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Vocabulary (Frequently used word-list 03)

List of Frequently Used Words:

Sr. Word Usage in Sentence Meaning

61. precedence Alis desire for a perfect GAT score took (NOUN) the
precedence over any other condition of
consideration in his life. being more
Trick to Remember: Precedence sounds coming or
like president. President is a very important occurring earlier
person. in time

62. inscrutability The topic of integers & probability in GAT (NOUN) difficult
is usually inscrutable for many students, to understand
because these topics are too difficult to

Trick to Remember: Questions like

inscribed circle or inscribe triangles are
always very tough which is not easy to
understand that how to solve it. So
inscrutability is something beyond

63. happenstance It was such a happenstance that the two (VERB)

brothers Hamza and Hamid got exactly coincidental
same scores on exam. event

Trick to Remember: Happening in such a

co-incidence is called happenstance.

64. acumen The business acumen of Mian Mansha (NOUN) ability to

helped him to succeed where others had judge quickly
failed. and well

Trick to Remember: It means accurate

men. or wise men. So acumen is wise.

65. prescient The prescient instructor was one of the (ADJ.) having or
few to see which students were going to showing
do well on the exam. knowledge of
events before
Trick to Remember: Pre- means before they take place.
and scent comes from science. So before
knowledge is spread to others, you know it
first. It means you are prescient.

66. deviously For Imran Khan, many politicians in (NOUN) willing

parliament are dishonest and devious to lie and trick
politician; when one politician makes people.
allegation against the other politician,
also makes allegation against that
politician; no one is there to defend
himself, because they are devious.

Trick to Remember: Someone who tends

to device many plans to deceive others, it is
devious. It also means when a manager
device system in a company, so which show
its another meaning manage.

67. unreceptive In modern societies people are (ADJ.) not

unreceptive to dictatorship, because receptive;
they want freedom of work. repellent

Trick to Remember: In marriage

ceremonies, many persons can be seen as
receptive, but few are unreceptive because
of their shyness. So unreceptive must
means unwelcoming.

68. coalesce Some top ranked universities coalesced, (VERB) combine;

and formed ivy league. fuse
Trick to Remember: Comes from coalition,
like coalition among political parties. So it
means fusion or combining.

69. objurgation We are objurgating our govt. but not (NOUN)

willing to change our self. criticising a
person harshly
Trick to Remember: Objection in jury is
similar to objurgation, so its something
harsh criticism

70. beholden After getting the Fulbright scholarship, (NOUN)

Irfan likes to be beholden to his indebted or
instructor for the success. obligted to;
owing thanks
Trick to Remember: Behold = Be + Hold so
holding thanks to someone else.
71. submissive Fatima was so submissive to her boss (ADJ.) willing to
that she did all her best to follow the obey orders;
instructions to the pen. yielding
Trick to Remember: When you submit
assignments in time to your lecturer, that
means you are submissive. So submissive
means obedient & follower.

72. pervasive After getting perfect score in exam, this (ADJ.) spreading
news was so pervasive everywhere that or spread
he offered admissions from some throughout;
Pakistani universities as well even before everywhere

Trick to Remember: Advertisement of

pervaaz fan, some years ago, was very
famous; under the title of pervaaz fan ala
mayaar, sb se acha shaan dar. Its very
famous in those days, so pervasive means
universally known, Or which is everywhere.

73. meticulous He was meticulous in attempting GAT (NOUN)

quant section, never made mistake, excessively
which generated his very high score in careful
this section.

Trick to Remember: It looks as if calculus.

Which is very care about the accuracy. i.e
the exact value, instead of approximation.
So meticulous must be very precise.

74. fiction Most stories and movies about aliens are (NOUN)
fictions that have little or nothing to do imaginative, but
with facts. not real; a
Trick to Remember: We heard this many false or
times that modern movies are fiction in improbable
nature. which is not real, just imaginative. account
75. modish She always discarded all garments that (VERB)
were no longer modish, as she inclined conforming to
to modern design and fashions only. the current
Trick to Remember: It comes from model, fashion
which is fashion. So modish is current
fashion or style.

76. boon In addition to preparation, strategies are (ADJ.) blessing;

boon for attempting GAT very well, and benefit;
best strategy is to start preparation as something very
early as possible. helpful

Trick to Remember: Very close to boom

boom Afridi. So Boon must mean
something beneficial to specific person. It
also means blessing or a desirable state.

77. construe If I construe your indifference correctly, (VERB) explain;

you are not taking the GAT seriously. interpret

Trick to Remember: Con means together

believe, and true is what we believe as true,
which is under stud. So construe means
interpret, but this interpretation may be
right or wrong. When its wrong it will be

78. facetious Facetious remarks about a classmate (ADJ.) joking

are inappropriate at the serious moment (often
when you got excellent score in GRE but inappropriately);
you classmate got very poor score. unserious;
Trick to Remember: In Pakistant, we
usually use in joke as apna mu (face) dekh
or baat dekh kya kr rha hai. So this word
seem to mean as joking in humorous way,
or laking seriousness.
79. brake He applied brakes to stop the car when (NOUN) to stop
traffic walton signalled to stop.
Trick to Remember: Its an easy word
which means to stop, but dont confuse it
with break (means cancel)

80. partisan Our judicial system consists of partisan (NOUN) one

judges; in order to be promoted as a one-sided;
judge, one should have strong prejudiced;
relationship with one of strong political committed to a
party. party(with
dislike of any
Trick to Remember: One who is inclined others)
only towards his favourite party.

81. normative The current president of Pakistan has (Adj.) pertaining

normative behaviour like other to norms or
presidents, who little appear in public. tradition

Trick to Remember: Something pertaining

to norms something normal or typical
can be described as normative.

82. check During lectures on quant section, all (ADJ.) stop

students were checked as if they motion; curb or
involved completely in what strategies restrain
were given to them.
Trick to Remember: We are familiar with
the statements like, criminal checked all the
places in the home, but couldnt find the
money. But in GRE, check is as if police
officer ordered me hands-up. So he can
check my equipments, whether I am a
suicider. So here check means restrained,
block or stop motion.

83. debased The politician debased himself by lying (ADJ.) degrade;

to the public. reduce in
quality or value
Trick to Remember: It looks like the base
which means make inferior.

84. improbable Getting a score of 260 in GRE is (ADJ.) having a

improbable, because one can get this probability too
score, if he did all questions wrongly, low to inspire
whose probability is too low to be true. belief;
Trick to Remember: With almost no
probability. Or almost impossible.

85. imperturbable Fatima remained imperturbable during (ADJ.)

her GRE exam, even the last moment unshakeably
before completion didnt panic her. calm; placid

Trick to Remember: It looks as if

indisturbeable, So it means which cannot
be stressed or confused or upset easily.

86. avarice Many politicians are avarice; they dont (NOUN)

spend funds to the public, instead they greediness for
use it for their savings in Swiss banks. wealth.

Trick to Remember: Its similar an urdu

word avaary, which means people who
dont do anything, that are usually, greedy
as they are not hard worker.

87. substantiate Mr. Zuhaib couldnt substantiated in the (VERB) establish

court about his innocence; he was or strengthen as
sentenced sever punishment by the jury. with new
evidence or
Trick to Remember: Substantiates = facts; represent
substance, which is something in existence; in bodily form
so substantiates means give some proof in
existential form.
88. exigent While taking a GAT exam, one should (ADJ.)
exigent for accuracy and time limit of demanding
the test. attention;
Trick to Remember: When something precise
approaches close to the limit just close to accuracy;
exit: e.g, limit of tolerance etc, It requires urgent.
precious attention by others to avoid this
exit the limit. So its a situation that require
very much care and attention.

89. conceal After incidence of Bin-Ladins dead, (NOUN) prevent

media accused the government for from being
concealing the truth. seen, perceived
or discovered;
Trick to Remember: conceal= to keep
con(together) + ceal(seal); so its something (something)
hide from others. secret

90. mitigate Nothing could mitigate his (VERB) calm

disappointment after getting very low down; soothing;
score in GAT. moderate; make
or become less
Trick to Remember: Yar mitti pao te ladai in force or
mukao. Its famous words of ch. Shujjat intensity

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