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Chapter 1

Work and human

analytical links
Infographic: Links between work and human development


Better health Income and livelihood

Better knowledge and
skills Work and Security
Womens empowerment
human development Participation and voice
Human capital
are synergistic Dignity and recognition
Creativity and innovation

H u m a n d ev elo p m e nt
Work and human development
The true aim of development is not only to boost incomes, but also to maximize human choicesby enhancing human
rights, freedoms, capabilities and opportunities and by enabling people to lead long, healthy and creative lives. Critical to
this process is work, central to human existence. Human beings prepare for work as children, engage in work as adults
and expect to retire from work in later life. Through the human lifecycle, quality of life is thus closely bound to the quality
of work.

From an economic perspective, work ena- tiring, boring, repetitive and dangerous. And
bles people to earn a livelihood and achieve just as the right kind of work enhances human
economic security. But from a human devel- development, so the wrong kind can be deeply
opment perspective, it also allows people to destructive. Around the world millions of
enhance their capabilities by providing them people, many of them still children, are forced
with acquired skills and knowledge. Income into exploitative labour. Some are trapped in
from work helps workers achieve a better bonded labour that robs them of their rights
standard of living and allows them to have and dignity. Some work in hazardous con-
better access to health and educationcritical ditions deprived of labour rights and social
ingredients to enhancing capabilities. Work protection, spending their days in drudgery
also provides people with expanded opportu- that stifles their potential (see table A1.1 at the
nities and choices in their economic and social end of the chapter). And while work should
lives. It allows workers to participate fully in create fairer societies, it can also be divisive if
society while affording them a sense of dignity vast differences in opportunities and rewards
and worth. And work that involves caring for perpetuate divisions and inequalities.
others builds social cohesion and strengthens
bonds within families and communities. To
contribute to human development, work needs Work is broader than jobs
to be productive, worthwhile and meaningful
and to unleash human potential, creativity The notion of work is broader and deeper than
and spirit. that of jobs or employment (box 1.1). Jobs
Work also strengthens societies. By working provide income and support human dignity, The notion of work is
together, human beings not only increase ma- participation and economic security. But the
terial well-being, they also accumulate a wide jobs framework is restrictive. It fails to capture broader and deeper
body of knowledge that serves as the basis for many kinds of work that are more flexible and than that of jobs
cultures and civilizations. In addition, work open-ended, including care work, voluntary or employment
should make societies fairer by providing work and creative expression, such as writing
opportunities for poor people to strive for or paintingall of which are important for
a better living. When work is environmen- human development. Embracing these other
tally friendly, the benefits extend through dimensions requires a broader notion of work
generations. Work thus enhances human (figure 1.1).
development. Needless to say, by improving Seen in this way, work is very diverse. It can
human capabilities, opportunities and choices, be paid or unpaid, formal or informal, and
human development also contributes to work. carried out within households or outside (see
In short, work and human development are table A1.2 at the end of the chapter). And it
synergistic and mutually reinforcing (see info- can take place in very different circumstances,
graphic at the beginning of the chapter). pleasant or unpleasant, offering a wide range
However, the link between work and human of rights and opportunities, all reflecting
development is not automatic. Work can be different contexts and levels of development.

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 29

BOX 1.1

What is work?

For this report, work is any activity that not only leads feeling of satisfaction along with their approbationor
to the production and consumption of goods or ser- feeling of frustration at being expected to perform the
vices, but also goes beyond production for economic task or to forgo other activities such as earning money,
value. Work thus includes activities that may result in pursuing education or participating in public life. Work,
broader human well-being, both for the present and for from a human development perspective, is about the
the future. degree of freedom individuals have in making choices
Work involves four sets of people: workers them- about the work they do.
selves; other entities such as employers who provide However, if a domestic helper does the cooking, the
complementary inputs; consumers of the goods or situation changes. In this case there is a financial return
services produced; and the rest of the world, which en- to the worker, with the family not only acting as con-
compasses other people, society and the natural envi- sumers, but also providing the complementary inputs.
ronment as well as future generations and the workers This activity may be differently remunerated depending
future selves. Work has both monetary and nonmone- on whether it is performed by a man or woman, a citizen
tary returns, tangible and intangible, with expressed or an immigrant. An individual who is coerced into per-
and unintended consequences. forming the activity or who receives lower returns than
Consider someone who is cooking. If cooking for those available to another is being exploited.
himself, the cost as a producer is the opportunity cost of This approach to work can also be applied to cre-
his time, which could have been spent doing something ative workers and volunteers. For example, in a restau-
else; the return to him as a consumer is the nutrition rant a chef may pursue creativity in addition to income
from the meal. No other actors are involved, though and experience professional satisfaction, self-esteem
there could be an impact on the environment. Now con- and dignity. Similarly, a volunteer at a community
sider an individual cooking for his family. In this case kitchen is not working for money but may be working for
the list of consumers grows. The tangible returns now altruistic satisfaction.
include family nutrition, combined with the intangible

Source: Human Development Report Office.

The quality of work is as important as the affords them the opportunity to be innovative
quantity. and self-expressive while striving to earn a liv-
Care work (discussed in chapter 4) is funda- ing. Although creative work can be improvisa-
mentally important to human development. tional and derivative, it involves originality and
Care work includes housework, such as prepar- uniqueness.
ing meals for the family, cleaning the house and
gathering water and fuel, as well as work caring
for groups who cannot care for themselves Work in different stages
children, older people and family members who of the lifecycle
are sickover both the short and long term.
Voluntary work has been defined as unpaid Periods in a lifecycle are demographically, phys-
noncompulsory workthat is, the discretionary ically and culturally dependent and change over
free time individuals give without pay to activi- time. There are overlaps between the different
ties performed either through an organization or stages, and the stages may vary among indi-
Creative expression directly for others outside their own household. viduals. Work needs to be seen in the context
Voluntary work is by definition an expression of a human lifecycle and how it changes in
contributes new ideas of free choice, intrinsically enhancing human different stages of that cycle. In many cases it is
development from the individual perspective. not a question of choice; decisions triggered by
Creative expression contributes new ideas to cultural expectations or absence of appropriate
society in works of art and cultural products, support force people to be in different work
functional creations, scientific interventions situations. Thus early marriage for girls or cuts
and technological innovations. Creative work in state-provided child care may result in pull-
is desirable to many individuals because it ing girls out of schoolwith lifelong effects on



Work encompasses more than just jobs



Water/fuel collection
Tending to sick
Unpaid Caring for children
care work Cleaning
Work needs to be
seen in the context
Voluntary of a human cycle
work Informal


Photography Design
Painting Music

Source: Human Development Report Office.

their ability to enter the labour market, earn beyond low-wage, unsecure livelihoods may
a decent income and become economically be scarce for many. There are similar risks and
empowered. Work is a source of, as well as a re- vulnerabilities for older workers, particularly in
sponse to, risk and vulnerability, which people developing countries, where paid work remains
experience differently over the course of their a necessity in old age but work choices may be
lives. constrained.
At the prime working age, a workers priority People are living longer and healthier lives in
may be maximizing the economic returns of most countries, which expands the productive
work over other thingsnot only to provide potential of older workers. But there are trade-
for present needs, but also to save for future offs for individuals who may wish to have more
requirements. But under other conditions control of their time, for discretionary leisure
people (including older workers and many or for different types of paid and unpaid work
young workers) may wish to move to areas of activities. The right age to make the transition is
work where the economic returns are not very probably not the same for every worker, which
high but where they feel happier and content complicates policy decisions about increasing
in their work. At the same time, young people the retirement age.
may be constrained in their work options. Strong forces on the work choices of older
With youth unemployment rising, options people come from national pension policies

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 31

and programmes. From a global perspective, engaged in work without blocking the oppor-
workers from countries with low pension cov- tunities of othersparticularly younger people
erage tend to stay in the labour market after (see chapters 3 and 6).
age 65, while workers from countries with high
pension coverage tend to retire earlier (figure
1.2). This has clear impacts on how people Work enhances human
make work decisions and has deep human development
development implications. People with low
pension coverage or low pensionsa typical Human development is a process of enlarging
condition in most developing countriesare peoples choices, so it is closely bound with
The positive forced to remain in paid employment longer. work. The positive relationship between work
In contrast, people with access to pensions and human development goes both ways (fig-
relationship between with substantial benefitstypical in developed ure 1.3). Human development is affected by
work and human countriestend to retire earlier or move to- work through many channels, all of which can
development goes wards work that may not maximize economic be mutually reinforcing:
returns but may offer other rewards. Income and livelihood. People work primari-
both ways In Sri Lanka most workers in the formal ly to achieve a decent standard of living. In
sector retire in their 60s, and a relatively small market-based economies they generally do so
fraction are employed part- or full-time. But through wage or self-employment. In more
casual workers and self-employed workers tend traditional and subsistence economies they
to keep their full-time jobs for many more sustain their livelihoods through specific
years. Formality is thus a strong determinant of cycles of activities. Work can also be a major
the length of the working lifetime.1 factor in ensuring that economic growth is
In a world where life expectancy is increasing equitable and poverty-reducing.
and technology enables an active place in socie- Security. Through work people can build a
ty for far longer, many older people are seeking secure basis for their lives, enabling them
active engagement in worksometimes paid, to make long-term decisions and establish
sometime voluntary. Many countries are re- priorities and choices. They can also sustain
sponding with initiatives to keep older people stable households, particularly if they use


Workers from countries with low pension coverage tend to stay in the labour market after age 65, while
workers from countries with high pension coverage tend to retire earlier

Labour force participation rate, ages 65 and older (%)

Statutory pension age
60 population (%)

50 Low
human development 10


30 Medium 28
human development
High human 74
Very high
human development 89

1990 2000 2013

Source: Human Development Report Office calculations based on ILO (2015d, 2015e).



Work and human development are synergistic


Better health Income and livelihood

Better knowledge Security
and skills
Womens empowerment
Human capital Participation and voice

Opportunities Dignity and recognition

Choice Creativity and innovation

H u m a n d elo p m e nt

Source: Human Development Report Office.

their income prudently on food and nutri- education, communications and environ-
tion for their family, on education and health mental sustainability.
for their children, or for savings. Workers can also benefit from higher human
Womens empowerment. Women who earn development, again operating through multiple
income from work often achieve greater eco- channels:
nomic autonomy and decisionmaking power Health. Healthier workers have longer and
within families, workplaces and communi- more productive working lives and can ex-
ties. They also gain confidence, security and plore more options at home and abroad.
flexibility. Knowledge and skills. Better educated and
Participation and voice. By interacting with trained workers can do more diverse work
others through work, people learn to partic- and to a higher standardand be more
ipate in collective decisionmaking and gain creative and innovative.
a voice. Workers also encounter new ideas Awareness. Workers who can participate
and information and interact with people of more fully in their communities will be able
different backgrounds and can engage more to negotiate at work for better conditions
extensively in civic issues. and higher labour standards, which in turn
Dignity and recognition. Good work is rec- will make industries more efficient and
ognized by co-workers, peers and others and competitive.
provides a sense of accomplishment, self-re- In the workhuman development nexus vol- Volunteerism, by its
spect and social identity. People have histor- unteerism, as well as creativity and innovation,
ically defined and named themselves by their warrants particular attention. nature, reflects agency
occupation: Miller in English or Hurudza Volunteerism, by its nature, reflects agency
(master farmer) in Shona. and the capability to choose. Volunteers ben-
Creativity and innovation. Work unleashes efit from their work, either because they value
human creativity and has generated count- altruism or through the personal enrichment
less innovations that have revolutionized they gain from community involvement.
many aspects of human lifeas in health, Volunteer work also tends to have substantial

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 33

social value. Participation in volunteer activ- Given the centrality of creativity and innova-
ities can enable people to contribute to their tion in the world of work, attention is shifting
communities and the public good in ways that to types of workplaces and working conditions
markets or public institutions may not. that may be more conducive to innovation
Volunteers can be great innovators, forging than others. Recognizing that agency is a key
the way towards new ways of working and factor in worker engagement and creativity,
organizing workers, paid and unpaid. Wangari some companies have set aside time for workers
Maathai, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in to be creative. Since as early as 1948, 3M has
2004, mobilized grassroots movements to had a 15percent rule that allows employees to
promote sustainable development, democra- dedicate almost a full day each week to their
cy, womens rights and peace. Her legacy has own projects. One outcome of this approach
been influential in preparing the Post-2015 was the invention of the Post-it.4 More recently,
Development Agenda. Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Apple im-
Volunteer organizations can create bridges plemented different versions of a 20 percent
between political, geographical and cultural re- rule for engineers to explore areas of their own
The quality of work alities and can coordinate international efforts interest to spark creative thinking.5
and solidarity to pursue humanitarian causes.
is as important Among others, the International Committee
as its quantity of the Red Cross, devoted to protecting human The link between work
life and health, has been awarded the Nobel and human development
Peace Prize three times: in 1917, 1944 and is not automatic
1963. Similarly, Mdecins Sans Frontires,
which won the prize in 1999, mobilizes doc- The foregoing links between work and human
tors and nurses to address health emergencies development are not automatic. They are sub-
around the globe.2 UN Volunteers encourages ject to various conditions, ranging from the
the integration of volunteerism into develop- quality of work for individuals to the societal
ment and peace processes in developing coun- value of work. The link can vary depending on
tries, partnering with governments and other the scale of opportunities for workers voice
local and international bodies. In all these ways and participation and whether discrimination
volunteerism promotes cross-cutting approach- or even violence is common at work.
es for human development.
Creative work is equally important for ex- Quality of work
panding peoples capabilities and enhancing
their opportunities. There are instrumental Whether people have jobs is important, but so
contributions, which result in direct econom- are the nature and conditions of their work. For
ic gain, and noninstrumental contributions, example: Is work safe? Are people fulfilled and
which enhance knowledge and expand social satisfied by their work? Does their work provide
cohesion. These contributions are not static; a secure livelihood? Are there opportunities
they interact with each other to enlarge human for training, social dialogue and progression?
choices and empower people.3 Does employment support a flexible worklife
Creative work is not only self-satisfying balance? These are standard questions for what
to the worker but can also extend happiness, makes a job a good job. From a human devel-
pleasure, satisfaction and well-being to others, opment perspective, the quality of work also
making it an important public good. Artwork depends on whether a job provides dignity
from ancient civilizations continues to func- and a sense of pride and whether it facilitates
tion as a foundation for new knowledge. participation and interaction. Does it present a
Works of past musicians continue to inspire platform for voice, and does it respect workers
new music. Creative work can build bridges of rights and human rights more widely?
social welfare and cohesion. And this welfare Of course, what constitutes the quality of
can also extend across international borders, work can vary subjectively by country, personal
linked by creativity in cultural tourism, for circumstances and frame of referencea reality
example. that complicates quality of work measurement


at the global level. Even if a universal definition (close to 41percent of the formal workforce),
of work quality were agreed on, comparable followed by Mexico (nearly 29 percent).7
cross-national datasets would probably be lim- Pressure for overwork is also high in some
ited. Despite these challenges, several initiatives Asian countries. In Japan the term karoshi
are in place to put forward regionallyand in means death from overwork.
some cases, globallycomparable measures of Working very long hours can cause death due
job quality, including composite indicators that to stroke, heart attack, cerebral haemorrhage or
capture multiple dimensions of work quality other sudden causes.8 Even from an economic
(box 1.2). perspective, overwork is generally counterpro-
While work is generally beneficial for people, ductive, as it undermines labour productivity.
the quality of work can be affected by doing Shorter and flexible working hours may be
too much work. A culture of overwork is in- beneficial from both a human development
creasingly common, facilitated by all kinds of perspective and an economic perspective.
mobile devices that enable constant access to
work. The pressure of a round-the-clock work Workers satisfaction and happiness
culture is particularly acute in highly skilled,
highly paid professional service jobs such as Workers satisfaction and happiness are critical
law, finance, consulting and accounting.6 The elements in ensuring a stronger link between Workers satisfaction
overwork culture can lock gender inequality work and human development. But the work
in place, because workfamily balance is made satisfactionhappiness nexus is not simple and and happiness are
more difficult for women, who bear a dispro- straightforward. critical elements in
portionate share of care work. Yes, being out of work reduces happiness. For ensuring a stronger
Among Organisation for Economic Co- example, in the United Kingdom the relation-
operation and Development countries, the ship between unemployment and lower subjec- link between work and
highest prevalence of overworkdefined as a tive well-being is well established across a range human development
work week of 50 hours or moreis in Turkey of measures, including lower life satisfaction,

BOX 1.2

Measures of quality of work

At the regional level the European Council proposed a simple indicators that summarize only a few variables
portfolio of 18 statistical indicators in 2011 to measure are typically most successful in conveying information
job quality, and the European Trade Union Institute devel- to policymakers, some entities (such as the United
oped the Quality of Jobs Index in 2008.1 Eurofound has Nations Economic Commission for Europe) have pro-
established the European Working Conditions Survey.2 A posed a global Quality of Employment Indicator, based
dashboard of indicators has been proposed to measure on dimensions including income, degree of formal-
progress towards the International Labour Organization ity, participation in social security systems, duration of
decent work agenda.3 Each of these endeavours has contracts and availability of training.4 While composite
been challenged by intense debates among workers, measures like this inevitably leave out some dimen-
employers and governments on conceptualizing employ- sions of work quality, they can convey the urgency of
ment quality and agreeing on objectives. There are ques- employment-quality issues to policymakers and be used
tions of different priorities for workers and employers, to advocate for more systematic data collection on el-
as well as whether to focus on individual workers, the ements of work quality. At the same time, additional
regulatory environment or the nature of jobs. steps can be takenas has been done by the Canadian
Existing measures draw attention to the need for Imperial Bank of Commerce through the employment
policies to enhance the quality of employment, particu- quality index it has constructedto identify, assess and
larly when trends in employment quality are depicted, diagnose the causes of poor job quality, which can vary
as in the case of the Eurofound reports. Noting that by national, local and even workplace context.5

1. ETUI 2015. 2. Eurofound 2013. 3. ILO 2012a. 4. UNECE Expert Group on Measuring Quality of Employment 2012. 5. Tal 2015.
Source: Human Development Report Office.

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 35

lower happiness and increased anxiety.9 In at work, higher compensation and social
the United States the nonincome impacts of insurance.
unemployment have been estimated to be five Over recent decades the potential for
times greater than the income impact.10 The strong worker negotiating power has steadily
unhappiness of becoming unemployed is not atrophiedbecause of globalization, which
something that people adjust to quickly, if at pits workers in different countries against each
all. In Germany life satisfaction declines sharply other; because of technological innovations,
on losing a job, and there is little evidence of which have atomized the workforce; and be-
any improvement among men even after three cause of new working patterns, which include
or more years of unemployment.11 So un- more short-term work that blurs the lines
employment is miserable, and work is satisfy- between formal and informal work. It is now
ing. But is it merely having a job or some other harder for workers to unite for mass action, to
aspect of work that matters in terms of human some extent a desired management outcome.
happiness (box 1.3)? Some employers have deliberately shaped inno-
vation so as to weaken labour power, using new
Voice and participation technologies to monitor workers more closely
and reduce their scope for controlling their
Unions, political parties, womens groups work environment.
and other collective entities have long pro- Today, traditional forms of worker organiza-
Today, traditional vided workers with a means for voice and tions like trade unions are weak and represent
participationcritical for value and quality of fewer members than in the past. Looking at
forms of worker work. Through these platforms, workers have union members as a percentage of employees,
organizations like trade formed shared values and collective interests variations across countries are considerable.
unions are weak and pursued them. This has resulted in real While such membership is quite strong in
gains, even in the face of powerful opposition, Argentina, Kenya and South Africa (more than
as for example, in the 1980s in Brazil when 30percent), it is very low in Niger and Uganda
workers gained better rights and wages and in (less than 5percent).13 But even this measure
South Africa when movements helped legalize may overestimate the real influence of trade un-
Black trade unions.12 Through such processes, ions in the workforce, as a high proportion of
workers have substantially strengthened the workers in many countries are self-employed or
link between work and human development, not in the formal economy and may not be cap-
including protections against health hazards tured in the measures of union participation.

BOX 1.3

What brings happinesshaving a job or something beyond it?

What do we know about the ways in which work Much remains to be learned about the causes of
beyond having a jobpromotes happiness? Some types happiness at work, although some factors are increas-
of work appear to be associated with happiness more ingly well accepted. For example, the relationship with
than others, and the income gained through work is not ones manager is important. Indeed, trust in the work-
the only thing that matters. One study of the relation- place generally seems to be an important factor. In
ship between different occupations and life satisfaction Canada a one-third standard-deviation increase in trust
found a wide variation in satisfaction that did not direct- in management did as much for happiness as an income
ly correlate with income, with members of the clergy increase of 31percent. Job fithaving an opportunity
the most satisfied, followed closely by chief executives at work to do what one does bestis also important for
and senior officials and agricultural managers. The least subjective well-being. Better job fit has been associated
satisfied were those working as bar managers, in low- with higher life evaluations and better daily experiences
skill construction jobs or as debt collectors.1 in all seven regions of the world.2

1. Easton 2014. 2. Helliwell and Huang 2011b.
Source: Human Development Report Office.


The weakness or underdevelopment of worker Creative work is valuable to a society by con-
organizations can be detrimental to human de- tributing to its tradition, culture and heritage.
velopment, impeding the functioning of labour Similarly, volunteering provides a means to
and social institutions as a whole.14 build social relationships and networks outside
There have been international efforts to sup- paid employment and can contribute to the
port workers in addressing some of these chal- social good. One survey in Australia found that
lenges. For example, the International Trade for 83 percent of volunteers, their contribu-
Union Confederation and the International tions had increased their sense of belonging to
Domestic Workers Federation are working on their communities.15
uniting global workers. Work thus has a value for society as a whole.
Often individual and societal values of work Work has a value for
Sustainable work converge, as environment-friendly work bene-
fits not only workers, but also other people, in- society as a whole
To strengthen the link with human develop- cluding future generations. But sometimes they
ment, work has to be sustainable. Sustainable divergefor example, the work of poachers
work is defined as work that promotes human generates income for individuals but is detri-
development while reducing or eliminating mental to society.
negative externalities that can be experienced
over different geographic and time scales. It is Discrimination and violence at work
not only critical for sustaining the planet, but
also for ensuring work for future generations. Sometimes, the value of work is diminished
Sustainable work is not just about paid work and its links with human development become
(as argued in chapter 5); it also encompasses weaker because of discrimination and violence
the often impactful efforts of caregivers, vol- at work. The most observable discrimination
unteers, artists, advocates and others, which is along gender linesin positions, pay and
have positive impacts on human development. treatment (chapter 4). But discrimination also
Furthermore, sustainable work concentrates occurs on grounds of ethnicity, race, disability
on activities that can achieve the dual mutual and sexual orientation.
goal of high sustainability and high human In the United States racial discrimination is
development. the most frequently reported form of discrim-
To forge a stronger link with human devel- ination at work, accounting for 35percent of
opment, sustainable work has to follow three charges presented to the United States Equal
pathways, as detailed in chapter 5: the termina- Employment Opportunity Commission.16
tion and transformation of some existing forms In the United Kingdom 22 percent of poll
of work, and the creation of new forms of work. respondents had witnessed racism in the
workplace, and 34percent of Black people and
Societal value of work 29percent of Asian people reported first-hand
experience of racial or religious discrimination
Work strengthens the workhuman develop- at work.17 In Hungary 64 percent of migrant
ment link when it goes beyond individual ben- respondents to a survey reported discrimination
efits and contributes to shared social objectives. when looking for a job, and wages paid to Roma
Work that boosts income and lowers poverty re- are lower than the Hungarian minimum wage.18
duces inequality and can relieve social tension, The consequences of discrimination in
while money earned from work can be taxed developed countries (where employment is
to generate resources for human development. predominantly formal) are lower labour force
Work that involves caring for older people or participation, higher unemployment and a
people with disabilities helps maintain their considerable wage gap between marginalized
capabilities and strengthens social cohesion, groups and the rest of the population. Two
while child care builds capacities for future layers of discrimination influence these gaps in
generations. Workers also establish social and outcome: uneven access to a good education
economic ties and build trust in others and in and prejudice when accessing jobs and promo-
institutions, which also builds social cohesion. tions in the workplace.

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 37

In developing countries discrimination is of- often begins in school. In Thailand discrimina-
ten against indigenous ethnic groups.19 Labour tion occurs at all stages in the employment pro-
outcomes of disadvantaged ethnic groups cess, including education and training, access
reflect different forms of inequality, restricted to jobs, advancement in opportunities, social
opportunities and discrimination throughout security and partner benefits.22 Participation of
the lifecycle. Unlike in developed countries, transgendered workers in the workforce is often
labour participation tends to be higher for limited to a few professions such as beauticians
these disadvantaged groups because of a high and entertainers.
reliance on self-employment and informality, Workplace or occupational violencein the
which in turn results in high vulnerability and form of threats and physical or verbal abuseis
limited social protection. For example, in Latin also a concern for many workers. The numbers
America the wage gap between indigenous are startling. In 2009, 572,000 occurrences
ethnic groups and the rest of the population is of nonfatal workplace violenceincluding
estimated at 38percent, with more than 10per- various forms of assaultwere reported in the
cent typically remaining unexplained.20 United States, and 521 individuals were victims
Work discrimination against people with of homicide in the workplace.23 Some 80per-
Work discrimination disabilities is also common. More than 1bil- cent of survey respondents in South Africa
lion peopleone person in sevenhave some reported that they had suffered from hostil-
against people form of disability.21 Most people with disabil- ity at work (bullying in all its forms) at some
with disabilities is ities cannot make full use of their capabilities. point.24 In 2009 some 30million EU workers
also common Discrimination starts as early as in school. In experienced work-related violence (such as
developing countries students with special harassment, intimidation, bullying or physical
needs rarely have access to rehabilitation educa- violence)10 million in the workplace and
tion or training, and later they are less likely to 20million outside the workplace. The violence
find work. In both low- and high-income coun- takes a direct toll on physical and emotional
tries, their employment rates are typically lower health, leading to greater absenteeism.25
than those of workers without disabilities (ta-
ble 1.1). Access to labour markets is even more Work in conflict and
difficult for women with disabilities. Thus in postconflict situations
low-income countries the employment rate for
women with disabilities is about one-third that Some 1.5billion people, or one in four people
of men with disabilities, and in high-income on the planet, live in fragile or conflict-afflicted
countries, it is a little more than a half. countries.26 Conflict situations range from high
Also facing discrimination in the workplace criminal violence to civil wars to other forms of
are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer internal conflict. Work in these situations and the
and intersex people. Only a few countries workhuman development link take on different
have laws to protect them, and those laws are dimensions in such exceptional states of emergen-
often poorly enforced. Research in Argentina, cy. With increasing degrees of violence, human
Hungary, South Africa and Thailand finds priorities change in the sense that survival and
that many face discrimination and harassment physical integrity of the self and family members
in the workplace and that the discrimination become higher priorities than economic needs.


Employment rate of people with disabilities, low- and high-income countries, most recent year available (%)
Low-income countries High-income countries
Not disabled Disabled Not disabled Disabled

Male 71 59 54 36
Female 32 20 28 20

Source: WHO and the World Bank 2011.


The links between conflict and work are mu- many people with Congolese or Rwandan
tually reinforcing. Work can help with peace conflict-related origins, and they may expe-
building, and unemployment, when overlap- rience discrimination in hiring practices and
ping with other social discontent, can be dest- treatment.
abilizing. When people are unemployed, they The effect of conflicts on work varies across
may be more susceptible to participation in vio- groups. For example, young people may have Violent conflicts
lent activities. In extreme cases and in unstable fewer opportunities for productive work, leav-
environments this may boost recruitment by ing them more vulnerable to recruitment by have many complex
insurgents, thus increasing the risk of civil war. gangs, rebels or terrorist groups. Even after con- effects on work
Unemployment and the discontent and griev- flicts end, young people are the ex-combatants
ances it stirsas well as reduced opportunity most likely to be out of work.
cost of violencemay be considerable. Conflicts can also add to the workload for
Violent conflicts have many complex effects women. If men are absent due to fighting,
on work. Conflicts not only lead to suffering women face even greater paid and unpaid
and death; they also destroy livelihoods. As work responsibilities at home. But women may
a result of violence and looting, people lose also be actively involved in conflicts. In Sudan
property, land and businesses. They also find women and girls were on the front lines of the
it difficult to work when they are displaced, two northsouth civil wars as both combatants
especially to neighbouring regions or countries and peace activists.27
where natural and other resources are already Women are crucial in the work of peace
scarce. This not only leads to immediate pov- making and conflict prevention, including
erty, but also reduces the prospects for recovery peace talks, conflict mediation and all aspects
particularly if the conflict is exacerbated, for of post-conflict resolution. This is widely
example, by the proliferation of small arms, recognized in the UN Security Council
cattle raiding and militia activities. When Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and
violent conflict severs major infrastructural ar- Security, adopted in October 2000. The reso-
teries, destroys power plants and fuel facilities lution also acknowledges the dramatic impact
and starves industries of foreign exchange for violent conflicts have on women and urges
imported inputs, work in manufacturing, man- governments to increase the participation of
ufacturing-related services, tourism and some women in peace and security efforts.28 Actions
agriculture can decline. to implement the resolution have already been
Violent conflict can and often does unleash planned and implemented by some 25 coun-
mechanisms of primitive accumulation: tries, from Liberia to Norway, from Nepal to
the use of extra-economic or noneconomic the Philippines.29
coercion to wrest assets from their owners or Even so, few women have been present
occupiers (for example, through forced dis- in peace negotiations, amid 39 active con-
placement and wartime land accumulation) flicts over the past 10 years, and only a small
and to force people to join wage labour markets proportion of peace treaties contains direct
for their survival. references to women (16percent of 585 peace
The redistribution of work opportuni- treaties).30 And a study of 31 major peace
ties and of workers during conflict is not processes between 1992 and 2011 revealed
restricted to national boundaries. Regional that only 9 percent of the peace negotiators
conflict complexes, as they have been called, were women.31 Womens participation in the
often generate complicated labour markets peace process is not just a matter of morality
and frequently abusive labour relations and or equality, but one of efficiency. If women
working conditions across borders, helping are not part of the peace process globally, half
create displacement economies. Many refugee the worlds potential for building peace is lost.
women during the Mozambican war ended up Instrumental in resolving conflict in Liberia,
working as illegaland cheap workers on 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner Leymah
globally competitive agro-business farms in Gbowee underscores the significant involve-
South Africa during the late 1980s and early ment of women in peace building in a special
1990s. Ugandan rural labour markets contain contribution (signed box).

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 39


Building peace, restoring hope: womens role in nation building

Just like womens invisible work in the household, womens work in com- also stepping up and responding to their sisters need for counselling and
munity building and conflict resolution, which has significant human devel- humanitarian assistance and their communitys need for peace. Women in
opment implications, often goes unacknowledged. Nigeria are also persistently protesting for the 200 Chibok girls that are still
Womens peace-making efforts are not a strange phenomenon; they missing. The stories of womens struggle for peace, for human rights and
have been happening since the outbreak of violence and wars at the end for justice are consistent.
of the cold war. From Bosnia and Herzegovina to Liberia, Burundi to Sierra When the wars end, womens role in recovery and peace building dimin-
Leone, Congo to Uganda women have been mobilizing at the local level to ishes. Patriarchy steps in and forgets about the efforts of women. In no time
effect change, including during and after civil wars. In fact, I can unequivo- patriarchy lays the foundation for the next war, for the next institutionalized
cally state that womens active engagement in ending wars and all types of violations of the rights of women, children and the vulnerable. This has re-
violence is critical. The only sad fact is that policymakers at the global and mained the tragic tale. This is the story that women must begin to tackleto
national levels are too slow to embrace this reality. insist on a place in the rebuilding of the polity, the economy and the state that
My own experience began with the civil war that ravaged Liberia for is created after wars. In many communities post-conflict reconstruction fails to
almost two decades. There I saw how war can strip a whole society of its take womens unique needs and concerns into consideration, leaving women
humanity, its deference for life and the respect for the rights and dignity of who had already borne the brunt of these conflicts to further impoverishment.
persons. How war can tear the fabric of society, break down the norms that To address this situation, in many communities women are also mo-
keep in check the terror that comes from mans ego. There I lived the rule by bilizing and forming cooperatives for farming and other enterprises as a
man, and all its diabolical manifestations. means of providing for them and their wards through their work. This is
It was in this vacuum of order, of rights, of civility that the women of fundamental to sustaining human rights, consolidating gains for peace.
Liberia stood up to reclaim the soul of our country, of our society. Thousands The hope for this new agenda in womens search for human rights and
of women across Liberia, under the banner of the Liberia Mass Action for peace is strong. This is evident from the growing number of women who
Peace, risked their safety to protest against the war, against the despicable are assuming leadership roles in public offices; more womens voices are
acts perpetrated in the name of war. heard against the violations against them and their children thanks to new
But this story is not unique to Liberia. It reverberates in most war-af- platforms made possible through technology.
fected societies. About a year ago, when I had the opportunity to travel to I strongly believe that it is time for the world and global bodies to rec-
three provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, I saw that the sto- ognize the critical role that women can and are playing in conflict resolution
ry of women mobilizing for peace was the same. I met the same category of and community building. While recognition is important, I believe engaging
women that were part of the Liberian peace movementthe context is dif- womens expertise is also crucial to finding solutions to global conflicts. If
ferent, but the characters are the same; the virtues, qualities and principles we must reverse the tidal waves of conflict and insecurity globally, I believe
they bring to their work are the same. The women of these communities are we urgently need all hands on deck to accomplish the task.

Leymah Gbowee
Peace activist and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner

Work that damages exploitative activities shatter human develop-

human development ment. And millions of domestic, migrant, sex
and hazardous-industry workers make their
Most people work for their livelihoods. They living in ways that are dangerous, also eroding
also work to give their life greater value and their well-being.
meaning, but not all work achieves this.
Many people are in work that restricts their Child labour
life choices. Millions work under abusive and
exploitative conditions that violate their basic In most societies children help their families
human rights and destroy their dignity, such through work in ways that are neither harmful
as child labourers, forced labourers and traf- nor exploitative. But child labour deprives
ficked workers (figure 1.4). Such corrosive and children of their childhood, their potential and


their dignityand can be mentally, physically, FIGURE 1.4
socially or morally harmful. It can also interfere
Corrosive and exploitative work shatters human development
with education, forcing children to combine
school with excessively long and heavy work or
to leave school early or even to not attend. In
Violation of
its most pernicious forms children are enslaved, human
separated from their families, exposed to se-
rious hazards and illnesses or left to fend for
themselves on the streets of large cities, often at wages
a very early age.
The world has around 168 million child
Child labour
labourers, almost 11percent of the child pop- Shattered
Forced labour human
ulation, some 100million boys and 68million dignity
girls. Around half are engaged in hazardous Trafficked workers

work. About 23 percent of child labour in

developing countries occurs in low-income Loss of
freedom and
countries, with the largest numbers in Asia and autonomy
the Pacific. The highest prevalence is in Sub-
Saharan Africa, at one child in five.32 insecurity
But there has been substantial progress,
partly reflecting efforts to ensure that children
attend school. Over 20002012 the number
Source: Human Development Report Office.
of child labourers fell by 78million, or almost
a third. Progress was greatest among younger
children and children in hazardous work. The
drop among girls was 40 percent, compared In 2012 about 21million people worldwide FIGURE 1.5
with 25percent among boys.33 were in forced labour, trafficked for labour and
Women and girls account
The 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate Kailash sexual exploitation or held in slavery-like con-
for a larger share of
Satyarthi shares views and perspectives from ditions; 14million (68percent) of them were forcedlabour than men
his lifelong work on child labour in a special subject to labour exploitation and 4.5million andboys,2012
contribution (signed box). (22percent) to sexual exploitation. Private in- (millions)
dividuals and enterprises exploited 90percent
Forced labour of these people.35 Women and girls accounted Men
and boys
and girls
for a larger share than men and boys, and adults
Forced labour is one of the most detrimen- accounted for a larger share than children 9.5 11.4
tal types of work for human development, (figure 1.5). Forced labour is thought to have
destroying peoples choices and freedoms. It generated around $150 billion a year in illegal
includes work or services exacted from any profits since 2006.36 The amount of profit is under 18 Adults
person under the menace of any penalty and highest in Asia and the Pacific and lowest in the
5.5 15.4
for which that person has not offered himself Middle East (figure 1.6). However, the profit
or herself voluntarily. Exceptions are work re- per victim is highest in developed economies
Source: ILO 2014e.
quired by compulsory military service, normal ($34,800) and lowest in Africa ($3,900).37
civic obligations or a conviction in a court of The most extreme forced labour is slavery,
law, so long as the work or service is under the still prevalent in some parts of the world. A
supervision and control of a public authority. more common working relationship close to
Human trafficking broadly refers to recruiting slavery is debt bondage. In some parts of the
and transporting people for the purpose of ex- world in times of scarcity, poor peasants and
ploitation.34 This typically involves entrapping indigenous people may accept wage advances
workers and moving them to another country or small loans that steadily accumulate until
for sex work, domestic service or exploitative they are impossible to pay off, bringing them
work in agricultural sweatshops. into bondage with their landlord or employer.

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 41


Working towards the elimination of child labour

How has the world of child labour changed since you first got involved in the conventional charity work and evolved into critical policy partners and
the field? What are some of the positive changes and some of the less found more spacefor example, in UN discourses. I have been part of this,
positive ones? involved deeply in two of the largest movementsGlobal Campaign for
Education and Global March against Child Labour. As far as more political
When I started in 1981, there was complete ignorance about this serious will is concerned, a more vibrant and dynamic civil society, a more engaged
problem. People easily ignored it with a common perception that they are and strong civil society can act as watchdogs and be critical policy partners
poor children, and they are working, nothing new in it. The notion of the for governments.
rights of children was not institutionalized, not even conceptualized yet. The social mobilization is equally important, where the media has a
The Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989 and rolled crucial role.
out in 1990. We also have to address the corporate sector directly, making them
Along with my colleagues, I raised the issue that they are not sim- more responsible, making them more accountable for the children. That will
ply poor children and compelled to work, it is denial of their freedom in also, in turn, help in creating much more political will. Corporations have
childhood, denial of their dignity and their development for the future played a role in building political momentum against global warming and
including education and health. ecological change, resulting in the growth of political will, and the same
The first reaction was denial, from powerful sections including busi- can be done for child labour in particular, but also child rights in general.
ness and governments. They did not want to touch this issue. It was not
well researched or well documented; there were no laws except for old You have touched on something that is very central to our discussions of how
British laws. I found that the situation was the same in the rest of South the world of work is changingthere seems to be a power shift between
Asia as I started to work in Nepal and Pakistan. Eventually I realized that the the various actors. You mentioned that there are good examples where the
gross ignorance, neglect and denial was a global problem. corporate side has taken on issues such as global warming and ecological
And then we moved to a situation of opposition, we approached the ju- changes. Are there similar examples in the field of child labour where cor-
diciary, raised the issue in the media and also challenged business practices porate endorsement has come in and supported the cause of child rights?
of those who were using child slaves and trafficked children. Then there
was sharp opposition and violent reactionstwo colleagues were killed, There has definitely been a significant paradigm shift, though we need
and I was attacked several times. more concrete efforts and outcomes from them. For example, we led a
Finally, ordinary people, citizens started to understand the problem, campaign in the mid- and late 1980s in the carpet industry in India, Nepal
that this was more than poverty and something that cannot be simplified and Pakistan. That led to the first ever social certification monitoring and
and ignored. There was a change in perception in all corners of society labelling mechanism in South Asia, known as GoodWeave (earlier known
also the judiciary, which reacted quite positively and proactively in India as Rugmark). This was the first very concrete engagement of the corporate
and other parts of the world as well. Then the trade unions also started world along with local producers, civil society organizations, nongovern-
getting involved. mental organizations, some UN agencies and more importantly, consumer
The perceptional change led to changed practices as well. In the past organizations. This combination has led to remarkable results in the South
1517 years, child labour is down from 260million to 168million. But it Asian carpet industry, with the number of child workers in the industry
remains a serious problem. There is still a lack of global political will, which down from 1million to 200,000.
is also reflected at the national level. National laws have been made, and I was also personally engaged in a campaign against trafficking and
there is the International Labour Organization convention that was unani- slavery in the cocoa industry, in Ghana and Cote dIvoire. We are also trying
mously adopted by the international community in 1999. Since then it has to engage the corporate world in the garment industry.
been ratified by 179 countries. Yet, concrete change at the country level is Corporate engagement is vital. Ideally, we want to be more positive
still wanting, and a serious amount of political will is needed. and constructive, rather than ban or boycott any products or industries.
Corporate consciousness and the whole notion of corporate responsibil-
How do you see this political will developing? The path that you and your col- ity have to trickle down from the boardroom level to the workshop level,
leagues have taken forward in changing perceptions, do you see that continu- through the supply chain. We are working on it.
ing to be the mode of engagements with national governments and partners?
Thats very encouraging for us to hear. Now, you have touched on what the
Definitely. One of the biggest things that happened during the past 2030 ordinary citizen or a common person can do in order to eradicate this issue.
years was the emergence of a strong civil society. It has emerged from Would you like to develop a little bit further what the person on the streets



or someone who is a student can do within their own sphere to help remove generating pressure on the industries to ensure that they are much more
this problem? responsible and much more accountable.
As citizens, as consumers, as someone who is really connected with
Child labour is not an isolated problem and cannot be solved in isolation. the social media, we can use that to raise voices on behalf of children.
It is very directly connected with overall human development and with hu- Young people, especially those in universities and colleges, can gather in-
man rights. If the rights of human beings, families and communities are formation about child labour, and as responsible young people they can just
not protected, children are not protected. Similarly, without sustainable and push some of the buttons on their smartphones and computers and can help
inclusive development, child labour cannot be eradicated in isolation. in raising awareness of the problem of child labour and violence against
I have been emphasizing for over 30 years that poverty, child labour and children.
illiteracy form a kind of vicious triangle. They are the cause and conse-
quence of each other, and one cannot be solved without solving the others. With the Sustainable Development Goals in the offing, what would be your
While 168million children are in full-time jobs, millions of adults are job- message for the international community, particularly for advancing the
less. Many of these adults in developing countries are the very parents of rights of all children?
these child labourers. Children are preferred because they are the cheapest
or even free, if bondedlabour. They are physically and mentally docile, Even before the Millennium Development Goals, were rolled out, I was very
they do not form unions or go to court; so no challenge for the employer and concerned about their place in the international agenda and organized a
thus perpetuating this vicious cycle. number of meetings in the corridors of the UN. We tried to send a clear
Child labour is also interconnected with health, education and poverty message that we cannot attain many of the goals without ensuring the
eradication issues. Im working to pose the agenda of the complete eradi- abolition of child labour and violence against childrenwhether education
cation of child labour, slavery and trafficking, as part of the Sustainable for all, poverty reduction through reducing unemployment, ecological issues
Development Goals. and health issues (85million children are in hazardous employment). We
This is very important as we live in a world where children are not safe. have seen some progress but also failures among these goals.
On the one hand, a lot of growth, a lot of development, a lot of legal pro- Now there is a campaign with like-minded organizations and trade
tections are being talked about. On the other hand, the world is becoming unions asking for:
more and more difficult and unsafe, frightening for the children, for reasons Strong language against child labour in the Sustainable Development
that include terrorism and intolerance. We are not able to assure a safer Goals, which has been introduced and should be retained.
future for our children, especially in developing countries. The violence is Strong language for education, which has also been included.
increasing. Explicit language against child slavery and children in forced la-
My strong belief is that violence and human development cannot coex- bour, which does not exist right now. The number of child slaves did
ist. We have to put an end to violence to ensure human development. I am not go down, in spite of the number of child labourers having gone
very confident that until and unless we make a safer world for our children, down, as I mentioned, from 260 million to 168 million. According to
we cannot protect human rights. Protection of human rights, inclusive de- the International Labour Organization, the number of children in forced
velopment for society, as well as getting rid of violence are interconnected labour or, what we call, child slaves is still stagnant at 5.5million. My
issues, and we have to begin with our children. sense is that there are more.
People should raise their voices against all kinds of violence against
children. Denial of education is also a violation of childrens rights beside The international community must realize that if we cannot protect
child labour, child trafficking and the like. Ordinary people can get engaged our children, we cannot protect our development. We have to end violence
in many ways. One is to help in creating, spreading and deepening the against children.
knowledge among their own peers and friends and relatives. Things are When it comes to implementation, I have also been urging UN agencies
happening around the world against children. Let us spread the knowledge to work in much closer cooperation on childrens issues, because sometimes
and create more consciousness and concern. Second, as responsible citi- we see a compartmentalized approach and compartmentalized reactions,
zens, one can definitely ask local politicians, parliament members and the segmented by the respective agency mandates. One child gets fragmented
government to give more attention to the cause of children in both develop- into different agencies. We have to be more strongly coordinated and be
ing and developed countries, with a very strong notion that no problem in more proactive, rather than just reacting to things that happen against
the world is an isolated problem and no problem on the planet could be children.
solved in isolation. The solutions are interconnected, as are the problems.
Problems can begin in one part of the world, and other parts would suffer. How will your Nobel Peace Prize impact the most marginalized children
We have to think globally and after 9/11, and after knowing more about in terms of protection from violence, inclusion in education and improving
global warming, one must know that we have to be united as global citizens their health and human development?
in solving the problem of child labour and illiteracy of children. As consum-
ers, one can demand that we buy only those products that are free of child My spontaneous reaction to the prize on the day the announcement was
labourfrom toys to sporting goods to aprons to shoes. This will help in made was that this is the first ever, the biggest ever recognition for the

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 43


most marginalized children on the planet. This is a prize for them; it just debate, a little bit, at the highest level. I have been meeting a number of
went through me. That is why, personally, I feel much more morally respon- prime ministers and presidents and have had very good meeting with the
sible now. This is a recognition that peace cannot be restored without the UN Secretary-General and also with other UN agencies. The whole dis-
safety of children and the protection of children. The prize has connected course, the whole debate has gone to the highest level, and it cannot be
peace and child rights at the highest levels of morality, peace and society. put aside now. It is at a stage where the government and intergovernmental
Within three hours of the prize, the issue got more attention than in agencies have to prioritize children because every single minute matters,
past three decades! Now, we are able to interact and influence the political every single child matters, every single childhood matters.

Kailash Satyarthi
Activist and 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

FIGURE 1.6 worldwide. The majority of victims are women,

but men are also affected. For example, men
Annual profits from forced labour have been
from Bolivia have been trafficked with their
highest in Asia and the Pacific since 2006
families to Argentina to work in garment fac-
tories. Deprived of their passports, they have
Middle East 8.5 been locked in factories and forced to work up
to 17 hours a day.38
Latin America &
the Caribbean 12.0 Trafficking occurs on a large scale, but its
extent is difficult to assess. It can be tricky to
Africa 13.1 judge whether migration is voluntary or forced
and difficult to extract data specifically on
Central and South-Eastern
Europe and the CIS
18.0 trafficking from data on other forms of illegal
Developed economies
migration and exploitation. And because the
and the European Union
46.9 activity is illegal, victims are unwilling to report
abuse for fear of being deported. There is also
Asia and the Pacific 51.8
a grey area between trafficking and smuggling.
($ billions) Between 2007 and 2010 trafficked victims
of 136 nationalities were detected in 118
Source: ILO 2014e. countries. Some 5560percent of the victims
were women.39 Most were trafficked for sexual
exploitation or for working as forced labour.
A more recent variant of debt bondage has More than 60percent of victims in Europe and
arisen through international migration. To pay Central Asia and more than 50percent in the
for travel and secure work abroad, aspirant mi- Americas were trafficked for sexual exploita-
grants may have to borrow large amounts from tion, nearly half in Africa and the Middle East
agents. The agents and employers can then and more than 45percent in South Asia, East
manipulate this credit to entrap workers. Other Asia and the Pacific were trafficked for forced
people may be forced to work as a result of in- labour (figure 1.7).
carceration or physical or sexual violence. Thus
bonded work often happens when workers are
given wage advances and are then pushed deep- Workers at risk
er and deeper into debt they cannot payoff.
While all workers may find themselves in abu-
Trafficked workers sive situations, certain groups are particularly
vulnerable, including illegal migrant workers,
After arms and drug trafficking, human traf- those in domestic service, sex workers and
ficking is the most lucrative illicit business those in hazardous industries.


FIGURE 1.7 of whom are women. With appropriate pro-
tections in place, domestic work can empower
Over 20072010 a substantial number of trafficked
people and help lift families out of poverty.
victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation
But exploitation is common in paid domestic
Form of exploitation (%)
work, particularly for female migrant workers
Other human
in developing countries. In peoples homes
Sexual Forced exploitation often remains outside the scope of
exploitation labour
labour law. Employers use threats and coercion
Europe and
Central Asia 62 31 to pay low or even no wages. They can force
domestic workers to work long hoursup to
18 hours a day without days offlimiting their
Americas 51 44 movements and potential for social interaction.
Working conditions are often poor, with little
South Asia, East Asia
& the Pacific 44 47 food and no access to medical care. Domestic
workers may also be subject to physical or sex-
Africa and ual abuse.42 Even so, many domestic workers
36 49
the Middle East feel obliged to remain with abusive employers
because they need to work to support their
removal own families.

Sex workers
Source: UNODC 2012.

According to the UN General Assembly defi-

nition, sex workers include consenting female,
Migrant workers illegal and legal male and transgender adults and young peo-
ple ages 18 and older who receive money or
Among workers at risk of exploitation are goods in exchange for sexual services, either
illegal migrants from other countries. They regularly or occasionally.43 Most countries have Trafficking of
often become the prey of human traffickers laws prohibiting buying, selling or facilitating
and thus go through a risky and sometimes sexual services as well as soliciting sex, operat- illegal migrants has
life-threatening process to reach their destina- ing brothels and living off the earnings of sex recently surged
tion. Trafficking of illegal migrants has recently work. Recommendation 200 on HIV and the
surged. Networks of traffickers take money World of Work of the International Labour
from aspiring migrants who try to cross ille- Organization covers sex workers and recom-
gally into other countries. In 2014 some 3,500 mends that governments recognize sex work
people, maybe many more, lost their lives in as an occupation, so that it can be regulated to
the Mediterranean Sea when trafficking boats protect workers and clients.44 Sex work involves
heading towards Europe, mainly from Libya, exploitation, abuse, violence and insecurity, all
capsized or sank.40 of which damage human development in terms
In many instances, legal migrant workers of agency and choice.
particularly low-skilled and low-paid ones Legal restrictions on sex work and related
are also subjected to rights violations, unsafe activities displace sex workers to unsafe envi-
conditions, indignity and even abuse. Some ronments, heightening their risk of violence
work long hours for low wages with little time and sexually transmitted infections, including
off. They can be trapped in their workplace if HIV. Recent modelling by The Lancet sug-
their employer seizes their passport or other gests that decriminalizing sex work could avert
documents.41 3346percent of HIV infections in the next
decade across generalized and concentrated
Domestic workers epidemics. 45 Evidence from India suggests
that activities led by sex worker collectives
Paid domestic work is an important means of have helped identify 80percent of trafficked
income for millions of workers, the majority minors and women in West Bengal, showing

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 45

that sex workers can be allies in assisting such workersconsider, for example, the 2013 Rana
victims.46 Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh. The government
has since made progress in supervising the
Workers in hazardous industries readymade garment and knitwear industry to
guarantee labour rights and reinforce safety
Mining is one of the most hazardous occupa- measures, but much remains to be done.
tions in many countries. Although it accounts Older workers also face greater risk. They
for only 1 percent of the global workforce need more recovery time between shifts,
(30 million workers), it is responsible for especially when performing physically or psy-
8 percent of fatal accidents at work and for chologically demanding jobs. For example, in
many injuries and disabling diseases such as Europe most fatal work-related accidents hap-
pneumoconiosis (black lung disease).47 Official pen in the 5565 age group.49
statistics probably underestimate the number
of cases, and many miners work in informal
mines, where accident rates are often far higher. Conclusions
Construction is another hazardous industry.
In developing countries construction workers Work is critical to human existence and human
face multiple health risks, such as exposure to development. Work has contributed con-
dust, and are three to six times more likely than siderably to impressive human development
other workers to die from accidents at work. achievements over the years, but a large amount
This is due in part to a lack of safety measures of human potential remains unusedbecause
or lax enforcement. In many developing coun- people are out of work, engaged in vulnerable
tries construction workers wear no protection. work or working but still in poverty. Many
Similarly, in many instances the booming con- younger people are out of work, and women
struction sector relies heavily on rural migrant face lower wages and opportunities for paid
workers who earn low wages, an intense pace of work while bearing a disproportionate burden
work and long and irregular hours.48 of unpaid care work. The world is deprived
Many dangers are also evident in factories, of their contributions, creativity and innova-
and risks seem to have intensified in recent tion. Creating opportunities to put the work
years due to increased global movements and potentials of all people to use could further
aggravated by the global financial crisis. Faced accelerate human progress, help overcome the
with intense competitive pressures, firms are remaining human development deficits and ad-
cutting costs in a race to the bottom. The most dress emerging human development challenges.
unscrupulous bypass safety standards to keep These issues are addressed in the following
costs low, which increases the danger to factory chapter.



Work with exploitation, risks and insecurities

Work that is a risk to human development Occupational injuries Security from employment

Unemployment Old age

Working poor benefits Mandatory paid pension
Child labour Domestic workers at PPP$2 a day Low pay rate Nonfatal Fatal recipients maternity leave recipients

(% of total employment) (% of (% of statutory

unemployed pension age
(% ages 514) Female Male (% of total employment) (thousands) (cases) ages 1564) (days) population)

HDI rank 20052013a 20002010a 20002010a 20032012a 20012011a 20052013a 20052013a 20052013a 2014 20042012a,b
1 Norway .. 0.1 0.1 .. .. 15.2 48 61.8 .. 100.0
2 Australia .. 0.1 0.1 c .. 16.1 100.1 212 52.7 .. 83.0
3 Switzerland .. 2.8 0.4 .. 12.2 93.8 192 61.9 98 100.0
4 Denmark .. 0.3 0.1 c .. 13.4 41.7 40 77.2 126 100.0
5 Netherlands .. 0.1 0.1 c .. .. 831.8 49 61.9 112 100.0
6 Germany .. 1.1 0.1 .. 20.5 1,007.2 664 88.0 98 100.0
6 Ireland .. 1.0 0.1 .. .. .. 40 21.6 182 90.5
8 United States .. 0.9 0.1 .. 25.1 1,191.1 4,383 26.5 .. 92.5
9 Canada .. 0.9 0.1 c .. 20.3 .. .. 40.5 105 97.7
9 New Zealand .. 0.2 0.1 c .. 12.6 .. 48 32.9 98 98.0
11 Singapore .. .. .. .. .. 11.8 59 0.0 112 0.0
12 Hong Kong, China (SAR) .. .. .. .. .. 37.8 188 16.9 70 72.9
13 Liechtenstein .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
14 Sweden .. .. .. .. .. 30.5 33 28.0 .. 100.0
14 United Kingdom .. 0.6 0.3 .. 20.6 79.9 148 62.6 273 99.5
16 Iceland .. .. .. .. 16.7 1.6 6 28.6 90 100.0
17 Korea (Republic of) .. 1.5 0.1 c .. 22.2 .. 1,292 45.5 90 77.6
18 Israel .. 3.5 0.3 .. 20.3 66.3 62 29.4 98 73.6
19 Luxembourg .. .. .. .. 19.1 8.5 22 43.8 .. 90.0
20 Japan .. 0.1 0.1 c .. 14.4 .. 1,030 19.6 98 80.3
21 Belgium .. 1.9 0.1 .. 12.7 71.0 72 80.2 105 84.6
22 France .. 4.1 0.7 .. .. 658.8 529 56.2 112 100.0
23 Austria .. 0.5 0.1 c .. 16.5 59.5 91 90.5 112 100.0
24 Finland .. 0.3 0.3 .. 5.7 .. 26 59.1 147 100.0
25 Slovenia .. 0.1 0.1 c .. .. 15.2 18 30.8 105 95.1
26 Spain .. 8.4 0.6 .. 16.2 402.7 232 46.9 112 68.2
27 Italy .. 4.0 0.4 .. 9.5 402.9 621 55.8 150 81.1
28 Czech Republic .. 0.1 0.1 c .. 17.1 42.9 105 21.2 196 100.0
29 Greece .. 4.8 0.1 .. 13.3 15.2 d 107 d 43.1 119 77.4
30 Estonia .. .. .. .. .. 4.2 20 27.6 140 98.0
31 Brunei Darussalam .. 28.8 1.9 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 81.7
32 Cyprus .. 9.7 0.1 .. .. 1.5 9 78.7 .. 85.2
32 Qatar .. 38.9 2.8 .. .. 0.1 .. 0.0 .. 7.9
34 Andorra .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11.1 .. ..
35 Slovakia .. 0.4 0.1 c .. 20.0 8.5 53 11.2 238 100.0
36 Poland .. 0.1 0.1 c .. 24.3 .. 348 16.8 182 96.5
37 Lithuania .. 0.1 0.1 .. .. 3.1 60 21.5 126 100.0
37 Malta .. 0.2 0.1 c .. .. 3.1 6 .. .. 60.5
39 Saudi Arabia .. 47.1 3.9 .. .. .. .. 0.0 70 ..
40 Argentina 4.4 18.3 0.3 4.0 25.6 441.1 562 4.9 90 90.7
41 United Arab Emirates .. 42.4 6.0 .. .. .. .. 0.0 45 ..
42 Chile 6.6 e 14.3 2.0 3.8 18.5 215.0 322 29.9 126 74.5
43 Portugal 3.4 e,f 7.2 0.1 .. 10.3 173.6 276 42.1 .. 100.0
44 Hungary .. 0.1 0.1 c .. 21.0 17.0 62 31.4 168 91.4
45 Bahrain 4.6 f 42.2 5.8 .. .. 1.0 23 7.9 .. 40.1
46 Latvia .. .. .. .. 31.5 1.6 29 19.5 112 100.0
47 Croatia .. 0.6 0.1 .. .. 15.4 27 20.0 208 57.6
48 Kuwait .. 53.3 11.3 .. .. .. .. 0.0 70 27.3
49 Montenegro 9.9 0.1 0.1 c 1.8 .. .. .. .. 45 52.3
50 Belarus 1.4 .. .. 2.7 .. .. 141 46.1 126 93.6
50 Russian Federation .. 0.1 0.1 c 3.4 .. .. 1,699 20.6 140 100.0
52 Oman .. 59.3 2.8 .. .. .. .. 0.0 42 24.7
52 Romania 0.9 f 0.5 0.2 .. .. 3.4 223 .. 126 98.0
52 Uruguay 7.9 e 18.5 1.4 3.9 27.7 22.9 51 27.9 84 68.2
55 Bahamas .. 6.4 3.0 .. .. .. .. 25.7 .. 84.2
56 Kazakhstan 2.2 0.4 0.1 3.7 .. 2.6 341 0.5 126 95.9
57 Barbados .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 0 .. .. 68.3

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 47


Work with exploitation, risks and insecurities (continued)

Work that is a risk to human development Occupational injuries Security from employment

Unemployment Old age

Working poor benefits Mandatory paid pension
Child labour Domestic workers at PPP$2 a day Low pay rate Nonfatal Fatal recipients maternity leave recipients

(% of total employment) (% of (% of statutory

unemployed pension age
(% ages 514) Female Male (% of total employment) (thousands) (cases) ages 1564) (days) population)

HDI rank 20052013a 20002010a 20002010a 20032012a 20012011a 20052013a 20052013a 20052013a 2014 20042012a,b
58 Antigua and Barbuda .. 6.3 1.4 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 69.7
59 Bulgaria .. .. .. .. .. 2.2 81 25.6 410 96.9
60 Palau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48.0
60 Panama 5.6 e 13.8 1.0 8.5 11.6 0.0 24 0.0 98 37.3
62 Malaysia .. 5.9 0.4 8.4 .. 41.5 274 0.0 60 19.8
63 Mauritius .. 8.1 0.6 5.7 .. 1.1 3 1.2 84 100.0
64 Seychelles .. .. .. .. .. 0.1 1d 5.0 .. 100.0
64 Trinidad and Tobago 0.7 .. .. .. .. 0.8 9 0.0 .. 98.7
66 Serbia 4.4 0.5 0.1 1.8 .. .. .. .. 135 46.1
67 Cuba .. .. .. 5.9 .. 4.9 88 0.0 .. ..
67 Lebanon 1.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 49 0.0
69 Costa Rica 4.1 17.3 1.1 4.3 21.4 134.8 95 0.0 120 55.8
69 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 11.4 e 0.4 0.1 c 7.4 .. .. .. .. 90 26.4
71 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 7.7 f 14.4 0.9 8.4 12.1 3.0 g 31 g .. 182 59.4
72 Turkey 5.9 e 2.1 0.4 2.5 .. 2.2 745 7.7 112 88.1
73 Sri Lanka .. 2.5 0.6 20.4 .. 1.5 141 0.0 84 17.1
74 Mexico 6.3 e 10.3 0.6 2.8 17.4 542.4 1,314 0.0 84 25.2
75 Brazil 8.3 e 17.0 0.9 3.4 21.5 636.1 2,938 8.0 120 86.3
76 Georgia 18.4 1.2 0.2 20.6 .. .. .. 0.0 126 89.8
77 Saint Kitts and Nevis .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 44.7
78 Azerbaijan 6.5 e 2.0 1.5 5.0 40.0 0.1 66 2.5 126 81.7
79 Grenada .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 34.0
80 Jordan 1.6 e 2.2 0.2 4.0 .. 15.3 87 0.0 70 42.2
81 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 12.5 0.3 0.1 4.1 .. .. .. .. 270 52.2
81 Ukraine 2.4 .. .. 1.8 .. 15.6 474 20.9 126 95.0
83 Algeria 4.7 e 1.2 0.3 .. .. .. 912 8.8 d 98 63.6
84 Peru 33.5 e 6.7 0.3 9.5 26.3 19.0 178 0.0 90 33.2
85 Albania 5.1 e .. .. 3.9 .. .. .. 6.9 365 77.0
85 Armenia 3.9 0.6 0.2 12.2 25.8 0.0 12 15.8 140 80.0
85 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.3 .. .. 2.0 .. .. .. 2.0 365 29.6
88 Ecuador 8.6 e .. .. 10.3 17.2 13.7 .. 6.7 h 84 53.0
89 Saint Lucia 3.9 7.0 0.9 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 26.5
90 China .. .. .. 20.4 21.9 3.8 g 14,924 g 14.0 98 74.4
90 Fiji .. .. .. 19.4 .. .. .. 0.0 84 10.6
90 Mongolia 10.4 1.1 1.2 .. .. .. .. 10.0 120 100.0
93 Thailand 8.3 1.2 0.1 5.6 .. .. 619 28.5 45 81.7
94 Dominica .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 38.5
94 Libya .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 43.3
96 Tunisia 2.1 .. .. 4.5 .. 43.2 i 155 i .. 30 68.8
97 Colombia 9.7 e 13.0 0.6 10.2 20.5 .. .. 0.0 98 23.0
97 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 1 0.0 .. 76.6
99 Jamaica 3.3 10.2 1.5 6.7 .. .. .. 0.0 56 55.5
100 Tonga .. 2.4 1.3 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 1.0
101 Belize 5.8 12.8 2.3 .. .. 1.8 .. 0.0 .. 64.6
101 Dominican Republic 12.9 14.4 0.8 7.3 .. .. 313 0.0 84 11.1
103 Suriname 4.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
104 Maldives .. .. .. 12.6 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 99.7
105 Samoa .. 3.1 0.8 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 49.5
106 Botswana 9.0 e 7.0 2.6 23.9 .. 1.2 24 0.0 84 100.0
107 Moldova (Republic of) 16.3 0.6 0.1 3.2 23.6 .. 36 11.4 126 72.8
108 Egypt 9.3 e 0.3 0.3 9.6 .. 26.9 d 208 .. 90 32.7
109 Turkmenistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
110 Gabon 13.4 .. .. 15.2 .. 1.1 j 20 j 0.0 98 38.8
110 Indonesia 6.9 e 4.4 0.9 38.1 29.0 .. .. 0.0 90 8.1
112 Paraguay 27.6 e .. .. 8.1 .. .. .. 0.0 63 22.2
113 Palestine, State of 5.7 0.2 0.1 3.0 .. 0.7 20 .. 70 8.0
114 Uzbekistan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 126 98.1
115 Philippines 11.1 e 11.5 1.4 36.8 14.5 .. 161 0.0 60 28.5


Work that is a risk to human development Occupational injuries Security from employment

Unemployment Old age

Working poor benefits Mandatory paid pension
Child labour Domestic workers at PPP$2 a day Low pay rate Nonfatal Fatal recipients maternity leave recipients

(% of total employment) (% of (% of statutory

unemployed pension age
(% ages 514) Female Male (% of total employment) (thousands) (cases) ages 1564) (days) population)

HDI rank 20052013a 20002010a 20002010a 20032012a 20012011a 20052013a 20052013a 20052013a 2014 20042012a,b
116 El Salvador 8.5 e 10.2 0.7 9.9 .. .. 96 0.0 84 18.1
116 South Africa .. 15.5 3.5 13.0 32.4 9.4 185 13.5 120 92.6
116 Viet Nam 6.9 0.9 0.1 13.8 .. .. .. 8.4 180 34.5
119 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 26.4 e 7.4 0.2 11.6 .. .. .. 0.0 84 100.0
120 Kyrgyzstan 3.6 0.7 0.7 14.5 .. 0.2 29 0.9 126 100.0
121 Iraq 4.7 0.2 0.1 10.6 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 56.0
122 Cabo Verde 6.4 e .. .. 28.6 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 55.7
123 Micronesia (Federated States of) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
124 Guyana 16.4 7.1 0.8 .. .. 2.1 h 1h 0.0 .. 100.0
125 Nicaragua 14.9 f 12.1 1.7 14.2 .. 25.8 42 0.0 84 23.7
126 Morocco 8.3 .. .. 13.3 .. .. .. 0.0 98 39.8
126 Namibia .. 19.4 4.2 30.9 .. 0.6 j 10 j 0.0 84 98.4
128 Guatemala 25.8 e 8.8 0.3 18.8 .. .. .. 0.0 84 14.1
129 Tajikistan 10.0 0.1 0.2 19.1 .. .. .. 9.2 140 80.2
130 India 11.8 2.2 0.5 55.5 .. 6.0 2,140 0.0 84 24.1
131 Honduras 14.0 e .. .. 18.8 33.4 2.1 .. 0.0 84 8.4
132 Bhutan 2.9 .. .. 14.1 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 3.2
133 Timor-Leste 4.2 f .. .. 66.9 .. .. .. .. .. 100.0
134 Syrian Arab Republic 4.0 .. .. 11.8 .. 9.7 612 0.0 120 16.7
134 Vanuatu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 3.5
136 Congo 18.4 .. .. 50.7 .. .. .. 0.0 105 22.1
137 Kiribati .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
138 Equatorial Guinea 27.8 f .. .. 19.3 .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
139 Zambia 40.6 e .. .. 84.7 .. .. .. 0.0 84 7.7
140 Ghana 33.9 0.3 0.4 44.3 .. .. .. 0.0 84 7.6
141 Lao Peoples Democratic Republic 10.1 e .. .. 65.0 .. .. .. 0.0 90 5.6
142 Bangladesh 12.8 2.3 0.2 76.4 .. .. .. 0.0 112 39.5
143 Cambodia 18.3 e 0.8 f 0.9 f 40.2 .. .. .. 0.0 90 5.0
143 Sao Tome and Principe 7.5 3.3 0.1 .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 41.8
145 Kenya 25.9 f 0.6 0.7 .. .. .. .. 0.0 90 7.9
145 Nepal 33.9 e 0.3 0.3 49.5 .. .. .. 0.0 52 62.5
147 Pakistan .. 1.2 0.3 45.8 .. 0.1 g 110 g 0.0 84 2.3
148 Myanmar .. .. .. 66.9 .. 0.2 32 0.0 .. ..
149 Angola 23.5 f .. .. 56.4 .. .. .. 0.0 90 14.5
150 Swaziland 7.3 .. .. 36.0 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 86.0
151 Tanzania (United Republic of) 21.1 e 1.2 0.3 73.9 .. .. .. 0.0 84 3.2
152 Nigeria 24.7 0.6 0.4 76.6 .. 0.1 i 5 0.0 84 ..
153 Cameroon 41.7 .. .. 52.9 .. .. .. 0.0 98 12.5
154 Madagascar 22.9 e .. .. 93.0 .. .. .. 0.0 98 4.6
155 Zimbabwe .. 3.6 1.2 84.6 .. 4.6 91 0.0 98 6.2
156 Mauritania 14.6 .. .. 40.8 .. .. .. 0.0 98 9.3 f
156 Solomon Islands .. 5.6 f 0.2 f 52.1 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 13.1
158 Papua New Guinea .. .. .. .. .. 11.8 d 180 d 0.0 .. 0.9
159 Comoros 22.0 .. .. 70.7 .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
160 Yemen 22.7 2.5 0.4 25.1 .. .. .. 0.0 70 8.5
161 Lesotho 22.9 f 8.1 f 1.3 f 63.9 .. .. .. 0.0 84 100.0
162 Togo 28.3 .. .. 70.5 .. 0.3 i 10 i 0.0 98 10.9
163 Haiti 24.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 42 1.0
163 Rwanda 28.5 .. .. 83.7 .. 1.0 h 406 h 0.0 84 4.7
163 Uganda 16.3 e 1.8 0.6 57.7 .. .. .. 0.0 60 6.6
166 Benin 15.3 .. .. 72.3 .. 0.7 i 4i 0.0 98 9.7
167 Sudan .. .. .. 35.0 .. .. .. .. 56 4.6
168 Djibouti 7.7 41.6 f 1.9 f .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 12.0 f
169 South Sudan .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
170 Senegal 14.5 6.7 1.4 58.4 .. .. .. 0.0 98 23.5
171 Afghanistan 10.3 .. .. 88.1 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 10.7
172 Cte dIvoire 26.4 .. .. 59.0 .. .. .. 0.0 98 7.7
173 Malawi 25.7 .. .. 88.4 .. .. .. 0.0 56 4.1

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 49


Work with exploitation, risks and insecurities (continued)

Work that is a risk to human development Occupational injuries Security from employment

Unemployment Old age

Working poor benefits Mandatory paid pension
Child labour Domestic workers at PPP$2 a day Low pay rate Nonfatal Fatal recipients maternity leave recipients

(% of total employment) (% of (% of statutory

unemployed pension age
(% ages 514) Female Male (% of total employment) (thousands) (cases) ages 1564) (days) population)

HDI rank 20052013a 20002010a 20002010a 20032012a 20012011a 20052013a 20052013a 20052013a 2014 20042012a,b
174 Ethiopia 27.4 1.5 0.1 73.8 .. .. .. 0.0 90 9.0
175 Gambia 19.2 .. .. 56.0 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 10.8
176 Congo (Democratic Republic of the) 15.0 .. .. 90.4 .. .. .. 0.0 98 15.0
177 Liberia 20.8 0.6 1.0 94.0 .. .. .. 0.0 90 ..
178 Guinea-Bissau 38.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 6.2
179 Mali 21.4 8.7 1.4 78.1 .. .. .. 0.0 98 5.7
180 Mozambique 22.2 .. .. 85.8 .. .. .. 0.0 60 17.3
181 Sierra Leone 26.0 0.5 0.4 82.8 .. .. .. 0.0 84 0.9
182 Guinea 28.3 0.4 f 0.3 f 73.8 .. .. .. 0.0 98 8.8
183 Burkina Faso 39.2 0.6 0.3 70.1 .. 3.4 h 8h 0.0 98 3.2
184 Burundi 26.3 .. .. 94.8 .. .. .. 0.0 84 4.0
185 Chad 26.1 .. .. 62.2 .. .. .. 0.0 98 1.6
186 Eritrea .. .. .. 77.4 .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
187 Central African Republic 28.5 .. .. 83.9 .. 0.1 9 0.0 .. ..
188 Niger 30.5 .. .. 72.2 .. .. .. 0.0 98 6.1
Korea (Democratic Peoples Rep. of) .. .. .. 59.6 .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
Marshall Islands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 64.2
Monaco .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Nauru .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 56.5
San Marino .. .. .. .. .. 0.6 0 .. .. ..
Somalia 49.0 .. .. 86.8 .. .. .. 0.0 .. ..
Tuvalu .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 .. 19.5
Human development groups
Very high human development .. 4.3 0.4 .. .. .. .. 43.4 123 89.4
High human development 8.3 .. .. 14.7 .. .. .. 6.0 125 73.9
Medium human development 11.6 .. .. 46.9 .. .. .. 1.7 98 27.7
Low human development 23.8 .. .. 67.5 .. .. .. 0.0 85 9.8
Developing countries 14.5 .. .. 33.8 .. 2,273.9 k 29,292 k 2.5 99 51.0
Arab States 10.5 .. .. 17.3 .. .. .. 1.7 70 35.7
East Asia and the Pacific .. .. .. 23.8 .. .. .. 1.6 .. 65.3
Europe and Central Asia 5.4 .. .. 3.8 .. .. .. 6.2 161 86.1
Latin America and the Caribbean 10.8 14.2 0.8 5.6 .. .. .. 5.3 92 60.8
South Asia 12.3 2.2 0.5 54.9 .. .. .. 0.0 84 23.9
Sub-Saharan Africa 24.7 .. .. 70.5 .. .. .. 2.3 90 21.9
Least developed countries 21.7 .. .. 71.7 .. .. .. 0.0 .. 19.7
Small island developing states .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.9 .. 28.0
Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development .. 3.0 0.3 .. 17.1 6,098.6 k 13,210 k 38.7 131 87.1
World 14.5 .. .. 26.4 T .. 7,691.9 k 42,493 k 12.2 109 65.0

NOTES DEFINITIONS Nonfatal occupational injuries: Number of MAIN DATA SOURCES

a Data refer to the most recent year available occupational accidents that do not leading to death
Child labour: Percentage of children ages 511 but that entail a loss of working time. Column 1: UNICEF (2015).
during the period specified. who, during the reference week, did at least one hour
b Because statutory pension ages differ by country, of economic activity or at least 28 hours of household Fatal occupational injuries: Number of Columns 2 and 3: ILO (2013).
cross-country comparisons should be made with chores, or children ages 1214 who, during the occupational accidents that lead to death within Column 4: ILO (2015a).
caution. reference week, did at least 14 hours of economic one year.
c Less than 0.1 activity or at least 28 hours of household chores. Column 5: ILO (2012).
Recipients of unemployment benefits:
d Refers to 2003. Domestic workers: Percentage of the employed Percentage of unemployed people ages 1564 Columns 6 and 7: ILO (2015b).
e Differs from standard definition or refers to only population that performs work in or for a household receiving unemployment benefits (periodic and
Columns 8 and 10: ILO (2015c).
part of the country. or households. means-tested benefits).
f Refers to a year earlier than that specified. Column 9: World Bank (2015c).
Working poor at PPP$2 a day: Employed people Mandatory paid maternity leave: Number of
g Refers to 2002. who live on less than $2 (in purchasing power parity days of paid time off work that a female employee is
h Refers to 2000. terms) a day, expressed as a percentage of the total entitled to in order to take care of a newborn child.
i Refers to 2004. employed population ages 15 and older.
Old age pension recipients: People above the
j Refers to 2001. Low pay rate: Percentage of employees whose statutory pensionable age receiving an old age
k Unweighted sum of the reported cases. hourly earnings at all jobs were less than two-thirds pension (contributory, noncontributory or both),
of the median hourly earning. expressed as a percentage of the eligible population.
T From original data source.



Different types of employment

In 1993 the 15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians adopted the most recent revision to the classification of
employment status.

Paid employment Self-employment Nonstandard employment

Paid employment covers jobs where Self-employment covers jobs where the Nonstandard employment covers work
the incumbents hold explicit (written or remuneration depends directly on the arrangements that fall outside the realm
oral) or implicit employment contracts, profits (or the potential of profits) derived of the standard employment relationship,
which give them a basic remuneration from the goods and services produced understood as work that is full-time,
that does not depend directly on the (where own consumption is considered indefinite and part of a subordinate
revenue of the unit for which they to be part of the profits). The incumbents but bilateral employment relationship.
work (this unit can be a corporation, a make the operational decisions affecting Nonstandard forms of employment
nonprofit institution, a government unit the enterprise or delegate such decisions include workers in their formal or
or a household). while retaining responsibility for the informal employment arrangements, as
welfare of the enterprise. long as their contractual status covers
Wage and salaried employees are
one of the four categories included in
employees who hold paid employment Own-account workers are workers who,
the International Labour Organization
jobs. working on their own account or with
definition. More specifically:
one or more business partners, hold the
type of jobs defined as self-employment. Temporary employment covers workers
that are engaged for a specific period
Contributing (unpaid) family workers are
of time, including under fixed-term
workers who hold a self-employment
or project- or task-based contracts,
job in a market-oriented establishment
as well as seasonal or casual work,
operated by a related person living in
including day labourers.
the same household who cannot be
regarded as a business partner. Contractual arrangements involving
multiple parties, including temporary
Self-employment comprises a vast
agency work, covers the situation in
array of types of work with varying
which worker is deployed and paid by a
degrees of insecurity, vulnerability
private employment agency and service
and remuneration. The self-employed
provider, but the work is performed by
range from highly skilled freelance
the user firm.
professionals to unskilled street
vendors to small business owners. In part-time employment the normal
hours of work are fewer than those of
Within the category of self-employed,
comparable full-time workers.
the International Labour Organization
has identified own-account workers Ambiguous employment is when the
and contributing family workers as respective rights and obligations of
vulnerable workers. parties concerned are not clear.

Self-employment may include workers who have access to some form of social protection and unemployment insurance
through national programmes and workers whose survival depends solely on their ability to sell their goods and services.
Vulnerable workersa number of whom are women and childrenare more likely than other self-employed people to lack
contractual arrangements, and they often lack economic independence and are vulnerable to household power relations and
economic fluctuations. They frequently lack unemployment insurance, social security and health coverage. As self-employ-
ment and own-account work become increasingly common around the world, better working conditions and social protection
for them have emerged as major concerns.
Source: ILO 2015h.

Chapter 1 Work and human developmentanalytical links | 51

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