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418 JounNAr-, R.A.s. (cEyLoN) . IVor.

No. Bo.-rgz7l NoTES AND QUDRTES 119

letter-press of r'vhicli dates from abottt 1627. The part

NOTES AND QUERIES. relevant to our subject runs as follou's :-
Triquilimale......Doen ick ginc)< om clit fort te ntaal<en vant
ick inde pagocla gcschrevcn, ondcr veele schriften clie claar ll aren
eenen die aldus spr;rck:
THE INSCRIPTION AT FORT FRDDDRICK, deese Pagocla hee-ft clocn nackcn. . . , . . . (ro in the manus-
TRINCOMALEE. _ Nochtans sal den tyt comcn dat ile natic cler frarrgis rlie suilen
brcecken: D.rer en sa1 gcen cotring int eylant vern Ceylon r-eesen
die die weder sal herbouu,en;
De frangis is cle vyant clie rvy in gcheel orientcn liebben.
Triqui1imale......When I went to makc this fort I founcl in the
By H. W. Codrington, C.C.S. pagoda among many inscriptions rvhich t'ere there onc tvritten, r,hicll
spoke thrrs :--
The legenclary history of the great temple o{ K6n6svara, This pagocla was caused to be made by.....
lvhicli once stood upon the promontory now occupied by Fort The time rvill come rvhen the nation of the Frangis l,vill destroy
it: and.therervil1 be no I{ing in the Islancl of Cieylon r.vho rvill build
Iirede'ick at f'rinco*alee, is git'en in tlte I{alucQQtt i a, prlcis it again.
of this r,vork appears in Brito's llaipauatrti,lcti. Tire tempie The Frangis are the enerny v,hon'r l,e have in a.1l thc East.
is saicl fo have been founded by King Kulakk6qlan, son of The last sentence tr take to be a comnent by the Dutch
tran sla t or'.
l,Ia"nuv6ntan, in the Kaliyuga year 5r2 (8.C. z59o). It
u'as destroved by Constantino de Sa in r6z4 ancl the materials A morr: detailed erccount is found in Coclex 5r-viii-4o in
used for the cotstruction of the fort. the Ajuda Library of I-isbon :-
Dcstruio Constantino c1e SA dc l{.nezcs cstcs pag,r1lp5 e da pq{12
On tlie right side oi the main entrance to the existing delles lez hui {ortalcza, pera fechar acluelle porto- ao Chingala, e na6
fort is an inscription cnt beneath tr,vo fishes. On the left sendo capaz de bataria, veyo tambem a hcar corn rnuy pouc.r goarnigad.
Achou se estc successo da clestrurga6 cleste pagorle grauaclo em irufr,
side of the gateway immecliately opposite appear trvo other peclra, e justificado pcllo Ouuiclor dc Ceilair, clepois cle verticlo pcllos
fishes ; the u'orkmanship of these is much inferior to that mais pcritos clas letras antigas clos Chinga)A,s, {oi manclaclo i s.,^
\ ajestade, e dizia o seguinte.
o{ the first mentiorred pair. The locai traclition is that the Nlanica RajA Bau hnperador cleste Langaue, leuantou este
stone on the right side o{ the gater,val/ came from the great Pagode ao Deos Vidi6,-mal-malda., na cra..... (conforme a conta
vinha6 a ser r3oo annos antes cla vincla cle Clrrjsto). \-ird lrrra rragad
temple, ancl tliat the inscription contains thc foilowing. charnada dos Francos, que o clerribar6,, e tuaS auera Rcy nesta Ilha,
prophecy :- quc outra vez o reeclifique.
Esta pe<1ra se pos na porta c1e lorlalcza; e na6 {aq,a duuicla charnarr
qt;rfu lgmG? an Lralr ggtt_Gt p lguuaffinuL Francos aos Portuguezes; porque cono os FranCezes em scculos
9d;rOm passados, fora6 ta6 conhecidos la Suria, e dah' soou seu nome eln
u prh@ 3 ryti sA *-^^;, gG
toda esta Asia; a todo o Enropco, chamad rellacom algud, cornrpga6
g2m d sain 6sa sair tq ms i aain aiaior"*G u n m Bait Franguis, colno se todos fora6 Francezes; c basta scr gente br-:lnca,
nrGm -@srir 69(d.;. e na5 uestir cabaya, pcra lhe chamarcm Franguis. Nem eu 1,r,sso
dar outra rez:r6 de quem predisse esta verclade tanto de {uturo a hum
The Portuguese shall take the holy edilice built by Kulakkoddarr
. ancicnt Rey idolatra; porque se a de<1icaga6 doPa.gode cliz iclolatria. a pre-
in times. O King, ]rearken ! ifter the cat'sleyJ-";;,'ih; dissa6 ta5 antecipada cle sua destruiga6, cliz pro{eciar, do que nos-t.ra6
red-eyed one, and the srnol<e-eyerl one have gone, the hg"r" *iff f" pode constar o author na escuridade <1as lracligoEs da India.. E
that of the Northerner (i.e., Telugu). " ainda que Constantino de Sa destruio cstes pagoilcs, durou o culto
rlelles athd os ternpos do Geral Dorn Nuno Alurez pereiraj en1 qrre
The earliest mention of the inscription is in the portu_ fora6 degolados os ultirnos Gants, e Jeclaqas que o continuaua6.
guese original of " Beschryving encl Carten van den Eyland Constantino de S:r c1e nlenezes destro5red these pagoclas, ancl rvitl
CeyJon," preserved at the Rijks-archief at the Hague, the the stones thereo{made a {ortress to close that Port to the Chingala,
and as it was not large enough for a batterv it also came to have a
very-small garrison. This event of the destruction of this pagocla
was found e;rgraved otr a stone arrd, being authenticatecl by the O;ttvi-
,15o JoURN-{r-, R.A.S. (CDyr.oN) . fVr,r. XXX"
c1or. o{ Ceylon aftcl it ha,1 11g.r translated
b1. those most learned in,
ancie.t lctters oI thc Chi'galas it was sentiu FTis,^;;;;i
said as follol's :-
, the .trIanica _112r j6, Bau E,rrr.peror of tbis Langauc ercctecl this pagocla
to god Vidiii-'ral-.tartla irr tLe year.... jrceorcling t" th";;?;;_
be rJou, bctorc the .J;i;;; .r i r,rirr;. .rr,"i"
\\'ltt 'j^:*"1,,:. -lo eall,,,l ).r.,rs
cotnc:r naliorr ,,l llre Frrrrk: who uill do-truj iL, ar,,l there r;,
u.ill be no King in this Islancl to rebuikl it orcc ,,.r.. L
s.torro.rvas plaecd in the gate o{ the {ortress; and ti.rcre is
ro LlouDt that tt ls thc Portuguesc u,ho are callecl liranl<s; because {" wf ' tt'r{
1:^ll" T"".h in past. ages rveie so u-ell klorvn in Syria ancl thenie t.:
Lnelr n:lrnc resuurrrlc,l irr all_this Asia, tlrny callr.d tlrt.i.irr cverv,Euro- {\ l}c: Ji
corrul,riorr^Frarrgu,is, a. Ln,,,,gh it,cy rvere;rll l_rr nelr
allo tC sumccs tO b,j \\-l)rlc lull< arrrI trut to \ruar a calrala to bc callej
i - *,s
Itqa,ug-u1s by them. Nor c:i,n I give any o..ui-t-*lro t-!.
ii ,uas ,ulio ioie_
told this truth so distant in {u"turity io lr"oif,e" I{ing ; {o; ii-th; .ilr"j
dcJicrtiorr oI tlrc Irrg6ia im,,1105 i,1-olatry, " rL,e f,ie.ticLiorr of its des_ :$.i
tructron. so Iar bacli irrrplies prophuel., ihc arrtjror ol rviriclt carrnot l
uc rr.lL'cst 1"o us rr ilro oLrccrlre statc oI the tr,rditiorrs of rrr,rie.
Arrtl 1

tlrLruqlr Corr't;rrrlirro dc Sa tlestroyed tlr..c pago,las, their u.urslrin

cunl.i.uerl urrtil thn lirrre oI thc Gcneral Do,,; N;,;; Ai;;, i,;;""i;]; .J i

rvhen the last Gants ancl Jeciagas who carric<l it on rvele beheaded. | !t.
I 11"
i ;::.
De Oueyroz, u'ho has emboclied the abor.e, gives the . I t,ii
.; i.".
King's narnc as \tlanua Raj6, (p. 5r) lF'
-ikli ..'' .. l:
The annexed plate shows the inscription as it no$r is,
brit unfortunately omits the last line.
i'i ii':
11 I
':l r;-J'
Te xt. Transliteratiort. i'; .lr;,!r
l, I

r. (go)mGm (mu)nne Kula- rl i

".* II:-
2. srL;m got@ k(o)ql{an mfcldn I l: t
i,li I*.
3. (9)rguu^f)**t (ti) rup-par,riyai
1. mOm upa? nne Parafrki
5. (a)a?'a rcmm (k)kave man!-la
6. m Gurw,g na ponn6,
7. (+)a ,.Eupi gtt) (sa) na yiyarr (u)
8. . (Gt)pawp . t (e)vait
9- .(*),Ery . . . (n)46. .
IO, ..affi ..kal .!, ,{r

The initial and flnal lctters of each line are nissing

" ,,,,il =.

o\\ring to the stone having been cut. Ttre first hve lines
of the inscription ciearly agree r,vith the trerd"itional prophecy ;
the ren'raining iines do not. On the assumptiol that the
Dr.rtch ancl Portuguesu \-ersiorls reprcscnt the altual text,
No. 8o. -rg27l NoTIrs AND gultRlrts 45r '

the foliou'ing reconstniciion is offererl tentatively by X{ucla-

liyar C. Rasanayagam, C.C.S., ancl through his corirtesy is
publishecl hcle :

(l) 6oz*Gm rgnG (.'2) Gare'n r.9ouG,k (3) 9ttuu^fr^ttu

(4) Ad'Gtr uphQ 3 (5) rf) ,iaGat-rcailma (6) iS;
6un"iv1gE Q) ,s.?ar6'up2: -d (8) iG,+ataput
(9) oa;rsgia@Ctd (10) iapiaai.
(r). Munn6 Kulak-(z) k6dan mfqlqlun-(3) tirup-paliyaip-
(+) pinn6 Papairki pi-(5) rikkav6. lla4nava-(6) pin
po4p6ta-(7) tanai yiyalla vali.(g) tl6vaittu
(S) e445,ra varuv6.(ro) ntarkal
O King ! the Portuguese sh:rll later breal< dorvn the holy edifice
built by Kulakkodan in ancjent times : ard it sball not be rebuilt
nor will {uture Kings think o{ doing so
'lhe letter 2^t in line
7, ]rowevr)r, does not seem to
fincl its Lrolllrterpart on the stone.
Mr. H. I(rislura Sastri, the X,ladras Governrnent Epi-
graphist, who has examinecl the cstampage at the request
of the Archaeological Conimisssioner, rel)orts : " Tl-re record
may belong to thc sixteenth centurv A.D. to juclge from
palaeograpliy." Thus the prophecry \\'as merely an ii'rtelli-
gent forecasting of e\rents. The pair of fishes, the usual
baclge of the I'6,4qlyan l{ings, almost certainly is ear-lier in
date than the sixteenth centlrry, by u4rich time the f 6fr..tyatt
kingdom hacl ccased to exist ; perhaps tl-re1' 1y"r" carved in
the thirteenth centtry, rvhcn the Pitrtl-yans came irlto con-
tact ivith Ceyion and Trincornalee, as r,r,itnesscd by the
f o11or'ving record (-\nirual Report of Epigraphy, I'Iadras,

12r ol rqoT) :

Jatir.varman \rira lripdya II. " killecl one of the two

kingsof Ceylon, captured hisarmy, chariots, treasures, throne,
cro\'vn, necklaces, bracelets, parasols, chauris, anrl other
royal possessions, planted the PSpdya flag with the double
fish at I{6nama1ai, and the high peaks of the Trikirfagiri
mollntain, received elephants as tribute fronr the other
king of Ceylon, and subdued the Kerala."

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