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Neurociencias en el aula

mitos y realidades
Neurociencias y educacin: un
puente para ensear y aprender

Florencia Salvarezza
Directora del Instituto de Neurocienccias y Educacion (INE)
Fundacion INECO | |
Modelos contemporneos de desarrollo infantil:






Es un mito que usamos solo el 10% de cerebro,

usamos TODO
no hay personas mas cerebro derecho y otras mas izquierdo
Es un mito que:
Los individuos aprenden mejor cuando
reciben informacin en su estilo preferido
(ej.: auditivo, visual, kinetico).

preferencia no esta asociado a efectividad

no existen personas con distintos ESTILOS de aprendizaje

The contrast between the enormous popularity of
the learning-styles approach within education and
the falta decredible
lack of evidencia verificable
evidence for its utility is, in our
opinion, striking and disturbing. If classification of
students learning styles has practical utility, it
si tienen alguna utilidad practica queda
remains to be demonstrated. por ser demostrado

Moreover, several studies that used appropriate

research designs found evidence that contradicted
evidencia en contra
the learning-styles hypothesis (Massa & Mayer,
2006; Constantinidou & Baker, 2002).
Es un mito que :
episodios breves de ejercicios de
coordinacin pueden mejorar la integracin
entre el funcionamiento cerebral de los
hemisferios izquierdo y derecho.

los hemisferios estn naturalmente integrados

Es un mito que :
ejercicios que ensayan la coordinacin de
habilidades motoras-perceptuales pueden
mejorar las habilidades de la lecto escritura.

la lectura y la dislexia no tienen

nada que ver con:
Base motora
Base perceptual
conocimiento del funcionamiento cerebral
conocimiento del desarrollo cognitivo
conocimiento del impacto del medio ambiente
pedagoga y ciencias cognitivas
no existen recetas
una disciplina de interseccin

"teachers must be aware of and act on the science within the art of teaching.
K. Fischer

aprender y aprender
en el mbito escolar
Education research

Components Description

How neuroscience is aecting education:

Creativity involves producing original ideas that are unusual or
Imagination Inspiring a Generation
Report of teacher and parent surveys
novel, and it sometimes involves combining two or more different
& Originality concepts to create a new, synthesized idea. Children express their

Imagine and explore original ideas

imagination and original ideas through pretend play and the
creation of imaginary companions and make-believe worlds.
to Create: Critical Components
of Creativity in Children
The interaction of intelligence and creativity often begins with the flexible January 2014
Flexibility combination and modification of prior concepts or strategies to produce
new representations. Children can experience flexibility by seeing from
Executive Summary
Maintain openness to unique different perspectives, remaining open to new and challenging
and novel experiences experiences, or (especially as they become older) gaining awareness of
how only seeing from a single perspective can limit their creativity.

Discretion, judgment, and decision making play an important role in

Decision Making the development and expression of creativity for children. Decision-
Make thoughtful choices that making skills require convergent thinking, which is critical to creativity
support creative efforts because it allows individuals to refine ideas and to select the best
possible answer from the ideas generated to solve a problem.

Communication Communicating ones unique perspective plays a vital role in creativity

by allowing individuals to express their feelings, ideas, and desires
& Self-Expression through language, art, and physical movement. A sense of confidence
Communicate ideas and and connection to authentic feelings allows children to express their
true self with confidence unique insights and thoughts with others.
This wondering and openness is something all of us recognize as the
birthplace of creativity.You have to be curiousand take the risk of
Motivation is at the core of the developmental experience and
Motivation inspires children to explore and satisfy their curiosity. When
Demonstrate internal motivation individuals are internally motivated, acting without the promise learning things you never anticipated.1
to achieve a meaningful goal of a reward, they are more creative.
There have been many conversations about whether published in partnership with Disney Citizenship,
or not creativity can be taughtis it a fixed trait or a presents a new framework for stimulating creativity in
Collaboration allows for the exchange of ideas among children renewable resource, capable of being cultivated children ages 614. We reviewed over 100 academic
Collaboration as they work to find a solution for a problem or project.
and replenished? studies from the past fifty years,2 examining data from
Develop social skills that foster Working together towards a shared goal fosters perspective-
taking and provides a chance for children to explain and the fields of cognitive and developmental psychology,
creative teamwork What is certain is that creativity is increasingly
expand their thinking in new ways. neuroscience, education and business management to
recognized as a key to success in our rapidly changing
identify the pathways to boosting creativity in children.
world. It allows us to recognize needs, to see
Exercise and physical activity are associated with better focus, Our paper sought to answer two questions: What
Action & Movement enhanced memory, and greater ability to learn. Action and challenges in new light and to problem-solve with
Boost creative potential through movement stimulate the building blocks of learning in the fresh approaches. are the processes or skills that are developing in
brain, and regular exercise can act as a cognitive enhancer to children that contribute to their creativity? and,
physical activity
promote creativity.
Fortunately, research is showing that there is a path to What environments, opportunities and types of
becoming creative. Creativity can, indeed, be cultivated. adult and peer interactions foster the development
of these skills?
So, how do we get there? What can we do to support
This research was made possible by the generous support of Disney Citizenship.
our children to reach their creative potential?
A Roadmap to Building Creativity
Our latest white paper, Inspiring a Generation to What emerged from our analysis is a new
Create: Critical Components of Creativity in Children, framework and set of influences to guide how

Carol Dweck, ability-to-grow/
Please refer to page 57 in Inspiring a Generation to Create for our reference list.

4 Executive Summary: Inspiring a Generation to Create: Critical Components of Creativity in Children 2015 Center for Childhood Creativity 2015 Center for Childhood Creativity Executive Summary: Inspiring a Generation to Create: Critical Components of Creativity in Children 1

Child Development Institute

occasional paper series

Open Pandoras Box:

Curiosity and Imagination
in the Classroom Imagining the Impossible
PSYCHOLOGY FOR PREK12 The Development of Childrens
Coalition for Psychology in Susan Engel
Schools and Education
Karl S. Rosengren
Department of Psychology
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Learning & The Brain Conference
April 2016
1 16
Hechos de las neurociencias:
ser bilinge es siempre una ventaja
Beneficios del Bilingismo
Mejora las funciones ejecutivas (planificacin,
resolucin de conflictos, categorizacin, etc).
Mejor cognicin social
Menores tasas de demencia en la vejez

salud/personal social
El ritmo circadiano ( reloj biolgico)

cambia durante la adolescencia, mejor comenzar las clases, en

secundaria, mas tarde o poner materias con menos demanda
cognitiva en las primeras horas
10 am
Alerta mxima
el rol de algunos procesos

zona de la imitacin
la correccin
la practica

ser inteligente con

nuestras emociones
Marc Brackett

cognicin social
Across all 6 studies, the strongest predictors of later
achievement are school-entry math, reading, and attention skills.
A meta-analysis of the results shows that early math skills have
the greatest predictive power, followed by reading and then
attention skills. ATENCION

By contrast, measures of socioemotional behaviors, including

internalizing and externalizing problems and social skills, were
generally insignificant predictors of later academic performance,
even among children with relatively high levels of problem
poblacin escolar con trastornos
del aprendizaje
7 al 15 %

10% de la poblacin tiene

Learning Disabilities refer to a number of
disorders which may affect the acquisition,
organization, retention, understanding or
use of verbal or nonverbal information.
These disorders
retencinaffect learning in individuals

who otherwise demonstrate at least average

abilities essential for thinking
verbal o no
reasoning. As such, learningverbal disabilities are
distinct from global intellectual deficiency.
varian en severidad y pueden interferir con la
adquisicin y uso de uno o mas de los
lenguaje oral
lenguaje oral (e.g. escuchar, hablar,
comprender); lectura
lectura (e.g. descodificacin, conocimiento
fontico, reconocimiento de palabras,
comprensin); escritura
lenguaje escrito, y
matemticas (calculo y resolucin de

NIH, USA; Academia Nacional de pediatria, USA; NIH Canada; DSMV;;
National center for learning disorders; DISFAM; CIE 10; AAPediatria.
Learning disabilities are due to genetic and/or
neurobiological factors or injury that alters brain
functioning in a manner
gentico which affects one or
/ neurobiolgico
more processes related to learning.

These disorders are not due primarily to hearing

and/or vision problems, socio-economic factors,
NO motivacin
cultural or linguistic differences, lack of
motivation or ineffective teaching, although these
factors may further complicate the challenges
faced by individuals with learning disabilities.


lo nico comprobado que los

identifica como grupo es la
dificultad para leer y algn nivel de
dificultad fonolgica
una severa dificultad para aprender a
leer en ausencia de un obvio dficit
sensorial o cognitivo (Stark and Tallal 1988)
International Dyslexia Assoc.
trastorno especifico del
Adopted by the IDA Board of Directors, Nov. 12, 2002. This Definition
aprendizaje de origen is also
used by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
caracterizado por
dificultades en la lectura fluida
is a specific
learning disability that is
y precisa
neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by
difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word
recognition and by poorlenguaje
spelling and decoding
abilities. These difficulties typically result from a
deficit in the phonological component of language
that is often unexpected in relation to other
cognitive abilities and the provision of effective
classroom instruction. Secondary consequences
may include problems inresultado de un deficit en el
reading comprehension
and reduced reading experiencecomponente fonologico
that can impede
growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.
Lenguaje y lectura

la adquisicin de la lectura es una actividad

artificial y difcil mientras que el lenguaje hablado
llega espontneamente a los chicos

Dehaene, S. 2011
Los trastornos del lenguaje
impactan en todos los
dominios observables
Trastornos especficos del Lenguaje: TEL / TDL / TL

Prevalencia : 7%
impacto significativo en el progreso
mejor a los 5.7
niveles lectores bajos a
bajo a los 5.7 aos aos
los 8.6 aos


TL a los 4


Bishop & Edmundson, 1987, Bishop & Snowling, 2004; Catts & Kamhi, 2005
Los trastornos del lenguaje verbal a menudo
persisten en formas sutiles, o algunas veces,
en forma dramtica.
Leonard, 1998
anomalias Lbulo temporal:
regiones poco activadas,
conectividad alterada
The brains of dyslexic children present a
number of characteristic anomalies: the
anatomy of the temporal lobe is disorganized,
its connectivity is altered, and several regions
are insufficiently activated during reading.
The disorder is suspected to have a strong
genetic component, and four susceptibility
genes have been identified, most of which
control neuronal migration, a major event in
the construction of the brain during
control de la componente
migracin neuronal gentico , 4 genes
Estudio longitudinal de Finlandia, The Jyvskyl Longitudinal Study
of Dyslexia (JLD) ,
antes de los 6 meses de edad
group comparisons fonolgicos
at earlier age showed that the at-risk group had
(a) differences in brain event-related potentials (ERPs) to speech
and tone contrasts already at birth and 6 months of age (Leppnen
et al., 1999; 2002; Guttorm et al., 2001.differences in categorizing
phonemic length at 6 months of age (Richardsonde et letras
al., 2003), and
(c) poorer skills than control group children in various cognitive skills
that are known to predict reading and spelling (e.g. vocabulary,
inflectional morphology, phonological processing, letterfonologia
and rapid automatized naming) starting from language measures
already at the age 2 of years
predictores de la lectura

a los 2 aos de edad

enseanza correspondencia
sistemtica letra /sonido

exponer al nio a letras no es suficiente.

la enseanza sistemtica de las correspondencias entre las letras y los
sonidos de la lenguas es lo que realmente transforma el circuito cortical de la
lectura- es decir las reas de la corteza cerebral que, en los lectores expertos,
terminaran por especializarse para el reconocimiento de las palabras escritas

la investigacin pedaggica en el aula lo confirma: los nios a quienes enseamos

de manera explicita qu letras corresponden a qu sonidos aprenden mas rpido a
leer y comprenden mejor los textos que otros nios que deben descubrir por s solos
el principio alfabtico.

el cerebro lector
Dehaene,S. Aprender a leer.
Maurer et al 2006
Brem et al 2010
Byrne & Fielding-Bransley, 1993, 1995
National institute of child health and human development, 2000
Shanahan & Lonigan 2010 enseanza explicita
ms rpido
mejor comprensin
Al finalizar 1er grado el 80 % de los nios lee


Stanislas Dehaene
los mtodos mas exitosos para ensear lectura ensean las bases
fonmicas del alfabeto desde el da 1.
Los chicos que aprendieron con ese mtodo estaban 1 o ms aos
adelantados en lectura que los grupos controles y las medias nacionales
Se deben ensear las letras, grafemas, y sus sonidos,

es el proceso de APRENDER a leer.

se debe ENSEAR a leer
La escritura debe ir JUNTO con la lectura.
Ortografia desde el momento 0

El trabajo de conciencia fonolgica es fundamental.

El Desafo
Educar a todos, respetando
las individualidades, pero
logrando objetivos comnes,
de manera sincrnica
la nueva excelencia es la diversidad

puede la educacin albergar la diversidad

de la mente humana ?

Yong Zhao


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