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Ali Wilcox

Lesson Plan

Topic: Rules and Consequences

2.SS.4.1.1 Explain why rules are necessary at home and at school
2.SS.4.1.2 Explain that there are benefits for following the
consequences for breaking the rules at home and school

Social Studies Themes addressed in this lesson: Civic Ideals and


SWBAT explain to their peers why rules are important at both home
and school.
SWBAT explain benefits for following the rules to their peers.
SWBAT explain the consequences of breaking the rules to their peers.

Assessment: Assess the children as you ask them the questions when
you gain their attention.

Materials Needed: Rules worksheet

Classroom Setup: The room will be set up with round tables or tables
put together so that the children will be able to talk to each other.

Gain Attention: Ask the children, Who always follows the rules?
and What happens when we follow the rules? and What happens
when we do not follow the rules?

Recall Prior Knowledge: Children will have prior life experience with
following rules and breaking rules. They will have their own opinions
about following the rules.

Teacher Input: Tell the children that we are going to talk about the
importance of rules. Hand out the worksheet to the children and tell
them that they are going to work on the worksheet after you pose the
questions below.

Discover Procedure (Questions Teacher Asks): Why do we follow

rules? What happens if we do not follow rules? What are
consequences? Are consequences important? What happens when we
follow the rules?
Invite: Teacher asks, Are rules important? Why? and Why are
consequences important?

Explore: Children will talk with their peers about the question posed.
They will work on their worksheet to answer the questions and write
class rules, bus rules, and recess rules.

Teach: Have one person from each table share about what they talked
about to answer the question posed.

Apply: Work together with the children to come up with class rules as
well as general rules that they can have at school and the importance
of each. Also come up together with consequences the children do not
follow the rules.

Closure: Tell the children that we are going to practice following the
rules and that we are going to have consequences in the classroom
when we do not follow our rules.

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