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Our blessing cup is a communion

Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper (Holy Thursday)

Psalm 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 Tinnah M. dela Rosa

& b 4
Antiphon D G B C D

Our bles - sing cup is a com - mu - nion with the Blood of Christ.

j j
5 D G7(9) G7 C C7 F

&b j j

1.How shall I make a re - turn to the Lord for all the good he has done for me? The

9 G A D G7 B C A

& b j
cup of sal - va- tion I will take up, and I will call u - pon the name of the Lord.

14 D G7(9) G7 C C7 F

2.Pre - cious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faith - ful ones.

18 G A D G7 A

&b j j

I am your ser - vant, the son of your hand - maid; you have loosed my bonds.

D G7(9) G7 C C7

&b j j j

3.To you will I of - fer sa - cri - fice and thanks - gi - ving, and I will call u - pon the

F G A D G7 A

name of the Lord. My vows to the Lord I will pay in the pre - sence of all his peo - ple.
Copyright 2014 by Tinnah M. dela Rosa
This music may be reprinted for non-prot liturgical or formaAon use.
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