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Lynette P.


1. At what time during a patients hospital stay does discharge planning begin?
a) Admission
To prepare for early discharge and the possible need for follow-up in the home,
discharge planning begins with the patients admission.
b) Twenty-four hours prior to discharge
Discharge planning requires identification of patient needs and anticipatory
guidance and is not relegated to a specific time for beginning.
c) The shift prior to discharge
Discharge planning requires communication with and cooperation of the patient,
family, and health care team and is not relegated to a specific time for beginning.
d) By the third hospital day
Discharge planning may require involvement of personnel and agencies in the
planning process and is not relegated to a specific day of hospital stay.

2. Which skill needed by the nurse to think critically involves identification of

patient problemsindicated by data?
a) Inferencing
Inferences are used by the nurse to draw conclusions.
b) Interpretation
Interpretation is used to determine the significance of data that is gathered.
c) Analysis
Analysis is used to identify patient problems indicated by data.
d) Explanation

3. A steady state within the body is termed

a) homeostasis.
When a change occurs that causes a body function to deviate from its stable range,
processes are initiated to restore and maintain the steady state or homeostasis.
b) constancy.
Constancy refers to the balanced internal state of the human body maintained by
physiologic and biochemical processes.
c) adaptation.
Adaptation refers to a constant, ongoing process that requires change in structure,
function, or behavior so that the person is better suited to the environment.
d) stress.
Stress refers to a state produced by a change in the environment that is perceived
as challenging, threatening, or damaging to the persons dynamic balance or

4. Which of the following statements describes accurate information related to

chronic illness?
a) Most chronic conditions are easily controlled.
Many chronic conditions require therapeutic regimens to keep them under control.
b) Most people with chronic conditions take on a sick role identity.
Research has demonstrated that some people with chronic conditions may take on
a sick role identity, but they are not the majority.
c) Chronic conditions do not result from injury.
Chronic conditions may be due to illness, genetic factors, or injury
d) Most people with chronic conditions do not consider themselves sick or ill.
Although some people take on a sick role identity, most people with chronic
conditions do not consider themselves sick or ill and try to live as normal a life as
is possible.

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