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Practice Essentials Acute cystitis involves only the lower urinary tract; it

Pregnancy causes numerous changes in the womans is characterized by inflammation of the bladder as a
body. Hormonal and mechanical changes increase result of bacterial or nonbacterial causes (eg,
the risk of urinary stasis and vesicoureteral reflux. radiation or viral infection). Acute cystitis develops in
These changes, along with an already short urethra approximately 1% of pregnant patients, of whom
(approximately 3-4 cm in females) and difficulty with 60% have a negative result on initial screening. Signs
hygiene due to a distended pregnant belly, increase and symptoms include hematuria, dysuria,
the frequency of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in suprapubic discomfort, frequency, urgency, and
pregnant women. Indeed, UTIs are among the most nocturia. These symptoms are often difficult to
common bacterial infections during pregnancy. distinguish from those due to pregnancy itself.
In general, pregnant patients are considered Acute cystitis is complicated by upper urinary tract
immunocompromised UTI hosts because of the disease (ie, pyelonephritis) in 15-50% of cases.
physiologic changes associated with pregnancy (see Acute pyelonephritis
Pathophysiology). These changes increase the risk of Pyelonephritis is the most common urinary tract
serious infectious complications from symptomatic complication in pregnant women, occurring in
and asymptomatic urinary infections even in healthy approximately 2% of all pregnancies. Acute
pregnant women. (See Urinary Tract Infection in pyelonephritis is characterized by fever, flank pain,
Females.) and tenderness in addition to significant bacteriuria.
Oral antibiotics are the treatment of choice for Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting,
asymptomatic bacteriuria and cystitis. The standard frequency, urgency, and dysuria. Furthermore,
course of treatment for pyelonephritis is hospital women with additional risk factors (eg,
admission and intravenous antibiotics. Antibiotic immunosuppression, diabetes, sickle cell
prophylaxis is indicated in some cases. (See anemia, neurogenic bladder, recurrent or persistent
Treatment of UTI in Pregnancy and Urethral UTIs before pregnancy) are at an increased risk for a
Catheterization in Women.) Patients treated for complicated UTI.
symptomatic UTI during pregnancy should be
continued on daily prophylactic antibiotics for the
duration of their pregnancy.
Annual health costs for UTI exceed $1 billion.
Although the condition-specific cost of asymptomatic
bacteriuria or UTI in pregnancy is unknown, Infections result from ascending colonization of the
screening for these conditions in pregnant women is urinary tract, primarily by existing vaginal, perineal,
cost-effective as compared with treating UTI and and fecal flora. Various maternal physiologic and
pyelonephritis without screening. Goals for future anatomic factors predispose to ascending infection.
research include targeting low-income groups and Such factors include urinary retention caused by the
women in developing countries for screening and
weight of the enlarging uterus and urinary stasis due
early treatment, as well as determining whether a
to progesterone-induced ureteral smooth muscle
causal relation exists between maternal UTI and
childhood neurologic consequences. relaxation. Blood-volume expansion is accompanied
For patient education information, see the Kidneys by increases in the glomerular filtration rate and
and Urinary System Center and Pregnancy and urinary output.
Reproduction Center, as well as Urinary Tract
Infections, Pregnancy, Bladder Control Problems, Loss of ureteral tone combined with increased
and Blood in the Urine. urinary tract volume results in urinary stasis, which
Definitions of key terms can lead to dilatation of the ureters, renal pelvis, and
calyces. Urinary stasis and the presence of
Urinary tract infection vesicoureteral reflux predispose some women to
UTI is defined as the presence of at least 100,000 upper urinary tract infections (UTIs) and acute
organisms per milliliter of urine in an asymptomatic pyelonephritis.
patient, or as more than 100 organisms/mL of urine
with accompanying pyuria (>7 white blood cells
[WBCs]/mL) in a symptomatic patient. A diagnosis of Calyceal and ureteral dilatation are more common on
UTI should be supported by a positive culture for a the right side; in 86% of cases, the dilatation is
uropathogen, particularly in patients with vague localized to the right. The degree of calyceal
symptoms. UTIs are associated with risks to both the dilatation is also more pronounced on the right than
fetus and the mother, including pyelonephritis, the left (average 15 mm vs 5 mm). This dilatation
preterm birth, low birth weight, and increased appears to begin by about 10 weeks gestation and
perinatal mortality. worsens throughout pregnancy. This is underscored
Asymptomatic bacteriuria by the distribution of cases of pyelonephritis during
Asymptomatic bacteriuria is commonly defined as pregnancy: 2% during the first trimester, 52% during
the presence of more than 100,000 organisms/mL in the second trimester, and 46% in the third trimester.
2 consecutive urine samples in the absence of
declared symptoms. Untreated asymptomatic
bacteriuria is a risk factor for acute cystitis (40%)
and pyelonephritis (25-30%) in pregnancy. These
cases account for 70% of all cases of symptomatic
UTI among unscreened pregnant women.
Acute cystitis
Although the influence of progesterone causes GBS colonization has important implications during
relative dilatation of the ureters, ureteral tone pregnancy. Intrapartum transmission that leads to
progressively increases above the pelvic brim during neonatal GBS infection can cause pneumonia,
pregnancy. However, whether bladder pressure meningitis, sepsis, and death. Current guidelines
increases or decreases during pregnancy is recommend universal vaginal and rectal screening in
controversial. all pregnant women at 35-37 weeks gestation rather
than treatment based on risk factors.
Glycosuria and an increase in levels of urinary amino
acids (aminoaciduria) during pregnancy are Preeclampsia
additional factors that lead to UTI. In many cases,
glucose excretion increases during pregnancy over The development of preeclampsia is associated with
nonpregnant values of 100 mg/day. Glycosuria is due maternal UTI (asymptomatic bacteriuria or
to impaired resorption by the collecting tubule and symptomatic infection) during pregnancy. A recent
loop of Henle of the 5% of the filtered glucose, which case-control study demonstrated an increased odds
escapes proximal convoluted tubular resorption. (1.22-fold) of preeclampsia in women with any UTI
during pregnancy versus those without
The fractional excretion of alanine, glycine, histidine, UTI. [2] Furthermore, a retrospective review of the
serine, and threonine is increased throughout perinatal database at a major tertiary center
pregnancy. levels of cystine, leucine, lysine, revealed a UTI rate of 16.2% in normotensive
phenylalanine, taurine, and tyrosine are elevated in patients, but this increased to 27.3% in women with
the first half of pregnancy but return to reference mild preeclampsia and 35.9% in women with severe
range levels by the second half. The mechanism of preeclampsia. The authors hypothesize that
selective aminoaciduria is unknown, although its underlying renal damage weakens patients systemic
presence has been postulated to affect the defense mechanisms against ascending infection.
adherence of Escherichia coli to the urothelium.
Cesarean delivery

Cesarean delivery is associated with UTI (increasing

Etiology the likelihood 2.7-fold), but this association may be
confounded by bladder catheterization or prolonged
rupture of membranes (PROM). The incidence of
symptomatic UTI is 9.3%, and that of asymptomatic
bacteriuria is 7.6%.
E coli is the most common cause of urinary tract
infection (UTI), accounting for approximately 80-90%
Orthotopic continent urinary diversion
of cases. It originates from fecal flora colonizing the
periurethral area, causing an ascending infection.
Other pathogens include the following [1] : Many women who, in the past, would have been
counseled against pregnancy are now attempting
pregnancy. In orthotopic continent diversion (OCD),
Klebsiella pneumoniae (5%)
an ileal-ascending colon conduit is made (OCD, Kock
Proteus mirabilis (5%)
pouch) and reattached to the in situ urethra (OCD) or
Enterobacter species (3%)
a continent abdominal stoma (Kock pouch).
Staphylococcus saprophyticus (2%)
Group B beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (GBS;
1%) Typical candidates are patients born with congenital
Proteus species (2%) exstrophy of the bladder in whom primary
reconstruction has failed. Recurrent UTI and
hydronephrosis are common because of outflow
Gram-positive organisms, particularly Enterococcus obstruction of the orthotopic stoma secondary to
faecalis and GBS, are clinically important pathogens. uterine compression or uterine prolapse. Indwelling
Infection with S saprophyticus, an aggressive catheterization of the urethra or continent stoma
community-acquired organism, can cause upper may be necessary, particularly during the later
urinary tract disease, and this infection is more likely stages of pregnancy. In rare cases, a percutaneous
to be persistent or recurrent. nephrostomy tube or antegrade passage of a ureteral
stent may be indicated.
Urea-splitting bacteria, including Proteus, Klebsiella,
Pseudomonas, and coagulase-
negative Staphylococcus, alkalinize the urine and
may be associated with struvite stones. Chlamydial
infections are associated with sterile pyuria and Physical Examination
account for more than 30% of atypical pathogens.
During the physical examination, the findings should
be considered in relation to the duration of
pregnancy. The differential diagnoses may change Blood Studies
from one trimester to the next, and the increasing The following blood tests should be ordered at the
size of the gravid uterus may mask or mimic disease physicians discretion, though the results do not aid
in the diagnosis or change treatment unless they are
findings. A thorough physical examination is
markedly abnormal:
recommended, with particular attention to the
Complete blood count (CBC)
abdomen. Suprapubic or costovertebral tenderness
Serum electrolytes
may be present.
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
Serum creatinine
In asymptomatic bacteriuria, no physical findings are
typically present. Symptoms may arise
intermittently, only to be overlooked because of lack Urine specimen collection
of persistence or severity.
In all pregnant patients, a urine specimen should be
carefully collected for urinalysis and culturing during
Pelvic examination is recommended in all the first prenatal visit or at 12-16 weeks
symptomatic patients (with the exception of third- gestation. [16] These tests help to identify patients
trimester patients with bleeding) to rule with asymptomatic bacteriuria, as well as those with
out vaginitis or cervicitis. In patients with cystitis, other concerning findings such as glucosuria.
tenderness can often be elicited with isolation of the For urine collection, a midstream clean catch is
bladder on pelvic examination. adequate, provided that the patient is given careful
instructions. The technique is as follows:
With one hand, spread the labia
Patients with pyelonephritis have fever (usually
With the other hand, use a castile soap
>38C), flank tenderness upon palpation, and an ill
moistened towelette to wipe the urethral
appearance. Flank tenderness occurs on the right meatus downward toward the rectum, then
side in more than half of patients, bilaterally in one discard the towelette
fourth, and on the left side in one fourth. Pain may Void the initial portion of the bladder
also be found suprapubically with palpation. contents into the toilet
Catch the middle portion of the bladder
Assessment of the fetal heart rate on the basis of contents in the sterile collection container,
gestational age should be included as part of the while keeping the labia spread with the first
evaluation. Often, owing to maternal fever, the fetal hand
heart rate is elevated to more than 160 beats/min. Unfortunately, a study on pregnant adolescents
suggests that the cleansing process does not
completely prevent contamination.
If the patient is unable to void, too ill, extremely
obese, or bedridden, a catheterized specimen should
Complications be collected. Routine catheterization is not
The primary complication of bacteriuria during recommended, because of the risks of introducing
pregnancy is cystitis, though the primary morbidity is bacteria into the urinary tract.
due to pyelonephritis. Other complications may Several methods are available for specimen
include the following: evaluation; all have benefits and limitations. The
Perinephric cellulitis and abscess clean-catch specimen reduces, but does not
Septic shock (rare) eliminate, the possibility of cross-contamination from
Renal dysfunction (usually transient, but as the urethra and vagina. The presence of more than 1
many as 25% of pregnant women with organism in a culture usually indicates a
pyelonephritis have a decreased glomerular contaminated specimen.
filtration rate) The specimen should be sent for evaluation as soon
Hematologic dysfunction (common but as possible. Specimens that are allowed to sit at
seldom of clinical importance) room temperature may have falsely elevated colony
Hypoxic fetal events due to maternal counts. Refrigerate the specimen at 4C if it cannot
be transported immediately.
complications of infection that lead to
hypoperfusion of the placenta Urine culture
Preeclampsia [15]
Premature delivery leading to increased Urine culture is the standard method for evaluating
infant morbidity and mortality for urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy.
Pulmonary injury may also complicate UTI in Indications for performing a urine culture include the
pregnancy. Approximately 2% of women with severe following:
pyelonephritis during pregnancy have evidence of Recurrent UTI
pulmonary injury due to systemic inflammatory Pyelonephritis
response syndrome and respiratory insufficiency. Failure to respond to initial treatment
Endotoxins that alter alveolar-capillary membrane regimens
permeability are produced; subsequently, pulmonary History of recent instrumentation
edema and acute respiratory distress
Hospital admission
syndrome devel
Two consecutive voided specimens with isolation of adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant
the same bacterial strain, at a colony count of women).
100,000 colony-forming units (CFUs) per milliliter or Although 1-, 3-, and 7-day antibiotic courses have
higher, has historically been used to define a positive been evaluated, 10-14 days of treatment is usually
culture result. A single catheterized specimen recommended to eradicate the offending bacteria.
yielding a colony count of at least 100 CFU/mL is also For example, studies with cephalexin, trimethoprim-
diagnostic. [17]Counts lower than 100,000 CFU/mL, sulfamethoxazole, and amoxicillin have indicated
with 2 or more organisms, usually indicate specimen that a single dose is as effective as a 3- to 7-day
contamination rather than infection. Patients with course of therapy, but the cure rate is only 70%. The
pyelonephritis often have white blood cell (WBC) data are insufficient to justify abandoning the more
casts. traditional long-term regimens, even in the case of
asymptomatic bacteriuria.[21]
Treatment success depends on eradication of the
bacteria rather than on the duration of therapy. A
test-for-cure urine culture should show negative
Approach Considerations findings 1-2 weeks after therapy. A nonnegative
Treatment of bacteriuria and cystitis culture result is an indication for a 10- to 14-day
Because of the dangers of maternal and fetal course of a different antibiotic, followed by
complications, acute care (eg, in the emergency suppressive therapy (eg, nitrofurantoin 50 mg at
department [ED]) should focus on identifying and bedtime) until 6 weeks postpartum.
treating asymptomatic and symptomatic bacteriuria, Mathai et al suggest the need for disseminated
along with ensuring that an alternate process is not guidelines for practitioners in developing countries
the cause of the symptoms. such as India. [22] Their study documented
Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant inappropriate use of antibiotics in terms of safety,
patients is important because of the increased risk of cost, susceptibility, and threat for developing
urinary tract infection (UTI) and its associated resistance.
sequelae. [20] ED care may involve the following:
Administration of appropriate antibiotics
Administration of fluid if the patient is
Admission if any indication of complicated Antibiotic selection
UTI exists
Antibiotic selection should be based on urine culture
Behavioral methods
sensitivities, if known. Often, therapy must be
Any discussion of treatment should be prefaced with
initiated on an empirical basis, before culture results
a discussion of behavioral methods that may be used
are available. This requires clinical knowledge of the
to ensure good hygiene and reduce bacterial
most common organisms and their practice-specific
contamination of the urethral meatus, thereby
or hospital-specific sensitivities to medications.
preventing inadequate treatment and recurrent
Institution-specific drug resistances should also be
infection. Behavioral methods include the following:
considered before a treatment antibiotic is chosen.
Avoid baths For instance, with E coli infection alone, resistance to
Wipe front-to-back after urinating or ampicillin can be as high as 28-39%. Resistance to
defecating trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole has been described
Wash hands before using the toilet as 31%, and resistance to first-generation
Use washcloths to clean the perineum cephalosporins may be as high as 9-19%.
Use liquid soap to prevent colonization from Maternal physiologic changes that influence
bar soap pharmacokinetics include increased glomerular
Clean the urethral meatus first when filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow, increased
bathing volume of distribution, decreased gastric motility and
Antibiotic therapy emptying, and decreased albumin levels. Serum
Oral antibiotics are the treatment of choice for levels of antibiotics are lower in pregnancy because
asymptomatic bacteriuria and cystitis. Appropriate of the gross increase in blood volume and the
oral regimens include the following: increased GFR.
Cephalexin 500 mg 4 times daily Some antibiotics should not be used during
pregnancy, because of their effects on the fetus.
Ampicillin 500 mg 4 times daily
These include the following:
Nitrofurantoin 100 mg twice daily
Tetracyclines (adverse effects on fetal teeth
Sulfisoxazole 1 g 4 times daily
and bones and congenital defects)
The resistance of Escherichia coli to ampicillin and
Trimethoprim in the first trimester (facial
amoxicillin is 20-40%; accordingly, these agents are
defects and cardiac abnormalities)
no longer considered optimal for treatment of UTIs
caused by this organism. Fosfomycin, a phosphonic Chloramphenicol (gray syndrome)
acid derivative, is useful in the treatment of Sulfonamides in the third trimester
uncomplicated UTIs caused by susceptible strains (hemolytic anemia in mothers with glucose-6-
of E coli and Enterococcus species. Fosfomycin is a phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] deficiency,
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) category B jaundice, and kernicterus)
agent in pregnancy (ie, animal studies have not Fluoroquinolones are to be used with caution in
demonstrated a risk to the fetus and there are no pregnancy. Both ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin have
been assigned pregnancy category C by the FDA
(fetal risk is not confirmed by human studies but has
been shown in some animal studies). Although not a
first-line option for treatment of UTI in pregnancy, in Second-line therapy
certain clinical situations the benefits of using a
fluoroquinolone may outweigh the risks to the
developing fetus.
Risks to the mother from fluoroquinolones must also
be considered. In May 2016 the FDA advised that the Fosfomycin 3 g orally as single dose with
risks of fluoroquinolones generally outweigh the 3-4 oz. of water
benefits for patients with uncomplicated infections,
including UTIs, and recommended reserving
fluoroquinolones for patients who do not have
alternative treatment options. Disabling and
potentially permanent serious adverse effects
associated with fluoroquinolones have involved Antibiotics
tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, and the central
nervous system. [24] Nitrofurantoin (Furadantin, Macrobid, Macrodantin)
Nitrofurantoin is safe and effective; however, poor
Nitrofurantoin is a synthetic nitrofuran that interferes
tissue penetration has limited its use in
with bacterial carbohydrate metabolism by inhibiting
pyelonephritis. In the past, nitrofurantoin was
acetylcoenzyme A. It is bacteriostatic at low
completely avoided in the third trimester because of
concentrations (5-10 mcg/mL) and bactericidal at
hemolytic effects on the newborn. Currently,
higher concentrations. It is bactericidal against
restriction of this agent is limited to the last several
uropathogens such as Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
weeks of pregnancy. Use during this period can cause
Enterococcus faecalis, and Escherichia coli; it
hemolytic anemia in the fetus or neonate as a
possesses no activity against Proteus, Serratia, or
consequence of their immature erythrocyte enzyme
Pseudomonas species. It received a "B, I" rating in
systems (glutathione instability). Nitrofurantoin is
the 1999 IDSA guidelines for treating UTIs.
also safe and effective for once-daily prophylactic
It is manufactured in different forms to facilitate
therapy during pregnancy.
durable urine concentrations: macrocrystals
Macrolides are not first-line agents for UTI in
(Macrodantin), microcrystal suspension (Furadantin),
pregnancy. However, they are well tolerated by
and a combined preparation (Macrobid). This agent
mother and fetus. A meta-analysis concluded that
achieves no appreciable concentrations in the
although antibiotic treatment is effective in patients
prostate, kidney, or blood. Administer 100 mg orally
with UTIs, the data are insufficient to recommend any
twice daily for 5-7 days.
specific regimen for treatment of symptomatic UTIs
during pregnancy. [25, 26] All of the antibiotics studied Cephalexin (Keflex)
were effective in terms of both increasing cure rates
of UTI in pregnancy and decreasing the incidence of This is a first-generation cephalosporin that inhibits
associated adverse outcomes. bacterial growth by inhibiting bacterial cell wall
synthesis. It is bactericidal and effective against
Table. Treatment Regimens for Pregnant Women with rapidly growing organisms forming cell walls.
UTI Administer 500 mg orally twice daily for 3-7 days.

Amoxicillin and clavulanate (Augmentin, Amoclan)

First-line therapy
Amoxicillin interferes with the synthesis of cell wall
mucopeptides during active multiplication, resulting
in bactericidal activity against susceptible bacteria.
This drug combination treats bacteria normally
resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. Administer
Nitrofurantoin 500/125 mg orally twice daily for 3-7 days.
monohydrate/macrocrystals 100 mg
Amoxicillin (Moxatag)
orally twice daily for 5-7 days or
Amoxicillin interferes with synthesis of cell wall
Amoxicillin 500 mg orally twice daily mucopeptides during active multiplication, resulting
(alternative: 250 mg orally three times in bactericidal activity against susceptible bacteria.
daily) for 5-7 days or Administer 500 mg orally twice daily for 5-7 days.

Cefuroxime (Ceftin, Zinacef)

Amoxicillin-clavulanate 500/125 mg
orally twice daily for 3-7 days Cefuroxime is a second-generation cephalosporin
(alternative: 250/125 mg orally three that maintains the gram-positive activity of first-
times daily for 5-7 days) or generation cephalosporins; it adds activity against
Proteus mirabilis, Haemophilus influenzae,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and
Cephalexin 500 mg orally twice daily for Moraxella catarrhalis. Administer 250 mg orally twice
3-7 days daily for 3-7 days

Fosfomycin (Monurol)
Fosfomycin was given a "B, I" rating in the 1999 IDSA unchanged in the urine, and concentrations remain
guidelines for treating UTIs. Phosphonic acid is a high for 24-48 hours after a single dose. It is unique
bactericidal agent active against most UTI but quite expensive. Administer 3 g orally as single
pathogens, including Escherichia coli and dose with 3-4 oz of water
Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Enterococcus species.
Little cross-resistance between fosfomycin and other
antibacterial agents exists. It is primarily excreted

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