Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

1 - Qual foi o tpico apresentado nas aulas da professora Karla que voc mais

gostou? Comente sobre ele.

(resposta pessoal)

2 - Como voc desenvolveria uma dinmica na sua aula de ingls para ensino

Dinmica com o tema personalidade e aparncia. Os alunos ficam em

roda com um novelo de linha, cada um descreve a aparncia ou
personalidade do colega passando a linha para outro estudante responder
pergunta, formando uma teia.

3 - Poderia demonstrar a dinmica para a classe?



1 What was the topic presented in the teacher Karlas classes that you
most liked? Comment about it?

(Personal answer)

2 - How could you develop a dynamic in your English classes for High

Dynamic with the theme Personality and Appearance. Students stand in a

circle with a ball of thread, each one describes the appearance or
personality of their classmate passing the line to other student answer the
question, making a web.

3 Could you demonstrate this dynamic for the class?


Viviani (Personal Answer)

One of the themes that I liked most was the movie "freedom writers"; I think
that a movie to be watched in the classroom can seem outdated, but if its
used in a creative way It can be a very interesting idea. This proposal, for
exemple, allowed us to practice the pronunciation by listening and,
simultaneously, to discuss a topic that its linked to our formation. It was
very good and very productive.

Rhullielton (Personal Answer)

The topic that I prefer is the Talking about healthy food, cause Ive
learned new words and Ive expanded my vocabulary, as well as to have so
much fun with the game of dominoes.

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