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Torsion: refers to the twisting of a straight bar when it is loaded by
moments (or torques) that tend to produce rotation about the
longitudinal axis of the bar.
Couple: is a pair of forces, equal in magnitude, oppositely directed
that tends to twist the bar about its longitudinal axis.
Moment of a couple: is equal to the product of one of the forces and
the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces
thus (see Figure bellow), the first couple has a moment T1 = P1d1 and
the second has a moment T2 = P2d2. The SI unit for moment is the
newton meter (Nm).
Sign of the moment of a couple: may
be represented by a vector in the
form of a doubleheaded arrow. The
arrow is perpendicular to the plane
containing the couple, in this case
figure (b), arrows are parallel to the
axis of the bar.
An alternative representation of a
moment is a curved arrow acting in
the direction of rotation figure (c).
Both the curved arrow and vector
representations are in common use.
The choice depends upon
convenience and personal preference.
Direction (or sense): of the
moment is indicated by the right
hand rule for moment vectors
namely, using your right hand, let
your fingers curl in the direction of
the moment, and then your thumb
will point in the direction of the
vector see Figure at the right.
abar,suchasthemomentsT1 and
T2 inFigureabove.
Shafts : Cylindrical members that are subjected to torques and
transmit power through rotation are called shafts; for instance, the
drive shaft of an automobile or the propeller shaft of a ship. Mos
shafts have circular cross sections, either solid or tubular.
To aid in visualizing the deformation of the bar due
to torsion, imagine that the left hand end of the
bar (Fig. on the right) is fixed in position. Then,
under the action of the torque T, the righthand
end will rotate (with respect to the lefthand end)
through a small angle , known as the angle of
twist (or angle of rotation).
Because of this rotation, a straight longitudinal line
pq on the surface of the bar will become a helical
curve pq, where q is the position of point q after
the end cross section has rotated through the
angle .
The angle of twist changes along the axis of the
bar, and at intermediate cross sections it will have
a value (x) that is between zero at the left hand
end and at the righthand end. If every cross
section of the bar has the same radius and is
subjected to the same torque (pure torsion), the
angle (x) will vary linearly between the ends.
Shear Strains at the Outer Surface:
The magnitude of the shear strain at
the outer surface of the bar, denoted
max, is equal to the decrease in the
angle at point a, that is, the decrease
in angle bad. From Fig. (b) we see that
the decrease in this angle is:

where max is measured in radians, bb

is the distance through which point b
moves, and ab is the length of the
element (equal to dx).
With r denoting the radius of the bar, The quantity d/dx is the rate o
we can express the distance bb as change of the angle of twist with
rd, where d also is measured in respect to the distance x measured
radians. Thus, the preceding equation along the axis of the bar. We wi
becomes: denote d/dx by the symbol and
refer to it as the rate of twist, or the
angle of twist per unit length:

This equation relates the shear strain

at the outer surface of the bar to the
angle of twist. With this notation, we can now write
the equation for the shear strain a
the outer surface (Eq. b) as follows:
In the special case of pure torsion, the Shear Strains Within the Bar: interio
rate of twist is equal to the total angle of elements are also in pure shear with th
twist divided by the length L, that is, = corresponding shear strains given by th
/L. Therefore, for pure torsion only, we equation below from Fig. (c) above:

With the interior cylinder of radius . Thi

equation shows that the shear strains in
circular bar vary linearly with the radia
distance from the center, with the strai
being zero at the center and reaching
maximum value max at the outer surface.
Circular Tubes: The equations for
these strains are as follows:

in which r1 and r2 are the inner and

outer radii, respectively, of the
Figure on the right shows the linear
variation in shear strain between
the maximum strain at the outer
surface and the minimum strain at
the interior surface.
The magnitudes of the shear in which max is the shear stress a
stresses can be determined from the outer surface of the bar (radiu
the strains by using the stress r), is the shear stress at an
strain relation for the material of interior point (radius ), and i
the bar. If the material is linearly the rate of twist.
elastic, we can use Hookes law in Shear stresses in a circular bar in
shear: torsion:

in which G is the shear modulus of

elasticity and is the shear strain in
radians. Combining this equation
with the equations for the shear
strains above we get:
The shear stresses acting on a
crosssectional plane are
accompanied by shear stresses
of the same magnitude acting on
longitudinal planes figure on the
This conclusion follows from the
fact that equal shear stresses
always exist on mutually
perpendicular planes.
The state of pure shear at the
surface of a bar is equivalent to
equal tensile and compressive
stresses acting on an element
oriented at an angle of 45, as
explained later.
Therefore, a rectangular
element with sides at 45 to the
axis of the shaft will be
subjected to tensile and
compressive stresses, as shown
in figure on the right.
The Torsion Formula: Because shear
stresses act continuously around the
cross section, they have a resultant in the
form of a momenta moment equal to
the torque T acting on the bar.
To determine this resultant, we consider
an element of area dA located at radial
distance from the axis of the bar figure
on the right. The shear force acting on
this element is equal to dA, where is
the shear stress at radius .
The moment of this force about the axis
of the bar is equal to the force times its
distance from the center, or dA.
Substituting for the shear stress from
Eq. above, we can express this elemental
moment as:
The resultant moment (equal to the torque T ) For a circle of radius r and diameter d, th
is the summation over the entire cross polar moment of inertia is:
sectional area of all such elemental moments:

An expression for the maximum shear stres

can be obtained by:

IP is the polar moment of inertia of the

circular cross section. This equation, known as the torsion formula
shows that the maximum shear stress i
proportional to the applied torque T an
inversely proportional to the polar moment o
inertia IP.
Substituting r = d/2 and IP = d4/32 The shear stress at distance from
into the torsion formula, we get the center of the bar is:
the following equation for the
maximum stress:

This Equation is a generalized

torsion formula, and we see once
This equation applies only to bars again that the shear stresses vary
of solid circular cross section, linearly with the radial distance
whereas the torsion formula itself from the center of the bar.
applies to both solid bars and
circular tubes.
Angle of Twist: The angle of twist of a bar For a bar in pure torsion, the total angle of twist , equ
of linearly elastic material can now be to the rate of twist times the length of the bar (that is,
related to the applied torque T. = L), is:

in which is measured in radians. The quantity GIP/

called the torsional stiffness of the bar, is the torqu
required to produce a unit angle of rotation. Th
torsional flexibility is the reciprocal of the stiffness, o
in which has units of radians per unit of L/GIP, and is defined as the angle of rotation produced b
length. This equation shows that the rate a unit torque. Thus, we have the following expressions:
of twist is directly proportional to the
torque T and inversely proportional to the
product GIP, known as the torsional
rigidity of the bar.
Circular tubes: are more efficient than solid Therefore, the polar moment of inertia o
bars in resisting torsional loads. Thus, if weight the crosssectional area of a tube is:
reduction and savings of material are important,
it is advisable to use a circular tube.

The relationship between the torque T and the

maximum stress is given by Eq. below, but the in which r is the average radius of th
limits on the integral for the polar moment of tube, equal to (r1 + r2)/2; d is the averag
inertia are = r1 and = r2. diameter, equal to (d1 + d2)/2; and t is th
wall thickness, equal to r2 r1.
If the tube is relatively thin so that the Note: When designing a circula
wall thickness t is small compared to the tube to transmit a torque, we mus
average radius r, we may disregard the be sure that the thickness t is large
terms t2 in Eq. above. With this
simplification, we obtain the following enough to prevent wrinkling o
approximate formulas for the polar buckling of the wall of the tube.
moment of inertia: For instance, a maximum value o
the radius to thickness ratio, such
as (r2/t)max = 12, may be specified.
Other design consideration
include environmental and
durability factors, which also may
impose requirements for minimum
wall thickness.
The equations derived in this section are limited to bars of circular cross section (eithe
solid or hollow) that behave in a linearly elastic manner.
In other words, the loads must be such that the stresses do not exceed the proportiona
limit of the material. Furthermore, the equations for stresses are valid only in parts o
the bars away from stress concentrations (such as holes and other abrupt changes i
shape) and away from cross sections where loads are applied.
Finally, it is important to emphasize that the equations for the torsion of circular bar
and tubes cannot be used for bars of other shapes. Noncircular bars, such a
rectangular bars and bars having Ishaped cross sections, behave quite differently tha
do circular bars.
For instance, their cross sections do not remain plane and their maximum stresses ar
not located at the farthest distances from the midpoints of the cross sections. Thus
these bars require more advanced methods of analysis.
Example 1: A solid steel bar of circular
cross section has diameter d = 40 mm,
length L = 1.3 m, and shear modulus
of elasticity G = 80 GPa. The bar is
subjected to torques T acting at the
(a) If the torques have magnitude T =
340 Nm, what is the maximum shear
stress in the bar? What is the angle of
twist between the ends?
(b) If the allowable shear stress is 42
MPa and the allowable angle of twist
is 2.5, what is the maximum
permissible torque?
Example 2: A steel shaft is to be
manufactured either as a solid circular bar or
as a circulartube Fig. on the right. The shaft is
required to transmit a torque of 1200 Nm
without exceeding an allowable shear stress
of 40 MPa nor an allowable rate of twist of
0.75/m. (The shear modulus of elasticity of
the steel is 78 GPa.)
) Determine the required diameter d0 of the
solid shaft.
) Determine the required outer diameter d2
of the hollow shaft if the thickness t of the
shaft is specified as onetenth of the outer
) Determine the ratio of diameters (that is,
the ratio d2/d0) and the ratio of weights of
the hollow and solid shafts.
Example 3: A hollow shaft and a
solid shaft constructed of the same
material have the same length and
the same outer radius R Figure on
the right. The inner radius of the
hollow shaft is 0.6R.
(a) Assuming that both shafts are
subjected to the same torque,
compare their shear stresses,
angles of twist, and weights.
(b) Determine the strengthto
weight ratios for both shafts.
When a circular bar, either solid or hollow, is A stress element abcd cut between two cros
subjected to torsion, shear stresses act over sections of a bar in torsion (Figures below
the cross sections and on longitudinal planes, This element is in a state of pure shear
as illustrated previously in Fig. below. because the only stresses acting on it are th
shear stresses on the four side faces.
The directions of these shear stresses depen
upon the directions of the applied torques T
In this case, we assume that the torque
rotate the righthand end of the bar clockwis
when viewed from the right; hence the shea
stresses acting on the element have th
directions shown in the figure.
This same state of stress exists for a simila
element cut from the interior of the ba
except that the magnitudes of the shea
stresses are smaller because the radia
distance to the element is smaller.
Stresses on Inclined Planes: Analysis of Normal stresses and shea
stresses on inclined planes: (a) element in stresses act on this inclined face
pure shear, (b) stresses acting on a
triangular stress element, and (c) forces
acting on the triangular stress element
(freebody diagram):

Equations above give the norma

and shear stresses acting on any
inclined plane in terms of the shea
stresses acting on the x and y
planes and the angle defining the
orientation of the inclined plane.
The manner in which the stresses and vary
with the orientation of the inclined plane is
shown by the graph in Fig. below, which is a plot
of Eq. Above.

Note that the normal stresses acting on the 45

element (Fig.b) correspond to an elemen
subjected to shear stresses acting in th
directions shown in (Fig.a). If the shear stresse
acting on the element of (Fig.a) are reversed i
The element at 45 is acted upon by equal direction, the normal stresses acting on the 45
tensile and compressive stresses in planes also will change directions.
perpendicular directions, with no shear stresses.
Strains in Pure Shear:
The shear strain is the change
in angle between two lines that
were originally perpendicular to
each other.
Therefore, the element changes
its shape from a rectangular the shear strain for the
parallelepiped to an oblique element oriented at = 0 i
parallelepiped Fig. at the right related to the shear stress by
This change in shape is called a Hookes law in shear:
shear distortion.
Strains that occur in an element oriented
at = 45. The tensile stresses acting at
45 tend to elongate the element in that
direction. Because of the Poisson effect,
they also tend to shorten it in the
perpendicular direction (the direction
where = 135 or 45).
These dimensional changes are shown in
Fig. on the right, where the dashed lines
show the deformed element. Since there
are no shear distortions, the element
remains a rectangular parallelepiped even
though its dimensions have changed. The shear strain related to the normal strai
max in the 45 direction by:
Therefore, the normal strain in the 45
direction is:
Example 4: A circular tube with an
outside diameter of 80 mm and an
inside diameter of 60 mm is subjected
to a torque T = 4.0 kNm. The tube is
made of aluminum alloy 7075T6.
(a) Determine the maximum shear,
tensile, and compressive stresses in
the tube and show these stresses on
sketches of properly oriented stress
(b) Determine the corresponding
maximum strains in the tube and
show these strains on sketches of the
deformed elements.
The most important use of circular shafts
is to transmit mechanical power from one
device or machine to another.
Let us suppose that a motordriven shaft
(Fig. on the right) is rotating at an angular
speed , measured in radians per second
(rad/s). The shaft transmits a torque T to
a device (not shown in the figure) that is
performing useful work.
The torque applied by the shaft to the magnitudeisequaltotheproductofthe
external device has the same sense as the torqueandtheanglethroughwhichit
angular speed , that is, its vector points rotates;thatis,
to the left. However, the torque shown in
the figure is the torque exerted on the
shaft by the device, and so its vector
points in the opposite direction.
where istheangleofrotationin
Power is the rate at which work is Angular speed is often expressed a
done, or the frequency f of rotation, which i
the number of revolutions per unit o

in which P is the symbol for power

and t represents time. The rate of
change d/dt of the angular Another commonly used unit is the
displacement is the angular speed number of revolutions per minute
, and therefore the preceding (rpm), denoted by the letter n.
equation becomes:
Note: The preceding equations relate the torque acting in a shaft to
the power transmitted by the shaft. Once the torque is known, we
can determine the shear stresses, shear strains, angles of twist, and
other desired quantities by the methods described in the above
Example 5: A motor driving a
solid circular steel shaft
transmits 30 kW to a gear at B
(Fig. on the right). The allowable
shear stress in the steel is 42
a) What is the required diameter
d of the shaft if it is operated
at 500 rpm?
b) What is the required diameter
d if it is operated at 4000 rpm?
Example 6: A solid steel shaft ABC
of 50 mm diameter (Fig. on the
right) is driven at A by a motor that
transmits 50 kW to the shaft at 10
Hz. The gears at B and C drive
machinery requiring power equal
to 35 kW and 15 kW, respectively.
Compute the maximum shear
stress max in the shaft and the
angle of twist AC between the
motor at A and the gear at C. (Use
G 80 GPa.)
Exercise 1: A copper rod of
length L = 610 mm is to be
twisted by torques T (see figure
on the right) until the angle of
rotation between the ends of
the rod is 4.0. If the allowable
shear strain in the copper is
0.0008 rad, what is the
maximum permissible diameter
of the rod? d=14mm
Exercise 2: A plastic bar of
diameter d = 56 mm is to be
twisted by torques T (see figure
on the right) until the angle of
rotation between the ends of
the bar is 4.0. If the allowable
shear strain in the plastic is
0.012 rad, what is the minimum
permissible length of the bar?
Exercise 3: A circular aluminum tube
subjected to pure torsion by torques T
(see figure on the right) has an outer
radius r2 equal to 2.0 times the inner
radius r1.
) If the maximum shear strain in the
tube is measured as 350 x 106 rad,
what is the shear strain 1 at the inner
surface? 1 = 175 x 106 rad
) If the maximum allowable rate of twist
is 0.5 degrees per meter and the
maximum shear strain is to be kept at
350 x 106 rad by adjusting the torque
T, what is the minimum required outer
radius (r2)min? r2 = 40mm
Exercise 4: A prospector uses a
handpowered winch (see figure on
the right) to raise a bucket of ore in
his mine shaft. The axle of the
winch is a steel rod of diameter d =
13 mm. Also, the distance from the
center of the axle to the center of
the lifting rope is b = 100 mm.
If the weight of the loaded bucket
is W = 400 N, what is the maximum
shear stress in the axle due to
torsion? max = 92.7MPa
Exercise 5: When drilling a hole in a
table leg, a furniture maker uses a
handoperated drill (see figure on the
right) with a bit of diameter d = 4.0
) If the resisting torque supplied by
the table leg is equal to 0.3 Nm,
what is the maximum shear stress
in the drill bit? max = 23.88 MPa
b) If the shear modulus of elasticity of
the steel is G = 75 GPa, what is the
rate of twist of the drill bit (degrees
per meter)? = 9.090/m
Exercise 6: An aluminum bar of solid
circular cross section is twisted by
torques T acting at the ends (see
figure o the right). The dimensions
and shear modulus of elasticity are as
follows: L = 1.4 m, d = 32 mm, and G =
28 GPa.
) Determine the torsional stiffness of
the bar. KT = 2057Nm
b) If the angle of twist of the bar is 5,
what is the maximum shear stress?
What is the maximum shear strain
(in radians)? max = 27.9MPa; max
= 996 x 106 rad
Exercise 7: A highstrength steel
drill rod used for boring a hole in
the earth has a diameter of 12 mm
(see figure on the right).The
allowable shear stress in the steel
is 300 MPa and the shear modulus
of elasticity is 80 GPa.
What is the minimum required
length of the rod so that one end
of the rod can be twisted 22.5
with respect to the other end
without exceeding the allowable
stress? L = 628mm
Exercise 8: A circular tube of
aluminum is subjected to torsion by
torques T applied at the ends (see
figure on the right). The bar is 0.5 m
long, and the inside and outside
diameters are 30 mm and 40 mm,
respectively. It is determined by
measurement that the angle of twist
is 3.57 when the torque is 600 Nm.
Calculate the maximum shear stress
max in the tube, the shear modulus of
elasticity G, and the maximum shear
strain max (in radians). max =
69.88MPa; G = 28GPa; max = 249 x 10
5 rad
Exercise 9: A solid brass bar of diameter d
= 30 mm is subjected to torques T1, as
shown in part (a) of the figure on the
right. The allowable shear stress in the
brass is 80 MPa.
) What is the maximum permissible
value of the torques T1? T1 = 424 Nm
) If a hole of diameter 15 mm is drilled
longitudinally through the bar, as
shown in part (b) of the figure, what is
the maximum permissible value of the
torques T2? T2 = 398Nm
) What is the percent decrease in torque
and the percent decrease in weight
due to the hole? T2/T1 = 0.9365
6.25% ; WH/WS = 0.75 25%
Exercise 10: A hollow aluminum tube used in
a roof structure has an outside diameter d2 =
104 mm and an inside diameter d1 = 82 mm
(see figure on the right). The tube is 2.75 m
long, and the aluminum has shear modulus G
= 28 GPa.
) If the tube is twisted in pure torsion by
torques acting at the ends, what is the
angle of twist (in degrees) when the
maximum shear stress is 48 MPa? =
) What diameter d is required for a solid
shaft (see figure) to resist the same torque
with the same maximum stress? d =
) What is the ratio of the weight of the
hollow tube to the weight of the solid
shaft? WH/WS = 0.5284
Exercise 11: A hollow aluminum
shaft (see figure on the right) has
outside diameter d2 = 100 mm and
inside diameter d1 = 50 mm. When
twisted by torques T, the shaft has
an angle of twist per unit distance
equal to 2/m. The shear modulus
of elasticity of the aluminum is G =
27.5 GPa.
) Determine the maximum tensile
stress max in the shaft. max =
b) Determine the magnitude of the
applied torques T. T = 8.8 KNm
Exercise 12: A solid circular bar
of diameter d = 50 mm (see
figure o the right) is twisted in a
testing machine until the applied
torque reaches the value T = 500
Nm. At this value of torque, a
strain gage oriented at 45 to the
axis of the bar gives a reading =
339 x 106. What is the shear
modulus G of the material? G
= 30GPa
Exercise 13: A solid circular bar of steel (G = 78 GPa) transmits a
torque T = 360 Nm. The allowable stresses in tension, compression
and shear are 90 MPa, 70 MPa, and 40 MPa, respectively. Also, the
allowable tensile strain is 220 x 106. Determine the minimum
required diameter d of the bar. dmin = 37.7mm
Exercise 14: A solid steel bar (G = 81 GPa)
of diameter d = 50 mm is subjected to
torques T = 0.9 kNm acting in the
directions shown in the figure on the
) Determine the maximum shear, tensile,
and compressive stresses in the bar
and show these stresses on sketches of
properly oriented stress elements.
max = 36.7MPa, t = 36.7MPa; c =
) Determine the corresponding
maximum strains (shear, tensile, and
compressive) in the bar and show
these strains on sketches of the
deformed elements. max = 453 x 10
6 ; = 226.5 x 106; = 226.5 x 106
t c
Exercise 15: A generator shaft in a
small hydroelectric plant turns at
120 rpm and delivers 38 kW (see
figure on the right).
) If the diameter of the shaft is d =
75 mm, what is the maximum
shear stress max in the shaft?
max = 36.55MPa.
b) If the shear stress is limited to 28
MPa, what is the minimum
permissible diameter dmin of the
shaft? dmin = 82mm
Exercise 16: What is the maximum power that can be delivered by a
hollow propeller shaft (outside diameter 50 mm, inside diameter 40
mm, and shear modulus of elasticity 80 GPa) turning at 600 rpm if the
allowable shear stress is 100 MPa and the allowable rate of twist i
3.0/m? P = 90.93 Kw
Exercise 17: A motor delivers 200
kW at 1000 rpm to the end of a
shaft (see figure on the right). The
gears at B and C take out 90kW and
110 kW, respectively. Determine
the required diameter d of the
shaft if the allowable shear stress is
50 MPa and the angle of twist
between the motor and gear C is
limited to 1.5. (Assume G = 80
GPa, L1 = 1.8 m, and L2 = 1.2 m.)
d = 69.10mm

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