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This house would make organ donation compulsory

THW Deny liver transplants to alcoholics

THW Clone Britney Spears

THW make smokers pay for their own medical expenses

THW reform the UN security council

THB that the cost of space exploration is not worth it

This House would ban international adoption

THW allow companies to refuse to hire smokers

This House regrets living in the nuclear age.

This House condemns the war on drugs.

This house would support positive discrimination.

The problems of the nation are better solved by the private sector than by government.

This house believes that right is more important than peace.

This House would support affirmative action.

This house believes that the glass is half


This house believes that the Olympic games should come home for good

This house believes Nethanyahu is the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel-Palestine

That this house would shut down McDonalds

This house believes the US should get out of the Middle East

This house believes that language in need of protection is not worth of protecting

This house supports Compulsory Military Service

This house would prohibit all private health care

This house supports a one state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This house believes that All states should grant the right to citizens to have dual citizenship
This house would ban rogue nations from the United Nations

TH would criminalise denying genocide

This house would privatise all Malaysian universities

That the medium for education should be in the first language

This house would abolish state pensions.

THB single sex schools are more effective than coeducational schools.

THS the partitioning of countries plagued by ethnic violence

This house believes that the white man should apologises to all his colonies

TH should prohibit silicone implants

This house would not allow political parties to be based on religious grounds

THW Ban Size Zero Models from the Runway

THW Monitor Employees' Internet Activities During Office Hours

This House believes that ex's should not remain friends.

This House believes that beauty pageants for children should be banned.

THW suspend welfare payments to drug addicts.

This House supports a doctrine of pre-emptive war.

This house believes Israeli policy is the major obstacle to peace in the Middle East

This house would refuse to fund the Arts

This House would criminalise individuals and organisations that do not recycle

THB schools should aggressively stream students according to their ability from a young

TH declares the war on drugs a failure

Should Robin be allowed to drive the Batmobil too?

THW choose immortality over the opportunity to have children

THW Abolish National School Curriculums

THB that the Press Cannot be trusted to Regulate Itself

THBT Bert and Ernie should get married

THBT citizens should not give money to


Individuals displaced by a conflict should have a right to immigrate to any


THW stop preventing the worsening of climate change and focus on adapting to its
consequences instead

THBT copyright of visual media belongs to the subject and not the photographer.

THBT it is justified to represent fallen regimes as absolutely evil in history textbooks

THW impose a minimum age for pop stars

THBT ASEAN nations should accept Burmese refugees

That colonial states have a duty to intervene in failed postcolonial states.

That the US should close down all of its military basis in Asia

That welfare-dependent students who perform well academically should receive bonus

That we should link funding of schools to performance in standardised exams

That we should abolish private health insurance

That ASEAN should allow free and open movement of labour within its borders

That talented students should be taught separately from their peers.

That the gay rights movement should not support the institution of marriage.

That parliamentarians should receive no compensation beyond their base salary.

That the hiring and firing by employers should not be influenced by information found on social
networking sites.

That Western countries should ban the wearing of the burkha in public spaces.

That Palestine should accept demilitarisation in return for a guaranteed sovereign state.

That we would ban groups that glorify obesity.

That areas of high ecological value should be returned to indigenous peoples for

That candidates should be disallowed from using their own money to finance their campaigns

That we would abolish political parties.

That pre and post op transsexuals should be allowed into women-only organizations.

That the production of non-hybrid cars should be stopped.

That gun ownership should be restricted to law enforcement agencies

That presidential democracies should change to parliamentary democracies.

That Malaysia should abolish compulsory national service.

That new citizens should be required to pass a language and values test.

That the state should compel the parents of obese children to sponsor a child in the Third

That we should use biofuels as the solution to 'peak oil'.

That we should ban all advertising during children's television programming.

That all schools should have comprehensive sex education classes.

That governments should fund development aid and not disaster relief.

That the gay rights movement should mourn the emergence of 'gay-bourhoods'.

That the poverty of people should be a secondary concern to the demise of the
That the ASEAN should take an interventionist stance in separatist conflicts in
member states.

THB in an Olympics where athletes represent themselves instead of their countries.

This house believes that feminists should oppose restrictions on the wearing of the burkha and
the hijab

This house regrets the portrayal of the developing world in the fundraising campaigns of
charitable organisations

This house would abolish private property

This house would Pay Additional Benefits to Families on Welfare Whose Children are Excelling
in School.

That we should abolish Green Belt regulations. (Green Belt regulations prevent urban
development beyond a certain geographic boundary.)

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