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Questions to ask a Business Man or Woman about todays education and the

Innovation school

1. Do you think public schools are successfully and fully preparing students for
the real world and what to expect from inside a workplace?

As an educator for 20 years, I believe our public schools have increased the
emphasis on completing CTAE Pathways in high school over the last 10 years. In
working with business, industry, and college admissions, I believe we can
continue to improve the emphasis on teaching soft skills in high school.

2. Do you think there are specific things lacking from the skills taught to
students while they are in school?

CTAE Pathways are not a graduation requirement; therefore, many students are
not receiving soft skills training.

3. Do you think it is a schools job or a parents job to teach students about

everyday adulthood decisions and actions, such as balancing a checkbook or
paying for bills?

I think it is the responsibility of both parents and schools to prepare students for
life. Our district has begun implementing Financial Literacy in Middle Schools.

4. If a student came from a high school that focused primarily on high-wage,

high-growth careers (such as pathways offered at Alliance Academy for
Innovation) and all classes steered toward that student's chosen pathway,
would you be more likely to hire this student after college?

Absolutely! Students attending career interest-themes academies will be more

prepared for the workforce.

5. Do you think internships are something that should be highlighted more to

high school students? Why or why not?

Internships provide students an opportunity to explore a career early on. The real
world work experience is huge. Students are able to get a glimpse of working

6. At what age do you think students should really start to focus on their future
and start to make decisions as to what they want to do as a future career?

I would like to see students begin career exploration as early as elementary

school. Several of our middle schools allow students to take connection classes
in several CTAE Pathway areas. This starts students thinking about, what do I
want to be when I grow up?

7. If you were or are the one to look at resumes and decide on who to hire and
all of the applicants were students fresh out of college, what is something
that would stand out to you and allow you to seal the deal for your decision?

Students who successfully completed an internship.

8. Do you think a student should have to focus on particular career pathways

while in high school (in lieu of only taking fine arts courses, advanced
academic courses, etc.)?

I think it is extremely important for students to focus on CTAE Pathways in high

school. We host a Pathways Night and Pathways week each year to promote
these programs.

9. What is one thing you would encourage high school pathway teachers to
focus on so that their students are graduating with the foundational
work/career skills they need in order to be successful?

We need to continue an emphasis on teaching soft skills.

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