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SS/7th Grade Quarter #1

DBQ - The European Age of Exploration

Historical Context:
Until the mid-1400s, Europe was mostly cut off and isolated from the Silk Road and
other trade routes that linked the Middle East to the wealth and trade of India, China
and the rest of Asia. In the late 1400s Europeans started to look for a water trade to
Asia to allow them to obtain the valuable goods Asia had to offer at a cheaper price.
This attempt to establish a water trade route from Europe to Asia marks the
beginning of the Age of Exploration.

Directions: Read each document and answer each question based on the
document and your knowledge of socials studies.

1. All answers must be in complete sentences.
2. All answers should be supported by information from the documents
3. All students are to do their own work.
4. Late assignments lose 10 points for each school day they are late.
5. All answers must be either typed or written on the answer sheet provided.
Failure to do so will result in points being taken off your assignment.
Document #1

Astrolabes are used to show how the sky looks at a specific place at any given time.
The history of the astrolabe begins more than two thousand years ago. The
astrolabe was developed in the Islamic world by the year 800 and was introduced to
Europe in the early 12th century. It was the most popular navigational instrument
until about 1650, when it was replaced by more specialized and accurate
instruments. The mariners Astrolabe was used to determine the latitude of a ship
at sea by measuring the noon altitude of the Sun or the meridian altitude of a
known star.

1. How did an Astrolabe help explorers?



2. In what century was the astrolabe introduced to Europe?


Document #2

s Asian Goods


3. According to the map above who were the middle men for trade between Asia
and Europe?



4. What would happen to the price of goods each time it exchanged hands from
Asia to the Middle East to Europe?


Document #3

5. Based on the chart above, list two items that were brought from the Americas to



6. Based on the chart above, list two things listed that had a negative impacted on
the Americas.


Document #4

Power and influence of the Roman Catholic

Church increases in western Europe
Turkish Muslims conquer the Holy Land and
close it to all Christians
The Roman Catholic Church calls on
Europeans to free the Holy Land from the



Europeans are exposed to the foods, spices,

and goods of the Middle East and Asia
Europeans develop an interest in trade
Sailing skills of the Europeans improve as
they acquire knowledge of the compass and
astrolabe from the Arabs.

7. Why did Europeans become interested in trade after the Crusades?



8. What two skills did the Europeans learn from the Arabs?


Document #5
The following excerpt is from Columbuss daily log which contains his impressions of
the Native Americans and his attitudes toward them.

October 13, 1492

9. I cannot get over the fact of how docile these people are. They have so
little to give but will give it all for whatever we give them, if only broken
pieces of glass and crockery. One seaman gave three Portuguese ceitis
(not even worth a penny) for 25 pounds of spun cotton. I probably
should have forbidden this exchange, but I wanted to take the cotton to
Your Highnesses, and it seems to be in abundance. I think the cotton is
grown on San Salvador. Also, the gold they were hanging in their noses
comes from here, but in order not to lose time I want to go to see if I can
find the Island of Japan.

What product does Columbus thinks grows in large quantities on San Salvador?



10. What island is Columbus still in search of on October 13, 1492?



Document #6
Excerpt from the Short Report of the Destruction of the Indies
Bartolome de Las Casas

God has made the Indians without meanness or treachery. They are humble,
patient, peaceful, and calm, without hate and the desire for revenge.
They are likewise the most delicate people. Less than any other can they bear
fatigue, and very easily die of illness. Not even the sons and daughters of our
princes and nobles, brought up in royal and gentle life, are more delicate than
They are clean and unspoiled, most prompt to accept the Catholic faith. They
quickly embrace virtuous customs.
Among these gentle sheep (Native Americans), the Spaniards enter like wolves,
tigers, and lions which have been starved for many days. And for forty years
the Spaniards have done nothing else than destroy them with new and diverse
kinds of cruelty. Whereas there were more than three million souls on the island
of Hispaniola, there are today not two hundred of the native population left.

11. How does Las Casas describe the Native Americans?


12. According to Las Casas, what happened to the Native American population on
the island of Hispaniola?

13. How does Las Casas describe the Spaniards when they came into contact with
the Native Americans?


Document #7
Part of a letter written by Amerigo Vespucci exploring the Caribbean

We set out from the port of Cadiz (in Spain) on the 10 th day of May, 1497in
which our voyage lasted eighteen months; and discovered much continental
land and innumerable (a great many) islandswe sailed on till the end of 37
days we reached land and the next day when the dawn appeared we saw that
here were infinite numbers of people upon the beachThey are medium stature
(height), very well proportioned; their flesh is of a color that verges into red like
a lions maneThe hair of their head is long and black
Their arms (weapons) are bows and arrows, very well made, save (except) that
he arrows are not tipped with iron nor any kind of hard metal; and instead of
iron they put animals or fishes teeth or a spike of tough wood on their arrows
They are sure marksman, for they hit whatever their aim at; and in some places
women use the bows
This land is very populous (has many people),a nd full ofrivers and animals;
few resemble ours in Europe, except lions, panthers, stags, pigs, goats and
deerThey have no horses or mulesnor donkeys, nor any type of sheep or

14. How does Amerigo Vespucci describe the Native Americans?


15. What type of weapons do the Native Americans have?


16. How does Amerigo Vespucci describe the soil?



Document #8
Columbus Discovers America
The account below is adapted from the logbook (daily journal) kept by Columbus on
his voyage.

Sunday, September 30, 1492. Four boatswain birds came to the ship, which
is a strong sign that land is nearby.
Wednesday, October 10, 1492. The crew cannot stand this voyage much
longer. They complain about the length of the voyage.
Thursday, October 11, 1492. The sea was rougher than it had been. The
sailors on the Pinta saw a stick that seemed to be carved by an iron tool. They
also saw a piece of sugarcane and other plants that grow on land. Land was
first sighted by a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana.
Friday, October 12, 1492. We waited a day and then reached a small island.
When we landed, we saw very green trees, much water, and fruit of various
kinds. I took possession of the island for the king and Queen of Spain.
Soon many inhabitants of the island assembled. I gave the island people many
small gifts such as red caps and glass beads, which they hung around their
necks. The gifts gave them much pleasure. It was a marvel to see how friendly
they became. Afterwards, they swam to the ships and brought parrots, cotton
thread in balls, spears, and many other things.
Some of them paint their faces, some their whole bodies, some only around
their noses. They do not know much about weapons, for I show them swords,
and they took them by the blades and cut themselves. They have no iron. I
believe that they would easily be made Christians, as it appears they have no
17. What sign did Columbus get that led him to believe that he was close to land?


18. Does Columbus feel it will be difficult to convert the Native Americans to
Christianity? Why?



Document #9
The moment we arrived in this huge market we were shocked at the
great numbers of people, the amount of merchandise that it
contained, and at the good order that was maintained.
We first visited those areas of the market set aside for the sale of
gold, silver, jewels, of cloths woven with feathers, of other
manufactured goods, and of slaves. To keep these slaves from
running away, they were fastened with halters around their neck,
though some were allowed to walk freely. Next to these came the
dealers in cotton, twisted thread, and cacao.
In another area of the market there were the skins of tigers, lions,
jackals, otters, red deer, wild cats, and other animals, some of which
were tanned. Another place sold beans, sage, herbs, and vegetables.
A particular market area was set aside for the merchants in fowls,
turkeys, ducks, rabbits, hares, deer, and dogs. Also, there were
sellers of fruit, pastry, and tripe.

19. What was Bernal Diazs reaction when he entered the Aztec marketplace?



20. List three items Diaz saw in the Aztec market.



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