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in Intensive Care
Cardiovascular Anesthesia

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Post cardiac arrest therapeutic
hypothermia in adult patients, state
of art and practical considerations
P.F. Beccaria1, S. Turi1, M. Cristofolini2, S. Colombo1, C. Leggieri1,
F. Vinciguerra1, A. Zangrillo1
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy;

Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Ospedale Santa Chiara, Trento, Italy

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010; 2: 93-103

The importance of therapeutic hypothermia in selected categories of patients has been widely demonstrated.
Laboratory, animal, and human studies permitted to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying cool-
ing and its importance in preventing the ischemia/reperfusion injury of the brain. The development of new
technologies offered the possibility to reach the desired temperature effectively and rapidly, reducing related
side effects. Nevertheless, the application of systematic protocols of cooling has not been adequately reached
in many hospitals. In this paper the most recent findings regarding hypothermia, its physiological bases and
ways of application are reviewed.

Keywords: therapeutic hypothermia, cardiac arrest, ischemia-reperfusion injury, neuroprotection, cooling, re-

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest claims cooling methods, apart from some farsee-
225,000 lives each year in the United States ing and lonely voices as Peter Safar (3), the
and a similar number in Europe, accounting curtain falls over therapeutic hypothermia
for about half of all deaths due to cardiovas- (TH) in the following decades.
cular disease (1). Even when resuscitation After almost forty years of oblivion, inter-
efforts are successful, recovery is too often est in cooling was rekindled in the early
limited by post-anoxic encephalopathy. 1980s by the positive results from animal
The interest regarding hypothermic thera- experiments suggesting that neurological
py to protect brain after cardiac arrest start- outcome could be improved by using mild
ed in late ’50s of the past century and the to moderate hypothermia (31°C-35°C)
first publication dates 1959 (2). rather than deep hypothermia (30°C), with
In spite of promising evidences, mostly be- far fewer and less severe side effects (4-6).
cause of the absence of simple and reliable Following the promising results obtained
from laboratory and animal models, in
2002 two important randomized multicen-
Corresponding author: tric studies on humans were realized (7, 8).
Paolo Federico Beccaria
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, In the first, the European Hypothermia af-
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Via Olgettina, 60 - 20132 Milan, Italy
ter cardiac arrest study group enrolled 275
email: patients, with 137 patients randomly as-
HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2
P.F. Beccaria, et al.

94 signed to the hypothermia group and 138 of presumed cardiac etiology, active induc-
to the normothermia group. (i.e., the group tion of hypothermia was beneficial (class
that received standard care after resusci- IIa). Similar therapy may be beneficial for
tation). The study included only patients patients with non-VF arrest out of hospital
who had been resuscitated after witnessed or for in-hospital arrest (class IIb).
out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to ven- Although eight years passed from the origi-
tricular fibrillation (VF) that were random- nal publications and several studies clari-
ly assigned to undergo TH (target bladder fied many mechanism of TH and described
temperature, 32°C to 34°C) over a period feasibility and efficacy of different cooling
of 24 hours or to receive standard treat- methods (10, 11), this therapeutic approach
ment with normothermia. The tempera- is far from being extensively and widely
ture was maintained at 32°C to 34°C for used in everyday practice.
24 hours from the start of cooling, followed In a survey carried out in 2005 in the US
by passive rewarming, which was expect- (12), of 265 physician (practicing emer-
ed to occur over a period of 8 hours. This gency medicine, critical care and cardiol-
study demonstrated that systemic cooling ogy) who were asked if they had ever used
increases the chance of survival and of a fa- TH after cardiac arrest, 87% answered
vorable neurological outcome, as compared no. Among reasons for non-use they men-
with standard normothermic life support tioned not enough data to support TH,
without significant differences in terms of non-inclusion in ACLS protocol or techni-
complications in the two groups. cal difficulties.
In the second study 77 patients who re- While a recent survey carried out on all
mained unconscious after resuscitation UK intensive care units showed that 85%
from out of hospital cardiac arrest were of departments considered TH as a part of
randomly assigned to treatment with hy- post cardiac arrest management with a ma-
pothermia (33° C core body temperature jor implementation in use on the last three
for 12 hours) or normothermia. In the TH years (13), another recent review under-
group 49% survived with a good outcome lined that an informal online survey of car-
(home or rehabilitation facility discharge) diology conference attendees showed that
compared with the 26% (P=0.046) of the 20% of respondents were even aware of the
normothermia group. American Hospital Association guidelines
Considering these results, the 2005 Ameri- (14).
can Heart Association guidelines for car- Many studies tried to identify the reasons
diopulmonary resuscitation and post resus- why, despite scientific evidence, TH fa-
citation support concluded that clinicians tigues to reach a routinely utilization. A
should not actively rewarm hemodynami- recent study conducted on a 43 Canadian
cally stable patients who spontaneously de- hospital network identifies some pivotal
velop a mild degree of hypothermia (33°C) elements: lack of familiarity and availabil-
after resuscitation from cardiac arrest (9). ity of concrete TH protocols, availability
The same guidelines state that mild hypo- of equipment, equipment costs, and higher
thermia may be beneficial to neurologic workload demands for emergency nurses
outcome and is likely to be well tolerated are the most perceived barriers. Awareness
without significant risk of complications. of these general, individual and local bar-
In a select subset of patients who were riers may improve adherence to evidence-
initially comatose but hemodynamically based practice (15).
stable after a witnessed VF cardiac arrest Moreover, the majority of out-of-hospital

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Post cardiac arrest therapeutic hypothermia

cardiac arrest patients nowdays are con- Promising data come from the utilization of 95
ducted to emergency medical services with bispecrtal index (BIS) and suppression ra-
non-VF (pulseless electrical activity, asys- tio during TH as an early predictor of neu-
tole) as the initial cardiac rhythm, For this rologic outcome (23, 24).
reason, clinicians have to decide whether For the future, larger prospective studies
or not to use TH in this patient group, con- are needed to re-assess the validity of tradi-
sidering the feasibility, possible benefit, and tional clinical, biochemical and instrumen-
potential adverse side effects of hypother- tal outcome predictors in patients treated
mia in patients with neurological injury with hypothermia and the identification of
who have been resuscitated from non-VF good outcome predictors is of paramount
cardiac arrest (16). importance.
Some studies tried to evaluate feasibility and
efficacy of TH in other medical emergency
situations and with cardiac arrest presenta- MECHANISMS OF ACTION
tion rhythms different from VF (17-19), al-
though some authors believe that it will be Animal and laboratory findings during
difficult to find significant evidence due to 1980s and 1990s allowed a better knowl-
the low incidence and poor outcome of this edge of the molecular mechanisms under-
condition. As Bernard maintains, these tri- lying hypothermia, helping to define ad-
als would require a very large sample size to equate strategies of cooling and to prevent
detect a significant change in an important possible side effects.
outcome measure such as survival with In the 1950s and 1960s, when the first
good neurological function. procedures of cooling were realized, it was
Bernard et al suggest that, considering the presumed that the beneficial effects of hy-
few adverse effects related to the use of hy- pothermia were related to the reduction of
pothermia and their relatively easy man- brain metabolic requests (25). Although
agement, it would appear reasonable for this statement is correct (a decrease in ce-
clinicians to cool most patients with sus- rebral metabolism by 6% to 10% for each
pected neurological injury following pro- grade of body temperature reduction has
longed cardiac arrest, whatever the initial been observed) this is not the unique in-
cardiac rhythm (20). volved mechanism (26).
Since a recent retrospective study (21) con- Brain damages after a cardiac arrest may be
ducted on 491 patient shows no significant considered as a model of ischemia-reperfu-
improvement in neurologic outcomes in sion injury. Animal and laboratory findings
patients whose initial rhythm was different during ’80s and ’90s showed an increase in
from VF, further prospective studies are apoptosis, a dysfunction in mitochondrial
needed to clarify whether TH is effective activity, and an alteration in ion pump
also in asystole and pulseless electrical ac- function controlling the influx of calcium
tivity or not. into cells (27). During cooling an inhibition
Another key point for the future is the iden- of caspase enzyme activation, a prevention
tification of poor and good outcome predic- of mitochondrial dysfunction, a decreased
tors after TH post cardiac arrest. Glasgow overload of excitatory neurotransmitters,
Coma Scale monitoring and particularly and a modification of intracellular ion con-
motor response from third day after cardiac centrations were observed, (28, 29). Im-
arrest remains a powerful tool to predict mune system is also activated in the injured
outcome of patients treated with TH (22). brain. One hour after the ischemic insult

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

P.F. Beccaria, et al.

96 an increase of inflammatory molecules (in- the brain and in other sites reproducing the
terleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor alpha) natural haemostasis of vasoactive agents
released by microglia, endothelial cells and (38).
astrocytes is detectable (26). This phe- In some patients, during the post-ischemic
nomenon is associated to chemotaxis and phase, it is also detectable an epileptic ac-
complement system activation facilitating tivity, probably associated to the ongoing
neutrophil, macrophages and monocytes brain damage. Hypothermia is associated to
passage trough the endothelium (30). a reduction in the convulsive activity, pro-
Numerous animal experiments and some viding an adequate neuro-protection (39).
clinical studies showed that hypothermia Hypothermia increases the expression of
suppresses ischemia-induced inflammatory the so called immediate early genes, which
reactions and release of pro-inflammatory are a part of the protective cellular stress
cytokines and decreases the production of response to injury, and stimulates the in-
nitric oxide, which is a key agent in the duction of cold shock proteins, which can
development of post-ischemic brain injury protect the cell from ischemic and traumat-
(31). In addition, hypothermia can impair ic injury (40). Ischemia-reperfusion also
neutrophil and macrophage function, re- leads to substantial rises in cerebral lactate
ducing white blood cell count (32). levels that are shown to be reduced during
Another mechanism of damage is related cooling (41). The importance of the protec-
to the increase of free radicals such as su- tive effect of hypothermia on the brain can
peroxide, peroxynitrite, hydrogen peroxide, also be deduced by the observation that fe-
and hydroxyl radicals that play an impor- ver is associated with an increase risk for
tant role in determining whether injured adverse outcome, worsening mortality in
cells will recover or die (33). Cooling seems brain injures (42).
to reduce the production of free radicals and
to mitigate the damage, allowing the cells a Cooling strategy
better recovery after injury. This function Thanks to a better knowledge of hypother-
and the ability in preserving the integrity of mia mechanisms a rationale approach and
blood-brain barrier also determine a reduc- management of cooling strategy was es-
tion of cerebral edema and the consequent tablished and three main phases identified
intracranial hypertension (34). (43).
In addition, brain glucose utilization is af- The first is the induction phase, with the
fected by ischemia-reperfusion, and there target to reach a mild hypothermia (a core
is evidence suggesting that hypothermia temperature between 32°C-34°C), as soon
can improve brain glucose metabolism; in as possible. Some animal experiments
particular the ability of the brain to utilize suggest that neuro-excitotoxicity can be
glucose (35). blocked or reversed only if the treatment
A disruption in equilibrium of vaso-active is initiated in the very early stages of the
substances such as endothelin, thrombox- neuro-excitatory cascade (44). Other stud-
ane A2 (TxA2), and prostaglandin I2, fol- ies have reported somewhat wider time
lowing an ischemic or traumatic event, can frames, ranging from 30 minutes to up to 6
lead to vasoconstriction, hypoperfusion, hours (45). The possibility of reaching hy-
and thrombogenesis in injured areas of the pothermia in the field for out-hospital car-
brain (36, 37). diac arrest is still object of debate. One not
Several studies showed how hypothermia adequately powered trial demonstrated a
affects the local secretion of these agents in trend toward a better neurological outcome

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Post cardiac arrest therapeutic hypothermia

when cooling was started out-of-hospital (32°C-34°C), cardiac output decreases by 97

with 4°C saline rapid infusion (17), and 25% to 40%, mainly due to a decrease in
preliminary data from the PRINCE study heart rate; since metabolic decrease exceeds
showed that cooling before ROSC with a cardiac output reduction, overall circula-
nasal cooling device is feasible, and in se- tory system result unchanged or improved.
lected groups of patients allowed higher At 32°C heart rate usually decrease around
neurologically intact survival rate when 40-45 beats per minute and when heart
compared with TH started in hospital (19). rate is allowed to decrease, systolic function
The second phase is the maintenance one, usually increases. Conversely myocardial
with the aim to maintain core temperature contractility decreases when chronotrop-
as close as possible to the target (maximum ic agents are administrated or a pacing is
fluctuation 0,2-0,5 0C). placed; if an increase in heart rate is nec-
The third phase is the rewarming period, essary rewarming the patient to a slightly
which consists in a slow and controlled re- higher temperature may be sufficient. Oc-
turn to normothermia (0,2-0,3 0C/h). This currence of malignant arrhythmias is de-
phase starts 24 hours after hypothermia in- scribed only for severe hypothermia (53,
duction and ends when the patient reaches 54).
normothermia. Slow de-cooling avoids vio- The increase in venous return induced by
lent hemodynamic fluctuations and electro- hypothermia can lead to activation of atrial
lytes disorders and prevent hypoglycemia natriuretic peptide and a decrease in the
due to increased insulin sensitivity. More- levels of anti-diuretic hormone leading to
over some studies (46, 47) suggest that rap- a marked increase in diuresis, which may
id rewarming could reverse some protective lead to hypovolemia, renal electrolyte loss,
effects of hypothermia while a significant and hemoconcentration with increased
decrease in jugular venous oxygen satu- blood viscosity (55). Hypovolemia is the
ration during rapid rewarming of patient most frequent cause of haemodinamic in-
following cardiac surgery is demonstrated stability during the induction phase, its pre-
(48, 49), and the incidence and severity of vention and prompt treatment is of pivotal
jugular bulb desaturation may be lessened importance (56).
by a slower rewarming. Hypothermia also induces electrolytic dis-
Each TH phase is characterized by physi- orders: during the induction phase potas-
ological changes. Shivering is a protective sium and magnesium levels decrease due to
strategy activated by human organism in urinary loss and intracellular shift. While
contrast to temperature loss and leads to an electrolytes correction may prevent ar-
undesirable increase in metabolic rate and rhythmias, it is necessary to consider that
oxygen consumption (50). in the rewarming phase electrolytes move-
Its prevention and aggressive treatment ment occur in the opposite direction (57).
requires subsequent steps: a rapid cooling In cooled patients a reduction in metabo-
below 34°C, magnesium administration, lism is also observed. Caloric intake and
adequate sedation and analgesia, and even- mechanical ventilation should be decreased
tually neuromuscular blockade (51). Some in order to balance O2 and CO2 and to avoid
authors describe benefits from skin warm- alterations that can worse the ischemic/re-
ing during cooling (52). Shivering preven- perfusion injury (58).
tion and treatment is of paramount impor- A decreased insulin secretion and, in many
tance to avoid TH benefits loss. patients, a moderate (and sometimes se-
During mild to moderate hypothermia vere) insulin resistance is observed. This

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

P.F. Beccaria, et al.

98 can lead to hyperglycaemia and/or a signifi- curs but they normalize once normothemia
cant increase in doses of insulin required is reached.
to maintain glucose levels within an accept- In table 2 a list of laboratory and instru-
able range (59). mental tests we use in our department to
Despite standard coagulation tests will monitor and prevent changes, side effects
show no abnormalities unless they are per- and potential complications due to TH.
formed at the patient’s actual core temper-
ature, due to effects on platelet count and Cooling methods
function, kinetics of clotting enzymes and After having identified patient to cool and
other steps in the coagulation cascade, hy- excluded conditions that contraindicate
pothermia produces a mild bleeding diathe- TH (Table 1), clinicians should start cool-
sis (60-64). ing as soon as possible and should consider
Hypothermia begins to affect platelet func- the different options to get the target tem-
tion only when temperature decrease be- perature.
low 35°C, and other coagulation factors are Needs for other procedures such as percu-
affected when temperature decrease below taneous coronary intervention shouldn’t
33°C (60-64); the risk of clinically signifi- delay cooling, as TH during percutanue-
cant bleeding induced by hypothermia in ous transluminal coronary angioplasty is
patients who are not already actively bleed- shown to be feasible and safe (69).
ing is very low.
Drugs clearance is affected by cooling, the Table 1 - Indications and contraindications to thera-
half-life is increased and higher plasmatic peutic hypothermia.
concentrations are achieved with the same INDICATIONS:
doses (64). This must be kept on mind •• Return Of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) af-
while administrating sedatives, analgesics, ter cardiac arrest (any rhythm of presentation,
any location)
neuromuscular blockade agents or other re- •• Coma (does not open eyes to pain, does not fol-
quired medicaments. low verbal command)
Multiple evidences show that hypothermia •• Age ≥18
can suppress epileptic activity (65-67), even
if during TH antiepileptic medicaments are •• Time from ROSC >6 h
administered for patient sedation, continu- •• Other possible causes for coma (stroke, intoxi-
ous EEG monitoring is recommended when cation, head trauma, hypoglicaemia, seizures)
seizures or non-seizures epileptic activity is •• Significant pre-existing neurologic impairment
•• Systolic arterial pressure <90 mmHg despite
suspected, especially when muscle relaxant fluids and vasopressors
are required for shivering control. •• Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmia
Hypothermia impairs immune functions •• Pre-existing coagulopaty or severe bleeding
and inhibits various inflammatory re- (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, se-
vere thrombocytopenia, liver failure)
sponses, increasing the risk of infections NOTE: anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy
(68). Incidence of pneumonia is described are not a contraindication
to increase in some cases, particularly for •• Pregnancy
prolonged hypothermia and some authors •• Sepsis
•• Known pre-existing terminal illness
suggest prophylactic treatments. Appropri-
ate attention must be taken in wound care SUSPEND COOLING PROTOCOL WHEN:
(68). •• sepsis or pneumonia
Other minor alteration, like transient im- •• refractory haemodynamic instability
•• severe refractory arrhythmia
paired bowel function or amylase count oc-

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

Post cardiac arrest therapeutic hypothermia

Table 2 - Timetable for laboratory and instrumental tests in use in our institute. 99
Time from TH induction (h) 0 2 8 12 16 24 36 48 72
Blood Urea Nitrogen Creatinine ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Albumin, Proteinaemia ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Creatine Phosphokinase ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Aspartate Transaminase
Alanine Transaminase Lactate ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
dehydrogenase bilirubin
Creatine Kinase Myocardial
⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Band isoenzyme, Troponin
Coagulation tests ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Amylase, lipase ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Lactate ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Complete Blood Count ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Arterial Blood Gas
⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
+ electrolytes + glycaemia
Electrocardiography ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗
Echocardiography ⊗ ⊗
Chest X-Ray ⊗ ⊗

(continuous when needed)
Evoked potential ⊗
Computed Tomography scan
(if need to exclude other causes ⊗
for coma)

First of all a temperature probe must be po- trolled rewarming is to integrate different
sitioned. The site chosen to measure core cooling methods.
temperature is of key importance. Pulmo- Administration of cold fluids in the induc-
nary artery catheter is the gold standard for tion phase is a common, practical, effective,
core temperature detection but risks linked safe and cheap procedure. A rapid bolus of
to the procedure must be considered; oe- 20-30 ml/kg 4°C isotonic saline solution is
sophageal and bladder probes are less pre- effective in decreasing temperature and its
cise and slower in detecting temperature use is supported by multiple evidences in
changes but widely used due high correla- pre-hospital setting as in emergency depart-
tion to core temperature, relative simple po- ment (70-74).
sitioning and few side effects. Modern cooling devices work in a con-
Tympanic probes are also used, particu- trolled feedback manner, continuously
larly indicated for out-of-hospital measure- measuring patient’s temperature and con-
ments, they are quick and easy to place, sequently changing the temperature of the
may reflect brain temperature but readings cooling elements (catheters, pads, or blan-
sometimes may be inaccurate. kets).
The best way to achieve rapid cooling, tem- Intravascular cooling devices permit to
perature maintenance and a slow and con- achieve a tight temperature control but are

HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2010, Vol. 2

P.F. Beccaria, et al.

100 affected by risks and complications of cen- ers. Extensive and rapid diffusion of pro-
tral venous catheterization (75, 76). tocols and process issues, further training
Surface cooling devices allow a good tem- and more studies in this field are essential
perature control, are well tolerated and key points for new developments and TH
relative safe because of the infrequency of application increasing.
overcooling and lack of vascular catheter-
ization complications and are useful for No conflict of interest acknowledged by the authors.
maintenance of normotermia after cooling
(70). Both this kind of devices represent, at REFERENCES
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