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Consider a 1.5 MW, 600 V, 50 Hz PMSG WECS.

The PMSG is connected to 600 V, 50

Hz balanced grid via diode rectifier, two-channel boost converter, and two-level voltage
source inverter. The inductance L1 (L2 = L1) and capacitance C values are 300 H and
3000 F, respectively. The duty cycle of single-channel boost converter is adjusted by a
feedback control system to keep the output voltage at its rated value of 1060 V in steady
state. The switching frequency is 2500 Hz. The PMSG is operating at 1.0 pu rotor speed
and stator line-line voltage is found to be 600 V. Calculate/answer the following when
the boost converter operates in steady-state:

(a) The input voltage and power to the boost converter

(b) The boundary inductor and output currents for each channel,
operating mode and duty cycle

(c) The peak-to-peak and average inductor currents in each


(d) The peak-to-peak and average input currents

(e) The percentage inductor and input current ripples

(f) The percentage output voltage ripple if the boost converters

are interleaved and not interleaved
The input voltage to the two channel boost converter
3 2
Vi VLL 1.35 600 810 V

The input power to the two-channel boost converter at 1.0 pu rotor speed.
Pi Pm , R m. pu 3 1500 103 1.0 1500 103 W

Assume that the converter is operating in the continuous conduction mode CCM
Therfore based on this assumption the duty cycle can be calculated as
V 810
D 1 i 1 0.2358
Vo 1060
the boundary inductor currents for each channel
I LB I LB1 I LB 2 D 1 D o s
0.2358 1 0.2358 2500
2 300 10 6
=127.34 A
The boundary output currents for each channel
IoB IoB1 IoB 2 1 D I LB 1 0.2358 127.34 97.31 A
The total average output current of the interleaved converter is
Po Pi 1500 103
Io = = 1415.09 A
Vo Vo 1060
from which the average output current for each channel can be obtained by
Io1 Io 2 Io / 2 1415.09 / 2 707.54 A
Since Io1 Io 2 IoB , the converter operates in the CCM. Therefore, the assumption is valid.
Therefore, the duty cycle
The peak-to-peak inductor currents in each channel:
I L I L1 I L 2 D 1 D o s
0.2358 1 0.2358 2500
300 106
=254.69 A
The average inductor currents in each channel:
Io 1415.09
I L1 I L 2 925.86 A
2 1 D 2 1 0.2358
The total input current ripple
VT 2500 254.68 A
Ii 2 1 2 D o s 0.2358 1 2 0.2358
L 300 106
The total input current of the boost converter is given by
Pi / Vi 1500 103 / 810 1851.85 A
Ii =
I o / 1 D 1415.09 / 1 0.2358 1851.72A
The percentage inductor current ripple in each channel:
I L1 I L 2 254.69
I L1 I L2 925.86
The total input current ripple can be found from
I i 254.68
I i 1851.72
which is much lower than the inductor ripple current of 27.5%
in each of the channels.
The ratio of the total input ripple current I i ,
to the inductor ripple current I L of each channel is
I i 254.68
I L 254.69
The load of the boost converter, which is the inverter,
can be modeled by an equivalent resistor as follows:
V 1060
Req o 0.749
I o 1415.09
the percentage output ripple voltage can be obtained by
Vo Ts 1/ 2500
0.11 0.11 1.95%
Vo 0.749 3000 106
Req Co
If the operation of the two-channel converters were not interleaved,
switches S1 and S2 would be turned on and off simultaneously.
The output ripple voltage would then be
Vo Ts 1 / 2500
D 0.2358 4.19%
Vo 0.749 3000 106
Req Co
which is around 2.15 times higher than that for the interleaved boost converter

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