 9318 0088

The Di Pietro Motor (Rotary Air Engine)

The Di Pietro motor concept is based on a rotary piston. Different from existing rotary
engines, the Di Pietro motor uses a simple cylindrical rotary piston (shaft driver) which rolls,
without any friction, inside the cylindrical stator. The space between stator and rotor is
divided in 6 expansion chambers by pivoting dividers. These dividers follow the motion of the
shaft driver as it rolls around the stator wall. The motor shown is effectively a 6 cylinder

expansion motor.

The cylindrical shaft driver, forced by the air pressure on its outer wall, moves eccentrically,
thereby driving the motor shaft by means of two rolling elements (not shown) mounted on
bearings on the shaft. The rolling motion of the shaft driver inside the stator is cushioned by a
thin air film. Timing and duration of the air inlet and exhaust is governed by a slotted timer
which is mounted on the output shaft and rotates with the same speed as the motor.

Variation of performance parameters of the motor is easily achieved by varying the time
during which the air is allowed to enter the chamber: A longer air inlet period allows more air
to flow into the chamber and therefore results in more torque. A shorter inlet period will limit
the air supply and allows the air in the chamber to perform expansion work at a much higher
efficiency. In this way compressed air (energy) consumption can be exchanged for higher
torque and power output depending on the requirements of the application.

Motor speed and torque are simply controlled by throttling the amount or pressure of air into
the motor. The Di Pietro motor gives instant torque at zero RPM and can be precisely
controlled to give soft start and acceleration control.

Angelo Di Pietro Director of R & D said:

"There is no other motor as good as ours, years of research and analysing other motors around
the world gave me the confidence and obligation to say so. Obligation in the sense that people
have been waiting for ages in relation to efficiency in order to take care of our environmental

100% more efficiency than our competitor is a very serious claim and should not be confused
with some kind of publicity stunt were the interest is purely to try and make money out of
some ridiculous claim."

The invention has a long list of important improvements over other motors.

The concept has the capability to change the method we use for transportation, apart from the
benefits of energy saving in stationary applications.

We have verification of its performance

We have patents issued
It has outstanding efficiency
It has constant high torque
It has low parts count
It has low number of moving parts
It is compact and light
It has virtually no friction
It has virtually no vibration
It has smooth speed control characteristics
Only 1 PSI of pressure is needed to overcome the friction

US Patent # 6,868,822

[ PDF Format ]

Rotary Piston Engine

( 3-22-2005 )

Di Pietro, Angelo


Classification: - international: F01C1/46; F01C1/00; (IPC1-7): F02B53/04; F02B53/06; -
european: F01C1/46
Also published as: WO0106093 // EP1204809 // CA2378960

Abstract: A non-reciprocating engine comprising a hollow cylindrical shaft driver (13)

located in a cylindrical stator cavity (14) of a stator. A number of expansion chambers (43)
form between the outer wall of the shaft driver, the stator wall and movable dividers (25)
which extend from the stator to bear on the shaft driver. The expansion chambers expand and
contract during operation of the engine. An output shaft passes centrally through the stator
cavity and shaft driver and has offset bearings (34) which bear on the inside surface of the
shaft driver. Inlet ports in a removable inlet end plate of the stator allow pressurised air or
air/fuel mixture, for example, to be introduced into the expansion chambers. Sequential
expansion and contraction of the chambers around the circumference of the shaft driver causes
a combination of orbital and rotational movement of the shaft driver and consequential
rotation of the output shaft. The shaft driver rotates at only a fraction of the speed of rotation
of the output shaft (in the order of {fraction (1/10<th>-{fraction (1/20<th >the speed of
rotation of the output shaft). One orbit of the shaft driver is equivalent to one rotation of the
output shaft.


The present invention relates to motors or engines and more particularly to a crankless engine
which may be in the form of an internal combustion engine, a fluid driven motor such as an
air motor, or a steam driven engine.

The term "crankless" refers to the fact that the motor does not have a conventional crankshaft
and is not subject to reciprocating motion. The output shaft of the engine is in fact a straight
shaft which is caused to rotate by offset bearings located in a drive member which may be
termed a shaft driver, although in the strict sense, the motion of the so-called shaft driver is
more an orbital motion with slow rotation relative to the speed of rotation of the output shaft.

Many different forms of rotary and orbital engines as well as other forms of engines have been
proposed in the past with varying degrees of success but overall there has been no serious
challenge to the reciprocating internal combustion engine at least insofar as automobiles are
concerned. This fact is primarily due to the high wear rate in rotary engines and possibly the
fact that the improvements in efficiency of rotary engines over reciprocating engines has not
been sufficient to justify a major change in direction for engine manufacturers.

It is an object of this invention to provide an alternative form of a non-reciprocating type

motor or engine which overcomes one or more of the shortcomings of prior art engines.

Accordingly the invention provides an engine comprising a hollow cylindrical shaft driver
located in a stator cavity of the engine and surrounded by expansion chambers defined
between the cylindrical wall of the shaft driver and the wall of the stator cavity, said
expansion chambers being separated by movable dividers mounted in said stator and bearing
on said shaft driver, an output shaft rotatably supported in said stator and passing centrally
through said stator cavity and through said shaft driver, said shaft having bearing means to
one side of said shaft which bear on the inside surface of said shaft driver whereby a
combination of orbital and rotational movement of said shaft driver causes rotation of said
shaft at a rotational speed much greater than the rotational speed of said shaft driver.

In order that the invention may be more readily understood one particular embodiment will
now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings which show an air driven
engine. In the drawings:

FIG. 1 is a perspective view from the inner side of an inlet end plate and inlet manifold of the

FIG. 2 is a perspective view, from the outside, of a stator of the engine and shows, in
exploded view, a shaft driver and movable dividers of the engine;

FIG. 3 is a perspective view of an output shaft assembly of the engine;

FIG. 4 is an end view of the engine from the inlet manifold end;

FIG. 5 is a view similar to FIG. 4 with inlet end plate and output shaft removed;

FIG. 6 is an end view of the output shaft assembly;

FIG. 7 is a perspective view (partly exploded view) from the outer side of the inlet end plate
and inlet manifold;

FIG. 8 is a perspective view, from the inside, of the stator, shaft driver, and movable dividers,
in an exploded view;

FIG. 9 is a further perspective view (from the opposite end to FIG. 3) of the output shaft

FIG. 10 is similar to FIG. 4 with end cap removed;

FIG. 11 is an end view of the engine from the output end with output shaft removed;

FIG. 12 is an end view of the engine end plate with inlet manifold and end cap removed;

FIG. 13 is an enlarged perspective view of a timing member located at the inner end of the
output shaft; and

FIGS. 14(i)-(iv) show a cycle of the shaft driver within the stator cavity to produce a single
revolution of the output shaft.

In the drawings, the engine is shown to comprise essentially a stator 10, an inlet end plate 11
and a output shaft 12. A shaft driver 13 is a hollow cylindrical ring which, when the engine is
assembled, is located in a cylindrical stator cavity 14 of the stator 10.

The inlet end plate 11 has an inlet manifold 15 mounted centrally on the outer end thereof and
a removable end cap 16 provides an air intake 17 to the inlet manifold 15. The inlet manifold
15 (see FIG. 7) fits over a cylindrical boss 45 of the end plate 11 and is locked onto the boss
45 by grub screws (not shown). The rotational position of the manifold 15 relative to the boss
45 may be adjusted to vary the timing of the engine. As is evident flexible pressure hoses 18
extend from the inlet manifold to inlet ports 19 in the end plate 11. The interior of the end cap
16 communicates with ports 20 (see FIG. 7), each of which communicates with one of the
pressure hoses 18 to distribute inlet air at air intake 17 to the respective inlet ports 19 via the
pressure hoses 18. The ports 20 are opened or closed by a timing member 36 locked to the
inner end of output shaft 12 as will be described hereinafter. The end cap 16 is fixed to the
inlet manifold 15 by bolts 21 which extend axially and enable the end cap 16 to be clamped
firmly to the inlet manifold 15 in an airtight arrangement. A roller bearing 22 is located in the
end plate 11 to support the output shaft 12.

As is more evidence in FIGS. 5 and 8, the stator 10 has a cylindrical stator 14 which is larger
in diameter than the diameter of the shaft driver 13. The wall 23 of the stator 10 has part
cylindrical grooves 24 which extend arcuately from a point in the stator cavity through the
wall 23 and back to the stator cavity at a circumferentially displaced location. These grooves
24 accommodate respective movable dividers 25 which are able to move in the respective
grooves 24 whereby an edge of a moveable divider 25 bears on the outer surface of the shaft
driver 13. As is evident in FIG. 8 for example, the movable dividers 25 are part cylindrical
dividers with a end portion 26 which supports an axial shaft 27 on which the divider pivots.
The axial shaft 27 extends through a hole 46 in the stator 10 and passes out the end of the
stator. As can be seen more clearly in FIG. 11, a spiral spring 28 locates in a slot in the end of
each axial shaft 27 and is fixed to the stator 10 in order to bias pivotal movement of the
respective moveable divider in a manner whereby an edge of the divider bears on the shaft
driver 13. A further roller bearing 29 is located in the stator to support the output shaft 12. As
is apparent in the drawings, holes 30 in the stator 10 and corresponding holes 31 in the end
plate 11 enable the two parts to be bolted together in sealing engagement by bolts (not

As is evident in FIGS. 5 and 11, exhaust ports 32 extend from the cylindrical stator cavity 14
through the fixed end of the stator 10 to allow exhaust air to dissipate to atmosphere. In
addition to these exhaust ports 32, which allow primary exhaust air to dissipate at the opposite
end of the stator 10 to the inlet manifold 15, a further or secondary exhaust route is provided
via the inlet ports 19 and the inlet manifold 15. The secondary exhaust route follows the inlet
air path back to the start of the ports 20 and a timing member or disc member 36. (FIG. 13)

which bears on the outer surface 39 (FIG. 10) of the inlet manifold 15. A recessed portion 37
of the timing or disc member 36 allows one of the ports 20 to communicate with the bore of
the timing disc 36. The bore of the timing or disc member 36 is a clearance fit over output
shaft 12 (creating space 40) and thus any exhaust air forced back via the inlet manifold to
timing or disc member 36 is captured within the recessed portion 37 and forced into space 40.
As radial hole 47 in the inlet manifold extend to the space 40 and provides an exhaust outlet
for this secondary exhaust air.

The output shaft 12 consists essentially of a straight shaft that is mounted in the roller
bearings 22 and 29 of the inlet end plate 11 and stator 10, respectively. A driven plate 33 is
mounted on the shaft and in the assembled engine locates within the shaft driver 13. The
driven plate 33 has mounted thereon a pair of roller bearings 34 which are closely adjacent to
each other and to one side of the shaft. The roller bearings 34 bear on the inside wall of the
shaft driver 13 and are driven around the inner perimeter of the shaft driver 13 as will become
apparent hereinbelow. The driven plate 33 is arranged to be rotationally balanced with the
roller bearings 34. At the inner end of the shaft 12 a nut 35 retains the timing disc 36 on the
shaft. The timing or disc member 36 has recessed portion 37 in a surface 38 of the timing or
disc member 36 which bears on the outer surface 39 of the inlet manifold 15. As is evident in
FIG. 10, the manifold 15 fits over the output shaft 12 and a space 40 exists therebetween. The
recessed portion 37 as it moves around on the outer surface 39 exposes the ports 20 to the
space between the inlet manifold and the shaft. The previously described radial hole 47 in the
inlet manifold communicates with the space 40 and enables further exhausting of air in an
expansion chamber of the engine as will become apparent hereinbelow.

A cut-out portion 42 in the circumference of the timing or disc member 36 exposes the ports
20 to inlet air pressure from the air intake 17. The timing or disc member 36 is therefore
responsible for timing functions related to inlet air pressure and secondary exhaust air from
the expansion chambers.

As will be evident in FIG. 5 and FIG. 14, expansion chambers 43 of the engine are formed
between the outer surface of the shaft driver 13, the surface of the stator cavity 14 and
between the dividers 25 where they contact the surface of the shaft driver 13. These expansion
chambers 43 take varying shapes as the shaft driver 13 moves within the stator cavity 14. In
order to better understand this movement, reference should now be made to FIG. 14 which
shows a cycle of the engine resulting in a complete revolution of the output shaft 12. The
engine is driven in this embodiment by compressed air and air under pressure is therefore
connected to air intake 17 on the end cap 16. A suitable valve (not shown) is provided in order
to open the supply of compressed air.

In FIG. 14, the four expansion chambers are labelled (a), (b), (c) and (d) for convenience in
explaining a cycle of operation. Referring to FIG. 14(i), the expansion chamber 43(a) is
receiving pressurised air because the timing member 36 is positioned on the end of the inlet
manifold so as to expose the relevant port 20 to the pressurised air. Pressure in expansion
chamber 43(a) creates a force against the side of the shaft driver 13 causing it to move in a
direction whereby its contact with the surface of stator cavity 14 moves in an anti-clockwise
direction. In other words, the shaft driver 13 does not specifically rotate but moves in a type of
motion whereby the point or surface contact between it and the stator cavity 14 moves around
the circumference of the stator cavity 14. Further expansion of the chamber 43(a) causes the
shaft driver 13 to assume a position as shown in FIG. 14(ii) and at this point in time, the shaft
has rotated through as shown by the position of the roller bearings 34 which are
forced to remain in a space available internally in the shaft driver 13 by virtue of its offset
position relative to the axes of the output shaft 12. This rotation of the output shaft 12 through causes the timing member 36 to expose the next relevant port 20 to high pressure

air which then enters the expansion chamber 43(b) further pushing the shaft driver 13 around
within the stator cavity 14.

It should be mentioned at this time that whilst the movable dividers are spring biased so that
an edge thereof remains in contact with the outer surface of the shaft driver 13, pressure in an
expansion chamber also acts via arcuate grooves 24 on the edge of the divider 25 not in
contact with the shaft driver 13, to thereby assist in applying pressure between the divider and
shaft driver.

Referring now to FIG. 14(iii), it can be seen that the cycle continues and in the position shown
in FIG. 14(iii), the shaft has rotated In this position, compressed air is being
received in expansion chamber 43(c) whilst chambers 43(a) and 43(b) have been fully
expanded. It should be noted that movement of the shaft driver 13 has exposed exhaust port
32 in chamber 43(a) whereby subsequent contraction of the chamber 43(a) by further
movement of the shaft driver allows some of the air in chamber 43(a) to exhaust via the
exhaust port 32.

As shown in FIG. 14(iv), the shaft driver 13 has moved to a new position whereby the output
shaft 12 has rotated through from the initial position. In this position, the exhaust
port 32 shown in FIG. 14(iii) has been closed by the movement of the shaft driver 13 but the
chamber 43(a) is still contracting. This contraction of chamber 43(a) would compress air in
that chamber if there was no other means for the air to escape. Such means is provided by the
previously described secondary exhaust route. This enables air to return via the appropriate
inlet port 20, into the recessed portion 37 of the timing member 36 and then into the space 40
between the inlet manifold and output shaft to eventually exit via exhaust port or radial hole
47. This means that the expansion chamber 43(a) can continue to contract in size as is evident
in FIGS. 14(iii) and 14(iv) without compressing air in that chamber and resisting such
movement. Similar events occur as the other chambers contract. In the next step of the cycle
the components resume the position shown in FIG. 14(i).

As will be evident from the above description, the shaft driver 13 moves in the stator cavity
14 whereby contact between the outer circumference of the shaft driver 13 and the surface of
stator cavity 14 moves around the cavity 14 as each expansion chamber receives compressed
air. This movement may be considered as a type of orbital movement and whilst the shaft
driver 13 does not rotate at the same speed as the output shaft 12, there is some rotation of the
shaft driver 13. The speed of rotation of the shaft driver 13 depends upon the difference in
circumference between the shaft driver and the stator cavity 14. Generally speaking, the shaft
driver 13 rotates at a speed of about 1/ to 1/ of the speed of rotation of the
output shaft 12. This provides a distinct advantage in that there is minimal wear between the
surface of the movable dividers 25 where they contact the shaft driver 13 and the surface of
the shaft driver 13. This is because there is little rotation of the shaft driver 13 relative to the
output shaft 12. As will also be evident, rotation of the output shaft 12 is caused by the roller
bearings 34 moving, or remaining, in the space provided for them within the shaft driver 13.

The direction of rotation of the output shaft 12 is simply reversed by rotating the manifold 15
on the cylindrical boss 45. The rotation of the manifold will expose next port 20 to the cut-out
portion 42 in the circumference of the timing member 36 to communicate the interior of the
end cap 16 with chamber 43(b) instead of chamber 43(a) as per FIG. 14(i).

Whilst the embodiment described above relates to an engine driven by compressed air, clearly
other types of engines may be readily constructed. For example, by providing spark plugs in
the stator cavity 14 for each expansion chamber and introducing a fuel/air mixture into the
engine, an internal combustion engine may be provided. Also, the engine could be driven by

steam or by other fluid means. It is also conceivable that an internal combustion engine
embodiment of the invention could drive a vehicle as well as an air compressor in the vehicle
whereby during certain times, the fuel air mixture could be turned off and the engine could
run from compressed air provided by the compressor. This would have advantages where fuel
is not available or where pollution by internal combustion engine exhaust is a sensitive issue.
For example, within certain city limits internal combustion engines may be prevented from
use in the future and an engine of the type described herein could be run on compressed air for
periods of time whilst in these areas.

It should be apparent that the engine according to the present invention offers many
advantages over existing engines. For example, the engine is non-reciprocating and therefore
is essentially vibration free. There are fewer moving parts and minimum friction resulting in a
much more efficient engine with minimum wear. The output shaft of the engine is a straight
shaft and therefore avoids many of the inherent balancing and vibration problems of existing
reciprocating engines. In order to increase the output power of the engine according to this
invention, it is merely necessary to provide additional stator assemblies on the same output
shaft. The engine is compact and lighter than existing engines and this results in improved

Whilst one particular embodiment has been described in detail, it should be evident to persons
skilled in the art that variations may be readily effected without departing from the spirit and
scope of the invention. Clearly additional parts can be added to provide a production version
of the engine. For example, it would be necessary to provide an outlet manifold covering the
exhaust ports 32 in order to direct the exhaust air to a single exhaust outlet point. Also, a fly-
wheel (not shown) would be provided in order to contribute to the smoother running of the

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Solar Power Exploitation by Collection and Transportation by fibre optics to Remote Utilisation Modules

Several types of solar concentrator have been developed in the last years, examining optical
configurations with increased complexity from simple parabolic concentrators to lens mirror
combinations. The use of optical fibres for transferring solar power to an utilisation system has been
proposed some years ago; recently this technique has been suggested for surgery use and to transfer the
power of a wide sun image by a fibre bundle.
In order to maximise the collected power the optical system, concentrating the solar power at the top of
the optical fibre, must be optically designed for matching diameter and angular aperture of the fibre.
Moreover there is the necessity of keeping an accurate orientation of the optics in the sun direction, which
is commonly solved either tracking the sun with a large paraboloid or lighting a fixed paraboloid with one
or several plane mirrors acting as heliostats. The first solution requires a big and heavy mechanical
support due to the system dimensions. In the second solution the collecting surfaces are virtually
represented by the heliostats and the collecting system must be placed quite far from the mirrors with
consequent very large dimensions of the whole plant.
Summary: In the framework of the "Joule European Project" we have studied a collecting system
composed of several single optical systems, each of which is coupled to an optical fibre. The plant is
formed by several small basic units, indicated as tiles, incorporating optics and fibres. Each tile is
self-oriented in the sun direction by a couple of small power electric motors driven by a sun
tracking system. A prototype of the solar collection system has been realised and tested in real
conditions. A possible application of the solar system can be for domestic uses.
List of SPECTRUM Reports by INOA.
The solar system modular unit is composed of a concentrator coupled to a fibre for power transportation
to the user. The choice of the optical elements started from the selection of the optical fibre in Silica with
NA = 0.48 and core diameter = 0.6 mm. This selection has been agreed among the European partners and
in particular with German fibre produced (Ceram Optec). Starting from the main requirement of
minimising the diameter of the fibre bundle obtained for the final system, this Silica fibre measuring 0.6
mm has been judged to be the lower limit for realising the alignment and during the realisation we have
confirmed this judgement. The numerical aperture of NA = 0.48, corresponding to a total field of view
approaching 60, has been considered sufficiently wide for the project purposes. Typically Silica fibre
have NA between 0.22 and 0.43 and they are quite expensive with respect to glass fibres. NA = 0.57 can
be obtained using particular procedures, which made these fibres very expensive. NA = 0.48 is the wider
NA value realised in big fibre production, which means with acceptable costs.
The optical project of the sun light collector is a fundamental aspect of the study for the realisation of the
solar system. The final purpose of this optical project is to obtain the maximum collected power within
the fibre aperture NA and core diameter, while usually the main requirement for a lens is to give a good
Several optical projects of collectors have been designed and some of them realised; other collectors
(aspherical plastic lenses) were commercially available. The six optical configurations studied for the
sunlight collector are presented in Table 1 evidencing their main characteristics. The optical project
of the CCM (Catadioptric Concentrator Monoblock) has been developed with the aim of optimising the
optical characteristics of the collector but also its compactness.
Table 1

Fig. 1 reports the sun image for the six configurations matched with the selected fibre with
diameter of 0.6 mm (indicated as dashed circle). In Fig. 1 the central yellow circle indicates the sun
image, while the lateral dashed circles are the spots rms at marginal field of view (aberrations).

Fig. 1
The conic CCM (Catadioptric Concentrator Monoblock)
All optical configurations for the sunlight collector have been
designed to maximise the light focused into the fibre with core of 0.6
mm and N.A. = 0.48.

Fig. 2 presents the optical configuration of the conic CCM

collector that is composed of a conic primary mirror and a
spherical secondary mirror.

The main optical data of the CCM are:

focal length: 55 mm
f/#: 0.98
field of view: 0.5 deg
enter pupil diameter: 56 mm
spectral range: 400 1400 nm
distance between M1 and M2: 23.8 mm
thickness of Fused Silica lens: 23.8 mm Fig. 2

M2 diameter: 22 mm
The efficiency obtained by the collector coupled to a 0.6 mm fibre has been theoretically estimated and
experimentally measured. This comparative study shows that the CCM, especially designed for our solar
system, has very reduced thickness (25 mm), is easy to be alighted and mounted and performs good power
collection. While the Mangin configuration represents the best trade-off between efficiency and cost. The
mechanical alignment between concentrators and optical fibre is a critical aspect, especially for Mangin
(A) and Parabolic (B) concentrators, where the secondary mirror is physically separated from the primary
mirror (it is realised on the protective window of the tile, as shown in Fig. 5). This alignment difficulty
increases if an array of concentrators is used.
For the choice of the collectors for the solar system prototype Table 2 summarises advantages and
drawbacks of the three classes of collector.
Table 2


The CCM has been realised in Silica and all CCM samples reported in the figures (Fig.s 4, 6, and 10) are
made in Silica.
Some samples have also been realised in PMMA, with considerably reduced weight and costs, but
keeping good collection performances. The realisation of aspherical lenses as plastic optical components
could allow a massive production at low cost.
The collector of type Mangin A1 has been realised in Glass with enter pupil size 62 mm and focal length
60 mm (Mangin60). The enlarged diameter of Mangin60 has the aim of improving the collected energy
with respect to Mangin40, corresponding to A1 in Table 1. Modified Mangin A2 and A3 are more
complicated to be realised, but the same performances can been obtained by a standard Mangin of size 62
mm. Thus Mangin60 represents a trade-off between the modified Mangin A3, characterised by a diameter

of 62 mm and the standard version of A1, which has a diameter of 40 mm and focal length 39.8 mm.

Fig. 3 A1 collector: Mangin60. Fig. 4 CCM in Silica.

Taking into account the efficiency parameters, the realisation costs and the compactness of the
optical system, we decided to test only Mangin60 (Fig. 3) and CCM (Fig. 4) in real conditions. Field
tests have been repeated in all seasons of the year and at different hours during the day. The
average output power measured at the end of a 5m fibre length is respectively 0.80-0.85 W for
Mangin60 and 0.95-1.05 W for CCM in Silica. The CCM realised in PMMA provide an output
power of 0.80-0.90 W, thus resulting slightly less efficient than the CCM in Silica.
The Mangin and CCM concentrators are mounted on tiles of four collectors, obtaining a modular system.
The base element is a tile of 14cm x 14cm holding 4 optical systems. This tile dimension has been chosen
taking into account that the use of a small tile facilitates the alignment operations and improves the
possibility of its massive reproduction.
Reduced size of the tile and system geometry
makes it adaptable to the available space and to
specific architectural requirements.

Fig. 5 shows the tile with 4 Mangins. The

housing for the single collector is a metallic
support of diameter 64 mm, which also holds
the mirror. The fibre holder with its focusing
adjustment is placed in the centre of the
metallic support. The secondary mirrors are
realised by evaporated aluminium on the input
window covering the four collectors.

The tile holding 4 CCM is reported in Fig. 6.

The fibre adjustment mechanism is placed in
the rear part of the tile, behind the collector.

Both tiles have the same external dimensions,

so they are interchangeable if they are mounted
in the same moving support.
Fig. 5 Tile with 4 Mangins

Fig. 6 Tile with 4 CCM


The sun pointer, in Fig. 7, works as a pin-hole

camera without lenses.

The distance L from the pin-hole to the four quadrant

detector determines the maximum field of view q and
the resolution of the pointer. The size of the sun image
and its intensity depend on the diameter d of the pin-

Fig. 7

Fig. 8 Fig. 9
Fig. 8 shows the sun pointer inserted in the tile by means of an adjustable tilter in order to simplify
the alignment operations.
Fig. 9 presents the items composing the sun pointer: the camera; three pin-holes with different
diameters; the four quadrant detector; the blocking screws.
The sensor driving the sun tracking system is visible at the centre of the tile in Fig 6.
In order to test, in operative conditions a prototype of solar plant, two different moving frames
have been experimented.
Frame A supports a single tile of four
collectors of CCM type as presented in
Fig. 10.

It includes the sun tracking system and

two micro motors, which keep the tile
aligned in the sun light direction.

Fig. 11 shows Frame B that holds 9

tiles, each of which has 4 Mangin
collectors, in a larger frame that can
contain 36 collectors.

Dimensions are for Frame A: 16cm x

24cm; and for Frame B: 60cm x 60cm .

Both frames are mounted in equatorial

configuration: the hourly axis (Hj) is
oriented in a direction parallel to the
terrestrial axis, the seasonal axis (Sq)
rotates in direction normal to Hj. Two
stepping motors drive Hj and Sq by
means of a reduction unit made of two
sections. The first is a gearbox with in/out
ratio of 1:300, the second is a couple of
worm and wormwheel having in/out ratio
of 1:60. Total gearbox in/out Ratio is
1/18000. Since the motor step value is
1.8 the system resolution is 0.001.

Fig. 10 Frame A with 4 CCM

Fig. 11 Frame B for 36 Mangins

The main feature of these configurations is their self-alignment capability. The theoretical positioning of
the frame requests the orientation of the hourly axis of an angle j = 47 with respect to the horizon in the
North to South direction. Therefore the real alignment can be made within an error of 1 since the sun
tracking system will automatically correct the alignment errors.
azimuth and elevation of the sun calculated by SazEl
The sun tracking is realised by the SazEl software, especially developed for calculating azimuth and
elevation of the sun and thus for driving the mechanical supports to orient the tile with the four collectors.
The SazEl tracking system is schematically presented in Fig. 12, where it is also shown that in case
of temporary cloud the system restarts as the sun reappears.

Fig. 12

Fig. 13 Fig. 14
Fig.s 13 and 14 show two control panels of the SazEl software: the location is set by the input panel
in Fig. 13, while the screen view in Fig. 14 shows the control of the sun image centering by the four
quadrant sensor.
A prototype of the solar system has been realised and tested for energy supply of a building. The modular
unit of the solar plant is the tile including 4 collectors, each of which is coupled to a fibre. The fibres are
then collected in bundles and through an optical switch the collected energy can be addressed to different
uses. The applications are internal room illumination, water heating or supply for domestic devices. For
this last use a photovoltaic panel provides the conversion into electric energy, which otherwise can be
stored for successive employment.
The Optical Switch is presented in Fig. 15. The lighting cone at the output of the fibre bundle is
directed towards 3 different utilisation systems by means of the optical switch (OS). The main
components of OS are: a spherical mirror (SM) and a stepping motor equipped with a control electronic
programmed to rotate SM of -10 on the left and in other two positions of 10 and 20 on the right (Fig.
15). The SM has a diameter of 66mm and a focal length of 35mm. The optical fibres are at a distance of
60mm from the mirror vertex. The light is utilised for three different applications: the first position directs
the light beam on a photovoltaic cell, whose produced energy can supply domestic devices or can be

stored for successive uses. The second position directs the light on a paint in order to verify the high
quality of colours rendering. The third position focalise the light beam in a black body equipped with a
temperature monitoring system simulating the application to water heating.

Fig. 15 The optical switch

The intensity distribution in the light cone is asymmetric because the SM works off axis, but considering
the contribution of 4 fibres an increase of uniformity has been obtained.
Fig. 16 illustrates the possible uses and installation of the system in a house: the tiles are placed on
the roof and fibres transport the collected energy into the house. The figure shows how the light
collected by the tiles placed on the roof is used for illumination, collecting the fibres in bundles. Another
application in house supply can be water eating but the light can also be converted into electric energy or
stored for successive uses. The optical switch can be used to choose between "energy use" and "energy
storage", as well as, to address the energy towards the different domestic applications.

Fig. 16 Different energy uses in the house

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di Eugenio Odorifero
con la partecipazione di Franco Montefuscoli e Stefano Innocenti

Questo progetto sperimentale nato nell'agosto del 2005 e consiste nella costruzione di un motore
overunity. Lo scopo quindi superare il rendimento del 100% usando un rotore, delle bobine e i magneti
permanenti. Nel momento in cui sto scrivendo sono ancora in piena costruzione e sperimentazione e tale
traguardo non stato ancora raggiunto.
Gli autori non sono responsabili di eventuali danni e incidenti durante le fasi di lavorazione, di collaudo o
di funzionamento di eventuali repliche.


Nell'agosto del 2005, dopo alcuni esperimenti falliti, avevo

deciso di seguire, o quantomeno di accostarmi, a qualcosa che
fosse gi noto. Scelsi all'epoca il sito del neozelandese Garry
Stanley- il cui prototipo nella foto a destra e il cui sito (vedi
a fine articolo) una buona raccolta di sistemi e suggerimenti
per migliorare i propri risultati con i motori magnetici.
Comunque procedevo indipendentemente, seguendo le mie
idee. Ma le idee e i concetti che volevo inizialmente
sviluppare e con cui ero partito erano, specie nella meccanica,
un po' diverse, comunque molto meno efficienti di quelle
attuali. In effetti ho intrapreso questa iniziativa per imparare e
far imparare la free energy nel settore dei motori a magneti permanenti perch molto all'estero stato
fatto, e invece qui poco e ancora meno stato pubblicato.

Prima e dopo

Le foto sottostanti mostrano sostanzialmente le differenze strutturali tra il vecchio rotore, a sinistra, e
quello nuovo a destra.

Saltano subito agli occhi differenze sostanziali:

il primo rotore era orientato orizzontalmente
i dischi e i magneti erano dapprima pi sottili - e di conseguenza la struttura era complessivamente pi
fragile e meno potente.
l'albero centrale era fermo e a girare erano i dischi, collegati tra loro. Ora i dischi sono fissati all'albero
e a girare quest'ultimo.

Le illustrazioni qui sopra invece indicano invece la filosofia di costruzione di partenza e quella che potete
osservare nella ricerca attuale. In effetti, appena mi ero reso conto che alimentare con 8 bobine senza
nucleo per ricavare elettricit da un motore elettrico convenzionale attraverso il meccanismo

cinghia/puleggia era la cosa pi controproducente che poteva esistere, ho subito cambiato progetto.
Tuttavia, qualche idea di fondo rimasta: quella cio di produrre un rotore quanto pi libero dalle
resistenze sia meccaniche che elettromagnetiche. E ancora adesso, le bobine che prodotte sono prive di
nucleo proprio per questo motivo, proprio perch ho giudicato l'attrazione ferromagnetica pi un danno
che un vantaggio, nonostante questo suoni a molti come un'eresia. Noterete anche un altro particolare
rimasto immutato: la struttura dei dischi, quanto quella che regge gli elettromagneti fatta in plexiglas.
Cos come il plexiglas trasparente, e naturalmente anche amagnetico, cos come le altre parti sono
amagnetiche: l'albero e le colonne portanti sono, attualmente, di ottone, e qualche dettaglio di acciaio,
sempre amagnetico. Ed sempre rimasta uguale la struttura a doppio disco. E' da chiedersi, infatti, visto
che le bobine hanno due poli, perch ne viene usualmente sfruttato uno solo, visto che a parit di corrente
immessa posso muovere due rotori invece di uno.
Dopo un circa un mese di sviluppo, nella necessit di identificare il mio lavoro, ho scelto il nome Progetto
Valery: pi che essere un acronimo semplicemente una dedica ad una studentessa d'ingegneria
meccanica tuttavia per un esplicita richiesta di privacy non posso fornire ulteriori particolari.


L'inizio di questa avventura avvenne con Stefano Innocenti, dopo qualche piccolo esperimento con le
bobine senza nucleo. Cos continuai il progetto ascoltando un po' i consigli costruttivi di tutti: Franco
Malgarini, Carlo Splendore, lo stesso Innocenti. A quest'ultimo si deve anche la mailing-list dedicata, che
sorse dopo poche settimane, e che riun quasi tutte le persone
a cui interessava. A lui risale il tentativo di governare il
rotore a impulsi come nella foto a fianco e l'idea di mettere il
condensatore in parallelo (e si rivelata la migliore e longeva
di tutte) al reed.
Inizialmente Franco Montefuscoli non era interessato alla
cosa - o almeno cos mi sembrato. Collabor
successivamente e ha dato contributi essenziali. A lui devo le
indicazioni pi importanti: la costruzione col trapano a
colonna, l'applicazione delle bobine bifilari, l'uso appropriato
delle boccole e dei capicorda, i primi test e valutazioni.
In una fase successiva, non posso che citare un iscritto
dell'ASSE, Angelo Bennardo (rimando al suo bellissimo
articolo). Interessato allo sviluppo del motore di Muller si
collegato prima via e-mail, dopo attraverso la mailing-list.
Suggerendogli per l'energia in induzione bifilari senza
nucleo, ha poi sviluppato il suo progetto, comunque diverso
dal mio, con velocit e maestria visibilmente superiori al
sottoscritto, anticipando problemi, ma anche qualche
soluzione che avrei incontrato. La mailing-list, attualmente,
tace da un po', e anche A.B.. L'utilit che ha avuto questo Stefano "Zio Stefo" Innocenti alle prese con la
scambio comunque indiscussa. prima versione del rotore.
E' da notare che fin qui, la discussione, lo sviluppo e la pubblicazione era circoscritta all'A.S.S.E.. Ma
dopo 9 mesi di sviluppo, volevo condividerlo questo lavoro con qualcuno in pi.
La discussione continuata prima come thread sul vecchio forum di Twilight Science, e attualmente su
quello nuovo, in cui annuncio, scambio opinioni e discuto con gli altri membri. La cosa un po' antipatica
che a differenza dei primi tempi non solo non conosco le persone, ma nemmeno i loro nomi, visto la
moda (o la necessit, a seconda dei casi) di usare nick name e quindi di discutere con Molotov TMB,
Anubis, Conan Endogawa, DeltaHF, Dynoc e altri. Il lato buono che quanti ho citato sono interessati,
m'interpellano di frequente e m'incoraggiano a continuare.

Pubblicazioni e altre particolarit

Questo progetto ha avuto fin dall'inizio, caratteristiche un po' particolari. La prima, dovuta all'impazienza
di Malgarini, mi ha sollecitato a pubblicare su questa sperimentazione su Altra Scienza ben prima che il
lavoro fosse giunto a un punto significativo. Gli articoli, pertanto, sono usciti periodicamente e solo
l'ultimo, la quinta parte, contiene test specifici. Strada facendo, ho affrontato e pubblicato di problemi
specifici, cambi di rotta e dati costruttivi, anche se, vedendoli con gli occhi di oggi sono presenti molti
errori e ingenuit.
Tutto quanto concerne il progetto stato scritto, disegnato e progettato in ambiente Linux, usando
software open (OpenOffice Writer e Draw, Gimp, Blender e poco altro), ma presente volutamente anche
in altri sistemi. Anche per questo ho evitato sistemi cad, raramente non proprietari e comunque sempre
poco accessibili.
Le sagome dei componenti sono per lo pi riportati come sagome di grandezza in scala 1:1. Stampando le
pagine interessate (come ho sempre avvertito, senza ridimensionarle) si poteva ritagliare e applicare la
sagoma evitando cos errori ed eccessivi discostamenti da eventuali repliche.
Quello che ho scelto come materiale costruttivo il Plexiglas, perch stata una chiara scelta quella di
rendere evidenti tutti i particolari della struttura per non dare luogo a critiche troppo facili. Inoltre molti
dispositivi Free-Energy hanno la caratteristica un po' irritante di nascondere in tutto, o in parte, le
caratteristiche del dispositivo stesso, ed quello che vorrei evitare.
La lentezza un fattore intrinseco di questo progetto: questo perch avevo iniziato con competenze
operative decisamente minori (gli esperimenti precedenti erano praticamente rimediati), oltre al fatto che
sono un po' lento io; a questo si aggiungono la progettazione e la documentazione al PC, altre limitazioni
di tempo di natura quotidiana, nonch, per l'A.S.S.E., l'impaginazione delle monografie e di Altra
Scienza. Tutto questo rende il progetto abbastanza lento.
Tra tutti gli esperimenti fatti, questo quello che ha l'architettura pi modulare: parti sostituibili e
modificabili singolarmente, almeno nella parte meccanica, e in parte in quella elettrica.


Nella scelta dei materiali principali, ho voluto scegliere parti

normalmente in vendita, senza ripiegare su elementi
difficilmente reperibili. Il problema, semmai, il recente
rincaro di questi.
Plexiglas: voluto principalmente per maggiore trasparenza e
per qualche piccola pretesa estetica usata per la struttura
portante, per i dischi del rotore e per le impalcature
dell'elettromagnete. Materiale, dico subito, non facilissimo da
lavorare. I piani di plexiglas che ho utilizzato sono di 1mm,
8mm e 10mm. Ho utilizzato anche una verga del diametro di
Magneti: naturalmente al neodimio. I magneti al neodimio,
ordinariamente, non si vendono nei negozi, specie con le dimensioni che ci servono, ma vendono cose
non utili in questa direzione. Bisogna richiederli, perlopi via internet, e farseli inviare per posta. La
forma scelta a disco, ottimale per le bobine e ottimale per il montaggio: per inserirle nel disco basta un
foro dello stesso diametro. Il diametro di 22mm, lo spessore 10mm.
Filo di rame smaltato: serve per le bobine di eccitazione e di induzione. I diametri che utilizzo
attualmente sono rispettivamente di 0.35 e 0.2 mm.
Ottone: indispensabile per la girante, per sostenere gli elettromagneti e lo stesso apparecchio senza
interferire coi magneti del rotore. L'ho utilizzato in forma di barre filettate di 8 e 10 mm.
Cuscinetti a sfera: SKF aperti 22mm d. esterno, 8mm d. interno e 7mm di spessore. Quest'ultimo dato,
tuttavia, un po' fastidioso, in quanto devono entrare in un pannello di 8 millimetri: purtroppo il plexiglas
di 7 mm non prodotto e il modello di cuscinetto di spessore 8, almeno di quelle dimensioni, nemmeno.

Costruzione dei Componenti


E' un discorso un po' articolato. Tra tutti gli aspetti del progetto, forse questo stato pi travagliato e in
parte continuer ad esserlo. Come ho gi spiegato, innanzitutto, il nucleo di ferrite stato costituito da un
elemento non magnetico. Poi, per maggiore resistenza, lo scheletro della bobina e il suo supporto
costituiscono un blocco unico. Le sagome dei componenti direttamente indicata nei rispettivi capitoli.
In effetti con gli avvolgimenti ne ho provate molte: l'uso delle
bobine bifilari stata una buona idea in teoria perch evita di
ottenere correnti parassite che tanto costituiscono un problema,
perch sono uno dei fattori che bloccano il moto del rotore.
Tuttavia la loro costruzione non affatto facile: basta pensare
che, se si fa bobinare in un verso, l'altro si srotola. Ho dovuto
lavorarle a mano. Inoltre difficile distribuire il filo in modo
completamente simmetrico (tante spire da una parte, tante
dall'altra) e implementare la stessa lunghezza di filo e quindi
anche i risultati non sono cos promettenti.
Per aumentare l'amperaggio ho cercato nelle varie realizzazioni
di appiattire sempre di pi la bobina questo per con la
bifilare complicava ulteriormente le cose, specie con lo
spessore attuale, che di 1.75mm!
La soluzione l'ho trovata recentemente nel sito di Stanley (vedi sezione Contatti e Links): separare cio la
bobina bifilare fisicamente in due bobine, emulandone per il collegamento. Costruire due bobine
monofilo distinti con la stessa lunghezza infinitamente pi semplice e pratico: persino a mano un
lavoro abbastanza breve. Attualmente questo sistema lo uso per le bobine induttive e costituisce un bel
progresso, anche se non la soluzione: l'effetto di ritorno ancora presente e al momento non ho la
soluzione piena. Un parziale progresso tuttavia viene dal fatto che l'effetto di ritorno con il rettificatore
in buona parte annullato, ma non totalmente. Eugenio Martucci suggerisce di lavorare con la risonanza
ma, al momento, la soluzione non dietro l'angolo.
Sempre in quanto alle bobine, invece, la peggiore riuscita stata ottenuta con la bobina d'eccitazione in
quanto, bifilare e senza nucleo assorbe troppo e fa troppo poco: in effetti davvero un tentativo mal riuscito
e per alimentarlo mi occorre ben 1 A ! Anche qui, il problema ancora aperto.
Come gi accennato per la bobina di eccitazione stato usato filo da 0.35mm, mentre per le bobine di
induzione il filo da 0.2mm.


Nella versione attuale del rotore lo spessore dei dischi di 10mm. I fori di alloggiamento dei magneti, di
22, mentre il foro per il perno centrale 8. Il diametro complessivo invece di 12 cm. Il modo migliore
per costruirli che ho trovato con la colonna del trapano di iniziare col buco centrale, fissarlo e
modellarlo a tornio prima con semplici fori, poi con la punta fresa. I buchi da 22 sono fatti con la punta
speciale mostrata in foto (inutile dire di stare attenti alle vostre dita).

Reed e parte elettrica

Mandare impulsi coordinati alla bobina di eccitazione per far

muovere il rotore stata un'altra impresa. Stefano Innocenti aveva
tentato di produrre un sistema a impulsi per il vecchio rotore: tale
lavoro, tuttavia non si rivelato adatto. Attualmente a governare il
dispositivo un'ampollina reed: un interruttore che si attiva quando
raggiunto da un flusso magnetico. Posizionare tale interruttore stato
difficoltoso in quanto i magneti da governare sono molto potenti.
Inoltre occorre mettere in parallelo al reed stesso un condensatore (ho
usato un 22 microF polarizzato, ma solo una scelta arbitraria):
diversamente genera una scintilla che degrada l'interruttore stesso in
tempi relativamente brevi.
Inizialmente l'alimentazione era data con 500mA, ma a non bastava
alla bobina e i risultati erano poco apprezzabili. 1000mA hanno dato
migliori possibilit di sperimentazione.


Come anticipato, fornisco una serie di sagome utili per la produzione dei componenti, in quanto presentati
in scala 1:1.
Se userete Acrobat Reader, bene che disabilitiate l'opzione di adattamento alla pagina (fit in page, o
shrink to page se avete la versione inglese o su Linux), in quanto poi le dimensioni dei modelli verrebbero
falsate quanto basta per creare errori. Altra fonte di errori potrebbe venire nella fotocopia delle sagome
stesse, anche se stampate correttamente.
In ordine sono forniti i seguenti modelli:
1) Impalcatura per magneti induttivi
2) Impalcatura per bobina d'eccitazione
3) Base verticale. Nota che il disegno risulta tagliato a causa della larghezza pagina non visualizzando i
due fori di destra. I due fori restanti sono comunque simmetrici ai loro opposti e distano 1cm dai bordi e
complessivamente i pannelli sono 20x20cm. Pi sotto anche fornito il disegno in scala.
4) Rotore


5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5

5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6

6 6 6 6

2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5


5 5
6,5 6,5

6,5 6,5

6 6

6 6




Test e risultati attualmente raggiunti

Una cosa importante: anche se ho realizzato molte bobine e fatto molti test, nelle prove attuali ne sono
montate solo una coppia. Questo perch, prima di completare l'apparecchio, devo trovare la corretta
applicazione per togliere tutte le resistenze: se lo completassi ora, non moltiplicherei l'energia prodotta ma
l'aumenterei di un po' moltiplicando invece l'effetto di frenata. Per questo mi sto muovendo in modo cos
cauto. Del resto se avessi fatto 10 bobine bifilari invece dell'attuale modello per vedere poi come andava
avrei perso fatica, soldi e ancora pi tempo. Ho fatto diversi test, e qui di seguito vi presento quelli pi
Per farvi apprezzare il progresso ottenuto con il collegamento Anti-Lenz eccovi i risultati comparati col
precedente test con la bobina bifilare.

Vecchio Test (aprile 2006), corrente alternata, singola bobina bifilare induttiva

Input Output
Volt mA Watt Volt mA Watt Freq.(Hz) N. di giri/sec.
3.0 1000 3.0 3.3 133 0.43 50 8
4.5 1000 4.5 4.1 127 0.52 60 10
6.0 1000 6.0 4.7 106 0.49 80 13
7.5 1000 7.5 5.5 79 0.43 80 13
9.0 1000 9.0 6.0 54 0.32 90 15

Test Giugno 2006 corrente alternata, collegamento Anti-Lenz, doppia bobina

Input Output
Volt mA Watt Volt mA Watt Freq.(Hz) RPM
3.0 1000 3.0 3.2 115 0.36 50 500
4.5 1000 4.5 4.2 141 0.59 60 600
6.0 1000 6.0 4.9 189 0.92 80 800
7.5 1000 7.5 5.8 235 1.36 90 900
9.0 1000 9.0 6.2 265 1.64 100 1000

Test Giugno 2006 corrente rettificata, collegamento Anti-Lenz, doppia bobina

Input Output
Volt mA Watt Volt mA Watt
3.0 1000 3.0 6.6 23 0.15
4.5 1000 4.5 9.0 37 0.33
6.0 1000 6.0 11.2 54 0.60
7.5 1000 7.5 14.1 79 1.11
9.0 1000 9.0 15.1 89 1.37

Ripropongo di seguito gli ultimi risultati, per onest intellettuale, ottenuti dal circuito di rettificazione
rifatto per il convegno di Roma. La produzione complessivamente diminuita di poco: la cosa strana il
voltaggio diminuito a favore della corrente. Al momento, non so spiegarmi il motivo.

Input Output
Volt mA Watt Volt mA Watt
3.0 1000 3.0 3.9 55 0.21
4.5 1000 4.5 4.9 83 0.40
6.0 1000 6.0 5.9 103 0.60
7.5 1000 7.5 7.1 131 0.93
9.0 1000 9.0 7.7 150 1.15

Violazione del secondo principio della termodinamica

Come relazionare questo progetto ai principi della termodinamica un problema che mi sono posto
spesso. Tenter di dare una spiegazione, tenendo presente che, come molti aspetti di questo progetto, la
discussione ancora aperta. Sappiamo che il secondo principio della td (cio che lenergia consumata in
un dispositivo sempre minore dellenergia ricavata) basato su un fatto statistico, cio dimostrato
semplicemente perch succede sempre. Infatti lenergia deve pur essere presa da qualche parte... per
essere consumata. Il fatto proprio questo: in genere, con leccezione dei pannelli fotovoltaici e di
qualche dispositivo motionless, si pensa ad una fonte di movimento (acqua, vento o pressione del
vapore dovuta a qualche trasformazione) al quale collegare una turbina tradizionale. Spesso, anche
nellambito della free-energy si pensa in questo modo, a volte a ragione, a volte a torto. Io invece
preferisco invertire la questione: a mio avviso, non si tratta da dove prendere il moto da trasformare, ma
come conservare tale moto nel processo di trasformazione, in modo da riutilizzarlo e pi a lungo possibile
nel tempo traendone, di conseguenza, pi energia.
Il fatto che una coppia di bobine senza nucleo, per quanto relativamente meno efficienti, trasformano il
passaggio del magnete permanente in elettricit ma ne frena meno il moto sempre meglio comunque
rispetto ad una tradizionale a nucleo di ferrite. Mi sono reso conto, a questo punto, che fornire linput
lultimo dei problemi: quello vero rendere il moto del rotore pi possibile inalterato, cos da utilizzare
lingresso fornito pi a lungo possibile.
Volutamente non ho tirato in ballo la ZPF, in quanto un concetto avanzato proposto troppo facilmente e
spesso a sproposito, anche se qualcuno al forum ha sottolineato che proprio l'eventuale violazione del
secondo principio sarebbe prova che ci avverrebbe, invece, proprio in questo dispositivo.


Ringrazio Franco Montefuscoli, Stefano Innocenti, Eugenio Martucci e tutti i frequentatori della mailing
list, i partecipanti del forum Twilight Science (in particolare Molotov T.M.B., Conan Endogawa,
Phobos&Deimos) per i consigli forniti in questa ricerca.
Giovanni Odorifero per il prestito del multimetro digitale avanzato e per aver girato il video.
Sergio S. per aver fornito il suo parere da profano su questo progetto.
...E naturalmente la vera Valery, orgogliosa quanto mai di una dedica cos speciale. ;)

Contatti e Links

Attualmente in corso la discussione sull'attuale forum di Twilight Science. Potete trovarlo al seguente

Fornisco anche il vecchio indirizzo della discussione, per chi vuole farsi un'idea di come partita. A
differenza di quello precedentemente indicato, tale thread attualmente di sola lettura:

Il Valery Yahoo Group, dove tutto partito. Anche se non ci sono pi messaggi, ancora in linea.

Il sito di Garry Stanley, da dove ho attinto molte idee utili.

Potete trovare on-line la quinta parte dei miei precedenti articoli e un filmato di test del dispositivo su:

Per chi non pratico di forum e gruppi di discussione, fornisco la mia e-mail.

KWANT s.r.l. - Nuove Tecnologie Riscaldamento

Powered by Etomite 0.6 (Heliades).

Sistema di riscaldamento "RIOECCELLENT / RIOS" progetatto ,

sviluppato e brevettato dalla ditta "KWANT s.r.l."

Sistema "RIOECCELLENT / RIOS" vincitore del 1 Premio:

RiscaldamentoImpianti "Prodotto Innovativo" (RECAM 2004,
solariPiani di cottura in
fornoRivenditoriInfoSite Comitato Tecnico Scientifico composto da:
Dott. Prof. Medardo Chiapponi - Universita di Architettura IUAV
di Venezia.
Dott. Arch. Giuseppe Pilla - Presidente Federazione Regionale degli
Ordini degli Architetti del Veneto.

La Giuria:

Marino Colbertaldo - Presidente del Distretto della Bioedilizia

Luca Zaia - Presidente della Provincia di Treviso
Federico Tessari - Presidente della C.C.I.A.A. Di Treviso

Senza bruciatore!

Senza resistenza!

Senza canna fumaria!

Senza combustibile!

Senza condensa!

Il sistema "RIOECCELLENT" (a basamento) di avanzata concezione tecnica,

grazie alle sue specifiche caratteristiche di costruzione non ha necessita di
canne fumarie, prese d'aria, appositi locali caldaia, puo essere installata in
qualsiasi posto e non avendo nessun tipo di resistenza , bruciatore e
combustibile, non ha necessita di verifiche periodiche obbligatorie di
manutenzione da parte del tecnico, ne l'autorizzazione da parte dei vigili di
fuoco o degli altri enti. Sistema "RIOECCELLENT" si puo paragonare ad un
elettrodomestico, percio le norme di sicurezza corrispondono alla stessa
categoria. Atualmetne la produzione "RIOECCELLENT" si presenta con
diverse potenze, per soddisfare le aspettative anche del cliente piu esigente,
infatti puo essere progettata appositamente in base alle caratteristiche
specifiche della propria abitazione. La "RIOECCELLENT" ha un quadro di
comando elettronico e termostatico in regime automatico, con un regolatore

della temperatura programmata che va da una temperatura minima di 60C fino

ad una temperatura massima di 80C. Il sistema funziona a regime, con
spegnimento automatico, infatti, una volta arrivato alla temperatura massima di
80C, si ferma, potendo utilizzare nello stesso tempo acqua calda sanitaria
(A.C.S.) da 100-200 lt con temperatura di 48C (la quantita dei litri dipende dal
modello). A caldaia spenta la temperatura scende, una volta raggiunta la
temperatura di 60C, il sistema "RIOECCELLENT" riparte automaticamente
ed inizia il recupero della temperatura persa. Dai test eseguiti: nel periodo
estivo (senza riscaldamento nell'impianto termico dei radiatori)
"RIOECCELLENT" funziona per circa 1-1,5 h su 24, e questo solo per scaldare
l'acqua del proprio circuito interno e mantenere la temperatura d'esercizio
necessaria (60-80C) per un buon funzionamento. Nel periodo invernale
invece, il tempo di funzionamento del sistema dipende direttamente dalla
temperatura programmata sul termostato di riscaldamento all'interno
dell'ambiente. La temperatura d'entrata nei radiatori e di 60-65C, arrivando
alla temperatura programmata nel termostato dell'ambiente, si chiude portata
dell'acqua nei radiatori, permettendo a "RIOECCELLENT" il recupero della
temperatura fino ad un massimo di 80C : qui si spegne, raggiunge la
temperatura minima di 60C e si riaccende. Il ciclo di recupero si ripete.

Il sistema costruito si presenta con 2 vasche inox, all'interno di una vi e

depositato il "Generatore Idrodinamico" (prodotto dalla ditta "KWANT s.r.l."),
nella seconda vasca e inserita la pompa sommersa ad alta tecnologia ed
efficienza della "LOWARA ITT industries" multinazionale del settore
conosciuta in tutto il mondo.

Le due vasche, collegate tra loro, presentano un circuito chiuso d'acqua che noi
chiamiamo : "liquido operativo". All'interno delle vasche sono inseriti due
scambiatori di calore ad alta tecnologia , uno per l'impianto termico vero e
proprio ( a radiatori o altro), il secondo per l'acqua calda sanitaria. Utilizzando
l'acqua calda istantanea e scaldata tramite lo scambiatore in tempo reale, si
esclude la formazione di calcare, si aumenta il tempo di servizio/utilizzo dello
stesso ed aumenta anche il coefficiente di rendimento. In qualsiasi caso la
"RIOECCELLENT" non facendo la bollitura dell'acqua, evita la produzione di

calcare. Il "Liquido operativo" non ha necessita di essere depurato prima del

riempimento delle vasche, perche si usa solo l'acqua potabile del rubinetto
senza nessun aggiunta (abbiamo iniziato una ricerca specifica per la
sostituzione dell'acqua con un liquido diverso, per incrementare la resa).
Durante di funzionamento del sistema "RIOECCELLENT" nei primi 20 minuti
si crea una depurazione naturale del "liquido operativo" con deposito di
particelle varie sul fondo delle vasche, in questo caso non ce nessun pericolo
per il funzionamento della pompa ed altri pezzi di usura,che permette di
prolungare i tempi di servizio della "RIOECCELLENT". Utilizzo dei
guarnizioni con tenuta ermetica appositamente prodotti dal materiale speciale,
aiuta ad eliminare microperdite del "liquido operativo" durante la

Il principio di funzionamento:

Nel sistema "RIOECCELLENT" viene usato il principio della "Cavitazione"

direzionata in strati del liquido con successivo utilizzo del calore sviluppato
dall'implosione di microbolle. Nel sistema si trova un generatore idrodinamico,
che riceve una certa quantita d'acqua con una pressione prodotta dalla pompa
sommersa, durante il brusco abbassamento della pressione negli strati d'acqua ,
si formano: cavita di esplosione , microbolle di gas/vapore con cambiamenti di
ampiezza d'onda d'urto, antifase, il liquido tende a tornare allo stato iniziale, in
tale modo crea l'effetto ripetuto di implosione delle microbolle. Durante del
tale processo di implosione - velocita: raggiunge 1,5 km/sec.,nello stesso
tempo il gas presente all' interno della microbolla non ha tempo di produrre
condensa, percio nel nostro caso abbiamo a che fare proprio con il gas e non
con il vapore. Avendo questa velocita di compressione, al centro della
microbolla si formano i campi di tensione,che producono l'onda d'urto,che si
propaga dal centro ai bordi. In questo momento la temperatura del gas
all'interno della microbolla e di centinaia di migliaia gradi, praticamente si puo
dire che abbiamo a che fare con una microsfera di plasma, la quale ha vita
molto breve nell'ordine di microsecondi, che riesce a produrre una piccola
microesplosione, trasformando l'energia meccanica, dell'onda d'urto, in energia
termica. A parita di fattori esterni , come pressione, temperatura del liquido,
volume del liquido e possibile creare un flusso di microbolle per avere l'energia
termica necessaria a produrre l'acqua calda nel circuito chiuso. Tale effetto si
presenta piu attivo alle temperature di 60-65C, alle temperature piu alte
l'effetto si riduce, perche aumenta la vaporizzazione. Cio significa, che in tale
processo si presentano anche altri effetti della fisica ,come l'attrito, l'effetto
isobarico (riscaldamento della sostanza o materia sotto pressione), ciclo di
Karnot (accumulazione del calore da fonte esterna con bassa temperatura : il
principio della pompa di calore).

Cavitazione - e la creazione ripetuta di microbolle all'interno di un liquido, a

cui segue la loro implosione. Le bolle possono essere create dall'espansione e
dalla contrazione di una bolla di gas intrappolata nel campo degli ultrasuoni per
parecchi cicli, finche le bolle non raggiungono l'energia sufficiente per
collassare durante l'onda di compressione. Questo fenomeno prende il nome di
cavitazione stabile. Quando la bolla contiene, invece, la fase di vapore del
liquido e perdura solamente per uno o pochi cicli di pressione, la cavitazione e
detta transiente. La compressione di un gas genera calore. Su scala
macroscopica, si puo constatare gonfiando il copertone di una bicicletta:
l'energia meccanica del gonfiaggio e convertita in calore mentre la gomma

viene pressurizzata. Quando le bolle di cavitazione implodono in liquidi

irradiati, la loro compressione e cosi rapida che un piccola quantita di calore
puo sfuggire dalla cavita durante il suo collasso. Il liquido circostante, d'altra
parte, e ancora freddo ed estinguera prontamente la cavita riscaldata. Cosi,
viene prodotto un punto caldo (hot spot), di breve durata, localizzato in un
liquido freddo, questo punto caldo ha una temperatura approssimativa di
5000 ?C, una pressione di circa 1000 atmosfere, un tempo di vita inferiore ad
un microsecondo e la velocita di riscaldamento e raffreddamento supera i 10
miliardi di gradi Celsius/sec. Per un confronto approssimativo, questa e la
temperatura alla superficie del sole, la pressione nei fondali oceanici, il tempo
di vita di un lampo di luce, e il raffreddamento e un milione di volte piu veloce
di una bacchetta di ferro al color rosso immersa nell'acqua! Dunque, la
cavitazione serve come un mezzo per concentrare l'energia diffusa del suono in
una forma chimicamente utile.

Kenneth S. Suslick - The Chemistry of ultrasound (from The Yearbook of

Science & the Future 1994; Encyclopaedia Britannica: Chicago, 1994; pp 138-

Caldaia "Rioeccellent", con boiler integrato (sanitario 150L) versione standard:

11.000 kcal / 850mm x 450mm x 1560mm

15.000 kcal / 850mm x 450mm x 1560mm
22.000 kcal / 850mm x 450mm x 1560mm
30.000 kcal / 850mm x 450mm x 1560mm

Caldaia "Rios", predisposta per boiler esterno / impianto solare versione


11.000 kcal / 450mm x 350mm x 1200mm

15.000 kcal / 450mm x 350mm x 1200mm
22.000 kcal / 500mm x 450mm x 1560mm
30.000 kcal / 500mm x 450mm x 1560mm

Content managed by the Etomite Content Management System.


Mini-Windy Windy Ricarica Batteria Ombrello luminoso


TORCIA ELETTRICA ecotecnologica, professionale che funziona senza batteria per ore ed
ore di luce a costo ZERO. La torcia elettrica che non costringe a costosi, quanto
antiecologici e frequenti cambi di batterie. Sempre pronta all'uso anche dopo lunghi
periodi di inattivit. Ogni ricarica effettuata tramite apposita leva, garantisce un'ottima
fonte luminosa per circa novanta minuti. Ottima per il campeggio, l'auto, il furgone, la
pesca o per chi lavora di notte.


A cinque led con cavo e adattatore multiplo per la
ricarica d'emergenza del telefono cellulare.


- Per privati, contributo costi spedizione

Euro 8,00.
Pagamento contrassegno tramite posta.

- Per rivenditori, negozi di ferramenta o utensili, benzinai, istituti di

vigilanza ETC, chiedere condizioni tramite E-mail; minimo 10 Pezzi.

ultra condensatori
Cominciata da manueln3 - - Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili >
Accumulazione di energia

Parte 1 di 1
manueln33/7/2005, 13:41

allora un saluto a tutti

ho scoperto che la honda fcx ( la macchina venduta in california che va a idrogeno ) non usa per
accumulare l'energia le solite batterie ma degli ultra condensatori !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ora mi chiedo quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi nell'uso di questi ultra capacitatori , girando su internet
e vedendo delle tabelle comparative pare che non ce ne siano !!!!!!!!!!

vi posto dei link :

a voi un giudizio !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mariomaggi3/7/2005, 20:50

puoi trovare altre info cercando sul web "supercapacitors" o "supercondensatori"

gattmes4/7/2005, 12:07

La formula che indica il quantitativo di energia stivato in un condensatore circa 0.5xCxVxV, dove C
la capacita (Farad) e V la tensione (Volt), ovvero l'energia proporzionale alla capacita e al quadrato della
Da una parte si evince che, a differenza di una comune batteria...eccenzion fatta x quelle a liquido (es Pb)
con misurazione della densita dell'elettrolita (densimetro), molto facile conoscere con elevata precisione
l'energia disponibile.
Dall'altra si capisce anche che la tensione, a differenza della maggior parte delle batterie, non costante
ma altamente variabile (considerando anche che i volt sono al quadrato!!)

Occorre quindi un convertitore di tensione (con un suo rendimento difficilmente superiore a 80-90%) da
interpotte tra batteria a condensatori e utilizzatore. Inoltre i supercond. sono generalmente a bassa
tensione (tipo 2,5-2,7V...) e quindi la neccessita di formare delle ...batterie....di elementi in serie rende poi
necessari dei circuiti di supervisione-controllo--protezione-equalizzazione sui singoli elementi....

Se si prova a calcolare il volume poi....

Vero che l'energia "storabile" vicino al lasciatemi fare un paragone: Le pile al Litio della

Thunder-Sky sfiorano il 90% del prendo un banco di supercap. e li gestico con un
convertitore che rende il 90...sono gia non nel costo e nelle dimensioni.
manueln34/7/2005, 12:44

c' una tabella(sito postato qui in fondo ) comparativa dove spiega la differenza tra un condensatore
normale , un supercondensatore e una batteria al piombo :

e da questo sito sembra che sia comunque piu vantaggioso un supercapacitatore ( sono ignorante in
materie elettroniche )
, in particolare nella quantit di watt accumulata in funzione del peso , quindi non so se sbaglio
( correggetemi ) a parita di energia accumulata dovrebbe occupare uno spazio inferirore !!!( giusto )

se cosi fosse c' anche da considerare il fatto che si ricaricano con estrema velocit ( pochi secondi invece
di ore ) e hanno una vita che supera le 50000 ricariche senza perdere la loro capacit di accumulare ( alla
fine si perde solo il 3%).

e per il costo quello non si pu fare niente , ma dato che durano una vita sarebbe ammortizzato negli anni
o no?

vi posto anche il link con la tabella comparativa !

manueln34/7/2005, 13:15

tipo un capacitatore come questo potrebbe andare ?

gattmes4/7/2005, 16:37

Io il paragone lo avevo fatto con le Litio, non con le batterie al piombo....

...facciamo due calcoli con il condensatore 5000 F / 2.7 V, dimensioni 165x72x60...
Facciamo un paragone con un piombo AGB 12V 42Ah 165x175x197..peso 15 Kg circa

....volendo essere bravi diciamo che la batteria scaricata in 1 ora ci da solo 21-22Ah...facciamo 20...allora
12V x 20A = 240W/h (l'abbiamo scaricata in un'ora!)

...nello stesso spazio ci stanno 9 condensatori coricati (in profondita abbiamo sempre 165...3 x 60 in
altezza fa 180...un po piu dei 175.....e 72x3 in larghezza circa 215...un po piu dei 197)
Supponiamo di caricare a stecca ogni condensatore, cioe a 2,7V (ma il nominale 2,3!!!!!)
abbiamo una energia di...dunque 2,7 al quadrato fa ...7,29....moltiplicato 5000 F fa 36450...diviso 2 fa
18225 ...ohhhhh proprio coincidente con il dato del catalogo...non lo avevo visto prima. Bene. Nove
condensatori fa 164125 J...che diviso 3600 (i secondi in un'ora) fa 45,5625 W/h.....ohhhhhh uguale a
nove condensatori da 5,06W del catalogo. Bene
Quindi 5 volte meno rispetto la batteria al piombo....e 10 volte meno rispetto al litio aggiungo io (4x 3,6V
50Ah Thunder-Sky) [NB occuperebbero anche meno spazio]

Vediamo il peso 870grammi x 9 condensatori fa 7,83 Kg (a cui aggiungere le connessioni tra uno e
l'altro...) cio meta per avere la stessa energia bisogna moltiplicare x 5...quindi usando i
supercap si ha 5 volte il volume e 2,5 volte il peso!!!!
Vediamo con il litio 1,6-1,8 Kg x 4 fa....7,2 (a cui aggiungere le connessioni tra uno e l'altra... ma sono
solo 4 elementi) che gia INFERIORE ai supercap. Volendo fare una comparazione in energia ....bisogna
moltiplicare il peso PER 10!!!!! Cioe 78 Kg di condensatori (90 elementi)!!!!!! (e le dimensioni x 15
Prezzo 4 litio ...diciamo 500 Euro riuscite a trovare i supercap a meno di 5,6 Euro l'uno risparmiate,
altrimenti si perde anche qua

Energia persa quadagnate circa niente (litio 90%, supercap 97...senza contare il rendimento del
Tempo di ricarica...qua si che c'e un quadagno..con la litio difficilmente si scende sotto il paio d'ora (si
puo arrivare a meno di 1 h, ma si perde in rendimento/durata)
peppel4/7/2005, 17:09

Da Quattroruote

Immagazzinatori e dispensatori di energia elettrica che Honda, tra gli altri, ha presentato sul prototipo
JVX. Sono in grado di caricarsi e scaricarsi molto velocemente (decimi di secondo) e quindi di fornire
picchi di energia necessari per la partenza oppure per regolarizzare le vibrazioni del motore qualora

applicati ad un alternomotore*. Costano poco di materiale (sono elettrodi in polvere di carbone annegati
in soluzione elettrolitica con unseparatore tra un elettrodo e laltro) e hanno un rendimento (energia
fornita/energia assorbita) dell80%, contro il 40% delle migliori batterie di potenza. La tensione massima
di un supercondensatore attualmente di 2,8 V per cui ce ne vogliono 36 in serie per raggiungere 100 V
di tensione. La densit di potenza di 10 volte superiore a quella delle batterie normalial piombo;
tuttavia la loro energia specifica* 10 volte inferiore. Sono utilizzati per i picchi di fornitura elettrica
come motorini di avviamento, gonfiamento di air bag, preriscaldamento del catalizzatore, regolatori
istantanei in genere (sospensioni intelligenti). Possono essere sottoposti a cicli ripetuti di carica e scarica
senza risentirne.

Gattmes, tutto giusto, solo una cosa da precisare: I supercondensatori, almeno nell'uso Honda, servono per
recuperare energia in fase di frenata, e fornire picchi elevati di corrente in fase di accelerazione, non credo
siano a sostituzione delle batterie.

manueln34/7/2005, 18:10

grazie a gattmes per la perfetta spiegazione !!!!!!!!!

ora credo di aver capito !!!!!!

della serie non confondiamo lucciole per lanterne !!!!!!!!!!!!!

se riuscissero un giorno a produrre dei superultraipercondensatori andremmo tutti con veicoli elettrici
OggettoVolanteIdentificato24/8/2005, 00:25

Forse, usando materie plastiche conduttive,al posto dei surrogati porosi di alluminio,si potrebbero
produrre condensatori 10 volte piu' leggeri.Con tensioni di lavoro enormemente superiori.Non chiedetemi
come,sono troppo impegnato mentalmente a riparare le resistenze di un forno di cottura del solito amico
rompiscatole ;) ***** :alienff: *****
Max Power27/8/2005, 14:20

Oggettovolante la conducibilit degli elementi metallici di cui parli non hanno sicuramente questa grande
conducibilit... per questo si tende ad usare fogli porosi d'alluminio...
mariomaggi27/8/2005, 16:26

Caro manueln3,
CITAZIONE se riuscissero un giorno a produrre dei superultraipercondensatori
e' il solito gatto che si morde la coda.
Appena i supercondensatori verranno impiegati in quantita' nell'automotive il prezzo scendera' di molto.
Non appena il prezzo scendera' di molto verranno impiegati anche nell'automotive.


Sul raggiungimento di tensioni superiori ai pochi volt temo che non ci siano speranze a breve.
Non conosco l'esistenza di un ricercatore che abbia realizzato in laboratorio un supercondensatore singolo
a tensione piu' alta.
Si puo' fare la serie di molti supercondensatori, la capacita' diminuisce ed il problema dell'equalizzazione
delle tensioni non e' semplice da risolvere, almeno durante il transitorio di carica.

OggettoVolanteIdentificato27/8/2005, 21:39

:P Ciao, Max. C' da tener presente...che i materiali isolanti in realt non esistono ;) La plastica,la gomma
naurale,il vetro etc. etc. ,sottoposti a tensioni elevate ,hanno la tendenza a condurre quasi quanto i metalli.
Gli elettroni vengono infatti "strappati" via con forza. Certo,se si tenta di far condurre una bottiglia con
una stilo da 1.5 Volt, gli elettroni strappati via saranno solo una manciata,non misurabili con un tester
digitale.Ma dal punto di vista microscopico,saranno ben visibili. E poich la caratteristica di un
condensatore,come sai sicuramente,non tanto di condurre quanto di far "saltare le cariche che si
accumulano" attraverso lo spazio fisico,ho ipotizzato solo che si poteva sfruttare un materiale "quasi
capacitivo-conduttivo" come quello presente nelle tastiere di telcomandi ,cellulari e affini.Con gran
risparmio di peso,visto che l'alluminio ha un peso di quasi 3 Kg a decimetro cubo.Sicuramente occorrer
studiare accuratamente le forze elettrostatiche e il comportamento delle molecole della plastica,non lo
nego.Ma sai......fino a pochi decenni fa si diceva che nessuno avrebbe mai potuto realizzare un video
telefono portatile,oggi invece te (ce) li tirano in faccia con pochi euro. Io aspetto,tanto,caro Max,cpita
che da una congettura pazzoide nasca alla fine un componente elettronico nuovo e piu' performante. P.S.
In molti libri di elettrotecnica,si sosteneva che avere un condensatore da un Farad fosse
impossibile,avrebbe dovuto possedere dimensioni del nostro pianeta.Ti mando i miei saluti,lieto di aver
conosciuto anche te in questa baraonda di simpatici pensatori. :alienff:
manueln37/11/2005, 00:28

e codesto ultracapacitatore !!!???!!!!!

dovrebbe essere interessante !!!!!!

che ne dite????????
Max Power12/1/2006, 20:19

ciao oggetto, si sono consapevole del fatto che gli elettroni rimangano negli orbitali pi interni quando si
parla di materiali pi isolanti, comunque si sul resto ti do perfettamente ragione!
firstlele7722/5/2006, 20:02

Sparer sicuramente una cavolata, ma si potrebbero usare normali condensatori tipo quelli grossi delle
lavatrici o di altri elettrodomestici? Nelle discariche sicuramente si possono trovare molto facilmente. Se
si, come andrebbero configurati tenendo conto che lo spazio non almeno per me un limite?
gattmes23/5/2006, 12:24

Qualsiasi condensatore .... un condensatore!!!

Pertanto la risposta alla tua domanda SI!
Per quello che varia tra un tipo e l'altro sono le caratteristiche...
Devi, ripeto DEVI, farti due calcoli..sulla falsariga di quelli citati nel mio precedente post,
tenendo conto che l'energia unmezzo*c*vquadro, dove v in Volt e purtroppo c in Farad (1
microfarad = 0,000001 F........)...quindi sicuramente puoi rimpiazzare la batteria dell'auto con i
condensatori da lavatrice....monti il gancio traino e ti trascini un rulotte piena di condensatori e elettronica
per gestirli.
Ripeto applica le formulette matematiche basiche per diviso moltiplicato....ecc.

firstlele7723/5/2006, 13:35

Ok a questo punto fattibile anche se mi ci vuole un camion di condensatori. Ma come vanno collegati e
che circuiti di controllo richiedono per stabilizzare la tensione in uscita da dare in pasto ad un inverter?.
Salvo che tale applicazione sia nella portata dei condensatori.
Altra domandina questa volta sulla costruzione di inverter con condensatori.
Da qualche parte ho letto che con semplici circuiti composti da diodi e condensatori possibile elevare
tensioni a livelli quasi prestabiliti soltanto che per le leggi dell'elettronica pi volt meno ampere e negli
scambi si perde qualcosa sempre. Questo sistema funziona sempre e solo con corrente alternata e in uscita
si ha corrente continua. C' un modo semplice per rendere alternata una corrente continua che gi ad un
buon livello di volt e amper? Naturalmente il risultato finale dovrebbe essere 220v 50hz 16A ma mi
accontento di realizzare anche mezzo ampere giusto per il gusto di avercela fatta. L'efficienza di
conversione sembrerebbe intorno al 90 % (potrei sbagliarmi visto che ho fatto i calcoli a vista)

Per dare una idea pi logica avrei in mente di utilizzare un alternatore o un motore elettrico per generare il
segnale alternato e livellare l'uscita con i condesatori in modo da ottenere in uscita i 220v DC poi
convertire il tutto in AC 50hz. La potenza in uscita dipende in pratica dagli ampere in entrata e dai volt.
gattmes23/5/2006, 15:30

mhhh mi sa che devo consigliarti di farti un po di "background" in alternata prima di cimentarti con la
Dire tensione (o corrente...) 220Vac (che poi ora 230...) 50Hz non dice molto! Che forma

...a titolo di esempio se per il "220V" intendiamo il valore "efficace" (in pratica quello che ha gli stessi
effetti termici...qualcuno potrebbe dire la formula matematica di con la prima si capisce
meglio direi) succede che (mi riferisco con valor medio =0 e semionda positiva=negativa..ecc.):
-se la forma d'onda sinusoidale il valore di picco in realt di ben circa 310V (efficace x radice di 2)
-se la forma d'onda triangolare il picco circa 380V (efficace x radice di 3)
-se la forma quadra il picco ...sempre 220V di la della costruzione della forma d'onda (quadra sinu...) bisogna sapere fino a che valore arrivare.

Poi c' da dire che alcuni oggetti hanno bisogno di particolari forme d'onda. Cos un motore progettato per
sinu, potrebbe non funzionare con una quadra, sebbene ha probabilit di funzionare con una "sinusoidale
modificata", che una quadra con intervallati dei periodi di "0" Volt tra la fase positiva e la negativa....

2 cenni sui moltiplicatori di tensione (diodi condensatori). In pratica durante una semionda/fase un
condensatore caricato al valore di tensione di ingresso, poi nella fase opposta posto in serie a
quest'ultima e quindi la tensione radoppiata. In pratica riproducendo la cella "n" volte , si riesce ad
elevare circa "n" volte la tensione.
In pratica i diodi vengono sfruttati come interruttori automatici (di solito sono 2 uno si apre e l'altro
chiude) per fare questa manovra. un circuito di solito utilizzato per ottenere elevate tensioni
CONTINUE (tipo 40Kv a partire da 15Kv...) in genere utilizzati in elementi termoionici (per esempio le
vecchie valvole, pi dettagliatamente cinescopi dei "vecchi" TV , visori infrarosso, fotomolticatori
d'immagine [visori notturni])...dove le tensioni sono alte le potenze, per non parlare delle correnti
"ridicole" ("micro" ampere)...
firstlele7723/5/2006, 18:47

Si in pratica equivale a dire che non si pu fare! Ma come li usiamo questi condensatori?

MadFox25/6/2006, 17:17

Sapete che li usa anche il nuovo camion dell'esercito americano? :)

Multi-Direction DC & AC

Current has many Applications

Previously, there were two types of currents used to deliver electrical power. Direct Current
(DC) that comes from your battery in your automobile discovered by Ben Franklin in the
1700s and Alternating Current (AC) that was discovered by Nikola Tesla and is used to
power your home. Clear Energy, Inc., a small R&D company in Baltimore, Maryland has been
issued US Patent number 7,041,203 for a new electrical current. It has been over 100 years
since the last patented electrical current was issued by the US Patent Office for Alternating
Current (AC). Alternating current (AC) is described as electric current that flows for an
interval of time in one direction and then in the opposite direction; that is, a current that flows
in alternately reversed directions through or around a circuit. The polarities of electrodes or
conductors are constantly swapping polarities when the current changes direction. Direct
current (DC) is described as electrical current that flows in one direction, and does not reverse
its polarities as alternating current does. The electricity produced in (DC) batteries is direct
current. The Plus (+) and Minus (-) polarities of electrodes remain constant and never swap.
But, what would happen if you have a polarity reversal within the (+) positive and (-) negative
electrode without swapping the polarity of the supply voltage. The result is a new electrical
current called Sully Direct Current or (SDC) named after its inventor John T. Sullivan.
Sully Direct Current (SDC) is described as electrical current that flows for an interval of
time in one direction and then in the opposite direction; that is, two or more current paths
flowing in alternately reversed directions within a constant (+) Anode and (-)Cathode circuit.
The plus (+) and minus (-) supply polarities of electrodes remain constant same as a (DC)
battery, the polarities within the electrodes of the circuit are reversing causing an alternating
reversing multi-directional currents. Alternating Current (AC) and (SDC) both have current
reversal, (AC) changes (+) anode and (-) cathode supply polarity when it changes current
direction (SDC) changes current direction without swapping the (+) anode and (-) cathode
supply lines. Sully Direct Current (SDC) can reverse currents at full voltage or zero volts to
produce tuned counter EMF forces and magnetic field reversals. One limiting factor in
efficient creation of hydrogen in electrolysis is the attraction created between Hydrogen and
Oxygen gas bubbles to electrodes, they stick like tiny magnets increasing resistance of
electrodes thus reducing gas production. As the SDC current changes direction within an
inductive coil, the directions of the magnetic fields reverse creating multidirectional forces on
the electrodes and ions. A tuned resonator circuit can creates vibrations on the electrodes; this
action shakes the electrodes and significantly increases the release of the hydrogen bubbles
resulting in more efficient production of pure Hydrogen and Oxygen. It would not be feasible
to use (AC) to create this mechanical action; the gases would mix as polarities are swapped
creating an unstable mixed gas.

US Patent # 7,041,203

[ PDF Format ]

Apparatus and method for generating and using multi-direction DC and

AC electrical currents


Classification: - international: C02F1/48; C25B15/00; C02F1/48; C25B15/00; (IPC1-7):

C25C1/02; - european: C02F1/48; C25B15/00; H01M10/34D; H01M10/44

Abstract: Multi-directional currents are generated in a medium by cyclically reversing the

direction of a conventional current applied to at least one of at least two electrodes so that an
electromotive force (EMF) pulse travels from side of the electrode to the other, changing the
direction of current in the medium. The multi-directional currents may be used to accelerate
electrolytic processes such as generation of hydrogen by water electrolysis, to sterilize water
for drinking, to supply charging current to a battery or capacitor, including a capacitive thrust
module, in a way that extends the life and/or improves the performance of the battery or
capacitor, to increase the range of an electromagnetic projectile launcher, and to increase the
light output of a cold cathode light tube, to name just a few of the potential applications for
the multi-directional currents.



1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to multi-directional, reciprocating electrical currents. The invention also
relates to an apparatus and method for generating the multi-directional currents, and to
applications of the generating apparatus and method.

The multi-directional currents of the invention are generated in a current carrying medium by
cyclically reversing the direction of a conventional current applied to at least one of a plurality
of electrodes, so that an electromotive force (EMF) pulse travels from one side of the at least
one electrode to the other, changing the direction of current flowing through the medium
between two or more electrodes.

The multi-directional electric currents have the effect of accelerating processes that rely on
interaction between a current and the medium that carries the current, and of eliminating
asymmetries that can lead to scaling or premature wear in batteries and other electrolytic
systems. The medium that carries the multi-dimensional currents may be an electrolyte, gas,
gel, semiconductor, or any other medium capable of carrying current between two electrodes,
and having at least two dimensions so as to enable variation in the current direction.

By way of example and not limitation, the multi-directional electrical currents of the invention
may be used to (i) increase the efficiency of hydrogen generation by electrolysis of water
(while at the same time preventing scaling and purifying the water), (ii) extend the life of
batteries such as nickel-metal hydride cells, and of capacitors, by symmetrically charging and
discharging the batteries or capacitors, (iii) provide a power source for electromagnetic
projectile weapons and similar devices, and (iv) increase the efficiency of plasma generation
or light conversion in cold cathode systems.

Other potential applications of the multi-directional electric currents of the invention, and of
the apparatus and method for generating the currents, include computers, communications,
drug and chemical development, medical treatment of cancers, anti-gravity experiments,
transportation, energy, water treatment, genetic research in humans, plants, and animals, and
aeronautical propulsion systems, as well as fuel cell and PEM electrolysis systems utilizing
proton exchange membranes and catalyst materials.

2. Description of Related Art

A. Basic Principle of Invention

The basic principle underlying the multi-directional currents of the invention may be
understood from FIGS. 1A 1B. FIG. 1A shows the situation when electrode currents i.sub.E1
and i.sub.E2 in electrodes E1 and E2 are initially reversed, creating EMF or voltage pulses,
edges, waves, or spikes that travel from left to right in the top electrode E1 and from right to
left in the bottom electrode E2. The current i.sub.S between the electrodes flows from the top
electrode E1 to E2, but changes direction as the current i.sub.S follows the respective EMF
pulses or voltage spikes as they propagate from left to right through electrode E1 and from
right to left through electrode E2. Eventually, as shown in FIG. 1B, the current flows from top
right to bottom left, at which point the currents in the respective electrodes are again reversed
to cause EMF or voltage pulses, waves, edges, or spikes to propagate in the opposite direction.
As a result, the current i.sub.S can be caused to reciprocate or continuously change direction
in an oscillating or cyclical manner within the current-carrying medium between the
electrodes. If i.sub.E1 and i.sub.E2 are DC currents, the electrodes can be kept at a constant

potential so that the net current direction remains constant even though the instantaneous
current direction changes continuously or periodically, enabling the direction-changing current
i.sub.S to be used in electrolytic processes that require direct current. Alternatively, i.sub.E1,
and i.sub.E2 may be alternating currents, pulsed DC currents, or polarity-reversing DC
currents. In addition, a similar but smaller variation in the direction of current will occur if the
direction-reversing conventional current is applied to just one of the electrodes and the second
electrode has a relatively small area.

The invention may thus be characterized as a method and apparatus of generating multi-
directional currents in a medium by reversing the direction of electron flow in at least one of a
pair of electrodes. If the voltages applied to the electrodes are DC voltages, then the multi-
directional currents have characteristics of DC currents, and if the voltages applied to the
electrodes are two or three phase AC voltages, then the multi-directional currents have
characteristics of AC currents. However, unlike conventional DC and AC currents, the
currents generated by the method and apparatus of the invention move or rotate. If the
electrodes are one-dimensional wires, then the currents rotate in two-directions. If the
electrodes themselves move, or extend over two or three-dimensions, for example a plane or a
curved plane, then the currents will move in three-dimensions.

B. Conventional Electric Currents

There are two types of conventional electrical currents and corresponding voltages, neither of
which changes direction in the manner of the present invention. The first, direct current (DC),
was already well known when Benjamin Franklin performed his famous kite experiment in
1752 to prove that lighting was a form of electricity, while the second, alternating current,
came into widespread use after Nikola Tesla invented the first alternating current motor in
1888 (U.S. Pat. No. 555,190).

Both direct and alternating voltages can be applied to electrodes for the purpose of causing a
current to flow through a medium between the electrodes. However, the voltages are
conventionally applied across the electrodes so that the resulting inter-electrode current
follows a fixed, albeit reversible, path between the electrodes, irrespective of the type of
medium or geometry of the electrodes. This is clearly the case in systems having only a single
terminal for each electrode, and in systems having multiple terminals but no switching circuit.

It is of course possible to periodically reverse the polarity of currents applied to the electrodes
in such a system, and a number of systems have been proposed for doing so, including the
systems disclosed in the patents discussed below. However, none of the previously proposed
systems involves changing the direction of current in a single one, or both, of the electrodes so
as to vary the direction of current flowing between the electrodes by other than

The invention in its broadest form consists of the above-described multi-directional currents,
and apparatus and methods for generating the currents. However, an important aspect of the
invention is the numerous applications in which the unique properties of the multi-directional
currents may be exploited. These applications include, but are not limited to, the following:

C. Hydrogen Generation by Electrolysis of Water

One of the applications of the invention is electrolysis of water to generate hydrogen, or

hydrogen and oxygen, for use in fuel cells and other essentially pollution-free hydrogen-driven
power sources. This application is of particular importance because it offers a solution to the
problem of generating, storing, and transporting the hydrogen.

Hydrogen fuel cells, in particular, have the potential to provide a completely non-polluting
power source of electricity, not only for vehicles but also for electricity generation in general,
but have been limited by lack of a safe distribution system for the hydrogen, and by the costs
of generating the hydrogen in the first place. While it has long been known that hydrogen may
be generated by applying a direct current to water, the rate of hydrogen generation is too low
to provide a practical hydrogen source for mass distribution. As a result, hydrogen for mass
consumption is currently produced from fossil fuels at relatively high energy costs relative to
the energy value of the hydrogen produced. However, if sufficient hydrogen could be
produced by water electrolysis to provide an on-board hydrogen generator for a vehicle or
electric power plant, so as to generate just enough hydrogen to supply the fuel cells, then the
need for a distribution system and hydrogen storage would be eliminated.

Power or propulsion systems that use water electrolysis in combination with hydrogen fuel
cells to generate the hydrogen necessary to power the fuel cells are known as regenerative
electrochemical cell or systems, an example of which is disclosed in U.S. Published Patent
Application No. 2002/0051898. Despite their theoretical promise, however, similar systems
have yet to offer a practical alternative to fossil fuels. It is believed that a regenerative system
can only attain widespread acceptance if the efficiency of hydrogen production is increased.
The multi-directional currents of the invention offer the potential for providing such an
increase in water electrolysis efficiency.

The way that the invention increases water electrolysis efficiency is by using the applied
electric current to not only pull the water molecules apart at the cathode, as in a conventional
electrolysis system, but to add a shearing force that helps break apart the ionic bonds between
the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The effect is similar to separating a pair of magnets by
sliding them perpendicularly rather than pulling them apart. In conventional electrolysis, the
water molecules tend to align with the positive and negative electrodes in the manner
illustrated in FIG. 2, so that the ionic bonds are at a constant angle of relative to
the direction of current flow. This is not the optimal angle for breaking the ionic bonds and
disassociating the hydrogen atoms from the oxygen atoms. In the set-up illustrated in FIG. 3,
on the other hand, the molecules are subject to a continuously changing current direction,
which applies both tensile and shearing forces to the molecules, substantially increasing the
rate of disassociation. In addition, the electrodes can be arranged in coils to add magnetic
forces that further expedite disassociation.

It will be noted that the set-up illustrated in FIG. 2 does not reverse the polarities of the
electrodes, which would only slow the electrolysis process due to energy lost in flipping the
water molecules. The multi-directional currents are not alternating currents, but rather in this
embodiment are direct currents. Systems that reverse the polarities of electrodes have
previously been used in electrolysis, but the currents are uni-directional and the reversals are
carried out at relatively long intervals so that the effect is that of a conventional DC current.
The purpose of the reversals is to reduce scaling by switching between anodic and cathodic
reactions at the respective electrodes. This can also be accomplished with the present
invention, by reversing the polarities of the electrodes in addition to reversing current
directions in the individual electrodes. Examples of electrolysis apparatus (though not
necessarily a hydrogen generating water electrolysis apparatus) that reverse DC potential
between two electrodes are disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,258,250, 6,174,419, and 1,402,986,
and in U.S. Published Patent Application No. 2002/0074237.

Periodic reversal of the polarities of electrodes has also been used in electrolytic water
purification systems. The periodically reversed currents can be used to directly destroy
bacteria as in U.S. Pat. No. 3,865,710, or to expedite the release of electrolytic reaction by-
products such as metal ions, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,241,861; 5,062,940; 4,908,109

(entitled "Electrolytic Purification System Utilizing Rapid Reverse Current Plating

Electrodes"); U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,734,176; 4,525,253; and 3,654,119.

These systems are not to be confused with the system of the invention, which changes the
direction of currents but does not necessarily change their polarity. However, the effects of the
direction-reversing currents, and/or released ions, on bacteria and other micro-organisms can
be utilized and even increased by the present invention, i.e., the currents of the present
invention can be used not only for electrolysis of water to generate hydrogen, but also to
purify the water. Unlike the currents disclosed in the water purification references, which
cannot be used for hydrogen generation, the present invention combines generation of
hydrogen with water purification so that, for example, a power plant that included hydrogen
generation cells supplied with river water would also have the effect of cleaning the river
water, serving as a source not only of electricity but also of potable water.

D. Charging of Nickel-Metal Hydride Foam Batteries

Although especially useful for water electrolysis, the present invention is not limited to a
particular electrolyte, electrolytic process, or electrolytic cell configuration. In another
application of the invention, the multi direction currents of the invention are applied to the
electrodes of a battery containing an electrolyte. This application of the invention takes
advantage of the reversing currents in the electrodes to reduce the wear and tear of friction and
heat caused in conventional batteries by current moving from one post down the length of the

In the case of batteries containing nickel metal hydride, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
6,413,670, additional advantages of using the method and apparatus of the invention to charge
the battery an increase in the hydrogen generated during the charging process, which may be
captured by utilizing the principles of the gas capture system described in copending U.S.
patent application Ser. No. 10/314,987 filed on Dec. 10, 2002 by the present inventor now
U.S. Pat. No. 6,890,410. Furthermore, the use of multi-directional currents may improve the
ability of the foam to absorb hydrogen through the hydride substrate in a manner analogous to
shaking of a screen to expedite passage of granular materials.

E. Capacitors

The apparatus and method of the invention can also be applied to capacitors and capacitive
systems, which have similar fundamental problems of fast charging heat losses and discharge
heat wear.

An example of capacitive systems to which the principles of the invention may be applied are
the thrust generating systems disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,317,310, 3,022,430, and 2,949,550,
which use the electrostatic force between asymmetric capacitor plates to generate a thrust
force. The EMF voltage spikes utilized by the present invention amplify the high voltage as
the current changes direction to improve thrust performance. In addition, the magnetic field
switching multi-directional high voltage currents may be computer controlled on the surface
of the capacitor module's thrust plates or thrust tubes to change the direction and speed of the
module, and the polarity of the currents may be controlled to change the direction of thrust.
Thrust, pitch, roll, and yaw can be controlled by multiple such capacitor modules.

F. Cold Cathode Light and Plasma Generators

The principles of the invention are not limited to electrolyte materials, but may be applied to
any medium capable of carrying charges between a pair of electrodes, including not only

electrolytes, but also gases, gels, and semi-conductors. For example, when applied to a cold
cathode light, reversing the current direction in the electrodes to change the direction of the
excitation current between the electrodes will cause the ionized gas to produce more electrons,
and thereby produce a brighter glow.

Similarly, in systems that generate plasma by passing a gas between electrodes, the multi-
direction currents of the invention will increase the rate of plasma production relative to direct
current systems, and those that use a single electrode polarity reversing switch applied to a
single terminal on each of the electrodes of the plasma generator, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.

G. Electro-Magnetic Devices

According to Lenz's law, a changing electrical current generates a magnetic flux having a
magnitude that is proportional to the rate of change of the current. In the present invention,
which utilizes reversing direct currents in the electrodes, the energy resulting from the above-
described EMF or voltage pulses, edges, waves, or spikes can also be utilized to generate a
corresponding magnetic field, which in turn can be used to drive a projectile in an
electromagnetic gun, or a piston.

In addition, such systems can be made regenerative by capturing hydrogen generated during
charging and using the hydrogen to power a fuel cell, which in turn charges a battery for
accumulating energy to be supplied to the electrode coils when the weapon is fired or the
piston is to be operated.

H. Computing Devices

By adding two inputs and outputs to the conventional electrolytic cell, the apparatus of the
invention may also be used in logic circuits and computing devices. U.S. Pat. No. 3,172,083
discloses an electrolytic memory utilizing three electrodes, but each electrode only has a
single input, and thus the resulting storage cell has no advantage over conventional silicon
memory devices.

I. Medical Devices

The multi-directional currents of the invention may also be applied to a variety of medical
devices, including x-ray machines and various devices for treating tissues by electrical
currents and/or magnetic fields.


It is accordingly a first objective of the invention to provide an apparatus and method that
utilizes electricity in a more efficient manner in order to conserve energy resources and protect
the environment.

It is a second objective of the invention to provide an improved electrical current generating

apparatus and method which accelerate electrolytic and cathodic processes, including
generation of hydrogen.

It is a third objective of the invention to provide an improved electrical current generating

apparatus and method capable of more efficiently sterilizing water.

It is a fourth objective of the invention to provide an improved electrical current generating

apparatus and method capable of more efficiently charging a battery.

It is a fifth objective of the invention to provide an improved electromagnetic device capable

of utilizing the counter-EMF generating upon reversal of an electric current.

It is a sixth objective of the invention to provide a multi-dimensional electrical current having

the property of changing direction as it flows from one electrode to the other, with or without
changes in polarity.

It is a seventh objective of the invention to provide a system and method for generating a
direct current that changes current direction with at least two ground switching paths and two
positive connections in a parallel switching relationship back and forth, in phase or out of

It is an eighth objective of the invention to provide a direct current that changes directions
while the polarity of the electrodes changes back and forth.

It is a ninth objective of the invention to provide an alternating current with a sine wave in a
parallel relationship with earth ground or neutral which switches from one end to the other to
control the direction of current from the ground or neutral.

These objectives are achieved, in accordance with the principles of a preferred embodiment of
the invention, by providing an apparatus having at least two spaced electrodes, a current
carrying medium between the electrodes, and at least two terminals at each end of each of the
electrodes, for a total of at least four terminals, to which a direction-reversing direct or
alternating current is applied.

The electrodes may have a variety of shapes, including wires, coils, planar, or curved
structures. The direction reversal may be effected by an electromechanical switching network,
solid state, photonic or mechanical switches, and so forth, including the current reversing
circuitry disclosed in the above-cited patents. In addition, the currents applied to the
electrodes may include alternating as well as direct currents, the present invention being
distinguished in that the current reversing circuitry is applied to opposite ends of at least one,
and preferably each, of the two electrodes, so that reversal of the currents occurs within the
electrodes, as opposed to within the current carrying medium between the electrodes
(although, as described below, the direction of the multidirectional current within the current
carrying medium may also be reversed by switching the polarity of the electrodes in addition
to reversal of the current within the electrodes).

In the case of an electrolytic process, the multidirectional currents have the effect of
substantially increasing the efficiency by which bonds in the electrolyte are broken, thereby
providing an enhanced electrolysis method for producing hydrogen, oxygen, and other gases,
and at the same can be arranged to purify the remaining electrolyte.

When the electrodes are in the form of coils, then a magnetic field is generated that may
further accelerate certain electrolytic processes such as the generation of hydrogen, with or
without using the multi-directional currents. While the advantages of multi-directional
currents apply to coil-shaped electrodes, advantages may also be obtained by operating
electrolytic cells and other devices with coil-shaped electrodes in DC, pulsed DC, reversing
polarity, and AC modes, in addition to various multi-directional current modes.

The new types of currents and corresponding voltages can be used to power a new generation

of batteries, capacitors, motors, light bulbs, and plasma generators, as well as for hydrogen
and oxygen generation, and further may be applied to applications ranging from electroplating
of metals and plastics to transportation, to name just a few of the potential applications. In the
field of medicine, the currents can be used in x-ray machines, to destroy cancer cells by
placing a patient inside a coil to which the currents are supplied at frequencies known to kill
cancer cells without affecting non-cancerous tissue, and in other devices that involve
application of electrical currents and/or magnetic fields to tissues. DNA electrophoresis can be
performed by using ADC instead of DC by running DNA gel samples from both ends of the
gel plate instead of one. 46% of the planet's population doesn't have electricity or fresh
drinking water due to the cost of infrastructure required to supply power lines and water
connections. The new clean and cheap voltages (which may be referred to as SULLY
VOLTAGES.TM. after the Inventor, John Sullivan) will revolutionize third world countries
by supplying cheap power and fresh drinking water without petroleum based fuel oil.


FIGS. 1A and 1B are schematic diagrams illustrating the manner in which a multidirectional
current is generated according to the principles of the invention.

FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a conventional electrolysis cell.

FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram showing the operation of an electrolysis cell constructed in

accordance with the principles of the present invention.

FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing the construction of a water electrolysis system that
includes an electrolysis cell of the type illustrated in FIGS. 1A, 1B, and 3.

FIG. 5 is a timing diagram for the electrolysis system of FIG. 4.

FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, and FIG. 9 are schematic diagrams showing variations of the
electrolysis cell illustrated in FIG. 4.

FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of a lighting element constructed in accordance with the

principles of the invention.

FIG. 11, FIG. 12, andFIG. 13 show further variations of the electrolysis cell illustrated in
FIG. 4.

FIG. 14 is a timing diagram for the polarity-reversing electrolysis cell illustrated in FIG. 13.

FIG. 15, FIG. 16, andFIG. 17 are schematic diagrams of various applications of the
principles of the invention to the charging of batteries.

FIG. 18 is a timing diagram for the battery charge/discharge circuit of FIG. 17.

FIG. 19 and FIG. 20 are schematic diagrams of various applications of the principles of the
invention to electromagnetic devices.

FIG. 21 is a schematic diagram of a cold cathode light system that utilizes the principles of
the invention.

FIG. 22 is a schematic diagram of a plasma generator that utilizes the principles of the


FIG. 23 is a schematic diagram illustrating application of the invention to a three electrode


FIG. 24, which appears with FIG. 15, and FIG. 25 are schematic diagrams of jelly roll
versions of the electrolysis cells and/or batteries of the preferred embodiments.

FIG. 26 is a schematic diagram of a multiple electrode electrolysis cell.

FIG. 27 is an alternative timing diagram for the switching circuit illustrated in FIG. 4.

FIG. 28 shows a variation of the arrangement schematically illustrated in FIGS. 1A and 1B,
with additional switches and center taps for controlling the electromagnetic pulses in each

FIG. 29 is a cross-sectional view of two capacitors connected in series according to the

principles of the invention.

FIG. 30 is a schematic diagram of two capacitors connected in parallel according to the

principles of the invention.

FIG. 31 is a schematic diagram of a jelly roll capacitor configuration.

FIG. 32 is a perspective view of a capacitive thrust module constructed in accordance with the
principles of the invention.

FIG. 33 is a plan view of the thrust module of FIG. 33, illustrating the manner in which
currents are controlled on the surface of one of the capacitor plates.

FIG. 34 is a cross-sectional view of a capacitive thrust module with an EMF capture coil.

FIG. 35 is a schematic diagram of an RLC circuit that charges when current flow is changed
according to the principles of the invention.

FIG. 36 is a schematic diagram of a transmitter circuit with a tuned capacitor in which the
current change amplifies the signal on both the plus and minus side of the circuit according to
the principles of the invention.

FIG. 37 is a schematic diagram of a capacitor circuit in which the capacitance is controlled by

currents in the electrolyte.


FIG. 4 illustrates an apparatus 1 which utilizes the principles of the invention to generate
hydrogen and oxygen according to a first preferred embodiment of the invention. The
apparatus 1 includes a tank 2, water supply 3, two electrical conductors 4,5 which form
electrodes corresponding to electrodes E1 and E2 of FIGS. 1A and 1B for an electrolysis
process, two conventional DC current sources 6,7, and four switches SW1 SW4.

The water 8 in this example may include a catalyst such as KOH, as is conventional, although
the increased efficiency of the electrolysis process of the invention makes it possible to use

ordinary tap water or water from rivers and lakes without adding additional catalysts.

When switches SW1 and SW4 are closed and switches SW2 and SW3 are open, current flows
from the positive electrode of power source 6 through switch SW1 to conductor 4, and then is
carried by ions in the water 8 to conductor 5, switch SW4, and the negative electrode of power
source 7. On the other hand, when switches SW2 and SW3 are closed and switches SW1 and
SW4 are open, current flows from the positive electrode of source 7 through switch SW3 into
conductor 4, and then is carried by ions in the water to conductor 5, through switch SW2, to
the negative terminal of power source 6.

It will be appreciated that there may be a delay between opening of switch pairs SW1,SW4
and closure of switch pairs SW2,SW3, although simultaneous switching is preferred. In
addition, the power sources and switching circuitry is not limited to the illustrated batteries
and switches, but rather may include any power sources and switching circuitry capable of
effecting reversal of currents within the individual electrodes, including solid state switching
circuitry and rectified AC power sources. The illustrated diodes 14 and 15 are not essential,
and may be omitted or replaced by appropriate voltage regulation, filtering, or other circuit

The ionic current passing through the water from conductor 4 to conductor 5 causes
disassociation of hydrogen from oxygen in the water according to the well-known process of
electrolysis. Optionally, the oxygen (O.sub.2) produced in the process may be trapped by a
membrane 10 encircling conductor 4 for collection through an outlet 11 and storage tank 12,
while hydrogen (H.sub.2) is collected via an outlet 13.

Variations in the direction of current passing through the water subjects the individual water
molecules to shearing as well as tensile forces that expedite disassociation. In addition,
different types of microorganisms are known to be sensitive to specific frequencies of
electrical current, and therefore switching of the applied conventional currents at an
appropriate frequency can have the effect of purifying the water remaining in the tank.

FIG. 5 shows the electrical currents present at various places in the apparatus of FIG. 4.
Timing of the switches may be controlled by a clock pulse illustrated in FIG. 4(a). FIGS. 4(b)
to 4(e) show the currents through switches SW1 SW4, respectively, while FIGS. 2(f) and 2(g)
show the respective voltages at terminals E1 and E2 between switches SW1,SW4 and
conductors 4,5.

FIG. 6 shows a variation of the electrolytic hydrogen generator of FIG. 4, in which the
electrodes E1 and E2 are in the form of coils 16,17. According to the well-known right hand
rule, a magnetic field is generated in the coils 16,17 having a direction corresponding to the
direction of current input to the coils. These fields shift position as they follow the incoming
and reversing currents, creating a magnetic vortex that further accelerates disassociation of the
water molecules. As illustrated in FIG. 6, only hydrogen (H.sub.2) is collected, although of
course oxygen may also be collected as necessary, for example by "bagging" one of both of
the electrodes 16,17 in a membrane 10, in the manner illustrated in FIG. 4, or the electrodes
may otherwise be separated by a porous barrier to prevent arcing and trap products of the
anodic reaction. Alternatively, the coils 16',17' may be coaxially arranged, as illustrated in
FIG. 7, so that the net magnetic fields will cancel out, even though the instantaneous magnetic
fields will still change.

It will be appreciated that the magnetic fields generated in the embodiments of FIGS. 6 and 7
have advantages apart from the advantages resulting from reversal of the currents in the
electrodes, and therefore the apparatus of this is embodiment is not intended to be limited to

multi-directional current generation. Instead, it is within the scope of the invention to apply
DC, pulsed DC, reversing polarity, and AC voltages, as well as various multi-directional
currents, to the coiled electrodes, and to cause the magnetic fields to synchronously or non-
synchronously reverse polarities and/or directions, with the fields either reinforcing each other
or cancelling out.

The magnetic fields generated by the coaxial coil electrolytic cell apparatus of FIG. 7 are
capable of generating a substantial gas flow even when the medium between the coils 16',17'
is ordinary tap or distilled water, at coil spacings of between 0.005 and 0.500 inches, and
preferably between 0.050 and 0.200 inches. When a catalyst such as potassium hydroxide
(KOH) is added to the water, the spacing between the two coils 16',17' may be between 0.032
and 6.000 inches, with the preferred spacing still being between 0.050 and 0.200 inches. In
addition, the gap or spacing between adjacent coils 16',17' of each electrode may be between
0.001 and 0.500 inches, with a preferred gap of 0.032 to 0.100 inches.

As in the non-coiled embodiments, the electrolytic reaction rate may be increased still further
by applying light to the apparatus, so that the energy of the photons adds to the energy
supplied by the electric fields between the electrodes and the magnetic fields within the
electrodes. Either or both of the electrodes may be enclosed within a membrane bag, sack, or
tubing, as also discussed above, and currents and/or fields may further be arranged to kill

FIG. 8 illustrates a variation of the switching system illustrated in FIG. 4, in which a single
battery or cell is used to supply electricity to the two electrodes E1 and E2. In this system,
closed switches SW5 and SW7 cause current in electrodes E1 and E2 to flow in a first
direction when switches SW6 and SW8 are open, while closed switches SW6 and SW8 and
correspondingly open switches SW5 and SW7 cause current to reverse and flow in an
opposite direction. The reversal affects the shearing and tensile force separation of the water
molecules in the manner earlier described with respect to FIG. 3.

FIG. 9 illustrates a variation of the system of FIG. 7 in which AC current is applied to the at
least one of the electrodes, and the direction of the AC current is reversed by alternately
opening and closing the switches SW1,SW4 and SW2,SW3.

FIG. 10 illustrates a lighting system in which the electrolyte is replaced by a material 20 that
emits light when excited by a reversing current generated by alternately opening and closing
the switches SW1,SW4 and SW2,SW3.

Those skilled in the art will appreciate that the multidirectional current generating apparatus
of FIGS. 4 10 may also be connected together in various combinations. For example, FIG. 11
illustrates two electrolytic cells 22 and 23, each corresponding to the cell illustrated in FIG. 8,
connected in parallel. FIG. 12 illustrates the same two electrolytic cells connected in series. In
each case the current is reversed by alternately opening and closing the switches SW1,SW4
and SW2,SW3.

FIG. 13 illustrates an apparatus corresponding to that of FIG. 4, but with additional polarity
reversal of the two electrodes 4,5. In the apparatus of FIG. 13, switches SW5 to SW8 effect
current reversal within the electrodes to generate a multidirectional current in the current
carrying medium 8, illustrated as water, while switches SW1 to SW4 reverse the polarity of
electrode 4 and switches SW9 to SW12 reverse the polarity of electrode 5. A corresponding
timing diagram is illustrated in FIGS. 14(a) to 14(o).

FIG. 15 shows a charging circuit for an electrolytic battery 25, which may be a nickel metal

hydride battery of the type described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,413,670, but which includes a current
reversal circuit of the type illustrated in FIG. 4 for reversing the direction of currents in the
positive electrodes 26 and the negative electrodes 27. The illustrated current reversal prevents
asymmetric accumulation of ions on the electrodes, and therefore reduces wear caused by
excessive heating, while the multi-directional current in the electrolyte reduces buildup of
electrolytic reactants on the terminals. In addition, in the case of a nickel metal hydride
battery, the current reversal facilitates absorption of hydrogen by the nickel material.

FIG. 16 illustrates an alternate switching circuit for batteries of the type illustrated in FIG. 15,
with the electrodes 28 30 connected in series.

Operation of the battery can be further improved by adding a current reversing discharge
circuit to the current reversing charging circuit to prevent excess wear due to asymmetric
discharge currents. As illustrated in FIG. 17, discharge of a battery 32 is synchronized to the
phase of a motor 33 by means of a synchronizer control 34 and motor commutating switches
SWA to SWD. In this embodiment, switches SW1 to SW4 operate in the same manner as the
corresponding switches of the water electrolysis system or hydrogen generator illustrated in
FIG. 4. A timing diagram for the synchronized charge and discharge of the battery of FIG. 17
is included in FIGS. 18(a) to 18(j).

It will be appreciated that the principles of the invention may be applied to a variety of
different types of batteries, including hydrogen batteries as well as the illustrated nickel metal
hydride battery, and the invention is not to be limited to a particular type of battery.

FIGS. 19 and 20 illustrate application of the principles of the invention to an electromagnetic

device such as an electromagnetic projectile launcher 40 (FIG. 19) or a piston driver 50 (FIG.
20). In each of these devices, two electrodes 41 and 42 are arranged coaxially and oppositely
wound to generate a magnetic flux in a common direction. The reversing DC currents are
supplied to the coils by a battery 43 of the type illustrated in FIG. 15 through switches SW1 to
SW4, with oxygen and hydrogen being generated by electrolysis and separated by a membrane
44. The oxygen (O.sub.2) and hydrogen (H.sub.2) are discharged via respective outlets 45 and
46 to a fuel cell 47 which generates electricity for use in charging the battery 43 through
charging circuit 48 when the devices are in a standby state, and for driving the projectile
(PROJECTILE) shown in FIG. 19 or piston (50) shown in FIG. 20 when the devices are

FIG. 21 shows details of a cold cathode light 52 having electrodes 53 56 alternately supplied
with a high voltage AC current through switches SW1 to SW4. In this application, the current
in the lighting medium (GAS) switches direction because it alternately flows between
electrode pairs 53,55 and 54,56 rather than because of current reversals within the electrodes.

FIG. 22 shows a plasma generator having a switching circuit identical to that shown in FIG. 4,
but in which the current carrying medium is a gas, the current reversals in the electrodes 58
and 59 generating a multidirectional current in the gas that increases the rate and uniformity of
plasma generation.

In addition to the numerous different applications described above, the configuration and
number of the electrodes may be varied in a variety of ways without departing from the scope
of the invention. For example, more than two electrodes may be included, such as the three
electrodes 60 62 shown in FIG. 23, or the electrodes may be interleaved as illustrated in FIGS.
24 and 25. FIG. 25 shows the additional feature of an external light source 64 for further
increasing the rate of gas production, as described in US Patent Published Patent Application
No. 2002/0060161 (entitled Photo-Assisted Electrolysis) in an electrolysis cell 65 that can be

used as part of, or to enhance, a regenerative solar electricity generating system, and that uses
planar coiled electrodes 66 and 67 arranged in a jelly roll configuration. FIG. 26 illustrates an
alternate gas separation system in a multiple electrode electrolysis cell corresponding to the
one illustrated in the above cited copending patent application, and that uses multiple
membranes 68 housing or bagging alternate electrodes.

The principles of the invention may also be applied to various capacitive systems, as
illustrated in FIGS. 29 37, by using a material or structure 70 that permits passage of ions as a
dielectric separator between the electrodes E1,E2 of the capacitor. For example, as illustrated
in FIGS. 29 and 30, the direction of currents between the two electrodes E1,E2 of a single
capacitor, or the respective electrodes E1,E2 of multiple capacitors connected in series (FIG.
29) or parallel (FIG. 30), may be reversed using four or more switches SW1 SW8 in the same
manner as described above in connection with FIG. 4. By symmetrically charging and
discharging the capacitors, asymmetric heat build-up in the electrodes is prevented, improving
performance and extending the life of the capacitors.

The capacitors to which the principles of the invention are applied may take, of course, a
variety of forms, and are not limited to a particular electrode geometric or specific electrode or
dielectric materials. FIG. 31, for example, shows a jelly roll capacitor configuration similar to
the jelly roll configuration of the electrodes in the electrolytic cell of FIG. 25.

As especially advantageous application of the principles of the invention to capacitive systems

is the thrust module illustrated in FIGS. 32 and 33, which improves upon the thrust module
described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,317,310 by varying the direction of currents applied to high
voltage electrode plate 72, thereby enabling the thrust direction to be varied. In this
configuration, the negative electrode 74 has switch terminals at each end, in a manner similar
to the other embodiments of the invention, but the positive electrodes have additional switch
terminals SW1 SW8 so as to enable the direction of current in the dielectric 76 to not only be
reversed, but also to change angular position and thereby the thrust angle, depending on which
pairs of switches are operated.

FIG. 34 illustrates a variation of the thrust module of FIGS. 32 and 33, in which current is
supplied by a high voltage source 84 to electrodes 80 and 81, which coaxially surround
dielectric material 83, through current-direction reversing switches SW1 SW4, and the
resulting EMF pulses in electrodes 80 and 81 are captured by a coil 85 to produce a voltage
when the current changes direction, thereby generating magnetic fields to create a thrust force.

Capacitors or capacitor circuits of the type illustrated in FIGS. 29 33 may also be used in a
variety of other capacitor circuits, such as the ones illustrated in FIGS. 35 37. FIG. 35 shows
an RLC circuit that charges when the direction of current is changed using switches SW1 and
SW4, while FIG. 36 shows a tuner circuit for a transmitter in which the current change
amplifies the transmitted signal on both the plus and minus sides of the circuit, and FIG. 37
shows an alternative capacitor construction and circuit in which the capacitance is controlled
by the adjusted electrolyte 90 in which the capacitor electrodes 91,92 are immersed.

Those skilled in the art will appreciate that in any of the above-described embodiments and
implementations of the invention, both the manner in which the current is caused to alternate
direction in the electrodes, and the timing and magnitude of the EMF pulses, can be varied
according to the principles of the invention. For example, FIGS. 27(a) 27(f) are timing
diagrams of a variation of the preferred switching system in which opening and closing of
switches SW1 and SW4 is delayed relative to closing and opening of switches SW2 and SW3.
On the other hand, FIG. 28 illustrates a variation of the apparatus illustrated in FIG. 3, in
which center taps and switches SW19 and SW20 are added to enable manipulation or

softening of the EMF pulses in the electrodes.

In addition to the illustrated applications, other potential applications of the principles of the
invention are as follows:

The electrolytic cell illustrated in FIG. 4 or an analogous switched semiconductor device

could also be used as a type of computing device in which sensors monitor the direction of
current flow. Instead of using Boolean logic, the computer would use the current flow sensors
to sense directions, with zero current to 0, and different current directions to +1, +2, +3, and
so forth. In addition, the transistors that change the direction of the current may be part of a
ladder logic equation and for setting the timing and logic expression, for example by
performing a flip flop function timed with current flow.

Another possible application is to use the currents to reduce radioactive waste of spent nuclear
fuel by attaching the electron orbits of spent fuel in a multi-dimensional oscillating electric
field, or a polarity reversing multi-dimensional electric field.

It will be appreciated that one can build an electromagnetic generator that will produce multi-
directional currents and corresponding voltages, rather than converting the currents or
voltages from another DC or AC voltage. Also, mechanical cam switching can create multi-
directional currents and corresponding voltages, and one can similarly build motor that will
run on new the voltages.

Finally, yet another possible application of the invention is to enhance dehydration of a porous
material using electro-osmosis as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,117,295 and 6,372,109.

Having thus described a preferred embodiment of the invention in sufficient detail to enable
those skilled in the art to make and use the invention, it will nevertheless be appreciated that
numerous variations and modifications of the illustrated embodiment may be made without
departing from the spirit of the invention, and it is intended that the invention not be limited
by the above description or accompanying drawings, but that it be defined solely in
accordance with the appended claims.

US Patent # 6,890,410

[ PDF Format ]

Apparatus for converting a fluid into at least two gasses through



Classification: - international: C25B1/04; C25B9/06; C25B9/08; C25B9/10; C25B11/02;

C25B13/00; C25B1/00; C25B9/06; C25B11/00; C25B13/00; (IPC1-7): C25B1/02; -
european: C25B1/04; C25B9/06; C25B9/08; C25B9/10; C25B11/02; C25B13/00
Abstract: An electrolysis conversion system for converting liquid to gas, such as water into
hydrogen and oxygen, includes a housing in which are housed encapsulated and non-
encapsulated electrodes in any one of side-by-side, rolled or folded relationship. The
electrodes are immersed in an electrolyte, water or the like and are appropriately electrically
connected to positive and negative sides of an energy source. The encapsulation material of

the encapsulated electrodes can be substantially conductive or non-conductive to either ion

flow or electron flow and either substantially non-porous or porous to gas bubbles with the
option of utilizing spacers to prevent arcing and thereby generate hydrogen and oxygen from
the water/electrolyte. The encapsulating media is either a folded flexible sheet heat sealed
along three edges, two sheets heat sealed along four edges, a tube heat sealed along opposite
axial edges or a coating dip-coated, electro-deposited, silk screen coated or similarly applied
to the electrode which is preferably porous and can either be rigid or relatively

Building an electric motor in 10 minutes.

The single brush motor.
A bigger motor.
The double brush improvement.
A 10 minute motor with no magnet.
Fun with high voltage.
A high voltage motor in 5 minutes
A rotary high voltage motor
A simple homemade Van de Graaff generator
A very simple ion motor
A railgun in 10 minutes

A 10 minute railgun
A railgun is a device for accelerating an object by running electric current through it along a pair of rails.
When large amounts of power are used, the railgun becomes a potent weapon. But the principles can be
demonstrated safely by using a smaller amount of power, in our case, from a 9 volt battery.
When a small amount of power is used, the rails can be re-used many times. If larger amounts of power
are used, the railgun becomes a one-shot device, as the rails are destroyed in the process of shooting the
gun, due to arcing and flexing of the rails.
There are several types of rail gun, each with a different method of accelerating the object. This version is
called a linear homopolar motor.

Click on image for an animated picture

What you need

A piece of cardboard or wood for a base. It can be any length. Ours is about 18 inches long, and
about 6 inches wide.

Two strips of aluminum foil, 2 inches wide, and 2 inches longer than the base.

A 2 inch wide length of steel wire, such as from a coathanger.

2 disc magnets, plated in a good conductor, such as gold. The super-powerful magnets in our
catalog work great, and were the ones used in this project.

Some white glue

A 9 volt battery

Two aligator clip leads

Click on image for a larger picture

We start by spreading a thin layer of glue on the base, to hold down the foil strips.

Click on image for a larger picture

The foil strips are then placed on the base, about a half inch apart, and smoothed down with fingers to
remove wrinkles. The extra 2 inches is left hanging over one side, to make it easy to clip on the leads for
the battery.

Click on image for a larger picture

Next we attach the battery with the clip leads. We won't worry about battery polarity at this time -- if the
gun shoots the wrong way, we will reverse the battery.

Click on image for a larger picture

The nest step is to file the ends of the coathanger wire flat. This will allow the magnets to stick flat to the
ends of the wire axle. If the filing is done carefully to make the flat ends perpendicular to the wire, then
there will be less wobbling as the magnets travel down the rails.

Click on image for a larger picture

Now the magnets are placed on either end of the wire axle. The magnets should have their poles facing in
opposite directions. The magnets repel one another when aligned this way, but will still stick firmly to the
steel axle. No glue is necessary, as the magnets are very strong.

Firing the railgun

To fire the railgun, just drop the wheels on the rails. They will start to accelerate immediately. If they

don't move at all, the magnets are probably not pointing the same way. Lift the wheels, and flip one
magnet, and try again. If it still doesn't work, check the battery and the connections.
If the wheels move in the wrong direction, you can either start them at the other end, or reverse the
Click on the photo below to see the railgun in action.

Click on image for an animated picture

How does it do that?

The homopolar motor was one of the first motors ever built. Michael Faraday built one.
There are many different designs. The one shown below is only one of them. Click on the picture to see it

Click on image for an animated picture

A magnet is placed north pole facing up in a bowl of vinegar. The magnet is one of our super-powerful
ones from our catalog. Suspended over it is a heavy piece of copper tube or wire, hanging from a flexible
stranded wire alligator clip. The vinegar covers the tube to a depth of about a half of an inch. The tube
does not quite touch the magnet, but is free to swing around.
A piece of aluminum foil also rests in the vinegar (this can be a copper wire instead, it is not critical).

When we connect a source of about 30 to 50 volts (some 9 volt batteries connected in series) to the foil
and the tube, the tube starts to revolve around the magnet. We also get lots of bubbles of hydrogen and
oxygen, but for this project that is just a side effect.
We have created a homopolar motor. Unlike our previous motors, this one does not change the poles of an
electromagnet from north to south and back.
As the current flows through the copper wire (or tube in our case), a magnetic field is created around it.
This magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field of the magnet at the bottom of the bowl. The
arrangement is set up so that the magnetic field in the wire exerts its force at a right angle to the magnetic
field of the bottom magnet. This makes the wire circle that magnet.
Another simple homopolar motor is shown below.

Click on image for a larger picture

The photo above shows the parts before assembly. There are three magnets -- two small disks, and one
cube whose north pole we have marked with an "N". The magnets are from our catalog. There is a D cell
battery, and a bare copper wire we have formed into a shape whose form will make sense shortly.

Click on image for an animated picture

The two small disk magnets are set on top of the North pole of the cube magnet. The loop in the bottom of
the wire form is then placed in top of the two disks. The loop is just barely larger than the disks. The
positive pole of the battery is then carefully placed on top of the disks, and the pointed end of the wire
form is placed in the dimple at the top of the battery.
When the whole structure is balanced on the cube magnet, the wire begins spinning around the battery.
What is going on here is similar to what is going on in our vinegar version.
The current from the battery is flowing through the wire on both sides of the wire form. This creates a
magnetic field around the wire. This field interacts with the field from the cube magnet and the disks. The
wire's field creates a force at right angles to the field from the magnets. This causes the right side of the
wire to be pushed towards you, and the left side to be pushed away from you. This action continues until
the battery runs down.
Suppose we held onto the wire, and let the magnet move? We can do that by simply setting the battery on
the table, on its side. Click on the photo to see an animation of what happens.

Click on image for an animated picture

The wire rotates until it hits the table. The force continues after the wire can no longer rotate, and so
instead of the wire rotating, the battery and the magnets rotate. This makes the battery roll along the table
like a steam roller.
You can now see that we are very close to our railgun design. The railgun is really just two of these
battery rollers connected end-to-end. The battery is now external, and the wires have been replaced by the
rails. The magnetic field in the rails creates a force at right angles to the magnetic field of the railgun
trolley's wheels, and causes them to roll.
Next: Electrochemistry
Order super magnets here.

Send mail to Simon Quellen Field via


Front page.

Some Magnet Motors Perhaps Part B

Page Content
Convergent Magnetic Fields Magnet Motors
Linear Motor B Perhaps
Circular Motor;
Circular Motor
Modified Linear Magnet Motor Using Force F
Circular Magnet Motor F5
Elliptical Stator Magnet Motor
Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet Motor
Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor
Magnet Motor Tests
Some Magnet Motors Perhaps Part C

Convergent Magnetic Fields Magnet Motors

Linear Motor A
Figure 12 may show a linear magnet motor design. It has stator magnets
2 and 3. These are made of smaller magnets 2a through 2d, and 3a
through 3d respectively. There is a projectile magnet 4 a cylindrical
magnet that has the direction of its magnet poles perpendicular to its
flat faces. The magnet field poles of the cylinder magnet 3 are so
that its form magnet attraction forces with the stator magnets 2 and
3. The magnets of arrays 2 and 3 are so arranged so that the magnets
becomes closer to the projectile magnet 4. This produces a converging
magnetic fields. This causes in increasing magnetic attraction forces
that pulls magnet 4 in direction 6 with a force F. Magnet 2a will
attract magnet 4 less than magnet 2d attracts magnet 4 due to larger
distance between magnets 4 and 2a. This produces the horizontal force
F. The magnetic field of 4 and array 2 converges at magnet 2d and so
the motor is called a convergent magnet fields linear magnet motor. At
the ends 7 of magnets 2, magnet 2d will magnetically attract
projectile magnet 4 back with a back magnetic force. To reduce this
back magnet force, the magnet arrays 2 and 3 are overlapped with span
h as shown in figure 12. The overlap h can reduce the magnetic back
force of the last magnet like 2d of the arrays. The angle q is the
angle between the path of projectile magnet 4 and magnet array 2. The
larger the angle q, the smaller the overlap h of magnet arrays 2 and 3
have to be. This may indicate that the horizontal force F may
increase with angle q and as the distances between array magnets like
2 and magnet 4 decreases. Assume that the force F is maximum at some
angle when. Cylindrical ceramic magnet 4 travels an the flat
horizontal track 10. Only the magnets and the track 10 are drawn in
figure 12; the non-metallic frames holding track 10 and stator magnets
are not shown in the figure 12. The stator magnet arrays like 2 have
lengths i, width W and depth D. The stator array overlaps h can be 0
metre to 1/2 of i.
Convergent Magnetic Fields Linear Magnet Motor

Figure 12.
Larger array length i to width W ratio i/W should reduce the required
overlap distance h between adjacent stator arrays. In the design of
figure 12 the i=0.194 metre, W=0.023 metre, and q=23 degrees. Magnetic
field intensity B=0.01 tesla of a stator magnet like 2a.
More magnet arrays as 9 of 9a like 8 can be placed after magnet array
8 to extend the length L of the linear magnet motor. If the length L
is extended by adding more magnet arrays like 3, will the projectile
magnet 4 eventually stop moving in direction F? The projectile 4 is
expected to stop moving after a while. Moving magnet 4 from magnet 2d
to 2a brings magnet 4 to a larger magnetic potential. When this energy
is used, the magnet 4 should eventually stop moving. The magnet 4 can
be released at just after the beginning of magnet array 3 and the
magnet 4 will still reach the end magnet 8d of magnet array 8. When
increasing the ratio i/W while keeping distance n the same, the
acceleration magnitude from right to left of magnet 4 reduces. Using
this, the magnet 4 can be accelerated from left to right in the
drawing is linear motor B. The magnet 4 can leave the longer magnet
array 2. If there is a slight gain in magnet 4 rightwards velocity,
free energy may be possible. Magnet 4 size needs be small relative to
magnets 2 size because the magnetic field of 4 must move within the
magnetic field of 2. If the magnet array 2 was by itself with only
magnet 4, the maximum speed v of magnet 4 above magnet 2d will not be
fast enough for the momentum of magnet 4 to overcome the magnetic
attraction force from magnet 2d due to frictional losses and magnetic
radiation losses. There seems to be a slight unbalanced magnetic force
by magnets 2d and 4 that prevents rolling magnet 4 from escaping from
magnet 2d. The magnetic force that attracts magnet 4 to magnet 2d when
magnet 4 is approaching magnet 2d may be weaker than the magnetic
force between the same magnets 2d and 4 when magnet 4 tries to escape
from magnet 2d. May be able to utilize this unbalanced magnet force in
the following linear motor B design. cEBiW.
Linear Motor B Perhaps
The linear motor B is similar in design to the above linear motor A.
Figure 12b shows its basic design. Magnet array 2 in figure 11 has its

length i approximately doubled which becomes magnet arrays 2 and 3 in

figure 12b. These can be made of smaller magnets 2a through 2h and 3a
to 3h respectively. The distance n between cylinder magnet 4 and
magnet 3a is unaltered which reduces angle q. The motion of magnet 4
is now from left to right. Magnet 2h pulls magnet 4 towards it and to
the right with force F. Magnets 4 and 2 or 3 uses a diverging magnetic
field. Magnetic field of magnet 4 and magnets of array 3 diverge or
separate. This separation produces magnetic forces that decelerates
magnet 4 motion to the right. Magnet 4 rightward horizontal motion
speed slows down. above magnet 3a there seem to be a very small amount
of velocity left in magnet 4 motion left which allows the magnet 4 to
leave the array 3. This small small final horizontal velocity is v. If
Force F and final escape velocity v are in the same direction, free
energy may be possible.
Linear Motors B

Figure 12b.
The rolling magnet 4 can be accelerated in gap distance xg between
stator magnet arrays like 2 and 3.
Linear magnet motor C is similar to the design of linear motor B,
but instead of using 2a to 2g, it uses a thin iron shield. Figure 15
shows the basic design of the linear magnet motor C. Figure 13 may
help explain how the linear magnet motor C works. In figure 13(a)
there is a stationary stator ceramic magnet 2. A projectile
cylindrical shaped magnet 4 that is free to move in the horizontal
direction can be magnetically attracted to stator magnet 2. The
magnetic attraction between magnets 4 and 2 accelerates magnet 2
leftwards towards magnet 2. When rolling magnet 4 position is above
magnet 4 and just past magnet 4, magnet 4 attracts magnet 2 back to
itself. The leftwards momentum of magnet 2 is not large enough for
magnet 4 to escape from magnet 2 magnetic forces. The magnet 2 will
eventually rest above magnet 2. The magnetic force between magnets 2
and 4 which pulls magnet 4 back toward magnet 2 when magnet 4 tries to
escape from magnet 2 magnetic field is called the deceleration force
Fd. When magnet 4 approaches magnet 2 initially, the magnetic force
that produces the left ward acceleration of 4 is called the
acceleration force F4. In figure 13(b) a thin steel shield 5 is located
just after stator magnet 2. Now when magnet 2 attracts magnet 4

leftwards, the magnet 4 momentum will cause to go past magnet 4 and

onto the shield 5. The magnet 4 will eventually rest at point x on the
shield. The magnetic field of projectile magnet 4 has gone into the
shield 5 and a magnetic attraction occurs between magnet 4 and shield
5. This causes the magnetic forces between magnets 4 and 2 to break
and shield 5 acts as a magnetic shield. Magnet 4 becomes magnetically
shielded from stator magnet 2 by shield 5. magnet 4 has overcome the
magnetic attraction force from stator magnet 2. The magnet 4 cannot
overcome the magnetic attraction force between the shield 5 and
itself. The graph 10 in the same figure 13(b) shows the magnetic
forces. If shield 5 is angled with angle q as shown in figure 13(c), a
magnetic force will attract magnet 4 in a rightwards direction towards
magnet 2. If a second stator magnet 2b is positioned just after the
shield 5 as shown in figure 13(d), the attraction force between the
magnet 2b and 4 will be stronger than the attraction force between
magnet 4 and shield 5. Magnet 4 will travel to a position above magnet

Stator Magnet With Shielding

Figure 13.
In figure 12(a), the magnetic deceleration force is assumed to be:

Fd=Bs2 , (12)
where B is the magnetic field intensity of magnet 2 and s is the
distance between the centre of magnets 2 and 4 of left side of magnet
2. The energy potential Ede due to force Fd is:

Ede=B((1sd)-(1smin)), (13)
where smin is the minimum distance between centres of magnets 2 and 4,
and s d is the maximum distance between magnets 2 and 4, or maximum
distance moved by magnet 4 on the left side of magnet 2.

The magnetic acceleration force is assumed to be:

F4=Bs2 , (14)
where B is the magnetic field intensity of magnet 2 and s is the
distance between the centre of magnets 2 and 4 on the right side of
magnet 2. The energy potential E 4 due to force F4 is:

E4=B((1s4)-(1smin )), (15)

where smin is the minimum distance between centres of magnets 2 and 4,
and s 4 is the maximum distance between magnets 2 and 4, or maximum
distance moved by magnet 4 on the right side of magnet 2. The energy
balance equation is:
Ede =E4 +u. (16)
Can take the designs of figures 13, 8 , 9 and 11 and perhaps make a
linear magnet motor as shown in figure 14. Take the stator magnet 2
and add more stator magnets 2a through 2h position one after the other
in series. It has a projectile magnet 4 like magnet 4 in figure 13.
The leftwards horizontal acceleration of projectile magnet 4 seems to
depend on the magnetic field intensities B of the stator magnets 2a
through 2h. Assume that the stator magnets 2a through 2h have the same
magnetic field intensity B. The magnetic field intensity B also
depends on the length y of the stator magnet. Stator magnets with one
third the length of figure 14 magnet length did not produce much
acceleration. The leftward peak acceleration a produced by the
magnetic fields of the stator 2 magnets on the projectile magnet 4 may
a=B-T. (17)
The acceleration a4 of projectile 4 is changing by a4=csi<a. The
derivation of this acceleration a4 equation may be found in the page
"Linear Acceleration of a Mass". where s is the horizontal location of
magnet 4 while velocity v increases and exponent i is: 0<i<1. When the
magnetic field intensity B is larger than the threshold level, the
acceleration seems positive. The threshold T may not even exist. The
deceleration or slowing down in speed may be due to hysteresis,
magnetic radiation and mechanical friction losses. If this is the
case, the leftward acceleration a of magnet 4 may be:
a=Bcsiz, (18)
where exponent i is: 0<i<1/2. Variable z is distance between the
centres of adjacent magnets in array 2 with z>k the diameter of the
stator 2 magnets. The magnet 4 horizontal acceleration a may depend
on the velocity v in same direction as a. The acceleration a may be
a=(Bm)vn where m is the mass of magnet 4 and exponent n is 0<n<1/2.
When the magnet 4 speed slows down, the acceleration a in the same
direction may also decrease, so that the magnet 4 will eventually stop
moving above magnet array 2. The above exponents i and n then depends
on the velocity v of the projectile magnet 4. The graph 9 shows the
leftwards horizontal velocity v of the of rolling magnet 4. When v=0
metre per second, the i=0 and n=0, and then both increasing as v
increases as explained in page "Linear Acceleration of a Mass". When

the moving magnet 4 reaches the last stator magnet 2h there is a quick
deceleration of magnet 4.
Possible Linear Magnet Motor

Figure 14.
The velocity v was measured with an ultra-sonic motion detector and
graph 9 of figure 14 is an approximate copy of the velocity v
measurement. The projectile magnet 4 receives a maximum speed vm just
above the last magnet 2h, but this maximum horizontal speed vm was not
fast enough for the magnet 4 to break free from the magnetic
attraction force of last stator magnet 2h. This magnet motor is
bidirectional; magnet 4 can move even when started from the left side
of stator magnet 2h. The momentum of the projectile magnet 4 must be
fast enough to overcome the magnetic attraction of each stator magnet
2b through 2g. If this momentum is not fast enough, hysteresis,
mechanical friction and magnetic radiation losses seems to slow down
the projectile magnet 4 velocity v above the stator 2 magnets. The
magnetic attraction of the magnets 2a and 2h combined probably prevent
projectile rolling magnet 4 from escaping leftwards away from stator
magnet 2h. The magnetic fields of figure 14 array 2 may have nodes and
anti-nodes like in figure 6. This means that the acceleration a may
also be decreasing along an array like 2. The location of the anti-
node may be fixed and only determined by the length Y of the stator
magnets. In figure 14 with only 6 stator magnets, the acceleration a
is on a positive going anti-node. A positive anti-node has magnetic
attraction force in the same direction as accelerating force F in
figures 6 and 14. In figure 14 when magnet 4 is to the right of magnet
2a there is a magnetic attraction for F2a between them. There is also
an attraction force F2b between magnets 4 and 2b. There are also
magnetic attraction forces F2c through F2g from magnets 2c through 2g
respectively with magnet 4. Then combining these magnetic attraction
forces, the combined horizontal acceleration for FT on magnet 4 is:
FT=F2a+F2b+F2c+F2d+F2e+F2f+F2g-Ff+Fm ,
where -Ff is mechanical friction forces with air and track 10. The F m
is momentum or impulse forces as Fm=mv where m is the mass of magnet
m, and v is the present horizontal velocity of mass m relative to
array magnets 2. When magnet 4 is directly above stator magnet 2a the
horizontal acceleration force FT becomes: FT =-F2a +F2b+F2c+F2d +F2e +F2f
+F2g-Ff + m. When magnet 4 had left magnet 2a and is above magnet 2b,
the horizontal acceleration force FT becomes: FT =-F2a -F2b +F2c +F2d
+F2e +F2f+F2g -Ff +Fm . The velocity v curve in figure 14 seems
exponential so the horizontal leftward acceleration a may be or seem
to be:

a=(FTm)vn, (19)
where exponent n is: 0<n<1/8. According to this equation (19) the
increase of momentum Fm=mv after passing each array magnet like 2a
contributes to the horizontal leftward acceleration a of mass 4. When
the magnet 4 is above the last magnet 2g of magnet array 2 the
horizontal acceleration FT becomes: FT=-F2a-F2b -F2c-F2d-F2e-F2f -F2g -Ff
+Fm. The magnets 2a through 2g now have attraction forces with magnet 4
that decelerated magnet 4 at -a. The magnet 4 then decelerates with
deceleration -a. The deceleration -a may be:
a=(FT m)(vm-v)n=((-F2a -F2b -F2c-F2d-F2e -F2f -F2g -Ff+Fm)m)(vm -v)n
, (20)
where vm is the initial maximum horizontal velocity of m as v during
acceleration a; where 0 metre/second = v = vm. This equation (20) is a
modified version of equations (17) and (19). This equation (20)
indicates that the deceleration as -a of mass m is minimum when
present leftward horizontal velocity v of mass m is maximum to the
left direction. Program 2 may possibly be showing these equations as
graphs. It shows the calculated accelerations a versus location s of
magnet 4.
Program 2. Graph of a versus s.
The linear magnet motor of figure 14 may operate using the magnetic
magnetic induction effect. Magnetic magnetic induction effect is when
a magnetic field is generated using another magnetic field. Figure 14b
may help illustrate magnetic magnetic induction effect. Figure 14b
linear magnet motor is basically the design of figure 14 except there
are more stator magnets of array 2, and the magnets have an
electrically conducting non-ferrous metal tube around them. The stator
array magnets 2 as 2a through 2k have non-ferrous electrically
conducting tubes 11a through 11k respectively such as copper,
aluminum, or silver. The movable magnet 4 has electrically conducting
copper ring 8 around it. The magnet 4 and its ring 8 was moved only
between stator magnets 2c and 2i. When the magnet 4 and its ring 8
moved over the stator magnets with horizontal velocity vv, an electric
current I r was induced in the copper coil or ring 8. This current Ir
emitted an electromagnetic field that contributed to the magnetic
field intensity b of magnet 4. At the same time, and electric current
Isf was induced in copper coil or tube 11f which emitted an
electromagnetic field that contributed to the magnetic field intensity
B of stator magnet 2f. When magnet 4 moves in the opposite direction
with velocity v, the current I r is reversed which produces an
electromagnetic field that opposes magnet 4 magnetic field intensity
b. The current I is also reversed which produces an electromagnetic
field intensity that opposes the magnet 2f magnetic field direction.
Magnetic magnetic induction may be unidirectional; when magnet 2h
pulls magnet 4 forward from magnet 2i in direction of velocity vv,
induced current I r strengthens magnetic field intensity b of magnet 4.
When magnet 4 is pulled backwards by magnet 2j from magnet 2i, the
current I produces an electromagnetic field that opposes magnetic
field intensity b from magnet 4.

Magnetic Magnetic Induction Experiment Device

Figure 14b.
The magnetic field intensity Br produced by magnet 4 and conducting
ring 8 may be:
Br=xurvvBd2 +b, (21)

Ir=urvvBd2 , (22)
where variable B is the magnetic field intensity from a stator magnet
like 2i, and the variable d is the distance between the centres of the
magnets like 4 and 2i. The variable ur is the electromagnetic
permeability of the material where the magnetic magnetic induction
occurs like in magnet 4. The variable x is a coefficient that matches
the values and may represent a solution of some space-time mathematics
relating magnetic field intensities like B to velocity. Electrically
conducting rings like 8 and 11a through 11k near the magnets may not
be needed to produced magnetic magnetic induction effect, only a
ferrous material with sufficient electromagnetic permeability like ur .
Magnetic field intensities may increase with relative motion like v of
a magnetic field as mentioned in page "Electromagnetic Force Due To
Particle Velocity". Magnetic magnetic induction may occur in a
material having some electromagnetic permeability like ur. Magnetic
magnetic induction is then the generation of a magnetic field in a
material with another magnetic field, with the degree of magnetic
field intensity B r induction dependant on the magnetic field intensity
B from another source and relative velocity like vv of both objects ur
and B. The non-metal track 10 in figure 14 is track 10 in figure 14b.
Track 10 in figure 14b was replaced with corrugated cardboard. When
the magnet 4 and its ring 8 rolls over the cardboard track 10 starting
from the left of magnet 2k with horizontal velocity vv , there may a
rolling sound. The pitch of the rolling sound can increase partially
over the magnet array 2 which indicates that magnet 4 assembly
accelerates over much of magnet array 2. The displacement s 4, sd on
the left of array 2 and over magnet array 2, where measured with an
ultrasonic motion detector device. These displacements s 4 and sd could
be converted into velocity vv . The rolling sound pitch from cardboard
and the ultrasonic motion indicates that the velocity vv resembles the
graph 9 velocity vv of figure 14b. Magnet 4 and its ring 8 accelerates
to the right within space s 4 , and decelerates within span s d .
Maximum deceleration seems the slowest when velocity v v is fastest and
reaches a maximum value when velocity vv is minimum which may help
verify above equation (20). This type of magnetic magnetic induction
effect seem to be present only in linear magnet accelerators like the

ones in figures 14 and 14b, or in semi-circular magnet arrays like

array 2 in figure 9. The lengths y of the cylindrical ceramic magnets
must be equal or longer than its diameter k for the currents I r to be
detected easily. The ratio (r1/2y)k may need to be large, where r is
the radius location of a stator magnet outer flat surface like 2b in
figures 9 and 11c. Figure 14c may help illustrate the design of figure
14. The figure 14c design has the designs of figure 14 and 14b, but
with only one stator magnet 2. The movable cylindrical magnet 4 has
electrically conducting copper ring 8 or a copper coil of wire. The
stator magnet 2 has electrically conducting copper ring 11 or a copper
coil of wire.

Linear Magnetic Accelerator Experiment

Figure 14c.
When magnet 4 and its ring 8 moves toward magnet 2 with horizontal
velocity vv at position s2, an electric current Ir is induced in ring 8
which emits an electromagnetic field intensity that contributes to the
initial magnetic field intensity b of magnet 4. At the same time and
electric current Isf is induced in ring 11 which emits an
electromagnetic field intensity that contributes to the original
magnetic field intensity B of stator magnet 2. Above equation (22) may
show the formula for the current Ir amplitude generation. When magnet 4
moves away from magnet 2 at a different velocity vv at position s3 ,
The current Ir will be in the opposite direction in the ring 8. This
current Ir emits an electromagnetic field which temporary diminishes or
opposes the initial magnetic field intensity b of magnet 4. At the
same time, the current I sf will be in the opposite direction in ring
11 and can emit an electromagnetic field intensity that opposes or
diminishes temporarily the initial magnetic field intensity B of
magnet 2. This may result in an imbalance of magnetic forces as the
magnet 2 travels to and away from a magnet like 2 in these type of
designs. The electrically conductor rings like 8 and 11 may not be
needed to induced magnetic fields in the magnets using above equation
(21). This would only occur for the magnetic poles N and S shown in
figures 19b and 19c and ring 8 as coil having the negative volt
terminal leaving coil as 8 counter clockwise. If the polarities N, S
were reversed, currents Ir and I sf will be in opposite directions than
before relative to velocity vv. This may be indicated in the graphs 9
of figures 14 and 14b where some horizontal increase in speeds v or vv
occur due to these unbalanced magnet forces.
The linear motor of figure 15 has stator cylindrical magnets 2a
through 2g. Each magnet has corresponding thin steel shields 5a
through 5g respectively. Projectile ceramic cylindrical magnet 4 is
free to move and roll in the horizontal direction on a flat, hard,
smooth and non-metallic track 10. The projectile magnet 4 can be
initially be attracted to stator magnet 2a.
Linear Magnet Motor C
Figure 15.

This design of figure 15 seems to be a little unidirectional; the

projectile magnet 4 can travel a little further when approaching
stator magnet array 2 from right to left then from left to right.
Magnet 4 can be attracted to stator shield 5a when over shield 5a as
shown in figure 13(b), but not as strongly as to magnet 2a. The magnet
2b attracts projectile magnet 4. The the same is repeated with shield
5b. The projectile magnet 4 could be started just before stator magnet
2b. This may indicate that the linear magnet motor C may be
reconfigured as a circular magnet motor C. Can take the design of
figure 13 and place many such magnets 2 and corresponding metal
shields 5 in a linear row. Linear magnet array 2 consists of magnets
2a through 2z and their corresponding iron shields 5a through 5z in
figure 13b. Stator magnets 2 have distances z between their centres.
An experiment showed that in this design the force F may be a little
unidirectional. The linear magnet motor has movable magnet array 4
that has at least three magnets 4a, 4b and 4c. Magnets 4 can move a
little faster or further from right to left than from left to right
direction in figure 15b configuration. In this case the stator
magnerts like 2a and 2b are closer together with distance z and their
corresponding shields are also shorter and are slightly curved. The
graph 12 on the same drawing shows the horizontal magnetic forces in
the direction of motion speed v. The graph shows a resting point 13
over magnet 2c. Placing the movable magnet 4 on the left side of the
stator magnet like 2e can make the movable magnet cylinder 4 to move
in a leftward direction due to the shield iron magnetic shield 5e. The
design in figure 15b also has second magnet array 3 with corresponding
iron shields 6. It consists of smaller magnets 3a through 3z as magnet
array 3 above the movable magnet array 4.

Stator Magnet Array With Iron Shielding

Figure 15b.

This type of deisgn of figure15b works differently than the design of

figure 13. The horizontal magnetic force F is in the opposite
direction than the force F in figure 13.
The stator magnets 2 and 3 iron shield sheets 5 and 6 needs to have
sufficient thicknesses and dimensions, so the these shields can
sufficiently guide the magnetic fields from their corresponding stator
Figure 15d shows some a graph of experimental data of designs of
figures 14, 14b and 14c. It shows the deceleration spans D=sd and
acceleration spans A=s4. Each value s4 =A or point on the graph
represents another stator 2 magnet in the array 2.
Deceleration Spans sd Versus Acceleration Spans s4

Figure 15d.
From this graph in figure 15d there can be seen that the energy
Er=-B(1sd - 1u) to remove the magnet 3 from the last magnet like 2h
in figure 14 is nearly steady for different acceleration spans s4. The
wood track 10 can be inclined by an angle a of about 10 degrees=a so
that the projectile 4 can move uphill up the track.

Circular Motor
In the circular convergent magnetic fields magnet motor, the magnets
of linear motor of figure 12 are configured into a circular shape so
the projectile magnet 4 of figure 12 can take a circular path.
The circular convergent magnet fields magnet motor is similar in
design as the spiraled rotor magnets motor in figure 11 except that is
uses three overlapping spiral rotor magnet arrays instead of one. The
stator magnet arrays 2 and 3 in figure 12 form semi-spiral shapes.
Figure 16 shows the basic design of a circular convergent magnetic
fields magnet motor.
Circular Convergent Magnetic Fields Magnet Motor
Figure 16b.
A similar design is to remove rotor magnet 2a, 2b and 2x in the above
figure 11 design. In figure 17 is a similar design which has not been
tested . It has the spiral rotor 2 in figure 11 re-configured as
stator magnets arrays 2 and 3. The stator magnet arrays 2 and 3 are
like the stator magnets 2 and 3 in figure 12, except these in figure
17 are arrange in a semi-circular path each along the circular path of
the rotor magnets 4a through 4h. The stator arrays 2 and 3 magnets 2a
and 3a respectively may attract rotor magnet 4a. Rotor magnets 4e to
4h are on the other sides of stator arrays 2 and 3. Their magnetic
fields diverge from arrays 2 and 3 while magnets 4a to 4d magnetic
fields converge with stator 2 and 3 magnetic fields. The distance z
between stator magnets 2c and 3c cannot be to large since the
acceleration a of magnets 4a through 4h may depend on above equation
(17), the gap n needs to be sufficiently large also. Magnetic

shielding is also needed to reduce interference from other stator

Circular Motor C.
Figure 17.
The linear motor design stator 2 design of figure 14 can be re-
arranged into a circular array as shown in figures 18, but the magnets
of the array two requires sufficient shielding to minimize the effects
of negative magnetic anti-nodes. The iron shielding may help reduce
the negative attraction forces from magnets behind the magnet 4.
Circular Motor D
Figure 18
Can try to replace the magnets like 2, 3 and 4 with electromagnets.
Electric currents I can be send through a copper coil wound around a
soft iron core which may be a solenoid shape or cylindrical shape.
Making electromagnetic or magnetic fields with electromagnetic may not
require electrical power P. The only electric power P needed is to
overcome the copper wire electrical resistance R of the coil. Then
theoretically, to make a static electromagnetic field requires
electrical power P=I2 R. If the copper coil is superconducting with
superconducting wire resistance R=0 ohm, the electrical power to emit
an electromagnetic field from this electromagnet should be P=0 watt.
When magnet 3 in figure 4(c) was replaced by an electromagnet,
movement of this magnet over magnet array 2 induced no electrical
voltage in the electromagnet my magnets 2. This indicates that no
electric power P should be needed to produce the magnetic field from
electromagnet as magnet 3.

Figures 19 and 20 shows the design of a magnet motor 5D using the

magnetic effects of figures 14 and 14b. Experiment video 5 shows a
preliminary experiment demonstration of magnet motor 5D. The stator
assembly of motor 5D has a stator magnet array consisting of 32
cylindrical shaped ceramic magnets with diameter k of about 0.0185
metre placed on an iron shield 5 in figure 19. The iron shield was
formed into a ring shape and is very thin as shown in figure 19. Tis
shield 5 sheet iron must be thin enough not to diminish much the
magentic repulsion forces between stator magnets 2 like2a and 2b.
There must be a small gap sg between the stator magnets 2 and ring
shield 5. The stator magnet array 2 magnets are cylindrical magnets 2a
through 2af that have there north poles N pointed radially outward.
The motor 5D has a rotor assembly consisting of rotor magnet array 3.
This array consists of cylindrical shaped ceramic magnets 3a through
3q. The south poles of these magnets point in the direction of rotor
rotation speed w, so the magnetic field directions of the rotor
magnets 3 are in a direction perpendicular to the stator magnets 2
directions at radius r. These rotor magnets 3 are held be steel ring
shield 6. The rotor magnets 3 and ring shield were suspended on thin
threads say that this rotor assembly can spin with speed w in a
horizontal plane. The rotor can have an optional electrically
conducting ring 7 which is attached to the rotor assembly. The rotor
may have an optional electrically conducting plate 8 and copper
electrically conducting leads 9a and 9b. These can be an electrical

Magnet Motor 5D
Figure 19.
If the number of stator magnets 2 are even, then the number of rotor
magnets 3 must be odd. If the stator magnet 2 and rotor magnets 3 both
have an even or odd number of magnets, then some of the rotor magnets
3 are not spaced evenly apart. This insures that as one rotor magnet
array 3 magnet is bridging the gap j, another rotor 3 magnet is
receiving the Lorentz force F. Experiment video 5 shows a preliminary
experiment demonstration of magnet motor 5D. The experiment is not
conclusive that this magnet motor works. This experiment is not proven
to be free energy generation, because the rotor axis of spin was not
fixed; the stator magnets 2 had to be aligned with the rotor magnets 3
as the rotor spun. The rotor had to receive a small push to get it to
start spinning, but as the stator and rotor magnets where brought
closer together, the rotor spin speed starts to accelerate. The
imbalance of the rotor assembly may make the rotor spin when axis of
rotation is manualy centered. When attempting to alligned to stator
and rotor circular array centres, the axis of rotation of the rotor
shifts away from the rotor's centre. This causes rotation of the rotor
3, but the direction of rotation depends on the magnetic field
direction of the rotor magnets 3. The shifting of the axis of rotation
around the rotor 3 centre may be imbalancing the opposing forces and
the Lorentz forces as will be shown in demonstration video 6. Figure
21 shows the experiment design of video 5 experiment design.
Experiment Video 5: Magnet Motor 5D Preliminary Experiment:
circularMagneticMotor5D.WMV, file size is 692 kilobytes.
The rotor assembly of motor 5D in figure 19 may have an electrically
conducting ring 7. This copper ring 7 may help illustrate the magnetic
magnetic induction effect that this motor 5D may be using. When this
ring 7 moves through the magnetic fields of the stator array magnets
2, an electrical current Ir may be induced in the ring 7. This current
Ir direction may be perpendicular to the magnetic field intensity B of
a stator magnet array 2 magnet like 2 and be perpendicular to the
angular velocity of the ring. The direction of current Ir when the
rotor is spinning in direction of spin speed w is such that the
electromagnetic field emitted by the current I r contributes to the
magnetic field intensity of the rotor magnet like 2. To help
illustrate the magnetic magnetic induction effect which may exist in
the magnet motor 5D design may be the electrically conducting plate 8
of the rotor assembly of figure 19. When copper plate 8 moves through
the magnetic fields of the stator magnets 2 as it rotates with the
rotor assembly, an electrical current I r can be induced in the plate
8 and through the copper leads 9a and 9b. The plate 8 and leads 9a and
9b can form an electrically conducting loop. This electrical current I
r induction is by homopolar dynamo effect as mentioned in page
"Homopolar Electric Dynamo". The direction of this current Ir when the
rotor moves in direction of spin speed w as shown in figure 19, the
electromagnetic field intensity Br emitted by current Ir is in a
direction that contributes to a rotor magnet like magnet 3r magnetic
field intensity. The electromagnetic field from current Ir in the loop
of plate 8 and leads 9a and 9b may magnetically attract a rotor magnet

like 3r. This magnetic attraction force due to Br may attract an

adjacent rotor magnet like 3r and add to the clockwise spin rotation
speed w of the rotor. The distances j between the stator magnets 2
needs be as small as possible to reduce uneven magnetic field
intensities from the stator magnets 2 along circumference c. The
surface areas of the rotor magnets 3 perpendicular the their magneic
field directions N, and S are smaller than the surface areas of the
stator magnets 2 as shown in the figure . The magnetic field
intensities B and magnetic field strengths H of each of the stator
magnets 2 needs be equal or very similar. If one stator magnet has a
magnetic field intensity much stronger than the other magnets, the
magnetic attraction to a rotor magnet by this magnet may stop rotation
speed w of the rotor when the rotor magnets 3 are brought closer to
the stator magnets 2. To equal the magnetic field intensities of
magnets 2, perhaps storing the magnets as two stacks and joining the
two magnetic north and south poles of the stacks with two iron bars
for a few weeks may help equalize the magnetic field intensities of
the individual stator magnets.

Circular Motor Continued

The same experiment using a smaller magnet motor with a smaller radius
r produced no results. The smaller circumference c=2r may be
causing the tangential forces f to be imbalanced. Tangential magnetic
forces f were mentioned in the paragraphs of figure 11b. Figure 20
shows a stator magnet array of figure 19 with the needed circumference
length c. The longer circumference length c allows the magnetic
tangential force positive and negative antinodes to exist an meet at a
node where they have minimum magnitudes. The figure 20 shows the
magnetic tangential forces f on a single rotor magnet like 3a along
the stator array 2. The graph 9 shows the tangential magnetic forces f
amount balanced. There should be not much resting or strongest
magnetic attraction at an antinode and to an antinode by a rotor
magnet like 3a.

Tangential Magnetic Forces f About the Stator Array

Figure 20.
Demonstration video 6 may show a preliminary experiment of a modified
version of magnet motor type 5D. The axis of rotation is not at the
centre c of ring magnet 2 but closer to the fingers on experiment. The
fingers were used to shift the axis of rotation. The fingers only
follows the rotation so fingers may not impart rotation force on the
rotor ring magnet 3. Changing direction of the stator cylindrical
ceramic magnet 3 causes the rotation direction to reverse. Relocating
the axis of spin about the centre c of the ring magnet 2 may imbalance
the opposing magnetic forces and the Lorentz forces F resulting in
torque in opposite direction of the Lorentz force F.

Demonstration Video 6. Simple Modified Magnet Motor 5D:

offsetAxis4.WMV. File size: 677 kilobytes.

Figures 21 shows its design. The motor has rotor ring magnet that has

magnetic field directions perpendicular to the rign radius r. The

has stator cylindrical ceramic magnet 5 that has its magnetic field
perpendicular the the rign stator 2 magnetic field direction and is
opposite in direction of the ring stator 2 rotation. The rotor ring 2
is on a float 7 a plastic or wood bowl that allows the rotor assembly
to float on water so that ring rotor 2 can rotate or spin with float 7
not shsown in figure 21. Figure 22 shows the design of the rotor with
a bearing assembly 4 that allows the rotor axis of spin to follow
circular path 5 about the ring 2 centre c as the rotor magnet 2 spins.
This design has not been build yet. The challenge is building a rotor
bearing assembly 4 that allows the axis of spin 6 to follow circular
path 5 as the ring rotor 2 spins. Ring magnet and centre c of ring
magnet 2 must orbit the axis of spin 6. In this case, the axis of spin
6 is between centre c and stator magnet 3. The ring magnet centre c is
also the centre of the ring magnet 2 magnetic field or magnetic poles
N. In demonstration video 5, the fingers work as the bearing assembly
4. A mechanical bearing 4 made from aluminum may be difficult to make
and use.

Simple Modified Magnet Motor 5D

Figure 21.
The bearings assembly 4 may be placed close to or underneath the
stator magnet 3. The bearing assembly 4 may have aluminum gear track 8
with slots or holes 9, and may have aluminum gear 10 with pointed
teeth 11. The gear teeth 11 fit and fall into track 8 slots 9. Ring
average radius r=0.04 metre. The rotor ring magnet 2 stops rotating
when finshed its rotation when axis of spin is offset. this may help
explain why magnet motor rotor 2 of figure 8 stops rotating. When the
axis of spin is not at centre c of stator magnet array 2, the rotor 2
will stop spinning.

Modified Linear Magnet Motor Using Force F


Figures 24 and 25 may show improved version of the linear magnet motor
design of figures 4 and 5 of previous page " Some Magnet Motors
Perhaps Part A ". Figure 24 shows a stator magnet assembly 6a or set
consisting of two stator magnets 3a, 3b and a magnetic field flux
guide 4. These magnets 3a and 3b are positioned at the ends of an iron
u-shaped magnetic flux guide 4 made of soft annealled soft iron strips
of metal. The movable projectile has an array of magnets 2 as magnets
2a through 2k and are on a thin iron shield strip 5. Shield strip
sheet iron cannot be to thick, because the Lorentz force F seems to
reduce with increasing shield thickness. The magnetic fields of array
2 are in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field directions of
stator magnets 3a and 3b.
Modified Linear Magnet Motor Using Lorentz Force F

Figure 24.

Figure 25 shows the same design of figure 24 called linear magnet

motor q7, except there are many stator magnets like 6a array as a
linear array as magnet sets 6a through 6n, with the nth stator magnet
set. The mahgnetic flux guides 4a through 4n of their corresponding
stator magnet sets 6a through 6n help isolate the magnetic fields form
these stator magnets sets 6a through 6n. This enables the magnets
stators 6a through 6n to be arranged in a long array without reduction
of Lorentz force F from each stator magnet set 6a through 6n. Figure
25 may show how the linear motor works. It works on the idea that the

magnetic repulsion force and attraction force is largest between

stator magnets like 3a and 3b, or 3c and 3d. The figure 24 shows blue
arrows representing magnetic repulsion force directions between the
stator magnets like 3c and the projectile magnets 2 like 2a. The
lighter blue arrow represents and shows a weaker repulsion force and
the darker colored blue arrow represents a stronger magnetic repulsion
force. As a result is the Lorentz force F on the stator magnet set
like 6b. Similarly for the magnetic attraction forces. The red and
pink colored arrows represents attraction forces between stator magnet
3d and the projectile magnets 2. The red arrow represents a stronger
attraction force while the pink colored arrow represents the direction
of the weaker magnetic attraction force. As a result of this imbalance
between these attraction magnetic forces is the Lorentz force F. Like
in figure 4 linear magnet motor design, this Lorentz force F causes
the projectile magnet array 2 to receive a horizontal velocity v
within the projectile array 2 span w. The span w should be a limited
length; and may be: 4b>w>2b. The b=0.08 metre.

Modified Linear Magnet Motor q7

Figure 25.
Circular Magnet Motor F5
This circular magnet motor uses the designs of linear magnet motor of
figure 6c in previous page " Some Magnet Motors Perhaps Part A ".
Figure 26 shows the pendulum test for circular magnet motor F5. It has
stator circular magnet array 2 and 4. A movable magnet 3 being part of
the pendulum assembly 5 is allowed to move between stator magnet
arrays 2 and 4. Angle of magnetic field directions between rotor or
pendulum 3 magnet or magnets, and stator 2 magnets is 80 to 90
degrees. This configuration and orientation produces a Lorentz force L
on pendulum magnet 3. The magnetic field direction of rotor magnet is
parallel to direction of motion of the rotor magnet 3. When the pivot
point of the pendulum the point where the pendulum is suspended from
is not at the centre c of the stator magnet array, the pendulum
deflection is positive through the circumference of the stator
circular magnet array 2 due to magnetic attraction ond repulsion
forces. The radius r is from centre c of stator arrays 2 and 4 magnet
locations, and rp is radius from c to magnet 3 on pendulum 5. When rp>r
the pendulum 5 deflection opposite to Lorentz force F direction is
positive around the circumference of circular stator magnet array 2 or
4. This is not free energy.

Pendulum Test Design For Circular Magnet Motor F5

Figure 26.

Elliptical Stator Magnet Motor

Figure 28 shows a drawing of the elliptical stator magnet motor
It has stator magnet 2 in the shape of an ellipse or elliptical ring
shape. The magnetic field direction of the elliptical ring magnet 2 is
perpendicular to the flat face of the elliptical ring. It may have
rotor magnets 3 as 3a through 3d that follow a circular path 7 about
the centre c of the elliptical ring magnet 2. The circular path 7 of
magnets 3a through 3d has the orbit radius r. Orbit path 7 for each
rotor magnet 3a trough 3d must be fixed relative to stator 2 centre c.
The magnetic field directions of the rotor magnets 3 are perpendicular
to the magnetic field direction of elliptical ring magnet 2 and in the
direction of the motion of the rotor magnet like 3a. The fixed axis of
spin 11 at centre c is parallel to the magnetic field direction of the
elliptical ring magnet 2. This design may implement some of the motion
operations of the figure 21 design; the relative motion of the stator
and rotor magnets are not circular. Figure 28 design only uses half
the ring magnet 2 of figure 21. The rotor assembly that hold the
magnets 3 in place and allows the same magnets to follow circular
orbit 7 is not shown in figure 28.

Elliptical Stator Magnet Motor

Figure 28.

Figure 29 shows the same design as in figure 28 using the same

elliptical stator magnet 2, but there is only one movable magnet 3a
which is part of the pendulum assembly 5. The pendulum magnet 3a
follows the same cicular path 7 about the centre c of the elliptical
ring magnet 2. Figure 30 shows the prefered magnetic flux line pattern
right at the north pole N or south pole S of the elliptical ring
magnet 2. The magnetic field flux line pattern only has one or no weak
magnetic flux line density region 14 along the centre w/2 of the
magnetic pole. The magnet 2 should have a uniform magnetic field about
the centre c with magnetic flux lines of force 13 near the edges of
the magnetic pole. This may avoid the tangential magnetic forces f at
a weak magnetic flux line region. The magnetic field stregnth is

strongest at the pole surfaces of magnet 2. The elliptical stator

magnet 2 may have iron sheet magnetic shield ring 4 with thickness t
and distance sg from the magnet 2. The blue colored array 8 shows the
magnet repulsion forces between north pole N magnet 3a and lower right
side of elliptical ring magnet 2. The red colored arrow 9 shows the
magnetic attraction force between the south pole S of magnet 2a and
lower left side of elliptical ring magnet 2. These magnetic forces
combined produces the forces Fm. Circular graph 10 in figure 29 shows
the magnetic forces Fm the green colored graph curve along the circular
orbit path 7 or circumference "a" of path 7 of magnet 3a relative to
magnet 2 magnetic pole surface. for the design of figure 29. The
circumference a axis is a circle. The clockwise angular deflection ad
of the pendulum 5 and pendulum magnet 3a is an indication of the force
Fm. Magnetic force Fm is minimum when the pendulum magnet 3a is closest
radially to the stator magnet 2 which occurs at two location along the
orbit 7 at intersection of w/2 and si. Just before these locations
along a, the magnetic force Fm may be a little negative which does not
seem to show in video 7.

Pendulum Test For The Elliptical Stator Magnet Motor

Figure 29.

Prefered Magnetic Field Flux Line Pattern Of Elliptical Stator Magnet 2

Figure 30.

The size and eccentricity of the ellipse shape of magnet 2 relative to

orbit 7 needs be at the required values or dimensions. The
eccentricity depends of the rotor magnet 3a diameter dD, and width w of
the magnetic pole surface material of magnet 2. Figures 28 and 29
indicates an approximation of the ellipse dimensions. Demonstration
video 7 shows the pendulum test experiment for the design of figure
29. The pendulum clockwise deflection ad follows approximately the
forces Fm of graph 10 of figure 29. The forces Fm are only in the plane
of the orbit 7. Other magnetic forces may prevent rotation of the
rotor 5. The deflection ad is intermittent and appears mainly positive
which is in the clockwise direction and in the plane of orbit 7. This
pendulum test of video 7 is not prove of free energy; the negative
force -Fm shown in figure 29 may be returning the pendulum to the
neutral starting position, and a little to the right of the neutral
position. The deflections a d pattern is somewhat like the force Fm
graph 10 curve of figure 29, but there is one small tangential
opposing force due to more than one weak magnetic lines regions in the
stator magnet 2 array. The rotor magnets 3 can also have an
alternative inner orbit path 7b in figure 30. Demonstration video 7
device uses an inner orbit 7b. Demonstration videos 7b through 7e,
and 7f may show a net deflection ad or net torque rFm tests which are
difficult to see. These use the same stator magnets 2 of video 7
experiment. The net clockwise deflections ad seems to increase slightly
as distance O between pendulum magnet 3a and stator magnets 2 reduce.
For the net deflection ad test, the stator is rotated in opposite
direction to ad. When the stator 2 spins fast enough, the deflections a
d average out to produce the net deflection ad. Video 7g shows a one
test of some with rotation of stator 2 in same counter-clockwise
direction as deflection ad. Deflection ad seems largest with small
distance O.

Demonstration Video 7. Elliptical Stator Magnet Motor Pendulum Test:

Filesize: 378 kilobytes.

Demonstration Video 7b. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test :

net_Ad5.WMV,File size: 183 kilobytes.

Demonstration Video 7c. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test :

net_ad10.WMV, File size: 217 kilobytes.

Demonstration Video 7d. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test :

net_ad11.WMV, File size: 175 kilobytes.

Demonstration Video 7e. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test
net_ad12.WMV, File size: 299 kilobytes.
Demonstration Video 7f. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test :

.WMV, File size: 463 kilobytes.

Demonstration Video 7g. Elliptical Magnet Motor Net Deflection Test :

reverseAd7 .WMV, File size: 332 kilobytes .


In one other experiment, a larger pole width w relative relative to

the orbit radius r and with a shield 4 had produced no noticable small
tangential magnetic opposing forces f. The intermittent force Fm along
the orbit 7 circumference a=2r may produce a net directional
clockwise torque T=rFm. Variable =3.14159. The semi-minor axis length
si of ellipse is from centre c of ellipse to w/2. For the inner orbit
7b path, the inner orbit 7b intersects or can be close to a point at
w/2 and si at si. Positive deflections ad does not mean that the rotor
of figure 28 will spin; there are other magnetic forces Fy in the
direction of spin 11. Reducing force Fy may increase the amplitude of
-Fm. At each circumfernce a location of a rotor magnet like 3a, the Fy
should not be altered by allowing distance O to alter. Figure 31 shows
the elliptical stator design of 30, but made of smaller magnets 2a
through 2l. the figure 31 shows the incorrect magnetic flux line 13
patterns. The magnetic field produced by combining the separate
magnets has more than one weak magnetic flux line regions 14a through
14l. These regions 14a through 14l may produce the magnetic tangential
forces f or negative antinodes as shown in the circular graph 10b.
These negative antinodes can produce negative force -Fm as distance O
between rotor magnet 3a and stator 2 pole becomes smaller. Average
distance O for each magnet 3a through 3d must be fixed by making axis
of spin 11 fixed for net force Fm to show.
Elliptical Stator Magnet With Incorrect Magnetic Flux Line Patterns
Figure 31.
The rotor assembly 4 of figure 28 should have an odd number of rotor
magnets 3 of 13 or 15 magnets. The rotor magnets 3 may be magnets 3a
through 3m. Figure 32(a) shows the design of a rotor with 13 magnets
3. The rotor assembly 4 can be suspended with a thin thread 12. The
torque rFm produced by the stator 2 magnetic field on the rotor 4
magnets 3 is small and so the rotation of rotor 4 may only be seen
when the rotor is suspended on the thin thread 12. The rotor assembly
4 is made of light weight material, but the flywheel ring material 13
can be made from solid non-metallic materials. The elliptical magnet 2
in this case is made from smaller cylindrical shaped ceramic or
ferrite magnets. These magnets may be used as long if these produced
the magnet field line patterns at their magnetic pole surfaces as
shown in figure 32(b) and if distance O is large enough.
Elliptical Magnet Motor With Rotor
Figure 32.
Demonstration video 8 may show one of about a half a dozen preliminary
experiments of figures 28 and 32 designs. The experiment uses the same
stator magnets 2 as shown in video 7. The rotor assembly starts to
rotate back an forth a little bit as the stator 2 is brought closer
from beneath. The rotor 4 then starts to spin clockwise when seen
from above. The directional net force Fm as seen in video 7 may be
appearing to produce rotation at spin speed W of the rotor assembly 4.
The axis of spin 11 was not stable on centre c, so the stator 2 had to
be relocated slightly sometimes. The rotor seems to be able to keep
spinning until the torsion of the suspension thread 12 prevents
further rotation. When the stator 2 is left alone and stationary, the

axis of spin 11 of the rotor 4 can go off centre c which prevents

rotation of the rotor 4. The experiment of video 8 seems to show a
little superior results than in the experiment of previous video 5,
because the stator 2 magnet array was not moved as much in video 8.
Demonstration video 8b is similar to video 8; the stator 2 had to be
moved from side to side to align the centre c of stator 2 with the
axis of spin 11 of rotor 5. The elliptical stator 2 has to be
stationary for prove of free energy, but without the rotor 5 magnets
3, the rotor 5 will not spin and increase in spin speed W.

Demonstration Video 8. Elliptical Magnet Motor With Rotor:

rotorizedElliptical.WMV, File size: 1119 kilobytes.
Demonstration Video 8b. Elliptical Magnet Motor With Rotor:
rotorizedElliptical2.WMV, File size: 1508 kilobytes.

To prove that a magnet motor works requires possibly four tests. The
elliptical magnet motor seems to have passed three tests; the pendulum
test of video 7, perhaps the net deflection a d tests of videos 7f and
7g, and the preliminary rotor test of videos 8 and 8b. The fourth test
is letting the rotor 4 spin on magnetic bearings for at least one hour
while keeping the stator magnets like 2 stationary and the axis of
spin 11 of rotor 4 fixed at stator 2 centre c. If the rotor 4 can be
kept spinning for at least one hour without moving the stator magnets
2, the elliptical magnet motor may be a free energy generator. Figure
32b may show a superior elliptical stator 2 design. The outer edges of
the elliptical stator 2 is sloped or rounded for a gradual change in
magnetic field intensity. This mat smoothen the the travel as a rotor
magnet like 3a approaches an outer edge of the stator magnet 2.
Elliptical Stator Magnet 2 Design with sloped Outer Edge
Figure 32b.
The rotor assembly like 5 which holds rotor magnets 3 may spin on a
magnetic bearing. The magnetic bearing is to provide very low
mechanical friction. Figure 32b may show the rotor assembly 5 with
magnetic bearing assemblies 20 and 30. The rotor assembly has at its
centre an aluminum or brass axle 19. The centre of the axle is on the
axis of spin 11 of the rotor 5. The bearing assembly 20 has main
magnetic bearing 21 a cylindrical ferrite magnet with its magnetic
pole directions parallel to rotor axis of spin 11. This bearing 21 has
journals 22a through 22e on which it magnetically rests on which are
magnets that have their magnetic pole directions directed to produce
magnetic repulsion force with magnetic field on cylindrical magnet 21.
Journal magnets 22a and 22e produce some horizonal stability in
direction perpendicular to axis of spin 11. Magnets 22a through 22e
form a c shaped magnet array. Journal magnet 22b through 22d magnetic
fields produce the majority of the verticle magnetic support of the
axle 19 assemblies and rotor asembly 5. The bearing assembly 20 also
has minor magnetic bearing 23 a small cylindrical magnet for stability
in a direction parallel to axis 11. This is achieved by magnetic
repulsion force with minor stator disk magnet 24. Bearing assembly 30
is similar in design the bearing assembly 20. Magnets 32a through 32e
produces the second journal magnet array of bearing assembly 30. The
length Lz of the main rotor bearing magnets 21 and 31 are such so that
the axle 19 and rotor assembly 5 is allowed some horizontal movement
in axis 11 directions. Minor cylindrical magnets 24 and 34 must be

smaller that the main bearing magnets 21 and 31. The rotor 5 has
flywheel ring 17 which helps store angular momentum of rotor 5 and
produce some gyroscopic stability of the rotor 5.
Rotor Assembly With Magnetic Bearings.
Figure 32b

Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet Motor

There may be another magnet motor design that has a stator magnetic
field that is non-uniform. This type of magnet motor is called a non-
uniform stator field magnet motor. It resembles the Johnson magnet
motor and Minato's wheel magnet motor designs. Figures 33 and 34 shows
the basic design of the non-uniform stator field rotor. There is a
stator magnet 2 made from many smaller magnets arranged in a circular
array. The magnetic field strengths H2i of the stator magnet of the
motor are not uniform. The magnetic field strengths are strongest at
two opposite sides of the circular stator magnet array 2 where the
array ring is wider and longer. The magnet array 2 consists of about
32 cylindrical ferrite magnets. Some magnets 2 having longer lengths
Li=k2i. Stator magnets 2 have magnets 4 as magnets 4a through 4f behind
these. The magnets 4 have wider widths di. Demonstration video 9 shows
a pendulum test of the non-uniform stator field magnet motor. The
pendulum deflection ad is largest and clockwise on two opposite sides
of the circular stator magnet. Figure 33 shows the pendulum test
design for this magnet motor. It motor has stator magnets 2 which can
be made from smaller magnets 2a through 2z. The design of figure 33
shows a pendulum magnet 3 attached to pendulum assembly 5. The
pendulum magnet 3 can follow the circular orbital path 7 about the
stator 2 circumference C. The pendulum 5 swings about the fixed axis
of spin 11 at the centre c of the stator 2 magnet array. The Lorentz
force F on the pendulum magnet 3 can cause the pendulum to deflect
with angle ad. From the side views of the stator magnet 2, there can be
seen stator magnets with different lengths Li. The longer lengths Li
produces a stronger magnetic field than the shorter lengths about the
circular magnet array 2. The shorter magnet lengths Li may perhaps be
made to keep the deflection ad positive around array 2. In the same
figures the circular graph 15 shows the magnetic field intensities B3
at the magnetic poles of each of the stator 2 magnets. When the length
Li of the stator magnet is the longest, the magnetic field intensity B3
is largest. The varying or non-uniform magnetic field intensities B3
about the circumference "a" of radius r where the magnetic poles are,
permit the intermittent Lorentz forces F to exist about this
circumference a=C. In the figure 33 there is also the graph 16 of the
Lorentz forces F about the same circumference a. The magnitudes of the
Lorentz force F correspond closely to the magnetic field intensities B3
along the circumference a. There are a little negative Lorentz forces
-F as -F=F-Fm where the stator magnet lengths Li are shortest. The
opposing magnet forces Fm as explained in the paragraphs of figures 28
through 30 are caused by opposing magnetic attraction force Fm.

Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet Motor Pendulum Test Design

Figure 33.
Figure 33b shows the front view of the stator magnet array 2 of the
non-uniform stator magnetic field motor design. Figure 33b also shows

the graph 12 (green colored curve) of the magnetic field strengths H2i
versus circumference C location i. Figure 33b also shows the Lorentz
force F minus opposing forces f versus pendulum angular displacements
"a" graph 10 (blue colored curve). The magnetic field strengths H2i has
a minimum and a maximum amplitude at four locations of circumference
C. When H2i is maximum the F-f reaches maximum possible value which is
seen as the maximum positive deflection ad in the demonstration video
Stator Magnet Array 2 Front View and Graphs

Figure 33b.

The design can have a rotor assembly 5 in figure 34 that replaces the
pendulum assembly 5 of figure 33.
Pendulum With Four Magnets For Magnet Motor Design

Figure 33c.
Figure 33d shows the magnetic fields of the stator 2 of the non-
uniform stator magnet motor design. This design uses the magnetic
model of the superimposed magnetic and antimagnetic fields of figure
D4. The blue colored curves 15 at section A-A and sections B-B in
figure 33d represents some of the near magnetic flux lines of the
ordinary magnetic field, while the red colored dashed curve lines
represent the antimagnetic field flux lines which is superimposed on
the magnetic field (blue colored flux lines). The light blue curve of
graph 13 represents the magnetic field intensities B2i of the magnetic
field over the north pole N, while the orange colored lines of graph
13 represents the magnetic field intensities B2i of the antimagnetic
field. The green colored line 7 represents the circular path of of the
pendulum magnets 3a through 3d over the magnetic north pole N of the

ring stator magnet 2. The magnitudes of the antimagnetic field (red

dashed lines) magnetic field intensities B2i is negative and about half
of the magnetic field intensities B2i of the ordinary magenetic field
(blue dashed lines). The front view of figure 33d shows the magnetic
and antimagnetic flux lines 16 and 17 of magnetic field near edges of
ring 2 close the the north pole N surface of the magnet 2, with the
centre portion 18 of the ring 2 with weak magnetic flux line density
region with little or no density variations of magnet flux line
density .
Magnetic Fields of Non-uniform Stator 2

Figure 33d.
The axis of rotation 11 of the rotor assembly 5 of figure 34 must be
fixed. If the axis of spin 11 is not fixed, it will move away from the
centre c of the stator magnet array 2 and rotor magnets 3 will rest at
a location where the lorentz forces F and opposing forces Fm balance
causing no rotation W of the rotor 5. The rotor 5 assembly is
suspended of thin sowing thread 7. The low mechanical friction and
torsion of the thread enables the weak net forces F to spin the rotor.
The flywheel ring 8 enables to momentum of the intermittent net forces

F to be stored as rotation. Electromagnetic energy usually comes as

Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet Motor With Rotor
Figure 34.
Demonstration Video 9. Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet Motor
nonUniform2.WMV, File size: 729 kilobytes.
Demonstration videos 10 and 10b may show the non-uniform stator field
magnet motor with a rotor 5 shown of figure 34. The rotor 5 has 15
magnets 3 as cylindrical shaped ferrite magnets 3a through 3o placed
in a circle. These magnets are spaced evenly apart along this circle.
The net directional torque rF seen in video 9 seems to produce
rotation by Lorentz forces F. The stator magnets 2 had to be moved
slightly from side to side to align the stator centre c with the axis
of spin 11 of rotor 5.

Demonstration Video 10. Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet With Rotor:

nonUniformRotorized.WMV, File size: 804 kilobytes.
Demonstration Video 10b. Non-uniform Stator Field Magnet With Rotor:
nonUniformRotor.WMV, File size: 2146 kilobytes.

The axis of rotation 11 of the rotor assembly 5 of figure 34 must be

fixed. If the axis of spin 11 is not fixed, it will move away from the
centre c of the stator array 2 and rotor magnets 3 will rest at a
location where the lorentz forces F and opposing forces Fm balance
causing no rotation W of the rotor 5. For this design to be a free
energy device, the stator 2 has to be stationary. The design of figure
34, videos 10 and 10b still has to pass the test with the stator 2
stationary with magnetic bearings. The Lorentz magnetic force F=HrH2i,
where Hr is magnetic field stength of the rotor magnet 3 and H2i is
magnetic field strength of stator magnet 2 at circumference C location
i. 2i=B2ik2i, where B2i is magnetic field intensity of stator magnet 2
and magnet length k2i at circumference C location i. H2i=B2iWiC, with
width Wi of stator magnet at circumference C location i. C=2r, where r
is circular orbit radius of rotor magnets 3. examples: B2i=0.01 tesla,
k2i=0.015 metre, 0.0186 metre<Wi<0.023 metre, r=0.12 metre.
Figure 34b may perhaps show the differences F-f between Lorentz
force F and opposing forces f versus angular position a=C of a rotor 5
magnet. Perhaps the sine wave intensities of the stator 2 magnetic
fields about C=a may produce a magnet motor. Can replace the pendulum
magnets 3a and 3b in figure 33b with an electromagnets 11a and 11b
that can detect the magnetic field intensities Bi of the forces F-f.
The magnetic field intensities Bi about circumference C may produce
electric currents Id in the coil of the electromagnet.
F-f Versus Angular Position a

Figure 34b.
Currents Id is varying direct current whose direction is independent to
spin speed W direction. Demonstration video 10c shows current Id
generation caused by magnetic field intensities Bi. The ammeter shows
the currents Id as the stator 2 rotates relative to electromagnet
Demonstration Video 10c. Electromagnet Current Id Generation By F-f: .WMV, file size: kilobytes, (not available yet).
The ammeter needle must make only small deflections to avoid meter
needle oscillations. This small current Id has little effect on the
magnetic field intensity Br of the pendulum magnet 3a that can be in
the coil of the electromagnet. FI=uourIdlr is the Lorentz force
produced by current Id in the sensor eletromagnet. Where lr is the
length of the wire of the coil of the sensor electromagnet and ur is
the electromagnetic permeability of the sensor electromagnet iron
core. ur=1/Br. The resultant force is:
The magnetic energy U detected by the sensor coil is perhaps:

where Hi=AiBi, with sectional area Ai of magnet pole, and radius

location r of the sensor electromagnet 11a. The change in Hi is Hi
during duration t=(2)(42w). Bi=0.001 to 0.006 tesla. Ai=0.00039
metre2. When the stator magnets 2 are moving relative to sensor
electromagnet 11a or 11b, the changing electromagnet field Hi and
electric field E and photons fields k detect by the sensor 11a or 11b
may be:
Kr+Hi+E+2k+kap3=0, (31)

where Kr is perhaps the scalar electromagnetic potential function of

relatively moving magnets 2, and where Hi and E are parallel in this
case. Vector E is the electric field emitted by a stator magnet 2a
detected by the sensor coil 2 if magnet 2a was moving relative to coil
11a. The photon intensity vector k radiated energy U equation may
perhaps be:

with photon intensity k made equal to the number of photons in the

electromagnetic field (magnetic field), and Planck's contant
h=6.6260810-34 joule second. The f is the fast frequency determined by
the number of stator 2 magnets and rotor spin speed w and is
proportional to Hi/t. Magnetic equation (31) for changing magnetic
field strength Hi of a cylindrical shaped made from smaller ferrite
disk magnets is plotted on graph 6.
Figure 34c may show the same magnet motor design of figures 33 and
34, except the thread 7 is suspended on magnet bearings so that the
torsion of the thread 7 may not stop rotation speed W of rotor
assembly 5.
Rotor Assembly 5 Of Figure 34 With Magnetic Bearings
Figure 34c.
Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor
In a non-circular loop magnet motor, the rotor does not follow a
circular path relative to the stator magnet. This magnet motor style
does not seem to work for the last test of the rotor spin axis mot
being fixed. The non-circular loop magnet motor uses the effects of
the magnet motor 5D and elliptical stator magnet motor designs.
Figures 36a, 36b and 37 shows its design. Figure 36a shows the
pendulum test version of the design and figure 37 shows the rotorized
motor design. Demonstration video 11c shows the third test the
suspended rotor test of the magnet motor. The pendulum assembly 5 in
figure 36a consists of the pendulum, pendulum magnet 3a, deflection ad
indicator needle (red paper) and optional copper weights not shown in
figure 36a. The magnet 3a with is a cylindrical shaped ferrite magnet
is allowed to take a circular path 7, but this path is not circular
relative to stator circular ring magnet 2. Pnedulum assembly 5 whcih
holds the magnet 3a eables magnet 3a to swing about axis of spin 11.
Figure 36b and demonstration video 2c shows the required magnetic flux
line pattern at a magnetic pole of the flat surface of the ring magnet
2. The magnetic flux line pattern has only one weak magnetic lines
density region 14 along the centre of the flange and flat surface of
the ring magnet 2. There are only short magnetic lines 13 showing at
the edges of the flange at the flat surface. Figure 36a also shows the
graph of 10 the resultant magnetic force FT about the stator magnet 2
along path "a". The resultant force FT=Fsine(a/2)+Fmcosine(a/2)+c.
The Lorentz force Fsine(a/2) at a/2 is smallest.
Pendulum Test Design For The Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor

Figure 36a.
The radius r of rotor magnet 3a circular path 7 and axis of spin 11
location to stator ring 2 are so selected so that FT =0 newton at a=0
metre, and FT>0 newton and c>0 newton at a/2= radian. The radius r and
axis of spin 11 location may determine the ratio F/Fm. The =3.14159.
The distance y is offest distance of axis of spin 11 from centre c of
stator circular ring magnet 2.
Demonstration video 11a shows a pendulum test for the non-circular
loop magnet motor. The deflection ad of the pendulum seems mainly
clockwise. The pendulum clockwise deflection ad or adn may be
indication of the Lorentz force F and magnetic force Fm difference Fm-
Demonstration Video 11a. Pendulum Test Of Non-circular Loop Magnet
non-circularPendulum5.WMV, File size: 720 kilobytes.
There is some negative or counter clockwise deflection ad of the
pendulum 5 with magnet 3a, but deflection ad is not proportional to
resultant force FT. FT=mg(sine(ad)) with a pendulum like 5.
In the rotorized version of the non-circular loop magnet motor, the
pendulum assembly 5 is replaced by a rotor assembly 5. The rotor
assembly 5 of figure 37 consists of the rotor magnets 3a through 3h.
As the rotor asembly 3 with its magnets 3 spin at speed W, the
distances O to the magnets 3a through 3h and stator ring magnet 2 are
not fixed even if the magnets 3 follow a circular path 7 relative to
the observers. When magnet 3a is closed to ring magnet and directly

over its magnetic pole, the Lorentz force F is strongest producing the
largest clockwise deflection ad of the pendulum 5. When the pendulum 5
magnet 3a is furthest from the ring 2 pole during rotation along path
7, the opposing magnetic force Fm and Lorentz force F cancel as seen in
video 11a. The offset distance y of the axis of spin 11 from the
centre c of the ring 2 is y=d32. Magnet 3a has length q and maximum
diameter d.

Demonstration Video 11b. Net Deflection Test Of Non-circular Loop

Motor: non-circularNetAd18.WMV, File size: 421 kilobytes.
Demonstration Video 11c. Net Deflection Test Of Non-circular Loop
Motor: non-circularNetAd19.WMV, File size: 452 kilobytes.
The pseudo energy constant cE as a function of H3 may be:

Variable Hr=Br(d2)2 (of equation 7) is magnetic field strength of
pendulum magnet 3a and H3 (of equation 6) is magnetic field strength of
ring stator magnet 2. Variable m=0.070 kilogram is the mass of
pendulum assembly 5, and g=9.81 newton/metres. The r=0.065 metre is
orbit radius of pendulum magnet 3a about axis 11. The stator ring
magnet 2 average radius is rs=0.040 metre. Energy from matter mass m is
defined as:


where c is the speed of light in a vacuum; c=3.00108 metres per

The speed of light can also be defined as: c=1(eu)1/2 . The mass m is
in kilogram units of matter of a magnetic particle like iron. Where
e=8.85 10-12 farad2/(newton metre2) is the electrostatic permittivity
of the vacuum space-time. Variable u=410-7 tesla metre/ampere is the
electromagnetic or magnetic permeability of vacuum space-time. Variable
e2 is the electric or electrostatic permittivity of the vacuum space-
time within attracting electrostatic fields. The e2 may be:

e2=aEi, (26)

where E is the electric or electrostatic field intensity from an

electrostatic field of a capacitance like C3. The variable u2 is the
electromagnetic permeabilty of vacuum space-time within attracting
magnetic fields. The u2 may be:

u2=bB3n, (27)

where variable B3 is the magnetic field intensity of attracting

magnetic fields around a magnet like 2a. Where exponents i and n are
assumed to be less than 1. Electromagnetic permeability u2 in a vacuum

or a magnetic material may not be constant and may appear to be

partially determined by the magnetic field intensity B3 of attracting
magnetic fields according to equations (27) and (26).
Rotorized Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor
Figure 37.
The demonstration video 11d of the suspended rotor test of the non-
circular magnet motor shows that the rotor spin speed may increase
slightly as the distance O between rotor magnets 3 and stator ring
magnet 2 is reduced. Since the stator magnet ring 2 had to be moved
from side to side to maintain its relative position to the rotor 5
magnets 3, the experiment is not prove of free energy at this time.
For prove of free energy, the axis of spin 11 has to be fixed relative
to the stator ring 2 and the rotor 5 must rotate for at least 1 hour
with the stator ring magnet 2 stationary. Demonstration video 11e
shows the same experiment but with the stator ring 2 not intentionally
moved from side to side. A small disk magnets 20 and 21 help stabilize
a little more the axis of rotation 11 position.
Demostration Video 11d. Suspended Rotor Test Of Non-circular Loop
nonCircularPath.WMV, File size: 1181 kilobytes.
Demostration Video 11e. Suspended Rotor Test Of Non-circular Loop
nonCircularOrbitS.WMV, File size: 1443 kilobytes.

Videos 11d and 11e are not prove of free energy, because the stator
magnet 2 had to be moved from side to side horizontally to align axis
of rotation 11 with stator centre c.
The centre of gravity and centre of the moment of inertia of the rotor
assembly 5 must be at the axis of rotation 11. If this is not so, the
small magnetic torque FTr will not be enough to turn the rotor 5
against its own weight.
Magnetic poles N and S of the magnets in the figures 36 and 37 must be
as shown. The magnetic poles at the ring 2 flange that face the rotor
magnet 3a is the south pole S. If not, the counter clockwise magnetic
force Fm will be stronger than the apparent clockwise Lorentz force F.
An apparent north pole N as 13 appears near centre c of ring magnet 2.
This would indicate that a magnetic south pole S of a magnet is not
the same as its magnetic north pole N. Magnetic south pole S may
behave a little different than a magnetic north pole N. If the
magnetic poles of the magnets were switched as shown in figure 38, the
magnetic forces Fm about circumference C would look like graph 10 of
figure 38.
Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor With Magnetic Poles N and S Reversed.

Figure 38.

Demostration Video 11f. Pendulum Test Of Non-circular Loop Motor

With Reversed Magnetic Poles:
nonCircularOrbit2.WMV, File size: 553 kilobytes.
Can call F T the angular magnetic force, perpendicular magnetic force
or deflection force, because the force FT is perpendicular to magnetic
field direction of ring magnet 2. The angular force FT may be the sum
of the Lorentz force F and the perpendicular magnetic force Fm also
mentioned in figure 29 design section. FT=Fm+F at a particular
circumference location a. In figure 37, the angular force FT on
pendulum magnet 3a is maximum when magnet 3a is at minimum radius
location from centre c. In figure 38 configuration of the magnets, the
angular force FT on magnet 3a is maximum when radius location from
centre c of magnet 3a is maximum. This indicates that magnetic forces
Fm or F at a circumference C location are not the same at the north
pole N and south pole S of a ring shaped magnet like 2. Magnetic poles
N or S of a ring shaped magnet like 2 seems not to behave the same.
Can assume that perhaps the Lorentz force F=FT deflection a d is
produced by the centre magnet pole 13, since only the Lorentz force F
is perpendicular to ring magnet 2 magnetic field intensity B3
direction. Since the magnetic poles N or S magnetic field intensity B3c
at centre c and 13 of ring magnet 2 has to be large, the magnetic
field strength H3c=B3cLh2r of stator ring magnet 2 must be large
relative to orbit radius r. The designs of figures 36 through 38 do

not work; the rotor rotation in videos 11d and 11e are due to the
stator ring magnet 2 being moved from side to side. If the axis of
spin 11 stays on centre c of ring or is fixed, the rotor will not
Can use both magnetic poles of the ring stator magnet 2 of figure 36a.
Can combine the non-circular loop magnet motors of figures 36a and 37
to produce the dual pendulum magnet non-circular loop magnet motor
design. Figure 39 shows the design. It magnet motor design using the
same stator ring magnet 2 as in figures 36a, 36b and 37. The pendulum
assembly 5 now consists of the pendulum and pendulum magnets 3a and
3b. Second 3b is similar in shape of magnet 3a, but follows a parallel
circular path 7b. Graph 10b shows the resultant magnetic forces Fm-F
between stator ring magnet 2 magnetic field and pendulum magnet 3b
magnetic field.

Dual Pendulum Magnet Non-circular Loop Magnet Motor Pendulum Test

Figure 39.
Demonstration video 12a shows a prilimary pendulum test of the design

of figure 39. At a radius r, the deflection ad is smallest from initial

position in video 12a experiment trial. This will be the maximum
radius position of pendulum magnet like 3a relative to centre c of
ring 2 along orbit paths 7 and 7b.
Demonstration Video 12a. Pendulum Test Of Non-circular Loop Motor
With Two Pendulum Magnets: dualNonCircular.WMV, File size: 574 kilobytes.
When the deflection angle ad is largest, this will be the minimum
radius location of a pendulum magnet like 3a from centre c of ring 2
along orbit path 7 or 7b. If a small television camera could be placed
on the pendulum magnet 3a and some looks at portions of the ring 2
edge, and if the magnetic field of ring magnet 2 is uniform, we could
not tell whether the camera is orbiting ring magnet 2 or just moving
up and down relative to ring magnet 2. This may be how the magnet
motor operates. The magnetic field intensity Br of the rotor magnets
and magnetic field intensity B3 must be the same or similar. If
magnetic field intensity Br of the smaller rotor magnet like 3a is to
large, it can pentrate the weaker field intensity B3 of the stator
magnet 2 and magnetically attract to the stator magnet 3 material at
smallest distance O. The magnets may be made from the same material
such as ferrite or ceramic that can have large magnetic field
Magnet Motor Tests
This version of Johnson's magnet motor uses the design and magnetic
effects of figure 39. The only version of this design that worked was
the pendulum test versions, so this likely not be a free energy
device. The design uses both magnetic poles N and S of its magnet 2.
Figure 40 shows this design. The pendulum 5 has two magnets 3a and 3b
on eitther side of the stator magnet 2 to help reduce the opposing
forces f that is produced by one magnet 3a. It look similar to the
design of figure 39. The design may be using the magnetic effects of
the design of figure 39, except that the pendulum assembly 5 axis of
spin or rotation 11 is at the centre c of the stator ring magnet 2. It
has the same stator ring magnet 2. It has two pendulum magnets 3a and
3b with the magnetic pole direction as shown that can rotate about
axis of spin 11 at centre c of stator ring magnet 2. Magnet 3a can
follow circular path 7 over the magnetic pole of ring magnet 2 flange.
The other magnet 3b follows a parallel circular path 7b also about
stator 2 centre c over the opposite magnetic pole of staror 2 flange.

Dual Pendulum Magnets Magnet Motor Pendulum Test

Figure 40.
Demonstration videos 14a, 14b and 14c three of some experiment trials
may show magnet motor patent 4,151,431 design type preliminary
pendulum tests. Each of these trials shows deflections ad with
different pendulum magnets 3a and 3b circumference "a" locations. The
test seems to show a clockwise deflection ad even if the axis of spin
11 of the pendulum assembly 5 is at or near the centre c of the ring
magnet 2. The pendulum assembly 5 requires two magnets 3a and 3b at
either side of ring magnet 2 for the deflection angle ad to show. The
magnetic fields of stator ring 2 and pendulum magnets 3a and 3b

operate as a single unit. Demonstration video 14d showing one of some

experiment trials may show a pendulum test and a net deflection ad
test. The pendulum 5 bearing at axis of rotation 11 has some
mechanical friction due to twisting loads so net clockwise deflection
adn of pendulum 5 is difficult to determine.

Demostration Video 14a. Magnet Motor Pendulum Test:

dualPendulum5.WMV, File size: 486 kilobytes.

Demostration Video 14b. Magnet Motor Pendulum Test:

dualPendulum9.WMV, File size: 488 kilobytes.
Demostration Video 14c. Magnet Motor Pendulum Test:
dualPendulum11.WMV, File size: 577 kilobytes.
Demostration Video 14d. Magnet Motor Pendulum and Net Deflection
circularOrbit7.WMV, File size: 532 kilobytes.

The deflections ad producing the net deflection adn about circumference

is nearly constant. With this, the deflection force FT is nearly
constant with ad. Then the pseudo energy constant cE is assumed to be:
cE=FT2r=mg(sine(adn))2r=BrB3. Demonstration videos 14b and 14c
may show some magnetic memory production effects also. The pendulum
deflects strongly clockwise and then can go down after some motion of
the stator ring magnet 2. Magnetic memory may produce temporary
magnetic field intensities in magnets that may stop magnet motor
operation. The magnetic memory effects mostly occurs at the atomic
level of iron atoms and so may involve some quantum mechanics effects.
In this motor design of figure 40 only the above pendulum tests appear
succesfull. The deflection angles ad seen in videos 14a through 14d was
due to magnetic field intensities of the entire ring magnet 2. This
makes the rotor magnets like 3a not spin about the centre of the
stator 2 magnetic field. The pendulum design of figure 40 is
incorrect; the pendulum magnetswere not realy at the centre of the
magnetic field intensity of the stator ring 2. Figure 40b shows the
correct stator design for the experiment of figure 40. The pendulum in
figure 40b uses two pairs of pendulum magnets at opposite sides of the
pendulum to balance and cancel the magnetic forces that would have
caused the deflection ad due to a single pair of pendulum magnets in
figure 40 not being at the centre of the magnetic field intensity. The
angular deflections ad of the pendulum magnets 3a and 3b is lilely due
to imbalance of the magnet field of stator magnet 2 due to pendulum
magnets 3a and 3b. The magnetic fields of pednulum magnets 3a and 3b
may be changing the magnetic field pattter of the central stator ring
magnet 2. Figure 40b has a type 2 pendulum test. The pendulum assembly
5 has magnet pairs 3a with 3b and 3c with 3d. Pairs 3c and 3d are on
opposite sides of the pendulum.
Type 2 Pendulum Test.
Figure 40b.
When a semi-circular magnet array 2 is made as shown in figure 40e(i),
it can get magnetically repelled by magnetic fields of magnets 3a and
3b. This repuslion force from a semi-circular ring is Fr. When the
semi-circular array 2 is completed into a ring array as shown in

figure 40e(ii), the magnetic field of ring 2 collapses in the

direction of magnets 3a and 3b. Magnetic repulsion forces betwen
magnets 2 and 3a with 3b reduces. Figure 40e(iii) shows the ring
magnet like 2 in figure 40e(ii), but magnets have longer lengths L and
an iron shield 4. The iron shield 4 is in the shape of a hollow
cylinder made of sheets of iron. The withs W of the magnets 3a and 3b
must be equal or longer than their lengths l.
Stator Semi-circular And Circular Rings.
Figure 40e.
Demonstration video 14e will show the ring magnet 2 design of figure
40e(ii). The magnetic repelling force Fr has nearly collapsed.
Demostration Video 14e. Magnet Motor Pendulum and Net Deflection
Tests: File size: kilobytes, (not available yet).

The goals is to minimize the collapse by making magnets 2 lengths L

long and by using thicknes iron shielding 4 as shown in figure 40f.
Figure 40f design may have a magnet 3 that is part of a pendulum
assembly 5. Magnet 3 may be made from smaller disk shaped magnets 3a
through 3f with some small spacing between these. The length q of
magnet 3 must span at least 2/5 of a circle.
Stator Magnets With Long Lengths L
Figure 40f.
In figure 40e(ii), with the unshielded magnet ring 2 the magnetic
repulsion force Fr is nearly gone. When the ring 2 magnets have longer
lengths L and have an iron shield 4, the repelling magnetic force Fr is
note entirely gone. This left over repelling force is Fre. The stator
of figure 40f(iii) and 40f is tested for the force Fre in demonstration
video 14e. The remaining repelling force Fre is important in magnetic
motors, because the Lorentz force F in circular magnet arrays like 2
may be proportional to Fre.
Demostration Video 14f. Figure 40c Stator Field Fre Test:
existingForce.WMV, File size: 251 kilobytes.

Figure 40h may show the rotorized design of magnet motor design of
figure 40. The rotor magnets 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d are on one side of the
rotor assembly 5 only. Parts 8a and 8b on the rotor 5 are non-metallic
balance weights like glass. The rotor 5 only rotates when the axis of
spin 11 is not fixed like in the figure 21 design. The axis of spin
takes a circular path 6 as the rotor rotates, but the position of the
centre c of ring 2 relative to axis of spin 11 is not critical as seen
in the pendulum tests of videos 14. The rotor spins on a ring bearing
9. At a time a point on the ring bearing 9 is located on one point of
the circular path just outside 14 sharing the same centre as path 6.
The circular path 6 of the axis of spin 11 probably causes imbalanced
but uniform magnet forces. In the magnet motor design of video 5, the
axis of spin of the rotor appears also not fixed; and likely follows a
circular path.
Imbalanced Magnetic Field Test Design
Figure 40h.

Video 14g will show the preliminary test of the design of figure 40h.
There is some rotation of the rotor 5, but the axis of spin 11 of
rotor 5 is not fixed relative to stator ring 2 centre c.

Demonstration Video 14g. Figure 40h Magnet Motor Preliminary Test:, File size: kilobytes (not avialable yet) .

Figure 40g shows the rotorized version of the design of figure 40. The
pendulum magnets like 3a and 3b of figure 40 are part of a rotor
assembly 5 in figure 40g. The rotor magnets 3a through 3h are part of
a rotor assembly 5 that can spin as a top. The top or rotor assembly 5
has needle point aluminum bearing 8 that is on a glass journal 9. This
journal 9 allows the rotor assembly 5 to have some degrees of freedom
of motion in the horizontal direction. The centre of gravity cg of the
rotor assembly 5 is located below the needle point bearing.
Dual Rotor Magnet Array Magnet Motor
Figure 40g.

Demonstration Video 14h. Figure 40d Magnet Motor Test:, File size: kilobytes (not avialable yet) .

Continued on: "Some Magnet Motors Perhaps Part C".


Directory:Meerut Graviational Energy Claim

From PESWiki

Three Meerut, India students claim to have come up with a method of harnessing gravitational energy for
electricity generation. Alleged working prototype shown in video.
Table of contents
1 About

1.1 Official Website

1.2 How it works

1.2.1 Video Stills

1.3 Attributes
1.4 Prototype Status
1.5 Inventors
1.6 In the News
1.7 Contact

2 See also

This is a new page. You are welcome and invited to help us expand its contents. Once the page has
become more mature and adequately populated, this notice can be removed.

Official Website
looking, none found yet.

How it works
The concept's working is said to be based on three basic principles
gravitational pull on Earth
Archimedes principle of floating
the magnetic force

Gravidational energy is said to be the main source in this system, which doesn't need water or air.
Gravitational energy is allegedly converted into electrical energy.

Video Stills

The following are screen shots from an ANI news video, June 22, 2006.
New Source of Energy ( -
Video version of the above story by ANI; briefly shows machine spinning, as well as diagram of
concept. (Snoop News / ANI; June 22, 2006)


The following is claimed: [1] (
It runs automatically
possible anywhere and at any time, since gravitational force is present everywhere
almost no cost
eco-friendly: the environment is not affected in any way by this system
No large space is needed to assemble this system

Prototype Status
While facing a lot of problems in arranging material and input of their choice, initially, the trio could not
produce a complete working unit. But later, they proved their theoretical principle by making suitable
changes in the assembly of their pilot project with the available sources.
[2] (

All from Meerut, India
Pradeep Kumar Singh, a student pursuing Masters in Bio Technology from Birla Institute of

Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani.

Vivek Kumar Bhutani
Upendra Chaudry

In the News
Meerut youngsters claim to have invented new source of
energy ( - (Yahoo News / ANI; June 24, 2006)
New Source of Energy (
energy.html) - Video version of the above story by ANI; briefly shows machine spinning,
as well as diagram of concept. (Snoop News / ANI; June 22, 2006)


See also
Directory:Gravity Motors
Gravity Motors ( - index at

- Other Directory listings

- PESWiki home page
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Gravity Motors

Directory:Total Spectrum Solar Concentrator

From PESWiki

The Total Spectrum Solar Concentrator concept first concentrates the solar energy via parabolic reflectors,
then splits the light through a prism to focus the wavelengths onto solar collectors optimized for a given
Table of contents
1 Illustration
2 Official Websites

2.1 United Innovations, Inc

3 NEC Commentary

3.1 United Innovations has done it

3.2 Marginal Gain

4 Contact

4.1 Mr. Mambo

4.2 United Innovations, Inc.

1 See also

The following is an illustration.

enlargement here (

Mr. Mambo is the creator of this illustration and declares it part of public domain.

Official Websites

United Innovations, Inc - Aims to achieve the world's highest solar-to-electric conversion

efficiency at lowest cost. (Most of the website is under construction.)
presentation (
f) - Courtesy Green and Gold Energy (not affiliated).

Sample images from PowerPoint:



NEC Commentary

United Innovations has done it

On June 6, 2006, New Energy Congress member, Greg Watson, gave the following input:
United Innovations has done it. Working model gets around 35% efficiency. Simple 3Js do the same job
at less cost. - 3mb pdf, lot of
data and photos
( is Mr. Watson's company website.)

Marginal Gain

On June 6, 2006, New Energy Congress member, Robert Indech, PhD PE gave the following input:

This concept is an obvious extension of known methods to concentrate and separate light. The first
obvious flaw is that the prism would be bombarded with very high intensity infrared radiation, probably
melting it within seconds.
Further, although existant solar cells are optimized for particular wavelengths, that does not mean that
they do not respond to the non-optimized wavelengths of incident light.
The gain in efficiency would be marginal at best.
Not top 100.

Regarding United Innovations' approach, Dr. Indech said:

Same overall effect, but not quite the same configuration as the concept. I am well aware of the
technology. Also, the dichroic filters used would suffer the same heating problem as the prism in the

concept unit.


Mr. Mambo

Mr. Mambo submitted the above illustration, but did not give any contact info.

United Innovations, Inc.
1780 La Costa Meadows Drive Suite 100
San Marcos, CA 92078
Voice: 760 761 0463
Fax: 760 761 0469
email: (mailto:uortabasi@un

See also

- Other Directory listings

- PESWiki home page
Retrieved from ""

The Third Electrical Current

A US Patent has been awarded to John Timothy Sullivan for the Sully Direct Current, which is not AC
nor DC. Discovered as part of new a electrolysis technique.
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, USA -- Clear Energy, Inc., a small R&D company in Baltimore, has been
issued US Patent number 7,041,203 for a new electrical current.

Previously, there were two types of currents used to deliver electrical power. Direct Current (DC), the
kind that comes from your battery in your automobile, was discovered by Ben Franklin in the 1700s.
Alternating Current (AC) was brought forth by Nikola Tesla over a hundred years ago, and is the
underpinning of today's electrical infrastructure.

Alternating current is described as electric current that flows for an interval of time in one direction and
then in the opposite direction; that is, a current that flows in alternately reversed directions through or
around a circuit. The polarities of electrodes or conductors are constantly swapping polarities when the
current changes direction.

Direct current is described as electrical current that flows in one direction, and does not reverse its
polarities as alternating current does. The electricity produced in DC batteries is direct current. The Plus
(+) and Minus (-) polarities of electrodes remain constant and never swap.

Sully Direct Current (SDC)

But, what would happen if you have a polarity reversal within the (+) positive and (-) negative electrode
without swapping the polarity of the supply voltage?

The result is a new electrical current called Sully Direct Current or (SDC), named after its inventor
John T. Sullivan.

SDC is described as electrical current that flows for an interval of time in one direction and then in the
opposite direction; that is, two or more current paths flowing in alternately reversed directions within a
constant (+) Anode and (-) Cathode circuit. The plus (+) and minus (-) supply polarities of electrodes
remain constant -- the same as a DC battery. The polarities within the electrodes of the circuit are
reversing causing an alternating reversing multi-directional currents.

The Third Electrical Current

A US Patent has been awarded to John Timothy Sullivan for the Sully Direct Current, which is not AC
nor DC. Discovered as part of new a electrolysis technique.
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, USA -- Clear Energy, Inc., a small R&D company in Baltimore, has been
issued US Patent number 7,041,203 for a new electrical current.

Previously, there were two types of currents used to deliver electrical power. Direct Current (DC), the

kind that comes from your battery in your automobile, was discovered by Ben Franklin in the 1700s.
Alternating Current (AC) was brought forth by Nikola Tesla over a hundred years ago, and is the
underpinning of today's electrical infrastructure.

Alternating current is described as electric current that flows for an interval of time in one direction and
then in the opposite direction; that is, a current that flows in alternately reversed directions through or
around a circuit. The polarities of electrodes or conductors are constantly swapping polarities when the
current changes direction.

Direct current is described as electrical current that flows in one direction, and does not reverse its
polarities as alternating current does. The electricity produced in DC batteries is direct current. The Plus
(+) and Minus (-) polarities of electrodes remain constant and never swap.

Sully Direct Current (SDC)

But, what would happen if you have a polarity reversal within the (+) positive and (-) negative electrode
without swapping the polarity of the supply voltage?

The result is a new electrical current called Sully Direct Current or (SDC), named after its inventor
John T. Sullivan.

SDC is described as electrical current that flows for an interval of time in one direction and then in the
opposite direction; that is, two or more current paths flowing in alternately reversed directions within a
constant (+) Anode and (-) Cathode circuit. The plus (+) and minus (-) supply polarities of electrodes
remain constant -- the same as a DC battery. The polarities within the electrodes of the circuit are
reversing causing an alternating reversing multi-directional currents.

Close switch SW1 and SW2 On/Off 180 degrees out of phase with SW3 and SW4 continuously.
The result is a revering multi-directional current that flows in parallel or in series through electrodes from Left to
Right and then Right to Left, without reversing the supply polarity. A multi-directional current will result between at
least two electrodes. "Sully Direct Current" (SDC) is described as electrical current that flows for an Interval of
time in one direction and then in the opposite direction; that is, one or more current paths flowing in alternately
reversed directions through or around a circuit. The supply voltage polarities (+) and (-) of electrodes remain
constant, same as a DC battery. The polarities within the anode and cathode are alternating, reversing to change
current directions. The Voltage is measured in Sully Volts. The current is measured in Sully Direct Current

(SDC). Power is measured in SullyWatts.

John T. Sullivan, Inventor (Patent Pending [as of the time of the creation of the illustration]). All rights reserved.

Alternating Current (AC) and SDC both have current reversal. AC changes (+) anode and (-) cathode
supply polarity when it changes current direction. SDC changes current direction without swapping the
(+) anode and (-) cathode supply lines.

SDC can reverse currents at full voltage or zero volts to produce tuned, counter-EMF forces and
magnetic field reversals.

The Voltage across the Anode (+) and cathode (-) is measured with a DC Volt meter. The current
between two or more circuits or cells is measured with an AC current meter that can be measured in Sully
Watts .
How it Was Discovered

Sullivan created SDC while working on one of his

patented hydrogen and oxygen electrolysis
generators to create an alternative fuel.

One limiting factor in efficient creation of hydrogen

in electrolysis is the attraction created between
Hydrogen and Oxygen gas bubbles to electrodes.
"They stick like tiny magnets, increasing resistance
of electrodes," thus reducing gas production.

As the SDC current changes direction within an

inductive coil, the directions of the magnetic fields
reverse creating multidirectional forces on the
electrodes and ions. A tuned resonator circuit can
create vibrations on the electrodes; this action shakes
the electrodes and significantly increases the release
of the hydrogen bubbles resulting in more efficient
production of pure Hydrogen and Oxygen.

It would not be feasible to use AC to create this

mechanical action; the gases would mix as polarities
are swapped creating an unstable mixed gas.

See video of electrolysis.
New applications for this revolutionary new voltage
are just beginning to be developed in many
disciplines such as lighting, semi-conductors, capacitors, gravity experiments, fusion, particle
accelerators, motors, hydrogen generators, fuel cells, batteries, water purifiers and medical applications.

Sullivan hopes that SDC currents will open new doors to scientific discoveries and products that were
not possible with AC and DC.


SOURCE - company website
Sully DC Press Release

An integrated electric propulsion and ship service system is widely regarded as the best approach for
achieving lower life cycle cost ships with reduced manning. The US Navy has selected Integrated Electric
Drive for future surface combatants, i.e., DD-X and CG-X.
Choices for electric drive systems include the AC induction motor, the AC synchronous permanent
magnet motor, the high temperature AC synchronous superconducting motor, and the superconducting
DC homopolar motor. The superconducting DC homopolar motor is considered to be a conceptually
superior alternative to the AC motors. Compelling advantages of the superconducting DC motor include:
Significantly quieter, smaller, and lighter than AC motors
5% more efficient than the AC motor systems
Control is more straightforward and simpler than the AC motor systems
Suited to simpler and less costly ship electrical distribution architectures.

Program/Technology Status
Implementation of a common Integrated Electric Drive system has been limited by the technology needed
for reliable electric motors with high power density at the power levels required (25,000 to 50,000 shp).
Because of technical advancements in reliable current collector (brush) systems by the Naval Surface
Warfare Center and the successful demonstration of a liquid-cryogen-free superconducting magnet system
on a Navy vessel in the Advanced Lightweight Influence Sweep System (ALISS) countermine system, the
Navy determined that critical technologies were advanced to the point to build and test a prototype
superconducting DC motor.
A team headed by General Atomics is under contract with the Office of Naval Research to design and
construct a prototype one-quarter scale 5,000 hp superconducting DC homopolar motor. This project
encompasses testing, brush risk reduction, and the design of a higher power-density, ship-relevant,
advanced motor.

Motor Design
Homopolar motors are simple in design and offer the potential for a large weight reduction when
compared to conventional motors. Because there are no multipole components in the motor, it is expected
to be acoustically quiet enough to permit hard mounting directly to the ships hull, thus greatly
simplifying integration.
In order for the homopolar motor to fully exploit the advantages of reduced size and weight, the field coils
must be superconducting. The coils will be conduction-cooled using compact reliable devices called
cryocoolers, which do not require the use of bulk liquid cryogens.
GA has developed and demonstrated the reliability of conduction-cooled superconducting systems for the
Navy under high shock and vibration environments that are suitable for full-scale homopolar motors.
Ongoing research and development efforts by the Navy and industry are now focusing on improving the
performance and reliability of the motors current collectors or brushes. Dry current collectors presently
under development show promise for greatly reduced wear rates that may result in no maintenance
between ship overhaul cycles.

For more information, contact:

Will Creedon, Program Manager
160 The international free energy research forum

Mechanical setups
Gravity powered wheels
Topic started by: jedinite on May 20, 2006, 10:07:31 PM

Title: something i just came up with

Post by: jedinite on May 20, 2006, 10:07:31 PM

I was just playing with a program i just intalled on my pc and was playing with lines and this is
what i came up with. it looks like it might work with weighted balls, water or water bags to
keep the water all together shoot i cant seem to get the pics up sorry all if any one can tell me
how to do this i will upload the pic asap but i will leave one in the attach file box

Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: FreeEnergy on May 20, 2006, 11:18:23 PM

i think this has been done before and it did not work.

Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: JackH on May 21, 2006, 01:03:34 AM

Hello jedinite,

If you notice in the drawings that there are more balls close to the shaft than there are balls
away from the shaft. The total weight of the balls will ballance out on both sides, most likely.

This kinda thing has been tryed again and again. I have tryed numerous times at a gravity
wheel. In all casses the combined weight allways ballances out even on both sides.


Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: Greg & Gregory on May 25, 2006, 12:23:55 AM

Hi jedinite,

Not work. Leonardo Da Vinci was already tried this. ;)

There are three balls on the left side, and five balls on the right, and this is not good.
You always need the same number of balls on the sides in every position of the wheel, when it's
turning. If you thinking it about a little, you can recognize this can't be done through an easy
geometrical way.

The balls move faster in some areas, and move slower in other areas. Spend more time in some
areas, and spend less time in other areas. But always the same number of balls are on the two
How can you achieve this?

And please consider torque-pairs with the sides.

Do experiments with levers, and complex levers.

This thing is not as easy as many people believe...

Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: hartiberlin on May 25, 2006, 12:45:22 AM

You can only achive something, if you use springs to store the
energy of the weights in the gravity field.
Ifthe weights have been going down, they will be pulled up
by the stored energy of the springs.
This is the only way you can shift lever arms and not LOOSE the
potential energy of the weights ! Store them in springs !

Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: lancaIV on May 25, 2006, 01:50:36 AM

US3879622 ?


Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: hartiberlin on May 26, 2006, 09:09:13 PM

not the Ecklin patent:

Readmy sentences again..

Just a perpetuum mobile, that uses gravity and springs
to shift lever arms...

Title: Re: something i just came up with

Post by: jedinite on June 05, 2006, 05:15:31 PM

thank you all for the replies i'm understanding more and more about what works and what
doesn't, i'm still working on it. always coming up with new ideas most do not work but i'm
starting to understand the complex balinsing act of it all an i think i'm getting closer to a
salution every day. i'll come back soon with some results i hope.

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Twilight Science

Sistemi AntiGravitazionali - Magnocraft...prototipo di Mio e deltahf

Molotov - Gio 04 Maggio, 2006 16:22

Oggetto: Magnocraft...prototipo di Mio e deltahf

Mio e delta postate qui i vostri progressi sul magnocraft o "cubo" di pajak.

DeltaHF - Lun 15 Maggio, 2006 21:57

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

Ora il prototipo del magnocraft quasi ultimato (soprattutto le parti pi complicate): l'albero con i 3
spinterometri completo ed fissato su una solida struttura in legno, il motore che lo aziona connesso
tramite giunto in asse con l'albero (permette di ridurre al minimo gli attriti e le vibrazioni permettendo un
non perfett oallineamento fra i 2 alberi), la camera oscillatoria completa, formata da 12 elettrodi fissi
sollevati dalla base in legno tramite supporti in polietilene (materiale plastico per taglieri), gli
spinterometri fissi sono completi.
Sar in grado di gestire scintille lunghe 17-18 cm.

Manca di cablare il tutto (devo ancora recuperare dei cavi per altissima tensione, ho in mente di utilizzare
cavi tipo l' rg213 o l' rg8 senza la calza di massa, siccome mi sono dimenticato di acquistrarli usati alla
fiera mi toccher cercarli nuovi), l'alimentazione per il tesla ( deciso che sar in modalit DC resonant,
mi manca un induttanza da 0.6 H isolata a 10Kv calcolata per dare 3 kw a 7000 giri, forse uso qualche
centinaio di reattori per neon recuperati in serie, il resto dei componenti c' l'ho, il problema del'energia
accumulata mortale non l'ho ancora risolto dovr pensare ad un cablaggio che non possa essere toccato ed
a resistenze di scarica potenti, oltre ad uno scaricatore azionabile di emergenza), rifare il secondario del
tesla pi alto e meglio isolato di quello piccolo che c' ora.

Molotov - Lun 15 Maggio, 2006 22:16

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo di Mio e deltahf

complimenti! un lavoro mastodontico!

poi pi in l potresti farmi una relazione con schemi e misurazioni che ci faccio un articolo dedicato?

Phobos79 - Mar 16 Maggio, 2006 10:54

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo di Mio e deltahf

si ma dovresti pure vedere il peso, e parlo nel vero senso della parola!!!

parliamo di un macchinario lungo 3 metri!!! e di almeno 100Kg tutto quanto come minimo! e' sul serio
una realizzazione importante!!

DeltaHF - Lun 29 Maggio, 2006 22:20

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf


Ho riletto il documento che spiega il funzionamneto e la costruzione della camera oscillatoria


I capitoli utili sono da 4 al 7: in pratica la camera oscillatoria deve essere interamente costruita di
materiale isolante (plaxiglass, policarbonato, vetro user il policarbonato perch pi robusto ), all'esterno
di questo cubo ci sono 4 facce conduttive (isolate fra di loro per almeno la tensione di esercizio) che
comunicano con l'interno del cubo tramite vari elettrodi (iseriti in fori realizzat iappositamente) disposti
secondo una griglia.
Ogni coppia di facce della camera oscillatoria un circuito oscillante LC (induttanza capacit)a
spinterometro che integra il condnesatore di risonanza, l'induttanza e lo spinterometro in una sola unit
fisica: la scintilla fra 2 facce opposte l'indutanza, le due facce sono la capacit e gli elettrodi.
All'aumentare della distanza delle facce aumenta il valore dell'induttanza (in modo linerare) e diminuisce
quello della capacit: sapendo che la frequenza d iun circuito LC dato da questi due componneti un cubo
pi grande avr frequenza minore o maggiore?

Dovrei realizzare un cubo (o un dodecagono, per pi avanti) ermetico in policarbonato (utilizzando la

colla per il policarbonato che policarbonato liquido, dovrebbe avere le stesse caratteristiche isolanti del
policarbonato, sono ben accetti pareri su queste colle!); incollato ad ogni spigolo c' un pezzo di
policarbonato lungo come il lato in modo da separare ogli piastra conduttiva (in rame) dalle piastre vicine.

Si verrebbe a creare una figura simile ad una croce: due parallelepipedi aventi altezza e lunghezza come il
alto del cubo, e lunghezza pari a 3 volte il lato che si intersecano sullo stesso piano ortogonalmente.

Ora non ricordo bene le formule dell'oscillatore LC... di sicuro la frequenza sar molto superiore alla
massime velocit di rotazione del mio apparato. Servirebbero 2 onde sfasate di 45 a vari khz (forse
mega) generate da 2 oscillatori valvolari o a stato solido (molto pi delicati con le alte tensioni), che
pilotano 2 bobine di tesla (oscillanti alla stessa frequenza) aventi l'asse inclinato di 90 (per evitare
induzione el ttromagnetica fra le 2 bobine).

In pratica dovrei calcolare la frequenza di risonanza di un cubo avente il lato di 10-15 cm e dimensionare
tutto il resto. (forse l'unica cosa che potrei riutilizzare sarebbe l'alimentazione che non ho ancora costruito
e lascire il resto per altri esperimenti di scariche impulsive).
La prima idea che mi viene realizzare un piccolo circuito digitale che genera 2 segnali sfasati di 90 alla
frequenza voluta, amplificare il segna con transistor o igbt (come per l'evento radiante) e pilotare 2
valvole per alte tensioni (le gu 81-m che gi ho), le valvole "alimenteranno" i due circuiti oscillanti
primari del tesla coil (altrimenti potrei pilotre i due circuiti oscillanti direttamente con gli igbt, per alla
prima scintilla sul primario spacco tutto!), le due uscite di ogni bobina vanno a due facce del cubo.
Per me la poarte complicata il pilotaggio con il circuito digitale, li che necessito di consigli
sull'integrato da utilizzare, e come calcolare la frequenza di risonanza approssimartiva della camera
oscillatoria. (all'inizio volevo realizzare qualcosa del genere, poi non ho voluto lavorare con l'elettronica
digitale e ho iniziato a costruire spinterometri rotanti... dimenticandomi della teoria che sta dietro il

Se realizzare il "pilotaggio" (come se fosse di piccoli segnali!) impegnativo, la camera oscillatoria mi

costringer ad imparare a lavorare ed incollare il policarbonato. Ho risolto vari problemi tecnici durante la
scittura di questo messaggio.

DeltaHF - Mar 30 Maggio, 2006 07:43

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

Per trovare la frequenza di oscillazione sufficente misurarla con la strumentazione: collegando un filo
fra le due armature (i 2 lati conduttivi opposti) simulando la scintilla (ho provato con 2 piastre da 15*15
distanti 16 cm e la frequenza di oscillazione di poco superiore a 5 MHZ, siccome le piastre saranno pi
piccole dovremo lavorare a svariati mega, dovr rifare la misurazione perch non ho trovato una vera
risonanza, ma semplicemente un aumento dell'ampiezza del segnale, forse la frequenza di risonanza pi

Mi sono ricordato che la camera oscillatoria dovrebbe contenere un gas a bassa pressione (altrimenti non
avrebbe senso che sia sigillata...): pi la pressione bassa, minore il voltaggio a cui scoccano le
scintille. Se aspiriamo aria con un compressore da frigor e mettiamo un piccolo rubineto che ne fa entrare
poca dall'esterno possiamo regolare la pressione a piacimento impostanto la formazione della scintilla a
qualche kv o addirittura 1kv permettendo di semplificare molto il pilotaggio utilizzando direttamente igbt
oppure igbt che fanno oscillare una piccola bobina di tesla (in questo caso gl iigbt non pilotano un circuito
primario accordato, ma soltanto varie spire di rame in modo da potere variare la frequenza, cos sar meno
efficente, ma pi versatile)

Potremmo utilizzare il cubo che "Mio" ha, sufficente sistemare gli elettrodi, incollare la base con
silicone e la parte superiore con una guarnizione (in modo da poterla aprire quando non c' pi
depressione all'interno).

dynoc - Mar 30 Maggio, 2006 19:42

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

(ho provato con 2 piastre da 15*15 distanti 16 cm e la frequenza di oscillazione di poco
superiore a 5 MHZ, siccome le piastre saranno pi piccole dovremo lavorare a svariati mega,
dovr rifare la misurazione perch non ho trovato una vera risonanza, ma semplicemente un
aumento dell'ampiezza del segnale, forse la frequenza di risonanza pi bassa).

Mha...potrebbe essere quella la frequenza di risonanza!

Non s, faccio un parallelo meccanico,che mi pi congeniale, magari in elettronica funziona
diversamente e sto sparando cazzate, se cos ditemelo, che devo imparare..

Allora, dicevo, potrebbe esserci qualcosa che f da "smorzatore"...allora un aumento di ampiezza del
segnale indicherebbe la risonanza, dove il valore del segnale non v pi all'infinito, ma si alza solamente,
per l'effetto smorzante, ripeto in meccanica funziona cos, non s in elettronica.


DeltaHF - Mar 30 Maggio, 2006 23:22

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

Infatti cos: paragona la risonanza condensatore induttore con una molla con sopra un peso (che ha la
propria frequenza di risonnaza data dal peso e dalle caratteristiche della molla), le perdite principalmente
sono resistive in elettronica (il problema che il generatore di segnale non va pi di 5 mega...).
Non sono sicuro del valore perch di solito la risonnaza si innesca di colpo in un range molto stretto di
frequenze tanto pi stretto quento alto il fattore di merito Q (in realzione al valore dell'induttanza e del
condnesatore, pi alto il valore dell'induttaza rispetto al condensatore pi grande il valore del fattore di

Sto cercando di progettare un pilotaggio il pi semplice possibile, essendo la camera oscillatoria un

circuito risonate non difficile metterla in risonanza: ho pensato di alimentarla con alta tensione in
continua limitando la potenza ed isolando il sistema LC tramite resistenze anti-induttive, appena la
tensione supera quella di innsco scintilla parte la prima scintilla, si scarica il condensatore, l'energia
accumulata dall'induttanza (scintilla) ricarica il condnesatore con polarit opposta ed il ciclo riprende, una
volta scarico fa una breve pausa ed il ciclo riprende; la difficolt sar fare in modo che i due circuiti
risonanti abbiano la stessa identica frequenza di risonanza e che si inneschino con un ritando di 90%,
all'inizio li alimenter in continua tramite resistenze affidandomi al caso, se proprio non funziona
vedremo (d'altra parte il circuito che fa il vortice di scintille fra due elettrodi funziona cos, per p un
singolo circuito spinterometro-LC .

dynoc - Mer 31 Maggio, 2006 00:12

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

Sto cercando di progettare un pilotaggio il pi semplice possibile, essendo la camera

oscillatoria un circuito risonate non difficile metterla in risonanza: ho pensato di alimentarla
con alta tensione in continua limitando la potenza ed isolando il sistema LC tramite resistenze
anti-induttive, appena la tensione supera quella di innsco scintilla parte la prima scintilla, si
scarica il condensatore, l'energia accumulata dall'induttanza (scintilla) ricarica il condnesatore
con polarit opposta ed il ciclo riprende, una volta scarico fa una breve pausa ed il ciclo
riprende; la difficolt sar fare in modo che i due circuiti risonanti abbiano la stessa identica
frequenza di risonanza e che si inneschino con un ritando di 90%, all'inizio li alimenter in
continua tramite resistenze affidandomi al caso, se proprio non funziona vedremo (d'altra
parte il circuito che fa il vortice di scintille fra due elettrodi funziona cos, per p un singolo
circuito spinterometro-LC .

Ok, quindi il paragone regge.

Allora bisogna cercare di limitare il pi possibile gli smorzamenti, cosa praticamente impossibile in
meccanica (dove l'elasticit degli elementi stassi crea lo smorzamento).
Quindi il principio sarebbe, sfruttare la risonanza per mantenere il ciclo carico e coninuare a farlo
Cos facendo dovrebbe crearsi un vortice all'interno della camera.
L'unico modo per avere due circuiti con la stessa risonanza cercare di farli UGUALI. Questo purtroppo
Allora si potrebbe fare i due circuiti quasi uguali, cio come viene viene, ma uno dei due dovebbe avere
una dell variabili che incidono sul valore della frequenza di risonanza, appunto variabile, cio regolabile,

(purtroppo io non s quali sono i fattori, induttanze, resistenze, cio, se leperdite sono le resistenze, quindi
gli smorzatori, le molle chi sono?? le induttanze, le capacit??).
A questo punto si prende il circuito non regolabile come riferimento zero, e si tara l'altro su di esso (anche
con prove sperimentali).
Paragone meccanico (scusate, non riesco a spiegarmi senn): bisogna cambiare il valore della costante
elastica della realt anche variare lo smorzatore v bene, che se sono le resistenze facile, il
problema st nella "risoluzione" con il quale si riesce a variare tale valore.

Per il pilotaggio e lo sfasamento purtroppo non posso aiutarti.

Cosa vuol dire per uno sfasamento del 90%...e perch poi??

ps. Il gas che deve essere contenuto nella camera uno in particolare o v bene aria rarefatta?? Per
aumentare il vuoto si possono mettere due pompe di frigorifero in serie.

DeltaHF - Mer 31 Maggio, 2006 07:51

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

I fattori che icidoo sono: distanza fra gli elettrodi e il filo disposto a rete che unice tutti lg ielettrodi di
ogni faccia. Per abbassare la frequenza basterebbe aumentare il numero dei fili che unisce gli elettrodi
(simile ad una rete). La distanza fra gli elettrodi stabilisce l'induttranza, i fili che uniscono gl ielettrodi la

Inizialmente proviamo con aria rarefatta, poi vedremo.

dynoc - Mer 31 Maggio, 2006 09:20

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

I fattori che icidoo sono: distanza fra gli elettrodi e il filo disposto a rete che unice tutti lg
ielettrodi di ogni faccia. Per abbassare la frequenza basterebbe aumentare il numero dei fili
che unisce gli elettrodi (simile ad una rete). La distanza fra gli elettrodi stabilisce l'induttranza,
i fili che uniscono gl ielettrodi la capacit.

Mhh...forse variare la distanza fra gli elettrodi sarebbe pi difficile, anche se permetterebbe una
regolazione pi accurata.
Il numero? non la lunghezza...?

DeltaHF - Mer 31 Maggio, 2006 17:54

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

La distanza fra gli elettrodi la devo lasciare uguale (altrimenti le scintille partirebbero solo dalgi elettrodi
pi vicini), al massimo posso variarla per mettere perfettamente parallele le facce opposte. Potr variare
soprattutto la capacit del condnesatore modificando la quantit di filo che unisce gli elettrodi.

dynoc - Mer 31 Maggio, 2006 18:11

Oggetto: Re: Magnocraft...prototipo Di Mio E Deltahf

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

La distanza fra gli elettrodi la devo lasciare uguale (altrimenti le scintille partirebbero solo
dalgi elettrodi pi vicini), al massimo posso variarla per mettere perfettamente parallele le
facce opposte. Potr variare soprattutto la capacit del condnesatore modificando la quantit
di filo che unisce gli elettrodi.

ecco, variare la quantit di filo meglio, per ho dei dubbi sulla sensibilit con la quale si pu regolare,
comunque vale la pena provare a tarare il tutto in questo modo.

Tutti i fusi orari sono GMT + 1 ora

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Veljko Milkovi was born in 1949 in Subotica, and since 1952 he has been living in Novi Sad(Serbia and
Montenegro), where he finished secondary school and studied History. Apart from being interested in past
events, he is also a researcher, an inventor, an innovator and a writer. Furthermore, he works on futuristic
projects. So far he has got around 110 inventions and has designed 36 approved patents, some of which
have been in use for years. Moreover, he has received many domestic and international awards for his
work spanning over many decades.

He invented a self-heating eco-house and a number of ecological innovations,

which also have been in use for a long time. According to his drawings, many
such eco-houses have been built in Novi Sad, Sombor, Zajear, Ljig (Serbia and
Montenegro)... He has taken part in about 30 scientific gatherings in the field of
energetics and ecology as well as many projects concerning scientific research.
He is the president of the Department for ecological innovations and the organiser
of the Exhibition of ecological innovations with VRELO Society from Novi Sad.
He is also a member of the Association for the popularisation of science - Novi
Among various domestic and international awards, he has received November
charter of the city of Novi Sad in 2002 for the remarkable contribution in the field
of ecology and energetic as well as in 2002 a gold medal of Novi Sad fair for the
invention hand water pump with pendulum.

He is very familiar with Petrovaradin fortress (city of Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro); he has been
exploring it since 1960. In 1965 he managed to decipher orientation marks at the crossroads and establish
the logic of subterranean labyrinth with "^", "Y" and "T" crossroads. This approach helps him to examine
the 20km deep catacombs of the fortress in a faster and safer manner.
His engineering and ecological projects inspired by Petrovaradin fortress are in practice: "Selfheating
ecological house", "Mushroom garden and greenhouse with reflecting surfaces" (mushroom gardens for
growing bukovae near enej and Petrovaradin, Serbia and Montenegro, were built), Project "Forests for
food production" (in use on several locations in the province of Vojvodina, Serbia and Montenegro) and
"Autonomous battery charger".

In 1975, librarian Sreko Drk hired him as a guide for less known parts of the fortress especially
subterranean military galleries.
Novi Sad museum awarded him with the letter of thanks for the "ardent contribution in research of the
Petrovaradin fortress".

In the late 70's, as a member of scientific and technical editorial board of the
Cultural Center in Novi Sad, he organized and lectured at panels about Petrovaradin
fortress. Some of the participants were an academician and a professor Bogdan
Brukner and a professor Milan Vrani. An idea of a modern sod house as a new way
of living gave him lan to continue with researching subterranean galleries. In 1983,
Veljko Milkovi and Sreko Drk founded "The club of friends of Petrovaradin
fortress" within "Vladimir Nazor" library in Petrovaradin.
In 1997 he announced the book entitled "Mysteries of Petrovaradin fortress", which
was published as a feuilleton, a script and a book. That was the first time that the
gap in the literature about Petrovaradin fortress and its underground has been filled.
It is interesting that many journalists and authors like ivko Markovi, a historian,
claimed that subterranean military galleries represent the largest attraction in
Petrovaradin. In his numerous lectures and during short excursions he talked about dangers, but also about
great tourist potential of Petrovaradin, Fruka Gora, Srem (Serbia and Montenegro) and the central part of
the Danube-basin.
During public appearances in previous years, Veljko Milkovi announced major
archaeological discoveries from Palaeolithic age at the location of Petrovaradin fortress
and in the central Danube basin. Experienced archaeologists stated that it is beyond
dreams" and that it was "absolutely unexpected"...
But it happened and it was confirmed by the latest archaeological discoveries from
Palaeolithic age. In his numerous public appearances, Milkovi claimed that the central
Danube basin is a cradle of prehistoric period, which was confirmed by the recent
discoveries by European scientists. He is also in possession of a unique and unusual
archaeological collection. He also gathered numerous minerals and fossils, from the
Danube-basin, as well as remains of previous civilisations.
In his research study he worked hard on gravitation
phenomenon and also on the improvement of anti-gravitational
experiments and, connected to that, anti-gravitational operating systems.
In the last few years he has been working in the field of single and double
oscillations, which represent a new source of widely, used energy, based
on which he has 22 approved patents. His present aim is to explore and
use practically the potentials of double oscillations and, in connection to
that, a new source of energy based on inertial forces and gravitational

Among other things in his experiments, he managed to
get 12 times more output energy than input energy. In
last 10 years, no one disputed research and measurings
carried out by Milkovi. Through such achievements,
Veljko Milkovi laid the path for new challenges in
physics in the 21st century, which could be the
forerunner of the new great scientific revolution.
Milkovi is in possession of numerous prototypes and
models, as well as ideas for various machines and
devices. Over the years, Milkovi received many positive comments
and opinions relating to his research from domestic and foreign
physicists, professors, academicians, engineers, researchers etc. It is
more and more definite that Milkovi's inventions can be used for
production of numerous practical devices, thus creating a range of new
products which could help in improvement of overall economical
situation and better the situation in society.
So far he has published the following books:
"Solarne zemunice - dom budunosti", ("Solar sod houses - the house
of the future")(1983),
"Ekoloke kue" ("Ecological houses"), (1991 - printed in four unedited editions),
"ume za proizvodnju hrane" ("Forests for food production"), (1992 - translated into Esperanto the
same year),
"Ka antigravitaciji - kompaktna vozila" ("Towards anti-gravitation compact vehicles"), (1994),
"Antigravitacioni motor" ("Anti-gravitational motor"), (1996 - with translation into English),
"Perpetuum mobile" ("Perpetuum mobile"), (2001),
"Petrovaradin kroz legendu i stvarnost" ("Petrovaradin through legend and reality"), (2001),
("Petrovaradin and Srem mystery of the past"), (2003),
"Svet misterija - novi pogledi" (2004) ("The world of mysteries new views") and
"Petrovaradinska tvrava - podzemlje i nadzemlje" ("Petrovaradin fortress over and underground"),
Milkovi also published noticeable feuilletons and notes:

"Niskoenergetski ivot" ("Low-energy life"), (1996),

"Energetski potencijal renog zaliva" ("Energetic potential of the river bay"), (1996),
"Prethodna civilizacija" ("Previous civilisation"), (1999),
"Misterije Petrovaradinske tvrave" ("Mysteries of Petrovaradin fortress"), (1999),
"Petrovaradinska tvrava izmeu legende i stvarnosti" ("Petrovaradin fortress between legend and
reality"), (1999) and
"Nestale civilizacije" ("Missing civilisations"),

His book have been accepted both in domestic and

foreign prestigious libraries, such as the Library of
Congress, Washington DC and his publications can be
found in the British Library in London, Moscow
Library and Library of Alexandria. His publication
have also been quoted in many Internet encyclopaedias
and other sources. He also found the solution how to
lessen the problem of the "endangered inventor" and
needs to make his secret public. That is exactly what
Veljko Milkovi is doing by publishing his books and


It is very strange, but it turned out that the same invention fulfils two ancient human dreams. One about a
machine which works continuously, and the other about the flying device which moves according to the
wish of the person on the device. Here, of course we do not mean aeroplanes and rockets, but a flying
machine that does not use any kind of fuel. A vehicle with such a motor could move on the ground, in the
air or anywhere in space, without fuel.
Anti-gravitational motor is machine that confronts so-called "laws of nature". This idea could not have
been believed in, without being pronounced naive or demented. Anti-gravitational motor belong to the
field of science-fiction, although contemporary physics knows the case where a law of action and reaction
does not apply in one inertial system. This is the magnetic force which is emanated by two particles as
they move.

Picture 1. A cart with one pendulum askew

Inconsistency is frequent in physics. Besides, mechanics is somehow outdated, and left to technicians and
mathematicians. These three disciplines do not have the same basis, and they are more inconsistent than it
is usually recognised. Physics explores occurrences and events in nature, independent of their meaning to
humans, whilst technique deals with the possibility to join these occurrences in one whole. Mathematics
precisely defines conditions under which these occurrences happen, but does not, and can not, take into
account the meaning of these occurrences, which is an integral part of physics. Mathematics also can not
express practical purpose of an occurrence, which techniques can. Therefore, these three disciplines, in
spite of having things in common, can not merge into one another. Physics basically abandoned the field
of mechanics, as if it has nothing more to say. Classical physics is, in large part, Newton's physics, and he
was more of a mathematician than a physician. Maybe that is one of the reasons why there is a span of
several centuries between the discoveries of Galilei and perpetuum mobile, and even an anti-gravitational
motor. Physics is relying too much on quantification of physical constants that are part of a certain
occurrence, while, at the same time, it ouches the qualification of these same occurrences to the side. As
far as technique is concerned, it prospered immensely, especially in the 20th century. On the other side, it
is well known that new discoveries are usually technically very simple. For example, from a technical
point of view, Milkovi's cart shown in Picture 2. looks more like a toy than an attempt to make an anti-
gravitational motor. When you look at it from the physics point of view, it looks completely different.

Picture 2. Small cart with a pendulum askew

This cart contains everything an anti-gravitational motor needs. As with other models made by Milkovi,

there is an inertial force pushing them in one direction. The main part of the model is a physical pendulum
which is askew and is moved by gravity. Gravitational field should be replaced with a magnetic field, to
enhance the efficiency of the model. Milkovi made a model with two askew pendulums, which oscillate
with phases positioned towards one another in an angle of 180.

Picture 3. A cart with two pendulums askew

Perpetuum mobile and an anti-gravitational motor have been hiding in the shadows of scientific thought
for along time. That shadow certainly contains many similar "scraps", awaiting future exploration.
More about this can be find in the books written by Milkovi, dedicated to the topic of anti-gravity, in
chapter What did the others say - Press clippings and Internet and from the author himself.

Ancient Gravitics
"The Dogu Code"
Video-Clip Ancient Circuit Powers Itself

"Probably The Most Important Discovery On Vortex & Gravitic Science In

This Century"

This Title is Currently Available!

Advanced Copies Ancient Astronauts
E-book for Windows PC Now Available!
$29.95 + $4.95 s/h US to:

Robert A. Patterson
11405 E. Blue Springs Rd. RT-1 Box 66-A
Wapanucka Ok. 73461

Profusely illustrated with URL's, photos, drawings Ancient

Astronauts author Reverse Engineering Specialist Robert A.
Patterson offers documented scientific proof that this planet has
been visited by a scientifically advanced civilization capable of
interstellar space flight using Electrogravitic technologies within
ancient times! We humans have now developed this same
technology! Mr. Patterson analyzes artifacts unearthed from
around the world including the enigmatic ancient Dogu figurines
discovered in Japan. Mr. Patterson quotes extensively from
personal insights and the works of T. W. Mossberg (QED)
Quantum Electro-Dynamics, H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D. (ZPE) Zero
Point Energy, Viktor Schauberger & William Baumgartiner
Implosion Technology, Nikola Tesla Radiant Energy and Vaughn
M. Greene author of "The Six Thousand Year-Old Space Suit".
V.M. Greene compares the Dogu statues with that of modern
day space suits and illustrates over 30 points of similarity!
Conversely, the author of Ancient Astronauts documents over
30 points in reference to electronic components found on the
Dogu statue alone! These advanced logistic symbols embossed
on the Dogu figurines depict a Quantum Electro-Dynamic
Implosion Propulsion System that actually scavenges atoms
from the environment i.e. ZPE via an Optically Pumped Atom-
Coupled Waveguide and inverts them into a usable power
source to propel these fantastic yet alien, Implosion-Craft!
Ancient Astronaut's author R.A. Patterson gallantly triumphs
over adversity and reveals for the first time in his
autobiography blatant attempts to suppress not only his
inventions, e.g. one which now triples the mileage of any
vehicle, also the Quantum Message he decoded from these
Ancient Astronaut Schematic Diagrams.

About the author:

My pet peeve: When should a rule be broken and discarded all-
Archeology imposes a "rule of contextual evidence" that
basically states that when an ancient artifact is unearthed in or
near a burial mound e.g. a statue it is automatically assigned a
ceremonial or ritualistic status and categorized as such,
regardless of any "symbol linguistics" encoded into said artifact.
In other words why have archeologist been allowed to ignore a
language embossed on an artifact that may depict something
other than ritual practices?
In deed under archeology's non-evolving rule of 'contextual
evidence' we have witnessed a worldwide misrepresentation of
the artifact data stream leading to "faulty accuracy" based on a
130-year old assumption, which is that all that came before our
modern era of man was pervasively primitive in nature
enveloped within superstitious beliefs. All of which may be true,
up to a point.
Dogu Code discussion group

I have researched and decoded ancient engineering symbols

beginning in 1996, after taking a course in Vortex Science. I
happened across an ancient statue in a book by D. H. Childress
"The Anti-Gravity Handbook" and on page 133 discovered an
ancient Dogu statue. Almost immediately I began recognizing
vortex insignia that had been encoded into these enigmatic
figurines, e.g. the spiraling motion of energy, a vortex located
on the head of the this particular Dogu statue and a cross-
sectional view of a turbo charger in wing form. Later that year I
learned that it was an artifact from the Akita district of Japan on
exhibit in the archeological collection of the Tohuku University,
Larousse World Mythology 1973 edition ISBN (0 600 02366 4)
Japan: Cults and Ceremonies p.295
Delving ever deeper into these strange symbols embossed on
the ancient Dogu statues I found and purchased a book by
Vaughn M. Greene titled "The Six Thousand Year-Old Space
Suit" whereby I became formally introduced to the "Ancient

Astronaut Theory"
Six years past in the blink of an eye during which time I
decoded not only the logistic symbols found on the ancient
Dogu statues of Japan but I also discovered similar worldwide
"linguistic shape symbols" on nearly every statue and amulet
unearthed to date. Slowly I began to recognize three distinct
groups of science or "cipher keys", which had been encoded
into the ancient statue artifacts, these are:
Vortex Science, Biotechnology and Quantum Electro-dynamics
Vortex Mechanics' being my strong suite I fabricated the hybrid
wing depicted by the logistic insignia found on the Dogu
statues. Placing this advanced wing on my Van I obtained 3-X's
my normal mileage!

That same year 1996, I began to recognize specific electronic

symbols encoded into the Dogu statues and soon realized that
the Dogu statues were actually "Ancient Schematics" depicting
a Quantum Electro-Gravitic Implosion Propulsion Unit.

Ancient Holograms
The language of the ancients has been encoded into each and
every artifact unearthed to date. Hidden within the shape of the
artifacts, and embedded within the memory of the ceramics as
an optical wavelength, a clue to the "crystal skull enigma"

The Dogu clay figurine pictured above is from the Akita district of Japan Archaeological Collection of Tohuku University, Sendai.

It should be pointed out that there is a distinct difference

between digital photography and that of flash photography. The
photograph above was taken with a flashbulb camera. The
flashbulb represents a pulsed beam of light at a specific rate
and frequency, conversely digital photography is devoid of such
When the camera flashed it produced a beam of light releasing a
data stream which was embedded in the clay figurine of the
Dogu statue in the form of a hologram (s) which had been
stored in the frequency-selective recording material of the
ceramic's composition thus forming a Temporal-waveform and
holographic data storage device.

Useful Scientific Reference may be made to the publication:

Single-sideband spectral holographic optical memory, H. Lin, T.
Wang, and T. W. Mossberg, Opt. Lett. 21, 1866 (1996).

Spectral holography provides for the storage of data-encoded,

time-domain optical signals in frequency selective recording
materials. In time-domain spectral holographic memories,
optical data streamers are recorded as Fourier decompositions
within frequency-selective recording materials. Memory output
signals consist of light beams with the same temporal envelope
and generally the same spectral content as the original input
The Implications are:
There exists more information encoded within ancient artifacts
then was ever suspected by archeologist as a whole.
Other artifacts such as the Pyramids may also contain encoded
holographic memories...
Dogu Code discussion group

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence shift from the
microwave spectrum to Holographic Optical Processing
Communication Systems
Optical SETI Links



Vaughn Greene


The pinched in waist of the Dogu signifies a Quantum Dynamic term i.e., an hour-glass
mode e.g. atom squeezing and the dressed state of the Dogu represents an atoms
dressed state.

See Quantum Electrodynamics


Tokyo National Museum

Dogu = Dampened-wave Oscillatory Gravitics Unit

(D) Dissipation Factor

(o) Output Origin

g) Gravity

(u) Micro: Unified Atomic Mass Unit


Simultaneous Endeavors
Shortly thereafter my discharge from active duty in the US Navy 1980.
Having completed a four-year apprenticeship working in the HVAC industry
and moving on into the light-industrial and commercial fields where I
learned to read "blueprints and schematics".
In addition to working the HVAC industry I perfected my skills in auto-body
& paint by running a hobby-shop out of my garage, resurrecting muscle cars
from the 60s and 70s. During this same time frame in 1984 I had begun the
study of Ducted Fan Technology, Vortex Science, Turbo Charging Concepts,
Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics and Wing Chun Gung Fu at the S. Calif. Wing
Chun Academy. Under the tutelage of Sifu Jerry McKinley and Sifu Jim Lau
one of the late Bruce Lees original instructors, under the guidance of Grand
Master Yip Man in China.
Unbeknownst to me at the time, knowledge I gained from my exposure to
Wing Chun would prove to be an instrumental key in my comprehension of
natural and environmental energies, including balance, leverage and
structural kinetics.
Circumspect, the art of Wing Chun instructs its practitioners in the use of
applied structural kinetics i.e. in Wing Chun there are 108 possible

structures the human body may pose while applying structural leverage.
Consequently Wing Chun Gung Fu became a major building block for
energy borrowing concepts from my opponent as well as from nature.

Forbidden Archeological Discovery

Circa 1996, while reading "The Antigravity Handbook" by D.H.
Childress, and on p. 133. I discovered Logistic-Shape-Symbols
embossed on the ancient Dogu statues unearthed in Japan. As
odd as this might seem I discovered the same type of vortex
mechanics' and radiant energy electronic circuitry that I sought
to develop from my own research endeavors, encoded into the
ancient statues unearthed all over the world, and depicting
Quantum Electro-Gravitic schematics!
Note: Archeology's "Primitive Man Theory" is in error. Their
non-evolving "rule of contextual evidence" does "not" apply to
the logistic "symbols" encoded into the artifacts...
The Unorthodox Factor
After all, if you were in control of the fossil fuel paradigm you
would want free energy technology suppressed because it
wouldn't be good business for the fossil fuel industries.
But what a paradox!
You suppress the technology and you inadvertently suppress
the natural evolution of the time-line.

Parallel Paradox
Viktor Schauberger, Nikola Tesla, Moray, TTBrown as well as
other historical figures laid the ground work and developed the
primary technologies setting the stage for Electrogravitic
Propulsion Systems in our modern era. The fact of the matter is
that I decoded this same logistical information from the ancient
astronaut schematics.
I began to ask myself, has the human race been involved in back
engineering off-world technology and/or decoding ancient symbols since
the 1800's?
Did the scientist of the 1920's & 1930's decipher some of these same
ancient technologies?


The archetype premise of academia based on a "Unified Primitive Man

Theory" is in error it is in fact a misinterpretation of ancient and
modern man's history. Archeologist simply do not possess the knowledge
to accurately interpret the ancient logistic-symbols, which are encoded into
a multitude of ancient artifacts, and in reality comprise the combination of
Quantum-Electro-Dynamics (ZPE) i.e. Quantum Physics with that of Vortex-

The Ram Implosion Wing and Gravitic Implosion Unit

Decoded from Ancient Schematic Artifacts

Order the Dogu Code on CD today, contents over 800 pages!

Graphically Illustrated step by step Translations

Windows Based

Quantum Electro-Gravitics
Advanced Aeronautical/Space Energy Concepts

Vortex Implosion Based Propulsion Systems

References may usefully be made to the publications:

Dogu Figurines

Kyoto National Museum

Tokyo National Museum TNM collection

Akita Dogu Figurines

Archaeological Collection of
Tohuku University, Sendai

The Six Thousand Year-Old Space Suit

by Vaughn M. Greene
ISBN 0-80481-311-6
Maverick Publications
Adventures Unlimited
V. Schauberger
W. Baumgartiner
H. E. Puthoff
Tesla's Resonant Energy
Twenty First Century Books

Presented By

Robert A. Patterson
Reverse Engineering Specialist

Dogu Code discussion group

Twilight Science

Sperimentazione e Invenzioni - Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

v71 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 12:19

Oggetto: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Ciao, Kosol , ha creato un dispositivo costituito da un cristallo di quarzo .

Il dispositivo e' semplice e va alimentato da un generatore di segnale , e' costituito da
un cristallo, dei magneti di altezza pari al cristallo e disposti attorno , un filo di corrente avvolto
in modo bifilare attorno al cristallo , il tutto pilotato da un timer 555 oppure da un generatore
di segnale ad onda quadra.
E' importante l'onda quadra perche' e' ricca di armoniche.
E' stato creato un gruppo su yahoo chiamato kosol core nel quale ci sono 2 circuiti
generatori di segnale , fatti da me ed il dispositivo completo fatto da Dave Lawrence.

Anubis - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 12:31

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Ma funziona ?

Uno schema ?

Cobol - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 12:57

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Ma cosa dovrebbe fare??

v71 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 13:11

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Raga , se vi dico cosa fa non mi credete , vi invito ad unirvi al gruppo

E' reale e sta funzionando.
Chi lo ha provato stava per perdere l'uso della ragione.

DeltaHF - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 13:24

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo


In pratica un cristallo di quarzo con attorno dei magneti in verticale (la verticale che unisce i poli
magnetici di ogni magnete verticae), attorno al cristalo avvolto del cavo in modo antiinduttivo. E
giusto? Quanti magneti servono? I magneti devo essre alti come il cristallo per forza? Ne potrei costruire
uno piccolo in pochissimo tempo...

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:14


Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

vince qua la devi sparare proprio grossa x nn essere creduto che cos'e' la macchina dei desideri??

spara il link qua dentro che me lo vado a vedere..

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:15

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

il link e' questo, ora me lo guardo pure i

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:19

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

lo stargate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....NDR ovviamente glielo hanno detto i guardiani, ma costa poco da replicare...

anzi no, forse e' un dispositivo radionico, ma i messaggi sono molto confusi..

mi sono iscritto x vedere tutto, ma lo devono validare l'accesso.

Anubis - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:30

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Magari sono duro io ma non ho ancora capito come dovrebbe essere fatto...

E poi, mi chiedevo: come mai dovrebbe funzionare ?

Cosa si otterrebbe ?
Schermare il campo GeoGravitazionale (quanto tempo che volevo usare questo termine...) ?
O estrarre energia ?
O cos' altro ???

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:30

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

hem..c'e' il link al gruppo..

Anubis - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 14:39

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Si ho gurdato lo schema ... non c'ho capito nulla...


Molotov - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 16:47

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

v71 ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

Raga , se vi dico cosa fa non mi credete , vi invito ad unirvi al gruppo
E' reale e sta funzionando.
Chi lo ha provato stava per perdere l'uso della ragione.

ma scusami tanto...invece di stare a perdere tempo con kosol che manco si capisce quando scrive perch
non scarichi tutti gli schemi da l e li metti nella sezione upload e ce lo studiamo noi?
almeno qui facciamo le cose per bene!
e poi che vuol dire ci esce di testa?

comunque da come lo hai descritto sembra un phase campo scalare che b...adesso

dynoc - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 20:06

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Molotov ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

v71 ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

Raga , se vi dico cosa fa non mi credete , vi invito ad unirvi al gruppo
E' reale e sta funzionando.
Chi lo ha provato stava per perdere l'uso della ragione.

ma scusami tanto...invece di stare a perdere tempo con kosol che manco si capisce quando
scrive perch non scarichi tutti gli schemi da l e li metti nella sezione upload e ce lo studiamo
almeno qui facciamo le cose per bene!
e poi che vuol dire ci esce di testa?

comunque da come lo hai descritto sembra un phase campo scalare che
b...adesso indago.

si, mi sembra una cosa tipo trasporto dimensionale o similia!

v71 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 20:20

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Esattamente e' un phase shifter, chi lo ha usato la prima volta , ha visto i guardiani ed i grigi ,
ragazzi, io non lo voglio fare, perche' una volta che si accorgono che li puoi vedere non ti lasciano piu' in

pace, ed io ho gia' avuto a che fare con presenze anomale, poco gradevoli.
Ci sono diverse frequenze da provare, sono elencate fra le email del gruppo.
Il dispositivo e' semplice, chi lo sta usando lo eccita con frequenze sino a 2 Mhz.

v71 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 20:23

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Molotov, il rednering che ti avevo chiesto e' per questo dispositivo.

Kosol ha acconsentito a fare pubblicita' al tuo portale ed a te .

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 20:50

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

un sfasatore di onde di materia??

come quello che usava ighina? xo' all'incontario

la cosa che + mi puzza e che chi lo ha usato al primo colpo ha beccato i grigi e i guardiani...come se nn
avessere nient'altro da fare che star li a cercare dove si aprono finestre

cmq li prendo a schiaffoni quei tappetti dei grigi, mi stanno proprio sulle p, difatti mi sono iscritto al
gruppo e aspetto che mi attivano. se costa poco lo faccio, tanto nn credo che sia vero.

sarebbe l'occasione giusta x pareggiare un po' il bilancio umani-tappetti.

e se ci scappa il guardiano c'e' la mazza da baseball nel baule..

dynoc - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 20:53

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Phobos79 ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

un sfasatore di onde di materia??

come quello che usava ighina? xo' all'incontario

la cosa che + mi puzza e che chi lo ha usato al primo colpo ha beccato i grigi e i
guardiani...come se nn avessere nient'altro da fare che star li a cercare dove si aprono finestre

cmq li prendo a schiaffoni quei tappetti dei grigi, mi stanno proprio sulle p, difatti mi sono
iscritto al gruppo e aspetto che mi attivano. se costa poco lo faccio, tanto nn credo che sia

sarebbe l'occasione giusta x pareggiare un po' il bilancio umani-tappetti.

e se ci scappa il guardiano c'e' la mazza da baseball nel baule..



evviva le guerre intergalattiche!!!

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 21:27

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

si ma alla vecchia maniera! dove chi e' + animale vince! e in con gli umani nn c'e' ne'!

a meno che nn mi trovo davanti un Klingon di 2 metri!!!!

Molotov - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 23:18

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

e vai! lo prover subito a manetta!

phobos pensa che bello! Sam che li gonfia tutti quanti! yeah!

comunque da non altro semplice!

chi che l'avrebbe provato?

appena mi danno l'accesso scarico tutti gli schemi e metto tutto qu cos continuiamo l'analisi qui.

p.s.v71 voglio uno schema decente! altrimenti che rendering faccio?

Anubis - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 23:31

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Poi lo metti anche qui il rendering, vero ?

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 23:36

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

cmq ripensandoci a mente fredda penso a questo:

ipotesi 1: andarci di persona:

a: funziona, sono c@zz.. nn pensare di farne fuori tanti

b: nn funziona, meno male hai solo sprecato tempo e soldi

invece mi e' venuta in mente l'ipotesi 2:

esplosivo!!!!! di questi a batterie in mezzo ad un prato con qualche Kg di esplosivo veloce.

quello che succede succede!!!!!!


al massimo la terra verra' spazzata via x rappresaglia!!!!!

cmq x me son tutte bufalate, chi e' che va a controllare di persona? e chi e' che se la rischia col tritolo?
onestamente io ho solo tirato fuori l'idea ma metterla in pratica e' una cosa da pazzi.

PS sposto questa discussioni.

PS2, ma i guardiani (di che cosa nn lo so! ) nn dovrebbero essere dei buoni?

Molotov - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 23:41

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

perch l'hai spostata?

vab comunque io voglio sapere chi l'ha testata e ha detto che ha visto ste robe...mi sa tanto de
bufale..specie perch kosol non ha mai dimostrato niente di quello che dice e anche perch non c' uno
schema come fai un portale e non sei capace de f uno schema?

Phobos79 - Gio 15 Jun, 2006 23:48

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

ragiona molotov:

nn importa come parliate di me, basta che parliate di me!

e' una strategia che si chiama "marketing virale"

e guarda un po' kosol e' una societa' a scopo di lucro, x via dei suoi libri.

e quando ci sono i soldi di mezzo si sa che la fiducia va a 0.

cmq V potra' dire l'ultima parola con il kosol device

PS spostata xche' cosa c'entra sta disucssione con la free-energy?

v71 - Ven 16 Jun, 2006 11:45

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Molotov, puoi fare il rendering cosi':

prendi un modello di un cristallo , un parallelepipedo con la punta terminale

prendi dei cilindri e li metti attorno

prendi un caduceous coil a lo piazzi attorno al cristallo


prendi un cilindro cavo e metti tutto dentro

lo schema e' nella sezione file del gruppo, credevo di avertelo mandato per email
correggimi se sbaglio, sto sbagliando molto in questi giorni.

dynoc - Ven 16 Jun, 2006 18:35

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Ciao, per divertimento ho iniziato anch'io a fare un piccolo modello 3d... che mander subito a molotov.

Volevo sapere, i magneti cilindrici attorno al cristallo, devono essere orientati tutti nello stesso verso o


v71 - Ven 16 Jun, 2006 20:44

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Devono essere alternati.

DeltaHF - Sab 17 Jun, 2006 19:39

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Vanno bene anche gli elettromagneti, al posto dei magneti? E' pi semplice avvolgere del filo smaltato su
barre filettate che trovare dei magneti della misura giusta (poi dei magneti potenti sono difficili da
posizionare, fragili...)

Il cristallo pi grosso che ho alto 7 cm e largo quasi 5 cm potrei fissargli attorno all'avvolgimento anti-
induttivo 11-13 elettromagneti (avvolti con filo in classe H) fissati su un supporto di compensato. A cosa
serve la schermatura in alluminio attorno al dispositivo?

dynoc - Sab 17 Jun, 2006 19:51

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

Il cristallo pi grosso che ho alto 7 cm e largo quasi 5 cm potrei fissargli attorno

all'avvolgimento anti-induttivo 11-13 elettromagneti (avvolti con filo in classe H) fissati su un
supporto di compensato. A cosa serve la schermatura in alluminio attorno al dispositivo?

dove l'hai presa che la schermatura deve essere di alluminio? sul gruppo...?

secondo m non serve a nulla... solo un contenitore e per gli esperimenti, meglio farli liberi (se mai
succedesse qualcosa si vede meglio).
Come bisogna alimentarlo poi l'avvolgimento del cristallo??


DeltaHF - Sab 17 Jun, 2006 22:04

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Dovrebbe essere alimentato con un generatore di onda quadra, l' hanno testato fino a 2 mhz. Ho appena
messo il cristallo in un tubo di cartone sforzado dentro e gli ho avvolto sopra circa 30 metri di cavo
bifilare (realizzato da 60 metri di filo smaltato da 0.3mm di diametro pigato a met su un rubinetto e
arrotolato molte volte tenendolo teso).
L'avvolgimento presenta una resistenza di 9 ohm circa.

Nello schema c' una schermatura di alluminio attorno, non ho capito se serve solo per limitare l'effetto o
necessaria per massimizzare la differenza di "pressione" nell'etere dentro rispetto a fuori dalla

dynoc - Dom 18 Jun, 2006 01:58

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

DeltaHF ha scritto: [Visualizza Messaggio]

Nello schema c' una schermatura di alluminio attorno, non ho capito se serve solo per
limitare l'effetto o necessaria per massimizzare la differenza di "pressione" nell'etere dentro
rispetto a fuori dalla schermatura.

Mha...da quello che s io l'etere se ne sbatte altamente delle schermature in metallo, cio quasi
inifluente, per devi sentire con chi ha ideato il progetto, v71?

secondo m sarebbero meglio i magneti permanenti, ma per dei primi esperimenti vanno benissimo degli
elettromagneti come hai detto tu...vite+filo attorno, MOLTO pi stabile, economica e tutto sommato
veloce da fare!


GRANDE DELTA, cos vediamo subito se una bufala o no!

Cobol - Dom 18 Jun, 2006 12:54

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

se nn sentiamo pi delta,vuol dire che l'aggeggio funziona!!! e delta in qualche dimensione parallela

Molotov - Dom 18 Jun, 2006 15:21


Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

quale il ruolo dei magneti messi in posizione alternata?

per me quello di creare un ricircolo di etere nel cristallo che lo canalizza...perci anche degli
elettromagenti vanno bene...non cambia nulla in fondo.
comunque da qualche file che ho avuto modo di vedere vanno fatti pi di uno di questi dispositivi e
dovrebbero essere messi con una disposizione a stella attorno al soggetto seduto a terra in modo che il
campo generato lo "avvolga".
e qui mi incominciano a sorgere i dubbi!
infatti io non penso proprio che in quella maniera si sposti tutta la materia di frequenza...secondo me
agisce invece sulla mente forzando la seconda visione.
qui potrebbe succedere di tutto perch poi ogni mente potrebbe vedere una cosa diversa a seconda dei
paradigmi che ha dentro e gli archetipi usati.
poi io mi chiedo e mi incavolo pure:

uno f un attrezzo del genere....e non gli viene in mente di mettere anche una semplice webcam per
riprendere tutto?
una telecamera anche di base fondamentale per questo tipo di esperimenti anche perch da come dicono
loro sembra una cosa replicabilissima...quindi posso capire che la prima volta magari non ci pensi a
filmare possibile che dopo un risultato cos eclatante non ti viene in mente di filmare?
io farei i salti mortali di gioia ed emozione e filmerei tutto!


DeltaHF - Dom 18 Jun, 2006 18:03

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Sono tornato ora da una camminata in montagna: leggete anche i documenti nell'area file del gruppo kosol
core, spiegano come hanno "scelto" di disporre i componenti in quel modo. Sembra che effettivamente
agisca soprattutto a livello spirituale. comunque esagerando con la potenza (tenendo la dovuta distanza...)
forse si pu ottenere qualche fenomino fisico!

Phobos79 - Lun 19 Jun, 2006 20:15

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

...bufala..bufala..bufala...bravo molotov, in quei txt ci sono un sacco di dati che contrastano tra di loro.

e nn forza manco la 2 vista xche' mica si vedono i grigi in qualche chissa' dove, ma si vede altro..

e poi mi chiedo io il mio primo dubbio, ma con tutto lo spaziotempo a disposizione e senza NESSUN
SISTEMA DI PUNTAMENTO quel coso inquadra sempre i grigi???

..ovviamente poi interviene l'ossimoro di turno, dave o kosol...

kosol e' una VOLPE che ha convinto una sacco di suoi adepti che lui sul serio riceve quelle robe dagli

vi ricordate mica il modus di un certo sebastian?? io si, parlare un casino, fornire prove pari a 0..
praticamente come kosol

---->>>>>> alimentate il mito su di me, alimentate il mito su dime...alimentatelo a qualsiasi costo...

+ adepti + libri

se vedete il news gli unici che hanno avuto quegli effetti strani sono guardacaso kosol, guardacaso il suo
amico dave, anzi, l'unico che nn scrive minchiate e' proprio V71 che gli dovrebbero dare pure la
percentuale sui libri fossero onesti, visto che si sta pure sobbarcando l'unica replica esistente del suo
device sferico, gli progetta i circuiti, eccc.. insomma, gli campa mezza baracca e kosol gli sbaglia pure le
foto nei libri??

ma kosol e' solo una persona infida, falsa,subdola e melliflua almeno cosi' e' come me lo vedo io e nn mi
fido un'anticchia.

Anubis - Lun 19 Jun, 2006 22:05

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Condivido il tuo punto di vista riguardo a Kosol...

Mi ricordo che c' era anche un altro che mi sembrava un bufalaro (o quantomeno un debunker), Bob Lazar
se non sbaglio (elemento 116, ufo, ecc...), quello che diceva era lo stesso di quello che c' scritto su un
libro "Area 51" di "Robert Doherty", o il libro tratto da quello che dice Lazar (ma non credo, anche
perch non c' scritto nulla da nessuna parte), o Lazar che ha letto il libro e dice in continuazione quello
che c' scritto come se glielo avessero detto i guardiani...

Per vorrei farti notare che un po' di tempo fa (non ricordo dove per, era veramente molto tempo
fa...forse prima che venissi su twilight...) ho letto che anche Naudin era un bufalaro...che i suoi apperecchi
non portavano a nulla o che le letture se le inventatva...

tutta una questione di punti di vista:

Chi crede in Kosol ----> Kosol nel giusto

Chi crede nella FE ---> Naudin ha ottenuto dei risultati
Gli altri ---------------------> Naudin ha torto, Kosol un c*****o e la FE non esiste...

Quando il Kosol Device a sfere sar funzionante vedremo se un bufalaro o no...nel frattempo proverei
con quelle bobine avvolte sul toroide di Naudin...

O questa riflessione non c' entra nulla ?

Molotov - Lun 19 Jun, 2006 23:12

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

il discorso kosol semplice...tante parole grosse...nessuna prova!


comunque questo dispositivo semplice...replicarlo non dovrebbe presentare problemi...tanto vale


Molotov - Mar 20 Jun, 2006 11:11

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

ragionando sul dispositivo ho avuto un flash e ne ho compreso meglio la natura.

innanzi tutto non un phase shifter propriamente detto...non teletrasporta la come al solito
kosol confonde sempre tutto e f un gran casino.
ma allora che cosa ?

ce l'abbiammo sotto gli occhi tutti quanti quello che ...non c' alcun mistero!
un generatore scalare potenziato...punto.

infatti abbiamo: cristallo che canalizza l'etere.

2.i magneti che aumentano il flusso di etere. bobina scalare. rivestimento di alluminio.

ora fate l'analogia anche con le tecniche orgoniche e vedete che non c' alcun mistero.

nelle orgonite e nei generatori scalari c' sempre il cristallo canalizzatore.

nelle orgoniti si mette magnetite o comunque si aggiunge un bel magnete per potenziare il flusso.
la bobina scalare si mette anche nelle orgoniti
il rivestimento di alluminio f rimbalzare l'etere all'interno per aumentare la canalizzazione sul cristallo e
questo ce lo dimostrano anche gli esperimenti di kozyrev.

in poche parole lavorando su diverse frequenze si stimola il 6 chackra su pi livelli mettendosi in

risonanza con le altre dimensioni.
nessun teletrasporto!

Phobos79 - Mar 20 Jun, 2006 12:56

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

se e' come dici il senso allora e' solo una copia della zapper.

sapete cos'e' lo sapper giusto??, scommetto che le frequenze che usa sono proprio quelle..

+che altro e' una specie di riequilibratore di aura elettronico anche se lo vendono x altro (ed e' una truffa)

le PSI-cose di kosol l'unica che ho provato io e' la calamita sulla fronte, spero solo che nn mi ha fatto
venire un cancro o qualcosa del genere xche' era potente, nn aveva nessun effetto.

invece i cristalli imbobinati funzionano, ma x me un pochetto bruciano il cervello...

e nn credo proprio che permetta di vedere grigi e roba del genere, xche' oltre alle coordinate "in

frequenza" ci vogliono pure le coordinate dei posti dove stanno i grigi fisicamente, e questa roba qua nn
ha nessun sistema di puntamento di nessun genere..

Dev Raikus - Mar 20 Jun, 2006 17:52

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo A Cristallo Di Quarzo

Potrei chiedere che effetto ha un cristallo imbobinato? (spero che sia on-topic...)

Phobos79 - Mar 20 Jun, 2006 18:50

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

nn e' che sia molto in topic, ma ti posso dire gli efffetti di un uso temporaneo e blando sul mio 6

cristalllo diciamo 10x3 con su una bobina bifilare fatta col cavo moebius e messa su con 7 spire come
l'erim, pompaggio in cc a 3A direttamente appoggiato alla fronte.

sogni lucidissimi ancora + del solito, praticamente tutti i sogni al max della lucidita'

2 obe involontarie

3 o 4 volte ho visto roba che di solito nn si vede, ma x pochi attimi..

poi ho lasciato perdere xche' mi sembrava una cosa troppo artificiale, quelle cose li le dovresti fare con la
sola mente.

il brutto di questi tecno-affari e' che gli effetti scompaiono tanto velocemente quanto appaiono.

v71 - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 01:51

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Anubis non mi smontare il mito di Bob Lazar , ( l'elemento e' l' E115 ), non lo puoi minimamente
paragonare a Kosol, intanto Lazar ha una laurea in fisica quantistica ed ha 2 balle sotto che non finiscono
mai , non credo che sia un debunker o un disinformatore, anzi io credo a tutto quello che ha detto.
Ha persino dato un buon indizio sulla natura della gravita ' , la gravita' e' attrattiva e repulsiva, proprio
come il magnetismo, l'uomo inizialmente ha conosciuto il magnetismo unicamente come forza attrattiva ,
lui ha chiamato questi campi gravita' A e gravita' B, la gravita' B e' quella repulsiva ed e' piu interna al
nucleo, l'elemento E115 e' abbastanza grande in modo che la gravita' B , si estenda al di fuori del suo
nucleo dove puo' essere incanalata in un qualcosa di simile ad una guida d'onda.
Praticamente ha detto anche in quale range di frequenze di trova, ( microonde ).

Phobos79 - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 09:09

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

quello e' vero, lazar sara' un pazzo, ma e' uno che se ricordo bene a 25 anni aveva nn una, ma 2 lauree di
cui una presa al MiT!!!!!!!! e' il classico genio pazzo

Anubis - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 10:27

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Si, ma ripeto, quello che dice PARI , PARI, UGUALE a quello che c' scritto sul libro "Area 51", dato
che non c' scritto da nessuna parte "tratto da Bob Lazar" o qualcosa di simile, credo che sia Lazar che
dopo che avuto due lauree al MIT abbia lettop il libro e fatto quel che ha fatto...

P.S.: L' elemento il 116, per la precisine, il 116 che in particolari condizioni diventa il 116 e decadendo
in 115 produce antimateria...

Phobos79 - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 10:37

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

si, peccato che sia gia' stato prodotto...

..e dopo ovviamente che e' stato prodotto sulla nostra bella terra e nn aveva niente di che si sono attaccati
che ci voleva l'isotopo adatatto, ma dopo nn prima.

PS anubis mi puoi togliere tutte quelle stellete e la roba a sinistra come v71?

PS2 se volete sapere robe serie sull'area51 dovete cercare Edgar Fouche su google, lui e' un vero e proprio
mito vivente molto attendibile e nn pazzo!

Anubis - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 11:17

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

In affti, io parlavo di un libro di faantascenza...

Per se vi interessa la verit c' anche un' altro libro "Il giorno dopo Roswell" del colonello Philip J.

Riguardo agli elementi...ho letto che sono arrivati fino al 119...e l' isola di sbailit...non c'...

P.S.: Fatto, va bene ?

Molotov - Mer 21 Jun, 2006 12:29

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

siete completamente OT! poi appena posso spiano il thread dei messaggi OT.

Phobos79 - Gio 22 Jun, 2006 01:01

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

ho visto ora l'ultima meraviglia della geniale, sublime, cristallina, geometrica, eccelsa, illuminata, ascesa,
lineare, logica e perfetta mente di kosol...

...signori vi presento il geomag secondo kosol!!!!

in pratica accendete il geomag, ma forse funzionerebbe solo di calamite e puf!!


there is infinite of denstiy different earth that he can access. not all earth is beatiful some earth
is very hostil the inhabitant some are not even human but humaniods or aliens greys .

mamma mia, ha pensare che io ho regalao il geomag a mio nipotino..l'avro' sulla coscienza

e adesso la chicca!

gaurdians siad....of subspace field

il campo subspaziale!!! i guardiani di kosol si vedono star trek!!!!!..chissa' se tifano x i borg o x i


v71 - Ven 23 Jun, 2006 00:50

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Il geomag secondo Kosol

i guardiani guardano star trek ????
Dai phobos , perche' non provi a dare una lettura in una chiave meno critica , lo so che kosol
ti sta sulle balle, a volte anche a me, pero' non spara sempre caz... altrimenti lo avrei mandato a cag.
tempo fa.
Comunque, fra poco sperimentera' anche lui con il quarzo, si e' comprato un generatore di segnale

alla fine qualcosina spendera' pure lui.

Phobos79 - Ven 23 Jun, 2006 01:34

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

...dai vince!!!! la prossima volta ti metto + faccine cosi' vedi che e' solo sarcasmo!!!!

io cmq credo a te!! nn di certo a quel pirla di kosol, e nn vedo l'ora che finisci il tuo di kosol!!! xo' ho
letto...che casino!!!

ricordati questo!! se Daniele da l'1X100000 di attendibilita' ai deliri di kosol e' solo xche' gliela dai tu e io
ti reputo una persona attendbilie!!

PS l'immagine e' sparita ma c'era una cosa proprio === al geomag!!

PS2 ...kosol e' uno che lucra bastardo denaro....nn ci posso far niente, ma la mia considerazione va di

v71 - Ven 23 Jun, 2006 16:24

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

Posso spiegarti il perche' del geomag

Di recente il dispositivo a cristallo ha cambiato forma , adesso e' una sfera di quarzo , inserita dentro un
dodecaedro composto da magneti, dato che gli ho fatto notare che esiste un gioco fatto di magneti e biglie
di metallo, lui deve avere dato quella foto come riferimento.
dai una occhiata qui ,
e ' un signore di nome Don Mitchell che ha dato grande seguito ai deliri di kosol e sta costruendo
proprio un dispositivo simile, facendo crescere il cristallo di persona , sta utilizzando il rochelle salt.
Ha 51 anni ed e' attendibile , anche piu' di me.
I calcoli per il rendering parametrico in 3d della bobina bifilare a spirale li ho fatti io

Phobos79 - Ven 23 Jun, 2006 17:49

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

..era proprio quello il link che avevo visto del geomag!!!

cmq farlo costa proprio 2 lire, il geomag + piccolo costa 10 e una pallina di quarzo li andassero a
comprare proverei pure a farlo!

Molotov - Mar 27 Jun, 2006 15:33


Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

ma io non vedo perch complicarsi la vita con quel coso sferico quando l'altro molto pi semplice!
inoltre questo rochelle salt cosa sarebbe? sale di rocca in italiano? salgemma? dove si compra?
e poi cosa si dovrebbe fare? faccio un icosaedro con igeomag e ci faccio crescere attorno il cristallo?
mi sembra una cosa molto nebulosa.

Molotov - Mar 27 Jun, 2006 15:39

Oggetto: Re: Dispositivo a cristallo di quarzo

volevo aggiungere (che testa mi dimentico di tutto in questi days!) che se la sfera di cristallo deve stare
invece all'interno dell'icosaedro magnetico allora non c' problema perch si trovano gi belle e pronte da
e pure di ametista che il cristallo migliore se si vuole lavorare con la mente e quindi il 6 chackra.

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here is the first links.

and scound links .

also .

ok here is the eperiment result and explanation from david lowrance on the kosol crystal device as you
can click on the two above links to get you the same explanations.

Phi, Numerology, and Density


Phi represents the relationship between "density" time vectors, and is the path inwards to higher density in
physical reality.
This is related to the stability that matter takes in each of it's forms or densities, along a "spiral" as energy
moves in and out of Source, through all the Densities.

Time flow rate progresses along the spiral, increasing in it's linear dimensions and slowing, related by Phi
and 1/Phi.
[Intuitive principle, consciousness or connection to Source as we move inwards]
This idea is based on Kosol's insights as to the "math" of higher Consciousness [Phi].

Consider the basic phi spiral, a pattern of moving inwards towards Source.
The path by which all energy moves to and from Source, through all the Densities of reality.

If we examine the radius of the arc found in each box below we discover the importance of 1 / Phi, 1 /
Phi 2, 1 / Phi 3...etc .
Spheres of force forming in each density would have various radius based upon the progressive increasing
of the radius, the linear tempic vector, as it increases outwards. The relationship of radius increasing by
Phi can be used to represent the tempic vector creating all matter along any Density.

How can this relationship represent the connection between forces interacting across densities?

Connecting the dots:

Lets look at Andrews recent contribution, connecting Phi with numerology, modulo 9 math function
found in Rodin math.
We have Phi, 1, 1 / Phi, and 1 / Phi 2 as our current density model having 4 squares from the chart as one
complete turn back on itself and inwards, one cycle.

The Cartesian formula for a circle is x2 + y2 = a2 . This is the pattern we see for the spherical Electron as
well as the Atom setting in one density.
It represents the interaction of two of our three tempic vectors producing, Time, Electric, and Magnetic
fields along the two tempic vectors as voltage and gravity which are the distance squared forces. This
contains Pie or the Pi relationship and is the basic pattern of Electric and Gravitational force appearing in
any one density.

If we now use Phi instead to relate a "cross density" field between two opposite sides of the spiral pattern:

As a round off, let Phi = 1.61803399

and let 1/Phi = .61803399

x2 + y2 = a2
Phi2 + 1/Phi2 = 3
(Phi2 + 1/Phi2)2 = 9
2(Phi2 + 1/Phi2) = 6

A beautiful mirror symmetrical power return to source as

(Phi1/Phi)*(1/PhiPhi) = Phi

The recognition of this number sequence 3 9 6 would seem almost too good to be true. This is the basis of
the Rodin math principle, derived from the age old numerology system of modulo nine math. This is now
related to Phi as well, or sums of Phi squared [Voltage and Gravity are the square of the tempic field in

A conceivable application:

From our models of tempic vectors forming Electric and Magnetic fields the following may become
3 represents the sum of two voltages in two densities from the lower density side.
9 represents the magnetic field resulting from both sharing one tempic vector down the spiral, yet creating
a 4rth density awareness.
6 represents the two voltages interacting through the connection, or the doubling inherent in the path
inwards on the higher density side.

9 becomes the connection where the energy crosses between 3 and 6 through a common magnetic field.
Since the spiral is progressive this same relationship should exist for all density thresholds.

Here in lies the 3 9 6 pattern from both ends of a magnetic field setting crossing between two densities.
The orientation of a magnetic field existing with one pole in each of two densities gives us a model for
creating a flow of energy between densities.

This is the model presented with the Kosol Device [3SD], which has oppositely spinning spheres with
magnets that cross allowing the magnetic field to form a pulse train where energy can move between
alternate time frames. The very first 3SD had magnets in attraction, and this would create a small
representation of what would happen. As the magnets cross, some form of energy would move through
the connection related to two dimensions of the magnetic field in alternate time frames. This could be a
voltage or it could manifest as a gravity field as both use only two tempic vectors in quadrature.

As we know, in a magnetic field that is in attraction, the lines of tempic spin fall into parallel travel, and
in a Protonic magnetic field both orbital and particle tempic lines also attract. This creates 4 tempic lines

all moving the same direction. If it is possible to place one pole of a Protonic magnetic field across a
density threshold with all flux paths crossing the results may be a flow of energy outwards or inwards one
direction across the threshold.

The model of the atom leads to the next logical step in realizing that the nucleus is exactly this. The
Protons are already setting inside the strong force area where gravity is lower, their magnetic field reaches
outwards to the Electrons magnetic field setting at a lower density. This model would seem to have
application already inside the atomic structure as to how fields interact from inside to outside the strong
force sphere.

In the case of a normal Electron generated magnetic field the flow would be bidirectional because of it's
dual flow structure.

It would appear that the Rodin math, based on numerology [3,9,6,9,3], may represent the functionality of
energy crossing the density threshold through a single magnetic field that overlaps both densities.
This gives us a mathematical model for energy moving between densities.

Don Mitchell's dual monopole crystal Orb pattern:

Laying this model over the dual "like pole" crystal pattern suggests some interesting things.
We see two 3rd density magnetic fields crossing one another in a higher density at the equator where both
share an opposite pole in another density.
His configuration is 3 at the poles, 9 as the next step inwards and 6 is the shared connection.
If this model is correct I would expect the field of 4rth density expansion to be strongest off the sides of
the crystal Orb outwards from the 6 magnets that join both hemispheres, and inwards here as well.

Since Don is using Neo Magnets the device will flow energy both directions across the density threshold
and a moving AC vibratory field would be able to cross density back and forth as an oscillation. However
with the addition of the Copper wire or Aluminum, this may change as now an inductive metal is present.
Because a Protonic magnet may move energy one direction depending on the field direction, this may
have a new effect to channel actual power one direction. The power could be expected to manifest as
either Voltage, Gravity effects, or both.

If the device becomes functional in two densities then we may be able to study the actual numbers. If the
device crossed into 4rth density, then reversing the poles may possibly be used to bring it back, or it
could be used to continue on, inwards to the next density without a reversal. This would probably require
the use of the inductive metals.
The first notable sign of a successfully density shifting may be the center of the sphere, the equator, may
begin to fade from view, as observed from outside the field.

This would also suggest that to simultaneously reach 5th density from here would require a larger form
using one more set of transfer magnetic patterns. Another 3 9 6 9 3 stacked around it. This would suggest
the second layer magnet structure setting around the first one and create two Density hops, however what
pattern should be used may be up for some speculation at this point. If a single coherent magnetic field
could reach through two densities simultaneously, then an AC signature could be transferred across both.
Spheres laying closer to center would be expected to cross further as spheres laying outside would connect
to this density.

This model also suggests that the proper places to tap a voltage from the system may lie between the
equator and the ends of the sphere, using Bismuth, Aluminum, or Copper as active pickups. If these

substances end up inside a canceling magnetic field they may begin to interact along the 90 degree
direction and either become energized, or cold [cold electric current] along the equator of the sphere. The
direction may be controlled by reversal of the coils polarity connections.

This also suggests a new model for tapping power of the alternate time flow rate from the 4rth density,
using only one layer of magnetic structure, which seems to be a first.

This is of course one possible mathematical view of what may be happening.

On Density and Spiritual planes:

Also from the spiral diagram it is really unknown where exactly the next physical density lies. Whether it
is half a spiral inwards or a complete turn is anyones guess. In the case that it is actually a complete spiral
cycle inwards, then it will take two layers just to reach the 4rth density. The spiral inwards is presently
unexplored territory. The 3 9 6 model for X2 force across density however now seems to lend a certain
credibility to this model:

It was Wilbert Smith who suggested that awareness or consiousness lies in quadrature to physical reality.
Our experiments have led me to revisit this concept as both Astral and Mental phenomena have now been
observed related to the magnetic fields produced in Wilberts coil structures.

It is possible that all the planes in the Spherical universe model lie along the spiral in quadrature. That is

the [Phi] square represents the 3rd density, the yellow box with edges of 1 is where we might expect to
find the Astral or emotional plane. The [1/Phi] blue box becomes the 4rth Density and the [1/Phi2 ]
becomes the mental plane, [1/Phi3] the 5th density and [1/Phi4] the Causal plane etc. Physical planes
located along one line and spiritual planes laying in quadrature to them and one layer higher in density.

This model pattern is suggested from direct experience in Astral travel where a new depth of dimension is
realized on opening to each of the Spiritual planes of awareness. Interesting to note that possibly the same
3 9 6 relationship may hold true between the Astral and Mental planes and this could show us the
substance of the numerology system for "life path" and the other intricate applications of this ancient

The model now suggests a device layout capable of tapping directly both the Astral and the Mental
planes as well. It also brings a new meaning to the Rodin coil that might not be so evident. The nature of
the quadrature magnetic field surrounding a Rodin coil may actually be placing fields into all four planes
at once.
Two of which are Spiritual in nature and two of which are physical in nature. Since the Rodin donut
pattern may be identical to the Electron orbital pattern then matter itself may be encoded with this same
pattern actually spread over multi dimensions.

This also explains why so many who initially work with the scalar coils may first experience
emotional effects when they encounter the 90 degree field and also very often may expierence high
speed mental comprehensions or downloads. It also confirms my own channeled or intuited
information that Emotional healing or mastery of "mature emotions" is a necessary step to reaching a
mental "comprehension." This represents the transition from the Power center to the Heart center for the
social consiousness of our planet earth as well as entering the upper chakra system represented in the
upper tetrahedron of the MerKaBa system, the completion of the second half of the 3rd density, about to

The spiral model of the Universe now becomes rather complete looking, including the physical worlds of
manifestation as well as the spiritual worlds of intention and comprehension.

We have incorporated Wilbert Smiths Density model of spin in the physical realms, with the Phi spiral to
Source [God Force] using a quadrature relationship. I have a feeling that Wilbert would have been rather

The Universe as viewed from the Spherical model:

This model is one that was percieved during a meditation with a Crystal coil assembly and represents how
the forces manifest in the spherical form to create the physical worlds or Densities. Although the word
"dimensions" has been used to describe these seperate worlds, they were previously discovered by Wilbert
Smith during his researh in the 50's.


Phi = 1.61803399

1/Phi = .61803399
1/Phi 2 = .38196601
1/Phi 3 = .23606797

Phi 2 = 2.61803399
Phi 3 = 4.236067987
Phi4 = 6.854101987

Round offs:

The spreadsheet figures are accurate to seven decimal places. We have

loose ends after that (on the eight place, which I chose as the round
off) because PHI is irrational.

Another 3:

Because of the unique inversion property, the sum of phi squares is

the same as (PHI/phi)+(phi/PHI)=3

In summary:

The above is presented as a "possible model" to aid in the design parameters for device engineering of a
"cross density" energy system. It is based upon the intuitions of Kosol Ouch on Phi and higher
consciousness, the writings of Wilbert Smith for the tempic structure of the EM field and Quadrature
concept, the Phi relationships presented by Andrew Bellon connecting Phi2 with the 3 9 6 numerology
system, the model presented by Don Mitchell of a magnetic Spherical crystal system crossing densities,
and the applications, experiments, and observations by myself while working with the devices. The
information on the Spiral and Phi is derrived from a Wiki site on Phi.

A side effect of crossing a density threshold may also be a new awareness, or an expansion of conscious
awareness of an existence much greater then our density. Once again we are seeing the integration of both
the physical and spiritual realities combining to form a much more complete and all encompassing model
of our universe. A bold endeavor started by Wilbert Smith 56 years ago, may he be remembered as one of
the truly inspired seekers of truth.

more .

from david lowrance on the kosol crystal wishing stone device

Body of Experimental evidence offered by c_s_s_p group


Scalar Crystal Experiment 1

The week of 5 - 8 - 6 I wrapped a scalar coil around a crystal, powered it up with two signal generators
peaking at various frequencies that could be felt inside my mind. 10 to 15 volt outputs, square wave,
monitored on an O-Scope showed the coils low resistance dropped this voltage considerably. The
sensation reminded me of the vortex at Sedonna, an inflow area called Cathedral Rock. I allowed a
connection to form between the crystal and my mind for a time tunning the frequencies and not realizing
what was happening.

The pressure stayed within my mind. I powered the crystal coil back down, and then later proceeded to
experience an altered consciousness for a period of two days where many of the things I had been seeking
flashed by at high speed. My frontal mind went absolutely clear and quite. While "under" my mind was at
a higher speed, and I continued to write much verbiage as information streamed through. I perceived an
Alien contact, and the Density chart in the files section became apparent as well as many other things I
have been studying and working on.
Construction facts:
The coil was very simple and could easily be wound in a few minutes. I used about 12 feet of number 24
gauge insulated hookup wire forming only one layer. Starting at the center of the wire I looped the first
loop around the crystal, then as each next loop was placed on I twisted the wire on two sides of the coil
such that one wire runs back and forth down each side. This produces a very uniform scalar field along
the surface of the faces of the crystal where the effect is strongest. When I got to around 1/4" of the end of
the crystal I joined the wires into a very tight twist about 2 feet long for feeding the device and then cut
off the excess wire. This tight twist produces a good noise immunity at high frequencies, well into the
Mhz region without the need for shielded wire.

Sensory Effects:
As I turned the energized crystal I could sense it's almost auric field moving through me physically and
realized that this was a torsion field, or a time flow altering field, and I had succeeded at reproducing
something I though was unique to Sedonnas vortexes. There are pictures of this crystal in the photos
section, however it is not clearly shown that the edges of this green violet crystal are in fact clear quartz.
The edges are machined smooth and this produces a very good vibratory surface to the flat coil placed
over it. The crystal was a gift from a shop in Colorado at a cave. It may have come from anywhere, I do
not know.

The coil is tunned with signal generators for a peaking of the two "squashing forces" or "opposing torsion
forces" that seem to become present. The whole universe seems to feel squeezed as you move closer to
the energized coil. Once the crystals frequencies are discovered using the 10 volt signal generators. I
believe that a low powered 555 timer circuit can be designed to power the device into a coil or multiple
coils with the correct number of windings to resonate close to the correct frequencies. This would use
very little energy.

Using a device like this requires a sensitivity to crystal vibrations and to me is a requirement for
operation. A familiarity to vortex energy would also be an advantage.
It was discovered after two days that releasing these pressures forces from the mind was not an easy task.
The use of a stack of Neo magnets did the trick nicely, moved from third eye and around the head as
needed for several hours. The end of the magnet stack that will bend a line of text on an older computer
monitor clockwise works the best for me. I believe this is the North end.
Side Effect:
As a warning: I also had an emotional reaction while under, that caused a paranoia for a time. I was able
to "process" this with the help of my healing guides and the others in the group helping me discern reality.

Dave Lowrance
The c_s_s_p group

Experiment 2
The Aluminum Scalar coil 5 - 22 - 06


I have concluded that Aluminum, offering a 100 percent abundance for Nuclear resonance, a torsion
effect, and due to its availability, is a material I wish to study further, to understand its interaction in the
crystal device.

The idea behind wrapping a coil around an aluminum core, is to manipulate the Aluminum at the Proton
layer. As the Electron layer is non magnetic, magnetic fields reach right through to the magnetized nuclear
layer in Aluminum, without bending or weakening the fields.I have described Aluminum as a Proton
magnetic material.

The Proton magnetism is anchored into the free floating nucleus of the atoms. The electron layer is
bonded tightly into the materials physical structure. The main mass or weight of the atom lies at the
Nucleus in the Protons and Neutrons and is also the Strong Force area within the atom. The nucleus is
free floating on an opposing magnetic field and free to vibrate.

It is the strong force area that naturally shows a mass to energy conversion, as the nucleus weighs less
then the sum of its parts as weighed outside the nucleus. This weight change is converted to energy as the
strong force, and follows the E = M C ^2 law. If the nucleus is pulled apart, the weight is reclaimed, along
with an additional beta energy output. Thus the output may appear to be more then the sum of the parts.
Thus I believe the neutron is the true target for ZPE extraction at this point in my studies.

All this has led to my rather non conventional coil, placing an inductive element inside a coil rather then a
ferrous metal like iron.


The experimental coil is wound with 24 gauge insulated copper wire, however I theorize that Silver wire
would be more effective due to its very low nuclear magnetic moment. Silver wire should produce a very
pure Electron generated magnetic field with little nuclear interference for the Aluminum core effect.

The wire is wound from the center down a 1 1/2 to 2 "long by 3/4" diameter Aluminum tube.Cut off with
a pipe cutter and ends smoothed. This is a piece of decorative tubing, and not an electrical conduit
material so offers a slightly thicker material.On each side the wire is twisted back on itself, as in the
This produces a very pure and unmodulated scalar radiation pattern off the edges of the tube, and almost
no energy off the top or bottom. Total of 24 turns on my first unit, and 32 turns on my second unit. The
coil is powered with a single sine wave generator from 100Khz to 1 Mhz.


Here is what I wrote right after the experiment:

I ran a freq run on it and discovered that a sine scalar wave is perceptible without the crystal. Same coil
layout,12 crossing wraps 24 wires up each side, same
radiation pattern, strongest off the sides, weak to nonexistent off the top and bottom.

Strong interaction around 1Mhz top of head

880 Khz produces total relaxation of all nervous system, all muscles
feel deeply relaxed. Probably hitting the rear motor area.

793 Khz crown energy

440 Khz 3rd eye
188 Khz throat center

As you sweep the frequency upwards a resonance starting low moves up

the spine and into the head. You can tune the frequency to land
anywhere you like. This scalar energy is strange stuff.
The coil when energized takes a few minutes to peak up. I think what is happening is the proton flips in
the Aluminum which are reversed in each coil loop section begin flipping random directions. Over time as
they exchange NMR photons and become more energized, the Proton flips start to move together forming
coherent directional flips, at which point the scalar energy pops out and radiates as a torsion field.
We end up with each coil layer spinning nucleons opposite directions up the tube.


The Aluminum Scalar coil has a direct link or coupling to the nervous system, due to its Protonic
magnetism creating a torsion field at the strong force area of the atoms. The nerve mechanism must have
a similar Protonic or nuclear magnetic coupling. Aluminum may be one key to making torsion fields pop
out and come to life.


It is always necessary to have another group or individuals attempt to confirm the results of an experiment
involving human effects.

Is it Daves special new awareness?

Is it real?
Does it work for everyone?
Does it only work for mediators?

I can only report what I have experienced. And I am eager to receive some feedback.

This is the beginning concept for scalar instrumentation, for sensors or transducers that may be used for
testing coils, and could also lead to imaging systems able to map the nervous system with far less power
then an MRI device uses. The scalar energy obviously penetrates easily to the core of the brain stem and
creates sensory effects.

Power levels:

From an electronics background in conventional theory, the power level is zero in the wave moving
through the body. However we now realize that opposing magnetic forces do not really cancel. The power
level is in the milliwatts in this experiment, and no one in their correct reasoning center would label them
harmful including the FCC. Anything under .25 watt does not even need a license these days to broad cast
microwaves let alone HF. However I do not claim that it is entirely safe, and thus will not be liable if I
drop dead in a couple weeks. This is a new type of energy and there is no FCC laws that I am aware of.
The frequencies used have not been shown to be particularly harmful to humans and are in fact
bombarding us daily anyway.

One need not hook up a Ham 100 watt linear amplifier to feel this effect. I am using voltages around 2
volts across the coil, and I believe it is instead the "current" which is responsible for the magnetic
alignment of the Protons, and not the voltage.


This effect is done with SINE waves and thus it feels most "gentle".
It may begin to prove the human to scalar link is real with more verification from others.

Dave Lowrance
And the group at c_s_s_p

Experiment 3
[The 90 degree field is discovered]

Needed materials:

1 copper tube or section of pipe about 1 " diameter, about 2 " long
30 feet of wire, mine was 24 gauge but heats up pretty fast so compass reading must be quick.
A 12 volt DC power supply or 12 volt battery
A compass


Wrap the coil as long as possible onto the copper tube with the same pattern as was used in the first two
Each successive turn is reversed, and wires are twisted at 180 degree down each side of the coil


As you energize the coil with quick taps to the 12 volt supply observe the compass on all sides, top and
bottom of the coil.
You should discover, that while this coil should be canceling the magnetic field, there is another one that
emerges positioned
at 90 degrees to where a magnetic field would be expected on a coil.
Now reverse your wires.
You should observe that the magnetic field now flips opposite polarity to the one seen before.

I first observed a North pole out all the way around my coil.
At the ends I observed a South pole on both top and bottom of the coil..

On reversal I observed a South pole outwards, and a North pole on both ends of the coil.


From this experiment I have concluded that in the Sweet VTA around the bifillar windings there very
probably is another magnetic field in operation setting at 90 degrees to the coil form. In my coil layout it
is not only conjecture or theory but is measurable with a compass.


This experiment was the result of researching the works of Wilbert Smiths first description of a coil
design such that each alternate turn reverses the magnetic field in layered stacks up the coil. In my first
two experiments this magnetic field resulted in bodily sensations.
I could feel this magnetic field.

The addition of a Copper or Aluminum core rather then using ferrite was the result of my studies on
magnetism and how it originates from 4 different atomic spin motions. The core design is an attempt to
manipulate the Protons magnetic layer directly, in a substance with a neutral magnetic electron layer.
Bismuth should actually produce the strongest effect in this coil, Aluminum is next and copper is the

I believe that the field which is appearing at 90 degrees to the coil form is in fact the cold or contracting
inwards field generated at the Proton layer. This is the part of the atom which sits inside the "strong force
area". It is modeled to be a magnetic field that is pulling inwards on itself in two of the 3 dimensions of
the field.
An electron magnetic field is modeled to be expanding along two of its three dimensions and this is why a
normal Electron magnetic field balloons out into a large donut around the magnet. The flux lines from a
Proton magnetic field should be doing the opposite, and compressing inwards.The coil is expanding only
one time vector of the Protons field, causing it to extend outwards. While at the same time the coil is
reducing the size of the Electron magnetic field, or in classic theory it is canceling.

David Lowrance 6 - 5 - 6
c_s_s_p group

Experiment 4
A meditative healing energy link with a large quartz crystal

Purpose and scope:

The purpose of this experiment is not to teach one the healing arts, but to offer a device setup that
can demonstrate the conscious connection and flow available in such a device that uses a mental
link to amplify and increase the flow of healing energy. I have had some past experience in
Acupressure and Reiki and found this experiment very natural.

Device Construction:

The experimental apparatus consists of 4 components:

A specially made coil:

The standard 3/4" Aluminum tube as used before is filled with bismuth shot and melted down to fill
it with a Bismuth slug.
The coil is wound the same, a second layer of wire is added over the first with the same pattern to
increase the field strength.
A thin layer of Aluminum can be placed between the layer of wire. Stacking windings and
Aluminum layers increases the field strength.
This coil produces the Protonic field at 90 degrees, as the standard Electron magnetic field is shrunk
with canceling polarities.
A large quartz crystal:
Mine is about 5" x 4 1/2" x 3 1/2" with a single point on one end.
Two stacks of Neo Magnets:
N40 Neo stacks placed in attractive arrangement, 2 ea about the same height as the coil form.
A 2 Mhz function generator:
Type used is a Philips PM 5132 [.1Hz to 2Mhz]
Both square and sine waves were used in this experiment, but sine waves were found to be more
soothing and gentle.

Principle Function:

The experiment combines a Protonic magnetic field with a Spiritual healing meditation to extend
Chi into a healing flow, then extend it with the focus of the mind to other parts of the body, such as
the Acupressure meridians.
By connecting the function generator to the coil using an AC signal, the Protonic magnetic field
flips from "North inwards" to "North outwards" at the frequency of the function generator. By
altering the duty cycle we can alter how much time is spent in an "inflow" or "outflow" state.
Rotating the duty cycle is very perceptible as altering the flow direction of energy. The actual
frequencies used may vary but I have recorded what worked for me here.
The large crystal is set with a flat surface face touching the coil in front of it. This will become the
radiant face of the crystal.

The magnets are laying touching the coil and covering it towards the front on the opposite side of
the crystal.
[See photos in photo section Experiment 4.]
For convenience I sat them all on top of the function generator.

As with most meditations, and as Kosol has recommended, first establish a connection with your
higher power, and invite your healing guides from the Light to be present. Make your intentions
clear. For the greatest good of all involved, and a "healing" flow to be established. Position yourself
in front of the magnets and make sure the crystals flat surface is behind, perpendicular to you or
nearly so.

Set the function generator on or around 1.8 Mhz, but do not feel locked into this frequency, be
opened to altering it as needed.
Extend your mind into the coil, the crystals energy will extend immediately out through the
magnets and envelope you.

Take your time and begin to learn how to direct the energy, then extend it outwards, out your arms
and then out your hands.
Experiment with the duty cycle until you can tell which direction brings an out flow of energy from
the crystal to you, and which pulls you into the crystal.
Be aware:
If you are blocked on the emotional or Astral layer, this experiment may bring up past traumas or
fears which need to be healed.
However this seems to be the kind of energy you can use in Acupressure, healing arts, or even just
to relax your body very deeply.
If necessary draw in the "Love and Light" to heal the emotional layer if trauma events surface.

I discovered that if you draw more energy, the flow increases, and if you turn your focus away it
It truly follows the intent and the focus, just as most meditative energy does only this is like having
a "stove" on a cold day. It radiates energy.


I found that 1.8 Mhz with a low duty cycle provides a strong outflow of energy after I have linked
mentally with the device.
The coil alone radiates a rather narrow energy and the magnets spreads it out to about a 120 field,
however the strongest energy is found directly in front of the magnets. Setting in the crystals
vibratory field is energizing, warm, and soothing.
I can move the energy or direct it out my hands and then into any part of the body. The acupressure
points are particularly sensitive to this energy and light up very quickly. My stomach meridian was
very sensitive and it took very little pressure to activate a strong flow there.

This experiment was the result of applications of the Smith coil, my magnetic atomic models, Kosols
Guidance for magnet placements, and Vinces suggestion to turn this technology towards the healing arts.

David Lowrance
c_s_s_p group [magnetics]
Kosol_Core_Tech group

6 / 13 / 6

Further Experiment:

Further experiment has also revealed the frequency .447 Mhz as significant, which was suggested by Dell
Coleman of the c_s_s_p group, in which a conscious time effect was observed. Two coils were used and
two function generators at about 2 volts peak level. The coils from experiment 2 and 4 were used in the
experiment 4 configuration. Three additional magnet stacks were used to spread the field more, a
suggestion form Kosol Ouch's recent device model.
The two function generators are set on 447 Khz and then one is slowly tunned off frequency until the
sensation is felt activating two places in the mind.
One is just above and to the front slightly, the other is back and lower. If you place a line through your
brain from the[third eye] forehead to the lower jade pillow [just behind the upper neck], this line is the
meditative line the energy will fall on and activate.

This technique was used to connect with another person mentally and alter there perception of time flow
rate as I also experienced it. The report coming back was that the whole world slowed down around them.
As well the sensation was very pleasant and created the sensation of sliding out slightly from this reality.

David Lowrance
c_s_s_p group

The above experiments have helped to produce the Phi and Density model offered by c_s_s_p, as well as
the spherical model of the universe combining the Spiritual Planes and Physical Densities into one
complete picture. The most exciting part of this is the mathematical connection made between the
metaphysical and the physical realms of our existence here in 3rd density.

Experiment 5
The Crystal Scalar Sphere System

The crystal sphere energy system was created by Don Mitchell and Kosol Ouch in a joint merging of
minds with the guidance of the Celestial beings existing in the Angelic realms. There are many theories
expressed as to it's function and operation. It was referred to as the "wishing stone" due to the nature of
it's fields which seem to interact directly with the human focus or "intention".


When the 90 degree, or quadrature, magnetic field was discovered in expierment 3 we bagan to observe
it's properties and discovered they manifest some intresting emotional, as well as mental qualities that
have been observed by others before us as well over on Keeley net. In expierment 1 I observed some of
the psychic qualities and what is referred to as a download or high speed channeling of knowledge. This
has led to the spiral model showing a relationship between these spiritual realms and other dimensions or
densities as well where we could expect the Zero Point or rest state of matter to be at a higher energy state
then here in 3rd density.

The Sphere used in this expierment is a synthetic quartz crystal of aproximatly 2.6 inches. A similiar one
approximatly 1.9 inches made of natural quatrz was also constructed to observe the possible differences.
The magnets and non magnetic balls are from K&J Magnetics and are built up into a dodecahedron form
completely wrapping the spheres. 3/16" diameter cylinders and discs were obtained in several thicknesses
to build up the gaps by trial and error untill a relativly snug fit is formed around the spheres. The Balls are
3/8". The official web site is hosted by Don Mitchell here:
Building the Magnetic Dodecahedron Array

The project is tittled the CTFG and is outlined here:

Torsion Field Generator

This experiment has been in a co operative effort with Kosol and Don to observe and develope models to
support these designs and test observed functionality as well as identify the fields present.

The function generator used was in kit form and can be purchased from Alltronics for around $100.
Alltronics 20 Mhz Function Generator Kit

The magnet assemblies were ordered from K&J Magnetics

K&J Magnetics

The crystal Spheres were obtained on EBay

The energizing coil I used is the Bismuth one from experiment 4.

Construction of the magnet assemblies:

The magnet assembly is assembled from 20 each 3/8" steel balls and 30 magnet cylinders. Two each of
the basic five sided forms are assembled flat on a table. At each ball or vertex another cylinder magnet
and ball is attached pointing outwards. The Crystal ball is placed on one of the flat forms and the
extending balls are raised up to see how close they are to where they will need to end up. You can see
from the upper photo about how far from the equator of the sphere they need to fall. All sides are now
adjusted to approximate the correct length. The second magnet form is now layed over the top of the
crystal sphere and rotated so that it's five extending balls fit exactly between the lower ones. 10 more
magnets are set up the same size as the origional ones and now used to connect the balls along the
equator. It may take a couple of trails to get the correct magnet shaft lengths but care must be taken to get
them all the same length and tight enough to hold their shape.

Magnet polarity layout can be obtained from the site listed above, and magnets can be reversed as needed
after the magnets are all in place by removing one at a time and using a compass to track the polarities.
Forming the dual pole monopole is recommended, but other configurations should be tested against it as

Our first tests were done without the magnets in order to form a baseline for comparison.

Negative energy identified:

With the energizing coil setting near the spheres and turned on it was discovered that the coils energy
forms an inflow, or negative energy system that has a tendency to draw one into the spheres emotionally.
This induced deep sleep on one occasion yet seemed to result in an energy drain causing the emotions to
be turned inwards for a time, aproximatly one day. Although this was a little discouraging, it is noted that
both the Sweet VTA and the Hamel Cones use a negative or cold energy as part of the system function.
This was good news afterall. The coil may be accessing the 90 degree field with the cold energy inherent.
The sphere shape seems to cause it to spiral or converge inwards.

A two frequency test was done with two generators and two coils set to phi frequencies of 1.618Mhz and
.618 Mhz forming a sum and difference frequency interaction supposedly to infinity, which formed a
powerful phychic drawing force. As this was my first time with crystal balls I sought out others who
verified this "negative" energy ability of crystal balls. I would refer to this as the yin or drawing force of
nature and the spheres seem to capture it very powerfully.

The interaction:

Next the magnet arrays were added and here is where the systems came to life.
Apparently the inflow moving horizontally through the magnets results in an outflow or radiant field
having all the qualities of the 90 degree field but adding a tremendous depth of field. This field is sensed
in it's full expansion up to 8 feet in all directions by sensitive energy workers. Although most people
initially can only feel it with their hands held within a few inches of the spheres. It is described as feeling
electric, as vibrations, or even sparks. It is also noted that the feeling induced stays in the body for a time
peroid not ending when the system is shut down. I have discovered it can be maintained as well for much
longer by intending such, as with meditations.

Human interaction:

Upon consecutive testing with the crystal spheres the overall observation that consistently comes up is
that they do in fact react to "intention".
Also they are observed to "speed" the meditative energies, or cause one to reach the higher consious states
of meditation in only a few seconds.
This was one of the observations noted in the Vortex systems of Sedonna Arizona.

When two people enter the field together a link is easily formed such that both can read one another very
Each person can actually feel and sense what the other is channeling or even feeling.
One lightworker lit me up from 5 feet away as she connected to her healing guides.

The energy is easily channeled through the body and the hands using only mind to direct it.
As one works with the field, it is often necessary to lower the voltage from the generator.

The field will build as it is used and diminish if turned away from or ignored.

Differences noted in spheres:

Sphere size seems to be a factor. The 1.9" sphere is very intense in the mind, both third eye and Pineal
center as well as futher back.
The 2.9" one is more resonant at the upper heart area but also connects very powerfully at the solar
plexus, and lower frequencies are more effective with it even down to 500 Hz producing warm energy.

The synthetic crystal produces a softer field that seems to spread out more evenly and is more subtle or
The natural crystal is more "piercing" and also more readilly sensed.
The fields of both react to the intentions and this really opens the door to expiermenting with both kinds
of crystal.

It is my observation that due to the allignment of the magnets in this system, it is supportive of the
"healing" process of the emotional body.
The coil flips between a balance of the emotional and mental planes, a good combination for inducing a
shift from the solar plexus to the heart center or the lower mental region. I see this system as a possible
aid to the healing arts, and may actually "teach" them to the operator who is opened to learning from the
device itself.

I am now in the process of building a 5 inch calcite crystal sphere system to see what if anything can be
gained with larger devices, as well as exploring the other coil structure offered by Don Mitchell that
wraps the crystal with 18 wraps of a very special scalar wound coil.

David Lowrance
c_s_s_p [crystal scalar support project] 7 - 1 - 6

Dave Lowrance
Andrew Bellon
c_s_s_p group 6 / 22 / 6

con Ametista

Dave: crystal orbs device

Equipaggiamento di Dave

picture from italian builder of sphere device


scalar coil timing circuit from vince


Kosol: Disegni Originali


etleboro italia
Crediamo di morire per la patria, ma moriamo per le Banche!

29 giugno 2006
L'arma sismica

"L'uomo pu riuscire a dividere in due i continenti, senza esplosioni o guerre".

quello che disse Nikola Tesla, elaborando la teoria dellla "telegeodinamica" dopo aver scoperto le onde
terrestri stazionarie. Nel 1896, infatti, Tesla accidentalmente provoc un terremoto nella Citt di New
York usando un piccolo oscillatore meccanico, dal suo laboratorio di Houston Street. Quando l'oscillatore
ricevette il segnale di ritorno di un sisma longitudinale o un'onda di energia sonora, aggiunse nuova forza
al ritorno, e dopo alcuni minuti questa onda era cresciuta ad livello tale che le forze oscillatorie crearono
dei piccoli terremoti locali. La Terra poteva essere dunque usata come un conduttore che risponde a
vibrazioni elettriche, e questa scoperta pu essere applicata nello studio della prevenzione dei terremoti e
maremoti, o per provocarli e dunque come un'arma catastrofica. Infatti nel 2002 il Segretario americano
alla difesa ammise che esistono tecnologie per alterare il clima e scatenare terremoti e eruzioni vulcaniche
utilizzando delle onde elettromagnetiche. Il messaggio che volle dare era chiaro, ossia
che i mezzi tecnologici per far questo esistono e si servono dell'energia nucleare, mediante la quale poter
creare la sufficiente energia per l'onda d'urto.

Un colpo ben assestato ad una regione terrestre geologicamente

predisposta, pu generare un cataclisma. I terremoti sono legati
allo scivolamento delle placche tettoniche che di trovano lungo
faglie, per cui un'onda di energia che colpisce strati profondi del
suolo, potrebbe sortire lo stesso effetto, creando, come fece un
secolo fa Tesla, dei terremoti artificiali. Sono stati costruiti a tal
fine negli anni settanta degli enormi generatori a compressione di
flusso, cd. "Pamir", che potevano essere installati su un grosso

Questo sistema "permetteva di trasmettere delle forti correnti elettriche nel suolo", e ufficialmente stato
presentato come un sistema di analisi, su grandi distanze ed a grande profondit, della conduttivit
elettrica del suolo. Considerando che una variazione di questa conduttivit segnala l'imminenza di un
terremoto, poteva essere un valido strumento per poterli provocare i terremoti.
I Pamir permettono di trasportare delle onde elettromagnetiche a grande profondit; viene azionato al suo
centro un esplosivo chimico che interagisce con un potente solenoide ad alto potenziale
magnetico.L'energia sprigionata dall'esplosione di partenza alimenta il generatore Pamir. Alcuni militare-

geofisici possono cos localizzare nel mondo, nei territori

potenzialmente "ostili" o indisciplinati, delle "regioni sensibili" in
cui un intervento mirato olosa potrebbe scatenare un sisma

Per scatenare il
sisma basta
allora modificare per riscaldamento la natura del
campo magnetico nel punto trattiene la faglia e ne
impedisce lo scivolamento. composto da quattro
elementi identici, cd. Camere di combustione,
affiancati per formare una batteria, da dei dispositivi
circolari, che sono dei solenoidi, e da quattro razzi a
combustibile solido, che formano il cd. "generatore di
plasma." In meno di cinque secondi si raggiungono temperature di combustione elevatissime, superiori ai
3000-3900, e le camere di combustione lanciano un flusso non visibile direttamente nell'atmosfera. I
solenoidi sono dei veri e propri generatori elettrici, hanno delle resistenze circolari che prendono l'energia
creata dall'esplosione, e producono un campo magnetico.

Vengono scavati , con sistemi di trivellamento installati sugli stessi camion, dei pozzi verticali sulle cui
pareti vengono applicate dei cavi in ferro che faranno da elettrodi per scaricare la tensione elettrica. La
scarica viene trasmessa su una falda orizzontale in corrispondenza di uno strato di acqua. Il passaggio
della corrente vaporizza l'acqua e produce un effetto di sollevamento dello strato, che va a sbloccare le
placche unite da una fessura verticale. Lo scivolamento delle placche pu allora propagarsi su grandi
distanze, con un'onda di taglio, e scatenare un sisma.

Lo stesso sistema viene utilizzato per smuovere il fondale marino, considerando che i razzi utilizzati a
propellente solido funzionano molto bene nell'acqua e sotto pressione. Viene portata ad ebollizione
l'acqua di un bacino acquifero, situato o sotto la superficie terrestre, o sotto il fondale oceanico, azionando
un effetto "cric" , per poi far detonare al di sotto della faglia un ordigno nucleare.
Tali interventi sono molti ricorrenti nei pressi delle piattaforme petrolifere off shore o delel zone costiere,
e vanno a creare una nuova forma di guerra in cui per indebolire un avversario vengono ricreati dei
"fenomeni naturali" .

Infine, bersaglio di queste operazioni sono anche i vulcani attivi, che hanno un meccanismo interno
analogo a quello di una geiser: raggiunta una temperatura soglia tale da innalzare la pressione, avviene
l'esplosione e la colata di magma. Le microonde inviate su basse e frequenze, capaci di portare
dell'energia termica a grande profondit, scaldare il magma e di rendere il sistema instabile, se vicino al
suo punto critico.
Gravi tragedie hanno colpito l'umanit, eventi naturali che si traducono in catastrofe soprattutto perch
spesso i pi colpiti sono i paesi in via di sviluppo, o i poveri della Terra: tsumani, terremoto in Iran,
eruzioni inquietanto, potremmo nascondare qualcosa, ben pi terribile del cambiamento climatico e
dell'influsso della luna.
Postato alle 04:44HOME

28 giugno 2006
L'ultima frontiera della miniaturizzazione elettronica
Il computer che si indossa al polso
Invenzione italiana: coster mille euro. Permette di lavorare, connessi in rete, senza essere legati a
postazioni fisse
Un computer da polso, da indossare come un orologio. Per compiere le operazioni che di solito
facciamo seduti alla scrivania. questa l'ultima frontiera della miniaturizzazione elettronica. Si chiama
Zypad e a proporlo questa volta non sono i soliti giapponesi. Bens Eurotech, un'azienda di Udine
specializzata nella progettazione e produzione di nanoPc e computer ad elevata capacit di calcolo. Zypad
(290 grammi di peso) frutto di una ricerca spinta su materiali e design, con un occhio di riguardo al
consumo energetico. Coster circa 1000 euro ed in vendita dai prossimi giorni. Spiega Roberto Sigari,
presidente di Eurotech: L'idea che ha animato il progetto del computer da polso quella di lasciare le
mani libere. Cos Zypad permetter, di lavorare, connessi in rete, senza essere legati a postazioni fisse. I
computer indossabili regaleranno nuova libert di movimento, rivoluzionando le nostre abitudini.
L'obiettivo dell'azienda friulana quello di facilitare chi deve operare in ambienti difficili. Consentendo
di avere a disposizione un dispositivo integrato di facile utilizzo.
PUNTI DI FORZA - Dal punto di vista hardware opera come un computer tradizione, ma un'attenzione
particolare stata posta ai comandi. Visto che in mancanza di una tastiera si opera direttamente sullo
schermo touch-screen da 3,5 pollici con una penna ottica, oppure sullo speciale joystick integrato sul
bordo. Sono allo studio comandi con riconoscimento vocale. Eurotech ha brevettato le soluzioni per la
riduzione del consumo energetico che consentono a Zypad di accendersi automaticamente quando il
braccio viene portato nella vicinanza degli occhi. Particolari accorgimenti anche per l'illuminazione
diurna, per rendere visibili i comandi in presenza di forte luce incidente. Il sistema operativo adottato
indifferentemente Windows CE oppure Linux, con una memoria interna (Flash) da 64 MB. Punto di forza
di Zypad la connessione con il mondo esterno. Poich deve operare da terminale mobile sono previste
diverse connessione wireless: dal Bluetooth alle Wlan, ma anche Gsm e sistemi di comunicazione peer to
APPLICAZIONI - L'integrazione tra spazio personale dell'utente e capacit di usarlo a mani libere, unite
alla multimedialit rendono Zypad uno strumento ideale per molte applicazioni no limits, ma anche per
uso business e industriale. Nel caso dei vigili del fuoco e pi in generale per gli addetti ai soccorsi, il
computer da polso potr fornire e ricevere informazioni direttamente dal luogo dintervento. In futuro
potr essere integrato su robot mandati in avanscoperta. E grazie a sensori esterni, Zypad potr anche
avvisare sulla presenza di pericoli invisibili, come ad esempio sostanze tossiche. Il computer da polso sar
di aiuto a Carabinieri, Polizia e forze dell'ordine permettendo ad esempio un costante flusso di
informazioni tra centrale, mezzi operativi e persone sul campo. Utilizzi analoghi sono previsti nel settore
della difesa. Ma anche la logistica ne potr beneficiare. Pensiamo a grandi magazzini, ai prodotti da
imballare, per la spedizione e le procedure di inventario. I tempi si ridurranno grazie al fatto che Zypad
legge anche i codici a barre. Ed elabora le informazioni direttamente sul campo, senza necessit di
trasferire i dati ad altri computer.
SVILUPPI FUTURI - L'azienda friulana pensa gi alle procedure di vendita di biglietti e di imbarco
sugli aerei che oggi richiedono l'utilizzo di una postazione fissa. Con l'utilizzo del computer da polso sar
possibile abolire la postazione e sostituirla con operatori che si muovono fra gli utenti per svolgere le
operazioni di imbarco. Da qui a stadi e luoghi di spettacolo il passo breve. Per il futuro Eurotech ha in
progetto lo sviluppo di computer da indossare. Disegnati su misura per ciascuna categoria di lavoratori.
L'obiettivo? Realizzare il sogno di Mark Weiser, pioniere dell'ubiquitous computing: le tecnologie pi
importanti sono quelle che scompaiono. Che si intrecciano con la vita di tutti i giorni fino a diventare
indistinguibili da essa.

Umberto Torelli
Copyright 2004 Rcs Quotidiani Spa

Cheap Drinking Water from the Ocean

Carbon nanotube-based membranes will dramatically cut the cost of desalination.
By Aditi Risbud

A carbon-nanotube membrane (quarter shown for scale). The nanotubes are located at the center of
each square. Despite their tiny size, they can filter water more efficiently than current larger
membranes. (Credit: Science)
A water desalination system using carbon nanotube-based membranes could significantly reduce the cost of purifying water from the ocean.
The technology could potentially provide a solution to water shortages both in the United States, where populations are expected to soar in
areas with few freshwater sources, and worldwide, where a lack of clean water is a major cause of disease.

The new membranes, developed by researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), could reduce the cost of desalination
by 75 percent, compared to reverse osmosis methods used today, the researchers say. The membranes, which sort molecules by size and with
electrostatic forces, could also separate various gases, perhaps leading to economical ways to capture carbon dioxide emitted from power
plants, to prevent it from entering the atmosphere.

The carbon nanotubes used by the researchers are sheets of carbon atoms rolled so tightly that only seven water molecules can fit across their
diameter. Their small size makes them good candidates for separating molecules. And, despite their diminutive dimensions, these nanopores
allow water to flow at the same rate as pores considerably larger, reducing the amount of pressure needed to force water through, and
potentially saving energy and costs compared to reverse osmosis using conventional membranes.

Indeed, the LLNL team measures water flow rates up to 10,000 times faster than would be predicted by classical equations, which suggest
that flow rates through a pore will slow to a crawl as the diameter drops. "It's something that is quite counter-intuitive," says LLNL chemical
engineer Jason Holt, whose findings appeared in the 19 May issue of Science. "As you shrink the pore size, there is a huge enhancement in
flow rate."

The surprising results might be due to the smooth interior of the nanotubes, or to physics at this small scale -- more research is needed to
understand the mechanisms involved. "In some physical systems the underlying assumptions are not valid at these smaller length scales,"
says Rod Ruoff, a physical chemist and professor of mechanical engineering at Northwestern University (who was not involved with the

To make the membranes, the researchers started with a silicon wafer about the size of a quarter, coated with a metal nanoparticle catalyst for
growing carbon nanotubes. Holt says the small particles allow the nanotubes to grow "like blades of grass -- vertically aligned and closely
packed." Once grown, the gaps between the nanotubes are filled with a ceramic material, silicon nitride, which provides stability and helps
the membrane adhere to the underlying silicon wafer. The field of nanotubes functions as an array of pores, allowing water and certain gases
through, while keeping larger molecules and clusters of molecules at bay.

Holt estimates that these membranes could be brought to market within the next five to ten years. "The challenge is to scale up so we can
produce usable amounts of these membrane materials for desalination, or gas separation, the other high-impact application for these
membranes," he says, adding that the fabrication process is "inherently scalable."

Eventually, the membranes could be adapted for a variety of applications, ranging from pharmaceuticals to the food industry, where they
could be used to separate sugars, for example, says co-author Olgica Bakajin, a physicist at LLNL. "Practically, the next step is figuring out
how to take a general concept and modify it to a specific application," Bakajin says.

"There are many studies that one can imagine to build upon this study," says Northwestern's Ruoff. "Our understanding of molecular
processes will be helped by experiments of this type. There are interesting possibilities for nanofluidic applications, such as in
nanoelectromechanical systems and in 'smart' switching [on and off] of the flow through such small channels."

Copyright Technology Review 2006.


Timeless Art?
This exhibition is a unique survey of art relating to the experience of time, and the history of how artist's
have dealt with the issue in just about every conceivable possibility. Not only is the viewer confronted
with the artist's reactions of time, but the viewer gets to experience the work in the artist's time. Your
journey is a guided tour through the portals of space-time , and is in itself a time-based presentation.
Given the modern attention span of most museum goers, this exhibition will only highlight nine distinct
works from vastly different eras and embodying a wide range of materials and processes.
Your journey begins with a work on the cutting edge of art and science by a young artist, Bryan Lohr.
Bryan has effectively constructed the first known working time machine. This work represents the
pinnacle of achievement in the field of time and man's control and understanding of the phenomenon. The
one on display here has been preprogrammed to maintain a specific route solely for this exhibition, and
will lead you from the earliest known works of art by Cro-magnon man, and back to the present. It is also
important to remember that even though you will be travelling in a time machine, time does not stop for
everyone else. The tour is just about an hour and a half in duration, so if you start at 2pm, you will return
at 3:30pm. Be sure to set aside enough time in your schedule to complete the journey as there are no
bathroom breaks or deviations from the schedule. You will not be permitted to leave the vessel while the
tour is in progress.
To understand how the machine works requires only a bit of scientific knowledge, and a big imagination.
Let's identify time as the inverse proportion to speed, something we can see visibly. Speed is the
measurement of distance over time. So if we wanted to isolate time, we can say that time is how far we
went over how fast we were going. Numbers aren't important in this example so when imagining speed,
simply think in terms of fast versus slow. We'll use the tortoise and the hare to illustrate this point. We
normally experience time as a function of solar activity, and Einstein proposed that the faster you travel,
time slows down for you. So as you approach the speed of light, you will age a lot slower than everyone
else. In effect, we are all time travellers on a constant path into the future, and everyone is traveling at
relatively the same speed. Now, with current perceptions, we would be the tortoise, and light would be the
hare, even with the fastest spaceships orbitting the earth we cannot come close to the speed of light. As
you remember from the story, however, the tortoise wins the race when the hare takes a nap. This is the
inspiration Bryan had for creating his time machine. By stopping and capturing light, we can easily
surpass it and travel faster through time. He then realized that is exactly what black holes do, and set out
to recreate the black hole experience here on earth. The internal mechanism of the time machine consists
of a "mock black hole" or "light accumulator" as is illustrated in this sketch.

A natural black hole has a sort of membrane known as an event horizon which is a densely packed body
of suspended particles that allows light to enter, but not escape. Bryan's event horizon is constructed out
of three layers of one-way glass, which as we all know, allows light to enter, but not escape. This, in
effect, has stopped time allowing us to travel freely through it.
To get a sense how difficult it would be to travel backwards in time without stopping time, consider this:
We'll use a more familiar analogy with driving on the freeway. Light travels at about 186,000 miles per
second. Say that a car in front of you is going this fast on the freeway. If you're going anywhere below that
speed, you're still traveling forward, but you'll never catch up to him. Now you decide that you want to
pass this car. Going the same speed, time seems to stand still. If you just looked in his car, and not ahead,
it would seem that neither of you are moving at all. By going faster than 186,000 miles per second, or by
passing the car you may begin to travel backwards through time, into the past, catching up to all the cars
that came before this one. Time and light, therefore, can be viewed as a constant stream of cars, and if you
continue to travel faster than the stream, then you continue to see everything that came before, eventually
passing the guy that got off the ramp ten minutes ahead of you, and so on. The problem increases when
you consider how far back in time you want to go. Even if you're able to travel at twice the speed of light,
372,000 miles per second, it would still take you a full 24 hours of time traveling to go backwards 24
hours. Or you can say that a guy left New York going 30 mph at 9am this morning. If you start at 9am
tomorrow morning, travelling at 60 mph, you would catch up to him a full 24 hours later.
To go back any considerable distance in time, you need to be going a proportionate rate of speed. For
instance, let's just say you want to go back 48 hours in time. You would have to go 48 times the speed of
light, or 8,928,000 miles per second to get there in one hour. You would need to go 17,856,000 miles per
second to get to two days ago in a half hour. To continue with the driving analogy, light got in its car in
NY two days ago at 9am, travelling at 30 mph. You want to catch up to it in only one hour, so you would
have to go 1440 mph. If you've only got a half hour to spare, you would have to drive at 2880 mph.

To go back ten thousand years in one minute, as Bryan has done here, we would have to travel
953,510,400,000,000,000 miles per second, 51,264,000 times the speed of light. If we weren't staying on
Earth, this would also take us exactly 100 light years away in one minute, reaching distant stars that we
currently cannot reach even in a thousand years. Unquestionably, without stopping light, hence stopping
time, it would be physically impossible to reach those speeds. The nearest that science has gotten has been
to accelerate particles via quantum tunnelling to about 1.6 times the speed of light. Via this method, tiny
particles can be sent back in time, but it would take a full 24 hours to go back 14.4 hours, and in order for
this to be practical for humans, we would have to dematerialize into tiny bits to be tunnelled, just like on
Star Trek. Reruns of that show can still be viewed on television, so even though relevant to this
exhibition, it is your duty to examine the series on your own as it relates to the perception and experience
of time.
This important work of art and technology has aided our museum greatly in the study of ancient art, and it
is our pleasure to make available this work to the public to aid in this exhibition. We shall begin our tour
in the most appropriate time, the beginning.

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