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Metamorphosis- is a series of distinct growth stages that are different from one
Example: amphibians and insects, butterflies, moth, flies, beetles

Complete metamorphosis the animal goes through four distinct stages

Stages of complete metamorphosis:

1. Eggs Every insect begins life as an egg.
2. Larva immature stage that does not resemble the adult. A wormlike
3. Pupa is a non-feeding stage during which a hard, caselike cocoon
surrounds the organism. A resting stage
4. Adult when the cocoon open, adult butterfly emerges.

Incomplete Metamorphosis the animal goes through 3 stages that occur

Example: nymph

1. Eggs - Early, basic development happens in the egg.
2. Nymph similar to an adult but it is smaller and lack wings and
reproductive structures.
Nymphs often look like smaller versions of adults, without wings.
3. Adult - The adult is the reproductive stage. Wings gradually appears.


FERTILIZATION when a sperm cell combines with an egg cell, the resulting
fertilized eggs start growing.

External Fertilization the joining of sperm cell and egg cell outside a
females body.
Internal Fertilization the joining of sperm cell and egg cell inside a
females body.

Spawning female releases on eggs on a large rock or lake bed while male
releases sperm over them.
Zoea larvae crabs
Megalop adult crabs


Life Cycle is a series of events that happen over and over

Before Birth:
- Zygote forms when a sperm cell and an egg cell unite. The cell divides into
two cells, four cells, 8 cells and so on.
- Embryo cells of a developing baby attach to the wall of the uterus
- Placenta it is where the uterus and embryo are connected.
o Placenta brings food and oxygen from the mother to the baby.
- Fetus after 8 weeks the embryo has become a fetus.
- Umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta

- A baby is born after 9 months of development in g the uterus
- Infant is a young baby. They need parents or adults to care for them.
- It last from end of infancy up to 12 or 13 years old.
- Toddlers are very young children.
skin makes more sweat, and may have acne or pimples. Hair begins growing
under the arms in the pubic area and boys faces.
- Puberty the time that adolescence begins
- adolescence is triggered by changes in hormones called endocrine system
- Estrogen the girls hormone release from ovaries.
o Estrogen causes the breast and female reproductive organ to develop
- Testosterone the boys hormone release from testes.
o Testosterone deepens voice and cause male reproductive organ to
Adulthood: when adolescent ends
- The body describe mature or fully grown.
- Menopause when the menstrual cycle stops.
- Death end of life.

- Reproduction is the process that gives rise to many forms of life
- Gametes sex cell
- Egg cell female gamete or sex cell.
- Sperm cell male gamete or sex cell
Testes the egg-shape glands of male reproductive organs
Testosterone male sex hormone
Penis external male reproductive organ
Urethra - (just like tube) functions as a passageway of semen and urine.
Ovaries main female reproductive organ like an almond-shaped organ
Estrogen and progesterone female sex hormone produce by ovaries
Fallopian tube or oviducts serve as the passageway of egg cell to uterus
Uterus - is a muscular organ where the fertilized egg is implanted
Vagina is a long tube that produces lubricating mucus. The baby comes out
cervix and vagina.
Female Reproductive Cycle:
- Is divided into:
a. Ovulatory cycle controlled by estrogen
b. Menstrual cycle controlled by progesterone

- Ovulation - is the release of mature egg from the ovary

- Menopause - ends the possibility of a woman getting pregnant

Biotic factors living things of the environment
Abiotic factors non-living things of the environment
Ecosystem includes all living and non-living things in an environment
Populations includes all members of a single species in an area at a given time
Community includes all the living things in ecosystem
Food Chain the path that energy and nutrients follow in an ecosystem
Producers - are organism that use the Suns energy to make sugar and oxygen.
Consumer is any animal that eats plants of other animals
Herbivores animals that eat producers
Carnivores animals that eat other animals
Omnivores animals that eat both plants and other animals
Decomposers - break down dead or decaying and animal material
Scavenger - is a consumer that eats the remains of dead animals.
Food web is a network of food chains that have some links in common
Predator is a living things that hunts and kills other living things for food.
Prey - are organisms that are eaten by predators.

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