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Skull and Brain: Methods of

Examination and Anatomy

Dawn Saunders, H. Rolf Jger, Alison D. Murray

and John M. Stevens

Methods of examination Vascular imaging

Plain radiography Techniques
Cross-sectional imaging techniques Computed tomography angiography
Special techniques Magnetic resonance angiography
Magnetic resonance imaging Anatomy of the cerebral arteries and veins
Anatomy Intracranial arteries
Advanced magnetic resonance imaging Posterior cerebral arteries
Magnetic resonance diffusion imaging Intracranial veins
Functional imaging techniques
Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Almost all neuroradiological examinations consist of cross-sec- sive imaging of the extra- and intracranial vessels are discussed
tional imaging with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic and followed by an overview of the vascular anatomy.
resonance imaging (MRI). Plain radiography is assuming a his-
torical role, but general radiologists and neuroradiologists still PLAIN RADIOGRAPHY
need to be familiar with the appearances of plain radiographs of
the skull.Vascular grooves and other bony landmarks are shown General considerations
well by skull radiographs and remain part of the core knowl- Skull radiography has been replaced by axial imaging methods
edge required in professional examinations. Knowledge of these such as CT and MRI but may still be used on occasions. Scru-
structures is also useful for the interpretation of more advanced pulous patient positioning is essential and high-definition films
imaging techniques, such as CT and MRI of the skull base and in grid cassettes (2440 lines cm1) are preferred. Tube volt-
pituitary region. For these reasons much of the original section ages of 5090 kVp are employed, with a focal spot no larger
on plain radiography is retained in this edition. than 0.6 mm and a film-focus distance of 90 cm. An isocentric
The technical principles of CT and MRI and radionu- skull unit is desirable. Recommendations in this chapter are
clide studies are covered elsewhere.This chapter discusses only based on those of the 1961 Commission on Neuroradiology
specific issues concerning their application to the imaging of of the World Federation of Neurology, with certain modifica-
the brain, covering advanced imaging methods such as MR tions suggested by du Boulay1.
diffusion and MR perfusion imaging and functional imaging
with MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), and single- Lines2
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). 1 The anthropological base line is drawn from the lower margin
Noninvasive vascular imaging techniques, such as MR angi- of the orbit to the superior border of the external auditory
ography (MRA) and CT angiography (CTA) compete now meatus (EAM) known as Reids or Frankfurt line; or from
with intra-arterial cerebral angiography, replacing it for many the outer canthus to the centre of the meatus: orbitomeatal
indications. The technical principles of invasive and noninva- (OM) line.

2 The auricular line: perpendicular to the above, drawn verti- 2540 degrees. The beam is centred on the foramen magnum.
cally through the EAM. Lateral rotation is assessed as described earlier.
3 The interpupillary line: through both pupils, perpendicular to
the median sagittal plane (see below). Submentovertical (base) projection (Fig. 55.4)
With the patient supine, the neck is fully hyperextended by
Planes placing a thick pillow or bolster under the shoulders so that the
1 The medial sagittal plane is the anatomical midline. anthropological line is parallel with the plate; the median sagit-
2 The horizontal (Frankfurt) plane contains both anthropologi- tal plane is again perpendicular to it. The beam is centred on the
cal base lines; it is perpendicular to the above. A correspond- bi-auricular line, halfway between the angles of the mandible. A
ing orbitomeatal plane includes both orbitomeatal lines. satisfactory radiograph shows no rotation and the angles of the
3 The frontal biauricular (coronal) plane: perpendicular to both mandibles lie just anterior to the middle ear cavities.
the preceding planes, passing through the EAM.
The full skull series includes the four views described below. The standard projections are shown in Figures 55.155.4 and
Lateral projection (Fig. 55.1) the detailed radioanatomy of the pituitary fossa in Figure 55.5.
With the midsagittal plane parallel to the detector plate, a For anatomical purposes, the basal portion of the skull is divided
horizontal beam is centred 25 mm anterior to the EAM and into three fossae.
10 mm above the orbitomeatal line with the patient supine The anterior cranial fossa lies above the orbital roofs, ante-
or sitting, thus placing the sella turcica in the centre of the rior to the ridge formed by the greater and lesser wings of the
beam. The anterior clinoid processes and the orbital roofs sphenoid. It contains the frontal lobes and the olfactory bulbs
on the two sides should be superimposed. and tracts.
The middle cranial fossa lies posteroinferior to the sphenoid
Posteroanterior (occipitofrontal, OF) projection ridge, on either side of the basisphenoid, and is bounded later-
(Fig. 55.2) ally by the squamous temporal bone and posteroinferiorly by the
The midsagittal and orbitomeatal planes are perpendicular to the petrous ridge. It contains the temporal lobe and should not be
plate: this is achieved by resting the nose and forehead on the confused with the temporal fossa, which is the extracranial space
cassette. The tube is angled 20 degrees caudally, with the beam deep to the zygomatic arch.
centred on the nasion. A fronto-occipital (anteroposterior [AP]) The posterior cranial fossa comprises all the space below
projection should not be used as it causes magnification and blur- the tentorium or the centrally placed tentorial hiatus and
ring of the more important anterior structures.The petrous ridges above the foramen magnum. It is bounded anteriorly by the
should be projected at or near the inferior orbital margins. clivus (basisphenoid and basiocciput) in the midline, antero-
laterally by the posterior surface of the petrous bone, and
Half-axial anteroposterior (Townes) projection (Fig. 55.3) elsewhere by the occipital bone. Superolaterally its extent is
The median sagittal plane is again perpendicular to the plate. indicated on skull radiographs by the groove for the trans-
Placing the occiput on the cassette, with the orbitomeatal or verse venous sinus, but in the midline the apex of the tento-
anthropological line perpendicular to it, and angling the tube rium lies almost at the level of the pineal. Marked variations
30 degrees caudally gives an effective caudal angulation of in the shape of the tentorium (e.g. the straight sinus can be

Figure 55.1 Lateral radiograph and diagram of the skull. (For key, see Figure 55.4)

Figure 55.2 Occipitofrontal radiograph and diagram of the skull. (For key, see Figure 55.4)

Figure 55.3 Half-axial (Townes) radiograph and diagram of the skull. (For key, see Figure 55.4)

Figure 55.4 Submentovertical radiograph and diagram of the skull. Key for Figures 55.155.4: a = alveolus, ac = air cells in petrous bone, at = atlas,
c = clivus, cc = carotid canal, co = cochlea, cs = coronal suture, csp = cervical spine, ds = dorsum sellae, eam = external auditory meatus (superimposed
on lateral projection), eop = external occipital protuberance, es = ethmoid sinus, eu = Eustachian tube, fm = foramen magnum, fo = foramen ovale,
fs = frontal sinus, fsp = frontal spinosum, fz = frontozygomatic synostosis, gw = greater wing of sphenoid bone, h = hyoid bone, hp = hard palate,
iam = internal auditory meatus (superimposed on lateral projection), il = innominate line, iof = inferior orbital fissure, iop = internal occipital
protuberance, it = inferior turbinate, lo = lateral wall of orbit, ls = lambdoid suture, lw = lateral wall of maxillary antrum, m = mastoid process,
ma = maxillary antrum, mm = groove for middle meningeal artery, mn = mandible, mw = medial walls of orbit and maxillary antrum (superimposed),
np = nasopharynx, ns = nasal septum, o = odontoid, or = roof of orbit, os = occipital squame, oss = ossicles (auditory), p = petrous bone, pc = posterior
clinoid process, pr = petrous ridge, ps = planum sphenoidale, pt = pterygoid plates, pte = pterion, rp = retropharyngeal soft tissue, sg = groove for
superior sagittal sinus, sof = superior orbital fissure, sps = sphenoid sinus, sr = sphenoid ridge, ss = sagittal suture, tm = temporomandibular joint,
tr = tympanic ring, ts = groove for transverse sinus, tt = temporal tubercle, v = venous markings, z = zygomatic arch.

Figure 55.5 Diagram of the sellar region. (A) Lateral projection; (B) frontal projection; (C) from above. acp = anterior clinoid process, c = cortical bone
lining sphenoid sinus, cl = clivus, ds = dorsum sellae, es = ethmoid sinus, f = floor of sella turcica, gw = greater wing of sphenoid, l = lamina papyracea,
ld = lamina dura (cortical bone lining sella turcica), ls = limbus sphenoidale, mcp = middle clinoid process (inconstant), ns = nasal septum,
oc = optic canal, pcp = posterior clinoid process, ps = planum sphenoidale, s = carotid sulcus, sc = sulcus chiasmaticus, sof = superior orbital fissure,
ss = sphenoid suture, ts = tuberculum sellae.

Pituitary region Here thinner sections are used, usually 23 mm,

and smaller fields of view. Imaging can be in the axial plane,
with multi-planar reformatting to generate views in the coronal
plane if deemed appropriate. Many centres prefer imaging in the
direct coronal plane, with the patient prone and head maximally
extended, which is not always possible. The preliminary digital
CT radiograph is used to select the most favourable plane to
avoid metallic dental work projecting artefact into the field of
interest. IV contrast medium is given (see later).

Craniocervical junction This region is best examined by MRI.

Therefore this investigation is not routine, but can be invalu-
able in unravelling complex skeletal anomalies in the region,
and checking the integrity of bone in erosive or destructive
processes prior to excisions or stabilization procedures. Thin
sections are necessary and high-resolution bone review algo-
rithms. The axial plane is appropriate, using 2 mm or less slice
thickness in either spiral or multislice modes. Multi-planar
Figure 55.6 The cranial fossae and dural reflections. The right side of reformatting and occasionally shaded surface rendering can be
the cranial vault has been removed, as have all the cranial contents apart
extremely helpful in interpretation.
from the dura mater. acf = floor of the anterior cranial fossa (= orbital
roof), acp = anterior clinoid process, cg = crista galli, cr = cribriform
plate region, ds = dorsum sellae, f = falx cerebri, fe = free edge of the Orbits and petrous bones These special areas are covered in
tentorium, h = tentorial hiatus, iss = inferior sagittal sinus, ls = lateral dedicated chapters.
(transverse) sinus, mcf = middle cranial fossa, pr = petrous ridge,
pt = pterion, s = cavernous sinus, sr = sphenoid ridge, ss = straight Intravenous contrast medium
sinus, sss = superior sagittal sinus, t = tentorium, th = torcular Herophili A plain unenhanced study always should be performed first. IV
(confluence of the dural venous sinuses). contrast enhancement shows areas of bloodbrain barrier break-
down within the brain, which is a very nonspecific phenomenon;
almost vertical or nearly horizontal) make plain radiographic it can make small lesions much more conspicuous. Some centres
assessment of the size of the posterior fossa unreliable. It still insist on IV contrast medium for all CT examinations of the
contains the brainstem, cerebellum, fourth ventricle, lower head but most centres are more selective. Guidelines for contrast
cranial nerves and vertebro-basilar arterial tree. medium use include: (A) when plain CT is abnormal and there
The major components of the cranial cavity defined by the is a reasonable expectation that enhancement may improve diag-
dural structures are shown schematically in Figure 55.6.The base nostic accuracy; (B) when lesions are suspected close to the skull
of the skull is perforated by a number of foramina and canals base or in the posterior fossa (this includes pituitary and imag-
(the latter being longer than the former) (Table 55.1). Causes of ing for visual failure); (C) when staging for carcinomas known
physiological intracranial calcification are listed in Table 55.2. frequently to metastasize to the brain; (D) when suspecting focal
intracranial infections; and (E) when meningeal disease is sus-
pected such as may be caused by sarcoidosis or metastases (e.g.
CROSS-SECTIONAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES cranial nerve palsies, especially if multiple).
An IV injection of iodinated contrast medium licensed
Computed tomography for intravascular use, at dose equivalents of 1530 g of iodine
Routine CT examinations of the brain and specific areas generally are given; some clinics use two or even three times
Brain computed tomography The routine study of the head that dosage. Most units now prefer to inject through indwell-
is made in the axial plane. Some centres prefer to angle the ing cannulae rather than ordinary needles, so that IV access is
plane so that it is parallel to the orbital roof, and therefore assured should an adverse reaction occur. Life-support equip-
the routine examination does not include the eye. Others ment and medical staff trained in its use should be nearby.
image parallel to the cantho-meatal line, which then includes
the orbital contents. Slice thickness was originally 510 mm for Anatomy on CT
the supratentorial compartment and 5 mm or less for the poste- The electron density of grey matter is slightly greater than
rior fossa, mainly in an attempt to reduce beam-hardening arte- white, and adequate images should allow clear differentiation
fact. But multidetector CT can provide thinner cuts and many of the larger grey and white matter areas of cerebral hemi-
more options, including multiplanar reconstructions. Window spheres and cerebellum. Usually only the decussation of the
widths and levels are set to maximize contrast between grey superior cerebellar peduncles can be differentiated in the brain-
and white matter, and are kept constant from patient to patient. stem, which is located in the lower midbrain. The boundaries
Head injury examinations should be reviewed using a bone of brain to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are clearly defined, and
reconstruction algorithm. those of bone to soft tissue are even better. General anatomy is


Foramen/canal Site From To Contents Size projection Notes

Optic canal Basisphenoid Orbital apex Middle cranial Optic nerve and 6 mm Optic canal 1 mm difference in
fossa sheath; ophthalmic diameter view size suspicious;
artery 8 mm long keyhold and figure
of eight variants
Superior orbital Between greater Orbital apex Middle cranial III, IV, V1, VI; Very variable Occipitofrontal Thin greater wing
fissure & lesser wing of fossa superior ophthalmic may stimulate
sphenoid vein; middle erosion of
meningeal artery lower border
Foramen Greater wing of Middle cranial Pterygopalatine V2, artery of the 34 mm Occipitofrontal May be
rotundum sphenoid fossa fossa foramen diameter surrounded by
rotundum extensive
sphenoid sinus
Pterygoid (vidian) Body of sphenoid, Foramen Pterygopalatine Vidian nerve Smaller than Occipitofrontal
canal lateral to lacerum fossa and artery f. rotundum
f. rotundum
Foramen ovale Greater wing Middle cranial Infratemporal V3, accessory 5 9.5 mm Submento- Frequently poorly
of sphenoid, fossa fossa meningeal artery; vertical seen on one or
posteriorly veins both sides. May be
confluent with
f. spinosum
Foramen Greater wing Middle cranial Infratemporal Middle meningeal 2.53 mm, Submento- May be
spinosum of sphenoid, fossa fossa artery rarely 5 mm vertical double
posterolateral to
f. ovale
Carotid canal Petrous temporal Skull base Middle cranial Internal carotid 69 mm Submento- Runs postero-
fossa, above artery and diameter; vertical medial to
f. lacerum sympathetic 1.5 cm+ in Eustachian tube;
plexus length rarely passes
through middle
ear; absent in
aplasia of internal
carotid artery
Internal auditory Petrous temporal Posterior cranial Inner ear VII, VIII and dural 56 mm in Perorbital Height difference
meatus fossa sheath; internal height of 2 mm + is
auditory artery suspicious
Jugular foramen Between petrous Posterior cranial Extracranial Pars nervosa; IX, 11 17 mm; Under-tilted Pars nervosa and
temporal and fossa jugular fossa inferior petrosal right often submentovertical vascularis may
basiocciput sinus; pars vascularis; larger be separate
X, XI, internal
jugular vein and
pharyngeal and
artery branches
Foramen Basiocciput Posterior cranial Cervical spinal Medulla oblongata, 30 35 mm Lateral; Shape very
magnum fossa canal meninges submentovertical variable
and ligaments;
XI (spinal root);
vertebral and
spinal arteries
and veins
Hypoglossal Occipital condyle Foramen Medial to jugular XII; branch of 5 mm Reversed Stenvers:
(anterior magnum fossa ascending diameter Stockholm C
condylar) pharyngeal
canal artery

demonstrated in Figure 55.7. Anatomy of the skull base on CT important requirement is that the patient is actually leaking at
with bone window settings is shown in Figure 55.8. the time of the examination, and many workers apply pres-
sure to the neck by hand to temporarily occlude both jugular
veins for 4 or 5 min before the study, to encourage active leak-
SPECIAL TECHNIQUES age. Water-soluble contrast medium (licensed for intrathecal
use, e.g. iohexol) is instilled by lumbar puncture; a concen-
Computed tomography cisternography tration of 240 mg ml1 and of about 10 ml are usually more
This test is rarely performed these days, as its only indication than adequate. Head-down tilting with the patient on their
is to identify the site of CSF leaks before operative closure. An side ensures cranial penetration. Generally it is best to start

Table 55.2 PHYSIOLOGICAL INTRACRANIAL CALCIFICATION marks is shown in Figure 55.9. An axial series with the patient
Pineal gland (60 per cent of adults) supine often is performed as well, especially if CSF leakage is
Habenular commissure (30 per cent) profuse; if leakage is very profuse, rapid axial imaging in the
Choroid plexus (10 per cent)
supine plane may be required initially.
Dura mater falx cerebri (7 per cent) and superior sagittal sinus Xenon computed tomography
Tentorium dural plaques (frequently parasagittal)
There are two fundamentally different methods on how CT
Petroclinoid (12 per cent) and interclinoid ligaments can be used to assess cerebral blood perfusion. One uses the
Diaphragm sellae inhalation of xenon, the other a bolus injection of an iodinated
Pituitary gland (rare)2 contrast medium3,4.
Carotid arteries (in elderly patients) Xenon is a stable gas that has an atomic number close to
iodine and therefore attenuates the X-ray beam in a similar
fashion. Unlike iodine, xenon is freely diffusable and pen-
imaging in the direct coronal plane with the patient prone, as etrates the bloodbrain barrier. Current set-ups for xenon
leaking is likely to be maximal in this position. Jugular vein CT consist of the inhalation of a gas containing 28 per cent
compression is applied at this stage just before imaging if xenon during sequential acquisition of CT images over a
there is doubt about leaking.Thin sections (12 mm) on high- period of approximately 6 min3. The distribution of xenon
resolution modes and smaller fields of view are made through in the brain depends on the regional blood flow and is
the general area of suspected leakage (which often is already slightly quicker in grey matter than in white matter. The
known). A normal CT cisternogram with its anatomical land- change of the Hounsfield numbers (CT numbers) over time

sf ac ac
i fh
tca fm c
tp ba csp
p pc cpd lgb l
lc 3
cq aw th
v cs pg



f if

c cv

Figure 55.7 (AE) Normal contrast-enhanced CT anatomy. 3 = third ventricle, ac = anterior cerebral artery, ba = basilar artery,
bv = body of lateral ventricle, c = caudate nucleus, cc = corpus callosum (genu), cp = choroids plexus, cpd = cerebral peduncle, cq = colliqulus,
cs = centrum semiorale, csp = cave of septum pellucidum, cv = internal cerebral vein, f = falx, fh = frontal horn of lateral ventricle, fm = foramen of
Monro, i = infundibulum of pituitary, ic = internal capsule, if = intracerebral fissure, l = lateral sulcus, lgb = lateral geniculate body, mc = middle cerebral
artery, o = white matter tracts, p = pons, pc = posterior cerebral artery, pg = pineal gland, s = sulcus, sf = sylvian fissure, sp = septum between lateral
ventricles, st = straight sinus, ss = sagital sinus, tca = terminal carotid artery, th = thalamus, tp = temporal horn, tr = trigone of lateral ventricle.

Perfusion computed tomography

The second technique of CT perfusion imaging tracks tran-
vc sient attenuation changes in the blood vessels and brain
parenchyma during the first-pass passage of an intravenously
injected contrast medium, similar to MR perfusion imaging
(see later). A series of images is acquired at a predetermined
fl level with a temporal resolution of one image every 1 or 2 s.
The passage of the contrast-medium bolus causes a transient
increase in Hounsfield units, which is proportional to the
iodine concentration in the perfused tissue. Maps of cerebral
blood volume (CBV), mean transit time (MTT) and cerebral
blood flow (CBF) can be obtained from a pixel-by-pixel anal-
jf ysis of the density changes over time. Although absolute quan-
tification of CBF is theoretically possible with this method,
because of the linear relationship between iodine concen-
tration and Hounsfield numbers, there remains some doubt
about its accuracy in practice. Blood flow measurements of
cortical grey matter using the bolus perfusion technique were
systematically lower compared to data of xenon CT studies4.
Figure 55.8 CT. Base of skull. Thin-section (1.5 mm) slice showing the
important foramina at the skull base. cc = carotid canal, fo = foramen ovale,
fl = foramen lacerum, fr = foramen rotundum, fs = foramen spinosum, fv = MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
vidian canal, jf = jugular foramen, spf = sphenopalatine foramen.
Routine sequences and imaging protocols
Routine brain magnetic resonance imaging
during inhalation of xenon forms the basis of blood flow A dedicated head coil is essential for most indications. This is
calculations, which are usually displayed as colour maps. performed in the axial plane, baseline as for CT. Section thick-
The washout of xenon occurs relatively rapidly, allowing a nesses of 45 mm are adequate throughout the head.A standard
repeat examination after 1520 min. A disadvantage of this study usually consists of a sagittal scout multislice acquisition
method is that any patient movement during the 6-minute using a fast gradient echo sequence, with T1-weighted con-
period of imaging causes misregistration of data. Xenon trast, followed by an axial dual-echo multislice series providing
uptake may also be impaired in patients with severe pul- balanced (proton density) contrast on the first echo and T2-
monary disease. weighted contrast on the second (Fig. 55.10). Optimal timings,

olb ca


on vc


Figure 55.9 CT cisternography. Thin-section (1.5 mm) slices at the (A) level of the olfactory grooves and (B) foramen ovale. The intrathecal contrast
outlines the subarachnoid space and extends into the optic nerve sheaths, outlining the optic nerves. ca = carotid artery, fo = foramen ovale, oc = optic
chiasm, ob = olfactory bulb, on = optic nerve, ss = sphenoid sinus, vc = vidian canal.

Figure 55.10 Conventional MRI. (A) Fast spin-echo proton density (TR/TE = 3000/20). (B) Fast spin-echo T2-weighted (3000/90). (C) Spin-echo T1-
weighted images (400/14).

matrix sizes and fields of view vary between machines. The Special areas
coronal plane is preferred for the dual-echo acquisition in The pituitary gland is studied at higher resolution using
patients with epilepsy and may be added if judged useful in smaller fields of view, usually with T1-weighted contrast, with
other situations. A sagittal T2-weighted acquisition may aid contiguous acquisitions in both sagittal and coronal planes.
detection of corpus callosum involvement in multiple sclerosis, High-resolution modes and thin sections (23 mm) are desir-
which frequently is in the clinical differential diagnosis. Most able for examining the posterior fossa cisterns, middle and
units substitute a FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recov- inner ears and the craniocervical junction using acquisitions
ery) sequence for the proton density-weighted acquisition in emphasizing T2-dependent contrast.
their routine examination5. Gradient-recalled susceptibility-
weighted acquisitions can be useful on occasions to emphasize Intravenous magnetic resonance contrast medium
the presence of blood products in potentially haemorrhagic As with CT, many units use this routinely, but most are
lesions. more selective. An unenhanced T1-weighted acquisition
Strategies to reduce acquisition time at the expense of is essential first, as with CT. An IV injection of around
image quality may be necessary in restless and claustropho- 10 ml of one of the few MR contrast agents (e.g. gado-
bic patients. Most modern equipment has the capability of linium DTPA) currently licensed for intravascular use is
fast and very fast acquisitions over a few seconds. Multislice made, imposing a far lower solute load than needed for
modes utilize gradient echos, but single-slice fast spin-echo CT. Similar precautions in case of adverse reactions should
techniques can be a satisfactory alternative in some cases. be taken, however. Indications for selective use are entirely
Contraindications to MRI are discussed in Chapter 5. similar to CT.

ANATOMY (Fig. 55.11)

Grey white matter contrast, and contrast within and between compacted tracts. Contrast discrimination within the brain
different white matter regions, is far greater on MRI than on and brainstem generally is greatest on mainly proton den-
CT. A major contribution to this contrast is myelin density, sity-weighted images: T2-dependent contrast is present as
increases in which generally lower signal intensity, though well and signal-to-noise is significantly higher in the first
the effect is more complex with T1-weighted contrast where than second echo of a dual-echo acquisition.
signal is increased in all but the most densely myelinated and


pof fl
tha ec cc cn
t sf pm
aca fm
oc 3 pvs
ba 4 tl gp
p tl

pg h gf

Figure 55.11 Normal MRI. T2-weighted sagittal images through the midline (A). Coronal T2-weighted images through the hippocampi (B). Coronal
T1-weighted images through the level of the third ventricle (C). 3,4 = third and fourth ventricle, a = amygdala, aca = anterior cerebral artery, ba = basilar
artery, cc = corpus callosum, cf = calcarine fissure, ch = cerebellar hemisphere, cn = caudate nucleus, cs = central sulcus, ec = external capsule,
fh = frontal horn, fl = frontal lobe, fm = foramen of Munro, gf = gyrus fusiformis, gp = globus pallidus, h = hippocampus, mca = middle cerebral artery,
oc = optic chiasm, oh = occipital horn, p = pons, pg = parahippocampal gyrus, pm = putamen, pof = parieto-occipital fissure, pvs = perivascular spaces,
sf = sylvian fissure, t = tectal plate, th = temporal horn, tha = thalamus, tl = temporal lobe.


IMAGING Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging
MR perfusion imaging exploits magnetic susceptibility
Diffusion-weighted MRI exploits the presence of random motion effects within the brain tissue during the first pass of an
(Brownian motion) of water molecules to produce image contrast, intravenously injected gadolinium-based contrast agent.
thereby providing information not available on standard T1- or During its first pass through the brain, the contrast medium
T2-weighted images. This is achieved by applying a pair of causes a transient signal drop on T2*-weighted (susceptibil-
diffusion sensitizing gradients symmetrically around a 180 ity-weighted) MRI8 (see Chapter 8 for images). Images are
refocusing RF pulse of a T2-weighted MR sequence. Mobile typically acquired with a temporal resolution of one image
molecules acquire phase shifts, which prevent their complete every 12 s, similar to CT perfusion. The use of singleshot
rephasing and result in signal loss. The loss of signal is propor- echoplanar imaging (EPI) however, allows multislice imag-
tional to the degree of microscopic motion that occurs during ing with full-brain coverage. MR perfusion imaging is,
the pulse sequence6. On diffusion-weighted images, regions of however, at present only semiquantitative and cannot pro-
relatively stationary water molecules appear much brighter than vide absolute values9. A newer MR perfusion technique,
areas with a higher molecular diffusion. The degree of phase arterial spin labelling, that does not require exogenous
shift and signal loss depends also on the strength and dura- contrast medium, is currently being developed particularly
tion of the diffusion sensitizing gradient, which is expressed at higher field strengths, but is not yet robust enough for
by the b-value. B-values used for imaging of acute stroke clinical use10.
lie typically around 1000 s mm2. Quantitative analysis of the The sequential changes in signal intensity can be plotted as
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) requires sequences with a timesignal intensity curve of a chosen region of interest or
at least two different b-values and additional postprocessing. reproduced as pixel-based colour maps. Summary parameters
ADC maps are solely based on differences of tissue diffusion, are then generated by the manufacturers software. The relative
independent of any T2 effects7. The ADC in the normal brain cerebral blood volume (rCBV) is proportional to the area under
ranges from 2.94 103 mm2 s1 for CSF to 0.22 103 mm2 s1 the curve on the timesignal intensity graph. Other measure-
for white matter; grey matter lies in between with a ADC of ments that can be derived are arrival time (T0), time to peak
0.76 103 mm2 s1 8. Areas with a decreased ADC appear dark (Tp) and mean transit time (MTT) of the gadolinium bolus.
on ADC maps, which is the converse to diffusion-weighted Using tracer kinetics, the rCBF can be estimated by dividing
images where areas of decreased diffusion appear bright7. the relative blood volume by the mean transit time (rCBF =
A further feature of diffusion in the brain is its directional rCBV divided by MTT). In the absence of absolute quantifica-
dependence, or anisotropy. This is particularly prominent in tion of the CBF, comparison with the contralateral hemisphere
compacted white matter tracts, and least evident in grey matter. provides the easiest way to analyse MR perfusion images. This
Diffusion tension imaging (DTI) explores anisotropy from six to becomes, however, problematic if the perfusion of the contra-
nine directions and is capable of generating notionally invariant lateral hemisphere is not normal, as in the presence of bilateral
values, which characterize anisotropy on a pixel-by-pixel basis. carotid artery disease11.

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a nonin-
vasive in vivo method that allows the investigation of bio-
chemical changes in both animals and man. Histochemical
and cell culture studies have shown that specific cell types
or structures have metabolites that give rise to 1H-MRS
peaks. A change in the resonance intensity of these marker
compounds may reflect loss or damage to a specific cell type.
The acquisition of long echo time data (TE = 270 ms, TR
= 3 ms) allows the detection of N-acetylaspartate (NAA),
creatine (Cr/PCr) and choline (Cho) in normal brain, and Figure 55.12 SPECT. Normal 99mTc HMPAO SPECT of the brain, axial
lactate in areas of abnormality. The methyl resonance of (L) and sagittal (R) images.
NAA produces a large sharp peak at 2.01 p.p.m. and acts as
a neuronal marker as it is almost exclusively found in neu-
rons in the human brain, where it is found predominantly in
the axons and nerve processes12. The creatine peak (3.03 p.
p.m.) arises from both phosphocreatine- and creatine-con- including 201Tl chloride, 99mTc MIBI, 123I -methyl tyrosine
taining substances in the cell and choline (3.22 p.p.m) is and 111In octreotide. Because of the requirement for lead
thought to arise from choline-containing substances in the collimation, SPECT has inherently poorer resolution than
cell membrane. PET and absolute quantitation is not possible. However,
The acquisition of short echo time data (TE = 30 ms, in its favour, SPECT is available in most nuclear medicine
TR = 2 s) has become the standard spectroscopy sequence departments, is relatively inexpensive and has good patient
and has the advantage of reduced effects from T2 losses and acceptability.
therefore provides spectra with better signal to noise. In
addition, it detects additional resonances from metabolites Positron emission tomography
with complex MR spectra such as myo-inositol, glutamate
and glutamine (Chapter 8). Whilst providing more infor- Positron emission tomography (PET), like SPECT, produces
mation, the broad background signal consisting of low tomographic images. Positron-emitting radioisotopes decay by
concentration metabolites, and macromolecules and lipids, emission of positrons, or positively charged electrons. These
increases the difficulty of peak area estimation13. quickly combine with an adjacent electron in an annihilation
reaction with the emission of two high-energy gamma rays in
opposing directions. Detection of these simultaneously emitted
photons allows calculation of their site of origin and, therefore,
FUNCTIONAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES a map of radiopharmaceutical distribution in the patient. PET
can be used to study different physiological processes in the
A variety of different techniques are available for functional brain.
brain imaging. Those most widely used are SPECT, PET and A cyclotron is required to generate positron-emitting iso-
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). topes that can be made from a variety of biologically inter-
esting compounds, such as 18F, 11C, 13N and 15O. Physiological
Single-photon emission computed tomography parameters can be derived, for example, cerebral glucose
SPECT images are formed from detection of gamma rays uptake, using 1,8fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), oxygen metabo-
emitted during radionuclide decay as part of a nuclear med- lism, using 15O2 or 11CO and rCBF using H215O. PET rCBF
icine examination. Gamma rays or photons are detected by studies can be used to study cortical activation during brain
a gamma camera which, if rotated about the patients head, tasks such as finger tapping or visual stimulation. The area
allows reconstruction of tomographic slices of distribution of cerebral cortex responsible for a particular function dem-
of activity in that part of the patient. Radionuclide imag- onstrates slightly increased rCBF during activation. A num-
ing of the brain requires radiopharmaceuticals that cross ber of radiopharmaceuticals are available for PET receptor
the bloodbrain barrier. SPECT may be used to produce imaging. FDG, 11C methionine and 1,8F-methyl tyrosine
images of a rCBF using the radiopharmaceuticals 133Xe, are used for tumour imaging.
I isopropyl iodoamphetamine (IMP), 99mTc ethyl cyste- Disadvantages of PET compared with SPECT are its limited
inate dimer (ECD) or 99mTc hexamethylpropylene amine availability and high cost due to the necessity of a cyclotron
oxide (HMPAO) (Fig. 55.12). Clinical applications include close to the PET unit. PET has the advantage over SPECT
dementia, cerebrovascular disease, epilepsy, encephalitis and and fMRI of enabling absolute quantitation of, for example,
head injury. SPECT can also be used to image uptake at CBF, provided arterial blood sampling is performed. Com-
neurotransmitter receptors using various radiopharma- pared with fMRI the main disadvantages of PET are limited
ceuticals usually labelled with 123I. Many different SPECT availability and ionizing radiation, limiting the number of
radiopharmaceuticals are taken up into intracranial tumours, repeat studies in any one patient.

FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE is a tiny signal and quantitative comparison must be made
IMAGING between the MR signal during the resting state and the acti-
vation state during multiple repetition in order to detect
Functional MRI techniques can also be used to study cor- activation.
tical activation. The most commonly applied technique is Major advantages of fMRI over PET are the lack of ion-
measurement of a tiny increase in signal intensity on T2*- izing radiation and higher temporal resolution. However,
weighted acquisitions in the relevant cortex during neuronal due to the haemodynamic response time, fMRI will never
activation. This occurs as a result of the magnetic suscepti- approach the time resolution of electrophysiological meth-
bility effects of oxyhaemoglobin. Oxyhaemoglobin is dia- ods such as EEG. Another significant limitation of fMRI is
magnetic while deoxyhaemoglobin is paramagnetic. During that the magnitude of the MR signal change is not directly
cortical activation there is an increase in rCBF and thus an proportional to rCBF change and therefore absolute quan-
increase in oxygen delivery to the activated brain, which tification is not possible. For activation purposes this is
exceeds the local oxygen metabolic requirement. There is, not an important limitation as it is relative changes dur-
therefore, a net increase in oxyhaemoglobin concentra- ing activation tasks that are important. Although fMRI is
tion in the venules and veins in the vicinity of the activated being increasingly used for brain mapping, the technique
brain, which results in a tiny increase in MR signal, the so has limited clinical applications and is used primarily for
called blood oxygenation level dependent or, BOLD effect. the identification of eloquent cortex, particularly the motor
The magnitude of this MR signal change is field depen- strip, prior to surgery in patients with structural lesions and
dent, being greater at higher field strengths. Nevertheless, it arteriovenous malformations14.

TECHNIQUES 5F with a tapered J-shaped tip; some neuroradiologists prefer
more complex shapes such as a Mani catheter. In elderly or
Intra-arterial catheter angiography has been the mainstay for hypertensive patients, the aortic arch and great vessels are often
the investigation of neurovascular diseases in the past. Its role ectatic and tortuous. In such cases it is best to use a reverse curve
is changing with continuous advances in noninvasive vascu- catheter, such as a Sidewinder catheter. The use of hydrophilic
lar imaging, which include Doppler sonography, magnetic guidewires greatly facilitates catheterization of the cerebral ves-
resonance angiography and CT angiography. These noninva- sels. It is important to choose a guidewire of the appropriate
sive techniques have replaced intra-arterial angiography for a size, occupying the lumen of the catheter.The choice of a guide
number of diagnostic indications. that is too small facilitates reflux of blood into the catheter,
This section discusses the techniques of vascular imaging which can clot and be the source of embolic complications. For
(invasive and noninvasive) before giving a brief overview of catheterization of the carotid and vertebral arteries the surgeon
vascular neuroanatomy, mostly illustrated with intra-arterial should always lead with a soft-tipped guidewire and advance the
angiograms but equally applicable to the noninvasive techniques. catheter over the wire, in order to avoid trauma to the intima.
Conventional intra-arterial angiography Most intracranial abnormalities require selective inter-
techniques of catheterization15,16 nal carotid and/or vertebral artery injections, depending on
General principles and basic arteriographic techniques are the clinical problem. Common carotid artery injection can,
described elsewhere. however, be performed in elderly patients and those with sig-
Most diagnostic cerebral angiography can be performed nificant atheromatous disease at the carotid bifurcation. If the
under local anaesthesia. General anaesthesia is indicated in latter is suspected, the carotid bifurcation should be visual-
very anxious or restless patients and if interventional endovas- ized under fluoroscopy or with an angiographic run, before
cular procedures are planned to follow the diagnostic study. advancing the guidewire into the internal carotid artery. The
The transfemoral route is now almost exclusively used left vertebral artery is larger or of equal size than the right
for catheterization of the cerebral vessels and puncture of the vertebral artery in approximately 75 per cent and therefore
axillary artery or direct puncture of the carotid artery are only represents the first-line approach to angiography of the poste-
rarely performed. Insertion of a femoral sheath is not neces- rior circulation. Should the left vertebral artery appear to be
sary for straightforward cases, but may be useful in more com- absent, it probably arises from the arch of the aorta between
plex cases where a change of catheter during the procedure is the left common carotid and subclavian arteries. Very rarely
anticipated, and is mandatory for interventional procedures. neither vertebral artery can be catheterized, and under these
A variety of catheters are available for catheterization of the circumstances the subclavian artery can be injected during
carotid and vertebral arteries and the choice of catheter is largely inflation of a blood pressure cuff, which reduces flow of con-
a personal one. The most frequently used catheters are 4F or trast medium and blood down the arm.

External carotid artery catheterization is necessary for head The investigation of AVMs benefits from a higher frame rate
and neck lesions in intracranial lesions with a potential men- in the arterial phase, in the order of 6 images s1. Occasion-
ingeal supply (such as meningiomas or cerebral arteriovenous ally a higher frame rate (15 frames s1) can be used to analyze
malformations [AVMs] and dural fistulae). The origin of the the haemodynamics in high flow lesions or certain types of
external carotid artery lies anterior and medial to that of the aneurysms17.
internal carotid artery in the majority of cases. 3D rotational angiography involves image acquisition
Once the catheter has been positioned in the appropriate with a precisely calibrated rotating X-ray tube (describing an
vessel, a double-flush technique, withdrawing blood into one 180-degree arc) before and during pump injection of contrast
syringe and saline flushing from another, is used to minimize medium. This allows the acquisition of volumetric datasets,
the risks of embolism. which are post-processed on a computer workstation. Follow-
Non-ionic low-osmolality contrast media is recommended ing removal of the bony structures, high-resolution images of
for cerebral angiography. For a modern digital angiography sys- the cerebral vessels can be manipulated in different ways and
tem, using a concentration of 150 mg I ml1 is sufficient in the viewed from any angle. This obviates the need for multiple
case of internal carotid or vertebral artery injections. A higher angiographic runs and has proved very useful in the planning
concentration of contrast medium (up to 300 mg I ml1) may of endovascular treatment of aneurysms, providing a 3D view
be necessary for common carotid artery injections and high- of the aneurysm morphology and its neighbouring vessels18.
flow lesions, such as large AVMs.
Injection of contrast medium into the external carotid artery Indications
is uncomfortable in a number of patients. If the procedure is per- Owing to the advent of new noninvasive imaging techniques,
formed under a local anaesthetic, it is best to warn the patient of particularly computed tomographic angiography (CTA), the
a hot feeling in the face and funny taste in the mouth. Similarly, indications for intra-arterial cerebral angiography are chang-
patients should be warned prior to a vertebral artery injection ing. In departments where CTA is routinely used, cerebral
that they might experience flashing lights in the eyes. angiography is used to resolve discrepancies between two
Contrast medium can be injected manually or with an auto- noninvasive methods and as an integral part of endovascular
matic pump (68 ml of contrast medium at a rate of 34 ml s1 interventional procedures. It may be used for the investigation
for internal carotid and vertebral artery injections when using of aneurysms in subarachnoid haemorrhage, cerebral AVMs
digital subtraction angiography [DSA]); less forceful and lower- and carotid artery disease to confirm a significant stenosis
volume injections are needed in the external carotid artery and suspected on noninvasive imaging. Preoperative angiogra-
its branches. phy is sometimes performed in glomus jugulare tumours and
meningiomas to assess tumour vascularity, and is frequently
Technique of image acquisition combined with preoperative embolization in very vascular
Nowadays, cerebral angiography is carried out on a DSA sys- tumours19.
tem. Modern digital systems provide an image resolution of Contraindications
1024 1024 pixels and good-quality digital fluoroscopy with There are very few absolute contraindications to cerebral
additional features such as road mapping, which is useful for angiography, but since it is not without risk, it should never be
superselective catheterization with microcatheters during carried out if it is clear that the results will not influence man-
interventional procedures. agement. A well-documented history of untoward reactions
Standard radiographic projections for carotid angiography to contrast media is a relative contraindication. Intra-arterial
include a lateral projection, centred on the pituitary fossa, and angiography is now increasingly used in the context of throm-
an AP view with the petrous ridge projected approximately bolytic treatment of acute stroke20. Treatment with anticoagu-
over the roof of the orbit. Ipsilateral anterior oblique views lant drugs does not contraindicate arteriography, provided the
are routinely performed for the investigation of aneurysms in prothrombin level is within the normal therapeutic range.
subarachnoid haemorrhage and a number of additional views
such as an occipitomental or periorbital view may be neces- Complications
sary. Three standard projections are employed for the verte- Local and general complications of arteriography are discussed
bral angiogram: lateral, half-axial (Townes), and AP, with the in Chapter 6.
petrous ridge superimposed on the lower border of the orbit. Specific risks of catheterization of the aortic arch or cer-
A biplane angiography unit is of major advantage in neuroan- vical arteries include cerebral embolism and damage to the
giography. It allows simultaneous acquisition of two projections arteries by the catheter or guidewire, which include spasm,
(such as AP and lateral or two oblique views) during a single thrombosis and dissection. A previous study showed that the
injection. This reduces the number of contrast medium injec- stroke risk of arch aortography and DSA is similar to that of
tions and thereby the risk of catheter-related complications. selective injections, which suggests that the risk is mainly due
Two major technical advances in digital angiography are to embolism from catheter or guidewires21. Reported risks
rapid-frame-rate acquisition (up to 30 images s1) and three- of cerebral angiography in studies published over the last 15
dimensional (3D) rotational angiography. Routine cerebral years vary from 0.52.3 per cent2224. The North Ameri-
angiography is carried out with a frame rate of 2 or 3 images s1 can Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis trial (ACAS) identified
for the arterial phase and 12 images s1 for the venous phase. the risk of significant disabling stroke as being 1.2 per cent,

which was similar to the stroke risk of carotid endarterec- of the studies performed in the acute stage of intracranial
tomy in asymptomatic patients25. haemorrhage), showed an overall neurological complication
A recent, retrospective study of 454 patients mainly inves- rate of 2.3 per cent with persistent neurological deficits in
tigated for suspected aneurysms or AVMs (with one-third 0.4 per cent24.


Selective imaging of blood vessels with CT has become pos- Willis or the entire intracranial circulation from the skull base to
sible with the introduction of spiral CT systems26. The techni- the vertex with a single data acquisition.
cal principles of spiral CT data acquisition are explained in Timing of data acquisition in relation to the administration
Chapter 4. For CTA, a volumetric dataset is acquired during of contrast medium is critical for maximum arterial opacifi-
the vascular phase of an iodinated contrast, which is injected cation. The operator can either set a standard delay or use an
intravenously. The data acquisition time and amount of contrast automating bolus detection system, which is available on most
medium used depend on the area to be covered and choice machines. Recommended standard delays between the start of
of slice collimation and table speed. Earlier spiral CT systems the injection and image acquisition are 12 s for examination
offered only a limited area coverage (such as the carotid bifurca- of the extracranial and 15 s for examination of the intracranial
tion or circle of Willis), due to X-ray tube heating limits. The vessels28. Automated bolus detection is, however, more satisfac-
quality of CTA has dramatically improved with the introduc- tory because it adjusts for individual variations in circulation
tion of multidetector CT27 with improved area coverage and time. Injection rates and volumes vary with the cannula size,
spatial resolution. Modern multidetector-CT machines are able number of slices and cardiac output. Typical volumes of 100
to cover an area from the carotid bifurcation up to the circle of 120 ml contrast medium are given at a rate of 35 ml s1.
The quality of CT angiograms depends heavily on post-
processing of the image data. Enhanced blood vessels are
extracted from a 3D dataset by applying specific density thresh-
olds.The vessels can then be displayed as 2D projectional images,
which resemble conventional angiograms, or as 3D surface-ren-
dered structures. Separation of vessels running close to bone
(near the skull base and cranial vault may be difficult.These dif-
ficulties can be at least partially resolved by using thick-section
multiplanar reformats (which can be angled in such a way to
exclude bone) and by interactive viewing of the source data29.
CTA has been used successfully for the evaluation of carotid
artery stenosis30,31, carotid artery dissection32, intracranial vas-
cular occlusion33 and intracranial aneurysms34,35. CTA for the
assessment of cerebral AVM is subject to ongoing research;
their complex structure needs more sophisticated post-pro-
cessing and interactive viewing36.
CTA can also be used to examine the cerebral venous sys-
tem (CT venography), its main application being suspected
dural sinus thrombosis37.
The advantages of CTA over MRA are that it can be
used in claustrophobic patients and patients with cardiac pace-
Figure 55.13 CTA 3D volume-rendered CTA. The arterial anatomy is makers, or other implants that preclude MR data acquisition.
well visualized. Filling of the internal cerebral venous and venous sinuses Its disadvantages are the use of ionizing radiation and iodin-
is also seen. ated contrast media.


MRA has progressed rapidly in the last decade. Its basic prin- MRA has been used in conjunction with the injection of gad-
ciples are outlined in Chapter 6.Traditionally, MRA has been olinium-based contrast media (contrast-enhanced MRA)39.
performed without administration of an exogenous contrast Both non-enhanced and enhanced MRA techniques ben-
medium, relying on inflow of unsaturated spin (time-of-flight efited from the development of high-performance gradients
[TOF] MRA) or accumulation of phase shifts proportional allowing shorter repetition (TR) and echo (TE) times as well
to the flow velocity (phase contrast MRA)38. More recently, as software developments such as zero-filled interpolation

processing. Both TOF and phase contrast techniques can be

performed with a 2D or 3D data acquisition40. 2D-TOF or
3D-TOF MRA of the neck vessels have limitations in areas
of turbulent or slow flow, which may remain undetected due
to intravoxel dephasing41,42.This can simulate the presence or
exaggerate the degree of carotid artery stenoses.
For imaging of the intracerebral vessels, 3D-TOF MRA is
the technique of choice43. A single slab 3D-TOF aquisition
is adequate for imaging the circle of Willis, but coverage of a
larger part of the intracranial circulation requires three or four
multiple overlapping slabs (MOTSA technique) (Fig. 55.14).
Data are usually displayed as maximum intensity projections, Figure 55.15 Phase contrast MRA of circle of Willis. Phase contrast MRA
allows encoding of the flow direction. Here the flow-encoding direction is
but inspection of the source data should always be performed
right (R) to left (L): flow in this direction appears white, whereas flow in the
to resolve difficult cases or to confirm the suspicion of an opposite direction (towards the right) appears black.
artefact43. Intracranial 3D-TOF MRA has been successfully
used for the detection of aneurysms (with a high sensitivity
for aneurysms larger than 5 mm)4446, assessment of intracranial
stenosis and, to a limited extent, AVMs47. images, during the first pass of a contrast medium bolus, repre-
Phase contrast MRA is based on the detection of phase shifts sents a relatively recent development. Demonstration of vascu-
generated by a flow-encoding gradient.The phase shift is propor- lar structures with this technique depends on the T1 shortening
tional to the velocity of blood, and care must be taken to choose of blood and not on inflow or phase-shift effects39 (Fig. 55.16).
an appropriate velocity window depending on the area studied. Contrast-enhanced MRA of the carotid arteries does not suffer
Typical velocity parameters are 1020 cm s-1 for dural sinuses from artificial signal loss due to turbulent and slow flow (like
and 5060 cm s1 for major cerebral arteries. Although generally the TOF techniques) and initial results show that it compares
inferior to 3D MRA, it is more sensitive for detection of slow favourably with intra-arterial angiography52. Applications of
flow (with the appropriate velocity encoding) and can therefore this method for imaging intracranial vessels are emerging53.
be used for imaging cerebral veins48. It does not suffer from T1-
contamination artefact and it can provide information about the Doppler ultrasound
direction of blood flow. 3D phase contrast MRA can also be Technical principles and Doppler US and its use in the assess-
used to show the direction of collateral blood flow across the ment of the carotid artery stenosis are discussed in Chapter 3.
circle of Willis (Fig. 55.15) with significant differences between
normal volunteers and patients with carotid artery occlusion49.
The administration of a gadolinium-based contrast medium
has been shown to have some benefit in conjunction with
intracranial 3D-TOF MRA for conditions such as AVMs and
intracranial stenoses50,51. The acquisition of 3D gradient-echo

A1 CS M2


petr CA
P2 P1

Figure 55.14 3D TOF MRA of the intracranial circulation: axially

collapsed maximum intensity projection. A1 = precommunicating
segment of anterior cerebral artery, ACOM = anterior communicating
artery, BA = basilar artery, CS = carotid siphon, M1 = first (horizontal)
segment of middle cerebral artery, M2 = M2 segments of middle Figure 55.16 Contrast-enhanced MRA of aortic arch. A 3D gradient-
cerebral artery, P1 = precommunicating segment of posterior cerebral echo sequence has been acquired during the first pass of an intravenously
artery, P2 = P2 segment of posterior cerebral artery, PCOM = posterior injected gadolinium bolus. It shows the origins of the great vessels. Note
communicating artery, petr CA = petrous segment of ICA. also that there is background opacification of the pulmonary vessels.


INTRACRANIAL ARTERIES middle and anterior cerebral arteries. Unfortunately there are
several classification systems, some numbering the segments
The internal carotid arteries supply the anterior cerebral circu- with the direction of blood flow and others against it54. Until
lation and the vertebral and basilar arteries supply the posterior a consensus is reached, it is best to use anatomical names for
circulation. The external carotid arteries supply most extracra- the internal carotid artery segments. A simplified anatomi-
nial head and neck structures (except the orbits) and make an cal division distinguishes between cervical, petrous, cavernous
important contribution to the supply of the meninges. There and supraclinoid segments of the internal carotid artery56.
are numerous anastomoses between the external carotid arteries No named branches arise from the cervical segment of the
and the anterior and posterior circulation. internal carotid artery. The petrous segment is intraosseous. It
begins at the carotid canal where the artery enters the skull
Anterior circulation base. The internal carotid artery then runs forward and medi-
The right common carotid artery is the first main branch of ally in the foramen lacerum and lies extradurally until it reaches
the innominate or brachiocephalic artery and the left com- the petrolingual ligament; after this it becomes the cavernous
mon carotid artery is the second main branch of the aortic segment, which gives off several important branches. After
arch (Fig. 55.17). Each common carotid artery runs within a leaving the cavernous sinus, it pierces the dura and enters the
fascial plane, the carotid sheath, lateral to the vertebral column, subarachnoid space at the level of the anterior clinoid process,
and bifurcates between the level of the third and fifth cervi- after which it becomes the supraclinoid segment. The carotid
cal vertebrae into external and internal carotid arteries. At the siphon is formed by the cavernous and supraclinoid segments.
bifurcation, the internal carotid lies usually posterior and lat- The supraclinoid segment terminates, dividing into the ante-
eral to the external carotid artery. rior and middle cerebral arteries (Fig. 55.18).
The principal branches of the cavernous segment are:
Internal carotid artery16,54,55
1 The posterior trunk (meningohypophyseal artery) arises posteri-
The internal carotid artery can be divided into a number of orly from the superior aspect of the first bend of the cavern-
segments between the carotid bulb and its bifurcation into ous segment and gives off branches to the pituitary gland
and tentorium cerebelli (marginal tentorial artery).
2 The inferolateral trunk arises more anteriorly and laterally
from the horizontal portion of the cavernous segment. It
supplies the third, fourth and fifth cranial nerves and has
important anastomoses with the external carotid system:
with the maxillary artery through the foramen rotundum
and ovale and with the middle meningeal artery through
the foramen spinosum.

Figure 55.17 Arch aortogram, left anterior oblique projection, arterial Figure 55.18 Internal carotid arteriogram; lateral projection,
phase, 1 = arch of aorta, 2 = innominate (brachiocephalic) artery, arterial phase. 1 = cervical portion of internal carotid artery,
3 = right subclavian artery, 4 = right vertebral artery, 5 = right common 2 = petrous portion, 3 = cavernous portion (siphon), 4 = ophthalmic
carotid artery, 6 = right internal carotid artery, 7 = right external carotid artery, 5 = choroidal (ophthalmic) crescent, 6 = anterior choroidal artery,
artery, 8 = left common carotid artery, 9 = left external carotid artery, 7 = anterior cerebral artery, 8 = pericallosal artery, 9 = callosomarginal
10 = left subclavian artery, 11 = left vertebral artery. artery, 10 = middle cerebral artery branches.

The principal branches of the supraclinoid segment are:

1 The ophthalmic artery is usually given off just after the carotid
artery leaves the cavernous sinus, but its origin is variable
and it can sometimes arise from the middle meningeal
2 The posterior communicating artery arises posteriorly from the
distal loop of the siphon, to link the internal carotid artery
with the posterior cerebral artery, which arises normally
from the posterior (vertebral) circulation. It is extremely
variable in size and, when small, inconstantly opacified by
carotid injection. The posterior cerebral artery can arise
directly from the internal carotid artery, which is called a
fetal arrangement.
3 The anterior choroidal artery arises just distal to the posterior
communicating artery and runs posterosuperiorly and lat-
erally. It is an important artery that supplies the posterior
limb of internal capsule, cerebral peduncle and optic tract,
medial temporal lobe and choroid plexus.

Anterior cerebral artery16,5760

The anterior cerebral artery is divided into three anatomical
segments: the horizontal or precommunicating segment (A1),
vertical or postcommunicating segment (A2), and distal ACA
including cortical branches (A3).
The A1 segment runs beneath the frontal lobe of the
brain and courses over the optic nerves and chiasm to the
midline, where it is joined to the contralateral A1 segment Figure 55.19 Internal carotid arteriogram: AP projection, arterial
by the anterior communicating artery. The A1 segment gives phase. 1 = petrous segment of internal carotid artery, 2 = cavernous
rise to a variable number of perforating branches, the medial portion, 3 = supraclinoid (subarachnoid) portion, 4 = anterior cerebral
lenticulostriate arteries. The recurrent artery of Huebner is artery precommunicating segment, lying above the pituitary fossa,
5 = pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries, superimposed, lying in the
the largest of the perforating branches and may arise from midline, 6 = anterior choroidal artery, 7 = lenticulostriate artery,
the A1 or A2 segment. It derives its name from the fact that 8 = major divisions of the middle cerebral artery, 9 = cortical branches,
it doubles back on its parent artery at an acute angle to join which extend to the cranial vault.
the lenticulostriate vessels. A common anatomical variation
is hypoplasia or aplasia of the A1 segment, in which case
the distal segments fill preferentially from the other side via
the anterior communicating artery. Other variations include The M1 segment runs in the Sylvian fissure and gives off
a fusion of the A2 segment in the midline to give a single an anterior temporal artery of variable size before dividing
azygos anterior cerebral artery, which then supplies both into two or three main trunks (M2 segments). Its branches
hemispheres. run over the frontoparietal and temporal opercula (M3 seg-
The A2 segment turns upwards, gives off a frontopolar ments). The characteristic loops formed by the upward and
branch and divides, at the level of the genu of the corpus cal- downward course of the insular and opercular segments form
losum, into the callosomarginal and pericallosal arteries, which a straight line on the lateral projection, which represents
are the A3 segments. The former lies in the cingulate sulcus the upper border of the Sylvian triangle, its inferior bor-
and the latter course along the posterior aspect of the corpus der being formed by main middle cerebral artery trunk. The
callosum, which it supplies. Cortical branches of the calloso- Sylvian point is the highest and most medial point where the
marginal artery supply the medial frontal lobe (frequently as angular artery turns inferolaterally to exit the Sylvian fissure.
far back as the Rolandic fissure), whereas cortical branches of Displacement of these landmarks has been used in the past to
the pericallosal artery supply the medial parietal lobe. locate cerebral mass lesions; they are now largely of historical
Middle cerebral artery16,59,60 The cortical branches (M4 segments) of the middle cerebral
The middle cerebral artery is divided into four anatomical artery are variable and complex, but temporal, ascending fron-
segments: the horizontal segment (M1), insular segment (M2), toparietal, parietal, angular and posterior temporal branches
opercular segment (M3) and cortical branches (M4 segments). can usually be identified (Figs 55.18, 55.19) and supply most
Medial and lateral lenticulostriate arteries are perforating of the lateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere, excluding
branches that arise from the M1 segment (Fig. 55.19); they a narrow superomedial strip supplied by the anterior and
supply the basal ganglia and capsular region. posterior cerebral arteries.

Posterior circulation15,16,59 (Figs 55.20, 55.21)

Vertebro-basilar system
The right and left vertebral arteries usually arise as the
first branches of the corresponding subclavian arteries. Each
then enters the foramen transversarium of the sixth cervical
vertebra, and runs directly upwards in the bony vertebral canal
formed by these foramina before arching laterally then medi-
ally around the anterior arch of the atlas behind the lateral
mass of the atlas to pierce the dura mater and enter the sub-
arachnoid space at the level of the foramen magnum, subse-
quently fusing with its fellow behind the clivus and in front of
the lower pons, to give rise to the midline basilar artery.
The vertebral arteries give muscular branches, which fre-
quently anastomose with those of the ascending pharyngeal
and occipital arteries, and they commonly furnish important
feeding vessels to the cervical spinal cord. One of the ver-
tebral arteries often gives off the posterior meningeal artery,
which passes upwards through the foramen magnum to run
posteriorly in the midline on the dura mater of the occipital
bone. Soon after entering the cranial cavity, each vertebral
artery gives off a posterior inferior cerebellar artery, which
runs around the medulla oblongata, looping under the olive,
to lie near its fellow in the midline behind the medulla,

Figure 55.21 Vertebral angiogram. Half-axial projection, arterial

phase. (For Key, see Fig. 55.20 caption.)

before running posteriorly above the cerebellar tonsil, where

it lies close to the roof of the fourth ventricle, and continuing
on the undersurface of the cerebellum as the inferior verm-
ian artery. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery also gives
off tonsillar and hemispheric branches.
The vertebral arteries are commonly unequal in size; when
this is the case, the left is usually the larger, but the right is of
greater calibre in about one-fifth of cases. When one of the
arteries is very small, it frequently supplies only the ipsilateral
posterior inferior cerebellar artery territory, which is called a
PICA termination of the vertebral artery.
The basilar artery runs superiorly on the anterior surface
of the pons and gives off anterior inferior cerebellar, superior
cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries on both sides. Ter-
minating just above the tip of the dorsum sellae, it generally
shows a slight anterior convexity and deviates from the mid-
line following the curve of the dominant vertebral artery; its
form is sufficiently variable, especially in the elderly, to render
assessment of lateral or posterior displacement difficult.
The anterior inferior cerebellar arteries arise close to
Figure 55.20 Vertebral angiogram. Lateral projection, arterial phase. the origin of the basilar artery and run laterally on the pons
Key for Figures 55.20 and 55.21: 1 = vertebral artery, 2 = posterior and anteroinferior surface of the cerebellum. They loop in
inferior cerebellar artery, 3 = inferior vermian branch, 4 = basilar artery, the cerebellopontine angle, and supply the surrounding struc-
5 = anterior inferior cerebellar artery, 6 = superior cerebellar artery tures, their branches including the internal auditory arteries,
(duplicated on left), 7 = posterior cerebral arteries, 8 = posterior temporal
branches, 9 = internal occipital and calcarine branches, 10 = posterior
to the nerves in the internal auditory meatus. The cerebellar
choroidal arteries, 11 = thalamoperforating arteries, 12 = filling of middle branches anastomose with those of the posterior inferior cer-
cerebral arterial branches via posterior communicating artery. ebellar artery and there is frequently a reciprocal relationship:

if the posterior artery is small on one side, the corresponding latter are large and the main source and give rise to a so-called
anterior artery is larger, branching more extensively, and vice fetal origin of the posterior cerebral artery, the P1 segments may
versa. be so small that little or no distal filling is seen on vertebral arte-
The superior cerebellar arteries arise several millime- riography. The appearances are commonly asymmetrical.
tres below the posterior cerebral arteries that are the terminal The posterior communicating arteries give off the anterior
branches of the basilar artery, from which they are separated thalamoperforating arteries, and the P1 segment the poste-
by the tentorium cerebelli. The superior cerebellar arteries rior thalamoperforating and thalamogeniculate arteries, which
are frequently duplicated, in which case the individual vessels pass posterosuperiorly into the interpeduncular fossa to enter
are smaller. They pass around the brainstem to fan out over the posterior perforated substance. The medial posterior
the superior surface of the cerebellar hemispheres, while their choroidal artery arises from the P2 segment and passes around
main trunks run back over the superior vermis, giving a pre- the midbrain, then superiorly, over the pulvinar of the thala-
central branch that passes down between the roof of the fourth mus to reach the third ventricle. Two or more lateral posterior
ventricle and the central lobule of the cerebellum. choroidal arteries arise also from the P2 segment and follow a
similar course, but lie more posteriorly on the lateral view.
Cortical branches arise from the P2 segment (anterior and
POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERIES posterior temporal arteries) and form the P4 segment, which
divides into a group of the inferior temporal arteries supply-
The bifurcation of the basilar arteries can appear either V- ing a considerable portion of the inferior surface of the tem-
shaped (caudal fusion of the posterior cerebral arteries) or T- poral lobe and the parieto-occipital and calcarine branches,
shaped (cranial fusion of the cerebral arteries). It can also be supplying the medial surface of the occipital lobe, including
asymmetrical with a caudal fusion on one side and a cranial the visual cortex.
fusion on the other. Basilar tip aneurysms are much more fre-
quently associated with a caudal fusion than with a cranial External carotid artery15,16,62,63
fusion of the posterior cerebral arteries61. The major branches of the external carotid artery are shown
After bifurcating, the basilar artery gives rise to the two pos- in Figure 55.22; in general they are named simply for their
terior cerebral arteries, each of which has four segments. P1 is territory of supply. They are best examined using the lateral
the precommunicating segment before which it joins with the projection. The first, anterior branch, the superior thyroid
posterior communicating arteries to become the P2 or ambi- artery, may arise from the terminal common carotid artery.
ent segment and P3 or quadrigeminal segment, named after The lingual and facial arteries also arise anteriorly, sometimes
the basal cistern in which it runs. The P4 segment is the termi- from a common trunk, and run forwards, the former deep to
nal segment of the posterior cerebral artery, which includes the and the latter lateral to the mandible. In addition to the struc-
occipital and inferior temporal branches. There is reciprocity in tures from which they take their names, they also supply the
calibre of the precommunicating (P1) segments of the posterior salivary glands. The ascending pharyngeal artery (Fig. 55.23)
cerebral arteries and the posterior communicating arteries: if the runs vertically upwards (often obscured on common carotid

Figure 55.22 External carotid

artery. Proximal injection. Radiograph
(A) and diagram (B) of principal
branches. (For key, see Fig. 55.24




Figure 55.23 (Left) Injection of the ascending pharyngeal artery.

(For key, see Fig. 55.24 caption.)

injections by the much larger internal carotid artery), giving

fine branches to the pharynx, the dura mater of the posterior Figure 55.24 (Right) Injection of the middle meningeal artery. Key
cranial fossa and, in many individuals, to the posterior lobe of for Figures 55.2255.24: 1 = internal carotid artery, 2 = superior thyroid
artery, 3 = lingual artery, 4 = facial artery, 5 = occipital artery, 6 =
the pituitary gland.
posterior auricular artery, 7 = internal maxillary artery, 8 = inferior dental
Posterior branches include the occipital artery, through artery, 9 = middle meningeal artery MMA, 10 = middle deep temporal
which the carotid system frequently communicates with artery, 11 = anterior deep temporal artery, 12 = infraorbital artery,
the vertebral arteries. The artery supplies muscles, scalp and, 13 = descending (greater) palatine artery, 14 = superficial temporal
via a petromastoid branch, the dura mater. The posterior artery, 15 = transverse facial artery, 16 = common carotid artery,
17 = ascending pharyngeal artery, 18 = anterior branch of the MMA,
auricular artery is often very small. The terminal branches
19 = posterior branch of the MMA.
of the external carotid artery are the internal maxillary and
superficial temporal arteries. The former turns forwards,
deep to the mandible, giving inferior dental, middle men-
ingeal, deep temporal, accessory meningeal, sphenopalatine,
connections between branches of the external carotid artery
infraorbital and descending palatine branches. Of these, the
and the internal carotid or vertebral arteries. These play a
middle meningeal artery (Fig. 55.24) is of particular radio-
role in chronic cerebrovascular occlusive disease and their
logical interest; it runs superiorly, often appearing to cross
knowledge is of importance for interventional endovascular
the superficial temporal artery on the lateral projection,
through the foramen spinosum, where it makes an angular
Principal anastomoses between the external and internal
forward bend to run in a smooth curve around the greater
carotid artery are:
wing of the sphenoid and up over the convexity to the
facial artery
midline at the vertex. It gives a posterior branch that runs
middle meningeal artery
backwards across the squamous temporal bone towards the
ophthalmic artery
lambda. Supplying the dura mater and the inner table of
superficial temporal artery
the skull, the middle meningeal artery may also give off the
artery of foramen rotundum
ophthalmic artery; conversely, it may arise as a recurrent
vidian artery
branch of the latter.
carotid siphon
The superficial temporal artery is the main feeder to the
scalp. It gives off a very proximal major branch, the transverse Principal anastomoses between the external and posterior
facial artery, which runs forwards parallel with the zygomatic circulation are:
arch, the branches over the cranium, with a more tortuous occipital artery
course than that of the middle meningeal artery. ascending pharyngeal artery
vertebral artery
Anastomotic pathways16,43,64,65
There are three main categories of collateral supply to The circle of Willis65 plays a critical role as a collateral
the brain: extracranialintracranial anastomoses, the circle supply in acute and chronic cerebrovascular occlusive dis-
of Willis and leptomeningeal collaterals. The extracranial ease and during balloon occlusion of one of the internal
intracranial collaterals are actual or potential anastomotic carotid arteries. Its anterior part is formed by the distal

internal carotid arteries, precommunicating segments of the Figure 55.26 Persistent

anterior cerebral arteries (A1 segments), and anterior com- caroticovertebral
connections. B = basilar
municating artery; its posterior part is formed by the distal
artery, EC = external carotid
basilar artery, precommunicating segments of the posterior artery, H = hypoglossal artery,
cerebral arteries (P1 segments), and posterior communicat- IC = internal carotid artery,
ing arteries. The A1 segments course above the optic nerves O = otic artery, PAI = pro-
and the posterior communicating arteries course below the atlantal intersegmental
artery, PC = posterior cerebral
optic tracts.
artery, PCo = posterior
The circle of Willis is well demonstrated with axial pro- communicating artery,
jections of MR angiograms and phase contrast MRA can T = trigeminal artery,
provide information about the flow direction in its various V = vertebral artery.
components (see Figs 55.14, 55.25). A complete circle of
Willis is only found in about 40 per cent of people and vari-
ous segments of the circle may be sufficiently small or absent
to be ineffective as a collateral channel. Common variations
include absence or hypoplasia of one of the A1 segments and
of one or both posterior communicating arteries. Another
common variation is a fetal origin of the posterior cere- Table 55.3 PERSISTENT CAROTICOVERTEBRAL
bral artery from the internal carotid artery, which occurs in ANASTOMOSES
2030 per cent and is often associated with hypoplasia of the
Artery Origin Termination Route
P1 segment on that side.
There are other developmental connections between the Pro-atlantal Cervical internal Vertebral artery Via foramen
anterior (carotid) and posterior (vertebrobasilar) circulation carotid artery
that may persist into adult life (Fig. 55.26, Table 55.3); of magnum
these only the trigeminal artery is encountered with any Hypoglossal Internal carotid Vertebral artery Via hypoglos-
frequency, but is found in less than 1 per cent of normal sal artery canal
people. Otic Petrous internal Basilar artery Via internal
Leptomeningeal (pial) collaterals are end-to-end anastomo- rare) carotid
ses between distal branches of the intracerebral arteries that artery auditory
can provide collateral flow across vascular watershed zones. meatus
These are highly variable and are of great importance in acute Trigeminal Precavernous Basilar artery Transdural
occlusion of intracerebral vessels. carotid artery

Dural sinuses
The dural sinuses run within the major dural septa: the supe-
rior sagittal sinus between the layers of the upper part of the
falx cerebri and the inferior sagittal sinus in the lower border
of the falx, running backwards to join the great vein of Galen.
The straight sinus is formed by the confluence of the vein of
Galen and inferior sagittal sinus and runs downwards in the
junction of the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli towards
the torcular Herophili. The transverse (or lateral) sinuses run
in the outer border of the tentorium itself, where it attaches to
the vault. They appear frequently asymmetrical in size and the
right is usually the dominant one. They become the sigmoid
sinuses as they turn downward behind the lateral portions of
the petrous bones to discharge into the internal jugular veins,
which run in the lateral portion (the pars vascularis) of the
Figure 55.25 Fetal origin of the posterior cerebral artery. A 3D
TOF MRA of the circle of Willis shows a fetal origin of the left posterior
jugular foramina.
cerebral artery (arrow), which arises from the left internal carotid artery The superior petrosal sinuses extend from the cavernous
and is associated with hypoplasia of the left P1 segment. sinus to the sigmoid sinuses and run along the attachment

of the tentorium cerebelli to the petrous ridge. The inferior

petrosal sinuses connect the cavernous sinus to the jugular
bulb and run in a groove between the petrous apices and cli-
vus. The disposition of the inferior petrosal sinuses is highly
variable, which has practical implications for inferior petrosal
sampling, a procedure sometimes performed to lateralize pitu-
itary microadenomas. bv
Cerebral veins (Figs 55.27, 55.28) sgs
Angiographically, these consist of two groups: the deep, sts
sub-ependymal veins and the cortical veins. The former
ts vc
are rather constant, while the latter are extremely variable.
In the angiographic series, the cortical veins fill before the
deep ones, and usually from frontal to occipital, but devia- A
tions from this pattern are not necessarily abnormal. The
deep and superficial groups are in fact joined by fine medul- ss
lary veins, which run a straight course, perpendicular to the
surface of the brain.

Deep veins icv

The septal veins course directly posteriorly on either side aca
of the midline, on the septum pellucidum, to join the thala- sts
mostriate veins as the latter run anteromedially across the
ica vg
floor of the lateral ventricle. They meet at the posterior lips bv
of the foramina of Monro forming the venous angle, from ba
which the internal cerebral veins run posteriorly on the va
roof of the third ventricle, near the midline. All the afore-
mentioned veins are paired bilateral structures, as are the
basal veins (of Rosenthal), which arise in the region of the
choroidal fissures and course posterosuperiorly around the
Figure 55.28 B3D TOF MR venogram in axial (A) and sagittal (B) plane.
Note that arteries can sometimes also be seen on MR venograms. aca =
anterior cerebral artery, ba = basilar artery, bv = basal vein of Rosenthal,
ica = internal cerebral artery, icv = internal cerebral vein, sgs = sigmoid
sinus, smcv = superficial middle cerebral vein, sts = straight sinus, ss =
sagittal sinus, ts = transverse sinus, va = vertebral artery, vc = venous
confluence, vg = vein of Galen.

4 3
2 7 The confluence of both internal cerebral and both basal
6 veins gives rise to the unpaired great vein of Galen, which
lies in the quadrigeminal cistern and shows a characteristic
upward concavity as it delineates the posterior end of the cor-
5 10
9 pus callosum before discharging into the straight sinus.
Because of their constant relationships to the ventricular
system, and the fact that they generally become visible at the
point at which they reach the ependyma, the deep cerebral
veins are an indicator of the size and shape of the lateral
Figure 55.27 Venous phase of internal carotid arteriogram. Lateral ventricles. The spread of the thalamostriate veins on the AP
projection. 1 = septal vein, 2 = venous angle indicating the foramen projection indicates the size of the central part of the lat-
of Monro, formed by junction of 3 = internal cerebral vein and 4 = eral ventricles. Displacement of the deep cerebral veins from
thalamostriate vein, 5 = basal vein (of Rosenthal), 6 = great vein of Galen, the midline is seen with posteriorly placed masses, whereas
7 = straight sinus, 8 = superior sagittal sinus, 9 = superficial middle
anterior masses cause displacement of the anterior cerebral
cerebral vein, 10 = temporoparietal cortical vein (inferior anastomotic
vein of Labb), 11 = lateral sinus, 12 = internal jugular vein. arteries.

Supercial veins
Cortical veins can be divided into three main groups. The
largest numbers drain upwards and medially to the superior
sagittal sinus.
Veins in the inferior frontoparietal and temporal regions
drain to the superficial middle cerebral vein, thence to the
sphenoparietal sinus. Inferior parietal, posterior temporal and
occipital veins drain directly to the transverse sinuses. Two
large cortical veins running posterosuperiorly across the pari-
etal lobe to the superior sagittal sinus and posteroinferiorly
over the temporal lobe to the transverse sinus are the superior
and inferior anastomotic veins (of Trolard and Labb, respec-
tively); it is uncommon for both to be well developed.

Posterior fossa veins (Figs 55.29, 55.30)

The anatomy of the posterior fossa veins is very variable.There
are three principal drainage pathways: the vein of Galen, the
superior petrosal sinus and direct tributaries into the transverse
and straight sinuses. Figure 55.30 Vertebral angiogram. Half-axial projection, venous
The pontomesencephalic veins outline the midbrain and phase. Key for Figures 55.2955.30: 1 = inferior vermian vein, 2 = anterior
brainstem. The anterior and lateral pontomesencephalic veins pontomesencephalic vein, 3 = posterior mesencephalic vein, 4 = lateral
are connecting channels of a plexus of small veins, closely mesencephalic vein, 5 = precentral cerebellar vein, 6 = superior vermian
vein, 7 = great vein of Galen, 8 = straight sinus, 9 = petrosal vein, 10 =
applied to the anterior surface of the pons.
cerebellar hemispheric veins, 11 = transverse sinus, 12 = sigmoid sinus,
The precentral cerebellar vein and superior cerebellar vein 13 = internal jugular vein. Note the normal asymmetry of the posterior
outline the anterior and posterior aspects of the superior cer- fossa.
ebellar vermis, respectively.They enter the vein of Galen either
jointly or separately. The inferior vermian veins are paired
paramedian vessels that enter the straight sinus or anastomose
with the superior vermian vein. The cerebellar hemispheres
are drained by hemispheric veins that usually enter the trans- REFERENCES
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