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Conic Sections

Conic sections can be defined as the locus of point that moves so that the ratio of its distance
from a fixed point called the focus to its distance from a fixed line called the directrix is constant.
The constant ratio is called the eccentricity of the conic.

Conic sections are obtained by passing a cutting plane to a right circular cone. If the cutting
plane is parallel to the base of the cone (or perpendicular to the axis of the cone), a circle is
defined. If the cutting plane is parallel to lateral side (or generator) of the cone, parabola is
defined. For a cutting plane that is oblique to the cone (not parallel nor perpendicular to any
element), ellipse is defined. For a cutting plane parallel to the axis of the cone not passing
through the vertex, the section formed is hyperbola. These were characterized by the Greek
mathematician Apollonius (262 B.C. 200 B.C.).

Equation of Conic Sections

The equation of general conic-sections is in second-degree,

The quantity B2 - 4AC is called discriminant and its value will determine the shape of the conic.

If C = A and B = 0, the conic is a circle.

If B2 - 4AC = 0, the conic is a parabola.
If B2 - 4AC < 0, the conic is an ellipse.
If B2 - 4AC > 0, the conic is a hyperbola.

The product xy would have a conic with axis oblique to the coordinate axes. If B = 0, the axis of
the conic is parallel to one of the coordinate axes. As of now, our concern are for conics with
axis parallel to one of the coordinate axes, thus B = 0. The equation then becomes

Eccentricity of Conic
Eccentricity is a measure of how much a conic deviate from being circular, making the
eccentricity of the circle obviously equal to zero. It is the ratio of focal distance to directrix
distance of the conic section.

If e = 0, the conic is a circle.

If e = 1, the conic is a parabola.
If e < 1, the conic is an ellipse.
If e > 1, the conic is a hyperbola.

The Circle
Definition of circle
The locus of point that moves such that its distance from a fixed point called the center is
constant. The constant distance is called the radius, r of the circle.

General Equation (C = A)
From the general equation of conic sections, C = A. Hence, the equation of the circle is

Standard Equations

Circle with center at any point (h, k)

Apply Pythagorean Theorem to the figure shown below.

Circle with center at the origin

If the center is at the origin, (h, k) = (0, 0), hence,

Problem 1
A circle is tangent to the line 2x - y + 1 = 0 at the point (2, 5) and the center is on the line x + y =
9. Find the equation of the circle.

Solution 1

r is perpendicular to 2x - y + 1 = 0. Thus, equation of r is

Another way to solve for the equation of r

The center (h, k) is the point of intersection of r and x + y = 9.

From x + 2y = 12 and x + 2 = 9

Thus, center (h, k) = (6, 3)

Length of radius r = distance from line 2x - y + 1 = 0 to center (6, 3)

Equation of the required circle


The Parabola
Definition of Parabola

Parabola is the locus of point that moves such that it is always equidistant from a fixed point and
a fixed line. The fixed point is called focus and the fixed line is called directrix.

General Equations of Parabola

From the general equation of all conic sections, either or is zero to form a parabolic section.

For , the equation will reduce to or

It is a parabola with axis horizontal, e.g., open to the right or open to the left.

For , the equation will reduce to or

It is a parabola with axis vertical, e.g., open upward or open downward.

Standard Equations of Parabola

From the definition

The equation we just derived was with reference to the figure shown above, thus, it is a parabola
with vertex at the origin and open to the right.

Parabola with vertex at the origin

Parabola with vertex at the origin and open to the right.

Parabola with vertex at the origin and open to the left.

Parabola with vertex at the origin and open upward.

Parabola with vertex at the origin and open downward.

Parabola with vertex at any point (h, k)

Parabola with vertex at (h, k) and open to the right.

Parabola with vertex at (h, k) and open to the left.

Parabola with vertex at (h, k) and open upward.

Parabola with vertex at (h, k) and open downward.

Hint: To avoid memorizing the eight (8) standard equations of parabola, we will reduce it to only
two (2) as follows:
Note that (h, k) is (0, 0) at the origin. Use positive (+) for open upward and rightward parabolas,
negative (-) for open downward and leftward parabolas.

Elements of Parabola

1. Focus is located at distance from vertex in the direction of parabolas opening.

2. Directrix is at distance from the vertex. It is a straight line located at the opposite side of
parabolas opening.
3. Vertex is the point extremity of parabola, i.e. highest point for open downward, lowest point for
open upward, rightmost point for leftward, and leftmost point for rightward. The coordinates of
vertex is denoted as (h, k).
4. Axis is the line of symmetry of parabola. It contains both the focus and the vertex and always
perpendicular to the directrix.
5. Latus Rectum, denoted by , is a line perpendicular to the axis, passing through the focus and
terminates on the parabola itself. The total length of is ( ), where stands for
the distance from focus to vertex.
6. Eccentricity of parabola is always equal to 1 ( ). Thus, parabola can also be defined as a
conic section of eccentricity equal to 1.

The Ellipse
Definition of Ellipse
Ellipse is the locus of point that moves such that the sum of its distances from two fixed points
called the foci is constant. The constant sum is the length of the major axis, 2a.

General Equation of the Ellipse

From the general equation of all conic sections, A and C are not equal but of the same sign.
Thus, the general equation of the ellipse is Ax2 + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0 or
Standard Equations of Ellipse

From the figure above,


From the definition above,

Square both sides

Square again both sides

From triangle OV3F2 (see figure above)


Divide both sides by a2b2

The above equation is the standard equation of the ellipse with center at the origin and major axis
on the x-axis as shown in the figure above. Below are the four standard equations of the ellipse.
The first equation is the one we derived above.

Ellipse with center at the origin

Ellipse with center at the origin and major axis on the x-axis.
Ellipse with center at the origin and major axis on the y-axis.

Ellipse with center at (h, k)

Ellipse with center at (h, k) and major axis parallel to the x-axis.

Ellipse with center at (h, k) and major axis parallel to the y-axis.

Elements of Ellipse
Elements of the ellipse are shown in the figure below.
1. Center (h, k). At the origin, (h, k) is (0, 0).
2. Semi-major axis = a and semi-minor axis = b.
3. Location of foci c, with respect to the center of ellipse. .
4. Length latus rectum, LR
Consider the right triangle F1QF2:

Based on the definition of ellipse

By Pythagorean Theorem

You can also find the same formula for the length of latus rectum of ellipse by using the
definition of eccentricity.
5. Eccentricity, e

From the figure of the ellipse above,



6. Location of directrix d, with respect to the center of ellipse.

From the derivation of eccentricity,

The Hyperbola

Hyperbola can be defined as the locus of point that moves such that the difference of its
distances from two fixed points called the foci is constant. The constant difference is the length
of the transverse axis, 2a.
General Equation

From the general equation of any conic (A and C have opposite sign, and can be A > C, A = C,
or A


Standard Equations

From the definition:

From the figure:


The equation we just derived above is the standard equation of hyperbola with center at the
origin and transverse axis on the x-axis (see figure above). Below are the four standard equations
of hyperbola. The first equation is the one we derived just derived.

Hyperbola with center at the origin

Hyperbola with center at the origin and transverse axis on the x-axis.
Hyperbola with center at the origin and transverse axis on the y-axis.

Hyperbola with center at any point (h, k)

Hyperbola with center at (h, k) and transverse axis parallel to the x-axis.

Hyperbola with center at (h, k) and transverse axis parallel to the y-axis.

Elements of Hyperbola

1. Center (h, k). At the origin, (h, k) is (0, 0).

2. Transverse axis = 2a and conjugate axis = 2b
3. Location of foci c, relative to the center of hyperbola.

4. Latus rectum, LR
5. Eccentricity, e
The eccentricity of hyperbola is always greater than one.

6. Location of directrix d relative to the center of hyperbola.


7. Equation of asymptotes.

m is (+) for upward asymptote and m is (-) for downward.
m = b/a if the transverse axis is horizontal and
m = a/b if the transverse axis is vertical

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