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In ELA, reading and writing, we learn strategies to become better speakers, listeners, readers and writers.

may find us studying word patterns, learning grammar and punctuation conventions, storytelling, asking and
answering questions, reading, listening to stories, writing and editing, using technology to share our ideas or
participating in other activities that will us communicate in this global world.
In math we may be learning from teacher-directed mini-lessons, solving word problems, using

manipulatives, drama or art to model our understanding. We also play math games with each

other on on the computer to learn mathematical concepts and procedures.

In science and social studies, we study exciting topics like the government, forces & motion, the moon's
phases, the State of Georgia, the states of matter and more. You may find us performing experiments, listening
to guest speakers, creating models with clay, oreos, q-tips or straws or using technology to connect us with the
world out side of school.

We are glad you are here on our
website! There is so much we would love
to share, so please browse our site. We
also love receiving e-mail that is easily
sent from our contact us page.
About Us
We are a class family of 13 students and
one teacher. Within our classroom we
respect ourselves and each other as we
all learn as much as we can. Our learning
is anchored in the Georgia Standards of
Excellence, research-based strategies as
well as early childhood theory and
philosophy. Our school is beginning a
journey exploring an integrated arts
curriculum with training provided
by ArtsNow, Inc., of Atlanta. We have a
rigorous academic curriculum and
wonderful specials. The Thomasville
Center for the Arts provides
professionals to teach the specials
classes in dance, drama, art and music
on their campus next door. We have
technology and PE specials classes on
our campus. We also have access to
amazing special education and gifted
services at Scott Elementary.
Come back and visit our page often as
we have many more exciting units of
study coming up!
Integrated Art Lesson Beautiful
We read Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg and learned that mistakes can be turned into something

wonderful! Inspired by the book, we created our own beautiful artwork from mistakes like torn, wadded

and folded paper. We explored the art term medium by using different media in our

artwork. Medium (noun) - the substance an artist uses to create artwork. singular form. Plural form

is media - NOT mediums!

Wadded paper can be a horse walking.
A folded corner can be a penguin's beak.
A folded corner can be an owl's beak. He liked the seeds I fed him.
A tear can be an alligator's mouth. the alligator ate the man. (See
the man in his tummy?!?)
Guided Reading
Student highlights unfamiliar words in Christmas carol during
reading preview.
Student can, then, pay particular attention to unfamiliar words
during the initial read aloud. New words are added to personal

Shared Reading
Whole group shared reading experience with multiple copies of text.
Taking turns partner reading.
Buzz, buzz, crunch, crunch, caw, caw... gives a whole new meaning
to choral reading!

A Visit with the Mayor

The mayor, Greg Hobbs, shared about his job as mayor and
answered interview questions we had written for him.
We dressed up for business in our "offi ce jackets" for the Mayor's
Selfi es with the mayor!
Another selfi e with the mayor.
Mayor Hobbs instructed us on how to give a proper handshake.
Shake fi rmly, son, and look 'em in the eye!
Ladies give fi rm handshakes, too!
We learned how to write a formal thank you letter including all the
required parts. One of our families delivered this to the mayor's
offi ce.
Click Here for more about our wonderful Thomasville City Council.

Professionals in Training
Click Here to see more Social Studies
Click Here to See Our Trip to the

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