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The magazine Vogue is an iconic and symbolic brand, known

as the best fashion magazine within the world and owned by
mass media company Cond Nast. Vogue has many
different forms of the magazine publication based around
different areas of the world. Its name, popularity and high
quality standards mean that the magazine has a high level of
access to the fashion industry, and means that its audience
can gain coveted information from its articles. The Vogue
logo symbolises their status, this is also shown by the way
they present it. For example, many vogue magazine covers
obscure part of the mast head with the model and subject of
the photograph. This is because the logo is so symbolic and
recognised, it does not need to be completely seen so the
purpose and value of the magazine to be seen.
The logo and masthead are stereotypes within the magazine cover and layout, as is the
subject of the main cover image. The cover image is usually a famous figure, whether that
be an actress, musician or model. These cover models are almost always female due to the
purpose of the magazine as a fashion magazine which is more attractive to women.
Although womens interest in fashion is a stereotype of the female gender, this idea is
supported in the data collected within the survey. For example, on a scale from 1 to 5,
87.5% of the male surveyors found the magazine appealing to themselves with a rating of 1
or 2. Whereas the 83.3% of the females answered rated the magazine as a 3 or 4 as to if the
magazine was appealing to themselves.
It is clear from the 6 female participants many
said that they the magazine layout is
appealing because of the colours and
photography. This idea was supported by
many of the other female participants. As
spoken about, many of the cover models have
a well-known celebrity status, and are strong
female characters. One of the participants
described the July (given as a case study) cover
model Emma Watson as a good role model.
This encourages people to purchase the
magazine especially those of a younger age.
Many of the participant when asked who they
thought the magazine would appeal to and
why, said that they though it would appeal to
most female students and that It is appealing
to people of a younger age such as myself 16
24. One female participant wrote I don't
usually read magazines, but I would for Emma Watson. But not only does the model of the
cover photograph play a large role in targeting the audience, but also the style, mise-en-
scene and colour scheme of the image. Multiple participants, both male and female, said
that the colours on the front cover and the photography make up and styling were
appealing aspects of the layout. These aspects represent one of the basic forms of gender
stereotypes, by using the colour pink as a form of representing and drawing the attention of
the female gender. This is used throughout marketing scheme by using the colour pink as a
female colour, and blue as a male colour. This was also strengthened by one of the
questionnaire participants that wrote that it was also appealing to females because of the
magazine content, and pink colour scheme. Not only is the colour pink linked to the female
gender, but is also a bright and draws your attention through the use of colours meaning
that the front cover is eye catching.
The cover image is the main feature point of the cover, and the font and text are laid out
around the image. As said before, many Vogue covers have cover models that obscure, the
mast head, but the cover lines have to be visible and clear to the viewer, to entice the
audience through content and language, but also be visually appealing. This is why many
vogue covers use the same colour scheme from within their main cover image, with their
mast head, cover lines as well as within the magazine itself. The colour of the cover lines is
not only used to make the layout aesthetically pleasing, but also to show the most
important contents of the articles within. For example, on the July cover, the mast head,
and lead article are both the same pink colour that is used within the main cover image.
They also use text size and formatting such as bold text or caps, to catch the attention of
specific and engaging words and contents such as Shattered and Fall. These aspect of
the layout were described ass Visually it is appealing with the simple and elegant fonts and

The font of the logo or masthead, as well as the cover lines gives an idea as to the tone of
content within the magazine. The font used was described as simple and elegant. When
asked about the tone of content within the magazine on a scale from 1 to 5, if one is
informal, and 5 is extremely formal, 93% of the people asked rated the tone as a 3, 4 or 5.
This is also reflected within the questionnaire answers. When asked if the tone appealed to
them, many of the males said that the tone of content did not appeal to them and that it
could be improved if it were made to suit both guys and girls more. Yet the female
participants described the tone as classy and glamourous and that from the article, it was
formal and well written meaning that the information is valid and trustworthy and the
articles have content and information not gossip. This formal language and information
presents a high standard in quality, and links to the brands image and what it symbolizes.
The articles within the magazine are often fact filled, with first-hand information that is
trustworthy due to Vogues position in the fashion industry. As the narratives of these
articles are based around fashion, obvious from Vogues moto Before its in fashion, its in
Vogue. But the most important article, or narrative, is the lead article. Just as masthead
and cover model are stereotypes of the magazine, as is the exclusive interviews with the
cover model. This is an example of how anchorage is used to inform the audience of content
through photography such as the main cover image, and main article. This informs the
audience of the name, and encourages them to learn more, drawing their attention with the
bright pink colour that links to the colour scheme of the photograph, the main article layout
within the pages, and Vogues notorious name.

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