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qeol. Bull. Univ. Peshawar, Vol. 29, pp.

91-1 11, 1996


IAKMIDC, P.O. Box # 8, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
'Laboratoire de Geologie et Mineralogie, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
3Deparrimento Scienze della Terra, University dc Torino, Torino, Italy

ABSTRACT: The central and north-western parts of Neelum valley have been mapped,
proposing a new tlthostmtigraphicdivision for the region. The area complises two main tectonic
units: the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline Unit ( L H C ) and the Higher Himalayan Crystalline
( H H C ), separated from each other by the Main Central Thrust ( M C T ) . The two units are
characterized by asimilar stratigraphy andshare a common Iow grade metamorphic assemblage.
They, however, differ in the intensity of the imprints of the Himalayan metarn01-phism. The
li thostratigraphic units comprise, from base to the top, Naril Group (Precambrian basement) ,
the Kundalshahi Group (pre-Himalayan cover) and Surgun Group ( a n Upper Paleozoic to
Mesozoic Himalay an metasedimentary cover comp'sing paragneisses, vica,schists, marbles,
amphibolites, calc-schistsand impure quartzite). This lithostratigruphic sequence is intruded by
a megacrystic granite, similar to that of Mansehra (Early Cambrian) and me ta-doleritic dykes,
correlated with the Perrrto-Carboniferous Panjal Trap volcanics. Geochemistry reveals an
igneous granitic calc-alkaline origin for the Nan1 granulitic gneiss, whereas, the sediments of
Kundakhahi Group are characterized by a high SiO, and highly variable trace element contents
except REE. In the Surgun Group two types of marbles have been distinguished on the basis of
high CaO and low MgO. The amphibolites in the Surgun Group as well as of Himalayan cover
share the same igneous protolith and are basaltic in composition. Geothermo-barometric studies
indicate polyphase metamorphic evolution for the lithological units of the Neelum valley i n the
Tertiary Himalayan event. The P-T-t path suggests a metamorphic evolution up to
Upper Cretaceous-Eocene times, followed by a retrograde path, essentially of decompessive
type. The final part of the path being accompanied by a decrease in temperature. The L H C
tectonic unit and a southern portion of the HHC unit followed a different P-T mjectory , under
greenschist-hies conditions. he eAr/39Ar determinations on muscovite and biotite from these
low grade rocks yield middle Oligocene cooling ages. Four phases of deformation have been
distinguished. Isoclinal overturned to recumbent folds represent the Dl and D2 phases;
contemporaneous with the regional Himalayan metamorphism, during upper Cretaceous to
Miocene. The M C T developed after 0 2 phase of deformation generating the LHC and HHC
nappes and the reversed metamotphic zonation of Neelum valley. The D3 struct.ures comprise
of open large megascopic flexural slip buckle folds trendingNE-S W. The D4 deformation affects
the Hazara Kashmir syntaxis .

The mapped area is located about 30 km NE of Teetonic sub -division

Muzaffarabad (Fig. 1).This area is oriented NE- The major Himalayan tectonic units are well
SWand constitutes the northern flank of Neelum exposed along the relatively accessible I n & , ,
valley, between the localities of Tithwal and Kel. Kaghan, Jehlum and Neelum valleys. They are
The upper limit is delineated by the northern the result of the collision between the Asian (N)
crest line separating Neelum valley from Kaghan and Indian (S) plates (Bossart et al., 1984; 1988;
valley and Northern areas. River Neelum is the 1992). Along the rivers Hunza and Indus, five
lower boundary separating the study.area from principal fault zones can be recognized (Fig. 2),
the Indian held Kashrnir. The study area is char- the Northern Suture (NS), the Main Mantle
acterized by rugged topography and high relief Thrust (MMT) or Indus suture (IS), the Main
where elevation ranges from 1000 m at Tithwal Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary
to over 5000 rn a t Chatthewala. Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust
The lithological units of the Nee lum valley (MFT) (Tahirkheli, 1979; Treloar et al., 198%).
were collectively termed as the Salkhala Series, These fault zones trend E-W, dividing the Hima-
Dogra Slates and Tanawal (Wadia, 1931; 1934). layan orogenic belt in five main tectonic zones:
Ghazanfar et al. ( 1983) classified the rocks out- the Asian~late(AP),the Kohistan arc (KA),the
cropping between Tinval and Lawat comprising Higher Himalayan Crystalline Unit (HHC), the
ofpsammitic- pelitic sequence asTanol, whereas, Lesser Himalayan Crystalline Unit (LHC) and
the pelitic- calcareous sequence found north of the sub-Himalayan Unit (SH).
Lawat was included in Sharda Group instead of The E-W trend of the fault zones is dis-
the Salkhala Formation. Three different granitic turbed locally by two tectonic semi-windows
batholiths were identified; two southern ones
(Wadia, 1931; Calkins et al., 1975), the Nanga
were described to be Tertiary, while the north-
Parbat Syntaxis (NPS) and the Hazara-Kashmir
em, Kel granite was assigned a Paleozoic age.
Syntaxis (HKS) (Fig. 2). The area connecting
The present investigations (Schouppe et these two syntaxes (including the project area) is
al., 1991; 1992;1993)encompassgeological stud- still being affected by an exceptional rate of
ies in a 1500 km2 area in the Neelum valley. uplift, presently reaching 7 mm /year (Zeitler et
Owing to inaccessibiliry of area, vertical Spot al., 1989). Several of these tectonic units are
B&W Panchromatic images were used to assist encountered in an SW-NE traverse along the
the field mapping on a scale of 1: 50,000. Neelum valley. The MBT which separates the
Photogeologicalinterpretationsof some inacces- SH from the LHC, lies near the bridge ofNauseri,
sible or snow covered areas were integrated with 40 km NE of Muzaffarabad. Near the village
the field data to produce the final geological map Lawat, 100 km from Muzaffarabad on Neelum
(Fig. 1). Over 2000 structuralmeasurements were valley road, the MCT separates the LHC to-the
plotted combined with petrofabric analysis. The south from the HHC, which extends north and
laboratory studies include petrography of about east to the village of Kel. These tectonic units
700 samples (Table 1)and major and trace ele- share the same stratigraphic features,but differ in
ment analyses using ICP and XRF for over 100 their tectono-metamorphic evolution. Metamor-
samples. Twenty-two &ArIJgAranalyses were phic grade and ductile deformation increase
performed on phengite white mica and biotite. from the youngest and lower most unit (i.e.,
' \
a Murree

Fig. 1. Location of the mapped area. The dotted line represents the border between the Indian held Kashmir
and the Azad Kashrnir.

Metamorphic Mineral Assemblage Textural Remarks



Garnet Zones garnet + biotite + white mica Some garnet porphyroblasts

with accessory plagioclase + contain "S" inclusion trails of
quartz -t- ilmenite rutile zk quartz and rare white mica. Two
titanite zk epidote k carbonate generations of garnet
chlorite. Amphibole is rare and porphyrobl-asts and three
forms random porphyroblasts phases of foliation development are
partially replaced by biotite. noticeable.
Staurolite-Kyanite Quartz, biotite, white mica, garnet,
Zone kyanite, staurolite, plagioclase,
chlorite, epidote illrnenite, rutile
and ore.
Silliminite Zone White mica ( replaced by biotite), Almandine forms elongated
almandine, silliminite and biotite aggregates, parallel to the
nodules. foliation and anhedral
porpyroblasts in equilibrium with
sillimanite and biotite. Old kyanite
porphyroblasts are totally replaced
by random overgrowths of fine
grained prismatic sillimanite.


Garnet Zone Relics of magmatic texture Magmatic biotite and muscovite are
and assemblages composed of partially replaced by metamorphic
primary potash feldspar, plagioclase, biotite and muscovite.
quartz, biotite and muscovite. Garnet,
black tourmaline, apatite, zircon and
opaque are accessory minerals.
Staurolite-Kyanite Relics of the magmatic minerals Foliation, defined by the
Zone (potash feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, metamorphic white mica and biotite
biotite and muscovite). Green crystals, surrounds the magmatic
muscovite, kyanite, garnet and minerals in a mortar texture.
biotite aggregates totally replace
the cordierite grains.
Metamorphic ineral Assemblage Textural Remarks

Silliminite Zone Plagioclase and muscovite are Mortar texture with potash feldspar
completely replaced by fine-grained as augens.
prismatic sillimanite.

Garnet Zone Relict magmatic mineral assemblage The transition into amphibolites is
comprising discontinuously zoned accompanied by development of
plagioclase, clinopyroxene with foliation.
corona of green amphibole and rare
olivine. Primary magmatic assemblage
imprinted upon by metamorphic
amphibole, chlorite, biotite, plagioclase,
epidote and carbonate.

Staurolite-Kyanit Omphacite, garnet, rutile, phengite and

Zone ilmenite in a granoblastic assemblage.
The eclogitic assemblage partially
replaced by clinopyroxene-plagioclase
symplectite, amphibole, biotite and

Silliminite Zone Intergranular texture comprising

ortho-, clinopyroxene and plagioclase,
with relict magmatic and eclogitic
assemblages locally preserved.


Garnet Zone Marbles contain carbonates (calcite Elongated quartz grains and white
dominating over dolomite) with mica and tremolite delineate a
minor quartz, white mica, tremolite discontinuous foliation.
and talc.

Staurolite-Kyanite Marble:
Zone Calcite, rare ankerite and dolomite,
white mica, phlogopite and biotite,
Ca- rich plagioclase, diopsid
(partially replaced by tremolite),
epidote, Na and Ca rich scapolite,
quartz, ruby (partially replaced by
green muscovite), tremolite,
green-brown amphibole, chlorite,
Metamorphic Mineral Assemblage Textural Remarks

garnet (grossularite), rutile and

opaque minerals.

Pelitic rocks:
Garnet+ biotite+ white mica+
plagioclase + graphite + kyanite+
+ +
quartz staurolite silliminite 5
amphibole illminite -t- rutile +
titanite -+_ epidote carbonate +
chlorite. Chloritoid has been found
as relic within garnet porphyroblasts
(garnet 1).
Silliminite Zone Marbles: Olivine porphyroblasts zoned.
Calcite, quartz, garnet, scapolite, Clinopyroxene partially transformed
olivine, spinel, zoisite/clinozoisite into aggregate of plagioclase, zoisite
and white mica. Spinel, garnet and and trernolite. Garnet porphyroblasts
olivine occur as porphyroblasts including clinopyroxene and biotite.
embedded in the carbonate matrix.
e: The basement gneisses of the Naril Group show a homogeneous mineral composition and are
described in text.

sub-Himalayas) to the oldest and upper most described below occur b o t h in the LHC
unit (i.e., Higher Himalayas) (Bossart et al., and H H C and have undergone variable grade
1988; 1992; Greco et al., 1989; 1993, Spencer, of metamorphism. Petrographic details of each
1993). of these lithostratigraphic units are give in
Table 1.
Lith~stratigraph~ The Naril Group: The granulitic gneisses of the
The crystalline rocks outcropping in the mapped Naril Group mainly outcrop i n two separated
area a r e subdivided i n t o t h r e e main areas north of the ~ i c h k o rFault
i (RF) and in the
lithostratigraphic units, rhe Precambrian Naril Chatthewala, Gumot and Naril areas.Thegneisses
Group, the Precambrian Kundalshahi Group and are acid granulitic whitish banded rocks contain-
the Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic Surgun Group ing quartz, feldspar, garnet and biotite. Two kinds
(Fig. 3). T h e Naril Group is considered to be the of garnets are encountered. T h e large garnets are
pre-Himalayan basement. T h e Kundalshahi zoned, showing a darker core and a pinkish rim,
Group forms the pre-Himalayan cover while the whereas, smaller (<lmm) are homogeneously
Surgun Group represents the Himalayan cover. pinkish. The contact between the Naril and
All the above mentioned groups are intruded by Kundalshahi groups is sharp and is interpreted as
meta-dolerites and amphibolites, collectively a n old unconformity folded during the strong
calledmetabasites. All the lithostratigraphicunits Himalayan deformation. I n the chatthewa h
sub hlmalayon Unit


Fig. 2. Geological map of NE Pakistan showing the principal thrusts, the tectonic units and the Hazara and
Nanga Parbat syntaxes.

Gumot andNarilareas, the acid granuliticgneisses Compositionally, the rocks consist of quartz
are highly sheared, metamorphosed and show (35%,plagioclase 10 to 25%, biotite 10 to 25%,
migrnatization. Melanocratic gneisses arescarcely K-feldspar 10% and garnet 0 to 10% by volume.
found. Accessories include apatite, sillimanite, chlorite
and zircon. The Naril Group has been intruded nized as stratificatiop planes SO. Calcsilicate
by dolerites now metamorphosed to amphibolits boundins are widespread in the schists as
In certain cases the amphibolites grade into well as in the meta-psammites.
eclogites. Eighteen samples were analyzed for Outcrops belonging to the Kattha and Babun
major and trace elements. General chemical com- units are easily dis~inguishedin the field
position of the rocks is: SiO,, 60 to 78.55%; TiO,, through their bluish (BabunUnit) and black.
0.12 to 0.81%;Al,03, 13 to 19.92%; Fe,O,, 1.39 ish (Kattha Unit) colours. The rocks consist
to 6.53%; MnO, 0.05 to 0.24%; MgO, 0.32 to of me ta-psammites (Babun and Kattha units)
1.85%; CaO, 0.4 to 1.74%;Na20, 1.32 to 6.08%; and fine grained quartzites (Kattha Unit).
K,O, 3.19 to 6.35; P,O,, 0.05 to 0.16%. The The quartziteshave preserved numeroussedi-
Fe203+ TiO,+ CaO- SiO, - A1203diagram sug- mentary structures such as ripple marks,
gests an igneous origin of the gneisses. Similarly, graded bedding, crossbedding. Centimetric
higher values of Ni (9 to 23 ppm) and Cr (29 to marble layers and scattered calcsilicate
7 1 ppm) and REE suggest an igneous granitic boudins are rarely found. Basic dykes cross-
calc-alkaline origin for the Naril ganulitic cut the stratification throughout the three
gneisses. There is no age data available for these units. Sometimes, the primary doleritic tex-
gneisses and are tentatively correlated with the ture and the initialamagmatic minerals are
1850 My old Iskere gneiss outcropping in the preserved. The mineral assemblagecomprises
Nanga Parbat area (Zeitler et al., 1989). The pyroxene, plagioclase and, rarely, the oliv-
granulitic gneisses of the Naril Group are in- ine. Most of the time, the basic dykes are
truded by the Mansehra type leucogranites of converted to foliated amphibolite. In such
Cambrian age (LeFort et al., 1980). rocks, amphibole, plagioclase, epidote and
The Kundalshahi Group @re-Himalayan chlorite have totally replaced the magmatic
cover): The metasediments of the Kundalshahi minerals.
Group outcrop: (a) south of the MCT, (b) north The Kundalshahi metasedimentary sequence
of the MCT and (c) in the Chatthewala, Naril outcropping north of the MCT shows the
and Tarli Domel areas. same lithostratigraphic features as described
south of MCT. Only the grade of metamor-
a. South of the MCT, the Kundalshahi Group
phism is higher. The common metamorphic
is subdivided into Kuttar, Babun and Kattha
assemblage includes garnet, biotite, musco-
units (Fig. 4). The Kuttar Unit consists of
vite, kyanite, and locally, staurolite. North
interlayering of semi-peli tic schists and meta-
of the Richmori fault, both the Kuttar
psammites with minor quartzite, marbles and
Unit and the Babun Unit have been recog-
meta-conglomerates. The weathered out-
nized. The contact between these units
crops are typically grayish to brownish. The
have been found to be sharp and parallel to
schists are fine-grained, sometimes phyllitic.
SO fabric.
T h e mineral assemblage includes biotite,
white mica, quarrz, garnet, chlorite and epic In the Chatthewala, Naril and Tarli Domel
dote. The psammites show the same grain areas the Kundalshahi group shows higher
''.11,,,,. .
size and mineral assemblage. Sometimes, grades of metamorphism and ductile defor-
relics of sedimentary graded bedding are ob- mation than in the area mentioned above.
served. The planes whichseparate the schists The Babun and Kattha units are not out-
from the meta-psammites have been recog- cropping. Only the alternating schists and
Sandstones, siltstones with
levels of Nummulitic limestones

Micaschists, quartzites,
paragneisses with minor



Marbles with levels of quartzites

and metabasites,wi* minor

Micaschists, piagneisses and impure

quartzites, with thin levels of metabasites,
.. ... marbles and metaconglomerates

(a) Late pegmatitic dykes

Quartzites and psammites

Intercalations of psilmmites and semi-pe schi

with minor metaconglorneratesand
thin marble layers

Metagranites and granitic gneisses

(Mansehra type granite) (a)
Late basic dykes
Late pegmatitic dykes (b)

Granulitic gneisses, amphibolites

Fig. 4. Lithostratigraphic column of the Neelum valley.

meta-psammites of the Kuttar Unit have Kundalshahi sedimentary sequenceis made
been recognized. In comparison with the up of a mixture (alternation) ofsandyshales
areas (a) and (b), the Kuttar metasediments and more or less shaly arenites, probably
show paragenesis typical for the upper am* deposited in a sedimentary environment of
phibolitic facies of metamorphism, i.e. gar- distal turbidities and/or contourites. These
n e t , biotite, muscovite, kyanite a n d sediments originated from the erosion of
(Chatthewala area) sillimanite. Panjal Trap a basement composed of acid and interme-
related dykes (Khan & Ashraf, 1974; diate igneous rocks, probably the Naril
Nakazawa et al., 1975; Papritz & Rey, 1989) Group, and from a quartz-rich sedimentary
crosscut the Kuttar metasediments. They cover.
generally show amphibolitic assemblages
The Kundalshahi Group may be correlated
(green amphibole, garnet, epidote, plagio-
with the Precambrian Salkhala Series and with
clase, biotite) and are foliated. In a few cases
the Hazara Formation defined on the easternside
only relics of garnet-omphacite eclogitic as-
of the Hazara Kashmir Syntaxis.
semblages, partially replaced by non ori-
ented rnillirnetric hornblende and biotite The Mansehra type leucogranite: The Mamehra
have been discovered. These eclogitic as- type leucogranite outcrops in the studied area
semblages are generally preserved in the core form sheet-like kilometric-scale bodies isocli-
of foliated garnet-bearing amphibolites. nally folded together with the Naril and
Moreover, basaltic textures similqr to those Kundalshahi groups. Generally, the core of the
observed in some metabasites south of MCT sheet is massive or less deformed than the periph-
are sometimes preserved inside the core of eral zone where it rather appears as a luecocratic
the eclogitic] amphibolitic dykes. orthogneiss. Its chemical and mineral composi-
Twenty-two samples were analyzed for tions range from granite to granodiorite. The
major and trace elements. Chemically, the sedi- typical mineral assemblage includes quartz, pla-
ments of the Kundalshahi Group are character- gioclase, potash feldspar, muscovite, biotite and
ized by a high SiO, content (61-78%). The accessory garnet and tourmaline. Metasedimen-
results for the other major elements are as fol- tary xenoliths ofvariable size (upto several tens of
lows:- meters) are frequent. The leucogranite of the
Neelum valley can be correlated with the 5 16My
Fe,O, (3.1-4.3 wt.%), A1,0, (10.3-17.6 old Mansehra granite of the western side of the
wt.%), Na,O (0.0-4.1 wt.%), K,O (1-4.3
HKS and with the 400-500 My old Shengus
wt.%), MgO (0.29-2.11 wt.%), M n 0 (0.01-
Gneiss of the Nanga Parbat area (LeFort et al.,
0.26 wt.%), TiO, (0.34-1.36 wt.%) and
1980; Zeitler et al., 1989).
P,O, (0.04-0.20 wt.%). T h e trace elements
contents are highly variable, except for the The Surgun Group: The Surgun Group repre-
rare-earth elements (REE). The REE specd sents the Himalayan cover which unconformably
tra are very similar to that of the NASC overlies the pre-Himala yan Nar il and Kundal-
(North American Shale Composite) and shahi groups. In the Neelum valley, the Surgun
especially to that of the Post Archean Group outcrops in three separated areas includ-
Shales, except for the negative Eu anomaly. ing (a) the western part of the mapped area near
T h e use of different discriminating diad Nauseri, (b) between the villages of Luat and
grams confirms that the metamorphosed Shardi and north of the Dorian village and
(c) the eastern part of the mapped area along the pyrrhotite, and scattered silicates or oxides
Naril valley and near the village of Nangimali. such as tremolite, amphibole, plagioclase, garnet,
diopside, olivine, spinel or ruby (Pluger, 1995).
The geology of the Nauseri area is compli-
cated by the imbrication of several tectonic slices The calcschists are lepidoblastic. Musco-
along the Panjal Thrust and minor related thrusts. vite and biotite layers occur alternating with
The rocks exposed between the MBT and the quartzo-feldspathic layers. The metabasites ap-
Panjal Thrust can be correlated with the Surgun pear as foliated garnet-epidote amphibolites,
Group observed in the two other areas (b) and showing sometimesrelics of eclogitic assemblages
(c). It is a succession of clastic rocks [pyrite- in the core of the basic bodies.
bearinggraphiticphyllites, sericite-chlorite-bear-
Unit C (pelitic) is a thick sequence of
ing schistsand rare metaconglomerates, volcanic
garnet-mica schists grading into quartzites,
rocks (lava flows and tuffaceous layers identified
paragneisses and minor metaconglomerates to-
as Panjal Trap volcanic) and carbonatic rocks
wards the top. Porphyroblasts of kyanite, stauro-
(white-grey lower Triassic to Middle Jurassic
lire, biotite and garnet cross the principal folia-
fossiliferous dolomitic marbles, quartzites and
tion formed by an older generation of muscovite
and biotite.
The area north of Doarian, the Naril valley
and the Nangimali area represent a very large The lithologicalcharacteristicsof t h e u n i t
zone covering about 40% of the mapped area A are similar to those of the Tanol or Tanawal
(800 km2).The Surgun Group in these areas is Formation. The presence of (Panjal Trap re-
subdivided into three units, A, B and C. lated) basalticldoleritic dykes, sills and flows at
the base of Unit B points out its Permo-Carbon-
Unit A (siliceous) consists of paragneisses, iferous age. Rocks belonging to the upper parts of
garnet-muscovite-micaschists and impure quartz- units B and C are considered to be Triassic on the
ites associated with minor marbles, meta-con- basis of regional correlation with similar litholo-
glomerates and amphibol itic dykes. The mica gies from the Kaghan valley (Spencer, 1993).
schists are particularly rich in muscovite flakes
which define the principal schistosity. Graded Twenty three samples were analyzed for
bedding is still preserved in some quartzitic lay- major and trace elements horn the Surgun Group.
ers. The thickness of Unit A is highly variable. The geochemistry of the detritic rocks from the
Sometimes this unit is completely absent. units A and C indicate a passive continental
margin environment of deposition.
Unit B comprises, from the bottom to the
top, an alternation of marbles, brownish Geochemically, two kinds of marbles have
calcschists and quartzites grading to whitish been distinguished in Unit B. The first one com-
marbles occasionally ruby-bearing, and prises marbles characterized by high percentages
calcschists. Permo-Carboniferousdoleriticlbasal- of CaO (46-53wt.%) and very low percentage of
tic dykes, sills and flows are highly concentrated MgO (1-1.5 wt.%). They are typically white and
at the base of Unit B and associated with the ruby-bearing. The second group of marbles in-
marbles and the calcschists. The coarse-grained cludes dolomitic yellow marbles showing much
calcitic matrix includes platy silicates such as higher percentages of MgO (upto 19 wt.% ) and a
muscovite, phlogopite and biotite, opaque min- lower percentage of CaO. These marbles are
erals such as graphite, magnetite, pyrite and devoid of ruby mineralization.
METAMORPHIC EVOLUTION content of omphacite (as "barometer"). These
data indicate a temperature of 600+,50C and
Rocks forming the Naril Group, the Kundalshahi
pressures range of 13-14 kb. Such P-T estimates
Group and Surgun Group were deformed and
are in accordance with those proposed by other
metamorphosed during the Tertiary Himalayan
authors for the eclogites in the adjacent Kaghan
events. The various metamorphic assemblages
valley (Pognante & Spencer, 1991; Villa et al.,
found in the HHC and LHC tectonic units ex-
1992) (Fig. 1).
press the different P-T-t paths followed during
this metamorphic history. The mineral equilibria The third metamorphic event (Stage III),
observed i n t h e mapped area provide many crite- developed under conditions of decompression
ria indicating the physical conditions at the time associated with a decrease of temperature, sepa-
of their formation. Reactions involving several rable into two steps (IIIa and IIIb; Fig. 5). The
mineral phases (petrogenetic grids), exchange first P-type retrograde path (IIIa) has been evalu-
equilibria between two phases (e.g, garnet and ated using the s~mplectiteintergrowth develop-
biotite), or variations within the same mineral ment after omphacite. Diopside-plagioclase "ther-
group, such as the amphiboles, have been used for mometer" indicate temperatures around 600C.
this purpose (Essene, 1989; Raase, 1974). The albite-jadeite-quartz "barometern furnishes
T o link P-T evolution with time, a geo- pressures ranging fiom 8 to 10 kb. The second
chronological study has been based on twenty- step P-Tconditions (IIIb) may be e v a l ~ a t e d u s i n ~
two 40Ar/3%r analyses. Petrological and geochro- Fe-Mg distribution in biotite-garnet assemblage
nological data have been integrated and com- in the pelitic rocks for temperature determina*
pared with those proposed by other authors in tion and the associated garnet-kyanite-plagio-
adjacent areas (Baig 6 Lawrence, 1987; Maluski clase-quartz for pressure determination in the
Gz. Matte , 1984; Treloar et al., 1989a, b), in an same rocks. The data compiled indicate tempera-
attempt to determine the metamorphic evolu- tures ranging from 450 to 550C and pressures
tion of the Neelum valley rocks (Fig. 5). ranging from 3.5 to 4.5 kb. T h e 40Ar/'%r deter-
minations on muscovite and biotite from me-
T h e first metamorphic event (Stage I) is dium grade rocks yield upper Oligocene to Lower
marked by the occurrence of chloritoid, quartz Miocene cooling ages.
and white mica-bearing assemblages preserved as
trails in the core of zoned garnets in the mica- All these data (cf. Fig. 5) suggest a prograde
schists of t h e Surgun Group (Unit C). Available metamorphic evolution up to Upper Cretaceous-
data obtained in similar units in the Kaghan Eocene times, when the most severe metamor-
valley (Spencer, 1993; Greco & Spencer, 1993) ~ h i conditions
c were prevalent. This was fol-
suggest low-grade conditions with a maximum lowed by a retrograde path which is essentially
temperature of green schist/ blue schist condi- of decompressive type; the final part of the
tions. path being accompanied by a decrease in tem-

T h e second metamorphic event (Stage 11)
is characterized by P-T conditions of eclogite The calculated rate of uplift for the period
facies i n t h e medium-grade HHC. T h e most between the upper Cretaceous and the lower
extreme eclogitic conditions have been estimated Miocene is of the order of 1 millimeter per year,
o n the basis of the garnet-clinopyroxene Mg-Fe a value which is i n agreement with the general
exchange (as "thermometer") and on the jadeite evolution of the Himalayan chain (Zeitler et al.,
I : Greenschists/blueschist conditions
II : Eclogitic conditions
m a : High pressure amphibolitic conditions
(symplectite intergrowth)
IIIb : Medium pressure arnphibolitic conditions
(biotite-garnet and garnet-ilrnenite)
Proposed P-Tpath for the eclogitic to
amphibolitic facies. The dashed parts was not

W EZing3Karn conditions ?
- -

Fig. 5. Pressure-Temperature-Time path of the medium-grade metamorphic rocks.

1989). The LHC tectonic unit and a southern The D2 b phase of deformation mainly con-
portion of the HHC unit followed a different sists of the syn-metamorphic development of the
P-T trajectory, under green schist conditions MCT, generating the LHC and HHC nappes.
(low-grade). The +OAr/j9Ardeterminations on The shear regime also produced later D2b folds
muscovite and biotite fiom these low grade rocks simply undulating the previous structures. In
yield middle Oligocene cooling ages. some places, the D2b folds simply undulate the
previous structures. In other places, tight D2b
STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY folds have developed an axial plane crenulation
cleavage S2b (Fig. 7c). D2a and D2b folds show
Four principal phases D l , D2, D3, and D4 have most frequently interference fold pattern of type
been distinguished in the study area. All are 3 (coaxial).
Himalayan in age since they have affected both
the Himalayan cover and the Precambrian base- The D3 structures show a very different
ment. trend and seriously complicate the megascopic
geometry of the rocks of Neelum valley. They
In the HHC, the D l and D2a structures comprise open large megascopic flexural-slip
(Fig. 6) mainly consist of isoclinal overturned to buckle folds (Fig. 6), trending NE-SW with a
recumbent folds and show 3 fold- type interfer- wavelength of about 6.5 km. The F3 and Fl-F2a
ence pattern. They are characterized by a wave- axes are approximately perpendicular. The fold
length of about 2 km and by a composite foliation interference pattern is an intermediate dome-
S1-2a. The foliation Sl is locally preserved in basin/ arrowhead structure of type 1-2 (Fig. 7d).
D2a isoclinal hinge zones or as an internal folia-
A set of (D3 ?) multi-kilometric reverse to
tion inside helicitic garnets I. The folds are ap-
oblique slip faults dislocates the outcrops of
proximately coaxial everywhere except in the
the Neelurn valley. Fault breccia has been
northern part of the HHC. North of the Shardi
encountered close to these steeply dipping
(Fig. 6 ) , the Chatthewala dome is interpreted as
fault planes.
a megascopic noncylindrical fold. The outcrop
pattern of such non-cylindrical megascopic fold A D4 doming affects the HKS whose east-
is analogous to a multi-kilometric dome or basin em flank crosses the Neelum valley along the
pattern that has been flattened in the S1 axial- MBT through Nauseri (Fig. 3). Eastward, the
plane and stretched parallel to a N-S direction uplift of the previous D2-D3 domes of Ganji and
(Fig. 7a). The result on the map (Fig. 6) is a 180 Shikar and the large NN W-SSEoriented synform
rotation of the F1 axis along the N-S trend which ("basin") of Doarian (Fig. 6) are interpreted as
corresponds t o the transport direction of the other D4 structures. In Neelum valley, these
main tectonic nappes. In some amphibolites structures, with wavelengths of > 15 km, govern

and orthogneisses, a mineral extension the geographical distribution of the meta-sedi-
lineation L1-2 is locally observed parallel to mentary and meta-igneous units of the Hima-
the N-Stectonic transport direction. In the layan ( T e t h ~ a ncover
) and the Precambrian base-

HHC, rockCdiT notdefo~-&fing&eD5D2a ----- - - - - - -


phases in as ductile manner as the HHC rocks.

Other late, mesoscopic structures such as
This explains theabsenceofnon-cylindricalfolds;
kinks, chevron folds,slightly inclined shear planes
the Dl-D2a folds are isoclinal and coaxial
and conjugate, steeply inclined reverse fault sets
(Fig. ?a).
have affected the less ductile LHC. All these
Fig. 6. Map showing the faults and the main mesoscopic and megascopic folds in Neelum valley.

structures are compatible with a late relaxation of scribed metamorphic evohtion (Patriatt &
the LHC. Achache, 1984; Powell, 1979; Searle, 1986;
Windley, 1983) .
In Pakistan, the first manifestation of the
The deformation history of the Neelum valley N-S convergence between the two plates was the
rocks is strongly related to the plate tectonic southward to south-eastward overthrusting (more
model describing the progressive convergence of than 150km) of the Kohistan island arc over the
the Indian and Asian plates, and with the de- northern margin of the Indian continent along
Fig. 7. Kinematic evolution of the Himalayan deformation in Neelum valley.
a. Dl phase of deformation: development of D l cylindrical isoclinal folds in the low-grade area and Dl non
cylindrical sheet like folds in the high-grade area close to the MMT.
L = extension lineation; F1 = D l fold axis;S1 = D l axial plane.
b. D2a phase of deformation: development of D2a isoclinal folds with F2a fold axes trending E-W in the
low-grade area and N-S in the high-grade area.
the MMT (Fig. 7a). The early thrusting probably D2b phase of deformarion which marks the em-
occurred between the Cretaceousand theEocene placement of the HHC unit over the LHC unit
at the latest. During the same period, rocks of the (Fig. 7c). Petrofabric analyses and 40Ar139Ar age
Neelum valley suffered compressive and shearing determinations show that the late shear move-
stress associated with the progressive develop- ment dong the MCT postdated the second stage
ment of the Barrovian-type Himalayan meta- of Himalayan metamorphism and occurred dur-
morphism (first and second prograde stages of ing the third metamorphic event (Stage 111)from
metamorphism). Oligocene to Lower Miocene. The D2b shear
strain was concentrated close to the MCT. The
The D l phase of deformation mainly pre-
same process of crustal thickening under shear
dated the stage I1 of the Himalayan rnetamor-
stress continued the southward migration of the
phism. The repetition of the rocks was initiated
Himalayan deformation front, generating after
through isoclinal folding. In the HHC, the
the GSZ and the MCT, the more brittleTanja1
shearing component and the ductile behaviour
Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust and Frontal
of the rocks increased towards the MMT. This
Thrust. The new NE-SW tending megascopic
could explains the formation of non-cylindrical
open folds of the D3 phase can be interpreted in
folds, mainly in the northern part of the HHC
terms of a drastic change in the orientation of the
(Fig. 7a).
principal compressive components (previously
The D2a phase of deformation was syn- N-Soriented). The apparent 70 anticlockwise
metamorphic, in respect to the second metamor- rotation of the stress components is compatible
phic event (Stage 11),during Paleocene to Eocene. with the plate tectonic model which envisages an
Overturned isoclinal folds with southward ( ?) anticlockwise rotation of India relative to Africa
vergence further transpose the pre-Himalayan beginning around 37 My ago. This rotation hy-
rocks of the Indian plate and the Tethyan pothesis is consistent with other field data from
metasediments (Fig. 7b ). Ladakh and Hazara. The D3 phase of deforma-
The Dl-D2a crustal thickening of the tion was post-metamorphic (past Stage 111). The
sheared Himalayan deformation front was such D2b and D3 structures folded the previous D1-
that new ductile syn-metamorphic shear zones D2a structures of the valley, thus explaining the
appeared south of the MMT. In the Neelum sinuous trace of the MCT on the maps, and the
valley, these are represented by the Gumot Shear local re-activation of the MBT.
Zone (GSZ) and, later by the MCT (Fig. 6). The The doming of the HKS and the continu-
development of the MCT occurred during the ing abnormal uplift of the area enclosed be-

Figure 7 continues
F2a = D2a fold axes; S2a = D2a axial plane; ? = when seen, S2a dips westwards,but the original attitude
is unknown.
c. D2b phase of deforrnation: southward thrusting of the HHC nappe over the LHC nappe, and
development of tight D2b folds and the S2b crenulation cleavage.
d. D3 phase of deformation:development of large open folds with fold axes trending NE-SW. The F3 fold
axes have a medium (30") plunge in the LHC, but are subhorizontal in the HHC. Fold interference
. .
produced domal structures.
tween t h e Hazara and the Nanga Parbat syn- rometry in metamorphic rocks. In: Evolution of
taxes characterized t h e D4 phase of deformation. Metamorphic Belts (1. S. Daly, R. A. Cliff &
A late episode of relaxation is observed i n W, W. D. Yardley, eds.). Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ.,
the LHC. pp. 1-44.
Ghazanfar, M., Baig, M. S. & Chaudhry, M. N., 1983.
Acknowledgements: For t h e first time the area Geology of Tithwal Kel area Neelum valley,
has been studied scientifically with the technical h a d Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmir Jour. Geol., 1,
co-operation of AKMIDC, University of Louvain, 1-10.
Belgium and University of Torino, Italy. The Greco, A., Martinotti, G., Papritz, K., Rarnsay, J. G. &
European Economic Commission (EEC) and Azad Rey, R., 1989. The Himalayan crystalline nappes
Kashmir Mineral & Industrial Development of the Kaghan valley (NE-Pakistan). Eclogae
Geol. Helv.
Corporation (AKMIDC) financed the project.
Greco, A. & Spencer, D. A., 1993. A section through
Geological mapping and other ancillary activi-
the Indian plate, Kaghan valley, NW Himalaya,
ties in the field were comple ted in 1 0field months Pakistan. In: Himalayan Tectonics (P.J. Treloar
during three years . A n extensive review by M. & M.P. Searle, eds.). Spec. Publ. Geol. Soc.
Asif Khan, S. Hamidullah and R.D. Lawrence is London, 74,22 1-23 6.
highly acknowledged. Khan, M. S. & Ashraf, M., 1989. Panjal volcanics:
geochemistryand tectonic setting in Azad Jammu-
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