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SNOWS MOTHER, pretty young woman of about 20
KING, bumbling man, about 40 years old
HERALD, spastic yet loyal assistant to the king
QUEEN, about 30 years old, the antagonist
MIRROR, also working as the narrator
SNOW WHITE, a young girl, pretty, dark hair, light skin
CHIP, woodland critter
DALE, not-so-smart woodland critter
HUNTSMAN, strong man of around 20
HAPPY, blonde, girlfriend to Sneezy
SNEEZY, bumbling dwarf, boyfriend to Happy
BASHFUL, small, quiet, the second youngest dwarf, sibling to Happy
DOC, old and bearded, smart, twin to Grumpy, leader of the dwarves
DOPEY, the youngest dwarf, sibling to Doc and Grumpy
GRUMPY, one of the oldest dwarfs, brother to Doc
SLEEPY, sleeps constantly, no lines
The Castle Courtyard
The Queens Bedroom, ten years later
Snows Bedroom/ The Forest
The Queens Bedroom
The Forest
The Dwarf Dwelling, the next morning
The Queens Bedroom
The Dwarf Dwelling, a few days later
The Dwarf Dwelling, a few days later
The scene opens in the CASTLE GARDEN, obviously landscaped by a professional.
Everything is as green as it can possibly be. The stage is lined with small trees and
bushes, and a light snow has fallen. To SR is the entrance to the rest of the castle, and to
DSL are the main palace gates from which the TOWNSPEOPLE and HERALD will enter.
A young woman with snow in her dark hair sits on a bench C, cross-stitching
dramatically. She is dressed in long, expensive-looking dress. She is Snow Whites
MOTHER, the wife of the king. As she stitches, she hums a classical tune to herself.
Suddenly, she pricks her finger and gasps. She looks to the ground to see three drops of
blood in the snow.
MOTHER: Look at that (Looks between her finger and the drops, blatantly)
Im bleeding (Whimsically, to no one in particular) These colors
are so lovely together, arent they? (She sighs, enter KING. He is
short, rather round man of around 40 with rosy cheeks. Upon
seeing his wife, he becomes curious and slowly approaches her.)
Oh, if only I could have a child with skin so white and lips so red.
(Touches her lips, then her hair, looks from the stitching to the
snow) And this (Holding frame) If only her hair could be so
dark. (Reaches to stroke her hair again)
KING: (Carefully, as if she is a child) Darling, what are you doing?
MOTHER: (Noticing him for the first time) Nothing, dear. Im only thinking.
KING: (Sighing, with a slight edge) The child thing again?
MOTHER: Just think of it!
KING: I have, and weve been over this. For the third time today, we have
no use for a child.
MOTHER: No use?
KING: Well, what would you do with it? There are enough dwarves and
fairies in the kingdom to suffice for the household duties. Which
reminds me We should have someone lower the cabinets. The
staff is finding them quite difficult to reach without standing on the
counters, and quite frankly, Im growing tired of paying checks to
the Dwarf Employers Fund. Those pesky little money pinchers
MOTHER: Henry!
KING: Its true. (Beat) On second thought, maybe a child wouldnt be so
KING: Yeah. They could be taught to do the dishes, and then we could
finally be rid of the short legged varmints for good.
MOTHER: (Standing) Is that really how you feel? You believe that a child can
be of no other use than to be a common house worker? I should
have thought you to be of better morals. (Beat, pleading) Oh,
Henry. Just imagine it! It would be a little girl, of course. I imagine
she would be the most beautiful, the most genuine. Just imagine
the balls we could host! After all, then we would have an excuse
for having them! Then at night I could tuck her into her little pink
blanket- wool, of course so that she doesnt grow cold. (Sitting,
quieter) Her little fingers would wrap around mine as I whisper a
lullaby, and I would sit there and watch as she drifts to sleep. Just
imagine it!
KING: Whos to say we would even have a girl? There are plenty of them
in the kingdom already. We need a strong male to carry on the
family name.
MOTHER: Well, we could have one of each!
KING: Oh, no. No, no! Thats not what I meant.
MOTHER: (With excitement, standing) Two will be even better! Just imagine
it! They could play together, grow up together, protect each other.
Oh, Henry, just-
KING: Imagine it! Yes, Im imagining it, alright? (Seeing she is hurt)
Listen, this is obviously something youve been thinking about for
a great while.
MOTHER: It is.
KING: I do suppose the child will look beautiful.
KING: There will be a lot of balls. She will need to be married by her
sixteenth year, of course.
MOTHER: Of course.
KING: And youre absolutely positive you want this?
MOTHER: More than anything.
KING: I suppose I suppose we can always wish.
MOTHER: Oh, Henry! Do you mean it?
KING: (With hesitation, then definite) Yes. Yes, I mean it. For you, I will
do it. Well put the wish in with the fairies after supper. Theyll
work their magic.
MOTHER: (Grabs his hand) She will be a beautiful girl. You know that.
KING: (Grabs her other hand) The second fairest next to her mother, of
MOTHER: What a marvelous family we will be.
(They exit SR as lights dim. The stage grows dark, and a spotlight appears on
MIRROR who is standing DSL. He/she is dressed in a silver metallic material, as
if to resemble a mirror.)
MIRROR: Months later, the queen had a daughter. The child was everything
royalty could ask for- her skin was as pale as a sheet of paper, her
lips looked as if they were permanently chapped, and her hair was
far too black to appear natural. (As the mirror is speaking, the
lights come up. KING and MOTHER enter from stage right, and
the NURSE follows close behind carrying the baby. She is in a
white dress. Mirror exits SL.)
NURSE: You two are very lucky. She will be happy to call you parents.
(Holds out baby, KING reaches to hold her, but the MOTHER
slaps his hand away.)
MOTHER: Thank you. (A CROWD OF TOWNSPEOPLE enters from ASL, led
by HERALD, bearing gifts. They will enter the scene from DSL
and stay to the far end of the stage until the Herald tells them
NURSE: I will leave you to your people. (She begins to exit, but turns
around again) Oh, and Im so sorry for your unfortunate position.
MOTHER: Excuse me?
NURSE: You know what they say- the use of magic always has a price.
(Starts cackling, coughs and exits SR)
MOTHER: Henry, what did she mean?
KING: Im sure its nothing.
HERALD: (By this time, the townspeople have gathered DSL.) All enter to
honor the princess!
TOWNSPEOPLE : I want to see! Let me through! Dont you dare punch me! Etc.
TOWNSPERSON 1: (Louder than the others) Let me through! I want to see! (Shoves
TOWNSPERSON 2, her gift falls to the ground, off the stage)
TOWNSPERSON 2: I KNOW you did not just do that. (They start fighting, and the rest
of the townspeople continue the brawl as the QUEEN enters from
DSL. She is dressed like an old woman and carries a basket of red
apples with green spots. She also wears a black cloak. She crosses
in front of the people smoothly.)
KING: (Not seeing the QUEEN, to HERALD) Fredrick, will you please do
HERALD: Yes, yes! Of course, your highness! (Plays a tune on his trumpet)
All shall await the arrival of their majesties from beyond the palace
HERALD: Yes, yes, I know. Tis so sad. Etc. (The TOWNSPEOPLE exit DSL.
Seeing this, the QUEEN slips behind the curtain SR)
KING: (When they have left) Thank you, Fredrick.
HERALD: Youre quite welcome, your majesty! (Stands and stares at the
KING: You can leave now, Fredrick.
HERALD: Yes, yes! Of course! I- Ill just be on my way. (Bows frantically
and exits SL.)
KING: (To MOTHER) I warned you having a child would cause this.
MOTHER: (Looking down at baby) Oh, Henry. Shes beautiful. Shouldnt that
make up for some of the chaos?
KING: I suppose
QUEEN: (Appearing from behind the curtain) Is that your daughter?
MOTHER: Yes, she is. I suppose you are?
QUEEN: Just a lowly commoner, yes. But I bear gifts for you and your
KING: As does everyone else. Look, we really dont have time for anyone
at the moment, okay? Surely a grandmother like you would
QUEEN: Grandmother? Oh, no, no. I never had children. I am merely an old
lady alone in a cottage with nothing to live for. (Beat) Except
(slyly) my apple business.
KING: I hate apples.
QUEEN: But you havent tried my apples! (KING starts to protest, but
MOTHER stops him)
MOTHER: We would love some apples. Thank you.
QUEEN: (As she hands her the basket) Im sure youll find them to your
liking. I think youll find they have a slight tanginess.
MOTHER: (Seeing the spots) What a peculiar pattern what kind are they?
QUEEN: Oh, a special kind! Just one taste and youll be in heaven!
MOTHER: (Shrugs) I dont suppose one bite could hurt
KING: Youre going to eat an apple given to you by a complete stranger?
MOTHER: Oh, hush, Henry. She is a member of our kingdom, and we must be
polite. (Hands baby to the king and grabs an apple) Besides, I
havent had an apple from beyond the palace walls in forever.
(Takes bite of the apple and falls.)
KING: Mary! (Checks pulse of MOTHER, realizes she had died) Oh, my
QUEEN: (Crosses to KING) Im so sorry this happened (Matter of fact)
She was so young. Its a shame. (Beat) Hey you know what will
make you feel better? Why dont you take me out Saturday night? I
know a place with an apple pie that is to die for.

The scene opens to the Queens bedroom. DCS is a mirror frame and SL is a stool. Two
SERVANTS are cleaning. One is sweeping, and the other is polishing the mirror frame.
The MIRROR sits on the end of the stage CS. There is a sword on the stool SL
MIRROR: (As the scene is changing, sitting on the end of the stage CS) The
king, not knowing what his wife had wished to call the child,
decided to name her Snow White. Because her skin was ghostly
pale next to her hair, it seemed like the logical thing to do. After a
long year had passed by, the king took another wife. Yes, this new
wife was a beautiful woman, but she was also extremely egotistical
and not at all subtle. This was such the case that she could not
stand but to be declared more beautiful than anyone in her
kingdom. The day after the marriage, the king was found
mysteriously dead in the royal swimming pool. The only sign of
evidence was a lollipop floating beside him. For those curious, it
was green apple flavored. As the years passed, the queen grew
more and more confident in her appearance as well as her ability to
inflict enough fear in her kingdoms people to allow them to follow
her without thinking twice about it. By this time, Snow White had
grown to be a young lady of marrying age, and the queen had
become older and older and at the same time, uglier and uglier.
QUEEN: (Enters from SR. She is younger now- somewhere between 30 and
40. She is still in the cloak which she wore previously, but now she
wears a long black dress and corset. Her hair is up in a very large
beehive, and she wears a large crown on top of her head. She
walks with a sense of purpose wherever she goes. As she enters,
she shoos her servants away, but before they leave, she puts up a
hand to stop them) Wait! How pretty am I? (SERVANTS mumble)
What was that?
SERVANTS: (Monotone) The prettiest in all of the land, your majesty.
QUEEN: Dont be sarcastic. (Shoos servants, they leave. The Queen stands
in front of mirror) mirror, mirror upon the wall, who is the fairest
of them all?
MIRROR: Are you sure you want to do this? Im kind of on a break.
QUEEN: A break? You have no breaks. Now flatter me.
MIRROR: Eh Id rather not
QUEEN: (Hits mirror) Now, you worthless piece of wood.
MIRROR: Ow! Okay, okay! I am sorry to say, Queen, you are full fair, tis
true, but there is one fairer than you
QUEEN: What? Thats impossible. Who is it?
MIRROR: Sorry, Im off duty!
QUEEN: (Grabs mirror) I mean it! Tell me right now! (Throwing a tantrum)
I thought that I was the fairest in all of the land. You said that,
mirror. You told me that! Now before I lose my temper, tell me
whos the fairest! (MIRROR mumbles) What?!
MIRROR: Snow White! Snow White is fairer is than you.
QUEEN: That little brat? (Starts laughing) Thats a funny joke, Mirror. Now
seriously, (puts her arms out as if basking in sunlight) flatter me.
MIRROR: I cannot tell a lie, your majesty.
QUEEN: (Dubious) She Snow White shes actually prettier than me?
QUEEN: (Stunned) I I cant believe this Im supposed to be the pretty
one! Its supposed to be ME! Oh, that Snow White what to do
I could push her into the well, make it look like an accident. Yes,
that way no one would notice until they decide to clean it out for
the new season. Ill say she took a vacation to visit some long lost
relatives If only I could make her disappear for a little while,
everyone would forget about her. And then I would reign supreme,
more beautiful than anyone else who dares to surpass my level of
adoration toward the art of grace. (Looks to sword) Of course, I
could always just (Starts laughing evilly)

The lights come up on SNOW WHITE sitting at her vanity ASL. Pop music is playing
loudly. Snow White is dressed in a long dress with flowy sleeves, and her makeup is
simple enough to show that she is naturally pretty. She is singing along to it at the same
volume if not louder. After thirty seconds of this, she looks out the window. During this,
CHIP and DALE enter from UAL and walk down AR chatting about their day. When they
reach SR, they come onto the stage. Behind the curtain, the stage is set up like a forest.
SNOW: Oh, my gracious! The critters! Ive forgotten the critters! (Turns
the music off, runs onto the stage, places a bowl CS) Come out,
come out wherever you are, little woodland creatures! I know
youre out there somewhere! (CHIP enters SR, Snow, looking
around for the animals in the crowd, does not see him. She hums
CHIP: (Groans) Oh no. Shes back. (DALE enters behind him)
DALE: Is she going to cuddle us again? I hate being cuddled. It ruffles my
CHIP: If we dont say anything, maybe shell go away.
DALE: Good idea. Lets go. (They start to exit, Dale turns around) I am
hungry, though (Chip does not hear this, continuing until he is
almost offstage.)
CHIP: You know, so Ive been thinking about where to hide that nut sta-
DALE! (By this time, Dale has moved to CS to pick up the bowl.
SNOW turns around to see him.)
SNOW: Why, there you are! (Hugs him) I thought you had run away! But
you wouldnt do that, now would you? No, you love me too much,
dont you?
DALE: Oh, if only you knew.
SNOW: (sits, places DALE on her lap) Oh, I just love all of my little
woodland creatures! And you rodent like ones are just my absolute
favorite! Yes you are!
DALE: Rodent like?
QUEEN: (offstage) SNOW WHITE! I have a little present for you!
SNOW: A present? What could it be?
DALE: Maybe you should go check on it.
SNOW: Im going to go see what she wants. Oh, how exciting! (Stands,
drops Dale, exiting SR) Im coming, mother!
CHIP: (When she has left) I told you not to go for it, man. Thats the first
rule of the forest- dont take nibbles from strangers. (Dale glares
up at him)


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