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Create the Database Structure

The first thing you'll need to do is to save the database. This may seem
strange, since other applications allow you to add text or create objects and
then save, but this is what Access requires. You are defining, or creating, a
database structure by saving it, and that structure will be the only way to
access the tables and queries created in it.

A. Open Microsoft Access

Programs>Microsoft Access

B. Select the radio button that says "Blank Access database"

and click OK.

The screen shots in Labs 11-13 may
look somewhat different than what
appears on your own computer. Dont
be concerned unless your windows and
menus appear significantly different.

C. When the window called "File New Database" shows up,

name the database as YourName.mdb and save it to the
Desktop or to the disk on which you save BeneFIT 100
After you create
the database, the
next window lists
the database
objects available,
on the left, and
the methods
available for
creating them, on
the right.
2. Identify the Important Entities and Relationships

For this exercise you will be working on paper. Each time you build a
database you must think about the structure you will be creating. This part
of the lab will help you understand the basic structure of this database. Read
through the description and then follow the steps listed at the end.

The Student and Advisor Database

In the following lab you will be creating your first database in

order to hold, or track, information about two different entities:
the Student entity and the Advisor entity. In plain English,
you are going to create two tables: tblStudent and tblAdvisor.

The Student table will hold data aboutwhat else? Students!

This table, or Entity, should contain attributes for Student ID,
Last Name, First Name, Major, and the student's Advisor.

The Advisor table will hold data about the advisor. This table
should contain attributes for Advisor ID, Last Name, First
Name, and Department..

These tables are associated with each other in the following


Students, on first entering school, are assigned an advisor

to help them plan courses to take each quarter. Student
may change advisorsfor example, if changing majors
but each student will have only one advisor at a time
during his or her college career.

An advisor, on the other hand, may advise many students

during a quarter or a year.

We show the association between the Advisor and the Student

as follows:

An Advisor may advise many students, but a student will

have one, and only one, advisor at any given time.
The formal way to say this when talking about the relational
database model is:

There is a one-to-many relationship between the Advisor

table and the Student table.

A one-to-many relationship is the most commonly-used type of

relationship in the a relational database. In a one-to-many
relationship, like the one between Advisor and Student, a
record in the Advisor table can be associated with many
matching records in the Student table, but a record in the
Student table has only one matching record in the Advisor

Here is how you can show this relationship graphically:


Advisor Student

(One to Many)

A. Write the name of each table on a piece of paper, then list

the attributes contained in that table.

1) For example, you would write something like the

following for the Student table:


Student ID
Last Name
First Name
Student's Advisor

2) Do the same for the Advisors table.

B. On your paper, draw a diagram of the relationship between

the two entities (tables) in your database.
Hot Tip

The example shows an entity relationship diagram (ERD). You

may choose not to draw an ERD with each attribute listed. As
you can imagine, listing each attribute could make your
diagram very large when designing a database.

C. For each attribute, assign a shorter, one-word name. Listed below are
the names that will be used in the rest of this lab:

Student Table Advisor Table

StudentID AdvisorID
LName LName
Fname Fname
Major Department

3. Create Your First Entity Table: tblAdvisor

A. Double-click on "Create table in Design view" to start

building your tables. The screen that comes up will look
like this:
B. Add the following attributes to your Advisors table:

Field Name Data Type Comments

AdvisorID AutoNumber Use AutoNumber so

Access will produce a
unique number to be
used as a Primary
LName Text Text is one data type
that Access uses to
indicate a String value.

Fname Text

Department Text

Note: Add descriptions, if you like, but you're not required

to do so.

C. Identify the primary key for the table.

The last thing to do after adding the attributes and data

types (and maybe some description notes to yourself),
is to indicate the attribute that will be used to hold the
unique key value in this table: AdvisorID

Highlight the AdvisorID row in table design view by

clicking the area just to the left of the AdvisorID. Then
click on the key icon on the tool bar.
Once you have indicated your primary key, a small key
icon should appear just to the left of AdvisorID.

D. When you have finished establishing the Primary Key, save

your table with the name tblAdvisor:

E. Close the table.

Note: It is a good practice, when you are creating a database, to

establish a naming convention. In the following labs we will use the
prefix tbl to show that the item is a table. Later we will use other
prefixes, such as frm for forms and qry for Queries.

4. Create Your Second Entity Table tblStudent

A. Create the Student table with the following attributes

and data types. (Repeat parts A-D of Step 3)

Field Name Data Type Comments

StudentID AutoNumber Use AutoNumber so
Access will produce a
unique number to be
used as a Primary Key.
LName Text
Fname Text
Major Text
AdvisorID Number This is the column
where you will show
the AdvisorID number
that matches the
students assigned
advisor name.
It is known as the
foreign key when
used here, because it
is a primary key sitting
in a table not defined
as its own.

B. Save your table with the name tblStudent.

C. Think about how these two entities, tables, are associated

with, or related, to each other

You now have two tables holding data related to two different
entitiesStudent entity and Advisor entity.

5. Add Data to Your tblAdvisor Table

A. Go to the Tables Window and open tblAdvisor. (Select
tblAdvisor and click Open.)


Notice that the table opens up in Datasheet View. This view

allows us to see all instances of the advisor entity that have
been entered so far. The table is currently empty.
B. Add the following 2 instances, or rows, so that there is
some data in the table:


A number appears once you put your cursor in the Lname column and
start typing "Dickey". This is the primary key for each row. It is
generated by Access so that every row is unique, and so there will never
be a null value in the AdvisorID column. AutoNumber is not required
when establishing a primary key in Access. It is simply a convenient way
to assign one, if an attribute does not exist that is known to be unique
and not null

C. After you add the data, switch to Design view by clicking

the design icon in the upper-left corner of the database

This is the view you first saw when creating the

attributes of the entity.

Switch back to Datasheet View by clicking the appropriate

icon now in the left corner of the database screen

D. Close the table.


You do not have to save tables when you enter data in the datasheet view. The
table is automatically saved for you. If you change the way the table "looks" (the
display/format), then you do need to save it, to preserve the format you have
6. Establish Relationships in the Relationships Window

In order to enforce referential integrity among tables, and to be able to

create forms based on information from more than one table (as you will for
Project 3) you must establish relationships between your tables. They might
be one-to-one or one-to-many. In order to ensure data integrity, allow
Access to enforce the relationships as you create queries and forms

A. Open the Relationships window:

Go to Tools>Relationships;
Find the icon on the Tool Bar;
Right click while on the database window.

The Show Table box should come up:

B. Add each table to the Relationship form by selecting it and

clicking Add. Do not add each table more than once. If the
Show Table window does not appear when you open the
Relationship form, right-click to find it.

C. Close the Show Table window.

Use the drag
and drop
method to
show where
the tables are

D. Drag the keys that correspond to each other from one

table to the next.
In this case, you will click and drag AdvisorID in the
tblAdvisor entity to the AdvisorID in the tblStudent
An Edit Relationships window comes up.

E. Check the Enforce Referential Integrity checkbox and

Create the relationship:
When you have created all the proper relationships, your
window should look like this:

The infinity
symbol indicates
the "many" side
of the relationship


If you do not see an infinity symbol, it's because you did not check the
Enforce Referential Integrity checkbox. Right-click on the line linking the
two entities and select Edit Relationships You will be taken back to the
Edit Relationships dialog box, where you will be able to check the Enforce
.Referential Integrity checkbox. This relationship causes Access to verify
you are entering relationships that exist in related tables

F. Save and close the Relationships Window.

7. Add Records to your tblStudent Table

A. Open the tblStudent table in Design view.

B. Add four records of student information for yourself and
three friends.
C. Assign an advisor to each, and place the ID number that
corresponds with the advisor in the correct column:
IMPORTANT: In order to maintain data integrity, do not try to assign an
Advisor ID that does not correspond to an actual advisor. Because you have
established relationships between these two tables that enforce referential
data integrity, you will not be allowed to do so.

D. You now have two entities in your database, each

populated with instances (rows of data). What attribute in
each of your tables could have been separated out, a new
table created, and a key number put in its place to reduce
data redundancy? (Redundancy is the number of times we
had to type in the same information.) Read on to learn
more about this process.

8. Create a New Table to Hold Our Major Information tblMajor


Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a database.

Two main goals of the normalization process are to eliminate redundant data
(for example, storing the same data in more than one table) and to ensure
data dependencies make sense (only storing related data in a table). This
process has many levels. Let's look at one of the most basic: revising a table
structure when more than one entity is described in it.

Let's start to normalize one of the two tables you have created. This process
is usually done before creating table structures, but we are going through it
on a database that has already been created, so you get an idea of how it is

Currently your database consists of two tables. The Student table includes
textual information about another potential entity. This means it's possible
that values in some of the columns may be filled with redundant information.

Can you identify the column that holds semantic (textual, meaningful)
information about a separate "thing" in the student table? Take a close look
at the Major attribute. We will be separating this attribute out into a
separate table.

For our database, a student will only be allowed to declare one major. This
will maintain a one-to-many relationship between the Student and Major

A. On the paper you used in Exercise 2, add a new entity/table called


B. Show that there is a one-to- many relationship between tblStudent

and tblMajor.

C. Now create a table called tblMajor in your access database with the
following attributes:

MajorID as the Primary Key (use autonumber as the data type)


MajorName as a text attribute.

Note: Refer to Exercise 3 for details on how to create a

table, if you need to.

D. Save the table as tblMajor and close it.

Looking Forward:

How will we associate tblMajor with the tblStudent? To do this requires

removing one attribute and adding another attribute to the Student table.

What attribute will we add to the Student table?

What will we remove?

Are there additional themes represented in the Advisor table that

should be removed? (This is not requiredjust identify them.)

9. Modify the Student Table to reflect our new Data


A. Open the tblStudent table in Design view.

Do this by clicking once on the Student table object and
then click the Design icon above it.

Domain Integrity:
A rule in database design is that any
attributes that are part of a relationship
between two tables must have the same
data type. This is called "maintaining
domain integrity".

By creating a new table for Majors with

a primary key that is a (auto)number
data type, we can no longer use the
attribute Major, because it is a text data

The data type of any attribute holding

foreign key information from the Major
table will have to match. Since you
already have a couple rows of data in
that column, it will be easier to delete the
attribute and then create another field
called MajorID, this time with a number
data type.

B. Select the field Major, and right-click. From the menu that
pops up, select Delete Rows.
C. When asked if you want to "permanently Delete the
selected fields", click Yes.

D. Now the old attribute Major and all the corresponding data
in your table have been removed.

E. Insert a new row just above the field Year.

Select the Year row, right-click, and select Insert
A new row will be inserted between FName and Year.

F. Add a new field (attribute) to the table Student where you

inserted the row.

Name it MajorID, and make the data type a number.


The MajorID attribute will hold the key numbers that correspond
with particular instances of the Major entity. It is placed in the
Student table to show the major the student has declared. (The
attribute AdvisorID is used in the same way.)

G. Save and close the table.

You have now created three table structures, to hold instances of
the entities Student, Advisor, and Major.

10. Add the Major Table to Your Relationship Window and

Establish the New Relationship

A. Associate the Major table with the Student table, based on the
B. Create the relationship and enforce referential integrity.
C. Refer to Exercise 7 if you need more help on establishing relationships.

D. Close the database completely. Your database will be

automatically saved when you close it. You will use this
database again in the next lab.

ALERT!! If your database is open when you transfer your files, you may
end up transferring an empty file. If you need to save the file to a different
location, such as your hard drive or a server such as dante, be sure you
close down your database completely first!

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