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Abdominal Muscles

By: Milly, tommy, song and Sooyoung

What is it?
Commonly known as the Belly
Consists of 3 layers for the stomach
Consists of 2 layers for the rest(GI tract)
Muscle as a group is called muscularis externa
Rectus abdominis M.
Muscles of the abdominals positioned straight up. (Six pack)
Origin: Tubercle of pubis
Insertion: First and second costal cartilage, proximal end of sternum by a
tendon passing dorsal to transversus costarum
Action: compresses the abdominal region, pulls sternum and ribs caudally
causing flexion of the trunk
External oblique
Muscles of the abdominals that run diagonally .
Origin: lumbodorsal fascia and the last 9 or 10 ribs
Insertion: Median raphe of distal portion of sternum, linea alba from
sternum to pubis
Action: compresses the abdominal region
Internal oblique
Muscles of the abdominals that run diagonally, but different direction as
compared to the External oblique.
Origin: lumbodorsal fascia in common with the external oblique and iliac
Insertion: linea alba by a thin aponeurosis in common with the external
oblique and transverses abdominis
Action: compresses the abdominal region
Transversus abdominis m.
Muscles that run laterally across your body, perpendicular to rectus
Origin: aponeurosis from the costal cartilages of the vertebrochondral and
vertebral ribs, transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae and ventral border
of the ilium
Insertion: linea alba in common with the two oblique
Action: compresses the abdomen
Action of the muscle
Rectus abdominis is the large muscle in the midsection of the abdomen. It enables
the tilt of the pelvis and the curvature of the lower spine
Internal oblique this wide muscle helps to rotate the spine
External oblique muscles run diagonally down and in from the lower ribs to the
pelvis. They allow you to bend sideways and rotate your torso.
erector spinae These run parallel with the spine to extend the vertebral column,
produce erect posture, and allow the spine to flex from side to side.
include the iliocostalis lumborum, longissimus, and spinalis.
These muscles are commonly associated with lower back pain.
The tensor fasciae latae are a set of small muscles that connect the ilium to the
iliotibial tract and help the gluteus maximus.
allow the hips to extend out away from the body and help you keep one foot in
front of the other.
Serratus Anterior
origin: on the top surface of the eight or nine upper ribs.

- anterior muscle inserts exactly at the front border of the scapula

- The muscle has three sections: the superior, intermediate or medial and the inferior


Actions: vital for the elevation of the arm

It is a layer of flat broad tendons.
It is shiny, whitish-silvery color
Supplied with blood vessels and nerves
In abdominal region, dorsal lumbar region
Join muscles and body parts the muscles act upon
Attach to pennate muscles and can be stretched by forces of muscular contraction,
absorbing energy like a spring and returning it when they recoil to unloaded
Pectoralis major
Origin: Clavicular head: anterior surface of medial half of clavicle; Sternocostal head:
anterior surface of sternum, superior six costal cartilages, and aponeurosis of external oblique

Insertion: Lateral lip of intertubercular groove of humerus

Action: Adducts and medially rotates humerus; draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly; Acting
alone: clavicular head flexes humerus and sternocostal head extends it
Tendinous Intersection

The rectus abdominis muscle is crossed by three fibrous bands called the tendinous
intersections or tendinous inscriptions.
These intersections pass transversely or obliquely across the muscle; they rarely extend
completely through its substance and may pass only halfway across it; they are
intimately adherent in front to the sheath of the muscle.
Linea Alba
A fibrous structure that runs down the midline of the abdomen
Runs from the xiphoid process to the pubis symphysis
Composed mostly of collagen connective tissue
Formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles
Separates the left and right rectus abdominis muscles
Its presence forms what we called six pack
Additional muscles!
Origin: Inguinal muscle
Insertion: Forms thin network of muscle fascicles around the spermatic
cord and testis (or around the distal portion of the round ligament of the
Action: Elevates testis (not developed in females)
Origin: Xiphoid process, costal margin, fascia over the quadratus lumborum
and psoas major mm. (lateral & medial arcuate ligaments), ventral bodies
Insertion: Central tendon of the diaphragm
Action: pushes the abdominal viscera inferiorly, increasing the volume of
thoracic cavity (inspiration)
Peritoneal Ligament
consists of a double layer of peritoneum (serous membrane lining the
abdominal cavity)
connects an organ with another organ to the abdominal wall.
Inguinal Ligament
A narrow band of dense regular fibrous connective tissue
At pelvic region of the body
Important connective tissue structure in the inguinal or groin region
Supports soft tissues in the groin and external abdominal oblique muscle
Exercises that use these muscles
Lie down on your backs
Bend your knees
Make sure that your feet is flat on the floor
Place your hands on your thigh
Curl up towards your knees until your shoulder is about 3
feet off the floor
Oblique crunch - Help with oblique muscles
Lie on your back
Bend your knees
put your feet flat on the floor
Hips wide apart
Roll your knees to one side
Place your hands across your chest
Curl up towards your hips about 3 inches off the floor
Stay in this position for few seconds
Repeat this steps again on opposite side
- Dont tuck your neck into your chest as you rise
- Contract your ribs
- Dont yank your head off the floor
Plank - Lower back and core muscles
Lie your front and propped up your forearms and toes
Make sure that your legs are straight and hips raised
Shoulders should be directly above elbows
Focus on keeping abs contracted
Stay in this position for few seconds
Repeat these steps
- Dont allow your lower limbs to sink
- You should be looking at the floor
- Easier version: plan with your knees on the floor
Side plank - lower back and core muscles
Lie on your side propped up on an elbow
Shoulder should be directly above elbow
Straighten your legs and raise your hips
Keep your neck long and shoulders down
Keep your abs contracted
Stay in this position for a while
Repeat these steps
- Keep your hips forward
- Don't let your lower back sink
- Perform side plank with knees on floor
Stomach crunch with legs raised- lower abdominals
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the
Hips wide apart
Pull your hands across your chest
Slowly pull your knees into your chest (bending 90
Make sure that your buttocks and tailbone come off the
Stay in this position for a while
Repeat these steps
- Contract your abdominals
- Dont tuck your neck into your chest
- Dont use your hands to pull your neck up
Cable rotation- Targets the obliques
Stand holding cable with both hands out in front of
you at your shoulder height
Keep your arms fixed and straight and abs engaged,
rotate your upper body to the left, then back to the
center, and then to the right and then back to the
Spiderman plank crunch- Targets the rectus abdominis and oblique
start in plank position
bring your right knee forward towards your right
elbow, then return to plank position
repeat using left side instead
keep repeating
Bicycle crunch- Targets obliques, reverse crunch that hits the lower abs
Lie your back with your hands behind your head, and
your legs raised and bent at 90 degrees
alternate sides by bringing your right elbow towards
your left knee then your left elbow towards your right
Cross crunch- Targets the lower abs, hitting your obliques and rectus abdominis
Lie your back with arms and legs diagonally out so that
your body forms an x
keep arms and legs straight, bring your right hand
towards your left foot, then your left hand towards
your right foot, lifting your head, neck, and shoulders
off the ground
Swiss-ball rollout- Targets the rectus abdominis
Kneel on a mat with your hands on a swiss stability
keep your back straight and your abs engaged, roll the
ball as far away from you can, then slowly roll back to
starting position
Sit up
When you do sit up it activates your rectus abdominis muscle and obliques.

Rectus abdominis because when you move upwards the muscle is located there and it is stretched

Obliques because when you turn side to side the oblique muscles are stretched
Injuries intro :D
Injuries are caused all over the place, from our head to toe, and even the trunk of our body.

Our abdomen is composed of packed muscles yet theyre fairly easy to rip when excessive amount of
force is pressured upon them, usually due to the stretches rather than the amount of force added.
Blunt abdominal Trauma ->signs and symptoms in alert patients are as follows:

Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Evidence of peritoneal irritation
Pulled abdominal muscle
Strain or stretch or tear of muscle on your belly
Causes: overuse of muscles; lifting or twisting your muscles
Symptoms: soreness or pain
Diagnose: Ask questions about your daily activities
Cure: - stop doing some activities

- do some stretching exercises

- Put ice pack

- eat some medicines like ibuprofen, naproxen

Pulled abdominal muscle
Most common in the abdomen region (but can happen to other places
Intestine breaking in the area of abdominal walls
70% has the type inguinal which is when intestine push through weak
spot or tear in the lower abdominal wall (often in the inguinal canal)
Symptoms: Pain or discomfort, weakness and pressure, chest pain
Diagnose: 1. Barium x-ray- you drink liquid containing barium and it will help the x-ray
gives clear image

2. Endoscopy- thread a small camera inside your esophagus and stomach

Treatment: - change your lifestyle

- eat medicines that reduce pain (ex. Antacids, h-2 receptors blockers, and
proton pumps inhibitors)
- surgery
Blunt abdominal trauma
Injury to the abdomen. Blunt or penetrating
Symptoms: Pain, tenderness, gastrointestinal hemorrhage (bleeding), hypovolemia
(decrease volume of blood circulating in the body)
Diagnosis: Ultrasonography (based on application of ultrasound), Diagnostic peritoneal
lavage (DPL) (surgical diagnostic procedure to determine if there is free floating fluid,
often blood), CT scans (combination of many x-ray images taken from different angles
to produce cross sectional images , this allows to see inside the object without cutting)
Treatment: Laparotomy- surgery to involving abdominal wall to increase abdominal

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