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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar chart gives information about the number of library books
borrowed from Lumberton Public Library in 1991 and 2001, and the pie
chart gives information about the librarys membership in 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this topic.

Write about the following topic:

With the increasing use and development of new technology, many

machines are now able to do the work, which people used to perform.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience

Write at least 250 words.

Task 1 Model Answer
The bar chart shows how many library books from each category were
borrowed from Lammertown Public Library in 1991 and 2001.

Two genres of books, crime novels and childrens fiction, showed a

reduction in the number of books borrowed. The borrowing of crime novels
decreased from approximately 500 in 1991 to slighdy over 200 in 2001,
whereas the number of childrens fiction books taken out nearly halved
from close to 700 to just under 400 during the same time period.

However, all other categories of books experienced an increase in the

number borrowed, with the biggest jump in the self- improvement category,
which increased from just over 200 in 1991 to slightly under 1,000 in 2001.
Romance books also had a surge in popularity to 1,400 in 2001.

All in all, the number of books lent in most categories increased with the
exception of the categories of crime novels and childrens fiction.

The pie chart gives information about the gender of Lammertown library
members in 2010: approximately two thirds were female and about one
third were male.

(176 words)
Task 2 Model Answer
The advent of new technology has meant that nowadays, machines are
more than capable of doing many of the tasks and jobs that people used to
do. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this development.

One of the main advantages of having machines do work relates to speed

and efficiency. Machines tend to be much fester and more efficient at doing
repetitive type tasks such as those performed in factories. In addition, the
human error factor is eliminated, further saving time and cost Also,
although machines might require a more expensive initial outlay, their
long-term usage is much more economical than paying human wages by the
time factors such as sick leave, annual leave, and wasted time are included.

However, there are also several disadvantages. Machines cannot be used for
every task, as often the human touch is necessary in completing certain
tasks. For instance, a machine cannot as yet interface with a customer or
client in the same way as a human employee. Nor can they create new ideas
or concepts in the innovative way that people can. Machines are also unable
to show initiative. In addition, many types of machinery require
considerable and sometimes costly maintenance which can reduce their
overall cost-effectiveness.

In conclusion, machinery certainly has its place in society, supporting and

freeing up peoples work time so that they are able to concentrate on more
interesting work and work to their strengths. However, machinery also has
its limitations, and these need to be recognised in weighing up their
advantages and disadvantages.

(256 words)

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the life cycle of the salmon.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features.

and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this topic.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays, celebrities increasingly have the status of role models, in

particular for younger people.
Do you see this as a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Task 1 Model Answer

The diagram shows the various stages of development in the life cycle of the

At the very beginning of the cycle, in fresh water or rivers, eggs take
approximately three months to hatch. After hatching, the baby salmon
called alevin not yet looking like a fish feeds off the yolk sac. Several
weeks later, it takes the form of a young fish, identified as fry, which can
swim. The fry is about five to ten weeks old. By the time it is several months
old, the salmon, now known as parr, has developed typical finger-shaped
markings. At some point between the age of one and three years old, the
salmon or smolt forms groups and swims out to sea. The fully grown adult
spends up to eight years swimming in the ocean until it is time to spawn.
The spawning adult then returns to fresh water or upriver and after
spawning dies within a couple of weeks.

Overall, the life cycle of the salmon covers seven distinct stages over
approximately eight years from the hatching of the eggs till death.

(181 words)
Task 2 Model Answer

International celebrities come from many different fields these days, with a
considerable number of them famous for little more than good looks and
expensive fashion. However, they all serve to act as role models for society.
There are positive and negative aspects to this phenomenon, but on the
whole 1 see it as a detrimental development.

First of all, many celebrities have achieved their fame not through
admirable behaviour but for public misconduct. For instance, many young
pop stars with very little talent have exploited media focus on their party
lives, courting photographs of them with little clothing or involvement in
drugs or alcohol. Affairs and celebrity scandal provide young people with
poor examples of how to conduct themselves morally and with integrity in
the public eye, which is an extremely worrying trend that some of these
celebrities have exerted on young generations.

In addition, marketing celebritics these days has become a billion dollar

industry. Social networking pages such as Face book and Twitter ensure
that people can focus on and obsess about their idols twenty-four hours a
day. This constant following of celebrities only serves to perpetuate the idea
that their shallow lives are worthy of this constant attention, when in
reality, decisions about which jewelry to wear and which premiere to attend
distract young people from the real issues facing modem society.

All in all, being a celebrity comes with the responsibility of having others
look up to you. Unfortunately, in my opinion, too few celebrities take this
responsibility seriously, which has corresponding negative effects for those
who choose to adore them.

(262 words)
3 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie charts below give information about the household expenditure of
an average US family in different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,

and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

More and more prisons are being built to house the worlds criminals, and
many people believe long-term imprisonment is the answer to solving the
crime problem. However, others feel that psychological assistance is what
is required. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Task 1 Model Answer
The pie charts compare the expenses of an average American household in
1970 and in 2004. The most significant change that can be seen was in the
proportion that went towards paying the mortgage; and the other increase
was in the outlay for childcare.

In 1970, about a quarter of the household income was spent on mortgage

payments, whereas by 2004, this doubled to account for half of all
expenditure. The 1970 family spent only one per cent of income on
childcarc, while the 2004 family allocated ten times more of the budget to

Expenditure on entertainment remained the same at 13%, but the

percentage spent on food halved from 25% to 12%; and 8% less of the total
income was taken up by transport costs in 2004 (only 5%). Clothing costs
consumed more of the budget in 1970, at 22%, but this fell to only 10% in

(150 words)
Task 2 Model Answer
Imprisonment has long been the most popular form of punishment for
criminals in society, but many also believe that rehabilitation should take
the form of psychological treatment.

Those in favour of long-term imprisonment argue that criminals are not fit
to live alongside normal members of society. The obvious reason for this is
that they represent a danger to others personal safety, and it is true that
society would not tolerate violent criminals living in its midst. The thinking
behind imprisonment is to take away prisoners rights to individual
freedom: this is their punishment. In addition, it is thought that prisoners
use their time in prison to reflect on and consider their illegal behaviour,
hopefully regretting and feeling remorseful about their crimes.

However, some people argue that prisons are not the best place for all
criminals. Advocates for psychological rehabilitation believe that
psychological therapy may be a better alternative to imprisonment for some
offenders. Psychological therapy may address the root causes of the
criminal behaviour and offer strategies and possibilities for change in the
future. This approach may be more successful in preventing reoffending in
the long run because it does not assume the same solution (that is, prison)
works for all.

On the whole, I believe prison definitely has its place as a form of

punishment, as no one would wish to live in fear of violent crime, and
criminals need to be removed from society for this reason. However, I think
a combined approach which has a strong focus on psychological treatment
is essential in addressing the core causes of crime, as prison alone offers no
hope for future change and eventually, almost all criminals are released
back into society.

(279 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The bar graph below shows the amount of carbon emissions in different
countries during three different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,

and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

A number of tertiary courses require students to undertake a period of

unpaid work at art institution or organisation as part of their

What are the advantages and disadvantages of their type of course


Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Task 1 Model Answer

The bar graph illustrates the quantity of carbon emissions produced by six
countries in 1975,1990, and 2005.

The USA emitted the largest amount of carbon for all three years, showing
an increase from slightly over 1,200,000 thousand metric tonnes in 1975 to
just under 1,600,000 thousand mctric tonnes in 2005. Chinas level of
carbon emissions more than doubled from 300.000 thousand metric
tonnes in 1975 to over 600,000 thousand metric tonnes in 1990 before
more than doubling again to approximately 1.6 million thousand metric
tonnes in 2005. In contrast, Germanys carbon emissions reduced slightly
from approximately 250,000 in 1975 and 1990 to roughly 200,000 in 2005.
The only other country to reduce emissions was the United Kingdom
between 1975 (approximately 180,000) and 1990 (about 160,000),
although this was quite slight and rose again in 2005 to 170,000. Canadas
level increased slightly each year to match the UK in 2005, and carbon
emissions in India jumped from approximately 80.000 in 1975 to 350,000
in 2005.

On the whole, the two largest contributors to carbon emissions were the
USA and China.

(181 words)
Task 2 Model Answer

As part of a varied and stimulating curriculum, many universities and

tertiary providers often offer student internships with companies or other
organisations as a component of study. This trend has both benefits and

One of the mam advantages is that an internship in an appropriate place

ofTers students the chance to integrate their theory and knowledge in a
real-life, practical setting. The example of student doctors and nurses
illustrates the value of practical internships: how else would students learn
to practise medicine but in an authentic, supervised context? In addition,
internships and practicum placements can often lead to a job opportunity
for the student upon graduating, or at the very least, a good set of contacts
for the commencement of their professional life. In terms of assessment it
also gives the university a clear picture of how the student is progressing
against industry standards, and whether the course is meeting the needs of
that particular industry.

However, there are several disadvantages to these types of placements.

First of all, universities can sometimes have difficulty in securing good
quality, suitable placements for their students or, even worse, students are
left to their own devices to arrange a placement. This is unsatisfactory and
puts students at a disadvantage. As well as this, sometimes students in
these types of placements get used to doing menial task which are well
beneath their capabilities, simply because they are perceived as
inexperienced and incapable.

To conclude, student placements arc an excellent way to provide practical

experience and support our future professionals to gain the skills they need
to succeed, but these placements must be monitored and facilitated

(273 words)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie charts below give information about the composition of household
rubbish in the United Kingdom in two different years.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,

and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that using animals to test the safety of human
medicines is cruel and unwarranted, whereas others feel it is a medical

Discuss both views and state vour own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Task 1 Model Answer
The different components of household rubbish in the United Kingdom in
1985 and 2002 are shown in the two pie charts.

The percentage of kitchen/organic waste jumped from 28% in 1985 to 44%

in 2002, representing the greatest increase in that time. In contrast, paper
waste was significantly reduced from 36% in 1985 to 16% in 2002. The
proportion made up of plastic waste remained the same in both years at 7%.
Similarly, the percentages of wood and textile waste remained relatively
stable at 5% (wood) and 3% (textiles) in 1985 and at 6% and 2% in 2002

The miscellaneous category which appeared in the 2002 pic chart did not
feature in Ac 1985 pic chart. Also, the category of dust and cinders, which
represented 8% of household rubbish in 1985, disappeared from the 2002

In general, the proportions of most categories of household waste remained

similar from 1985 to 2002, but the two major changes were represented by
increased kitchcn /organic waste and rcduccd paper waste.

(168 words)
Task 2 Model Answer
Animal testing has become a highly controversial debate in recent years,
with strong and emotive arguments presented on both sides.

The view that testing medicines on animals is necessary is supported by

those who argue that if not animals, then who? Animals are seen as the only
logical testing population close enough to humans to accurately identify
and test the efficacy of different types of medicines, including those
involved in cancer treatment, and other potentially life-saving drugs.
Furthermore, there is the notion that animals do not feel or experience pain
and suffering in the same ways that humans do, and that all research on
animals is ethically conducted to minimise any pain that is felt.

However, the other side of the debate revolves around the argument that
animals do experience pain and suffering, and it is simply unacceptable to
subjcct them to medical testing. Also, opponents of medical testing on
animals point out that the results are not necessarily reliable when applied
to human populations: even though as mammals we might be very similar,
we are not the same. This brings into question the entire philosophical base
behind testing medicine on animals. There is also the moral question of
whether we humans actually have the right to subject animals to testing
and inhumane experiments against their will.

In my opinion, the use of animals for medical testing should be avoided at

all costs, as I feel that animals deserve humans respect and kindness.
Alternatives to medical testing on animals must be sought

(252 words)

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