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Graphs and Combinatorics (2002) 18:667675

Graphs and
Springer-Verlag 2002

Bounds on the Distance Two-Domination Number

of a Graph

N. Sridharan1 , V.S.A. Subramanian2 , and M.D. Elias3

Department of Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi-630 003, Tamilnadu, India
A.P.S.A. College, Tiruppatur, India
Department of Mathematics, B.U.E.T., Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract. For a graph G = (V , E), a subset D  V G is said to be distance two-domi-

nating set in G if for each vertex u 2 V  D, there exists a vertex v 2 D such that du; v  2.
The minimum cardinality of a distance two-dominating set in G is called a distance two-
domination number and is denoted by c2 G. In this note we obtain various upper bounds
for c2 G and characterize the classes of graphs attaining these bounds.

1. Introduction

We consider only nite undirected graphs without loops or multiple edges. The
order of graph G V ; E is jV Gj and its size is jEGj. If S  V G then hSi
denotes the induced subgraph of G with vertex set S. Two vertices in S are
adjacent in hSi if and only if they are adjacent in G. A vertex with degree one is
called an end-vertex or a pendant vertex. The minimum and maximum degrees of
vertices of G are denoted by d and D respectively. For every vertex v 2 V G the
neighbourhood N1 v is the set of all vertices adjacent to v in G; i.e.,

N1 v fu 2 V G : uv 2 EGg:

The distance du; v between two vertices u and v is the length of a shortest u-v
path in G. If there is no u-v path in G, then du; v 1. For every vertex
v 2 V G, the kth neighbourhood Nk v of v is dened by

Nk v fu 2 V G : du; v k in Gg:

For terminology and notation not given here, the reader is referred to [2] or [5].
The concept of domination was generalized to distance k-domination. Slater
[9] termed a distance k-domination set as a k-basis.
Denition (Slater): Given a nite graph G V ; E, a subset D of the set V of
vertices is called a dominating set when every vertex not in D is adjacent to atleast
668 N. Sridharan et al.

one vertex in D. More generally, a subset B of V is called a k-basis (k  1) if for

each vertex v of V there is at least one vertex b in B such that the distance between
b and v in G, denoted by dG b; v, is less than or equal to k. Thus a dominating set
is a 1-basis.
Slater [9] also gave an interpretation for a k-basis in terms of communication
network. For more information on domination, total domination and distance
k-domination in graphs the reader is referred to [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9].
In this note, we nd upper bounds for distance two-domination number for
connected graphs.

Denition. Let G be a graph. A subset D of V G is said to be a distance two-

dominating set for G if for each u 2 V  D; du; v  2, for some v in D. A minimum
cardinality of a distance two-dominating set is said to be distance two-domination
number of G and is denoted by c2 G. A distance two-dominating set D of G is said
to be a c2 set if jDj c2 G.

1. c2 Kn 1
2. c2 Km;n
3. c2 Pn n5  where Pn is the path on n vertices
4. c2 Cn n5 where Cn is a cycle on n vertices
5. If G is the Petersons graph, c2 G 2
We rst observe that c2 G  cG and c2 G  cG2 where V G2 V G and
u; v 2 V are adjacent in G2 if and only if du; v  2 in G.

2. Results

 1, where G
Theorem 1. For any graph G, either c2 G 1 or c2 G  is the com-
plement graph of G.

Proof. Assume that c2 G 6 1. Choose vertices u and v in V G such that

du; v > 2 in G. So in G

(i) u is adjacent to every w where w 2 = NG u [ fug and

 for all w 2 NG u, du; w 2 in G
(ii) u v w is a path in G . Hence fug is a c2 set
in G
It is known [8] that if G is a connected graph of order p with minimum degree 2
and if G is not isomorphic to any one of the seven graphs in Figure 1, then
c  2=5p.
If G is a connected graph of order p with minimum degree 2 and if G
is not isomorphic to any of the seven graphs in Figure 1, then
c2 G  cG  2=5p. Also for these seven graphs c2 G  2=5p. Thus we have
the following theorem.
Bounds on the Distance Two-Domination Number of a Graph 669

Fig. 1.

Theorem 2. If G is connected with order p and with minimum degree 2, then

c2 G  2=5p.
In the following theorem we obtain a stronger result.

Theorem 3. If each component of G contains at least three vertices then

c2 G  b p=3c, where p is the order of G.

Proof. We rst prove this result for a tree. The result is clearly true for a tree
whose order is 3 or 4 or 5. We assume that the result is true for all trees of order
 n. Let T be a tree with n+1 vertices. Let P = u0 ; u1 ; u2 ; . . . ; um be the longest
path in T . If m  2 then c2 T 1  bn 1=3c. So assume that m  3. Let T 0 be
the component of T  fum ; um1 ; um2 g which contains the vertex u0 . If the order
of T 0  2 then fum2 g is a c2 -set for T . If the order of T 0  3, by induction
c2 T 0  bn  2=3c. Let D0 be a c2 -set for T 0 . Then D0 [ fum2 g is a distance two-
dominating set for T and hence c2 T  bn 1=3c. Hence by induction the
result is true for all trees. Let G be any graph in which each component contains at
least three vertices. For each component H of G, c2 H  c2 T  P bOH =3c,
P T is a spanning tree in H . Hence c 2 G c2 H 
bOH =3c  b p=3c.

Now we characterise the graphs for which c2 p=3. For G = C6 , the cycle of
order 6, c2 G 2 p=3.

Denition 1. For a graph H, we denote by H the graph obtained from H by adding

a vertex v0 for each vertex v in H and joining v and v0 .
670 N. Sridharan et al.

Fig. 2. Graphs H, H+ and H+2

For every connected graph H , we dene a graph denoted by H 2 as

the graph obtained from H by attaching a free path of length two at every vertex
of H .
B.D. Acharya, H.B. Walikar and E. Sampathkumar [1] have proved the fol-
lowing theorem.

Theorem 4. Let G be a connected graph of order p  2. Then c p=2 i G C4 or

H for some connected graph H.
We obtain a similar result for c2 .
We note that if H is a connected graph of order p, then c2 H 2 p=3. We
claim that these are the only graphs other than C3 ; C6 for which c2 G p=3.

Theorem 5. For a connected graph G of order p, c2 G p=3 if and only if either

G C3 ; C6 or G H 2 for some connected graph H.

Proof. Let G be a graph with c2 G p=3. The result is true if G = P3 , the path
on three vertices. So assume that G 6 C3 ; P3 . Let A be a distance two-dominating
set with jAj c2 G p=3 and with the minimum number of components (i.e.,
number of components in hAi is minimum). Then we note the following.
(i) jAj p=3 and so N1 A 6 /
(ii) If a vertex x in A is not adjacent to any vertex of N1 A, then there is
atleast one vertex y in A such that xy is an edge in G and hence A  fxg is also a
distance two-dominating set with less than p=3 vertices which is a contradiction.
Therefore every vertex in A is adjacent to atleast one vertex in N1 A
(iii) jN1 Aj  p=3. Otherwise by (ii) it follows that N1 A is a distance two-
dominating set with cardinality less than c2 G which is a contradiction.
(iv) We claim that N2 A 6 /. If possible assume that N2 A /. Then every
vertex in A is isolated in hAi [if a vertex x in A is not isolated in hAi, then A  fxg is
a distance two-dominating set with p=3  1 vertices as N2 A / which will be a
contradiction]. If there is one y in N1 A which is adjacent to two distinct vertices
x1 and x2 of A, then A [ fyg  fx1 ; x2 g is a distance two-dominating set, which is
a contradiction.
Bounds on the Distance Two-Domination Number of a Graph 671

Therefore no vertex in N1 A is adjacent to two distinct vertices of A. To each

x 2 A, let Sx fy 2 N1 A=xy is an edge in Gg. i.e., Sx = N1 x \ N1 A. Fix
one x1 2 A. As G 6 C3 ; P3 , we have x1 [ Sx1 6 G and as G is connected, there is
some y in Sx1 and z in Sx2 for some x2 ; x2 6 x1 in A such that yz is an edge in G.
Then A  fx1 ; x2 g [ fy; zg is a c2 -set with fewer components, which is again a
contradiction. Thus N2 A 6 /.
(v) Let S1  N1 A be a set with least cardinality such that every vertex of
N2 A is adjacent to atleast one vertex of S1 . Let S2  A be a set with least
cardinality such that every vertex of S1 is adjacent to atleast one vertex of S2 .
Let S1 fy 2 N1 A=xy 2 EG for some x in S2 g then jS2 j  jS1 j  jS1 j and
jS2 j  jS1 j  jN2 Aj we note that jS2 j  jS2 j jS1 j jN2 Aj=3. If x1 2 A  S2
such that x1 is adjacent to some vertex x2 of A, then A  fx1 g itself is a distance
two-dominating set with p=3  1 elements, which is a contradiction. Thus
x 2 A  S2 ) x is isolated in hAi.
(vi) There is no y in N1 A such that y is adjacent to two distinct vertices of
A  S2 [For, if y in N1 A is adjacent to x1 ; x2 in A  S2 , then A  fx1 ; x2 g [ fyg is
a distance two-dominating set, leading to contradiction]. If x1 ; x2 are distinct
vertices in A  S2 and y1 ; y2 2 N1 A such that x1 y1 , x2 y2 are edges in G, then y1 y2
is not an edge, for if y1 y2 were an edge then A  fx1 ; x2 g [ fy1 ; y2 g is a distance
two-dominating set with less number of connected components. Let x 2 A,
y 2 N1 A  S1 , deg(x) = 1 in G and xy is an edge in G. Then y is isolated in
hN1 Ai. [For if there is one y 0 2 N1 A such that yy 0 is an edge in G, then y 0 2 S1 .
Thus A  fxg [ fy 0 g is a distance two-dominating set with fewer components,
which is a contradiction].
(vii) Now consider the case in which there is a vertex x 2 A  S2 with deg(x)
=1 in G. Let U1 fa 2 A  S2 /deg(a) = 1g. Select one a1 2 U1 . Select a path
a1 y1 z1 where y1 2 N1 A (In fact y1 2 N1 A  S1 ) and z1 2 N2 A. Select a path
a0 y0 z1 where a0 2 S2 .
Let V0 fa 2 U1 / there is some z 2 N2 A such that da; z 2 and
dz; a0 2g. To each a 2 V0 select one V0  N2 A path a y z such that
dz; a0 2. Thus we have selected jV0 j paths. These jV0 j paths are distinct. [For if
a1 6 a2 2 V0 and a1 y1 z1 and a2 y2 z2 are selected paths and if z1 z2 then
A  fa1 ; a2 g [ fzg is a distance two-dominating set with less than p/3 vertices,
which is a contradiction].
Let V2 fz=z 2 N2 A and z is in any one of these pathsg. Note that
A  fa0 g [ V0 [ V2 is not a distance two-dominating set (as it contains less
than p/3 vertices). So there exists a path a0 y2 z0 where y2 2 N1 A and z0 2 N2 A
such that dz; z0  3 8 z 2 V2 .
Let Va1 V0 [ fall points on the selected jV0 j pathsg [ fa0 ; y0 ; z0 ; y2 g. Note that
jVa1 \ Aj < 1=3jVa1 j. Select a2 2 U1  V0 . Form Va2 as above. Proceeding like this,
we get Va1 ; Va2 ; . . . ; Vam such that they are disjoint and
jVai \ Aj < 1=3jVai j; 8 i 1; 2; . . . ; m and
U1  Vai :
672 N. Sridharan et al.

To each a 2 A  S2 [ U1 , we have a 2 A  S2 and deg(a)  2. To each such a

we associate Wa where Wa fag [ N a. Clearly Wa \ A = fag and jWa j  3. Now
to each aj 2 S2 , by minimality of S2 there exists yj in S1 such that N yj \ S2 =
faj g and again by minimality of S1 there exists zj 2 N2 A such that N zj \ S1 =
fyj g. Select one such yj and zj . Put Xaj faj ; yj ; zj g. Then Xaj \ A = faj g and jXaj j
= 3. Now V = Q [ R [ T where

Q Vai ;

R fW a : a 2 A  S2 [ U1 g and T fXaj : aj 2 S2  Qg is a partition of
V V G. Note that jAj = jV \ Aj < 1=3jV j which is a contradiction. Thus
a 2 A  S2 ) deg(a) 6 1 in G.
We have already noted that

jS2 j jS1 j jN2 Aj

jS2 j  :

jS2 jjS1 jjN2 Aj

If jS2 j < 3 ; there should be atleast one vertex a 2 A  S2 with deg(a) =
1. So,

jS2 j jS1 j jN2 Aj

jS2 j

This is possible only when jS2 j jS1 j jS1 j jN2 Aj. To each ai 2 S2 , select
one yi 2 S1 and zi 2 N2 A such that N zi \ S1 fyi g and N yi \ S2 = fai g. Let
Xai fai ; yi ; zi g 8 ai 2 S2 . If ai 6 aj then Xai \ Xaj /. Now we claim that A =
S2 . If possible assume that S2  A. To each a 2 A  S2 let Wa fag [ N a. For
a; b 2 A  S2 and a 6 b, Wa \ Wb / (otherwise A  fa; bg [ fug is a distance
two-domination set where u 2 Wa \ Wb ). Also for each a in A  S2 , N a
 N1 A.
! !
[ [ [
V G Xa Wa ;
a2S2 a2AS2

otherwise jAj < p=3. As G is connected, we can nd one ai 2 S2 and a 2 A  S2

such that there is an edge joining Xai and Wa . Let xy be an edge with x 2 Xai
and y 2 Wa . Clearly y 2 N1 A  S1 N1 A  S1 , so x 2
= A. Hence either x = yi
or x = zi . If x = yi then A  fai ; ag [ fyg is a distance two-dominating set
with less than p/3 vertices which is a contradiction. Hence x = zi . If ai is
Bounds on the Distance Two-Domination Number of a Graph 673

isolated in hAi then A  fai ; ag [ fzi ; yg is a c2 -dominating set with fewer

components. Hence ai is not isolated in hAi. Hence A  fai ; ag [ fyg is a
distance two-dominating set with less than p/3 vertices which is also a con-
[ A  S2 /: Thus S2 A and N1 A S1 :
[ jAj = jS2 j jS1 j jN2 Aj p=3 and
V Xa :

It follows that every vertex in N1 A is isolated in hN1 Ai and if yi 2 Xai then

N1 yi \ A = fai g and N1 yi \ N2 A = fzi g. If p = 6, as G is connected, G is
either C6 or a path of length 5. Assume that p > 6 then we claim that every
vertex in N2 A is isolated in hN2 Ai. If possible let zi zj be an edge in
N2 A. If both ai and aj are isolated in A, then A  fai ; aj g [ fzi ; zj g will be a
distance two-dominating set with less number of components leading to a
contradiction. If there is one ak k 6 i; j adjacent to atleast one of ai and aj say
ak ai is an edge in G, then A  fai ; aj g [ fzj g is a distance two-dominating
set with less than p/3 points which is a contradiction. So there is no
ak k 6 i; j adjacent to atleast one of ai ; aj . Also we have ai ; aj are not isolated
in A.
So ai aj is an edge and there is some zk k 6 i; j adjacent to atleast one of zi and
zj say, zk zi is an edge in hN2 Ai. Then A  fai ; ak g [ fzk g is a distance two-
dominating set with less than p/3 points which is a contradiction.
Therefore every vertex of N2 A is isolated in hN2 Ai. As G is connected, the
only possibility is that hAi is connected. Put H = hAi. Then H is connected and
G = H 2 .

Theorem 6. If G has p vertices and no isolated vertex, then c2  p  D 1=2.

Proof. Let u be a vertex with du D and X V G  fug [ N1 u [ N2 u.

Let S be the set of isolates of hX i. Then each y in S is adjacent to atleast
onevertex in N2 u. Let MS  N2 u such that MS is the set with
minimum cardinality such that each vertex of S is adjacent to atleast one vertex
of MS and M2 S  N1 u with minimum cardinality such that each vertex of
MS is adjacent to atleast one vertex of M2 S. Therefore jM2 Sj 
jMSj  jSj.
Let A be a distance two-dominating set for hX  Si. Then jAj jX  Sj=2 if
hX  Si = mK2 for some m otherwise jAj < jX  Sj=2. Now fug [ M2 S [ A is a
distance two-dominating set for G.

c2 G  1 jM2 Sj jAj
c2 G  1 jM2 Sj jX  Sj=2
674 N. Sridharan et al.

jX  Sj 2jM2 Sj jX j  jSj 2jM2 Sj

c2 G  1 1
2 2
jX j jM2 Sj
1 as jM2 Sj  jMSj  jSj
p  D 1
1 as X and MS  V  fug [ N1 u


Remarks. (1) For G = K1;p1 , c2 G = 1 = p  D 1=2 as D p  1

(2) Assume that D 1 < p (i.e. N2 u 6 /). If S / and X 6 / then each
component of hX i is adjacent to atleast one vertex of N2 u. Let M be a subset of
N2 u with least cardinality such that each component of hX i is adjacent to atleast
one vertex of M.
Then c2 hX [ Mi  jX j jMj=3  p  D 1=3. As fug [ fa distance two-
dominating set of hX [ Mig is a distance two-dominating set for G. We get

c2 G  1 p  D 1=3 p  D 2=3
i.e., c2 G  p  D 2=3 < p  D 1=2 as D 1 < p:

D 1 < p ) 3D  2D 4  3 < 3p  2p
) 2p  2D 4 < 3p  3D 3 ) p  D 2=3 < p  D 1=2

(3) If X / then c2 G 1  p  D=2 as N2 u 6 /. So c2 G <

p  D 1=2
(4) If S 6 / then each component of hX  Si is adjacent to atleast one vertex
of N2 u. Let M be a subset of N2 u with least cardinality such that each com-
ponent of hX  Si is adjacent to atleast one vertex of M.
Let S1 = fx 2 S = x is adjacent to atleast one vertex of Mg.
Let S2 S  S1 :
Let M1 S2 be the least cardinality set in N2 u such that each vertex of S2
is adjacent to atleast one vertex of M1 S2 . Note that M1 S2 \ M /. Let
M2 S2  N1 u with least cardinality such that each vertex of M1 S2 is adja-
cent to a vertex of M2 S2 . Note that jM2 S2 j  jM1 S2 j  jS2 j and
jM2 S2 j  D. Let l = jM [ hX  S2 ij. Let A be a c2 set for hM [ X  S2 i.
Then jAj  l=3.

Case (i). Let l  6. Then fug [ M2 S2 [ A is a distance two-dominating set for

Bounds on the Distance Two-Domination Number of a Graph 675

c2 G  1 jM2 S2 j jAj
 1 jM2 S2 j l=3
 1 l=3 p  D  1  l=2 jM2 S2 j  M1 S2 S2 =2
 p  D  1=2 1  l=2 l=3
 p  D  1=2 6  l=6  p  D  1=2 as l  6

Case (ii). Let l  5 then jAj = 1 and

c2 G  1 jM2 S2 j 1
 2 jM2 S2 j
 2 jM1 S2 j jS2 j=2
 2 p  D  1  l=2
 p  D  1 4  l=2
 p  D=2 as 3  l  5

Thus we get the following theorem.

Theorem 7. If G has p vertices (p  3) and no isolated vertex, then
c2 G p  D 1=2 if and only if D p  1 and
c2 G < p  D 1=2 if D 6 p  1:


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Received: May 31, 1999

Final version received: July 13, 2000

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