Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

internal.execution_data_statistics object_permission[] internal.

internal.execution_parameter_values internal.executable_statistics
# data_stats_id # object_permission_id # variable_id
# execution_parameter_id # statistics_id * environment_id(FK)
* execution_id(FK) * object_type
* execution_id(FK) * execution_id(FK)

* package_name * name
* object_type * executable_id(FK) internal.project_permissions internal.folder_permissions internal.environment_permissions o description
o package_location_type
* parameter_data_type o execution_path * id * is_role * id * is_role * id * is_role * type
o package_path_full
* parameter_name o start_time * sid * is_deny

o task_name * sid * is_deny * sid * is_deny * sensitive
o parameter_value o end_time * object_id(FK) * grantor_sid * object_id(FK) * grantor_sid * object_id(FK) * grantor_sid
internal.execution_component_phases o dataflow_path_id_string o value
o sensitive_parameter_value o execution_hierarchy * permission_type * permission_type * permission_type o sensitive_value
# phase_stats_id o dataflow_path_name
o base_data_type o execution_duration * base_data_type
* execution_id(FK) o source_component_name permission_type permission_type permission_type
* sensitive o execution_result

* package_name o destination_component_name
* required o execution_value Read(1) Modify(2) Execute(3) Read(1) Modify(2) Read(1) Modify(2)
o package_location_type o rows_sent
* value_set
o package_path_full o created_time Manage Permissions(4) Manage Permissions(4)
* runtime_override Manage Permissions(4)
* task_name o execution_path

o subcomponent_name object_type Create Objects(100) Modify Objects(102)
* phase Folder(10) Project(20) Execute Objects(103) Read Objects(101)
o is_start internal.execution_data_taps
o phase_time Package(30) Environment(40) Manage Object Permissions(104) FK_EnvironmentPermissions_ObjectId_Environments
# data_tap_id
o execution_path Instanace of Execution(50) internal.executions * execution_id(FK)
o sequence_id # execution_id(FK)

o package_path
* folder_name o dataflow_path_id_string
* project_name o dataflow_task_guid internal.executables Objects[]
* package_name(FK) o max_rows # executable_id # object_id
o reference_id o filename * project_id(FK) * object_type
internal.execution_property_override_values o reference_type FK_Environments_FolderId_Folders
* project_version_lsn(FK) internal.environments

# property_id FK_ExecData Taps_ExecutionId_Executions
o environment_folder_name * package_name(FK)
* execution_id(FK) * environment_id * created_by_sid
o environment_name o package_location_type
* property_path internal.folders * environment_name * created_by_name
o project_lsn o package_path_full
o property_value * folder_id * created_by_sid * folder_id(FK) * created_time

folder_name, project_name, package_name

FK_ExecutionPropertyOverrideValue_ExecutionId_E xecutions * executed_as_sid o executable_name o description

o sensitive_property_value * name * created_by_name
* executed_as_name o executable_guid
* sensitive o description * created_time
* use32bitruntime o package_path

internal.operations FK_Projects_FolderId_Folders
internal.validations # operation_id * status o stopped_by_sid
# validation_id(FK) * project_name * operation_type o start_time o stopped_by_name
* project_id * deployed_by_name
* environment_scope o project_lsn o created_time o end_time o operation_guid
* folder_id(FK) * last_deployed_time
* validate_type o use32bitruntime o object_type * caller_sid o server_name

* name * created_time
* folder_name o reference_id o object_id(FK) * caller_name o machine_name
o description * object_version_lsn(FK)
o object_name o process_id
o project_format_version * validation_status
operation_type * deployed_by_sid o last_validation_time
All environment references associated with the project(A) event
Single environment(S) No environment(D) o type
o type

validate_type type
create_execution and start_execution (Stored procedure)(200) internal.packages

Dependency validation(D) Full Validation(F) * package_id
Validation * project_version_lsn(FK)
o type
type internal.catalog_properties * name
internal.operation_permissions validate_project (Stored procedure)(300) validate_package (Stored procedure)(301)
FK_Va lida tions_ValidationId_Operations # property_name * package_guid
# id o description
* property_value

* sid * package_format_version

* object_id(FK) FK_OperationPermissions_ObjectId_Operations Retention window(SQL Agent job)(2) MaxProjectVerion (SQL Agent job)(3)
internal.data_type_mapping * version_major
* permission_type deploy_project (Stored Procedure)(101) restore_project (Stored procedure)(106)

# mapping_id * version_minor

* is_role
* ssis_data_type * version_build
* is_deny Integration Services initialization(1)
* sql_data_type o version_comments
* grantor_sid
stop_operation (Stored procedure)(202) configure_catalog (Stored procedure)(1000) * version_guid
permission_type internal.catalog_encryption_keys * project_id(FK)
object_type # key_id * entry_point
Read(1) Modify(2)
* key_name * validation_status
Manage Pemissions(4) Folder(10) Project(20) Package(30) Environment(40) Instance of Execution(50)
* KEY o last_validation_time

* IV o package_data
internal.operation_os_sys_info Created(1) Running(2) Canceled(3) Failed(4) Pending(5)
# info_id Stopping(8) Completed(9)
Ended Unexpectedly(6) Succeeded(7)
* operation_id(FK)
* total_physical_memory_kb internal.object_versions internal.environment_references
# reference_id * environment_name(FK)

o available_physical_memory_kb # object_version_lsn
o total_page_file_kb internal.event_messages * object_id * project_id(FK) * validation_status
* available_page_file_kb internal.operation_messages internal.event_message_context * object_type * reference_type o last_validation_time
# event_message_id(FK)
* cpu_count # operation_message_id o message_source_type # context_id o description o environment_folder_name(FK)
* operation_id(FK)
* operation_id(FK) o message * operation_id(FK) * created_by reference_type
o execution_path
* message_time o extended_info_id * event_message_id(FK) * created_time
o package_name Absolute(A) Relative(R)
internal.extended_operation_info * message_type o context_depth o restored_by
o package_location_type
# info_id o package_path o last_restored_time
message_type o package_path_full
* operation_id(FK) o context_type * object_data
o event_name
Unknown(-1) Pre-validate(10) Post-validate(20) o context_source_name * object_status
* object_name o message_source_name internal.object_parameters
o context_source_id
o object_type Pre-execute(30) Post-execute(40) StatusChange(50) o message_source_id object_type # parameter_id o design_default_value
o reference_id o property_name
o subcomponent_name Project(20) * project_id(FK) o default_value
Progress(60) Information(70) VariableValueChanged(80) o property_value Folder(10)
* status o package_path * project_version_lsn(FK) o sensitive_default_value
* start_time Diagnostic(90) QueryCancel(100) Warning(110) context_type * threadID Package(30) Environment
* object_type o base_data_type
o end_time Task(10) Pipeline(20) o message_code
Error(120) TaskFailed(130) DiagnosticEx(140) Instance of Execution(50) * object_name * value_type
* parameter_name * value_set
Sequence(30) For Loop(40)
Custom(200) NonDiagnostic(400) * parameter_data_type o referenced_variable_name
Foreach Loop(50) FK_EventMessageContext_EventMessageId_EventMessages * required * validation_status
message_source_type * sensitive o last_validation_time
Variable(70) FK_ObjectParameters_ProjectVersionLsn_ObjectVersions
Entry APIs, such as T-SQL and CLR Stored Procedures(10) o description
Connection manager(80)
External process used to run package(ISServerExec.exe)(20) object_type

Package-level objects(30) Control Flow tasks(40) FK_EventMessages_OperationMessageId_OperationMessage Folder(10) Project(20) Package(30)

Control Flow containers(50) Data Flow task(60) Environment(40) Instance of Execution(50)


Literal value(V)

Referencing an environment variable(R)


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