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.f- JouRNAL R.A.s. (crvrox) iVor-.

r .l {o. ro6*-194fi 1
R_{'r_\ s.\RH.{W.A

RATA SABHAWA I rave disappearecl , it norv stancls on its last legs antl tlie clownlerll is in
.ight. When it is rro more, posteritv might Ieel the ervil consequences.
By i ').
trt o*ght to be admittecl that the Rata S:rbhar,r,'a systern is not r,vhat
;t was, and that it is not admii'risterecl i'ith imp:rr-tiaJity ; still it is poprilar
K. A. K.qpTIRUHANII rmong the people of a large portion of Nuwar-agam ancl Hurulu paiatas."
'l-hey pay much regard
to jt and abide bv its clecisions.
Tsrs short account of the Rata Sabhawa sy'stenr as it dtstrtcts
i,-r rqog - IgIo in Nuvaragam Palat.a..and :ufil"
otlter 3. \\Ihen and how this excellent Rata
Sabhav,ra system originatecl and,
11' x. A. Kipuruhami (in, rry1-N{-1{u!.anda Rate ',r.hat r'vere metho<ls it is very tliificult to stater
its establjshed rules and
';*t;;;p";;J o[ \'avuniya) at thc reqttest
\Iahatmava '[t is of H' \\" ('odringtt-'n' ro'v. _ Though the main principles are very much the same, each sabhawer
,' it'over to me' a document of txcep- lr'lcl has lts own rules and inodes o{ management ancl t}rererfore it, is
*fr"-i" id.y, liancl"cl without annoflation, ilili.cult, ti, ."y with certainty on what basis it was concluctecl cluring the
;;;"i'"iili.;r"[i""i ""r"e ancl is printed .
:L;rcientdavs. Those u'ho undertake its present management are as
;il;l; ;; onti tre clone by someone rvith special knou4edgd' i1;norant as anybody else, and take every trr_ruble 1,., fin?l out whether
An Introcluction on which Codrington was engaged was not tliey have clone the right tbing or not.
l. The follorving short account of the Rata Sabhawa is as how it is
Efforts to obtain precise information regarding Kapuruhami pr'ac.tised at the present. clay and, it is hoped, it is verv much near the
have been uusuccessful.--P.E'P' t lnth .

0fficers of the Rata Sabhawa

i. (r) ;
the chief of8cer ; rar-rlis u,ith the Korala.
Also called " Rata SamrnutiYa " (z) in rank, ra'ks also r,vith the Korala.
Radderala, officer next
or " Variga SammutiYa " (.1) Lekama, olficer next in rank to (.2), ranirs r,vith Aratchila-
(+) \ridane Pediya- dhoby.
TheRataSablrawasystem\YaS,nocloubt,arrinstitutioriwellaclapted i'\chariya, dandaya, Radahelaya ancl Bera-vava, are not necessary t.u
t" til;;;irr state o{ thJ Kanclyan Sinhalese peoplewho a19 Siven up very bc in attendairce at a Rata Sabhar,l'a at the pr,,r"r-rt cluv. l'he presence of
*".1l to "".te prejudices ; ind -"1
tht time u'hen this system was th,. allioSy is r.ery necessai-1i).
.a*i"l.i*"a *iti] ititp"iti"ilty anA in its. pure state' it was sure to have
,]. ,'1,i'r.""pi"g each caste within its- proper bo'nds A, pointment
had its clesirecl
*i1'-9 up together of officers
;;;;';;;h-^;i"o 1"'iig" oa"dl' yltfo.ut bei'g The
-'.. ii mindecl and unipoiled.K.andiia' who is ...',: appoi'tment of officers for the Nriwaragam paiata a'd the
incliscriminately. Sirhalese cli'ision of vanniya_rests rvith the Nu*,zr-rlarv"tua 1a-ifi
to 1is "".irri1iiJ
."rt" clan, tl-re mere iclea of being iast out of
.nuch attachecl l''' la.liularne) and tor tlre Hurrrlrr I'atturra, r,rith the t iay.olio1.row
ii""rr-" t"ii",; ""a-fir"i.i.t" "tia the hard a'c1 fast ruies o{ the Rata l\l' rake*ra families. I'hese are the r-ecogrriserl chiefs ancl Heacls of the
svstem *"." ;';;';;y-tonsicleretl to be a burden
or hardship
-sabliarn'a R:.ia Sabha*a. The officers appointecl by them have j'risclictio" in tt e
#"lifi.':;lhii;;'ih;;;i';;#'ith" exi'te'1'e of such a svstem he valued r0:ircctir,re clivisions of their chiefs. The'Ratemahatniayas
-verv measure against the clisaplearance. o{ the
much as a preventirre
in oflice for
tht tinre being a local jurisdiction but thev cannot ippoint officers
i;"i.,;;;lra ir"aiti"n. oi ntr famili ancl the iclentit' of hi.s caste er'r n if thev appoint anv, people will not recog-nise
and clan. Though trtit'ti"t*"'*igrtt.rt{y9 i;"; ;ttv muchir'abusecldutl'
and them'.'
nrrt to ill u:t.hv un*.l,r,i n^"ar. u""i i, ai.r n"i luii i,, Jo and
i. There is reason to helier.e tirat in ancient time the of
;;;'.i.,trt: eren at the pre<ent rlav in the appoirtecl \\as verr- limitec. (Thcy hacl otn"r liuti"r to'umber
lil'n'"""n*",';;ii- apparerrt
in some fornt or other' it ls lTl ,:.t
i:;;,';.;;;;r:',,i'xu*..,Lularnivr'nlrere' '.\1 lle present rlay bei'g promptecl by motives <if gain these ofifrcers are.
still in vogue. The clreacied epiclemic ol the io called enlightenment airl
'ointed indiscrimi.ately anh rvithout the slig-htest regarcl to tne
.l"ilir"ti"i p revailin g il-o"*'+; 1 orv-count rv--:*\::::i,.
:\:,Ii::}:i :t:ius, qualification or ag-" of the indiviclual. 'firii'' ign,r.aii lr"r-n. of
\va) 'itanding whatever ancl of _r,ollng age are put or,.er the 'heads of
time is fast spreadin[ into ttrt: KandYan country an-c[ lsravillg
-lou. rlegree., the tor,'i crrstoms ^n,i *unn.i.
it if
'" Kairdy"an peoplc:
etiri'rienccd, able and elrlerly men. "Tlr"e
r..sult is obvious.
i; ttro but veiy
ancl the {eeble hancls;i ;il so callecl Chief. care
Ilata svsten person.rvlro has got. a fancy to secure
for the purity foir"ua*i.,;rlr"tlo't of inir Sabhawa ,,^:.. ,.\ one of thesc oflicer's posts
ilrrel'',': tlre ('lrie{ with a " dekuma " (ql2o) a rupee or so with
than {or their purses,;;ail ;h; ;*kecl and easil;';;;r""tt",1 minijter i lear,res onrl n.'2^1i". 4o
;;t *q"nt tt-' stamp out.the dire clisease' lris applicatio'r."'.i buratlr hurulla is promiscd.
s,hom its u'orking it ranges from Rs. 3o to Rs. ,1o for Mohottir,vasama, -Rs. zo to,
";i;t;;d "ot Thus exp-osed' the ca,:h
The lack o{ sympatliy ancl support is the nrain cause' f,;
time honoured Rata Sabharva system i' il;;;;;tt;i 1i' r' e ar thv si glrs
;,"1'lf.lo.o# tor a l3atldepaindaya ancl Rs. ro to Rs. zo for Lekampaindaya and
'"rIrr rrmes less. The most common bulath h*.rlla of the forher-
.1i1i"".:J,:*:' 3t Xil : T"#l'1: J'f ."i"' i;';;J ; *".''' "
davs wa*
TtluRNAL R.A.s. (cavrox) [Vor-. XXXV{iI lrir" ro6*-rg48l R,{T.{ SABH.{\,VA
(z) A man or. woman living with another of a low caste as husband
and rvife.
aoolication lie passes to the applicant 4o betel lsavg-s \'vhich he receivcs (3) A rvoman ha-"i.g iliicit con'rection with a ro,,v caste man openry.
*!in'fr"if.. n^ncl', and l<ecping ili"* on lis head (cor-eretl,.oI c.our.e, rvitI
joining (,4) A r,r'oman suspectecl of having illicit corr'ection r,vith
the head-clotlr (6aoro@) til*t... thc. chie[ first' bv lrands'
caste man.
a low
tlre other important perions l)rcserll' at the
iorto-l*trlnniitti"n"all (5) A woman conceiving having iro legal or knolvn husbancl.
ii*|.---U" i. then addressed as 1lohottala (Badderala or Lekama as the
-"V1"1. ini. is knou,n as Nama NlarukaranSu,a (6) Inter-marrl,ing rvith per-<ons of anothr:r varige.
(o:o ocdran5e6ec).
(). the office then- his village when.he is received
(7) Contracting. a marriage rvithin the prohibitecl clegrees
The recipient o{ or
5v'in" i,lruseis ar-rd his frie'rl.q and*well-wishers with marks of respect. " relationship.
i'h.^;;*;?t-oil " t",u clays aftcr, this offrcer invites the -vill3gers, his (r,) ,l\Iaking, a proposal rise to a marriage rvittrin "the
tri"na, ancl ,ih"r- to hi- lrou.c rvhere a inaduu'a i. preprred by.lraneing
. prolnblle, I degrers of r.elatiorr.lrip.
white cloth ancl entertains them at a feast in hon'lur of his appoinlrnent' (g) Ha'ing illegal co'nection rvith .ne *'trro comes rvithin the
ro. Shortly after, the offrcer accomp^llit^d b)' tome <'f,his.{riends and
hini. rvith a
prohibited clegrees of relationship.
,.tutio* go.J to the walar,vr,va of the Chief rvlio appointr-d (to) trating in the houst-. of a low caste men _!ocic.l
i;reparecl bv a lor,v
nuinU., o'i K", (aoad) ancl thc p.omi.ed bulat hurulla. The appointment caste man or: \voman ancl in their cool<ing ves"seis.
i. then confirmerl. l;ornrerlv sittus (act: of appointment>) uere given' (ri) Ilrinking rvater frorn a vessel usectr h1, a low caste man.
;;;;i.-;;lcrna r icat o f r lrc o1fi ce_ _r o a Mohor tala a tuppar tiya, t oppiya, ( r?) Doing me'iatr service to or in trre ho'se oI a row c;rste man.
I"r=f^,'r-,"i,^-;;it., and a cla^r'ei-bendi senrburva (Fq.O 5a{-oes0'!o) (r3) Getting beaten by a low caste nran.
to a Badderala a iuppattiya, toppiya and vevela, ancl to a l-eKama a (r+) Accusing a_person of an olTence wilich has been
vevela. This is not clone notr'. adjudicatecl
upon and settled in a lRata Sairhail,a or bv the Chief.
rr. The officer tiren returns to liis I'illage' i.invite {t)t'tlavc hence the (rs) .{ssocialirrg r'itlr pe'sorrs who lra'c bcerr barrnc,r temporarily
in the usual this o^fticer to a or.
vilLagers prepare a maclulva '.\fter
lvay^ 1nd permanently in luneral ancl marriage cerenronies.
i"^ri Aal"irring al:o are invirecl. the feasr, tlre villagers
(16) Doing services or acts r,vhicrr far to the
give f irn som.e pre>ent rn cash and kincl : but thi-q does
r;il;"t;;i"in hiin'illager> rot of rol'caste persons"
not come to very nruch. Thc inliabitants o{ ttre adjoining villages atso (r7) Practising huniyam (qsleO) in its several
follow suit. f rii) Accusing a person i' the course o{ an
alt.ercation of offe'ces
calculated to be disgraceful u,irich are clearlv talse *' and
Jurisdiction rnaiicious and utterecl at impr-rlse oi the moiie;''
12. These officers harrc concurrent juriscliction over the countrv trnder {:") I)isregarding to do, ar trrt' bi,rtling c,i a Rata Sabharva such
tl* cr-rl"i rrro.ppoir-ri, tn"*. '[he offrcers of tno clans (r'atigas) ca' sit services (aerarra) as one is bound"to do.
toeether in a Rata S;h;;; oJ |ty offences ancl eat togetlier'
or in funeral and marriage (zo) traiiure_to provide meals or provisions (ga.JrD
;;:';,;,:;il;;; i'rer_marn. associarc o(6e d) to
rhe Rata Sahlrarva n.lron it 'is orre.s turln tja.ia-,li
ceremonies (ee8 oed). i,,
supply them ancj due notice has been gi".n b"fii."n-ui',li' ''
13. These ofFlcers at'e alway) collfinccl to Rate etto ofrvill
the goigama
not, eat or (zr) Irregularities occurring in the course of supplying
casie. They can try cases of the lorv castc also ; llut they meals or
,drink of them. Thc in6abitants of the n."i.-ri rate 'il1age ha'e to feed

then'r and attend t" in"t'i""ttt. If tliis is not convenient,

the p."gpi: (zz) Irreguiarities in preparing rneals (EfoJap).
;1h.1;t; caste villaje where thL- Sabharva is helci supply ra*'provisions /u r\ Improper movements ancl acts
clone in the Rata Sabhawa or
t",aia) whiclr arc iooketl by .omc r{tl.', People .rvho accompanv trrr using improper words and terms while talking.
gdtet'anc1 arecanuts may be
officers in brancl new earthen velles. tz+) Any act considered to be slighting the Rata Sabhawa ofifrcers (in
accepted. their official carracitv) in receiring. n..o'nu,Jrii"g Ll'i""aills
Offences that come within the jurisdiction of a Rata Sabhawa
a (ss) llinor,offences r.r. (quioloq) .-c,llences br. acts, offence bv
74. It takes cognisance o{ suchoffences as are calculatecl from woros. (ooer6q) olleuces of eatirig, all colnmilted throueir
social point o{ view to be disgrace{ul acts' 5hecr rgnorance and not u.illrrllr., arrrl sinrilar other oflencEs-
The following is a short slrmmitry o{ ttrem-_
(r) A woman elopirrg rvitlr a low ca-te malt ot'a low-countrY r5. offences (rq to z5) apply i_n the case oI cliief-s rnoving in the country
!vr1h their retinue. rhese iogltirer
Sinhale'e r', ltose stattts is trot knon'tt' (ts) o"" be inquireri into by the
tt.A.s. (cnvrox) lVor. XXXVIII No. ro6--19481 ]iAT,A SABHAWA 47

irnd inflict fines r'r'hich if rq. Everything depends on the attitude the Mohottala ancl other
chief al0ne without the aicl 0f a Ftata Sabhawa r,rflrcerstake at the Rata Sabhawa. If, they are favourably disposecl
;;";;rd ft;ediatelv r.:striction (a) nientioneci below can be ent'orced t.arvarcls the accused the fine will usually be less.
but not (b).
20. The following list oi fines given in the same orcler as the ofiences
Restrictions (banning) (omno Qo) mentioned above might give some idea of clifferent amounts imposed.,
rfi. Anyone u4io'coJmits or is suspected toorhave committed offences This information was gathered from accounts given by some Rata
similar to those rnenti;;J above is Lanned kept apart temporarily Sabharva officers and otlrers rvho have had some erperience of this
tiil a Rata Sabhawa i"t1"lt'.t into the olTence"Complained of' The. -)'stem.
restrictions put on the offender are of tu'o l<inds (r) Cast out and her blood relations fined 55o ridi.
(u\ eeD @cad nerm6 55o' The other meinbers o{ tire .olfender's (z) ,'Castout. ISlood relations pay gJo ricli.
, i:;"-;h"i;tt".r lt.t" the offencier to theii funerals (3)"Cast out. Blood relations pay 55o ricli.

","Iin" ;;.1';;;iiage (oE6)"a-itting

."."*o'iitt, or attending to s'uc'n o{ h'is "
i;;;ii '(+) Pay 55o ridi, blood relations 7f ricli eaclr (ooo. qoa).
varige.are not (S) Pay 55o ridi, blood relations 7{ ridi each (ooo. qca).
(z) l3-v thi_s restrictior. thr: members ol the offender's
or him If a lorv caste man is concerned, cast out and blood relations pay
p.tiibit"a irom going to his house, talking to him rendering
:any necessary assrstaice, or tticauersa; b:ullhey are.not to eat of him 55o ridi.
'or cive him to eat in their plates, ctr" (o133erl' Tli.'i' very st.rictly (6) The person thus marrying is not aclmitted to any social function
;;S;; t; ih" fun"ral and marriage ceiemonies'nor \o one should eat of the varige given up. Blood relations pay a fine of roo to
i"""t"t. (eeO o?D) or marriige (ec26 oo) admit him to z5o ridi, in default ,thev are set apart. The person rnarrying
';;;i-tceremonies of theirs'
re-admi,ssible to the rrarige if the nrarriage is dissolved and a
fine of 55o ridi is paid. The varigakkarayo of the second
ft\ The dhobv is prohibited from washing his clothes and doing the varige if of an eclual standing impose a fine of roo-z5o ridi
,l.irjl .".r'i..s at hi. [unerals and marriages. This it called oarrE@
on the party thus contracting the marriage and its blood
orenmO gs,66et' relations for admitting the stranger. I{ the second varige
(z) At the present dav oos6d oomo dao is takenservice'' to be be of a l,rwer standing no fine is recovered.
ttli-'ptottiuiting'of the dhob;' only {rom doing the usual
(Z) Tl" offender pay-s 5o-roo. ridi, and th.ose u'ho r,vere instrumentatr
No irotice is Lken o{ the oiher four castes : mostly becauseand an
in arranging the rnarriage 7f ridi each.
{rrdirru.y villager has very little need of the services of these,
ift"r.foi. their''pre.sence is'also not considered to be necessar)' at the (E) The parents or guardians of tiie girl givinq i'ice and those rvho
partoo.rr of it pay 7] ridi each.
;;;ri command the services of ar.ry of these lorv castes, c.g. a kandaya (9) The oflender pays z5-roo ridi.
will never take a kada (alg) for a banned person' (ro) The offenders pay z5-roo ridi eactr
(r) The apparent reason for excluding these. {rom long Rata
,the been r)
(r do clo
Sutita*a appeirs to be that the free service syst-em.having (rz) clo .5o-roo do
u[i 'discontinued tlre lorv caste People' except the dhobv whose services (r:) do 5o*z5o do
art. indisirensable, lrave neglecied render the ser'ices tlrey rvere
do z5-roo do

such services, .t ;;;;;;.;i;"d w-ith all

provides tfrettt tto*-a-da1'-s (rS) clo 7+ clo
they rvant,'di'd not insist on exacting such services thinking it (16) clo 5o-roo do
less troublesome and exPensive. $l) do 25-25a do
r7. Restrictions (a) and (b) enforced onll' u-hen..thc offence"committed (t8) do zlZI do
is of a grave narure,;;h-;l 6if.n.*. tr) to (z)..\\'6err the offence is but
not (r9) (zo), (zt), (zz), (z3), (21\-*The offender pays 71 to z5 ridi.
a serious one restrictiil (ri anrl (D) wili not'and cannot be enforcecl; (25) The offender pays zl 7! ridi.
onlv (a). In such .n""".\'(tS; td (zS), restriction (a) is enforced :r. Breach of the r-ules to be observed lvhile the Rata Sabhawa is
casi the offender re{used or neglects to pal'the hne' (}
:itting, paragraph 36 is met with a srnall fine of zt to 7t ricli. If the
i'iTenci ii a trifling one the offencler is made to give a brilat nambuwa
Fines imPosed to {Aeui zloloo) and beg the pardon of the }lata Sab}rawa. He is then
rE. Itis very diffrcult to give reliabie scale o{ the fines that ought and discharged.
be imposecl at Rata Sabhawal Each Offrcer has a scale of his ow' except "tarnecl
l in the case of serious oftences. for rvhich th" mati-"m fine is imposed'
frn": tfr" n^tu Sabha*,a .""fa impose is 5!o ridi
};lata Sabhawa*-how convened and conducted
The hig6est amount ?2. A case at point-Punchirala publiclv accuses a woman Ratrmenika.,
\ "i
{=zc 8i oor:n) the lorvt'st beir:s zJ rirli'
XXX\IIII l'tro rot-r '--r q.ilil RAT.\ S.\BHA$"{ 49
4B JOLrr{N-\L R.A.S. (CEYLON) [Vor-.
County Assembll' cieclares her innocent' Nobody--.shou1d
living wittr her, that she had illicit connectiou rvith
r,vhose husbancl is
from ihis clay kiep company these pe9Pl9' - This has
(t+) (q)' -command
"vith o{ the Sinhalese
low castc man- paragrapir been cleclared lv tne king'
o Governor of Colombo, Kumarasinha }fudiyanse of Nuvara-
offrJer--Mohottala or Baclcierala--ind state their grievance' Ygty vava, and the l)isave rvho made tl-iis command'
."ii""ln. .."ore, po'r.nirala or auy one of his relations makes a complaint (z) ]\toreover, as Punchiraia has accused Ranmenika df soino
;;'ih;"gilj;iir;.,m...r. At any rate the offence is,very soon broughr unbccorning conduct, lre too is prohibited frorrr
to the notice of the authorities by .6*. ott. or other. It cannot be hushed aLten(ling irrn"r.als, 1vs{,ling> and rcli<ious ceremonies.unt il e
;;,;;;;;;1o ,^rrociate 'vith Ra-nmenika or herthe bloo,c relations in funerais Countv Xlsembly inquiresibout thc matter' From this day
ai.1 r.u.riages also constitutes an offence. trf compiaint is made to a no one should associate him.
i,f"f."it"f" 3r Baclderaia he at o'ce goes to the Chief and states the
i. nit* fhe latter tl'ren orders trii to go to the village.hold^u formal 2t. iiiis is one of tlte;rl forms of holv a person is bannecl. pacil
i;o,r!;; ;,i1;k;'i;hl steps necessary in ttre matter. The offic'"* tire4 \trolioitba, Radcleraia, or Leliam ir:rs his own ri'ording o{ the tahanama.
and after making.some irrqtiiriesl.lro''-'
;ij.^l; the village of Ranmenika any reason. ,ti. l)ue notice of thi's is given by l-his officer in the villages lvhere ttrre
if.r"ii.f"r- iii"'.:ifloS. ii lrc iiirrl. lqhich lre usrtailr''les5) it.r parties bannecl have dealings'
;;;p;;i;i; com-issi3,, o{ t1-re offence complainecl o{, tre cals thc dhoby,
]tiimenika ancl her relations arrd others o{ the vil1age. to his presence z(>. Noiv it is {or llanmenika ancl the members o{ her {amily already
anit bans Ranmenika ancl 1'rer family bv prohibiting (a) the varigakkaravo banired to take steps to convene a ]tata Sabharva. Someone o{ thenr
i;;;;;r;;*ting rvith Ranme'ika uno h". blood relation-r, r.r:. her chilrlren ;; i; tlt" Cu"t ,uiilt o dekuma (qeo) anclanclasks him to fix a date and
tn"i. childien, h"r futn"t an<1 mother, brothers ancl sisters ancl lheir qi;. u" orcler to a Mohottala to convene conduct the Sabhawa. -A'
chiidren ancl her husbancl (if ih,: husbancl rvas living separatel-v at the date is fixec1 and an order is issuecl t(r a rnohottaia (usualiy the one r,vhc
.time when the oflence ',va-l comrnittecl or left her immedia.telY after, l,ives at a short clistance from Ranmenika's Yillages) to condrict the
Sabhar,va wi1.h other officers $,hom he miglt find convenient to take
lre will nol be banru-r11 anrl 1l) tlrc rihoby frunr tiring llle usual 'ct'rico'
to tlre members o[ Ranmcnikn'. tamilv tiiu. lranncd. lf thc otficcr lrat liim. The }lohottala then sends a letier to tire resident Mohottala,
also reason to believe that the accusation is grounclles-* and .maiicious tiatlderala ot Lekama, i{ t}rere arc any, or to the Gamarala or Vel Virlar-le
he bans the accuser Punchirala a10ne rvith the same restrictions. .,f Ran*"nila's village informing him o{ the ciate'nvhen the Sabha$a i.
tu ir" n"fA anci asking"him to givE clue notice of it in the village ancl har''e
23. These restrictions are given usuallf in tlie {o11owing mannef :-- .i-".yiiil"g reacly foi the ocJasion. I{e also sends i'r{ormation to such
gzdeoc3 S ('r@O g'56C E85J oi |i" ,ritiog". as the first notice r,;as give* rerluiring the elderly lrersons
1. da3
'sJc oi these villaees ai-*o to attend the Sabharva'
gd8co OOzlcod EO cletc 6coc 6oOzl Seoc dc
6-ogo*S 6,rq gqin6 axlm:ts25t daJ9zefiS;q d 27. The resiclent offlcer, gamarala or.vci vidane, in{orms all t"he
-zl',ooloa: "" 'Oq irahabitants o{ the village of tlris in goocl time so that they.may procure
qzojT6od @d
tl6ztg' qE elOztJ qzCrlrJ th" things foriihe occasionl r.r. r-ice' vegetables, ripe plantains"
eea Oed mec @ocE@ @:O
^ ";;;;;ty
caki:s, betel, areJinut, etc. 'lhe banned per'tr-'trs -qi:o ^Prgtote r'r4rat
6Or SgO @ooztrd eogc(t@ esocorJo Oz8 ele Ecoo for a gooiliy meai or t',v'. The bill of the ba.nerl
fiii"go ,l"..u.arv
{tetzng. 8"elod ge;ld8$SeOajod Es6) gaJzrOr 5)o i;;;r;;r i; ;,,.ii irigg"i iitan il,at o{ the otliel act jointlv'
itotztrO. @z$c@,G) de5$dzOzriod q6 qzda:Or 6)) kt ,r" nf the viilagJi-:s can act inclifferenti;v, a-*,'illagers "vhoa hear-]' fine
oztrztrO. 6Od OzcoO elOtd8'o QQoriodod- q<f,' rrill bt lltc r";ttit
qaJa:Oc zl. boo@.- (9O Er:cqOgzlJ -q:og OetdOcoood
28. p31]v on the clav appoilted i1t" f iilaqers h9^1d a con{erence'
&A, qzrJznOcorO tlozng.) oq@O6OcO epaiog6OdO .u,l".t gooA maclurva, ptbi..oUly that o{ thr resiclent o{icer, or gamarala,
-o:oztg-56r:9'- "
il;;p l.'liu.iy panclai in froni o{anil the i:et the dhob-v to tie up
'rariuu-a', before the close-o{ the
ir-hite'c1oth,q lotti in the maclurva pa.ndal, anri
g. {rOq g"-s6e E8zrJ d"9r56O <dmTFzlr Q,e EdAq ,f.V, no"" everything rer,-15'- Iterv pto.-i,ions, bete1, arecanut, and ottrer
Oa^o'g qaLo 6oc 6oOzl 6eor 5' eoOg53c0C6iecs)d ,,,-,i..r".y things are-collec.ted in a given" p;op_crtion.frorn each house to
coi6 eb Eerco afi6tQ& d Szoiorooj ge-a OqtC -';1t-rlrev therr ,'$ait tlr- aIr'ii'al ol ihe'Rata :rbha$'a
,,:ir r)irce. officers an'i
@sc6d 56zDO- qE etO2tJ S qro5oc ogco 689 ossgor:d r,"rti:- lritr,t.a per-ions are not to join in any of tirese preparations'
ccgcco@. ""'sroztg' 2{\. The }Iohottala r,i,ho has been cleputeci rvith the managernent of the
(r) Punchiraia of the yiilage ..........has publicly accuse d -.irirn".-lri tt ini.i collects othci offrcers, lfohottalas Badderala:s'
\^/ AsRanmenika o{ tlre si"me o{ an irn*rcrai conCuci "
Lekamas aicl others ancl lvith a Vicianaped"iva starts for- the- village
" 'illagc
Ranmenika ancl her I'iiisfcik nanielr'' """"are not t"*r" iir" party usually arrives a little rvhile aiter sun-set' B)' this tinre
people from other viilages alsct begin to corne in'
to attend funerals, r,n.ectrdings anci ritisious cereniotties until a
No. rob -1948.1
5o JouRN-{L R.A.s. (crvroN) iVou' XXXVIII
(.r) No one rn'hile sitting
-'*oUtui"i"[ in the Sabharva shoulcl speak without
of the officers is made hnown a few of the
30. When the approach distance '"' firrt the"permission of the presiding Mohottala and
elderlv Dersons eo . iitit" from the house' salute each of the out of iris tunl.
;f#* 5"J i-poil""t persons as is customary by joining hands are
"ln;i ready for the occasion' (S) No one shoulci sleep in the madurva whiie the proceedings
ancl leacl them to -odo*u made golng on.
, 3r. A--Rata Sabha maduwa :
(o) No one should utter unbecoming or rucle words while talkin$'
a. Presicling Mohottala (not a separate seat) (Z) No one should make signs or gestures lvitir the hands
ar. Other ofRcers (including Koralas ancl' Aratchies) talliing. "
b. Minor hea<lmen, gamaralas, and other elderl5t persorrs' (8) No orie shoulcl rnisbehave in the Sabhawa'
c. OrdinarY'villagers. (oi One shouid abirle by the clccision oI the majoritr': and sirnile"
" d. Vidana HenaYa. other minor cletaiis. Ot the fines imposed 1or breaclt oL tnese
e. Ligltts. rules rnention has been made in paragraph 2r aborre'
These preliminaries endecl, the proceedings begin'
Seat sare arrangecl usually as shown in the sketch* above'
Seats J/ -

-lz. eR The narties are then summonecl before the Sabhawa' Ranmenika
foi persc,ns at a and ar are preparecl by spreading two -matsdand over
il;,i;;;r,i^ ; u u"a . Jingi" mats ivith etirilla, and at a single
",'t'i't'""""i*."i;J ;u her husband or some one of her {amily' Her
mat onlv. "i ;];:-""."';:i"."'ifr.-S^irh"wa is not wantecl--whenever it is found neces-

??. In the panclal jn front of the maduwa people who do not actually ij;'il#;"".rt"i"" t*. t. rr.r, she will be called in and questioned'
i?iJid;i#il;il;;;J "t trtn. maduwa she rviit answef the questions
ioirr"in the deliberations and those feel tired and to whom the dtscusslons i;;;; voice and then withdraw' The parties
it;';;T;;;;t; b";f interest, sit down and chat away their tirne without' bashiullv, timidlv,
""4 rrtrrt and at a tittle distance from the orhcers,
of course, disturbing those in the maduwa' i;,*"ild"t.;';ilJi; "r
,"itn'in.i rrJ"ds folded over their breasts. They or their witnesses are
'34. Jvvr! "'" asse,mbly- take *ttt
as the
Soon olr seats some young i:" ,"-1,-t1:r:ll.19: *ut l"g their siatements. The inquiry
'1+' the madurvi and walkin$ slowly not made to take u.ry outt
neatly:lt*t* ;';i;in o",
,-.^+^- i- ;il;;i; ;;i ;"J ihe p.oce"dings arj never taken down in rvriting'
i;;ii i;; ;ifr.;;;';ff..warer in ,.^ol r-rracc p.ts (sembu)
brass -r,iq co'erecl rvith
/spmhrr\ co'ered^rvith
The witnesses are nol's,i* "*"y'*ttile the inquiry is
going on unless
fitit i. the leading'eat
*'nii" .l"irr"issj={^T1 Moht-rttala and then-to-otl:t
-of::tl such a step is found to be very necessary'
ffi;ti;;;. 'iiit. i.-."n.J *"t"ti""*bu kara.awa (o?oodg a6e6oc)
i.h; i-h;-p.opr""g washed their faces,- lrand-s, i"9 fttt.*,d"^Y: ?o. The complainant, Punchirala, is then called.upon to
state his case'
;;;;,;ti;J;;"lr' *l?n "; rrass trav'. (estd f"jt Hiri,;;;J';a uv-irr.-lt.tottala of the consequences if his
::#;';il:;;;1t;;'ii *i;h *nite ctoit''eiters",oQo)
th-e maduwa l-":"tj:j
-"f and offers false. He is questioned. at great lengttr and in
arecartutscoverlngltwlthawnlteclo]]IlellLersLllElll4uuvvo@Irlr' accusation is found to be
it; ih; llading"Mohoii.r.- --,L ^ -^
,r-r ^-^^ ;+ +^
to 6^ma
some nne cloqe hv ttl be
one close,!y
*-rto passes-it. l" 1""
A-ll the people.then indulge thenr-
<letail.Alltheofticersputqo.rt;onstheyliketoask..-oneaftertheotllei' to certain
tli,tributcd anrong ittrl"pi.-.,ri. obiections are taken b;;h.';fn.;;, und 6tntt ieading m-embers
t "rr
selves in n"t"i'"nJ il;q;i.l;g after the health oI eaclr other and o"t ancl long discussions ensue' oI anv consequence
the news of the different villages. "rJ*"rti;i#'-;;:; ;i;:;'1""','r"'p;"g or-Evervbodv
H:'i; course' to the rule that each
li,"ria'.p*r.^*iin ir-," p.*irrion'of the Mohoitala ancl one. alter the
of the place uncler the supervision of
-',5. In the meantime the r'vomeni;; ;""king,'the number of those coliected other. In the course "f if..r" ait*ssions, which become heated at
a Rt person .r1uk" p..pJr;l;;"t quotecl' decisions.of
several side issues arise' Precedents are
triaving been roughlY taken' or oth-erwise of
Sabhawas pointed ool,-'.t^1o', -lineage, respectability
Jb. A{ter the assembiy have conversed together fleelY-and-,re*ted the ,difierent families -""a"titiU.a,--aiJp"t"a,' criticisecl or commended'
lor sometimetheChieiU"ir"it"f" calls silerce aid standing up rec'ites is Disputed points are ,.i"i,"a to the Mohoitala whose rlecision is final
rutes that are to b. ;;;;;;;J- ty those present while the Sabhawa -B"ttt party has its supporters among the
etc'' as stated before and out to be abicleJ^Uv.
ritlitg ."4 in the ""-" of 1tt" ki"g, Governor'rules on pain of being officers. This fact ,;;;;Jth;'proceedings io t..r"ty protracted
;i;i;iiy enjoins trt" those "";;i1; l"ni.r' m"uch taikinf bf no real
"t-."tnttu t" "qt*::e are as follows:-- ancl teclious. Dirp"t;';;}; i;';ii"
p""ltli"a .i,ith fitt"t. These"rules shortly value exccpt {or a nrere show becontes necessary'.each.side
trying to
(r) No one should enter the Sabhawa rvithout first obt4'ning its *lil,*"i"' ii, groonar. No cloubt the members'do not confl-ne their
permlsJon. ,ii..rrti"rr ,o in. runl..f *.rt.t ol the inquiry and
'".-"ry go very mucll'astray'
(z) No o." should leave it without obtaining like permission' fhese oroceeclinss i"'';i*;;i .are'lasl for i rvhole night-the
(:) No one should partake of any food in tlie house of his friends
or .ia i,. important matters they{orlast
ijiilrilrffi'*'iir- t'n. i;bh;*", night.* fon
is very two or three days, toit a"y at short intervals
relations without p.t-ittil" '
or L nut" Sabhawa' It will be
(this permission "rrcl
granted). and rest. This is th;'g;;ili';iii?"a"
l"iol n*i"t" it flnishes iitn th" complainant Punchirala'
*Not reproduc ed.
52 JoURNAL R.A.s. (civlox) iV:r. ,\XXVItrI
10. By this time, about midnight, the meals will oe readv ancl this
T 46. If
t o(r--r94lil IiA] A S,,ItsH.{WA

Itanmenilia u'as guilty, she will iave to pay a big line, 55o ricli

{act is rvhispered into the ears of the Mohottala by some one. If the t.,r so according to tlie nature of the offence complaineil of, a'ricl her
leading members are clisposed to adjourn the Sabhawa lor meais they dp iTosition and wealth, and her blclod relations 7] ridi-each as vattandade
so ; but if the discus-sion be of a spirited nature tliey sit up till late next (aao." qoa). If Punchirala rvas the person, he lras to pay an
inorning with ernpty stomachs. equal amount as ltanmenika rvoulcl -guiltyhelve hacl to Pay if, but
liis blooci relations are not liable to oav the vaitandacia as no act or cleecl
4r. I'feals are taken in the same madurva. Ii the assembly be a large clisgraceful to the family was cr-,m:niitecl in pun.fiir"f
one sorne are accommodated under the pandal. Every fit persorr who, rnenilta. " ".:.rS"g'n""-
came to attencl the Sabhau-a has to partake. L)etails are givr'n irr
paragraphs b+--tj+. 47: Ail those u'hr have been finecl, if males, are rnacle to take off their
lleacl ciothes until the payrnent of the fine.
14, After finishing the cornpiainant, the accusecl li.antnenika's
representative is called upon to state what he has to say. He tlroanocornel ., 48.._rn some cases one party or the other appty to be allorvecl to'tal<e
out with a long rigmarole" It rvill be something lil<e this : What Prl,:chi- an g:tli at a vihare or dervale. If the other party consents and if it is
raia accuses Ranmenil<a u'ith is utterly false. He is a born enemy of convenient to the officers to have the oath aclministerecl imrnediatelv in
her family from several births past. Ranrnenil<a is a rvell-conducted the presence of some one of them, the application is alrolr'ecl. The deiaii.s
,:rf- hc.rv the oath i-s to be tal<en are setitect ancl the oatJr is
woman. Leaving aside her doing such a nlean thiirg she has never adrnirristerecl
:rcccrrlingly. Tlie decision is then given as statecl above.
clreamt of it. To the truth of rvhat he says the Gods and Bucldha are
rr,ritnesses. lf Ranmenika has done such a thing let her children and ,19". lf the persons fined pay-the fine immecliatcly i'cash or-pleclges,
cattle be destroyecl in seven days and iet herself be killed by a thunrlerbolt jlermission is. given to those r,, have been banuirl to prepare' meals.
(geso oerm oenr-.oc) striking her heacl. If she is founcl guilty he ancl others trili then'othing worild be acceptetl from them. Trre mejr tl^rey pr:epare
of hei' family are prepared to pay 55o ridi by -.elling their lancls ancl cattle is be, and usually is, o'a qranctr scale titir prenty oi.ut.r,
ancl go out begging taking in their hands coconut shells and the stail< of ripe plantains, r-nilk, curd, etc.
ttre arecanut palm lea{ (o.alc-e orl). The charge is a false one, etc. etc.
50. When the fir're is paicl in futl, the guilty persons who have been
Then questions are put to him and lianmenika aiso, u'herever necessary. ryiade to take off the head cloths, jointiy pay z] ricli to get the permis-.iou
Spilitecl discussions arise again. There ivill be no eird of tliem. i,f the Sabhawa to put on the heacl clotirs agarn.
-+3. 'lhen the necessary rvitnesses are heard. Their list rvill not be
5r. A{ter tiiis, both parties concerned in tire case, rvhether fou'd
a loirg one*-one or tr,vo for each side and sometimes nonL'. The officers of
the Sabhawa by tliis time are convinced of the real facts of the case and ;_uilty cr not prepare each a " tahanan wattiya ,, (zreozrO OOAco).
Irorty betel leaves ar-e placecl in a neat tray msds of plaitecl par grass
very often, before they assembled. 'fheir decisior.r need not be and very (
olten is not based on the evidence giverr. It is given on actual facts aird ) and over them 5 r-idi in silver coins. This-is co.,eri,l wlth a
nhite cloth anci hancled over to the Mohottala. The tahanan r,r'attiva of
someiimes quite to the contrary, of course, rvith goocl motives, though rach party is prepar:ed separately having the inclispensable 5 ricji. -'
perhaps exceptions are not rvanting.

44. The inquiry is practically over no\\'. While it is in progress the ,s2. The leading n'Iohottala l'raving summoned tre[ore the Sabhawa all
lhe inhabitants of the village both'males, females and chiidren, calls
ollicers cli,*cuss among themselves the pros and cons of tlie case. They
.ilence're^tahanan^-wattilra given by Iianmenil<a's party
go out tr'vo or three at a time ancl holcl private cons'.r1tations. Some
1lr one hancl aucl his offrcial staff in th,: oiher, stiircls up, and the whotl
argue lor ancl some against each of the party. The n'tohottala also joins ,lssembly also standing, solernniy and in a clear loud-voice ntters tire
them norv. This consultation goes on for some tirne. Aftet they have " tahanan arime wakkiva'1 (oc'mo) ql8oo ocad6ce) r,vhich is somewhat
clecided the thing among themseh'es the Mohottala declare the finding
of the Sabhawa publicly and the amount of the fine to be paid by thq
irs foliolvs l--
guilty party. If Ranmenika is found guilty, Punchirala escapes, but if (1) d"Oz6zs:cO g"E6e E8zlJ
gOcoeo 6coc 6@g a2egd8co
the former is adjudged innocent Punchirala is convicted for attempting OOo,al_ozznqq EO@d......@9r@6cOecA gOrzn QgcgdOde
to disgrace Ranmenika in the eye of Societv.
QrErO OrSO ead O6c 518 EO gA Eco!$d (Oa--oOcdr
45. The amount of the fine, if large, the party fined, suppolted b! QOacord oz8oO Odgg dcoroe gzd O"OzdorrOq $
sorne of the officers, urge on the Sabhawa reasons such as poverty, qrtf 6ocd @d znzErrjeq Q 6Qg q6 o:oz::O CO 6cec
ignorance, etc., and implore for a reduction of the fine. The Sabhawa qot$eod 6oO.zs OcoE. zlO @co,roAtogi gOd do@rocd
isualiy gives a willingtar to the appeal, but it deperlds.much on the oaSddidgO eiOS:nqda r:6ZDO zDuzr:. Eq qO@d oozrJ
iittitude of the leading Mohottala and his supporters take in the matter.
After much cliscussion the amount is nnaUy fixed. The dhoby,is d9zo560 oO OOznco 88ocoasJ og <o1do6a$ es:S 6eoc@
nskecl if he is satisfied with the decision of the sabhawa ancl whether the @ea$er8 96 qd6ArJOo5 Qco qA666io6i qa qAddzrjob-j
fine is sufficient. He ahvays answers in the affirmative. @zD toocgeoQod gOci6 6c06jO {r6:DO. fi"ood OcD
51 .JouRN-A.I- Ir.A.s. (cnvrox) lVor. XXXVIII No. rob--rg48l RATA SABHA\V-.{
6E$6zOa3@6J d"eo$@O d' OOaJoaJ q6 qai?OcztrO o:eo 56. If the Rata Sabhawa officers are satisfied^with the cluantity and
zr:0: 60 crgc@oJ 5or, ddztlo oaJzncaJ@d@dt @E@od :,::l]jy,.:1.,,h,"..meals
provided, a cerrain amount of rhe fine
qaJzlOcz::@ t::6zs:O' Od :lre hrgllest) in proportion to the sum imposed is remittecl a:'consideration
deJajo Oaj-zlcrioCoC qe6 i<ir the meals.
O.oa cegtd 8"or gEco6i@d@d oo:cC8el0oE qe6 qriznOc
rnO r::eoznO. oO tizlrqO ozlgrg qeoc Oooigcocod gd 57. The Rata Sabirawa oficers do not always conline trremselves t6
gaJznOca:@ oozlO' @E@O6Ot:iO, o2zrioOSOdO oornO' trying the offence, to clear which they were coliected together.--3"u".nt
rl6lzs:@, ('6zt@. other minor offences unconnected wittr it corne in th"eir way. Such
cffenders as those who are accused for associating with u"trn.? persons
\^/ - (r5), those who are banned for the sake of others"ancl ]ialf". i"Li.
i-'rrJrut conduct of w.hich Punchirala had accused Ranmenika
, publicly, and after taking {} fine-s and levies they {o'rnd that
a smatl.fine and those
are s"il,igl;.il':'il'.;l'Ji;3'[;%t&: '3lj
olog)..c:in clear themselves at i"y's"un"*a; it.being to
it to,o, i, fnlr. accusation.-' Therefore the prohibition made op convehe special sabhawa,s to- try ihese minor offenc.;'", 'oi'*Jiilry
i; th;,cas" of
Ranmenika and her kinsfolk are removed' Untii the gdden impbrtant offences. Such offenders avail themselves of the opportunity
pinnaclecl Pattirippuva -of. Senkadagalapura . .lasts this of a Sabhau'1
prohibition is removecl. It is- prohibited {rom this day that qt "p irr neighbouring villages. there oft"irces-ir'elontea
out to the Sabhawa rvhich.promptly and glar'lry..try-them suri-a.ity
ihis accusation should be made publicly by any man' woman and fine the offenders, Iine bei'g iecbvered i^"i"ty. i] inlr'i.
or a boy (or girl) in a quarrel over fire-v'ood, rvater' any other done these ofienders are not aliowed to sit i'the sadha;; orio
,1uarrel. or. i"n playiirg fietd. .This- prohibition is nrade in 1oi'
others irr partaking.of mears. wrren the presence of any sucr,"pe,r.o,r
the name of the " gota* sword and golden crown of the bro-ught to the notice of the officers he- is o.cler".l ;"; ;;l;l'
SinlraleseKingand-theGovernorofColombo.Theprohibi- rvilling to be tried by the Sabhawa and pay the usual fine- "---"''- l" i,
tion is also rrlacle in the name of the Government Agent'
Assistant Governnient Agent, also in the name of Kumara- .s8- Tlie total fine colected is tiren divic]erl into four equal parts"
simha Muclivanse of Nuvaravava' This ruie should be One part is -set ap_art for the Randara Mudippuu.a..tJ.calJ"geepol
obeved because of the order of the Disava. Tire prohibition ilre share of the chief ; another is ttiviclecl
i-* thrice valid. l*::nt,: the thild goes ro rhe other officer.s"-u"g uLiie "tt'it..*liof,ottt"t.,
the f<,urrh par.t i,
' trvrd_er.l .anlorg the varigatari{) ?: ,f tlre different r.illagcs ,.pr"r"it".l
53, TlreIr takirg the other tahanan rvattiva in hand in a similar
the Sabharva and the Vidana-henaya. ,t i
ner he continues--
g"86e d"Ozdes:cO 6cooc oOcdr aDeigd8g) OOzn-ql{ qa(to 59' The Ratemahatrnaya, not being the chief, having rocal jurisdiction
h.ocir- 6Qg zfleoc d qro5orcocoal oO coog6@de aa
gets a share of the Bandara.Mudippuwa. At present'it is
cft-ain the permi-ssion of such an F.M. to holci a Sabhawa-i" ""'iil"g"
EAQA qaoeod 6oOzl dcocOO (g"BdC d"9zdeocO EOcoat t'ithin his jurisdiction.
*.hroig begd8co Ooz::o cozzt: @O eoOg6@dq (r9O OegO
aA'aA iago qoe$d 6oOa: atacOe) d qro5oro Q
bo. The Banda'a r{udippuwa_ is errtrusted to the Mohottara who
*'as,deputeci t" chie{ io hold the Sabhawa. A few ciavs
8@a olot:rO qq qodq OoSOr Ee!4dr$d 6oO-zn 8at 5atlhawa, one of lla'menika's famil5z goes to this Nlohottaia
a{ter the
qiqbo* ooaj d-qioJoc cegco ogl9 @o:oo eoOcoO ozOzoJ him proceeds to the walawrva oi the thief. ilre uorroltar"
and with
*i"J, rri-
e2OcO 689 ogacoa$ zlzo. r lrr-.Ranrlara nludippuwa. rl i: sairr thar in
former .rry., trr.'f'r,!"i .orr.,
Punchirala hacl falsel.v- accused Ranmenika through suspicion r illtuwa to he wriilen :ta.ting trre.racts arrd derivered to trre party
of an itnmoral conduct. In this assembly the proper fines i..o3ce.rn1d
This pracrice, iI rrue, has altogerher clisappeai"J 'nor.
ancl levies were made and (as the accusatioil lvas found to be irftorts to t.ace a' olcl sittuwa have not been successful. ihe
goes ulhottala
false) all the prohibitions made in respect-of her are. remol'ed' to thechief alone norv-a-davs ard clerivers theRandara M.'aipp"'u""
and there is no objection to associating her as be{ore' 6r- The Rata Sabhawa is in some cases hercl i' the warawwa of the
(.trrief, the llohottala ancl other .ff;cers "if,"tnr.i
4a. This portion of the business is usually clone by an efFicient hand' arso being p,:"t;;t.
It-il-noi ..r.iybody of the offrcers rvho are able to do ihis. If the leading *'atches the proceedings which are conductea Uy ?rri offi;;;r. --'
Mohottala is'unable or not equal to perform this ceremony he deputes (tz. 'ii it i. convenient ancl suits the chief he attends
another oflrcer considered to tr'e tne hest to clo it ; the 5 ridi goes to the ,htlcl the Sabharva
in villages also. A separate house or maciuwa i, pr"pu..a*ior his
offrcer who accc.rmplishes the task. ::ccommoclation bv the villagers arrd his rneals are pr.pur"a
t ,.p"iut"ty.
55. Aiter this atl the people assermbled Jor the Sabhar'va sit to the
J 1,.
.hoo':. to pieside nim.ett al the Sabha;" ;.li;il,^o,tirlj r,,
fat'r't e.l persons. . The latter must necessaril! :r'c ln the Rata sabharva He
-;;i, a;t ieady by the deputes the Nlohottala and other"
in ;ith; {."d' This is-ttre token that the banned L'fficers to hold the inquiry anrl u'atches ihe prrceedings.
j'art of a leading Moliottaia at orclinary Sabhawas. He'putirr" ".t, tn"
ioin them partaking
\ i;;."*t ;;; t.." ]"i.?t"a of the ban, and aclmitted into the " varige "' a q".,_-tion
JouRNAL R..\.s. (cnvlol) tVoL. XXXVItrn No. ro6--rg48j RATA SABHA\,VA

or two now and then and generally gives directions to the offrcers' 68. Breach of any of tl.rese rules is not us'ally punisliecl bv fines in
points are referrecl' to hiin ior ciecision. A{ter consultatio.r cash but bv making the offendcr to eat morc rice (irjc paragraph
Disouted 79).
;i;{ M.i."1l"la o"a .ther offrcers he gir.'es the final clecision a'5i
" 69" When all are seaterl the il{ohottala qucstions those rvl-ro are seatecl
imposes the fine. lvhetirer there is an1'objectiouablt'persorr si:ated among them, such a:s
, 63. very often the chief cloes not presictrt" ancl therc[erred Sabhaii-a i-s trelcl in persons bannecl for: bffences, r,vho are :rccused oi oti""r.e qqainst thl
,, s'eoarato" maclurva. Disputccl point: al. al*avs tu Sirn [or rules o{ society,,nho have associatecl with bapnecl ""y,-rs, etcl, etc. If
Aii;; the inquiry tlre \;t t ,,ttie). io hinr thc.finrling there be any-sucl-I person ]'e is made to get up (ezdaocoal r::i6eoarer) ancl
.i"ln. S"fnawa r,r,hicir ire usrrally c ,ntirtns and r'ometimes varies and w-alk out, til he cle.rrs himself i' thai ,,r ?rriy other Sabjrao'i. Ii tl,.
can be clecidecl bv tXre ' ' o.ffence complainecl of be one that could be summarily disposecl of and.
i;;;"t the fine. Certair.r of the"minor of[ences
il'f'iJ'iil".,*tf u,ithout the aicl of a llata Sabharva--paraetaph
15. the accused is willing.ancl preparecl to p1y the finc r,vithout c.lisputing tlre
cl'rarge, ,re is finec1, thc fine ii recovereri immediately, anci tht-'accuscctr is
The rnode of Partaking meals " lr'4o ar.lmittdC to the fea-ct.
(rJ. Tlre seating arrangt'mcnT' art' Piactir'rllr'..the :2i]l x:.dttc"i
i. Jrr.*t:"r,n tz.
liolroitrla an'1'otl'tr lee'ling offtt't'r' sir
". on trvo ..7?- Ha'ing to get
liating and therelorc:
u,p a.{ter sittine r1,,r" is c.nsideretl tci be'ery huini-
thr.rse who are.considcre,i
a cloth over the mat-s to not {rt to sit down to tlie
;ti;-;ih;i oi single mats. The clhoby spreaclsThis clone someorie hancis
feast usr,ialiy l<eep arvay or are not allo'"r'r:cl to sit t_iurvn. If anvone bt:
.ii ;;. Thi-s is lalied etirilla qr56de" covr:retl lvilh a $'hite cloth'
lyit[r a triviai offence he c]ears himsr,lf b1'paj-iirg fhc firie'at once
,""itn the }fohottala a sembur,va o{ r'i,ater
otirers in a similar nlanner.
'ltrreil ancl partake of the ineals.
ioolo three otirer sembu are given to
'lhel' come t'acli
the oeople go out to urash th"eir hand; anrl mouth' 7r- Thesr: trivial can be clisp,rseil of at an-ii p*blic
whcre an1'6ne of the {encg;
;;d ".i;!".fi iri tfr.' same order of precedence. each per-sor,pettilz'a (cs-co3"') Ilata Sabha',i.a olhceis is present oi bv the it,l"t nl
before mouth :tny_tinre ; it is not alrvays neccrs-car\r ttlat such offerrceu shouicl be ieferrecl
il;;i;i';;J; of plaitecl
grass (pan) is'placec1
cloth over the petti.,
if"r"".""rAr. ar]"fri itr.r. .pr"^ai another to Rata Sabhau'a.
are placed on t"he petti'
ihi; i. called nemma i..,os). Piantain leaves
i" n.t" Sabhawa t.utir p.tii are not very often used. Fiantain
i*:aves ,72. If tirere be no objectionabie pe'sor seatecl in the assemblv the
l,{ohottala gives permissicxr to senr.e iice. lhe man ,"".tv oo.ltl, tt . ,i..
are spread on the grouncl. tlien gets permi:rsion fr:om the Mohottala (e9yro.or-r'er) u.rJ ,"r'u,
]1i 1t' t'r
b1' To t[o all this a c,rrplt' or l\\'o 3c1l1e l oulrg;ter:a':enthly
'l;p61v rice all round anci tlier other man follo,v:;.hirn serving-it i,.rf ..,".y,
*;i; ";l ;;i;" t-;h o"'ii-io"' arc :clectecl' Iithe be a 'mall irecluma (t,co). \\rhcn the serving of this rouncl " -**uorr.
ii or,.r,
one, one man serves rice anrl another serves the curry,
b,ut.i{ it be.a iarge
part irr-esent, commencinSl fro'r the x{oh.ttala, goes rou'r1 bencling *-ith his
or three {or each rvork are cietailecl. Any irregularitv. un 1he hancls joinecl, those n'ho are seated.cloi'g the same one a{ter"tl,e ot}rer,
of those in serving rice or curry is met rvith a fiut'--zf to 5 n'Lr' as the for-mer pa,"ses them. This is carlecx (qrq6 {od6o
si3n to cornmence eating. ). This i.s the
66. Ilice is served rvith the hand a haurl{u1 (e:,;) t.c.,,so much
,ice cou1c1 be taken in tire hand rvith firl3ers rvell spreaii
at a tirne'
^s *ithti't" ha'd' a little rluaitit]'at a tin're i* eacir lii'ii' 73. In marriage- feasts. an am*sing function takes place. The first
i-orrJu srvecl, a beduma, is clexterously piep:rretl by tlre \r.omen folii, of
(tt. There are certain rules to be Observed by those rvl-rrl sit clorvnri etl io :'.rrne. \'egetables, leaf or other article, irot easilv detectable.
\\,-liell,,l--iiting ivith le3' c'o"t'i (/,) r.1r5 l,nJt,'.to b. 1-rei'mission is given to commelrce eatirig, those rvho ar.r -eatr.l are called
.ou.r*J"itfrthEcloil, rrirlrtircnerrma,'i'it.l,.(c) tlrt,irPa{1 to npon to name of rvhat the curry just (this is _.ervetl ir-r very iittle
h; ;;ll .ov"r"ci ',r'ith the uramale (coocsd) heacl kerciri'ef' ,the top tuyfl.tigs) rvas prepared. "lhe. a.ssemblr,' ira,r'to sa_V rr.hai .*..1 *,"0, it
iittriil..a "ot i,.ing-.*poi.a "-t."pt tri t1to.i ttlto \\'ear- a-pec.liar trread ancl til1 this is clone no one can eat. 'lhis' is callel (oata,ii
tire top .i: " o, e;-t
Ji* lnU"a mohotii d"*.'r" (o'ocoarOa alao) _of ii'hich i,-.r-atlrer a" puzzle of the rvornenfoik rvirercu'ith trl"t tJr"#"ri"r.
onerr. (,1) rr.hile rice i. fr.;iig *.tuc,-1 ii one'do,'' rrot \\3nl all" tlre j",here is no \vay out for
the a-ssembl1' but to name the "tiirt.
curr-v. 1\Ji guess,
f"fi f,r"h slroul,l be ";'.;;V
lrelcl in front. riot the riglrt lrair,l (1hc per:olt ior\-lnN 'often rvith success. ;Qometimes therr-have to :rpenci abcut i.,r. rir*ir-,.,tr,,
(c). thuugir.onr lta* firri'heci
;h;,;i;;;"y rl,i. ,*turul'. "lt. l'" is hnt'l).' to t'emairr ott tlte leal till
r,r'er this ancl i{ unsuccessfr,rl they have to atlnrit their irLabilitr,.
tlie u'omenfoik give olt the seciet, rviiir a lieart5' rt;gi ;.,..'uoi,i.i, th"
eatins a Iitrle quarri;;;i ,lic".honl.l l,e allor'e,l
1;ii';ilil'i;^1,;ithi,"td hui'l' eating ancl get r1p, ( /) ir, trtiki'qno sigrt' r'.s..emblr1 al-.o join-s. ('llii_. is periraps out of place
l;'#?r";:'rrv,,r",.ni";,i;;1,;";' r!) on..'. knee.lruul,l riur rc:l ()ri rhat
oI tiie olhcr,itrine ".*t, ""f"tt fo' ,,ient pernti..ion it ',blaincrl' 71- J'h'se r,r'ho zrre e'trusted *ith the sorving.{ rice
of r.r.,m
.lrarrl.': ciotlt I''rlllrl cun:latrilJ-\vitl) rreri and clern basj.rtc lijlc,l rvitir ricr-ll,.ill be guirrg
(ir) >itting posrure not iu fr" alIc'erl till one g..ti up. (i ) nc
\1 lrere it is ri'anted.
(7)".hculci not.get lrp till all the Tho,.e r'viro serve cLlrrv take thein in c:lean "na."]
to be kept tlrrou.n over'the.lrouldet'., R'rrl5s1ys in smaii qua.ilLities, one curry o.i1, orr.",
others finish eating, (;l ;;.i* oi.t.t'jl io be ieft behincl-r,' the leaf when
ri) l)(' :crve(l a seconrl tinrc. Tht' cut'ries are :pr\ e(l
eef ting llp, (/) it on" iu.. nor likc to rccci'r'cr'rtaitt
curriui *lrcrr beilr$ irr .,rnr. gi't:: ,ri.aiel.
to t'refore cleclining' etc' 'i , first i:erhrr; (Jr.-{ .:ur.i.ri,i,.r, ,'"]l",,"',r,c*-," ,ri,,,-]
i"."..ip.t*i.sic'n be obtainecl '^o..i"ri
.IoLTRNAL R.A.s. (cnvroN) lVor. XXXVIII No. ro6--19,1li, RATA SABHA\4T.\

currie.) again niyambala (scoagr) ordinary 5un'V ml1,yit.L,.l.ototttt bv the other, rice is served once in equal rluantity to the tlvo persons
oaste anrl little of .oup)
';;;t"embul tqi66 cuiry. *-"d:. with little challenging, after this is eaten rice is -.erved a second time- to tlie set:ond
and lastly hodi (oocQ >oup
ii_"'iril-,oi-ot ueg.t"Uie. of a sour taste)first ''rnan firit Jnd to the other again ; then once ergain in the reversecl order.
*ral i"itn lime juice), with which ends the course' This goes on till one of the tu,o can eat no more. Tiren the man !r'ho $'ins
eats in extra handful of rice (E,OO qpd aade) as a sigu of victory 21n6{
' :< \ fr el evervbodv tiriishes eating the(656) rice and culry ' milk rice cleclares that he or his viliage has got the victory over the other or hr-s
or cow (oess)
tJ'li,ti"ti."''t'"irta-wiLh buflaloe m"ilk
'milk, village. Sever-al others might c1o the same time. One is at
or if the-se are not procrlrable, with coconut milk (o,ecd66) ; latter
-the pieces {ull liberiy to clecline a challenge. Eating by challenge is alrvays optional.
ii oreoared bv =..rpin.q tlre pulp of the coconut irrto hrre
.iat".[*.tinfit'" i"iJ. "-r, Uv n\ixi'g somo water a'd squer-zing hard 82. The main idea of the last trvo courses apparently is to make
rr"tihl *"a" i"to tails or" square ,piecgs^-ja-a?{.3t-u) It everybocly eat his full. At any stage_if one finds that he can eat no moire,
trrst' served ; then eithel coconut milk (oec@56 ,pt:I',at:d ,1: he can sttp eating but he haitoaothis on palrment of.a fine of z-! ridi.
,Even ttierr-he musl be
buflaloe milk (6561 or curd (qsg) t= *it"l,l l"i]t-'agaIr0' till all the others finish eating, and must
seatecL get
sue,ar or i"ss;tt', t;pt planiiins' two or three for iirch' up''nith them.
cakes ('o,be) (cak11 tT- 1t,...1:1:, kirrds
;;;'l::ti;,";im.*'iiRi"'a" of"i"*i g3. when everybocly has finished.eating, .the Mohottala. orders the
(oo@gor9o)' et iraha (6'-q) kc'mbalawata
,rlfir -(q86o).nreevatia serier to go .outld once more with the pettiya oJ rice in. hand, u'lten
i;a;;;;i, 'uri"rioa-" of ftour mixed with hone1" sugar or
everyone tiv holding his left hand in front o{ the lea{ shows that he wants
jaggery). ,.,n,io.". Tne 1itt1e quantity of rice (which everyone must retain at any
should set apart the dhoby's time ; failing one has to take a handful of rice afresh and eat) is eaten.
76. Of the things thus servecl each p.-erson one plantain and one cake' A vounsster-then comes with an old winnou'ing fan (aagO) and goes
share {or the nemma, ;.r-, . p1.." of niitt< rice,
l;;;;.littegarcling titi* i"i", if called upon, has tb- pay.zlridi ; but this ,o,ind oncl each one puts lris leaf on to tlris. The lorv caste marl r'arries
i.'J=;.';iA;;;;;;:.t1n. ai,ot v cloes not insist for his share' The fine his leaf out himself and throws it aside. All then get up, water is given
if recovered goes to the dhobY' them in sembu to rvash their hands, mouths and to drink. In the mean-
time, the macluwa is swept out and mats are re-arrangecl. When all sit
j7. With this much the eating is practically over; or at least the ,down a ,, bulat nambun'a-" is gir.en. The people then amuse themselves
second course. with chatting ancl chewing bet1l. After some time they set to rvork or
rs One has to take care llot to eat his belly fu)l during th-ese two alisperse.
."';;:..:"b;f i.'ot rft,.t.1: to receive on to lris liai so much only as he
lJ:r.. This practice is observed not only at Rata Sabhar,va feasts
likes. lesopS ao:) blt at all other public feasts: such as magul bata.
,o. The third course is the inflicting of lines or rather punishment i"orit; ; kariyawasam bata (er6oe9ee. Oo) feasts givento or by offrcers,
in paragraph b7' This is called varada both Rata Sabhawa and Government in honour of their appointnient) ;
i"lir.".'n.='.'iltr"- 't"t-d above 'are rramed and the raiakcri bala (-isascJ oo:) [6'x51;3iv,'n when the ('hief (Ratemahat-
barkatra\.a teasad ;Der). The' ofle"nclers mlva, etc. r-isirs a place) , lhe Rr.t official visit alter the Irel'year is tlre
ir;ffi;il p;;l th" i""i"ir..: the pleads comptainart anybody.
his cause'and the so-called occ'asion ob:ervr-cl spccially, and kai muttettu l)rta {as3 gde-tDq:.Dr
il;;;;;;.'i, "*pt"m.J,
".."..a is macle to take on feast given for free liboul bbtained from other,q, in getting some worl< o{
;fi;";;, ii;".,r.uUt", is ignored ; if no1, the offender
for oftence and eat agricullture done rvithout payment).
L f]lt"i*f " handful of ?ice (oosad qoa] iite.
it off with any curry, o, *iil. he'might Everybody talks, laughs,
-other' .35. Special terms and words used :-*
his time."'X" is shirn'n between each even if a
spirit of iivalrf is shou'n ""-itv
it is friendly' q6 qtd6dt Things emblematic of an offrce given to an officer
when ttre appointment is n.rade, to be wom by
to. Then the fourth course. This is called (OeO.oul elr::or) eating that offrcer on public occasions or when dis-
rirre bv rottttds. \\'hen elerybodf is ready for this' tlie, server' a
charging ttre duties oi that office.
t,.'iirg ,iit" by tlre Mohottala. siarting h'om the Mohottala serves
A tlay rnade of plaitecl pan grass in u-hjch things
hanclful of rice to to the last man ' curry, hodi or.milk at the qicEd e,5
are kept (oro:) Ooso) is usually preparecl in
"""rt "p
iir"i." "i each is ,.rr."J *itti tt.," ti... The seconcl-round begi's from the
oui esmoc)' At times this.
i;^;; wiih tht"e rounds
-.og-""t"cl (oedeOooo
",-,d ",-t,1, ie"e, (odOOOo6 OaJ zozrOc) gal gldQ An act or offence committed inadl'ertentiy or
the n*mber of ,oo'ra-r'i. \o one catr, refuse to through ignorance. fhis offence is punishable
o: cven fourtcctt (saroodoe ooe; dui eczlOc)'.
ace eDt t'ice scrved irr'j;;;;idt-onEi'
hound to eat : but tlre quaniity with a. small fine, z! or 5, or :j ricli, also
;;;;J "i" ti*,, is very }ittle' This is done as a formality' accusable.
' -lo make. -signs.. or mtltions
(nddegg: cud aoa:oo)' b,\i stretchi.rrg the
8r. The last course is eating; -eatby challenge {Tr! 'rr, a6J-sr3dac
-more hand whiie taiking or eating in a Sabharva"'
One might challenge another t. ;-;"th" .fife"ie It accepted
!..1 H\.\L i(..\.:. (( E\Lr)\) iVor. XXXVIIi No. rcl{r- rr;4ri I R,\'t-\ s.\iJH.\\\'A (r i
To salute or hottour clistinguisirecl persons by a;.o@ omzrOc, egd 'lo clear the reputation o{ a persoll lr.lio lras
#qcu 666'Oc joining both hancls in {ront' arqr:-Jc con-unittecla rlisgraceful act. Thi,c is rLollr'
by tlie Rata Sabharva after holding an intluir.r-
q{56de .,\ rvhjte cloth spleacl on a ntat lor distirrguishect and fining if necessarv.
Llersons to sit on.
:29 Sr:.,rr .\ lu\\' .a.t(' lntn.
se L,e
A funeral ceremony.
atrecs ss6do2')f Officers of the Rata Sabirar'va, i.e., X{ohottal;i,
Iioocl given at a funer-al to the pcople assemble(l'
8eb a{t tsaclderala ancl Leliama. l'[inor rer/enui]
Only the vaiigakarayo of the ricr:e:rseil can headmen are also called so-- as Korala anrl
iniriin partakilrf{ this lood. Aratchila.
l.-une-r-al aucl inarriagc ceremonies. ln thcse 't:6 es,& A thick gruel preparecl of rice, milli, and honev;
s(jir OqC
-functions people cf otlrer: r'irrige r're not and given to eat :tL public {east,s" 'liris i.
seatecl togethei: in the saure parltiya' If, ver\r much appreciatccl b), na.tives ancl is one
otitsiders are llreseut they are gir"en - to',eett of the luxuries.
.ilrarately. Thc tlhoblz must sit in ihe
pan I i) a bu t ,1pilr' sc|a I-a tIly. ascdr;rges0 dil A {east given by, or in ttre rrame of a (alcfc:
"i-o prohibit the members of a r':rrigi: Iron ari- eo5nr:rc) in honour oI iris appointn-ient.
gf,-l Oed iDtltrl initting a battnecl Person to funeral, or A pingo loacl of things tal<en b5r a miuor offtcer
nrarrla-qe ceremoilles ancl {easts ot- to attenrl or any person to the trouse of a chief or other
sucl-r ceremonies of tl-ie latter il puni-tilment clistinguished pcrson as a marli o[ lespcct,
given to au oiTender tiil lre ck:ar:l hirnsr:trf ilt a A Ilata Sabhawa ofhccr has to take a numbet
il^ta Sabhar,r'a to ban. of kat (ald) to the chief be{ore his
appointment is con{irmed.
p88 <aeOz:e I l-akc o11 the heacl-clrcss ol a male' Wllcn a
Things taken in pingos ancl b}' other me:rns to :r
Dcrsolt is lr;untl b1' tlte Itata Sabharva to brr .sq oslE
CiiieI or other distinguished person.
*riiltv oI a,l offrl]ee arr'l is lined ile i- Ina(ie to
till the fine is paicl'
take'o1T the hearl-dress eDo o(6e An oftence committed bv lvortl of month. Im-
lr{al;ing a Persolr to take off the hear'i-clress;' proper words or terms usecl in speaking.
gS8f; qdgz:r
(Cror od) r-rsuailY' ssr8e as.OG) Dit{ercnt kinds of cakes plr:paruJ by natir.'e:,
lo put on the heaci-clress. Aiter pa.ving tlie a(90 o59O u'ith rice flour, sugar, honel,r anil jaggerv.
988@ AQn:c lll.rese are consiclerecl to be great luxuries at
line in {ull a fine of z} ricli has to be paicl to
fea.ets o{ natives ancl giving rice with cakc.;,
It't llti: pclmissiurt. etc., is clone as a mark of respect. l'l.rere are
'['o be without a heacl-dr:ess' Tr'-r be without a
gert'ra gidQc azjnoc four kinds of cakes preparecl fy s6fi1's,s
]reaci-clless at public assemblies or u'hile oOde O(elA, uBOq, qSider, ono0gOOc.
eating is consiclerecl to be disre-spectful and nlQO 68Derl To give rice to eat s'ith cakes, milli rice and
1,ery;ften a hire has to be paid, zt ridt.
OzrJ oqor9c other luxuries. such as ripe plantains. mi11;,
eeul ?tAgO ,{ brass t.ray in which betel, arecanut, etc', are curc1, honey, etc. No Ieasl is satisfactory
kept for ihewing. A bulat narnllrirn'a (Qet$ rvithout these.
is usuallY offerecl in this' Milii rice. Rice boilerl rvith the mill< o{ buffaloe.'.
66co@ .i\ cloth rvorn routld the head. A cloth thror'vn cows or r'vittr coconut pulp juice. (oerd56)
over the shoulclers (Co) shouiders (ocod) s.O qCO5)Oo A pleclge one is macle to as to the correct-
a garland. as(O er# oqr:Oc ness oi the statenrent he makes. (ao,o) are
'fo hangrvhite cloth in a maclurva, house orany pieces of metals and a deciarant is macle
aBgce?d OQtre c
otl'rer"place macle use of for public -lutiction-' io take onc of them in his hancl and sa1'
or for-the reception of distinguished pcrsons' positively that u,hat ire states is true.
(canopv of whitc cloth). I-ime cases (Sdocl.l) etc., are \iery o{ten
?De' o: ?Dod A,i act considclec'l to be niean or disgract'[ul ttl substituted for keta. At a Itata Sabha"l'a
society. rvhen a statement i,s made of a persoxt
- accuse a per-son rvith liaving comrnitted an having cleaned himself of an offeirce at a
o.f -"utl ' or clisgracelul to society' fhi-'
rDe qA oer'6r 6cozrOc previous Sabhawa or fined, and the offrcers
?Deed 6cor:r e2g
i.,.a.t. theoffenclei not fit to associate with have no other means to verify tire truth o1 it,
gdSo OOm Ccozrr
,rtht r tnentber: oI the lalige. the person rvho makes the statement is marie
IolrRN,{L R..-\.s. (cavlo^-) iVor-. XXXVIII No. ro{r--r948 R.\ t.\ s.\RH.\\\'.\ 6-l

1,l enter into (a,ao). IJe is lield responsil:le Od OOOoO Oed sDmO: A custorn observeci in public feasts o{ eating
rvl'rat he told rvas forincl not true. rice three times all round, a hand{ul of rice
-lo beg fv gtrtting rice on to the stalli of arccanutn eacir time
eiaijgtto 6ac l8r:Oc eating rice 7 rouncls--anrd OOOoO Oul alnOr
palm tcaf. The poorest ancl meanest mode
o-es:ic-"oa;j 4Coozs:
of begging. 'l-hese tcrms are used rvlten eating rice 14 rounds in a similal' nlanlier.
6nrr asrs:?)c
(qel ano6 OOOoO Oed anz::gc)'
speaking of thc impossibilitv of <loing certain
things. Evcn if I r'vere to beg (mv rice) on ?1664$00 Oul zsmOc "Eating lict' by challenge. One challenge.
the stall< of an arecanut leaf u-i1l llot do such another to eat ntore rice ancl if the challenge
a t Iring. is accepLecl both eat equal quantities o{ ric.'
(-ustoms anr:l habits ltecuiiar to a certaitr casttl till or-re can eat r1o more (e. ep6).
or varige (clan). oo:rl6eeo'aJ The Rrst seat. The prominent seat occupi,ed b1'
<aonl caorj ozSJoL-r To -set apart or cast out a persort permarrtrltlv' tire leader of a Sabhan a. lhis i,q usually
{rom a varige on account o{ serious offences in the middle of the row of seats, other
eQrri at6dec offrcers arrd pcople sit on either -qide of the
committed. Chopping of a tree and stone is
Ior a sign that there is to be no rc-uniotl. The leader. (ggreoosJ.)
chopping is not actually done in such cases, -a
\w =-3-,
\wuw Fines.
at least not not'l'. q-i 96$O A knot o{ fine money. The fines imposed ancl
Jlan--the denial or protribition to a pcrson of recovered in a Rata Sabhawa are usuaillr
the privileges he is entitlecl to in clealing rvith collected in a cloth ancl kept tieci into a knot,
the otirer members of his varige, 2.e., asso- (odcd 96dsat.
ciating in funeral and narliage ceremonjcs, (OOrd O?q oeoOAo A brass drinking pot elaboratelv carvecl and
marrf ing or giving in marriage, the having a chain attachecl to a belt rouncl the
clhoby to r,1o his u'ashing, etc. neck. l-his is one of the presents given b1'
o:,.:lr::O <o<irier 1'r f6n. T,r pr,rhihit A per:r)rt ll'oni "rrjt-rying the chief to a Mohottala on his being ap-
:r,J&At the above privileges ls pointed as such.
", i)f two kincl-s. l. geO oeel tler't5)O e$J6oc. The extra liandful ol rice taken bv the wir-utct-
Qoo qsro
2. otlcS@ aera:6 a:66.4t. lvhen tu'o eat by challenge to shou' tliat he
o alz:O qdr:,'00 To take off the above prohibiti<-.irs. got the victory over the other.
s:u'o:O 6',- 6e z:Os ll'o release oue from the state of being barurecl. qel"o The oath taken in a vihare or devaie by disputin6
r:roozrii oqm e:rl6ce Speech macle in banning a person. fhere is a partics to a common cause. Complaints
,*et forrn of speech in cloing this. made to a Rata Sabhar'va are sometitne-
decided b)' a divi-va. (ee,u).
tlelzlO edr-' Occj6co -once macie in releasing a persoll
Speech lrom the ban 'lhe ola on n.l'ricir the details of tlre oath to be
forcecl. 'lherc is a, set form of speech in q5 aoqo
c'[oir-rg takerr are g'ritten.

omr:ii ,iOUco tray or- plaited pan Brass in rvliich 4o betel 5)ae I the petii
lhe clotl'r spreari by 11'. rlhobl' or-er
'\ learres and 5o ridi are piacecl. It is then (ouoa) on u.hich thc plantain ol- otlrei'
..)vereci u.itii a u'hite cloth arid handecl over learres are placecl rvhilc eating in a public
to the Nfohottala rvho taking it ill hanci makes assembl-u' (e1,Sgde ).
the speech setting asic.le the barl. This is :rO Or51 6t56rAt Changing the nanrc. (lalling a persou 'ol'hctt
r:sually preparerl in an r:tuipata (q,a@ oor). zrppointed to an ofhce hy the official titie in
Servir:es renclerecl by dhoby and other lorv caste additicn to or in preference to the ploper.
m( n.
name (e.,q., Punchirala Mohottala or Hammui-
lerve Xlohottala insteacl of saying Kannihirnri-
errrS@ oern'il 6:,66s Prohibitirrg the clhobv anrl other lou' cast'e nrerl gc Punchirala).
from cloing the regular services tr-r a person
u'ho has committed sorlc clisgrace{ul act Oeimm9c To mai<c a cornplaint star.rrling in the presertce
against the rules oi a varige. Lhis is a temPo* of an officer (a:$! oglnr:Oc-esc# sgNmm5c).
rarv punishment till such a ;rerson clears A public body o{ officers and others seated in art
himself of the charge by convenit'tg a Rata arral' u'hilc' cliscussing importatrt tnatters
Sabharva. or eating irr a maclurva or otht'r lrlace irung
6q IOuRNAL R.A.s. (cnvrox) iVor-. XXX\zlIi fJo. ro6-- rg4til RATA S.{BHA\V3

ivith white cloth where seat.s are nrade with iirto a knot in a cloth and is entrusted to the
etirili, etc. These are certain rules to be leading l\fohottala to be ta]<en to the Chief
cbservecl while seated in such a rvell-arrangeC
(psdne) a knol.
oeJ8cn. People of other castes or nationalities Aoi qg6 A handful of rice (+aa) is so nruch as.
are not allbrveci to sit together in -*uch a could be taken in the hanC once litith the;-
/""a.e,*\ 'hngers u'ell stretched. One (aat qoc) is
\g a' e. w./.
the quantity o{ rice laicl on tbe leaf of the
e-.zrJ8o*al qeld To put out or make to eet up from"a pantiy,a iil
person eating at public feasts. At ordinary
6,6&.Oc odrlr"q,r.n.. of certain ai:t! or olJences rvhich !
times rice is served rvitl-r a coconut spoon
ozd66o3zrj o-.1EdO rendeis a person unfit to sit together with
OmOc 8O q@r:gc other mem6ers of the varige. Those who have
becrr banned for oflcnces at'e ttol admit'Led' Oul OJq Ofience committecl by or- in eating rice. trating
To aclmit to tl-re pantiya one who *ias-''\.1fit
tr iviih or in the company of a banned
ed6cee ozdz:c person is an offence (oa aac;) ancl is nret
q.Ad tsJ6ec at Rrst, nfter clearittg"liirnsell oI thc chaiges bv a fine of 7] ridi. Certain irr-egularities
by paying fines, etc' occurring while eating at public feasts are
:lOQ mrco" trlegarcl atrcl honour shorvn to clistinguished also con-.idered (Oz* O,Oe) but the fine is'
b:00 o:eOg pi..tottt in the manner of their receiving, ac- a norninal one and very ofterl the offender
iommodating, entertaining, etc. is made to take a little rice more as a
tua, An alien varige. People oI one varige, calls punishment.
those of anothervarige as (8o 06oo). ood Dooe, IJetel and arecanut kept in a tray covered with a
8O gdoalarc6oo:d Ilembers of a (eo oaoo). rvhite cloth read-v to be offered to a distin-
guished person for chewing.
oec@ arOeO 6ecc T'o beg by receiving rice in a coconut shell"
tcr:gc tlie poorest and meanest way of begging iled 6o0 an6e60c OfTering a bulatnanburva. To a distinguished
(oalc oo:e ,8oc almOc). person betel and arecanut for cher'r'ing are
given in this rvay by everybociy. This is
ooOSoc A small basket macle of plaited pan grass in doue as a mark of respect.
rvhich sundrv household things are -kept"
This is used ai a stool on which plantain leaves Ger:l qo:ad oqmo A {ew betel leaves given to a person as an invi
are placed to erat rice from. tation to attend on certain occasions. To
weddings and similar functions the relations
oec@ 256 Tuice extractecl froin the coconut pulp' This is; and varigakaraye are invited by giving betel-
substituted Jor inilk (cor'v or buffaloe) at trf the sevices of a dhoby or other low caste
feasts. The pulp of the coconut i's scrapecl @gd oqzrOc
man are required some betel, 2 or 3 or some-
into thin po*a". like slices and mixed with times more, are given. I{ the betel is ac-
little rvater is well squeezed with the hand" cepted a promise has been made lvhich is to
The juice thus extracted gives a rrilky taste"
be kept up, if broken it is an offence punishable
crd earcs@ Lea{ from which meals are taken at public blt th" Rata Sabharva---a minor offence, fine
feasts. Plantain, lotus, olu, ancl similar i$ ridi.
large sized leaves are used {or this purpose'
oed l,farriage ceremony. The ceremotries observed
ErOcoB Cloth spreacl on the grouncl by the dhoby {or when'a girl attains age, is also called (oec).
ciistinguished persons to walk on in processlon At those tr,vo firnctions banned persons
on public occa)ion:. are strictly forbidclen to ioin as also persons
oai3ce oslet. 55o ride. The maximum fine irnposeci at of another varige (ao eaoo).
lRata Sabhewa for serious offences. oqd ?6 Iieasts given at marriage cerernonies.
An inclemnity of 55o ride.
c9d&co e-'oanoj flgd o.d@3. The present or per:quisite givetr to an- o1ficel or
A term used as a threat while advising a person ,, gdrdO any other person in authoritv to get a tavour
to do certair.r things which might end seriously' ,, q6td3 done. The Rata Sabhawa offrcers also must
(era)Aco erloled sd oda oOA). You shall have give one before being appointed to one of the
to pay an indemnity oi 55o ride' posts.
The Chief's share of the fine collected at a Rata e.rg86 Diflerent kinds of curries (olgo) roasted curry"
Oedcd 9dBA (o.dgo) fried curry (ccoeeco) curry r-nade
Sabharva, usuaily a fourth part. This is tiecl
66 JoLTRNAL R.A.s. (covrou) [Vor. XXXViII No. lo6'- lg,+81 ]IATA S-{BH-\\\IA 67

with coconut paste ancl little lime, juice. another and those rules etc. are enforced by
(g,Oe) curry macle of sour vegetables or rhe Rata Sabharva system. There are
miiing lime- juice. (oo'Q) tlifferent variges : -(oo o6ocd) admittedly
soup made lvith lot of lime juice. the leading one (rrlqoOc OaooJ) is another
'fhis head-dress and several other sulu varige (gO o6ocsi)
sOroeocOB OzOO The heaci-dress of a Mohottala. krrorvn usually by the name of a village'
is lvorn b.v alrnost all the Rata Sabhawa (ooiaBoD O6eatJ QAde,oD o6ocd) etc. The
offrcers, they do not use a irat at the,present
-(the for the existence ol several variges
day. This head-dre-ss) is so -made a:; to
appears to be that when a familv or number
have tlie top o{ the head exposed. - A large '
of families are thrown out of 2 varige for
sized (6deci6) is all that is wanted' some reasorl or other they join together
e r ca gztJ The seat occupied by the leader of an [ssembly and invent in course o{ time different varige
(ooJ6tsozd) for themselves ; tiie inevitable alternative"
60 eoeoco An assembll' composed o{ Mohottalas, Bldde- 06oeiascJocel Ifcmbers of one varige who associate together"
60 eeOQSco ralas, Lekimas and other members o{ a varige,
convened to try offences comuritted against 06o tsOPfca An assembly consisting of the members of one
the rules, customs and habits by a member of varige. (oo eear.o)
that rrarige. A person accused of such an O6sod 8O q@o:Oc To cast out a persolt lront a varige in
offence is not admitted to social functions un- ,, g6d a6dcAc collsequence of some serious offence committ-
less ancl until he was tried by the Rata ,, oocdaj ed. This is of two kinds (o) permanent
Sabhalva also callecl (o6ca oo9Sce). asdzrOr banning or casting out no reunion possible
(ooul oe@ o6acoe3 qaed alde6Oc) (b) tem-
AQ An ancient silver coin. A z5-cent piece is now porary--(ooc5@ oeio:O alddgc) taken back
taken to be the equivalent of a ridi (aq)' into the varige after a Rata Sabhawa inquire
The lines imposed at Rata Sabhar'vas are in
rirlt zlridi (oqcDr'o 16), ?t ridi (eroen@co) SSo
into the. charge and deal with him according
ridi (czdEco 'ea:o) etc. to customs.
The Rata Sabhawa officers are so addressed by O6ooO cadmgc To take back into the varige on the decision of
the other varigakarayo while thel' 21. sitting O6ooO qreD6, ,sdoOc a cluly convenecl Rata Sabhawa.
in the Sabhawa' 06o e@ od@ The past history of a varige and of its difier:ent
6tfalc6 Oo The {east given in honour of the Chie{ or Rate- famiiies ; very often cliscussed at Rata
mahatmi5za lvhile going otr circuit in his Sabharvas.
divisions.- This is speciallv obsen'ecl on the e'q.gtl s6zDQ) The headrnan of a clhoby village. The presence
first visit iust a{ter the Nelv Year. of one is very necessary at a Rata Sabhawa.
e$ o:1ocei Rlood relations. Father, mother, brothers and In prohibiting (oo:ca@) dhoby is tire person
sisters, their children and the children of a concerned, and therefore it is considered a
person. iVheti one commits a disgraceful chief person of that caste should be present
irlfence it is strpposecl to reflect on his blood to witness the inquiry.
, relatiorts al:'o arici they too have to pay certain ee6 r:OiO 1'he respectful way of giving water. Water is
fines to ciear their name ancl reputation offerecl to distinguished persons iir a ciean
if the oifender is found guilty by a Rata brass drinking pot covered with a white
Oge6J A clan or class of persons who associate together Oqd aOQ 666Ac 'l'o offer a (Ae,a zrodA). To git'e water to a
in public functions such as marriage distinguished person in a respectful manner
anci iuneral ceremonies etc. ancl are bound to wash his hands, {eet, etc.
l"g"tl*t b" farnily ties. Iu one-.nit. thtt' The fine imposed on the bloocl r-elations of a
ari difiereitt variges. The mernbers of one oOO, qofl
person accused of a seriotrs offence triable
varige keep quite apart trom those of another'
ther,i clo ttot tttti-*arrl', neither do they by the Rata Sabhawa. The fine usually is 7t
ioin to(ether in their social functions' There
ridi each. (o@ zrlo"eJ)
;;; .".;t;i;rules. customs anci habits rvhich edq Od qE;)d A hancl{ul of rice one is bound to take for each
tend to keep one varige quite distinct fronr minor ofience one is accused rvith rvhile
f;8 .JorrRliAL R.A.s. (cevroN) i'\'or. XXX\rX{I No. ro6--19481 ACCOUNT OF THE VANNT, r7q3 69

eating rice in a pantiya at a Rata Sabhar'va ACCOUNT OF THE VANNI, I7g3

ancl other public feasts.
016-=do$ A cow or she buffaloe with its calf. A ver-7 ,, fJy
cornmon bula.t hurulla cal{ (oa--":so*) Lrrurrx.rxr THolrls r\.A.cEL
(going after).
O6q ges 83ce A term used in making a statemeut in tlle llNrroriurrroN regarcli'g the connection of the portuguese ancl the lot.ti
(iompany,with. the vanni is available elsewhere*
presence of a distinguishecl person meaning iotlo*i"g--pug",
'' if tL"te be any mistake in rl'hat I state,
contair.\agel's accoflnl of tlre District over "n,i"th"he *a. ;;;"!;i;
I accept the responsibility on my head, often August 1785. Irr the absence of the'r'lrich
originut ao.o.*L'i"t.o*
usecl in triata Sabhawa. the Archives, the tra'slation made for Sir: Alexandei
tlie coldmbo Museurrr:, is printed by permission of"Jot-,nrtoii,-lro*
tr-t" oii".l"r, "t
Ara assembly consisting o{ the Rata .$abhawa l\iati.nal"Museums, rvithout any attempt at correction; the auihentic
officers ancl others coilected togethbr to trJr in{o:mation embodied in it wiil be founci helpful ;n .o.r".ity ,,.ri,ring
offences. A general term used to indicate Kapuruhami Rate Mahatmava's Report on the Itata Sabira. - -ft.
a Rata Sabharva. Occasionally used for footnotes are by Mr. Paulusz. p.p.p.l
similar other assemblies also.
oOpd asde6Oc To convelie a Ilata Sabhar'va as-*embly. A. desci-iption
.of .part of the character of the uati'e lias arrcadv been
,, o{moc rnade, and as it is necessary t will therefore proceed tne.e*itn uy
.A.n assemblv or council composectr o{ distrn- rtiscribil-g the origin, religion,- morals, larvs ancl oto"g., of the inhabitants
guished p.,rs"^,* collected together {or -some the wanny, ,at1d first and lastry they originate fr6m the Native Head-
or r:ther.
'frrierr nlio harl the feutlal terrure oJ tlre*e lancls with the titles ol \Vannia=
ior l'hich they paicl an annual tribute.
eeaor oefiOod A place r'vhere a sabhar'va is convened. Usually
a madurva preparecl in tlie customary lnanner lrave a,l1egd.y stated above that a revolution.appears sufficiently by
by laying - wtrrite cloth-s, etc. A council ,I la'a
ihe which is thrown,up o'se'eral_parts of the country'foi amo.rgrt
chamber. i.he same is to be found the remains of baked ancl helved st6nes iait
eoeic 6'goEJ A public assembly. This term is used rvhen a lvhich appear to have belonged to some temples and whicir f.u ^"a
member of tl-re Rata Sabhalva makes reference under.the
These ren.rains are found in such great' quantities
to it as a bocly while talking " In this that therefronr the population of this country must fre .onilod"d to
assembl\'. l'rave been ye.ry great before the revolution, bul the inhabitants know not
anythrng ol it so that to us it is a riddle, but it is mosl probablv tlrat
A n'hite cloth put over things taken to the
presence of a distinguished person o-r a "[ter the revolution, rvas again.commenced to be populateJ by tlre
emigration of Malabars anrL cl-ringalese from the adjo'ining
Sabhawa. This is aiways done as a mark of ,t"fterwards it became the recluse foivagaboncls, and eve'n for fi{aleiactors
itl reslrect.
tvho hacl deserved the gallow: anci had escaped it. These people a, also
llli tsOcaoO l:9Cgolc Public dealings or transactions taking place lire run.away took their refuge^in.thi. lvilt.lernes wheie tl'rev reaclily
ijl among the members of one varige' such-eating iriund shelter with these heaclmen-of these clegenerate
ii anci dlinking togetirer at public social {unc- lrho at that time.coryposed g separatg nation, indwho l-pt,ry.alwgles'14/eqeri'
ticns. giving and taking in marriage. tt or.-
lrnaways in cultivating their fields frorn which people the inlabitants
EO o6o6j A rninor clan or sect in a caste. These varigas prgbably originate
-excepting a few .clescendents 'f t'he
poriuguese *.hr_r
are usually callecl by ttrre names of certain ate,to be distinguished from the natives of the country b1, 116"1]1 stature,
! villages rvherc they spring from oodr:1oO l:i{".:. aitd colour,.but who are now no longer tc, bL clistinguished b1.
Ogod, QOd OreCI O6ocd. Ii,elr dress and religion from the Malabars. Thev resicle in ihe clistric-t
tt't Parringcchittt''colort,z (Parringee signifies Er:ropean).
It is from thern
tlrat we have been able to learn that this distriit rvfiich i:; r,en, l,ertile
stood in,tlte time of the Portuguese uncler a resiclent
of ttreir race.
"'The Kingclom of Jaffanapata.-, r645, and Ceylon anrl the Hollanclers, 3rri L-cr.
i. Dutch: "Wagers": Daredevils, desperadoes.
,r..]-. Mot5"9_ as " Parengichettul<ulam,, in M. Leusekan,s i\{ap of tTzo antl
u.rr,i':rron's J\Iap of r
li 789. a strip of land. aboul .35 milcs in iengrh 6r ro in
lylng along the eastern bank oJ the Aruvi Aru ancl iviah'atu ova aicl exiencling
rr(r ,' lrear Giant's
Tank t,r lhe modern

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